Proclamation To Provide For The Registration And Regulation Of Charities And Societies

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  • Country: Ethiopia
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  • Document Type: Domestic Law or Regulation
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Negarit G. P.O.Box 80001

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Proclamation No. 621/2009

Charities and Societies Pr oclamation ………..Page 4521

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QÑS”ÓYƒ ›”kê ፶5 (1 ) SW[ƒ ¾T>Ÿ}K¨< ታውጇል :: ¡õM ›”É ÖpLL 1 . ›ß` ርEስ ÃI ›ªÏ & ¾uÑA ›É^ÑAƒ É`Ï„‹“ TQ u^ƒ ›ªÏ lØ` 6)!1/2 ךְ 1& }wKA K=Öke ËLM:: PROCLAMATION NO. 621/2009. PROCLAMATION TO PROVIDE FOR THE REGISTRATION AND REGULATION OF CHARITIES AND SOCIETIES WHEREAS, it is found necessary to enact a law in order to ensure the realization of citizens’ right to association enshrined in the Constitution of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia; WHEREAS, it is found essential to promulgate a law to aid and facilitate the role of Charities and Societies in the overall development of Ethiopian peoples; NOW, THEREFORE , in accordance with Article 55(1) of the Constitution of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, it is hereby proclaimed as follows: SECTION ONE GENERAL 1. Short Title This Proclamation may be cited as the “Charities and Societies Proclamation No.621/2009.” አםףአוስـኛ ዓאُ qÜ_R @5 አዲስ አበוֹ የካٌُ 6 qN 2ךְ 1 ዓ .ו 15th Year No.25 ADDIS ABABA 13 th February, 2009 ZZZDEVVLQLDODZFRP gA ØÁ‰L ነU¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R @5 የካቲት 6 qN 2ሺ1 ›.M Federal Negarit Gazeta No. 25 13 th February, 2009 …. page 4522 2. ƒ`ÕT@ u²=I ›ªÏ ¨ÁcØ “MJ’ ue}k`&

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ክልል uLÃ በሆኑ ማህበራት፤

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በውጭ A ገር በጎ A ድራጎት ድርጅቶች
Eና በIትዮጵያ ነዋሪዎች ¾uጎ
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K=¡ S”Óeƒ Ò` uT>Å[Ó eUU’ƒ
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c¨<’ƒ ÁK¨< ¾ôÈ^M S”ÓYƒ SY]Á u?ƒ J• u²=I ›ªÏ }slTEM:: 16/ “Religious Organization” means an institute- ion established by believers to organize and propagate their religion and shall not include organizations established for the achievement of any charitable purpose as defined in this proclamation or charities established by the religious organizations. 3 . Scope of Application 1/ This proclamation shall be applicable to; a) Charities or Societies that operate in more than one regional state or Societies whose members are from more than one regional state; b) Foreign Charities and Ethiopian Resident Charities and Societies even if they operate only in one regional state; c) Charities or Societies operating inthe City Administration of Addis Ababa or Dire- Dawa. 2/ This proclamation shall not be applicable to; a) religious organizations; b) international or foreign organizations operating in Ethiopia by virtue of an agreement with the Government of The Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia; c) “Edir”, “Ekub” and other similar cultural or religious associations; d/ Societies governed by other laws. SECTION TWO CHARITIES AND SOCIETIES AGENCY 4. Establishment 1/ The Charities and Societies Agency (hereinafter referred to as the “Agency”) is hereby established by this Proclamation with its own legal personality and as an institution of the Federal Government. 4 ¹þ 5)@4 ZZZDEVVLQLDODZFRP gA ØÁ‰L ነU¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R @5 የካቲት 6 qN 2ሺ1 ›.M Federal Negarit Gazeta No. 25 13 th February, 2009 …. page 4525 2/ ›?Ë”c=¨< }Ö]’~ KT>’>e‚ ÃJ“M::

5 . ¾›?Ë”c=¨< ›LT −‹ ›?Δc=¨< ¾T>Ÿ}K<ƒ ¯LT −‹ Õ ታM& 1/ ¾uÑA ›É^ÑAƒ É`Ï„‹“ TIu^ƒ E”Ç= eóñ“ }M° ኳ†¨<” uQ ግ SW[ƒ E”Ç=¨Ö< Te‰M“ ማበረታታት & 2/ ¾uÑA ›É^ÑAƒ É`Ï„‹“ TIu^ƒ ›W ^` ÓMê’ƒ“ }ÖÁm’ƒ ¾cð’uƒ K=J” ¾T>‹Muƒ” ሁኔታ Sõጠ`&
3/ ¾uÑA ›É^ÑAƒ É`Ï„‹“ TIu^ƒ uQግ
SW[ƒ መስራታቸውን ማረጋገጥ ፡፡

6. ¾›?Ë”c=¨< YM×”“ }Óv^ƒ 1 / ›?Ë”c=¨< ¾T>Ÿ}K<ƒ YM×”“ }Óv^ƒ ይኖሩታል & G / u²=I ›ªÏ SW[ƒ KuÑA ›É^ÑAƒ É`Ï„‹“ TQu^ƒ ðnÉ SeÖƒ' SS´Ñw“ Sq×Ö`& K / ¾uÑA ›É^ÑAƒ É`Ï„‹“ TIu^ƒ ¾}hK ›W^` Eንዲኖራቸው ማበረታ ታት፣ N / ከሥልጣንና ተግባሩ Ò` Ó”–<’ƒ ÁL† ¨<” S[Í −‹ Tcvcw' መተንተን' Tc^Úƒ& S / ¾uÔ ›É^Ôƒ É`Ï„‹“ TIu^ƒን ምዝገባ በሚመለከት መረጃ በÒ²?× Td}U“ Tc^Úƒ& W / ¾S”ÓYƒ ›"Lƒ Eና ¾uÑA ›É^ ÑAƒ É`Ï„‹“ TIu^ƒ ¾T>d}ñ
v†¨< ን ¾U¡¡` SÉ[¢‹ T²Ò ˃& [ / ¯LT¨<” KTd"ƒ ¾T>Áe‹M ¾¨< d’@ Gdw KT>’>e‚ Tp[w&
c/ KU´Ñv“ ðnÉ ØÁo ¾T>Ák`u< ¾uÑA ›É^ÑAƒ É`Ï„‹ ¨ÃU TIu^ƒ Ñ<Çà ŸT>SKŸ}¨< ²`õ ›e}ÇÇ] Ò` uSS"Ÿ` S`Ua S¨c”& 2/ The Agency shall be accountable to the Ministry . 5. Objectives of the Agency The Agency shall have the following objectives: 1/ to enable and encourage Charities and Societies to develop and achieve their purposes in accordance with the law; 2/ to creat a situation in which the operation of Charities and Societies is transparent and accountable; 3/ to ensure that Charities and Societies operate legally. 6. Powers and Functions of the Agenc y 1/ The Agency shall have the following powers and functions: a) to license, register, and supervise Charities and Socie ties in accordance with this Proclamation; b) to encourage Charities and Societies to have better administration; c) collect, analyze and disseminate information that has connection with its powers and functions; d) publish and distribute information about the registration of Charities and Societies in the Gazette; e) organize consultative forum for governmental organs and Charities and Societies; f) to make proposals to the Ministry on matters relating to meeting its objectives; g) take decisions, in cooperation with the concerned Sector Administrator, on the application of Charities and Societies for registration and license; 4 ¹þ 5)@5 ZZZDEVVLQLDODZFRP gA ØÁ‰L ነU¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R @5 የካቲት 6 qN 2ሺ1 ›.M Federal Negarit Gazeta No. 25 13 th February, 2009 …. page 4526 g/ u›ªÏ lØ` 3)"4/09)(5 (Eንደተሻ ሻለ ) eKc’Ê‹ T[ÒÑØ“ U´Ñv ¾}Å’ÑѨ< Eንደተጠበቀ ሆኖ የዘለቄታ uÔ ›É^Ôƒ Eና ¾›Å^ uÔ ›É^Ôƒ ድርጅት c’ ዶችን T[ÒÑØ“ መመ ዝገብ & k/ KT>c׆¨< ›ÑMÓKA„‹ uS”Ó Yƒ uT>çÉk¨< }S” SW[ƒ ¾›ÑMÓKAƒ ¡õÁ −‹” Scwcw& u / ¾”w[ƒ vKu?ƒ SJ”' ¨ J• c=ÁÑ–¨< u²=I ›ªÏ ¾}cÖ<ƒ” YM×”“ }Óv^ƒ u¨<¡ M“ SeÖƒ& Eና † / ¯LT −‡” KTd"ƒ ›eðLÑ> ¾J’< K?KA‹ }Óva‹” SðçU:: 2/ u²=I ›”kê ”®’>eƒ ¾c’Ê‹ T[Ò
ÑÝ“ U´Ñv êIðƒ u?ƒ u›?Ë”c=¨< pØ` Óu= p`”Ýõ Eንዲከፍት ¨ÃU W^}™‡” Eንዲመድብ K=Á´ ËLM:: 7. ¾›?Ë”c=¨< ›sU ›?Ë”c=¨<' 1 / ¾ በጎ A ድራጎት ድርጅቶችና ማህበራት x`É (Ÿ²=I u%EL & x`É & Eየተባለ ¾T>Ö^)’

