Chambers of Commerce and Sectorial Association Establishment Proclamation No. 341

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  • Year:
  • Country: Ethiopia
  • Language: English
  • Document Type: Domestic Law or Regulation
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gtllYear No. 61
ADDIS ABABA- 27~1May, 2Q03
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‘;, “” pple$S” the context otherwise reqUires, in this
l) ”Ministry” means the Ministry of Trade and Indus- ‘,:”~: ”’,10′
‘,”~:J~~’ .
.1*> “Chamber” or “Chambers” means Chambers of
Commerce and Sectorial Associations or Sectorial
Association to be established pursuant’ to this
Proclamation, as approriate;
.;3) “Region” means any of those Regions specified , ,
under Article ~7 (1) of the Constitution of the Federal
Democratic Republic of Ethiopia. and includes
Addis A~ilba an4pire Dawa; “,”
~) “Sector.. jtssoc~jpn” m~s’; an as~fiation es-
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tablisht~in’~~ccor9aftce wit,~ ~icle
,4~!he Civil
Code; by prriducel-for tld’p~eo1pent8lng their
common interest;” “‘1′.,””, ””:”’ ‘,’ “””
. 2(21 and2(3)i of ,the:Commercial Registration and
Business Licensing Proclamation No. 67/1997, res-
pectively; .’…,,’. ‘”.,~..,(
3~t Obje<;tiv~ I' ,;" ~haIpQer~shaJl hav~thefollowing objectives:, ' 1) to provide diffet~t "service'S'to the business"cont- '~~'," munityf':' . "" 2) to safeguard the ov.erall rights and benefits of their members; 3) to promote and publicize pr6driet'salidservices of the country; 'I",: , , 4) to enhance trade and investment of ~he oo,umIYj" 5) to serve as a bridge between the business community and the Government; - P1WT TWO Tht: EthiopianCham~ts q[ C0111(11t:rce411d , SecioriBlAssol>iatioiJ “,
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4. ES(;lblj~hm~nt . ,c,
The Ethiopian Chamber of Commerce, ~!1d Sectori~l
Association having its own juridical personality and its
;, head, pffi~e in Addis Ababa,
iis oereby, e$fal¥ished.
5:. Powers and DutifJS P
The Ethiopian Chamber of Commerce anQ; Association shall have the following powers and duties:
‘1’), to encourhge; ttie~establishment of Chambers at
diff~rent ~evels ,and provide n~sary flWpprts after
.f ‘
2) to find local and foreignrrtakets for products and i .
services; ,” ”-; ,
. “j .
3), ;
,to, partici~te
.~ith tbe cqlc~r,nedorgans, in iden-
‘tifying expo.ft prodOts. improving their quafity and
quantity and in finding sotuti0n to problems per-
taining to trade activities; .
4) to establish relations,wito,foreign chambers in order to exchange infof11:1ationand share experience;
5) to organize or participate in local or foreign trade
exhibitions upon obtaining licens frqJl the <;pncer-ned organ; . . . 6) tbsettle disputes ariSing out ofbusin~s transactions between ~embers.; by w~y of;Jrt>itration; when the
parties so request;
7) to issue product certificate of country of origin upon
delegation by the Government;
8) to prepare commercial gazettes, bulletins. reports.
compile statistical information and provide differenttrainings;

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j!..c. 13.
Powers and Duties ofthe Secretary
1) The Secretary shall be accountable to the Board, and
as such shall, subject to the directives of the Board,
direct, supervise and administer the Chamber;
2) Without limiting the generality provided under Sub-
Article (1) of this Article, the Secretary shall:-
(a) exercise the powers and discharge the duties of
the Chamber in accordance with the directivesgiven to him by the Board;
(b) organize the office of the chamber, employ,
administer, and dismiss personnel and fix theirsalaries and allowances, in accordance with
directives given to him by the Board;
(c) submit to the Board candidates for heads of
departments and services;
(d) examine and decide on applications for mem-
bership in accordance with directives given tohim by the Board;
(e) ensure that the revenue of the Chamber is
(f) assist and coordinate activities of different
committees established by the Board;
(g) operate the bank account of the Chamber in
accordance with the directives issued by the
(h) prepare and submit to the Board, annual budget
and work program of the chamber, three
months before the beginning of each fiscalyear; and implement same upon approval;
(i) prepare and submit to the Board reports on the
financial standing and performance of theChamber, within three months after the clossure
of the fiscal year;
(j) perform such other duties deemed necessary for
the attainment of the purpose of the Chamber.
