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Document Information:
- Year: 1989
- Country: Bahrain
- Language: English
- Document Type: Domestic Law or Regulation
- Topic: CSO Framework Legislation
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Decree No. (21) of 1989
Issuing the Law of Associations, Social and Cultural Clubs, Special Committees
Working in the Field of Youth a nd Sports and Private Institutions
We, Isa bin Salman Al Khalifa, Th e Amir of the State of Bahrain,
Having examined the Constitution,
And the Amiri Order No. (4) of 1975,
And the Law for licensing associations and clubs of 1959 in the State of Bahrain,
And Decree Law No. (12) of 1971, to issue the Civil and Commercial Procedures
Law, and amending laws,
And Decree Law No. (14) of 1971 regarding documentation,
And the Decree Law No. (17) of 1976 regarding juveniles,
And Decree Law No. (23) of 1976, to issue the law governing Civil Sector and its
amending laws,
And Decree Law No. (15) of 1979 to issue the Real Estate Registration Law,
And Decree Law No. (5) of 1983, regarding the amendment of the Amiri Decree No.
(2) of 1975 to established the Supreme Council for Youth and Sports,
And Decree Law No. (14) of 1985, regarding private education institutions,
and Upon the recommendation of the Minister s of Social Affairs and Information, and
the Chairman of the General In stitution for Youth and Sports,
And With the approval of the Council of Ministers
Hereby decree the following
Article One
The provisions of this law shall be applied to Associations, Social and Cultural Clubs,
Special Committees and Hosting Houses Work ing in the Field of Youth and Sports
and Private Institutions.
Article Two
The following terms shall indicate th e meaning explained under each:
Association, Social or Cultural Club
Any group with permanent structure formed of a number of natural or legal persons to
achieve a special purpose; not aiming at financial gains; aims at conducting special
social, educational, cultural or charitab le activity. This definition applies to
associations, cultural or social clubs no matter their names and no matter whether they
practice physical sports as long as this sport is not the major purpose of the
association or the club.
Special Committees working in th e Field of Youth and Sports
Any group with permanent structure formed of a number of natural or legal persons to
provide care to youth by providing national sports services and related social,
spiritual, health and entertainment services and not aiming at financial gains for its
members. Under this category falls the fo llowing: clubs, sports clubs, sports games
federations, and the Olympic committee.
Private Institutions
An allocated amount for a certain period to pe rform a humanitarian, charitable, artistic
of scientific purpose or any other kind of ch arity and social care without aiming at any
financial profits inside or outside Bahrain.
Specialized Administrative Authority
The Ministry of Social Affa irs shall be the specialized administrative authority for
associations in general and for the cultu ral and social clubs related to foreign
organizations or those created by privat e institutions and companies with the
exception of the national cultural and artistic associations whose activities are limited
to these fields.
The General Organisation for Youth and Sports shall be the specialized administrative
authority or special committees working in the field of youth and sports and for other
clubs not under the supervision of th e Ministry of Social Affairs.
The Ministry of Information shall be th e specialized administrative authority
responsible for the national cultural and artistic associations whose activities are
limited to this field.
The Specialized Minister
The minister of Social Affairs is the specia lized minister for all associations and for
social and cultural clubs of foreign foundati ons and for special committees created by
companies and private institutions with the exception of national artistic and cultural
associations whose activities are limited to this field.
The chairman of the General Organisation for Youth and Sports is the specialized
Minister responsible for the special comm ittees working in the field of youth and
sports and other clubs not related to the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs.
The Minister of Information shall be the spec ialized Minister for national, artistic and
cultural associations whose activitie s are not limited to this field.
By a decision to be taken by the cabinet, another minister can carry these tasks.
The Ministers, each according to his part, shall implement this Decree and it shall
come into effect from the beginning of the month that follows the month of its
publishing in the Official Gazette.
Amir of the State of Bahrain
Isa bin Salman Al Khalifa
Issued on : 20 Jamadi Al Awal 1410 a.h.
Corresponding to : 18 December 1989.