2 / uS”ÓYƒ ¾T>jU ª“ ÇÃ_¡}`’ Eና
3/ Aስፈላጊ ሠራተኞች፤

8. ¾x`Æ ›vL ት
1 / x`Æ cwdu=¨<” ÚUa uS”ÓYƒ ¾T>
c¾S< ሰባት ›vLƒ ይኖሩታል፡፡ 2 / በዚህ Aንቀጽ ንU ስ A ንቀጽ (1) መሰረት ከሚሰየሙ የቦርድ Aባላት መካከል ሁለቱ ከበጎ A ድራጎት ድርጅቶችና ከማህበራት የተውጣጡ ይሆናሉ፡፡ 9 . ¾x`Æ YM×”“ }Óv` x`Æ ¾T>Ÿ}K<ƒ YM×”“ ተÓv^ƒ ይኖሩ ታል & h) without prejudice to the provisions of Proclamation No. 334/2003 (as amended), to exercise the powers of registration and authentication of documents with regard to Charitable Endowments and Charitable Trusts; i) to collect fees for the services it renders in accordance with the rate to be approved by the Government; j) to own property, enter into contract, sue and be sued in its own name; k) to delegate, when it deems necessary, the powers and functions given to it by this Proclamation; and l) carryout such other activities necessary for the attainment of its objectives. 2/ Notwithstanding sub-article 1(h) of this Article, the Minister may order the Office of Documents Authentication and Registration to open a branch office in the premises of the Agency or assign its employee 7. Organization of the Agency The Agency shall have: 1/ A Charities and Societies Board (hereinafter referred to as the “Board”); 2/ A Director General to be appointed by the Government; and 3/ The necessary staff. 8. Members of the Board 1/ The Board shall have seven members, including its Chairperson, to be nominated by the government. 2/ Among the board members who are appointed in accordance with sub- article (1) of this Article, two of them shall be nominated from the Charities and Societies. 9. Powers and Functions of the Board The Board shall have the following powers and functions: 4 ¹þ 5)@6 ZZZDEVVLQLDODZFRP gA ØÁ‰L ነU¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R @5 የካቲት 6 qN 2ሺ1 ›.M Federal Negarit Gazeta No. 25 13 th February, 2009 …. page 4527 1/ Ÿ²=I ›ªÏ ›ðéçU Ò` }ÁÃዞ የT>’c< ¾þK=c= Ñ<ÇÄ‹” S`Ua ¾¨’>e‚ Ák`vM&

2 / ¾uÑA ›É^ÑAƒ É`Ï„‹ Eና TIu^ƒ
›e}ÇÅ`” u}SKŸ} KT>ÁÒØS< ‹Ó a‹ SõƒN? Ãc×M& 3/ ¾›?Ë”c=¨< ª“ ÇÃ_¡}` uT>cÖ¨< ¨k`u< ÃÓv™‹” S`Ua èe“M& 4 / u²=I ›ªÏ SW[ƒ u›?Ë”c=¨< ¾T>¨Ö< SS]Á −‹” S`Ua ÁçÉnM& 5/ uª“ ÇÃ_¡} ¾T>k`u²? ÃcucvM& J•U
Eንደ Aስፈላጊነቱ uT“†¨²? ›e†”DÃ
ewcv K=ÁÅ`Ó Ã‹LM::
2 / ux`Æ ewcv ŸÓTi uLÃ ¾T>J’<ƒ ›vLƒ Ÿ}Ñ–< UM®} Ñ J• ከሚኒስቴሩ በሚሰጠው Aጠቃላይ
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[ƒ ÃkØ^M’ Áe}ÇÉ^M&

1/ deliberates on and makes recommendations to the Minister on policy matters concerning the
implementation of this Proclamation;
2/ gives solutions to problems that arise in connection with the administration of
Charities and Societies;
3/ hears appeals from decisions of the Director
General in accordance with this
4/ approves directives to be issued by the
5/ decides on other matters concerning Charities and Societies submitted to it by the Director
10. Meetings of the Board

1/ The Board shall meet once every month. It may; however, conduct emergency sessions
as may be deemed necessary.

2/ There shall be a quorum where more than half
of its members are present.

3/ Decisions of the Board shall be made by a majority vote; in case of a tie, however, the
Chairperson shall have a casting vote.

4/ Without prejudice to the provisions of this Article, the Board may prescribe its own
rules of procedure.
11. Powers and Function s of the Director

1/ The Director General shall be the chief executive of the Agency and shall, according to the general
directions given to him by the Ministry, direct and
administer the activities of the Agency.

