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Document Information:
- Year: 2015
- Country: Azerbaijan
- Language: English
- Document Type: Domestic Law or Regulation
- Topic: CSO Accountability and Transparency,CSO Framework Legislation,CSO Self-Regulation
Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Azerbaijan
June 14, 2015
No. 216 Baku, 5 June 2015
On approval of “Rule on Registration of Grant Agreements/Contracts (Decisions/Orders)”
With an aim to ensure the implementation of paragraph 2 of Decree No.240 of the President of the
Republic of Azerbaijan, dated 24 July 2014, on abolition of “Approval of Rules for Registration of
Contracts (Decisions) of Awarding and Receiving Grants”, Decree No.27of the President of the
Republic of Azerbaijan, da ted 12 February 2004, the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of
Azerbaijan decides:
“Rule on Registration of Grant agreements (decisions)” to be approved (attached).
The Prime Minister of the Republic of Azerbaijan
by Resolut ion No. 216
dated 5 June 2015 of the
Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Azerbaijan
on Registration of Grant Agreements (Decisions)
1. 1. General Provisions
1.1. This Rule is prepared in accordance with paragraph 4- 2 of Article 4 of the “Law on the Grants”
(hereinafter-the Law) of the Republic of Azerbaijan.
1.2. The Rule regulates the registration of Agreements (decisions) on Receiving (Awarding) Grants
by physical and legal entities, as well as sub -grant, grant additions, also in exclusion of the
donations, assistance formalized in other forms for purposes as indicated in paragraph 1 of Article 1
of the Law (hereinafter the agreement (decision). The requirements of the Rule on registering the
grant agreements (decisions) also apply to sub- grants and additional contracts related to grant
agreement (decision), changes to duration, purpose, the grant amount in the respective agreements.
1.3. The registration of agreements (decisions) is carried out by the Ministry of Economy and
Industry of the Republic of Azerbaijan, with respect to commercial entities; the State Committee on
Affairs with Religious Institutions of the Republic of Azerbaijan, with respect to religious
organizations; the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Azerbaijan (hereinafter the registration
body), with respect to other non- commercial entities and natural persons.
1.4. Agreements (decisions) on provision of grants by donors, being legal or natural entities of the
Republic of Azerbaijan, as well as the branch and representative office of legal entity of the
Republic of Azerbaijan to foreign recipients shall be presented by donors to the registration body for
registration. Agreements (decisions) received by the recipients of the Republic of Azerbaijan shall
be presented by the recipients to the registration body for registration.
1.5. Agreement (decision) must be submitted to the registration body for registration not later than
15 (fifteen) days from the date it is signed (issuance).
1.6. Relevant information on the grant awarded from the state budget must be submitted by the
donor to the registration body registering the grant agreement (decision) not later than 3 (three)
days, in accordance with the form as in Annex 5 of the Rule.
1.7. Banking transactions and any other transactions regarding the unregistered grant agreements
(decisions) shall not be executed.
1.8. Banking transactions shall be carried out on the basis of notification confirming registration of
the agreement (decision).
1.9. The registration body mus t provide general information to the mass media on registered grant
agreements (decisions) at least once a year.
2. Documents to be submitted for registration of agreements (decisions)
2.1. For registration of grant agreement (decision), the following documents shall be attached to the
applications specified in annexes 1 -4 of the Rule:
2.1.1. the original copy of the agreement (decision), as well as an additional agreement (decision) or
amendments thereto signed by the parties;
2.1.2. the original copy o f the planned project for implementation under the respective agreement
signed by the parties;
2.1.3. a copy of the personal identification document of a physical person as a donor (recipient);
2.1.4. Excluding cases when the applicant organization is registered at the registration body who
executes the registration of the grant, a copy of an extract from the State Register of legal entities
and copy of the charter (regulation) of the legal entity as donor (recipient);
2.1.5. if the agreement (decision) is signed by non -legal representative, a copy of the relevant power
of attorney of that person;
2.1.6. c opy of the document evidencing that the donors are authorized to issue grant in the Republic
of Azerbaijan, in accordance with paragraph 5 o f Article 2 of the Law.