The Law of Associations, Social and Cultural Clubs, Special Committees Working in the Field of Youth a nd Sports and Private Institutions
Section One
Chapter One
General Provisions
Article (1)
The legal personality of any association shall be acknowle dged as of the date of
announcing its registration in the official g azette according to the provisions of this
Article (2)
The specialized administrative authority sha ll register associations and announce their
registration in the official gazette. It sha ll assist association in achieving their aims
when they comply to the condi tions stated in this law.
Article (3)
Each association established in a way that contradicts the public order or moral or for
an illegitimate aim such as undermining the well being of the state or the government
or its social order shall be considered illegal.
Article (4)
Every association shall have a written bylaw signed by the founders who shall not be
less than 10 natural persons.
Any person who is convicted of a crime of honor or decency shall not establish any
association or become a member of a ny association unless when charges were
dropped and rights we re restored.
Article (5)
The bylaw of the association shall co ntain the following information:
1. The name of the association, its purpose, its field of activities and means to
achieve these aims; the geographic area of its activities; its main location which
shall be in the state of Bahrain. No asso ciation shall take a name that could be
confused with the name of any other association.
2. The names of the founding members, thei r titles, their date of birth, their
profession, their nationalit y, and their addresses;
3. The resources of the society and means of using these resources;
4. The different bodies that re present the association and the powers of these bodies;
means of selecting them , conditions fo r dismissing members, quorum needed for
the convening of the general assembly a nd the board of directors, other bodies
representing the association and the quorum needed for the legitimacy of their
5. Conditions of membership, type of memb ership, the rights of members specially
with regard to attending the general a ssembly meeting and voting on decisions to
be taken;
6. Internal auditing procedures;
7. Rules for amending the basic law of the association, establishing branches and
merging the association w ith other associations;
8. Conditions of voluntarily dissolving of the society, and the destination of assets
after dissolving th e association
Associations, when drafting their bylaws, shall abide to the model bylaws issued by
the specialized minister
Article (6)
The bylaws of any association shall not stat e that the assets of the association upon
liquidation shall go to any other associations that do not work in the same fields of
activities of the dissolved association declared according to the provisions of this law.
The assets may be given to other associations and private institutions working in other
fields with the approval of the specialized minister.
Article (7)
No association shall have the right to ow n property or any other real estate rights
other than those necessary for the achieveme nt of its aims unless it obtains a special
permit from the specialized administrative body.
This provision shall not apply to the associations working in the field of social care
and on cultural societies. When applying the provision of this law, social care shall
mean health, social and technical care for individuals, families, the society, special
services related to mother and childcare and care for juveniles, old aged people,
handicapped or unemployed and research, st udies, and training related to these
A society shall be considered a cultural soci ety if its purpose is to enhance science,
arts or literature.
Article (8)
The registration application shall be ex amined by the specialized administrative
authority within 30 days as of the day of submitting the application. The application
shall contain the following documents:
1. Two copies of the bylaw of the association signed by all founding members.
The original copy of the bylaw shall be attached if these bylaws are in English;
2. Two copies of the minutes of mee tings of the founding committee stating
names of founding members, their professions, their place of residence and
their signature.
3. A registration fee of 10 JD. This amount may be increased by a decision to be
taken by the specialized minister.
Article (9)
The registration of associati ons shall be made by register ing its bylaws in the special
register prepared by the special administrative authority. A summary of the bylaw of
the association and the registration number shall be published in the official gazette
free of charge.
Article (10)
The specialized administrative authority shall perform the registration procedures
within 60 days of subm itting the application.
Article (11)
The specialized administrative authority sha ll have the right to refuse the registration
of an association if the so ciety does not need its serv ices or if there are other
associations that fulfill the society’s needs in the field of activity the association wants
to practice. It may refuse to register an a ssociation if the creation of such association
undermines the welfare and secur ity of the state; if the premises of the association are
not appropriate on the health or social level for the performance of its activities; if the
association is created to revive another association which has been previously
The applicant shall be notified by the decision of the administrative authority in
writing and reasons for the denial of regi stration shall be stated within the time
specified in the previous article.
If the date specified above elapses without the finalization of registration or without
notifying the applicant of the denial of his application, then the application shall be
considered as refused.
Those who are concerned may complain the decision of refusal within 60 days of
receiving the notificatio n or if the time elapses without being notified or registered.
