New Regulation on Receipt and Reporting on Foreign Funds by NNOs
On October 4, 2023, the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan approved Regulation #527 which sets up a procedure on the registration of foreign grants received by Uzbek non-governmental non-commercial organizations (NNOs) and on the implementation of activities funded under these foreign grants.
At the request of local partners, ICNL prepared an Overview comparing Regulation #527 to previously existing regulations related to Uzbek NNOs in receipt of foreign grants, and provided an assessment on the positive or negative impact of these changes. ICNL finds that Regulation #527 is an improvement compared to previous regulations as it
- simplifies the registration procedure for foreign grants,
- clarifies and, potentially, expands the threshold for the foreign grant amount, and
- provides limitations to the powers of the required “state organization” implementing partner of an NNO-grant recipient. However, the Regulation still excessively restricts NNOs’ access to sources of funding.
For more on Regulation #527 “On Procedure on Coordination of Receipt of Financial and Other Assets from External Sources by Non-governmental Non-commercial Organizations and On the Procedure on Implementation of Projects Financed from External Sources, on the Territory of the Republic of Uzbekistan”, please read the full analysis here.