ICNL values the expertise of our partners in Sub-Saharan Africa and seeks to support locally driven initiatives. Over the years, we have been privileged to collaborate on many shared concerns with civil society leaders, volunteers, government officials, lawyers, media workers, academics, and other stakeholders across the African continent.
Strengthening Local Partners

Technical Assistance
We often prepare commentary on draft and enacted legislation affecting the legal environment for civil society in Africa. Our assistance promotes national laws that are in line with international standards and fosters civil society organizations’ advocacy and litigation efforts. We strengthen local capacity by supporting research fellows, grantees, and university partners as they undertake research and build contextually relevant academic and practical instructional programs. Our partners produce assessments of laws, proposals for legal reform, and plain-language guidebooks to help CSOs respond to high-priority issues in their countries.
Legal Education Initiative
ICNL is committed to helping the next generation of lawyers and civil society practitioners build knowledge about civil society law and pursue careers in the nonprofit sector. We work with universities and other academic institutions to develop curricula, facilitate short courses on civil society law, and build partnerships in new regions and at new institutions. Our initiatives increase the participation of young lawyers and practitioners in efforts to strengthen civic space and improve the sustainability of civil society organizations.
Initiative Examples:
Civil Society in Africa Law Course 2020
From September 22-25, ICNL held its annual Civil Society Law course in partnership with the Centre for Human Rights at the University of Pretoria under its Advanced Human Rights Program. Due to Covid-19 restrictions, we piloted a four-day virtual course, which attracted 40 participants from 10 countries across sub-Saharan Africa. The course featured several lectures, panels, interactive question and answer sessions and group work led by ICNL along with external resource persons. Presenters included the UN Special Rapporteur on the right to freedom of peaceful assembly and association, Clement Voule; and a representative of Prof. Christoff Heyns from the UN Human Rights Committee, amongst others.
Advanced Civil Society Law Course at University of Kigali
ICNL supported the University of Kigali to design a course curriculum based on research conducted on the CSO legal environment in Rwanda. The curriculum on Civil Society Law was piloted in 2020 and continues to be rolled out in a series of short courses conducted by the faculty. The University of Kigali has prepared a research paper documenting their experiences in designing the curriculum to inform similar training initiatives in the Africa region.
Training Initiatives
c. Training Initiatives: ICNL supports a wide assortment of training initiatives. We work with government officials to strengthen their capacity to implement framework laws in ways that enable civil society. We work with civil society organizations and media to increase their understanding of relevant laws and build their skills at protecting fundamental freedoms. Our programs encourage civil society and media advocates to work together in their home countries and across borders to resist laws, policies, and practices that threaten to restrict civic space.
Initiative Examples:
East Africa Judicial Colloquium with PALU
On January 23-24, 2021 ICNL in collaboration with PALU and the East African Magistrates’ and Judges’ Association (EAMJA) hosted a judicial colloquium in Arusha, Tanzania. The judicial colloquium was aimed to facilitate dialogue, experience-sharing and peer learning amongst judicial officers in the East African region and centered on the role of the judiciary in ensuring an enabling environment for safeguarding the rule of law and fundamental freedoms. Justices from Uganda, Kenya, and Rwanda in attendance provided a regional perspective on national-level developments, complemented by judges and officials from the African Court on Human and Peoples’ Rights, the East African Court of Justice and the African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights. The former ACHPR Special Rapporteur on Freedom of Expression and Access to Information, Commissioner Lawrence Mute, participated and also provided practical insights on available mechanisms available at regional levels that can be used as avenues to protect civic spaces.
Lawyers Training on Freedom of Expression in Tanzania
On January 20-22, 2021, ICNL in collaboration with the Pan-African Lawyers’ Union (PALU), the East Africa Law Society (EALS), the Tanganyika Law Society (TLS), and LHRC, we hosted a training for lawyers on the freedom of expression in Arusha. The training was aimed to enhance lawyer’s skills to use domestic and international mechanisms for legal redress in response to freedom of expression violations. The training followed the structure of the Practitioners Handbook on Freedom of Expression and Media Laws in Tanzania highlighting international legal norms protecting freedom of expression and assessing compliance of Tanzania’s domestic laws with those standards. Participants were further equipped on the good practices for pursuing strategic litigation cases before regional and international mechanisms and complementary advocacy strategies. The training expanded the network of lawyers whose core mission is towards promoting advocacy for an enabling environment on freedom of expression in Tanzania.
