Last updated: 1 December 2024 Statutory Instrument No.73, which was issued by the Minister of Internal Affairs on September 4,…
ICNL’s resources and information on Uganda.
ICNL works with several partners in implementing the Uganda Civil Society Strengthening Activity. This USAID-funded activity supports the capacity strengthening of Ugandan CSOs to influence and contribute to improved development outcomes, including in democracy, rights, and governance. We also partner with the American Bar Association Rule of Law Initiative and CSOs in the region, to implement a rule of law program aimed to enhance protection of fundamental freedoms and civic space in Tanzania and Uganda; promote legal and policy reforms, research to foster advocacy and strategic litigation as well as capacity building of strategic local partners targeting lawyers, human rights defenders, and journalists at risk.
ICNL is opposed to all forms of trafficking in persons and is committed to mitigating the risk of trafficking in persons in connection with its operations and programs. It is the policy of ICNL to comply fully with the provisions of our cooperative agreements regarding trafficking in persons. Read our full policy here.
In partnership with the Council on Foundations, ICNL maintains reports on thirty-four countries that help U.S grantmakers undertake equivalency determinations for foreign grantees. The reports in this series describe the legal frameworks for nonprofit organizations and provide translations of relevant legislative provisions.
CLICK TO VISIT THE COUNCIL ON FOUNDATIONS WEBSITE FOR THE KENYA COUNTRY NOTEThe index, funded by the U.S. Agency for International Development for twenty years, documents the development of civil society in seventy-one countries around the world, including Uganda. ICNL and FHI 360 work with local partners to produce the index annually.