Measures for the Annual Inspection of Foundations

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Measures for the Annual Inspection of Foundations Order of the Ministry of Civil Affairs (No. 30) The Measures for the Annual Inspection of Foundations, which were passed at the 6th executive meeting of the Ministry of Civil Affairs, are hereby promulgated and shall be effective from the date of the promulgation. Minister Li Xueju January 12, 2006 Áö M_°÷E
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E= °Article 1 The present Measure is formulated according to the provisions of item (1) of Article 34 as well as Article 36 of the Regulations on Foundation Administration (hereinafter referred to as the Regulations) for the purpose of strengthening the administration of foundations as well as representative offices of overseas foundations to promote the development of the public welfare industry. »BH¹F <Áö„â“Áö}V¥5 ØÉm Y<?Zô uÁö5 ØH èv [/eëuH èv» Ø E ¹H»B[a» Ø E BH¥?çÅç'÷EbArticle 2 The term “annual inspection of foundations” as mentioned herein refers to the registration and management organ for foundations carrying out a annual inspection that ensures that the standards on the activities held by the foundations and representative offices of overseas foundations adhere to the »=HÁö M_° ^·Áö¨:5 Ø1GE¿ MÁöaâ“Áö}VN oE paE?a?c„cñ 7Zî¥ f ƒ L @Sü5 Ø¥Åb laws, legislations, regulations, and the constitution. Article 3 Any foundation or representative office of an overseas foundation shall, before March 31 of each year, send to the registration and management organ for foundations its annual work report of the previous year, which has been examined and approved by the professional supervising unit which is subject to the examination of the registration and management organ. » ØHÁöaâ“Áö}V‹’¿ Ä M ° -_¨:5 Ø1 ÂÜ<ö5†Ê ,°]i¥ B M¥ MýTᤠs¨:5 Ø1_°b M1'  ¹ZE? ÉArticle 4 An annual work report shall include the following contents: financial statements, auditing reports produced by certified accountants, donations, acceptance of donations, offers of funding, and similar activities as well as any alteration of the staff or organization. The financial statement shall comply with the contents and requirements as prescribed by the Accounting System for Non-profit Organizations. A certified public accountant shall, when auditing any report, show proof of the uniform acceptance by the accounting firm as well as evidence of the commission contract from the audited foundations and representative offices of overseas foundations. When any donation, acceptance of donation, or offer of funding is carried out, foundations should carry out the action of publicly announcing such actions. . With regard to any conditions of alteration of any staff or organization, they should follow the processes determined by the regulations., These should be recorded. In addition, the minutes of a re-election meeting of a foundation as well as the auditing on financial statements before a change in the legal representative should be recorded. » ¹H MýTᥠ= ¸‹’ “ö9áaÿ¨ö9 = ,9á 7Z  a¤ s <a4'ù©î¥ f ƒ[# ¦ô„¥Mî f ƒ©bö9á‹’˜†u öWd æF®ö9Åv?ç¥ = ¸„1 p ÿ¨ö9 = ,9á‹’µÿ¨ö9 = Y îdB s ØiÐ$ ,9¥Áöaâ“Áö}V &辆]¥£ ü 7Z  a¤ s <a4'ù©î f ƒ‹’µÁö k›ƒl¥ f ƒ ¦ô„Mî f ƒ‹’µ¿v?ç÷ ØM÷¨: f ƒ[#Áöн¥öp@1„÷ÐEç}V ¦­ -É› ,9¥ f ƒ©bArticle 5 In the process of an annual inspection, the registration and management organ may require the foundation, representative office of an overseas foundation or relevant personnel to make supplementary »ôH M_°VñϨ:5 Ø1 V[1 pÁöaâ“Áö}V€µ1 ¦ôü MýTáÏ #¥µ1Ù5É›€ ª üA1 H V[É› L¹_ explanations on relevant problems involved in an annual work report, and may at any time, where it so requires, carry out an on-site inspection. °bArticle 6 Upon an inspection conducted by the registration and management organ, a foundation or representative office of an overseas foundation may, where it had a good performance on the observance of laws, regulations, rules and constitutions in the previous year, be deemed as qualified in the annual inspection. » BHܨ:5 Ø1 ,°Áöaâ“Áö}V B MN oE paE?a?c„cñ¥ f ƒ z Àµ´E´? f™¥ ªç¹ M_†ìbArticle 7 Where a foundation or representative office of an overseas foundation is under any of the following circumstances, the registration and management organ shall make a conclusion of “roughly