2/ Without prejudice to the generalities of sub-Article (1) of this Article, the Director
General shall:
a) exercise the powers and functions of the
Agency specified under Article 6 of this
b) employ and administer the employees of the
Agency in accordance with regulations issued
by the Government following basic principles
of Federal Civil Service Laws ;

4 ¹þ 5)@7

gA ØÁ‰L ነU¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R @5 የካቲት 6 qN 2ሺ1 ›.M Federal Negarit Gazeta No. 25 13 th February, 2009 …. page


N/ ¾›?”Ëc=¨<” ¾Y^ S`N Ów`“ u˃ Á²ÒÍM' በሚኒስቴሩ c=çÉpU Y^ Là Á¨Å[Ñ< T“† ¨<”U Ó”–<’„‹ u}SKŸ} ›?Ë”c= ¨<” è¡LM& [/ ¾›?Ë”c=¨<” ¾Y^ ›ðéçU“ ¾H>
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uŸòM K›?Ë”c=¨< ¾Y^ ሃ Lò−‹“ W^}™‹ u¨<¡M“ K=Áe}LMõ ËLM:: 02 . u˃ ¾›?Ë”c=¨< u˃ uS”ÓYƒ ÃSÅvM:: 03. ¾H>dw S³Ówƒ

1/ ›?Ë”c=¨< ¾}TEK<“ ƒ¡¡K— ¾J’< ¾H>dw
S³Ówƒ ÃóM::
2 / ¾›?Ë”c=¨< ¾H>dw S³Ówƒ“ K?KA‹ Ñ”
²w ’¡ c’Ê‹ uª“¨< *Ç=}` ¨ÃU uª“¨< *Ç=}` uT>c¾U *Ç=}` uÁS~
ÃS[S^K<:: ¡õM Zeƒ ¾uÑA ›É^ÑAƒ É`Ï„‹ ”®cØ }sU ’¨<:: 2 / “¾uÔ ›É^Ôƒ ¯LT ” ¾T>Ÿ}K<ƒ” ያካትታል & G / ÉI’ƒ” ¨ÃU ›ÅÒ” SŸLŸM' Sk’e ¨ÃU Te¨ÑÉ& c) prepare the work programme and budget of the Agency; and implement same upon approval by the Ministry; d) effect expenditure in accordance with the budget and work programme approved for the Agency; e) represent the Agency in all its dealings with third parties; f) prepare and submit to the Ministry the activity and financial reports of the Agency. 3/ The Director General may delegate part of the directorial powers and functions to officials and employees of the Agency to the extent necessary for the efficient performance of the activities of the Agency. 12. Budget The budget of the Agency shall be allocated by the Government. 13. Books of Account 1) The Agency shall keep complete and accurate books of account. 2) The Agency’s books of account and any other financial documents shall, every year, be inspected by the General Auditor or by the Auditor who is assigned by the General Auditor. SECTION THREE CHARITIES Sub-Section One General 14. Definition 1) “A Charity” means an institution, which is established exclusively for charitable purposes and gives benefit to the public. 2) “Charitable Purposes” shall include: a) the prevention or alleviation or relief of poverty or disaster; 4¹þ 5)@8 ZZZDEVVLQLDODZFRP gA ØÁ‰L ነU¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R @5 የካቲት 6 qN 2ሺ1 ›.M Federal Negarit Gazeta No. 25 13 th February, 2009 …. page 4529 K/ ¾ Iኮኖሚና ማህበራዊ Eድገት Eና ¾›"vu= Øun” ¨ÃU ThhM” TóÖ”& N / የEንስሳት ÅQ”’ƒ” Teóóƒ& S/ ƒUI`ƒ” Teóóƒ& W / Ö?”’ƒ” ¨ÃU Qèƒ TÇ”” T^SÉ& [ / Øuw”' vQM”' p`e” ¨ÃU XÔe” TÇu`& c / ›T}` eþ`ƒ”“ ¾¨×„‹” Åֱ”’ƒ Teóóƒ& g / u°ÉT@' u›"M E“ በAE ምሮ Ñ<ǃ' uÑ”²w ¨ÃU uK?KA‹ U¡ ”Á„‹ ¾}†Ñƒ” መታደግ & k/ ¾›Ñ]~” ¾[ÏU Ñ>²? ¾MTƒ ›p
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Application for Registration

1/ The registration of a Charitable Endowment may not be sought during the lifetime of the
founder, except by the founder
herself/himself or a person designated for
that purpose.

2/ After the death of the founder, it shall be sought by the person to whom the founder
has entrusted such task and who has accepted
it or the executors of the founder’s will.

3/ In default of the persons in Sub-article (1) and
(2), it shall be sought by those persons who
have drawn up the act of Endowment or who
have been witnesses to it or who hold that act
in deposit.

4/ Where the persons who are bound to seek the
registration of the Charitable Endowment fail
to do so, the registration of the Charitable
Endowment may be sought, three months
after the death of its author, by any
interested party or by the Agency.
5/ The Agency shall draw up model rules for Charitable Endowments that may be of aid to
those wishing to use such model.

18. Revocation of an Act of Charitable Endowment

1/ The founder of an endowment may revoke it
so long as the Charitable Endowment has not
been registered by the Agency.

2/ The heirs of the fo under may only exercise
such right of revocation where the Charitable
Endowment has not been registered by the
Agency within 6 months from an application
having been made to Agency with a view to
obtaining its registration.

19. Structure of Charitable Endowments

Any Charitable Endowment shall be organized
with the structure of Board of Management,
Manager, Auditor and other departments as may
be necessary.

4 ¹þ 5)#1

gA ØÁ‰L ነU¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R @5 የካቲት 6 qN 2ሺ1 ›.M Federal Negarit Gazeta No. 25 13 th February, 2009 …. page


፳. ¾Y^ ›S^` x`É Ø”p`

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3/ የዘለቄታ ¾uÔ ›É^Ôƒ É`Ï~” uS}Ç
Å]Á Å”u< Sc[ƒ Áe ተÇÉ^M:: ፳2 . ¾Y^ ›S^` x`Æ ewcv −‹ 1 / ¾Y^ ›S^` x`Æ በዘለቄታ uÔ ›É^ Ôƒ É`Ï~ S}ÇÅ]Á Å”w u}SKŸ }¨< SW[ƒ ÃcucvM:: 2 / የዘለቄታ uÔ ›É^Ôƒ É`Ï~ ¾Y^ ›S ^` x`É ¨ÁdMð¨< uÉ Uê wMÝ ÃJ“M:: ፳3. Kx`Æ ›vLƒ ¾T>ðìS< ¡õÁ −‹ 1 / በዘለቄታ uÔ ›É^Ôƒ É`Ï~ S}ÇÅ]Á Å”w ¨ÃU uT“†¨Å[Ó ¾¨Ü
T””h Eንደ ¡õÁ ›ÃqÖ`U::
፳4 . ¾Y^ ›eŸ=ÁÌ YM×”“ }Óv^ƒ