A justified decision shall be taken with regard to the complain within 60 days as of its
submission to the specialized administra tive body. If 60 days elapse without any
response the complain shall be considered as refused.
Article (12)
If the complain is refused the applicants may contest the decision within 30 days of
being notified or after the el apse of 60 days as of submitting the complain without
receiving any response from the administrative body.
The contest shall take the form of a court cas e to be filed at the High Civil Court. It
shall be according to the provisions of the civil and commercial procedures law. The
court shall have the authority to annul the decision or to refuse the complain if it
violates this law.
Article (13)
Members of labour committees or those en titled to become members of these
committees may not establish associations or leagues to practice activities related to
the work of these committees.
Article (14)
The provisions regarding regi stration shall be applied on every amendment of the
bylaw of the association.
Any amendment not registered and publis hed in the official gazette shall be
considered null.
Article (15)
The employees of the specialized administ rative authority assigned by the specialized
minister for this purpose shall have the ri ght to examine the records and documents of
any association registered according to th is law to ensure compliance with its
Article (16)
Every society shall have an annual budget. If its expenditure or its revenues exceed
the amount of 10 thousand dinars, the board of directors shall present the final
account to a certified auditing office togeth er with supporting documents for auditing.
The auditor shall submit a report on the fina l accounts at least one month before the
convening of the general assembly in its annual meeting. A copy of the final accounts,
the general budget, the reports of the auditor, and the reports of the board of directors
shall be attached to the invitation letter se nt to members who are entitled to attend the
general assembly. These papers shall be also put in an accessible place at the premises
of the association at least 15 days before the convening of th e general assembly.
Article (17)
The association shall deposit its cash money in its registration name at one of the
official banks. It shall notify the spec ialized administrative authority of the bank
name and of any change of bank details within one week of the change.
Article (18)
The association may not get involved in pol itics. It shall not undertake financial
Article (19)
The name of the society, its address, its re gistration number, its field of activity and
its logo shall be mentioned on all bo oks, records and printed material.
Article (20)
No association shall become or join th e membership of any society, club or union
outside the state of Bahrain without a prior permi ssion from the specialized
administrative authority. If 45 days elapse without receiving an answer regarding
joining or participating in other societies, the request shall be considered as denied.
No association may receive money from a foreigner or a foreign body. No association
shall send money to a foreign person or fore ign association without a prior permission
from the specialized administrative author ity except for amounts to buy books, and
scientific and technical books and leaflets.
Article (21)
The specialized minister shall issue a d ecision to organize the licensing of fund
raising activities from the public, holding charity markets, sports competitions and
celebrations and other activities conducted by associations.
The minister may issue special license, w ith special conditions for each case when
Article (22)
Associations shall be under the supervis ion of the specialized administrative body.
This supervision includes the examination of the activities of the association to ensure
their compliance with the law, the bylaws of the association and the decision of the
general assembly.
The employees assigned by the specialized minister (referred to in article 15) shall
undertake the supervision work.
Article (23)
The specialized minister may assign, by a justified decision, and for one year, a
manager or a temporary board of directors to manage the authorities of the board of
directors as stated in the byl aws of the association. This procedure may be taken when
the number of the members of the board of directors becomes less the number needed
for the legal quorum or if the general asse mbly does not convene for two consecutive
years without a reason acceptable by the specialized administrative authority.
Article (24)
The specialized minister may decide to merge one or more associations working to
achieve similar aims. He may unify their management or amend their purposes
according to the needs of the society or to achieve harmony between the services they
provide. He may do so for any other purpose that would achieve the aims of the
When doing so, the aspirations of the founders shall be taken into consideration and
also the purpose of the asso ciation and its services.
The merging decision shall be justified and shall mention means of merging. Thos
concerned shall be immediat ely be informed of the decision and a summary of the
decision shall be published in the official gazette.
The representatives of merged association sh all deliver all assets and documents to the
association they merged with.
The newly formed association shall not be responsible for the obligations of the
association which has merged with it except within the limits of the assets it has
obtained from this association and its rights at the date of merging.
Article (25)
The board of directors of the association to be merged or the association where a
temporary board or manager has been assigned, and its employees may not take and
procedure regarding the asso ciation as of the date they become notified of the
merging decision or the decision to appoi nt a new manager or a temporary board.