2.1.7. document on submission of financial reporting to the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of
Azerbaijan by non- governmental organization and branch or representative office of foreign non –
governmental organization;
2.1.8. In case of other person submits the application on behalf of persons specified in the paragraph
1.4 of the Rule, the power of attorney
confirming the authority;
2.2. Copies of documents considered for submission in the 2.1.3, 2.1.5 and 2.1.6 sub- paragraphs of
the Rule shall be approved in the notary order. If the agreement and other documents are in a foreign
language, notarized translation shall be attached. Documents compiled in foreign country also must
be legalized or apostil must be given.
1. 3. Issues sc rutinized (assessed) by the registration body
3.1. For provision of notification by the registration body, the following shall be scrutinized:
3.1.1. Compliance of the submitted documents and implementation of envisaged activities under
respective agreemen t (decision) to the laws of the Republic of Azerbaijan, the charter (regulation) of
the grant recipient, as well as compliance of agreement (decision) terms with the grant concept;
3.1.2. The conformity of grants awarded by organizations financed from the state budget of the
Republic of Azerbaijan with the activity fields of their organizations;
3.1.3. Compliance of the recipient with criteria indicated in paragraph 2 of Article 3 of the Law and
receiving grant from donors specified in Article 2 of the Law ;
3.1.4. The relevant authority of the person who signed the agreement (decision);
3.1.5. Available information on the resident of the Republic of Azerbaijan as the donor (recipient)
failure to comply with the laws of the Republic of Azerbaijan on the Prev ention of the Legalization
of Criminally Obtained Funds or Other Property and the Financing of Terrorism;
3.1.6. Submission of the documents specified in paragraph 2.1 of the Rule and the accuracy of the
information provided in these documents;
3.1.7. In case of the organization awarding a grant is the state body, this organization must be in the
list as specified in paragraph 2 of Article 2 of the Law;
3.1.8. In accordance with paragraph 3 of Article 4 of the Law, over the period of project
implementation , if terms of changing the direction of grant funds, the sale and change into money of
values provided as a grant or at the expense of the grant are not specified in the agreement
(decision), the written permission of a donor shall be provided.
3.1.9. Cla rity of the provisions of agreement (decision) and accurate description of the envisaged
activities to be implemented.
4. Rule of registering agreements (decisions)
4.1. The registration body, in the absence of grounds for suspension or rejection for regis tration,
which are contained in Section 2 of the Rule, shall register the agreement (decision) within 15 days
and provide notification as specified in Annex 6 of the Rule to the applicant legal or physical entity.
In case of additional scrutiny of the documents or matters specified in Sections 2 and 3 of the Rule is
required, notification period can be extended for another 15 (fifteen) days.
4.2. Registration of agreement (decision) shall be executed in the annual registration book. An
individual registration number is issued per each recorded agreement (decision). Individual
registration number shall be specified in the bank documents when bank operations are conducted
under respective agreement (decision).
4.3. The registration book shall be in thick c ardboard face, thick and quality paper, strongly bound
34 cm x 27 cm in size, laced up and stamped. The number of the book, the year and the numbers
indicating the start and final individual registration number of the agreement must be specified in the
book (for example, C1, 2015, Grant No. 1- 50). Registration book shall be closed when the year is
over and a new book shall be compiled for the next year.
4.4. The Registration book consists of 2 sections, allocating 1 page per each agreement (Section 1-
“Gener al Information” (donor, recipient, agreement date, duration, contact telephone numbers, e –
mail), Section 2 -“Information on Grant agreement (decision)” (grant agreement (decision) name,
the purpose, information on implementation of the planned project unde r the respective agreement
(decision), amount of grant agreement (decision), information on additions and revisions/changes of
the registered agreement (decision) (date and number), note) and is conducted in accordance with
the form specified in Annex 7 of the Rule.
4.5. Individual grant registration number, agreement registration date and the page number shall be
indicated at the right top of every page of the book.
4.6. In case of insufficiencies are identified in the submitted documents that are not grounds for
rejection, the registration body shall suspend the registration of the agreement (decision), return the
documents to the applicant and provide additional 5 (five) working days to correct insufficiencies.