የዘለቄታ uÔ ›É^Ôƒ É`σ Y^ ›eŸ=ÁÏ’
1 / ¾²Ko uÔ ›É^Ôƒ É`Ï~” Y^
ÃS^M’ É`Ï~” uS}ÇÅ`Á Å”u< SW[ƒ Áe}ÇÉ^M& 20. Composition of the Board of Management 1/ Where the members of the Board of Management are not appointed by the founder or by aperson designated by the founder the Agency shall facilitate the appointment of such members. 2/ Where a member of the Board is, for any reason, unable to perform his duties, a new member shall be appointed according to the rules of the Endowment . 3/ The number of members of the Board shall in no case be less than three. 21. Powers and Functions of the Board of Management The Board of Management shall have the following powers and functions: 1/ it shall be the supreme organ of the Charitable Endowment; 2/ appoint a Manager who shall be responsible to manage the Endowment or dismiss the same; and 3/ administer the Endowment as per its rules. 22. Meetings of the Board of Management 1/ The Board of Management shall meet as prescribed by the rules of the Charitable Endowment. 2/ The decisions of the Board of Management shall be taken by majority. 23. Remuneration of Board Members 1/ A Member of the Board shall not be entitled to remuneration unless a provision about his entitlement to remuneration has been made, by the Charitable Endowment's rules or by any law. 2/ Payments made in connection with covering costs incurred by Board Members for the purpose of attending Board meeting shall not be considered as remuneration. 24. Powers and Functions of the Manager The manager of the Endowment shall: 1/ direct the work of the Charitable Endowment and administer the E ndowment pursuant to its rules; 4 ¹þ 5)#2 ZZZDEVVLQLDODZFRP gA ØÁ‰L ነU¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R @5 የካቲት 6 qN 2ሺ1 ›.M Federal Negarit Gazeta No. 25 13 th February, 2009 …. page 4533 2/ ŸZe}— ¨Ñ•‹ Ò` uT>Å[Ñ< Ó”–<’„‹ É`Ï~” è¡LM& 3/ ¾Y^ ›S^` x`Æ ¨Xw ]þ`„‹” KY^ ›S^` x`Æ
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SY^‡ የዘለቄታ uÔ ›É^Ôƒ É`Ï~ }ÖnT>
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Ò` ÃeTTM wKA uT>ÑU}¨< SMŸ< }ÖnT>
− ‹” K=¨e” ËLM::

”®Å`c< c −‹ KuÑA ›É^ÑAƒ }Óv^ƒ w‰ ¾T>ssU ¾uÑA ›É^ÑAƒ
É`σ ’¨<:፡ 2/ የዘለቄታ uÔ ›É^Ôƒ É`σ” ›Å[Í˃ ¾T>SKŸ~ ¾²=I Aዋጅ É”ÒÑ@ −‹ Ÿ›eð
LÑ> Te}”ŸÁ Ò` KuÑA ›É^ÑAƒ }sU
›Å[Í˃U ተðéT> ÃJ“K<:: 2 represent the Endowment in all its dealings with the third parties; 3/ follow up and supervise the implementation of the decisions of the Board of Management; 4/ submit work plan and budget as well as reports on the activities and finance of the Endowment to the Board of Management; 5/ study conditions that will promote income generating activities of the Endowment and impement such where approved by the Board; 6/ sign on the bank account opened in the name of the Endowment in accordance with its rules; and 7/ discharge other related tasks which may be given to him by the Board of Management. 25. Powers and Functions of the Auditor The Auditor shall: 1/ monitor the financial and proprietary administration of the Charitable Endowment; 2/ prepare the internal audit report of the organization in accordance with standards acceptable in Ethiopia; 3/ Notwithstanding the provisions of this Proclamation regarding external audits the Charitable Endowment may at any time use an external Auditor. 26. Determining the Beneficiaries Where the beneficiaries are not sufficiently determined by the founder, the Board may determine such beneficiaries as it deems consistent with the intention of the founder. Sub-Section Three Charitable Institutions 27. Charitable Institution 1/ A Charitable Institution is a Charity formed by at least three persons exclusively for charitable purposes. 2/ The Provisions of this Proclamation relating to the structure of Charitable Endowment shall apply, with the necessary adjustments, to Charitable Institutions. 4¹þ5)#3 ZZZDEVVLQLDODZFRP gA ØÁ‰L ነU¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R @5 የካቲት 6 qN 2ሺ1 ›.M Federal Negarit Gazeta No. 25 13 th February, 2009 …. page 4534 3/ u²=I ›”kê ”®²? ¨ÃU ›vM’~ “un u%EL
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K=ssU ËLM:: ሆኖም የA ደራ በጎ A ድ
ራጎት ድርጅቱ ገቢ ከሚያስገኙ ሥራ ዎች፣
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ምንጭ ያገኛቸው ሃብት ድርጅቱ
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፴3 . u›Å

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3/ የዚህ Aንቀጽ ንU ስ A ንቀጽ (1) ቢኖርም
›”É ›Å^ Övm ¾›Å^ በጎ ›É^ጎ ƒ É`
Ï~” ŸTe}ÇÅ` Ò` u}ÁÁ² uÓK< Á¨ ׆¨< ¨ß Eና ሃላፊነቶች Eንዲተኩለት ¾SÖ¾p Swƒ ›K¨<:: ፵ 2. ¾›Å^ Övm −‹ ላፊነት ›Å^ Övm− ‹ u¨<¡M“ É”ÒÑ@ −‹ SW[ƒ K›Å^ በጎ ›É^ጎ ƒ É`Ï~ }ÖnT> −‹“ Eንደ ’Ñ ሁኔታ ¾›Å^ በጎ
›É^ጎ ƒ É`Ï~ c=k` ”w[~” SkuM
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ÃJ“K<:: ፵ 3. ¾›Å^ Övm¨< Y^ SMkp 1 / ¾›Å^ Övm¨< Y^ ¾SMkp HXw ካለው e^¨<” ŸSMkl ŸGÅ`c¨< Ÿ=X^ ላፊ ÃJ“M:: 2 / ›Å^ Övm¨< YM×’<” KK?L ›Å^ Övm Eስከሚያስተላልፍ É[e ¾›Å^ በጎ ›É^ጎ ƒ É`Ï~” ¾Te}ÇÅ` ኃላፊነት ›Kuƒ:: 2/ The Charitable Trust shall be liable for juridical acts done by the trustees within their powers. 41. Remuneration of Trustees 1/ A trustee shall not be entitled to remuneration unless a provision about his entitlement to remuneration has been made, by the trust instrument or by any law. 2/ Notwithstanding sub-article (1) of this Article, a trustee who acts in a professional capacity shall be entitled to receive reasonable remuneration out of the trust funds for any services that he provides to or on behalf of the trust if all the trustees have agreed in writing and approved by the Agency that he may be remunerated for the services. 3/ Notwithstanding sub-article (1) of this Article a trustee is entitled to indemnity for all personal expenses and obligations arising out of the administration of the Charitable Trust. 42. Liability of Trustees The trustees shall be liable for the good management of the Charitable Trust, in accordance with the provisio ns relating to agency, to the beneficiaries of the Charitable Trust and where applicable to the persons who are to receive the property at the termination of the Charitable Trust. 43. Resignation of a Trustee 1/ A trustee shall be liable for any consequent loss to the Charitable Trust where he does not notify the other trustees and the Agency of his intention to resign two months prior to his resignation. 2/ A trustee shall remain liable for the administration of the charitable trust until he hands over the trusteeship. 4 ¹þ 5)#8 ZZZDEVVLQLDODZFRP gA ØÁ‰L ነU¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R @5 የካቲት 6 qN 2ሺ1 ›.M Federal Negarit Gazeta No. 25 13 th February, 2009 …. page 4539 3/ ›”É ›Å^ Övm ¾Y^ SMkmÁ ØÁo Ák[u Eንደሆነ በዚህ Aንቀጽ ”®²? ŸTKñ
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ባለ Eዳውን S}”ƒ ËLK<:: 3/ የዚህ Aንቀጽ ንU ስ A ንቀጽ (2) ቢኖርም በዚህ Aዋጅ Aንቀፅ "2 ንU ስ A ንቀጽ (1) መሰረት ከገቢ ማስገኛ ሥራዎች፣ ከሕዝባዊ መዋጮ ወይም ከማና ቸውም ምንጭ በተገ ኙ ንብረቶ ች ላይ Aበዳ ሪዎች መብት A ይኖራቸውም፡፡ ፵ 5. ¾}ÖnT> −‹ Sw„ ች