The members of the board of directors or those supervising the work of the
association shall deliver to the new manage r or to the temporary board all assets,
records and documents relate d to the association.
The employees of the association shall maintain all documents and assets until they
deliver them to the manager or the temporary board.
Handing over does not release the board or its employees from their financial
obligations according to the provisions of the law.
Article (26)
The manager or the temporary board shall invite the general assembly to convene at
least one month prior to the end of the te rm specified in the assignment decision. The
manager or the temporary board shall submit ad detailed report on the state of affairs
of the association. The general assembly sh all elect a new board of directors in the
same session after taking the special procedur es related to the nomination of the board
members according to the provisions of this law. If the legal quorum is not attained in
this meeting, provisions of article (3 5) of this law shall be followed.
Article (27)
The specialized minister may decide to deprive those whose responsibility for
violations that led to the assignment of a new manager or the assignment of a
temporary board were proved from the right to nominate themselves for the
membership of the new board for a period not exceeding three years.
Article (28)
The specialized minister may ban the implem entation of any decision to be issued by
bodies responsible for the associ ations if such decision violates the law, the bylaw of
the association or the public order and norms.
The association shall have the right to cont est the decision of the minister in the High
Civil Court within 60 days as of being notified of the decision. The court shall rule
quickly in this case.
Chapter Two
The General Assembly
Article (29)
The association is formed of all of active members if they fulfill all their obligations
according to the bylaw of the association and if 6 months elapse as of the date of
joining the association except for the first meeting of the association.
Article (30)
The general assembly shall convene in the main premises of the association. The
board of directors may invite the assembly to convene in another place to be specified
in the invitation letter.
The convening of the general asse mbly shall be according to:
a. an invitation by the boa rd of directors;
b. a request submitted to the board of directors by a number not less of one third
of members who are eligible to attend the general assembly;
c. an invitation by the specialized admi nistrative authority if it deems it
Article (31)
The agenda of the meeting shall be attached to the invitation letter. The meeting shall
not look into matters not stated in the agenda without the prior approval of the
absolute majority of members of the general assembly.
Article (32)
The ordinary general assembly shall convene once every year, 3 months after the end
of the financial year of the association. It sh all look into the following: the budget,
final account, the report of th e board of directors on the activities of the year, the
report of the auditors, and the election of me mber of the board of directors to replace
those whose membership have expired or dr opped, to assign auditors and to look into
other matters the board deems necessary to be listed in the agenda of the meeting.
Article (33)
The specialized administrative authority sh all be informed of every meeting of the
general assembly at least 15 days before holding the meeting. The invitation letter,
the agenda and other documents attached to it shall be sent to the specialized
administrative authority. The specialized administrative authority may assign
whoever it deems necessary to attend the meeting.
Article (34)
The member of the association may assign in writing another member to represent
him in attending the general assembly meeting according to the bylaws of the
association in this regard.
A member may not act on behalf of more than one member.
Article (35)
The meeting of the general assembly shall not be considered legal if not attended by
the absolute majority of its members. If this number is not attained the meeting shall
be postponed. The second session shall conv ene within a period of not less than 8
days and not more than 15 days as of the date of the first meeting according to the
provisions of the bylaws of the association. This meeting shall be legal if attended by
one third of the general assembly members. If the legal quorum is not attained the
meeting shall be postponed to another session to be held within a period of at least 1
hour or a maximum of 15 days according to the bylaws of the association. The
meeting in this case shall be legal if attended by 10 per cent of the members.
Article (36)
The decisions of the general assembly shal l be taken by the absolute majority of
attending members.
For the decisions to be legal the majority of two third of the members shall be needed
to amend the bylaws of the society, for dissolving or expulsion of board member,
merging the association with other association if the bylaws of the association do not
require a higher majority.
Article (37)
A member of the association shall not par ticipate in the discussions of the general
assembly and shall not vote when he has pe rsonal interest in issues under discussion.
Article (38)
The specialized administrative authority sh all receive the minutes of meeting of the
general assembly within 15 days as of the day of the meeting. The minutes of
meeting shall list the decisions taken.
Chapter Three
The Board of directors
Article (39)
Every association shall have a board of dir ectors. The bylaws of the association shall
specify the powers of the board and the methods of electing its members and reasons
for the termination their membership.
