COVID-19 Civic Freedom Tracker

Keep Civic Space Healthy

This tracker monitors government responses to the pandemic that affect civic freedoms and human rights, focusing on emergency laws. For information about our methodology, click here.

For more information and analysis by region, click here.

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The COVID-19 Civic Freedom Tracker is a collaborative effort by the ICNL, ECNL, and our global network of partners, with generous research support from the UN Special Rapporteur on the promotion and protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms while countering terrorism, Fionnuala D. Ní Aoláin. This is an ongoing effort, and we welcome you to email us at and to share additional resources.

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Introduction Date



Decree No. 2-20-293 Declaring a Health Emergency

The government declares a nationwide "state of health emergency" from March 20 until April 20, unless renewed. The order prohibits the movement of any person outside his home, except in cases of extreme necessity, and prohibits any meeting or gathering of groups of people for any reason.

(See primary source or citation here)

Introduced 24 Mar 2020

Issue(s): Assembly, Emergency, Movement

Type: order

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Decree No. 2-20-292 on Special Provisions for a State of Health Emergency

The decree enables the government to declare a "state of health emergency" and take exceptional measures to stop the spread of disease. Anyone who contravenes the decree that declares a health emergency, or incites others to contravene the decree through speech or threat uttered in a public place or meeting, written or printed materials, photos, posters, audiovisual or electronic communications, or any other means can be imprisoned one to three months or be fined 300 to 1,300 dirhams ($30-$130).


مرسوم رقم 2-20-292 Ø¨Ø´Ø£Ù† الأحكام الخاصة لحالة الطوارئ الصحية

 ÙŠÙ…نح المرسوم الحكومة سلطة إعلان "حالة الطوارئ الصحية" واتخاذ تدابير استثنائية لوقف انتشار المرض.يعاقب المرسوم  Ø£ÙŠ شخص يخالف بنوده ØŒ أو يحرض الآخرين على مخالفته   Ù…Ù† خلال الخطاب أو التهديد الصادر في مكان عام أو في اجتماع عام أو مواد مكتوبة أو مطبوعة أو صور أو ملصقات أو اتصالات سمعية بصرية أو إلكترونية أو أي وسيلة أخرى بالسجن من شهر إلى ثلاثة أشهر أو بغرامة تتراوح بين 300 Ùˆ 1,300 درهم (30130 دولار أمريكي).



(See primary source or citation here)

Introduced 23 Mar 2020

Issue(s): Disinformation, Emergency, Expression

Type: order

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Suspension of Newspapers

The Minister of Culture, Youth and Sports announces the suspension of the publication and distribution of print newspapers until further notice.

(See primary source or citation here)

Introduced 22 Mar 2020

Issue(s): Press Freedom, Expression, Access to Information

Type: order

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Arrests for Fake News

At least a dozen people were arrested on charges of spreading fake news related to the coronavirus pandemic by mid-March, including individuals that criticized the government's response to the coronavirus. At least one other was arrested in April, and at least one other was arrested in August.

(See primary source or citation here)

Introduced 19 Mar 2020

Issue(s): Disinformation, Press Freedom, Expression

Type: practice

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This is an ongoing effort, and we welcome you to email us at and to share additional resources.