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TssT>Á W’É SW[ƒ ¾T>Ñv†¨< ØpU Eንዲሰጣቸው ¾›Å^ በጎ ›É^ጎ ƒ É`Ï~” K=ÖÃl ËLK<:: 2/ በዚህ Aንቀጽ ንU ስ A ንቀጽ (1) የተመለከ ተው Eንደተጠበቀ ሆኖ }ÖnT> −‡ Sw
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Övm¨< Eንዲሻር ¨ÃU }Ñu= ¾J’ ªe ƒ“ Eንዲሰጥ ›?Ë”c=¨<” SÖ¾p ËLK<:: 3/ }ÖnT>− ‡ ¾›Å^ በጎ ›É^ጎƒ É`Ï~
›”M uJ’< ”w[„‹ Là ¾T²´ ¨ÃU ¾Te}ÇÅ` ›”Ç‹ Swƒ ¾L†¨SKŸƒ
¾Ã`Ò ²S” E ንዲቋረጥ TÉ[Ó”
uS ሳሰK¨< Y^ Sw„‰†¨<” ¾SÖ u p Y^ −‹” w‰ SðçU ËLK<:: 3/ Where a trustee applies for resignation, a new trustee shall be appointed by the person constituting the trust, by the person on whom such power has been conferred, or in default of any such person, by the Agency 1 month prior to the expiry of the notice prescribed in sub-article (1). 44. Attaching Charitable Trusts 1/ The creditors of beneficiaries may in no case attach a Charitable Trus t or any allowance to which a beneficiary is entitled. 2/ The creditors of persons who are to receive the property forming the object of the Charitable Trust constituted for a definite period may at the dissolution of the Charitable Trust attach such property, or may replace the debtor at the time of termination. 3/ Notwithstanding Sub-article (2) of this Article, the creditors shall not have rights on those assets obtained from income generetaing activities, public collections or any other sources under subarticle (1) of Article 32(1) of this Proclamation. 45. Rights of Beneficiaries 1/ The beneficiaries may claim from the Charitable Trust the making over of the interest, which, according to the act of constitution of the Charitable Trust, is to accrue in their favor. 2/ Without prejudice to the provisions of Sub- article (1) of this Article where the rights of beneficiaries are jeopardized, they may apply to the Agency for the dismissal of the trustee or to compel him to give appropriate guarantees. 3/ The beneficiaries of the Charitable Trust have no right to dispose of or to administer the property forming the ob ject of the Charitable Trust. 4/ Notwithstanding the provision of Sub-article (3), they may only do those acts which preserve their rights, such as the interruption of a prescription in relation to such property. 4¹þ 5)#9 ZZZDEVVLQLDODZFRP gA ØÁ‰L ነU¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R @5 የካቲት 6 qN 2ሺ1 ›.M Federal Negarit Gazeta No. 25 13 th February, 2009 …. page 4540 5/ ተጠቃሚዎች Ze}— ¨Ñ•‹ Eንዲያውቁት ›”É” ”w[ƒ ¾›Å^ በጎ ›É^ ጎƒ É`Ï~ ”w[ƒ ›"M SJ ኑ” በማስታወቂያ SÓKê ËLK<:: 6/ SY^‡ የA ደራ uÔ ›É^Ôƒ É`Ï~ }ÖnT> −‹” uum ሁኔታ “M¨c’ Aደራ
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wK ው uT>ÑUቱት SMŸ< }ÖnT>− ‹”
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T>’ƒ Õ^†ªM::
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ሴዎች Là }ðéT> ›ÃJ”U::

3/ ›?Ë”c=¨< ¾uÔ ›É^Ôƒ ¢T>‚ −‹”
c=ÁçÉp ¾²=I” ›ªÏ ›”kê %9 “ &
É”ÒÑ@ −‹ uTÑ“²w S¨c” ›Kuƒ::

5/ The beneficiaries may make publications with a view to informing third parties of the fact
that certain property forms the object of the
Charitable Trust.
6/ Where the beneficiaries are not sufficiently determined by the founder, the trustees may
determine such beneficiaries as they deem
consistent with the intention of the founder.

Sub-Section Five
Charitable Societies and Charity Committees

46. Definition

1/ A “Charitable Society” shall mean a Society which is established for charitable purposes.

2/ A “Charity Committee” is a collection of five
or more natural persons who have come
together with the intent of soliciting money
or other property from the public for
purposes that are charitable.

47. Charitable Society

1/ All appropriate Provisi ons of this Proclamation
concerning the structure and working of
Societies shall apply to Charitable Societies.

2/ Without prejudice to the provisions of Sub- article (1) of this Article all appropriate
provisions of this proclamation concerning
Charities shall apply to Charitable Societies.

48. Approval of Charity Committees

1/ Charities Committees may not collect funds or perform any other activities without
acquiring an approval from the Agency.

2/ Sub-article (1) of this Article shall not apply
to activities necessary for the formation of a
Charity Committee .
3/ The Agency shall consider Articles 69 and 70 of this Proclamation when approving a
Charity Committee;

4 ¹þ 5)$

gA ØÁ‰L ነU¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R @5 የካቲት 6 qN 2ሺ1 ›.M Federal Negarit Gazeta No. 25 13 th February, 2009 …. page


፵9. ¾H>Xw SÓKÝ

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በጠ የቁ
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የሚገልፁ ሰነዶችን
የማሳየት ግዴታ A ለበት ::
2/ Societies may form a consortium Society to
coordinate their activities. Particulars shall be
determined by the directives of the Agency.

56. Legal Personality of Societies

1/ Societies shall acquire legal personality upon registration by the Agency.

2/ Membership in a Society shall not be transferred or passed to third parties.

57. Rights and Obligations of Societies

1/ Any Society shall be open to a new member that fulfills the requirements of the Society.

2/ Any Society shall be managed by persons elected through the full participation of
3/ Every member of any Society shall have equal and one vote.

4/ No Society may admit or dismiss members except as provided by its rules.

5/ The member of any Society whose membership is terminated shall have the right to be heard
by the executive organ before a final decision
is made.

6/ Where the Society has Federal character and nomenclature, its work place and
composition of the members shall show the
representation of at leas t five Regional States.

7/ Ethiopian mass-based organizations may actively participate in the process of
strengthening democratization and election,
particularly in the process of conducting
educational seminars on current affairs,
understanding the platforms of candidates,
observing the electoral process and
cooperating with electoral organs.
8/ The rules of any Soci ety shall be subject to
amendment by the vote of a majority of
9/ Any Society shall, upon its member’s request, disclose documents that show its activities.