Article (40)
The number of the board of directors shall not be less than five and shall not exceed
12 members.
Article (41)
Notwithstanding the provisions of article 73 of this law, the bylaw of the association
shall specify the term of the board of directors. This tem shall not be more than two
consecutive years. The member is entitled to nominate himself for one or more terms.
Article (42)
A board member may not be a board member of more than one association working in
the same field without a prior permissi on from the specialized administrative
A member may not work for a paid salary and be a board member at the same time.
Article (43)
A board member shall enjoy all his civil rights.
The specialized minister may add other conditions on some associations depending on
the purpose of the association.
Article (44)
The board of directors shall manage the affairs of the associati on. It shall undertake
any activity to achieve the aims of the a ssociation. It shall not undertake acts the
bylaw of the association states that a prior approval shall be obtained from the general
assembly before performing these acts.
Article (45)
The specialized administrative authority may request holding a meeting of the board
of directors if it deems it necessary to do so.
Article (46)
A copy of the decision of the board of dire ctors shall be sent to the specialized
administrative authority within 15 days as of the day of the convening of the board
Article (47)
If the specialized minister discovers that the election of the board of directors was
illegal in terms of violating the bylaw of the association or the law, he may annul the
results of elections. In this case, new el ections shall be held within a period of
maximum one month as of the date of annulling the previous election results.
Article (48)
The board of directors may assign a ma nager from among its members and may
authorize him to take decisions with regard to the administrative affairs of the board.
The board may also assign a salaried manage r, salary to be specified by the board. In
this case, the manager shall be considered as a resigned member in case he is a
member of the board.
Chapter Four
Dissolving the Association
Article (49)
The association may voluntarily dissolve itse lf according to its bylaws. It may be
dissolved if a decision to dissolve it is ta ken by the majority of two third of the
members of the general asse mbly, if the bylaws of the association do not require a
higher majority. The decision to dissolve the association shall be published in the
official gazette.
Article (50)
The association may be compulsory dissolved and administratively closed for a
temporary period of not more than 45 days by a decision to be taken by the
specialized minister in the following cases:
1. If it is unable to achieve the aims its was established to achieve;
2. If it uses its assets for purposes other th an those it was established to achieve;
3. If the general assembly does not c onvene for two consecutive years;
4. If it violates the law, th e public order or norms
The specialized minister shall inform th e association with the closure decision by
registered mail. The decision shall be published in the official gazette.
The association may contest the decision to di ssolve or close it at the High Civil Court
within 15 days as of publishing the decision in the official gazette.
The court shall issue its rule quickly.
Article (51)
The members of the association, its employees and its administrative staff shall not be
entitled to perform any activity or to take any decision with regard to the assets of the
association upon notifying them of the deci sion of dissolving the association.
Article (52)
If the association is dissolved, the specia lized administrative authority shall assign a
salaried liquidator for a certa in period. Those responsible for the administration of the
association shall hand over to the liquidator all documents and records of the
association upon his requests. They shall not di spose of the assets of the association or
take any decision with regard to the affairs of the association or its rights without a
written order by the liquidator.
Article (53)
After finalizing the liquidati on, the liquidator shall distribute the remaining amounts
according to the provisions of the bylaws of the association. If no provisions exist, or
the provision mentioned could not be applied, the specialized administrative authority
shall take the decision with regard to the assets of the dissolved association as it
deems necessary.
Article (54)
Members of the board of the dissolved asso ciation whose responsibility is proven for
violations leading the diss olving the association shall be banned from nominating
themselves for the membership of any other boa rd for a period of 5 years as of the day
of the decision to disso lve the association.
Chapter Five
Cultural and Social Clubs
Article (55)
The provisions of article (1) to (54) shall apply to cultural and social clubs.
Section Two
Hosting Houses
Article (56)
Juveniles, old aged people, sick people, or others who need social care may not be
hosted in places allocated fo r this purpose without obtaining a prior permit from the
specialized administrative authority.
The specialized minister shall issue a d ecision explaining the conditions of licensing
these hosting houses and the procedures to obtain the license in order to improve the
level of administrative performance and to ensure proper social, health, psychological
and educational conditions of the hosted people.