Regional Chambers ofCommerce
and Sectorial Associations
14. Establishment
1) City Chambers of Commerce and Sectorial As- sociations established in any Region and Regional
or W oreda Sectorial Associations of the same region may establish their Regional Chambers of Com-
merce and Sectorial Associations.
2) The head office of each Chamber established in
accordance with Sub-Article (1) of this Article shall
be the capital city of the region.
3) Chambers to be established in accordance with Sub-
Article (1) of this Article shall have their own
juridical personality.
15. Powers and Duties
Regional Chambers of <;ommerce and Sectorial As- sociations shall have the following powers and duties:-1) to coordinate the activities of City Chambers of Commerce and Sectorial Associations and woredaSectorial Associations; 2) to find local and foreign markets for products and serVIces; 005A005A005A001100440045005C00560056004C0051004C0044004F0044005A0011004600520050 1)" gif,lifjj'i ~Y..lrA ~;Jt.} :J/Lfl) 41'1'C:!;li"l'}{1.} Iii.y} Iiif:i?i 'HO.. Federal Negarit Gazeta -No. 61 271JtMay, 2003-Page 2195 r.' (n..,~ 0'/10~(}'0 hfl""" oot'JhA hfoo..,flfl""Cj hchc (},LmCCj flf.,..';f-:t: (}.m,e.b
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?i’ 3) to settle disputes arising out of business transactions
between members by way of arbitration, when the
parties so request;
4) to provide support and assistance for cities where
Chambers are not established;
5) to create awareness among members of the business
community of the Region on the policies,
Proclamations, Regulations and directives to be issued
by Federal as well as Regional Government; and to
participate at discussion forums prepared by the Gover-nment;
6) to determine the contributions to be made by Chambers;
7) to prepare commercial gazettes, buUetins and reports;
compile the statistical informations of the foreign and
provide different trainings;
8) to conduct studies on problems pertaining to trade
activities, and propose solutions in consultation with
the concerned Regional organs and the Ethiopian
Chamber of Commerce and Sectorial Associations;
9) to establish relations with local as well as foreign
Chambers inorder to exchange information and share
10) to organize or participate in local or foreign trade
exhibitions upon obtaining lic~nse from the concerned
11) to issue certificate of country of origin upon delegation
by the government;
12) to charge fees for the services it provides; 13) to own property, enter into contract, sue and be sued in
its own name;
14) to perform such other duties deemed necessary for the
attainment of its purposes.
16. Members
1) Without prejudice to the directives to be issued by
the Ministry pursuant to Article 24(2) of this
Proclamation, regional Chambers of Commerce
and Sectorial Associations shall have the following
(a) Representatives of City Chambers of Com-
merce and Sectorial Associations;
(b) Representatives of Regional Sectorial As-
sociations; and
(c) Representatives of Woreda Sectorial As-
2) Members shall establish the Council;
3)’ N umber of representatives in the Chamber shall be determined by the Council;
4) Vote appointment of the Council members in the
regional Chamber of Commerce and SectorialAssociations shall be determined by the Council on
the basis of numbers as stated below;
(a) Number of members that have established the
City Chamber of Commerce and SectorialAssociations; .
(b) Number of members of the Woreda Sectorial Associations that have established the regionalSectorial ~ssociations;
(c) Number of members of that have established
the Woreda Sectorial Associations.
5) The Council shall elect the Chairperson from
among its members; and those elected shall be the
president and the Vice President of the Chamber.