Gambia engagement on NGO Bill
In February 2020, ICNL facilitated a consultative meeting in The Gambia to discuss the country’s new NGO bill. Participants, who included members of the government and civil society, discussed how the bill could be improved by bringing it in line with existing international and regional standards, as well as best practices on freedom of association. Several amendment recommendations were formulated, which will be presented to a validation meeting, that includes about 50 CSO delegates. Participants also brainstormed key steps and substantive elements that need to be taken into account for The Gambia to formulate a National NGO Policy, drawing inspiration from examples of similar policies in Africa. Learn more here.
FATF risk assessment training
On February 15, 2021 in collaboration with the European Center for Not-for-Profit Law, ICNL’s Africa team held the first in a series of online trainings on The Role of Non-Profit Organizations in the Risk Assessment Process of the Financial Action Task Force (FATF). Over thirty participants drawn from our local CSO partners in ten countries (Botswana, Ghana, Kenya, Malawi, Nigeria, Sierra Leone, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia and Zimbabwe) participated in the session. Partners identified the main challenges and opportunities that CSOs face in their countries related to FATF processes and recommended priority activities to address these. ICNL is working with partners to support implementation of identified priorities.
ICNL’s Africa program provides talented research fellows with opportunities, space, and resources to undertake cutting-edge research and deepen their knowledge of areas of particular interest. ICNL’s fellowship alumni are strong and lasting partners, who are able to provide the leadership, knowledge, and skills needed to address key issues facing civil society in their home countries.
Small Grants Fund
Each year, ICNL provides small grants to support innovative, locally designed and led projects that advance fundamental freedoms. Funded projects promote research to deepen understanding of important trends, challenges, and opportunities; support advocacy on key issues; encourage public outreach through innovative uses of media; or foster collaboration between civil society and government actors.
Initiative Examples:
Advancing civic space across East Africa
ICNL supports various communities of practice that seek to strengthen collaboration among CSO, media and marginalized groups to advance civic space across East Africa. The Kenya Correspondents Association convened CSO-Media forums in Uganda, Kenya and Tanzania that generated collective advocacy campaigns and awareness creation on civic space trends through the media. It also created a special blog (on Twitter: @AfricaCivic and Facebook: Civic Space Africa) that provides credible information on civic space protection issues across the region and facilitates broader advocacy within the CSO-media alliance. The African Youth Development Link in Uganda implemented the “Speaking Together” project, empowering youth in Uganda to use innovative and new tactics for human rights advocacy on civic space. This led to social media campaigns by youth demanding their rights using art, cartoons, and short musical videos and birthed the Ghetto Youth Parliament – a community space to foster civic participation for youth groups in Uganda.
Small Grants in Rwanda
In Rwanda, ICNL’s small grant facility supported diverse community-based organizations to: (i) Train 45 peer educators from the disability sector on the National NGO Law and support community outreach by the peer educators to people with disabilities; (ii) disseminate information on the new Faith-Based Organizations Law to more than 250 religious leaders and stimulate debate within the sector on provisions that require further review and possible reform; and (iii) undertake research on the approaches by CSOs and the corporate sector to corporate philanthropy, identify structural legal and policy barriers inhibiting corporate philanthropy, and develop a strategy to improve corporate philanthropy in Rwanda.
ABA-Rule of Law Project in Tanzania
In January 2021, ICNL provided financial support to CSOs working on civic space issues in Tanzania to undertake targeted advocacy and capacity building activities. This include (i) Tanzania Media Women’s Association (TAMWA) which is conducting outreach and sensitization of marginalized groups and communities (targeting young female activists) on freedom of expression, association, assembly, and digital rights to foster their advocacy on civic space issues; (ii) NGO Network for Dodoma Region (NGONEDO): Support NGONEDO to promote effective engagement by civil society with state actors in seven districts of the Dodoma region in Tanzania to address concerns on the closing civic space trends with a view to identifying strategic remedies to create and maintain open space for CSOs; (iii) Protection International-Kenya: The grant will support Protection International Kenya to address the issue of closing civic space in Tanzania through advocacy before the African Commission on Human and Peoples Rights and collaboration with Tanzanian human rights defenders in the diaspora to amplify the civic space situation in Tanzania at regional and international level through publications on online platforms and media.