4 ¹þ 5)$3

gA ØÁ‰L ነU¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R @5 የካቲት 6 qN 2ሺ1 ›.M Federal Negarit Gazeta No. 25 13 th February, 2009 …. page


$8. ¾Tህu^ƒ ›Å[Í˃

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KŸƒ É”ÒÑ@ uK?Kuƒ ሁኔታ ¾ewcv¨< ›w³—¨< ›vLƒ Ÿ}Ñ–< UM®} ÑkØK¨< Ze }— ewcv Ÿ›vL~ ሃምሳ በመቶ vÃÑ–²?
u=J” ¾Ç=V¡^c= S`J‹” ¾}S[¢²
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6/ uÖpLL Ñ’ƒ ›Ã•^†¨Ÿ}K<ƒ YM×”“ }Óv ራት ›K¨<& 1 / ¾TIu” Ñ”²w“ ”w[ƒ ›e}ÇÅ` Ãq×Ö^M ፡፡ 2 / u›=ƒÄåÁ }kvÃ’ƒ vÑ–< SS²— −‹ SW[ƒ የማህበሩን ¾¨²? u¨<Ü *Ç=}` K=ÖkU ËLM:: 61. Meetings of the General Assembly 1/ The meetings of the General Assembly shall be held as is provided for in the rules of the Society. 2/ Where the Chairperson of the Assembly fails to convene the regular meeting of the General Assembly within 30 da ys in accordance with sub-article (1) of this Article, the Agency may, upon request of one or more members or officers of the Society convene the meeting of the General Assembly through the Chairperson or by its own. 3/ Where the meeting of the General Assembly was convened in accord ance with Sub-article (2) of this Article, the Agency may, where appropriate, nominate a Chairperson of the General Assembly. 4/ A quorum of the Society shall be as is provided for in its rules. Failing such provision, a simple majority of the Assembly shall constitute a quorum. Where the quorum is not fulfilled for two consecutive meetings, the quorum shall be deemed to have been fulfilled on the third, such meeting despite there not being a fifty percent presence upon the decision of the Agency. 5/ Decisions of the General Assembly shall be taken by the majority. In case of a tie, the Chairperson shall have a casting vote. The meetings procedures of the Society shall at all times conform to democratic principles. 6/ A decision not relating to the items on the agenda of the General Assembly shall be of no effect. 62. Powers and Func tions of the Auditor The Auditor shall have the following powers and functions: 1/ monitor the financial and property administration of the Society; 2/ prepare the internal audit report of the Society in accordance with standards acceptable in Ethiopia and submit to the General Assembly; 3/ Notwithstanding the Provisions of this Proclamation regarding external audits the Society may at any time use an external auditor. 4¹þ 5)$5 ZZZDEVVLQLDODZFRP gA ØÁ‰L ነU¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R @5 የካቲት 6 qN 2ሺ1 ›.M Federal Negarit Gazeta No. 25 13 th February, 2009 …. page 4546 %3 . ›vLƒ” ¾T>SKŸ~ S[Í −‹

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63. Information about Members

1/ The Officers of the Society shall record and
keep the particulars of its members and
furnish the same to the Agency upon request.

2/ The particular information required from Societies shall be determined by the
directives of the Agency.


Sub-Section One
Formation of Charities And Societies

64. Formation

1/ Charities and Societies shall be deemed to be formed when they fulfill the minimum
requirements set forth in this Proclamation
and regulations issued to implement this

2/ Any Charity or So ciety shall apply for
registration within three month of its

3/ Irrespective of the provision of Sub-article (2) of this Article, the Agency may allow a
Charity or Society to apply for registration
notwithstanding that the time limit has passed
where good cause has been shown.

65. Effects of Formation

1/ Merely formed Charities and Societies shall have no legal personality.
2/ Upon registering and thus acquiring legal personality, the rights and duties of the
Charity or Society form ed shall accrue to the
registered Charity or Society.

3/ Charities and Societies may not solicit money and property exceeding fifty thousand birr
before its registration;

4/ Failure to register within the prescribed period shall be a ground for cessation of the formed
Charity or Society.
4¹þ 5)$6

gA ØÁ‰L ነU¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R @5 የካቲት 6 qN 2ሺ1 ›.M Federal Negarit Gazeta No. 25 13 th February, 2009 …. page


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ሁኔታ ያመቻቻል ::

Sec t
or Administrators

1/ Relevant Federal Executive Organs shall be assigned by the minister as Charities and
Societies Sector Administrators.

2/ For the purposes of this proclamation the Agency shall be a sector administrator for
charities or societies that do not fall under
any sector administrator or fall under more
than one sector administrator.

3/ Any sector administrator may delegate powers and functions given to it under this
proclamation to the relevant organs of federal
government accountable to it.

67. Powers and Functions of Sector Administrators

Sector Administrators shall have the following
powers and functions:

1/ provides necessary support to the Agency in
the process of registration of Charities and

2/ assigns professionals who evaluate and recommend on the Charities’ and Societies’
programs and projects;

3/ supervises and controls operational activities of Charities and Societies and take necessary
measures according to laws establishing it
and its agreements with the Charities and

4/ A Sector Administrator taking measure by virtue of this Article shall notify the Agency
of such measures within seven working days;

5/ Develop criteria that have to be followed by the Agency which shall assure the maximum
benefits of the public from the activities of
Charities and Societies;

6 may make arrangements with Charities for
coordinated efforts towards the achievement
of the common goals of the Charities and the
said Sector Administrator.

4 ¹þ 5)$7

gA ØÁ‰L ነU¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R @5 የካቲት 6 qN 2ሺ1 ›.M Federal Negarit Gazeta No. 25 13 th February, 2009 …. page


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›Ñ` eM×” vK¨< ›"M ¾}cÖ ¾ÉÒõ ÅwÇu?& Sub-Section Two Registration of Charities and Societies 68. Registration 1/ Subject to Article 69, the Agency shall, upon application and after ensuring the fulfillment of the requirements stipulated under this Proclamation, register the applicants as a Charity or a Society and issue a certificate of legal personality within 30 days from the date of application. 2/ Where the Agency does not issue a certificate of legal personality or does not make known that it will not do the same the applicant may apply to the Board not later than 15 days from the last date of the time limit prescribed in the sub-article. 3/ An application for registration under this Article shall include particulars concerning its goals, objectives and activities as per the form prepared by the Agency accompanied by: a) a copy of the rule s of the Charity or the Society and where applicable a document showing the act of constituting of a Charitable Trust or a Charitable Endowment; b) such similar documents and duly completed forms as the Agency may require. 4/ In addition to the requirements set forth under sub-article (2), Charities that are established abroad shall present: a) duly authenticated certificate of registration showing its establishment from its country of origin; b) proof of the decision of its competent organ to operate in Ethiopia; c) a letter of recommendation by the Embassy in which the Charity is incorporated or in the absence of such by a competent Government Organ in that country; 4¹þ5)$8 ZZZDEVVLQLDODZFRP gA ØÁ‰L ነU¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R @5 የካቲት 6 qN 2ሺ1 ›.M Federal Negarit Gazeta No. 25 13 th February, 2009 …. page 4549 S/ Ÿ›=ƒÄåÁ ôÈ^L© Ç=V¡^c=Á© ]øwK=¡ ¾¨<ß Ñ<Çà T>’>e‚`
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¾T>cÖ¨< YM×” ^c<” ¾‰K ¾uጎ ›É^ጎ ƒ É`σ ¨ÃU T ህu` ¾T>ÁÅ`Ѩ< ¨ÃU ¾u ጎ ›É^ጎƒ É`Ï~ ¨ÃU Tህ u um lØØ` Eንዳያደርግበ ት ¾T>ÁÅ`Ѩ< K=J” A ይችልም:: 2/ has been convicted of any crime as a result of which she/he has been deprived of her/his civil rights and her/his civil rights have not yet been restored; 3/ is unable to act by reason of incapacity within the meaning of law; 4/ has been interdicted by a court; 5/ is ouside Ethiopia and his absence impedes the proper administration of the Charity or Society. 71. Register of Charities and Societies 1/ The Agency shall keep a register of Charities and Societies in which shall be entered such particulars as it may from time to time determine of any Charities and Societies registered therein. 2/ A copy of or extract from any such document certified to be a true copy or extract under the signature of the Director of the Agency and seal of the Agency shall be admissible in evidence in any proceedings. 3/ The register of Charities and Societies may be prepared and kept in such manner as the Agency may think fit, including in electronic form. 4/ The Agency shall, by notification in the Gazette, publish the list of Charities and Societies registered, suspended or cancelled under this Proclamation. 72. Branch of a Charity or a Society 1/ Any Charity or Society may establish a branch based on its rules by giving prior notice to the Agency. 2/ The powers of the br anch of the charity or society established under Sub-article (1) of this Article shall not make it an independent Charity or Society or not adequately under the control of the charity or society. 4 ¹þ 5)% ZZZDEVVLQLDODZFRP gA ØÁ‰L ነU¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R @5 የካቲት 6 qN 2ሺ1 ›.M Federal Negarit Gazeta No. 25 13 th February, 2009 …. page 4551 &3. eÁT@' ¾Y^ ቦታ ¨ÃU S}ÇÅ]Á Å”w eKSK¨Ø 1 / T”—¨²?
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፸ 7. ¾H>Xw S´Ñw ¾SÁ´ ግዴታ

