ICNL Hires New Legal Advisor for Latin America
The International Center for Not-for-Profit Law is pleased to announce that Laura García Olson has been hired to serve as our new Legal Advisor for Latin American programs in Washington, DC. Mrs. García Olson has most recently worked with the Partners of the Americas justice reform project in Bolivia, as well as in their Office of New Programs and Resource Development in Washington, DC. She also has worked for the Local Initiatives Support Corporation and the Department of Housing and Urban Development, both in Washington, DC. Her expertise is in the areas non-profit communications, resource development and reporting, and her professional background includes significant legal experience in civil rights and housing discrimination. Mrs. García Olson is a graduate of the University of Arizona James E. Rogers College of Law (J.D.) and the University of Pennsylvania (B.A.). She is married to Rolf Olson, a Foreign Service Officer with the U.S. Department of State.
Under the direction of ICNL’s Program Director for CEE and other ICNL senior staff, Mrs. García Olson will help develop ICNL’s Latin American Program, focusing primarily on Mexico and Honduras. The program applies an integrated approach, focusing on legislative assistance, capacity building, implementation assistance, and regional initiatives.