Practical Recommendations For The Management Of Assemblies

Joint report of the UN Special Rapporteur on assembly and association rights and the UN Special Rapporteur on extrajudicial, summary or arbitrary executions


This report (A/HRC/31/66) provides guidance on how applicable international human rights standards may be operationalized in domestic law and practice to ensure greater protection of the rights involved. The recommendations are organized around 10 overarching principles, and in each section are preceded by a summary of applicable international standards. Each recommendation has been developed with reference to global experience and lessons learned.

The report was requested by the Human Rights Council in March 2014 and is based on consultations with over 100 experts and more than 50 UN Member States. Written input was also solicited via questionnaires.

10 Principles Implementation Checklist: Monitor Your Country’s Management Of Assemblies

10 Principles Civil Society Guide: How To Advocate For Better Management Of Assemblies