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SÁ´ ›Kv†¨<:: 76. Renewal of License 1/ Whithout prejudice to the obligation of Charities to submit stat ements of accounts and annual reports as stipulated under Article 78 and 80 of this proclamation, the license of Charities and Societies shall be renewed every three years. 2/ The license shall be renewed not later than two months after the expiry date mentioned on the certificate of registration and license 3/ The Agency shall renew the license of Charities or Societies upon payment of renewal fees and when it ensures that; a) the performance and audit reports are complete and accurate; b) the Charity or Society has not violated the provisions of this Proclamation or Regulations or directives issued thereunder. SECTION SIX CHARITY AND SOCIETY ACCOUNTS AND REPORTS 77. Duty to Keep Accounting Records 1/ The Officers of a Charity or Society shall ensure that accounting records are kept inrespect of the Charity or Society which are sufficient to show and explain all the transactions and disclose at any time. 2/ The accounting records shall, in particular, contain entries showing from day to day all sums of money received and expended by the Charity or Society, and the matters in respect of which the receipt and expenditure takes place; and record of the assets and liabilities of the Charity or Society. 3/ Charities and Societies may not receive anonymous donations and shall at all times keep records that clearly indicate the identity of donors. 4 ¹þ 5)%2 ZZZDEVVLQLDODZFRP gA ØÁ‰L ነU¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R @5 የካቲት 6 qN 2ሺ1 ›.M Federal Negarit Gazeta No. 25 13 th February, 2009 …. page 4553 4/ ¾uÑA ›É^ÑAƒ É`Ï~ ¨ÃU ¾TIu ¾Y^ S] −‹ u²=I ›”kê SW[ƒ ¾}²ÒÌ ¾H>dw c’Ê‹” c’ʇ ¾}²
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¨²? u¨<ß ¨ÃU u¨jS¨< *Ç=}` K=S[S` ËLM:: 4/ The Officers of a Charity or Society shall preserve any accounting records made for the purposes of this Article for at least 5 years from the end of the financial year of the Charity or Society in which they are made. 5/ Unless the Agency consents in writing to the records being destroyed or otherwise disposed of, where a Charity or Society ceases to exist within the period of 5 years mentioned in sub-article (4) as it applies to any accounting records, the obligation to preserve those records in accordance with that sub-article shall continue to be discharged by the last officers of the Charity or Society. 78. Annual Stat ements of Accounts 1/ Any Charity or Society shall submit to the Agency an annual statement of accounts prepared in accordance with acceptable standards. 2/ Notwithstanding sub-article (1) of this Article, Charities and Societies whose annual flow of funds does not exceed Birr 50,000.00, (fifty thousands)the statement of accounts may choose to prepare a receipts and payments account and a statement of assets and liabilities. 3/ The Officers of a Charity or Society shall preserve any statement of accounts and related documents prepared under sub-article (1) and (2) of this Article for at least 5 years from the end of the financial year. 79. Annual Examination of Accounts 1/ Any Charity’s or Society’s account shall be examined annually by a Certified Auditor or internal auditor or an auditor designated by the Agency. 2/ Any Charity or Society shall be audited by an External Auditor where its annual gross income immediately preceding the specified budget year is more than Birr 100,000.00 (hundred thousands). 3/ Notwithstanding sub-article (2) of this Article, examination of account may be conducted by an external or internal auditor or an auditor designated by the Agen cy any time according to the directives issued by the Minister. 4 ¹þ 5)%3 ZZZDEVVLQLDODZFRP gA ØÁ‰L ነU¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R @5 የካቲት 6 qN 2ሺ1 ›.M Federal Negarit Gazeta No. 25 13 th February, 2009 …. page 4554 4/ ¾uÑA ›É^ÑAƒ É`Ï~ ¨ÃU ¾TQu H>Xw ¯S~ vKk ›Ueƒ ¨^ƒ ¨ŸõK¨< ¾T>SKŸ}¨< ¾uÔ ›É^Ôƒ É`σ ¨ÃU TIu` ¨ÃU Øó}— J’¨< c=Ñ–< ¾e^ S] −‡ ÃJ“K<:: ፹ . ዓመታዊ ¾Y^ ¡”¨<” ]þ`ƒ 1 / ¾Y^ S]− ‹ ¾uÑA ›É^ÑAƒ É`Ï~” ወይም የI ትዮጵያ ነዋሪዎች ማህበርን የ Eያንዳንዱን ¾u˃ ¯Sƒ ª“ ª“ ¡”ª’@ −‹ ]þ`ƒ“ ›eðLÑ> S[Í
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¾TIu” ¾v”¡ H>dw ŸT>ðKѨ< ´`´` Ò` K›?Δc=¨< በየAመቱና uተጠየቁ ጊዜ Td¨p ›Kv†¨<:: 4/ Where it appears to the Agency that the account of a Charity or Society is not audited within five months from the end of that year or to be audited by a certified external auditor, the Agency may appoint an Auditor. 5/ In accordance with Sub-article (4) of this Article, the expenses of any audit carried out by an Auditor appointed by the Agency shall be paid by the Charity or Society concerned, or where at faults the Officers of the Charity or Society. 80. Annual Activity Report 1/ The Officers of a Charity or Ethiopian Resident Society shall prepare and transmit to the Agency an annual activity report on the major activities and relevant information regarding the Charity or Society. 2/ The annual activity report required under sub- article (1) of this Article shall be transmitted to the Agency within three months from the end of that financial year or within such period as the Agency may for any special reason require. 3/ Every such annual activity report shall have attached to it the annual statement of accounts. 81. Disclosure of Annual Activity Report Any annual activity report or other document kept by the Agency, when requested by a concerned body, may be made open to the public at any reasonable time if the Agency or the Sector Administrator or the Charity and Society so decide. 82. Reporting to other Persons Nothing in this part shall prohibit the rules of a Charity or Society from requiring that books of account, audit reports and annual reports be submitted to persons or organizations in addition to which reports are made under this part. 83. Notification of Bank Accounts The officers of a Charity or Society shall report to the Agency annually and upon request about all the bank accounts of the Charity or Society with necessary particulars. 4 ¹þ 5)%4 ZZZDEVVLQLDODZFRP gA ØÁ‰L ነU¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R @5 የካቲት 6 qN 2ሺ1 ›.M Federal Negarit Gazeta No. 25 13 th February, 2009 …. page 4555 ¡õM cvƒ ¾uÑA ›É^ÑAƒ É`Ï„‹”“ TQu^ƒ” eKSq×Ö` ፹ 4. U`S^ ¾TÉ[Ó YM×” 1 / ›?Ë”c=¨< u¾Ñ>²?¨< K›ÖnLà ¨ÃU K›”É ¾}¨c’ Ñ<Çà ¾uÑA ›É^ÑAƒ É`Ï„‹” ¨ÃU TQu^ƒ” ¨ÃU ¾}¨c’< ¨ÃU ›”É ²`õ ¾J’< ¾uÑA ›É^ÑAƒ É`Ï„‹” ¨ÃU TQu^ƒ” ¾}SKŸ} U`S^ K=Á"H@É Ã‹LM:: 2 / ለEንዲህ ¯Ã’ƒ U`S^ Ñ<Çà ›?Ë”c=¨< T“†¨<”U ¾uÑA ›É^ÑAƒ É`σ ¨ÃU TQu` ¨ÃU ¾Y^ S] ¨ÃU W^}—& G / ¾T>Á¨Áe‹K¨< ምክንያታዊ ÓUƒ •a U`S^¨< ¾T>“H@Éuƒ” Ñ<Çà u}S KŸ} H>Xw“ SÓKÝ uêG<õ E ንዲ ሰጥ ' Ñ<Ç¿” u}SKŸ} Kk[uKƒ ØÁo ¨ÃU U`S^ uêG<õ SMe Eንዲሰጥ & K / uU`S^¨< H>Ń SS`S` ÁKu
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}Óv` TŸ“¨” ›Ã‹MU::
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dw T×^ƒ Y^− ‹ }Ö“k¨< U´Ñv¨< Eስከሚሰረዝ É[e QÒ© c¨<’~” Eንደያዘ ÃqÁM:: ¡õM eU”ƒ ”w[ƒ” K}k^^u= ¯LT TªM ፺ 5 . ”w[ƒ” K}k^^u= ¯LT TªM ስለT>ðìU