Article (57)
In case a violation is committed to the conditions of license, the specialized
administrative authority may withdraw the license. In this case, the hosting house
shall be administratively closed and the sp ecialized administrative authority shall be
Section Three
Special Committees Working in the Field of Youth and Sports
Chapter One
General Provisions
Article (58)
The provisions of article (1) to (54) shall apply on the special committees working in
the field of youth and sports taking into consideration the following provisions:
Article (59)
Sports activities in Bahrain sh all be undertaken by clubs, federations of special sports
games, sports committees members of the federations and the Olympic committee
according to the law.
In applying the provisions of this secti on, clubs are those annexed to the Supreme
Council for Youth and Sports.
Article (60)
The specialized minister shall issue the basic law of clubs, federations of sports games
and the Olympic committee.
Article (61)
All chairmen and members of the board of directors of clubs and sports committees
shall perform their tasks without any remuneration or salary.
Chapter Two
Article (62)
The club is a body formed by a group of i ndividual gathered around one sports or
social idea aiming at spreading sports; soci al education, enhancing the national spirit
among members and preparing the grounds a nd the means to utilize free time in
healthy social, physical and sp iritual activities. The number of founders shall not be
less than 20 natural persons.
Article (63)
Clubs shall not be allowed to involv e in political or religious issues.
Article (64)
Clubs and sports committees active in one spor ts game or more shall adopt the general
policies, programmes, and instructions speci fied by the federation of the game with
regard to the game the club or the committee participate in.
Article (65)
The board of directors of a club many be di ssolved by a justified decision taken by an
extraordinary session of the general assembly or by the specialized minister and a
temporary board shall be appointed for a renewable period to be specified by the
decision in the following cases:
a. Violating this law or th e basic law of the club;
b. If the number of board members becomes below the number needed for the
legal convening of the board;
c. If the higher interests of the state or the public order and security conditions
require such procedure
Chapter Three
Federations of Sports Games
Article (66)
The federation of sports games is a body formed of clubs and committees that have
activities in one or more game in order to organize and coordinate the activities
between them and to spread the game and e nhance its technical level of performance.
The federation for the sports game is techni cally responsible for the affairs of this
game in the State of Bahrain. It supervis es the game according to the rules issued by
the international federation of this game and according to the decision issued by the
specialized minister in this regard.
It is not permissible to form more th an one federation for each sports game.
Article (67)
In order to establish a sport federation, according to the provisions of this law, a
registration application shall be submitted to the specialized administrative authority
by at least 5 registered clubs according to th e provisions of this law. They should
practice the game they want to register its sports federation.
The registration application shall be subj ect to the provisions of this law.
Article (68)
The game federation shall obtain the approval of the Olympic committee and the
specialized administrative authority before participating in Olympic events and other
local, regional, or interna tional events held in Bahr ain or outside Bahrain.
Article (69)
The clubs may not hold competitions with foreign teams inside or outside Bahrain
without a prior approval from the specialized administrative authority and the sports
federation of the game.
Article (70)
No member is allowed to be a board memb er of more than one sports federation.
Chapter Four
The Olympic Committee
Article (71)
The Olympic Committee is a higher sports committee formed of the federations of the
sports games that manages Olympic Games to coordinate the sports activities in
Bahrain and to supervise intern ational participation in the different games. It also
coordinates this activity between the differe nt federations and enhances the technical
level within the general policy designed by the specialized administrative authority.
Article (72)
The Olympic Committee is the only committee to represent Bahrain in Olympic
games whether held inside or outside Bahrain.
The committee alone shall have the right to carry and use the Olympic signs
according to the rules stated in the Olympic Protocol.
No other committee shall use the name of the Olympic Committed. Its name shall not
be used in shops, products or signs without a prior permission from the committee.
Article (73)
The term of the board of directors of th e Olympic Committee and the federations of
sports games shall be 4 years. The member s of the board shall be elected after the
Olympic games whether held or not and whether Bahrain participates or not.
Section Four
Private Institutions
Article (74)
Money allocated for the establishment of a private institution shall be paid by an
official payment document.