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Ih) fO’/.ou/h.”co-‘) hilA OO’/ilt.~1 nU1C (Ooil’l’ Wf,9′” nCO-61J- U1Cf9°C.1′ :”co,.’1′ O’/II;J:~:”
0)~9° oult”‘~i
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n) f’)-nl”” fI/fl..1- OUff’)i O)’A OUlf’lf’Ai
nilO’/TCD’ ouhl1il’l ouhl1ili
.,.) ~”O’/TCD”) h..,-n/O’/y”lil hilt.l1. frr~/.f”””‘”
“,,,,’)&..1,’) O’/h’lCD’):: 2. Regional Sectorial Assocations shall have the
following powers and duties:-
(a) to coordinate the activities of woreda Sectorial
(b) to conduct studies on problems affecting
producers; and propose solutions in consul-
tation with the concerned organ of the regional
(c) to organize or participate in local or foreign
exhibitions upon obtaining license from the
concerned organ;
(d) to consult each other on the possibility of
enhancing their common production and
marketing capacity; and implement same:
(e) to settle disputes that arise between members,
by way of arbitration; when the parties so
(f) to prepare production gazettes; bulletins,
reports, and disseminate technology and marketinformation to their members,
(g) to provide different trainings to their members;
(h) to create awareness among members on gover-
nment policies; proclamations: regulations and
directives; and participate at discussion forums
prepared by the Government;
(i) to determine contributions to be made by
‘j) to charge fees for the services it provides;
(k) to own property; enter into contract; sue and be
sued in its own name;
(1) to perform such other duties as are necessary for
the attainment of its objective.
3. Woreda Chamber of Sectorial Associations shall
have the following powers and duties:-
(a) to conduct studies on problems affecting their
members, and propose solutions in consultation
with the concerned organs of the Government
of the woredas
(b) to create the possibility of enhancing the
production and marketing capacity of their
(c) to organize or participate in local or foreign
exhibitions upon obtaining license from the
concerned organ;
(d) to settle disputes that arise between members;
by way of arbitration; when the parties so
(e) to prepare production gazettes bulletins,
reports, and disseminate technology and market
information to their members;
(f) to provide different training to their members;
(g) to create awarene~s among members on gover-
nment policies, proclamations, regulations and
directives; and participate at discussion forums
perpared by the Government;
(h) to determine contributions to be made by
(i) to charge fees for the services it provides;
U) to own property; enter into contract; sue and be
sued in its own name;
(k) to perform such other duties are necessary for
the attainment of its objective.

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~ti. itl 9″hc o..,.~ 9″”.,11 i29. Registratfori’bfe:ha’!rii1ej~ 11< "'l"It',,..JI"i '{' . "J" :' J~ "',i,..",.!o-,rl. ,r~ . Ii. fh.T~klff1..,.(- f~'~C~ D71~t-.} 9"hf,; Ii-} 1. The Ethiopian ChamJJet~fCornmert~and.sectorhd , 'O1"'.(-~ h:1~itT~ 07.tit'.fiC:OtlA"Ar OWl.';"h~..',' As~~ri.QI1~~nd,,()tJWfqh4 1t~r~:OI~f~blishedat OhT"7 I.l~f"7)'*11o;. r"'f!:'tt.,.~~~~l11AA Regional and City leve~, shall ~f.;ce~~ate of f"7.oolh;t-:flD- o.C-sP~ I1"7"'''S,~.}'~1''lQ registration,after begning register~d,b'yth~ Ministr,r " .G""~"',,!,l.,.ft.t~~"1:'" I1~'1fCJ)oJJfin: and by the regional concerned Bu~~us respectively: I. f1"',(-~ h.1~itt~;~~Q"'J;C; !JlA~ f07.OOlh,; ~. T~~'~i~istry ~~>(d~egionai’conc;thJ~CBurea’usare
