Grants & Fellowships

The International Center for Not-for-Profit Law works to build an enabling legal environment for civil society, philanthropy, and public participation around the world. Occasionally, we offer grants to civil society organizations and others working to promote and protect civic freedoms, as well as fellowships and internships at ICNL. See below for our current opportunities.

After gathering data on regulatory barriers to freedom of assembly affecting more than 100 gay pride marches in Brazil, Welton Trindade (second from left) concluded that “the study supported by ICNL shows that the solutions are right here in Brazil.” (Photo credit: ICNL)


Report on civic freedoms restrictions of youth & children civil society actors in Asia-Pacific

The International Center for Not-for-Profit Law (ICNL) seeks individuals or organizations to undertake research restrictions to the civic freedoms of youth and children civil society actors, including human rights defenders, climate defenders, and activists (collectively “youth and child civil society actors”) in the Asia-Pacific region.

The proposed consultancy period is from August 20, 2024, through November 30, 2024. Applications are due August 9, 2024.

Successful proposals will have a budget ceiling in the $8,000-$10,000 USD range.

Scope of Research

Youth and child civil society actors have been at the forefront of social movements and mobilization for key challenges to global society, including climate action, gender equality, and justice and democracy. In response, youth and child civil society actors have faced increasing suppression of their fundamental freedoms of association, assembly, and expression, as well as violations of other human rights, such as the right to life and right to privacy.

In the Asia-Pacific region, youth and child civil society actors have faced numerous reprisals for their activities, including criminalization and legal sanctions, academic and legal repercussions, and physical harm. In Thailand, for example, the government has charged or prosecuted 286 children in 217 cases between July 2020 and November 2023 connected to the exercise of these children’s freedom of expression and peaceful assembly. In Bangladesh, the authorities responded violently to student protests across the country demanding reform to an inequitable quota system for civil service jobs, leading to more than 100 deaths, many of whom were students. Across the region, in connection to their exercise of fundamental civic freedoms, child civil society actors face arrest, detention, and prosecution as adults despite the existence of national juvenile legal systems that require additional protections.

ICNL seeks to document civic freedom restrictions to youth and children civil society actors in the Asia-Pacific region, with specific examples from multiple countries that focus on the infringement or violation of the freedoms of association, assembly, and expression.

Specifically, we aim to issue one consultancy contract to an individual or organizational researcher to collect examples from the region, drawing on desk research, media monitoring, and, where feasible for the budget proposed, interviews.

Ideally, the report would include examples and country case studies of suppression against youth and child civil society actors on at least several of the following areas:

  • Criminalization, violence, and lack of access to justice
  • Challenges to association [e.g. resourcing, registration age limits, etc.], assembly, and expression
  • Academic and professional reprisals
  • For young women, girls, and gender non-conforming activists, instances of intersectional repression, such as tech-facilitated gender-based violence (TFGBV), harassment, or travel and mobility restrictions

The research should identify case studies or examples from a diverse set of countries and regions, with examples from the following sub-regions: South Asia, Southeast Asia, East Asia, and the Pacific.

The final work product will be a report (15-20 pages max), to be published by ICNL.

Content of Proposal

Interested applicants should submit a proposal, of no more than 4 pages, addressing the following topics:

  • Describe the scope of the research to be undertaken, including the specific countries, and the methodologies to be undertaken. Please include any revisions to the Scope of Research presented above, the methodology for conducting the research, and the timeline, including interim benchmarks and drafts as well as follow-up activities, recognizing that activities must be completed no later than November 30, 2024.
  • Describe applicant’s expertise and experience with civic space issues, fundamental freedoms of association, assembly, and expression, youth movements and activism, and children’s rights.
  • If more than one person will be involved in this project, describe who will undertake different aspects of the project. ICNL reserves the right to approve or reject the use of any personnel.
  • The cost proposal/line-item budget for this consultancy. The pricing for the cost proposal must be in USD and fully itemized. For personnel costs, please list each person to be involved in this project, the proposed day rate(s) and number of days. All other costs, if any, should be listed and explained. The proposed price should be inclusive of all taxes. ICNL expects to issue one Firm Fixed Price contract.
Selection Criteria

Applications will be evaluated based on the following factors:

  • Compliance with eligibility requirements and application procedures.
  • Demonstrated experience of the applicant in research and writing on relevant topics.
  • Knowledge and familiarity with fundamental freedoms of association, assembly, and expression, and children’s rights.
  • Quality of proposed project, including the project’s innovations, the proposed methodology/design, the scope of the research and report, and feasibility of the project.
  • Proposed budget and value for money.
How to Apply

To apply for this consultancy, applicants must submit the following items by August 9, 2024:

  • Proposal of not more than four pages, including line-item budget;
  • Resume or curriculum vitae (cv) for individuals undertaking the research and writing the report; and/or
  • Background information about the applicant organization if relevant (e.g., website links, sample reports, informational materials)
  • Unedited writing sample for each person involved in the drafting of the report (max. 5 pages per person).

Applications should be sent to, with reference to “Youth and Child Civil Society Actors Research” in the subject line. All application materials should be submitted in English. Questions related to this consultancy can be emailed to Please note that ICNL is under no obligation to issue a consultancy and that only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.

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ICNL is part of the civil society consortium led by Freedom House implementing The Lifeline Embattled CSO Assistance Fund.  This fund, which is supported by 19 governments and two foundations, provides support to civil society organizations (CSOs) under threat or attack.  There are three categories of Lifeline assistance:

  1. Through Freedom House and Front Line Defenders, Lifeline provides small, short-term emergency assistance to CSOs threatened because of their human rights work. Emergency assistance grants can address security, medical expenses, legal representation, prison visits, trial monitoring, temporary relocation, equipment replacement, and other urgently needed expenses. ICNL does not administer emergency assistance grants on behalf of Lifeline. To apply for Lifeline emergency assistance, please contact Freedom House or Front Line Defenders as described here.
  2. Lifeline rapid response advocacy grants give local CSOs the resources to push back against restrictions on civic space.  Advocacy grants support short-term initiatives that identify civic space challenges, such as threats to freedom of association, assembly, and expression or attacks on civil society, and target key actors associated with the resolution of these threats.  Lifeline advocacy grants are highly flexible, and can support a wide variety of activities, such as community mobilization, policy and legal analysis, civil society coalition building, strategic litigation, awareness raising campaigns, and advocacy capacity building.
  3. Lifeline resiliency grants are meant to provide support to CSOs at high-risk to avoid or mitigate the threats they face.  Resiliency grant activities may include developing, expanding, and/or bolstering protection networks and local support mechanisms; mapping and/or coordinating civil society access to pro-bono services and support; implementing joint protection strategies, contingency plans, and/or protocols; sharing protection and resiliency strategies nationally, regionally and/or internationally; supporting disrupted CSOs to safely reestablish and reorient their work; boosting at-risk CSO capacity to conduct organizational risk assessments; or providing protection training or legal technical assistance.

ICNL accepts applications for advocacy support and resiliency support on a rolling basis. A preliminary application for Lifeline support may be found here (as a form) or here (as a Word document).

For more information or to submit an application, please contact Please note that applicants will only be contacted regarding applications selected for further consideration.

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Fellowships & Internships

None at this time. Please check back for future listings.