qualified upon annual inspection” or “unqualified upon annual inspection” according to the degree of circumstances: (1) Violating the provisions of paragraph 2 of Article 39 of the Regulation by failing to use the donated assets according to relevant agreement on donation; (2) Violating the provisions of Article 40 of the Regulation by unlawfully establishing any branch or representative office of a foundation; (3) Being under any of the circumstances as prescribed in Article 42 of the Regulation where an administrative punishment shall be given; (4) Any director, supervisor or full-time staff violating the provisions of paragraph 2 of Article 43 of the Regulation by dividing, embezzling or misappropriating any asset of the foundation; or (5) Violating the relevant provisions of the Regulation on the administration of foundation organization. » þHÁöaâ“Áö}Vµ/  f™­B¥¨:5 Ø1‹’ j f« ^×sYT M_'†ìa M_‚†ì¥² ‚ B´QuH èv» Ø EôH»= {?ç‚¿v <xp P¨ <Á¥  =´QuH èv» ¹ EH?ç ü1 ! ëÁös¦a}V¥  Ø µuH èv» ¹ E=H?祋’óÍ›Ÿ)@¥ f™­B¥  ¹´QuH èv» ¹ E ØH»= {?çÁö Ø YaS Y#¯ýT ¦ô ²sa S]a s¨ÁöÁ¥  ô´QuH èv1¿ÁöF®5 ØZ ëµ Where the registration and management organ makes a conclusion of “roughly qualified upon annual inspection” or “unqualified upon annual inspection”, it shall order the relevant foundation or representative office of an overseas foundation to carry out rectification and reform within a time limit, and give an administrative punishment thereto according to the circumstances and relevant provisions of the Regulation. 1?ç¥b¨:5 Ø1T'†ì€‚†ì M_² ‚ª‹’3 7¾Áö€â“Áö}VK ùœ¿i j f ƒG uH èvµ1?çóÍ›Ÿ)@bArticle 8 During the period which a foundation or representative office of an overseas foundation that fails to pass the annual inspection carries out rectification and reform, the registration and management organ shall not approve any of its application for alteration of its name or business scope or for the establishment of any branch, sub-branch or representative office. The registration and management organ shall request the tax authority to order the relevant foundation or representative office of an overseas foundation to make up the tax deduction or exemption it has enjoyed during the period of the continuance of its illegal acts. »ÖH M_°‚†ì¥Áöaâ“Áö}Vœ¿ ùW¨:5 Ø1‚ÍM÷ ë€<S¶‚Í ! ës¦€}Vb¨:5 Ø1‹’4 h ¥13 7€Œ´E›¹ià ùW îZ s¥ ¥ lh çbArticle 9 Where any foundation, branch, sub-branch or representative office of a foundation or representative office of an overseas foundation is found to be under any of the circumstances as prescribed in Article 41 of the Regulation upon an annual inspection, the registration and management organ shall revoke its registration according to law. »ôHYV M_°?CÁöaÁös¦aÁö}V€â“Áö}VµuH èv» ¹ EBH?ç¥ f™­B¥¨:5 Ø1‹’GEÜg¨:bArticle 10 Where any foundation or representative office of an overseas foundation refuses to attend an annual inspection without any justifiable reason, the registration and management organ shall order it to stop its business and publicize the situation to the general public. » EHÁöaâ“Áö}Víž’ Ø®‚•F M_¥®¨:5 Ø13 7T¸îi_ öáb Article 11 Where any foundation or representative office of an overseas foundation refuses to accept an annual inspection for 2 consecutive years, the registration and management organ shall revoke its registration according to law. » EBHÁöaâ“Áö}V õà  M‚¤ s M_¥®¨:5 Ø1GEÜg¨:bArticle 12 Where an annual inspection is concluded, the registration and management organ shall publicize the annual inspection result to the general public and report it to the professional supervisory unit. A foundation or representative office of an overseas foundation shall, when passing an annual inspection carried out by the registration and management organ, publicize its annual work report on the media as designated by the registration and management organ so as to be subject to the inquiry and supervision of the general public. » E=H›î M_°ª¨:5 Ø1‹’_ öá M_°²Ti_<ö5†ÊYbÁöaâ“Áö}V‹’YV¨:5 Ø1¥ M_°ª| MýTá¨:5 Ø1·ç¥ Â8 ƒ¤ s öÙ¥°ØaSübArticle 13 The format and model text of an annual work report shall be formulated by the department of civil affairs of the State Council. » E ØH MýTá¥ì TÓ'®Sý öŸ† ÊÅçbArticle 14 The present Measures shall become effective on the day of promulgation. Translated and reviewed by Shin-yee Yu and Shawn Shieh » E ¹H'÷E1ƒ­ °  @›b