5. Cases of rejection of registration of agreements (decisions)
5.1. Registering of agreements (decisions) by the registration body shall be rejected in the following
5.1.1. if documents specified on paragraph 2.1 of the Rule are not submitted;
5.1.2. if insufficiencies are identified at the result of scrutiny on matters specified in paragraph 3.1
of the Rule;
5.1.3. if the information described in the application and (or) the attached documents are falsified;
5.1.4. i f the insufficiency identified by the registration body is not eliminated in accordance with the
period specified in paragraph 4.6 of the Rule.
Annex number 1
To “The Rule on Registration of Grant agreements (decisions)”
Application form for registration of Grant agreements (decisions)
(for physical person)
(name of the body which executes the registration of the grant)
(Applicant’s surname, name, father’s name, residence address)
_____________________________________________________________ (Applicant’s personal identification document number, issuance date, the body issuing the identification document)
On behalf of Donor
(if a physic al person surname, name, father’s name, address, personal identification document
number, issuance date, body submitting the identification document, work place and position, if a
legal entity name, organizational -legal form, the country of origin, registr ation number and date)
and on behalf of recipient
(if a physical entity surname, name, father’s name, address, personal identification document
number, issuance date, body issuing the identif ication document, work place and position, if a legal
entity, name, organizational -legal form, the country of origin, registration number and date)
(Agreement (decision) name and signed (awarded) date)
grant agreement is signed (decision made).
Goal of the Grant
(by figure and word, the currency to be indicate d)
(start and completion date)
Annex (the list of attached documents and the number of pages to be indicated)
(information on the attached documents to be indicated in separate lines)
I request to register the grant agreement, considering the provided information.
Surname, name of the person signing the application.
father’s name, position and signature
Contact telephone numbers
Annex number 2
To the “The Rule on Registration of Grant agreements (decisions)” Application form on registration of Grant agreement (decision)
(for legal entity)
(name of the body which executes the registration of the grant)
_____________________________________________________________ (Applicant organization’s name, organizational -legal form)
_____________________________________________________________ (Applicant organization’s registration date, number and legal address)
_____________________________________________________________ (Legal representative’s surname, name, father’s name (patronymic name), work place and positi on,
address, number of personal identification document, issuance date and body issuing the
identification document, number and date and number of extract from the State Register)
On behalf of donor
(if a physical entity surname, name, father’s name, address, personal identification document
number, issuance date, body submitting the identification document, work place and position, if a legal entity name, organizational -legal form , the country of origin, registration number and date)
and on behalf of recipient
(if a physical entity surname, name, father’s name, address, personal identification document
number, issuance d ate, body issuing the identification document, work place and position, if a legal
entity, name, organizational -legal form, the country of origin, registration number and date)
(agreement (decision) title and signed (awarded) date)
grant agreement is signed (decision made).
Goal of the grant
_____________________________________________________________ (by figure and word, currency to be indicated)
(start and completion date)
Annex (list of attached documents and number of pages to be specified)
(information on attached documents to be specified in separate lines)
We request to register the grant agreement, considering the provided information.
Surname, name of the person signing the application
father’s name, position and signature
(is confi rmed with the stamp of the organization)
Contact telephone numbers
Annex number 3
To “The Rule on Registration of grant agreements (decisions)”
The application form on registering the revisions to the Grant agreement (decision)
(for physical person)
(name of the body which executes the registration of the grant)
(Applicant’s surname, name, father’s name, residence address)
(Applicant’s identification document number, issuance date, the body issuing the identification document)
On behalf of donor
(if a physical entity surname, name, father’s name, address, identification document number, issued date, body submitting the identification document, work place and position, if a legal entity name, organizational -legal form, the country of origin, regi stration number and date)
and on behalf of recipient
(if a physical entity surname, name, father’s name, address, identification document number,
issuance date, body issuing the identification document, work place and position, if a legal entity, name, organizational -legal form, the country of origin, registration number and date)
signed between
(agreement (decision) title, signed (awarded) date and amount, date and number of the registration notification)
to the grant agreement (decision) _______ dated_____________________
(type of revised document
(additional contract, protocol, etc .) and name)
revision was made.
P urpose of the revision__________________________________________
(revision to grant amount, purpose, duration, etc .)
Brief content of the revision _____________________________________
Annex (list of attached documents and number of pages to be indicated)
(information on attached documents to be indicated in separate lines)
We request to register the revision to the grant agreement, considering the provided
Surname, name,
father’s name of the person signing the application and signature.
