Any use of force or violence, or any threat to use force or violence if accompanied by immediate power of execution, by three or more persons acting together and without authority of law, is riot.
Penalty: Misdemeanor: 1 year and $500. Felony if the purpose of the riotous assembly was to resist the execution of any statute of this state or of the United States, or to obstruct any public officer of this state or of the United States, in the performance of any legal duty, or in executing any legal process, or if the person carried a firearm, or other deadly or dangerous weapon, or was disguised: 10 years. Felony if a person directed, advised, encouraged or solicited other persons who participated in the riot to acts of force or violence: 20 years. Felony if any murder, maiming, robbery, rape or arson was committed in the course of such riot: a defendant is punishable in the same manner as a principal in such crime.
Incitement to Riot: It shall be unlawful and shall constitute incitement to riot for a person or persons, intending to cause, aid, or abet the institution or maintenance of a riot, to do an act or engage in conduct that urges other persons to commit acts of unlawful force or violence, or the unlawful burning or destroying of property, or the unlawful interference with a police officer, peace officer, fireman or a member of the Oklahoma National Guard or any unit of the armed services officially assigned to riot duty in the lawful performance of his duty.
Penalty: Felony: 10 years and $10,000