Social Entrepreneurship in Tajikistan


The Republic of Tajikistan grapples with significant economic challenges, which poses obstacles for the Government of Tajikistan in providing essential social services. An issue exacerbating these challenges is the high unemployment rate, prompting a significant portion of the workforce to seek opportunities abroad due to a lack of prospects within the country. Furthermore, vulnerable segments of the population, many of whom are in dire need of services and assistance, face many challenges. These challenges include access to education, healthcare, and employment. Non-commercial organizations (NCOs) are crucial in bridging these gaps by providing necessary services and support to these groups. However, these organizations rely heavily on foreign donor funds, posing a significant hurdle to achieving financial sustainability.

Despite the potential for entrepreneurial activities – spearheaded by commercial organizations, individuals, and NCOs – to address these socio-economic challenges, Tajikistan has yet to realize the full potential for social entrepreneurship (SE). Incentivizing organizations and individuals to engage in SE can be a strategic imperative to address the high unemployment rate, unmet needs of vulnerable populations, and bolster the financial sustainability of NCOs.

To support the government in improving the standard of living, the work of organizations and individuals providing needed services, and Tajikistan’s most vulnerable citizens, the USAID Legal Support Activity, implemented by ICNL, prepared a comprehensive report of the legal framework for SE in Tajikistan.The report explores current opportunities for SE and demonstrates that many opportunities exist in Tajikistan. However, to meaningfully engage actors in SE, comprehensive reforms of the legal framework and implementation of laws governing various sectors must be made.

The report explores the key issues and impediments to large-scale, effective engagement in SE. It presents several recommendations relating to legislation and policy administrative measures that will help stimulate and expand opportunities. Download the full report, available in Russian, or the English Summary.

This publication was made possible through support provided by the  U.S. Agency for International Development.  The opinions expressed herein are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the U.S. Agency for International Development.