Contact telephone numbers
Annex number 4
To “The Rule on Registration of grant agreements (decisions)”
The application for m on registering the revisions to the Grant agreement (decision)
(for legal entity)
(name of the body which executes the registration of the grant)
_____________________________________________________________ (Applicant organization’s name, organizational -legal form)
_____________________________________________________________ (Applicant organization’s registration date, number and legal address)
(Le gal representative’s surname, name, father’s name, work place and position, address, number of
identification document, issuance date and body issuing the identification document, number and date and number of extract from the State Register)
On behalf of Donor
_____________________________________________________________ (name of legal entity, organizational -legal form, country of origin, registration number and date, if
physical person, surname, name, father’s name, address, number of ident ification document,
issuance date and body issuing the identification document)
and on behalf of recipient
(name of legal entity, organizational -legal form, country of origin, registration numbe r and date, if
physical person, surname, name, father’s name, citizenship, residence address, work place and position, number of personal identification document, issuance date and body issuing the identification document)
signed between (awarded)_________________________________ (agreement (decision) title, signed (awarded) date and amount
registration notification number and date)
to the grant agreement (decision) _______ dated______________________
(type of the revised document (additional contract
protocol etc .) and name)
have been revised.
Purpose of the Revision________________________________________
(revision in the grant amount, purpose, duration etc.)
Brief content of the revision_____________________________________
Annex (the list of documents and number of pages to be indicated)
_____________________________________________________________ (information on attached documents to be indicated in separate lines)
We request to register th e revision made in grant agreement, considering the provided
Surname, name
father’s name, position of the person signing the application and signature
(is confirmed with the stamp of the organization)
Contact telephone numbers
Annex number 5
To “The Rule on Registration of grant agreements (decisions)”
On grant awarded from the state budget
1 2 3
1. Background (contract or decision)
1. Name of the donor
1. Country of the Donor
1. Name of the Recipient
1. Country of the recipient
1. Name of the Contract (decision)
1. Purpose of the contract (decision)
1. Contract (decision) number
1. Start Date of implementation
1. Completion date
1. Grant amount and currency
1. Location of the contract
implementat ion
1. Contribution of the Organization
1. Organizations involved in
1. Date signed by the donor
1. Date signed by the recipient
1. Surname, name and position of
the person signing the contract on
behalf of the donor
1 2 3
Surname, name, father’s name,
birth date, number of
identification card of the person
signing the contract on behalf of
the recipient
In case of the Contract (decision)
is signed by non-legal person,
his/her having relevant authority
(information on power of
attorney , surname, name, father’s
name, date of birth, number of the
personal identification document,
Evaluation of the topics and
opinion of the Council on matter
of awarding the grant to non-
governmental organization
(information provided in the
1. E-mail address of the donor
1. E-mail address of the Recipient
1. E-mail address of the Bank
1. Additional information
The position, surname, name of the official person
of the state body signing the information, signature and signed date
Annex number 6
To “The Rule on Registration of grant agreements (decisions)
Notification form for registration of agreements (decisions) regarding receiving (awarding) grant
Name of the donor (if physical person, surname, name, father’s name) ____________
Name of the recipient (if physical person, surname, name, father’s name) _________
Name of the grant agreement (decision) (goal) ______________________
Signed da te of the grant agreement (decision) ___________________
Amount of the grant (or information on other material in the form of
Duration of agreement (decision) _______________________________
Date of the grant agreement (decision) and individual registration number
Information on addition and revision in the registered grant agreement
Notification date _____________________________________________ ___________________________________________
(The position of the official person of the state body signing the notification
Surname, name and signature)
Annex number 7
To t he “Rule on Registration of grant agreements (decisions)”
individual registration number of the grant ______________ registration date of the grant ______________
Name of
the Donor
Name of the Recipient Date of
Agreement (decision) Duration of
Agreement (decision)
numbers, e –
mail address
page ______________
individual registration number of the grant_________ registration date ______________
Name of the grant
agreement (decision), goal Information on
planned project implementation under the
respective grant agreement (decision)
Amount of
the grant
on the
addition and
revision to
agreement (decision) (date and
page ______________