Myanmar Civic Space Assessment


A Summary Overview and Preliminary Key Findings

With support from ICNL, local civil society organizations (CSOs) assessed the operational civic space for CSOs in Myanmar from December 2021 to April 2022. Led by a local partner with significant experience in service delivery and civic space issues, the assessment obtained first-hand testimonies from organizations operating on the ground in across Myanmar. The methodology involved both quantitative and qualitative methods, relying on interviews, focus group discussions, and basic quantitative tools to assess impact by sector and location.

The assessment includes information around financial restrictions for civil society, surveillance challenges, impacts of the nebulous registration and oversight situation, effects of donor inflexibility, and disparate impact of the coup and military repression on specific sub-groups within civil society – particularly marginalized groups or those working on specific rights or minority issues. For more, please access a full summary of the operational assessment here.