;t-:flD- o.C-r~ f1″‘1..~ “h~,~flClf; 1II110t-T,.9″hC “,.~
l’)~..’ IJ”.'{“;”<:" i;,: """ ., ' "4'" 'I,!" ."(' " empowerea by this proclluriatibn to register and issue J1.fT1!.~~1'''1~ ,f.,9"it~c'ml."':"ftWitll1T .c.".;, ~"".~ Y' ",.;'!1U'{' f"j,. j'" '1, " , ,,'1,.. ",.,,' ,1,1',.( rJ!cerfitlcatestoChambers; ",., P'An" OttO "'P~ '''''1'1';1:=J:'P~:' , , j,,', ,'J "','~, "it' ~,; .t, , ,-' ';< "."., 'H, f1"',(-~ h. 1~it.').& 07.tit-I:Cm~'rfhAA flll1.oo; '3. TheMinistry or ~egional coricerned' Bureaus shall C. Ih;t-:flD- 0.C-sP1- f9"".,11 'I'1"'il~ao",ffm' nt!) issue certificates or notify the reas~ri~;(~Y}ejectionin ~~!1D"it#f , f~:1I;1I1i,Jl9"it~, JJA4.",t..iouitll1:" I writing within 30 days ac~~!~nc~oJ ~i'plication; (~ m~9" 'I'14:lD-1 IA.,..,.0it-0-}-1 9"ttv,t f~~V-tf: "A::,~amber~'~bisbed,t. ~egtIal; Wap-eda Q,r City lII111m:"I1111:flD-: level shall submit copies of their cert,Kroate)to the ,.,' B~ QtJAA: pall.'; ,~'im~~-1111 "t~f-t~~~. 'rhc Ethiopian ChamberJ~ Commerc4'm(“:~–“‘.:’,::-: “”””‘,~_:~ 7
“, ?IIf:”
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” Federal Negarit Gazeta
-No. 61 27mMay, 2003-Page 2200
28″, .{‘~ppJio.tilblt; proyisipDS
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Article (6),(8),(9),(11),(12), and (13), of this
Proclamation shall as appropriat~’6eapptt~’ble ftJr.’

ii, ‘Chamqer.t to b6 d5tataisl~ ,at ‘national, Regional
and Wereda level. ;:
lP.~pme.s~~ Qf”~~l!11~s,’:,~Ut~li8hed at different levels are:- .”.’
1. Membership contributions;
2. service fees; and 3. grant and subsides
31. Transitory Provisions
1. Chambers functioning before the effective date of this Proclamation shall be reorganized in line with
the provisions of this Proclamation;
2. The rights and obligations of Chambers established in accordance with Proclamation No. 148/1978 are
hereby trasferred to Chambers to be reorgsnzatioed
in accordance with this Proclamation;
3. Chambers to be established after the coming into force of this Proclamation, shall have juridical
personality from the date they obtain certificate in
accordance with Article 29 of this Proclamation,
32. Auditors 1. The Books of accounts and financial documents ofevery Chamber shall be audited annually by exter-
nal auditors;
2. Copies of audit reports shall as appropriate be submitted to the Council, Board and to the officewho issued certificate of registration.

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1f,H- {It”l mf,r f’f~A;””‘”hlP~{”’t~”” inconsi,s,tent
~ithi~i~ ;’P~~~lamatiofi”” shall have
“f,lf laJ.9”;J .
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hCP~,f”7.flli(}T;”‘J” ,37.
Effe<;tiveDate. ,",;: ~.: .",.' '.' , ,.,e.U "cP~ h"l,}P"'" Iii+, Iiifj?; ~.r.~9"C' .fOli' ,'~isProclMnatiori shall come into foreeDbf27th day of O'.Pr" , A ll ',,'May, 2003.. '" , ", ' f'k',.," pu ,.., .;~! / .I "Jl,l1OI1 1'}tt"'- IV.for) IIif2?;"1.r. "1'1 ' '.11)," ~, ,.. D~rie at Addis Ababa, this271f1 day 'b~May, 2003. , " ,,"c',', '.J' r '.' "IC"7 m/;1.1.r-C1.h "" fh..l-r-A'! ~1.:I~"ce'~'I"tJ&-f.!ce &'1"111:1'1 Tt..t~'}'l- . , ' GIRMA WOLDE GIORais! PRESIDENT OF'~'FEI)~{ , DEMOCRA TIC'REPuBLIC'OF ETIllOPIA h,," , ' ; "'"..1 "; ''i.~I:' r. ',J I " ,: ,'. "'!, >”
) II.’ …
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