The document shall be considered as the constitution of the institution. It shall
contain the following information:
a. The name of the institution, scope of its activities and the location of its
trustees. This location sh all be inside Bahrain.
b. The purpose of the institution;
c. The amounts allocated for this purpose;
d. The administration system of the inst itution be it managed by a board of
trustees, a manager of both. The doc ument may state that the board of
trustees, the manager or both may manage the activities of the institution and
its assets. It may also authorize others to manage the institution while
supervising it. The document shall also include any other information to be
specified by a decision taken by the specialized minister.
Article (75)
A person who founded an institution acco rding to a document may withdraw by
another document before registration.
Article (76)
If the private institution performs charitable, health, educ ational or other kinds of
activities, it shall obtain a license stat ed by the law for such activities from the
specialized authorities according to the laws, regulations , and decision in force before
submitting a registration application.
The activities of the private institution shall comply to all laws, regulations and
decision in force in the state of Bahrain regarding these activities.
Article (77)
The institution shall not obtain its legal identity unless it is registered according to the
provisions of this law and after publishing th e registration in the official gazette and
as of the date of publishing it.
Article (78)
The registration of the privat e institution shall be upon a re quest of its founder, its
board of trustees or its first manager.
Article (79)
All provisions stated in this law shal l apply to the private institution.
Article (80)
The specialized administrative authority sha ll have the right to object the creation of
private institutions. It shall have the ri ght to supervise them and to amend their
bylaws to achieve the ai ms of their creation.
The specialized minister, by a decision issu ed by him, shall organize rules for
objection and supervisions.
Article (81)
The manager or the board of trustees of the private institution shall manage its work
according to its founding document . The am endments introduced by the specialized
administrative authority shall be taken into consideration.
Article (82)
The manager of the private in stitution or its board of trustees shall provide the
specialized administrative authority w ith the budget and final accounts of the
institution supported by relevant documents. It shall also provide the authority with
any other information or documen ts that could be requested.
Article (83)
The private institution is not entitled to accept grants or donations without the prior
written approval of the speciali zed administrative authority.
Article (84)
The specialized minister may release the board of directors of a private institution or
its managers or any member of its board of trustees. He shall ask the High Civil
Court to dismiss the person who he has been released and to assign another person in
his position in the following cases:
a. in case negligence is proved against the person dismissed;
b. in case he does not comply to the law or the document by which he created the
c. if he uses the assets of the institution in activities that are not in line with its
d. If it is proved that he has committed a big violation;
e. For security and public order reasons and for the best interest of the state.
The specialized minister in such cases, may assign a temporary manager until the
High Civil Court issues its judgment. The temporary manager shall have the powers
of the board of trustees or the manager according to the situation.
Article (85)
The manager of the private in stitution or the board of trustees must inform the
specialized administrative au thority of the financial transactions of the private
institution if the value of theses transactions is more than 3000 dinars within one week
time a decision is taken by the private institution to implement such transaction.
The specialized administrative authority may object this transaction within a week of
being notified if this tr ansaction violate the foundi ng document of the private
institution, the law, the public order or norms . If there is an objection, the transaction
shall be annulled.
Concerned persons may contest the decision of the minister in this regard at the High
Civil Court within 60 days as of notifying the institution of the objection. The Court
shall rule in this matter quickly.
Article (86)
The provisions of articles (8, 20, 28, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54) of this
law regarding
associations shall apply to the private institutions.
If the private institution is dissolved, and if all of its activities were outside Bahrain
and all its assets were from outside the country, the amount obtained after liquidation
may be transferred to any institution insi de or outside Bahrain after obtaining the
approval of the specialized administrative authority.
Article (87)
The provisions related to priv ate institutions stated in this law shall not apply to
institutions created or to be created by means of Waqf.
Article (88)
The specialized administrative authority may provide financial assistant to
associations through a special fund to be created for this purpose.
In the budget of this fund, amounts decided by the state and any other donations or
assistance or grants the specialized admini strative authority receives for this purpose
and approved by the minister, shall be registered.
The specialized minister shall issu e a decision organizing this fund.
Section Five
Article (89)
1. Every person who issues, submits or holds a document or record required to be
submitted or held by law which contains false information knowing that it
contains such information. Every person who intentionally give such
documents to a body not entitled to receive it or anybody who intentionally
hide documents that the law obliges to be submitted;
2. Every person who starts an activity with private institution, cultural or social
club or any special committee working in the field of youth and sports
association before the announcement of its registration in the official gazette
according to the provisions of this law.
