COVID-19 Civic Freedom Tracker
Keep Civic Space Healthy
This tracker monitors government responses to the pandemic that affect civic freedoms and human rights, focusing on emergency laws. For information about our methodology, click here.
For more information and analysis by region, click here.
The COVID-19 Civic Freedom Tracker is a collaborative effort by the ICNL, ECNL, and our global network of partners, with generous research support from the UN Special Rapporteur on the promotion and protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms while countering terrorism, Fionnuala D. Ní Aoláin. This is an ongoing effort, and we welcome you to email us at and to share additional resources.
Decisions Related to Movement and Public Gatherings
The Decisions restrict public gatherings of more than 4 adults, except for persons performing their regular work tasks. Private gatherings in residential buildings are also banned, except for household members and those who are taking care of sick persons. A curfew is imposed from 7 p.m. to 5 a.m., with a few exceptions. Inter-city travel is not permitted.
(See primary source or citation here)Introduced 25 Nov 2020 In force until 8 December 2020, with extension possible.
Issue(s): Assembly, Movement
Type: order
Temporary Measures to Combat the Spread of Coronavirus
Ministry of Health adopts new temporary measures to combat the spread of coronavirus. Among other things the measures ban gatherings in outdoor or indoor public places, and provide that non-compliance is subject to criminal penalty. (See primary source or citation here)
Introduced 18 Mar 2020
Issue(s): Assembly
Type: order
Disclosure of Identity of Persons in Self-Isolation
According to the policy, Montenegro's National Infectious Diseases Coordination Body will publish the names of individuals who have been required to self-isolate, along with the municipality and street where they live. The list will be updated daily. (See primary source or citation here)
Introduced 21 Mar 2020
Issue(s): Surveillance, Privacy
Type: policy