ICNL offers up-to-date, freely accessible information on issues shaping the legal environment for civil society, philanthropy, and public participation. We maintain a diverse collection of resources, including cutting-edge research and legal analysis produced by our international team and network of experts. Additionally, we curate the top resources available on issues impacting civic space globally. From our U.S. Protest Law Tracker to our Civic Freedom Monitor, we publish reports and data on topics crucial to civil society. Explore our full collection of resources below.
All Resources
Development Impacts of Civic Space Restrictions

Digital Rights in Central America

Bangladesh’s Cyber Security Act

Manual on the Entrepreneurial Activity of Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) in the Kyrgyz Republic

7 Things to Know About Thailand’s Proposed Act on Associations and Foundations

A Toolkit for National Human Rights Institutions

Resource Collections
Civic Freedom Monitor
The Civic Freedom Monitor provides up-to-date information on civil society law in more than fifty countries and eight multilateral organizations. ICNL works alongside our global network of partners to monitor developments related to civic space.
Digital Legal Library
This database of key materials includes domestic and international laws, reports, treaties, and court decisions affecting civil society. It houses nearly 4,000 documents from 200 countries and several autonomous territories, written in more than 60 languages.
Country Resources
We maintain a robust collection of country-specific resources, including research and analysis, as well as curated information on a diverse array of issues affecting civic space.
U.S. Protest Law Tracker
Since November 2016, thirty-five states have considered one hundred bills that would restrict the right to protest. The U.S. Protest Law Tracker follows initiatives at state and federal levels that restrict the right to protest and freedom of assembly.
Global Grantmaking Country Notes
In partnership with the Council on Foundations, ICNL maintains reports on thirty-four countries that help U.S grantmakers undertake equivalency determinations for foreign grantees. The reports in this series describe the legal frameworks for nonprofit organizations and provide translations of relevant legislative provisions.
Philanthropy Law Reports
These reports provide in-depth information on nine countries, including China, Ethiopia, and India. They serve as practical guides for the philanthropic sector and larger nonprofit world. The reports were written by local experts and ICNL staff and were made possible by the generous support of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.