3. Every person who starts an activity with private institution, cultural or social
club or any special committee working in the field of youth and sports
association, that is not in line with the purpose of these associations. Every
person who spends assets of associati ons on activities that do not achieve the
purpose of the association or any person w ho uses the assets of the association
in financial predictions;
4. Every person who allows other members not registered in the records of the
association, private institution, social and cultural clubs, or the special
committee working in the field of youth and sports to participate in its
discussions or the discussions of the general assembly;
5. Every person who continues to participat e in the activities of an association,
private institution, social and cultural clubs, or the special committee working
in the field of youth and sports or dis poses of its assets after publishing the
dissolving decision in the official gazet te. Every body shall be considered as
notified of the decision when this decision is published in the official gazette.
6. Every person who disposes of the assets and money of an association, private
institution, social and cultural clubs, or the special committee working in the
field of youth and sports when there is a dissolving decision taken unless the
law otherwise provides;
7. Every person who raised funds not in accordance with the provisions of this
law. Amounts collected may be confiscated and spent for charity or sports
8. Every person who refuses to hand over assets, cash money, documents and
files related to an associa tion, private institution, soci al and cultural clubs, or
the special committee working in the fiel d of youth and sports when there is a
merging decision taken with other bodies to those responsible in those bodies.
This also applies to persons who refuse to hand over such assets, cash, etc… to
the new temporary manager or temporary boa rd of trustees of all bodies stated
shall be sentenced to imprisonment for a period not exceeding six months and a fine
not exceeding 500 dinars or by one of these penalties.
Article (90)
Any person who violates the provisions of paragraphs (2 and 3) of article (72) of this
law shall be sentenced to imprisonment for a period not exceeding two weeks and a
fine not exceeding 100 dinars or by one of these penalties.
The subject of the violation shall be conf iscated. The judge may rule to close the
committee or body depending on the case.
If the violation is committed again, the person who committed it shall be sentenced to
imprisonment for a period not exceeding one month and a fine not exceeding 50
dinars or one of these penalties.
Article (91)
Any violation to this law or the decisions issued by the specialized minister shall be
punished by a fine of not more than 50 dinars.
Article (92)
The application of the provisi on of this law shall not contradict any severer penalties
stated in any other law.
Article (93)
The employees assigned by the minister to appl y the provisions of this law shall have
the authority of investigating referred to crimes, issue necessary minutes and
memorandums with their regard, questi on violators, and refer minutes and
memorandums to the general prosecutor.
Section Six
Concluding Provisions
Article (94)
The provisions of this law shall apply to existing associations, social and cultural
clubs, special committees working in the fi eld of youth and sports when this law
enters into force. These bodies shall amend their bylaws and their registration
application in compliance with the provisions of the law within a period of one year
as of the day this law enters into force. Otherwise, bodies who do not abide to above
shall be considered as dissolved and a liq uidator shall be assigned for these bodies.
Article (95)
If the specialized administrative authority re fuses to re-register the association or the
special committee working in the field of youth and sports within a period of six
months as of the day of submitting the appl ication, in compliance with the provisions
of the previous article, the association or the special committee shall be considered as
dissolved and a liquidator shal l be assigned. If this time elapses without concluding
registration or notifying the a pplicant of refusing his applic ation, then the application
shall be considered as denied.
Article (96)
Every association, club or special committee working in the field of youth and sports
re-registered according to the provisions of the two previous articles, shall restructure
the formation of its board of directors accord ing to the new bylaw within three months
as of the date of publishing regist ration in the official gazette.
Notwithstanding above, the board of direct ors of associations, clubs and special
committees working in the field of youth and sports when this law enters int
o force,
and the executive committees of these bodies, shall continue their work on a
temporary basis until new boards and committees are formed.
Article (97)
The provisions of articles (56 and 57) shall apply to the existing hosting houses when
this law enters into force.
Existing institutions hosting people referred to in article (56) of this law when this law
enters into force shall submit a licensing a pplication to practice such activity during a
period of one year as of the day this law enters into force.