v†¨< G<’@ −‹ 1/ ¾u ጎ ›É^ጎ ƒ ድርጅቱ ¾SËS]Á ¯LT K=K¨Ø ¾T>‹Mv†¨<“ ¾}cÖ¨< SŸ}K<ƒ ሁኔታዎች Ãðç TM& G/ ¾SËS]Á ው ¯LT SÁSK¡ƒ c=J”&

94. Effects of Dissolution

1/ Where an order or decision of dissolution
against any Charity or Society is given:

a/ the property of Ch arity or Society shall
forthwith vest in the liquidator appointed
for the purpose of winding up in the
dissolution order or decision;
b/ the liquidator or that other officer shall proceed to wind up the affairs of the Charity or
Society and, after satisfying and providing
for all debts and liabilities of the Charity or
Society and the costs of winding up, shall
transfer the surplus assets, if any, of the
Charity or Society to a Charity or Society
with a similar purpose or to any Charity or
Society by the order of the Agency.

2/ The Agency or th e court may appoint the
officers of a Charity or Society as liquidators
for the Charitiy or Society dissolved.

3/ A Charity or Society that is being dissolved shall not perform activities other than those
necessary for its liquidation unless the
Agency authorizes it to undertake activities
that are related to its objectives and cannot be
4/ The Charity or Society shall retain its legal personality until its liquidation is complete
and its registration is cancelled.



95. Conditions for Appl ying Property Cy-près

1/ The circumstances in which the original
purposes of a Charity can be altered to allow
the property given or part of it to be applied
cy-près shall be as follows:

a/ where the original purposes in whole or in part have been fulfilled or cannot be
fulfilled or impossible to fulfill;

b/ where the original purposes provide a use for part only of the property available to
the Charity;

4 ¹þ 5)%9

gA ØÁ‰L ነU¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R @5 የካቲት 6 qN 2ሺ1 ›.M Federal Negarit Gazeta No. 25 13 th February, 2009 …. page


N/ ለበጎ Aድራጎት ድርጅቱ የተሰጠ ስጦታ
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Ÿ}vK<ƒ መመሪያዎች ውጭ ለመስራት ›Å^ Övm¨< ወይም ቦርዱ Ÿ›?Ë”c=¨< ፈ nÉ SÖ¾p ËLM:: ፺ 6. ¾›’e}— በጎ ›É^ÑAƒ É`Ï„‹ M¿ É”Ò Ñ@ − ‹ 1 / ¾uÑA ›É^ÑAƒ É`Ï~ uSÚ[h¨< ¾N= Xw ¯S~ ÖpLL Ñu=¨< Ÿ $ךְ w` / ከሃምሳ ሺ ብር / uLà "MJ’“ ¾TÔkdke ”w[ƒ ባለቤት ካልሆነ ue}k` ¾uÑA ›É^ ÑAƒ É`Ï~ ¾uLà ›"M ¾T>Ÿ}K<ƒ” K=ðêU ËL ል& c/ where the property av ailable by virtue of the gift and other property applicable for similar purposes can be more effectively used in conjunction and to that end can suitably, regard being had to the spirit of the gift, be made applicable to common purposes. 2/ An act of endowment or trust for charitable purposes places the concerned officers under a duty, where the circumstances require the property or some part of it to be applied cy- près, to secure its effective use for Charity by taking steps to enable it to be so applied. 3/ The competent officers of a Charity may take the actions provided for in sub-article (1) of this Article only by a two thirds majority decision. 4/ This Article shall apply to property given for charitable purposes, notwithstanding that it was so given before the effective date of this Proclamation. 5/ The provisions of this Article shall apply only upon the prior approval of the Agency. 96 . Directions of the Constitutive Instrument or Act 1/ The trustee or boar d shall conform to the express instructions of the instrument or act constituting the Charitable Trust or Endowment. 2/ Irrespective of the provision of Sub-article (1) of this article where the interests of the beneficiaries of a Charitable Trust or an Endowment so require, the trustee or the board may obtain an authorization from the Agency to depart from such instructions. 97. Special Provisions to Charities 1/ Where the gross income of a Charity in its last financial year does not exceed Birr 50,000.00 (fifty thousand) and it does not own any immovable property, the competent organs of the Charity may decide that: 4 ¹þ 5)^ ZZZDEVVLQLDODZFRP gA ØÁ‰L ነU¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R @5 የካቲት 6 qN 2ሺ1 ›.M Federal Negarit Gazeta No. 25 13 th February, 2009 …. page 4561 G/ ¾uÑA ›É^ÑAƒ É`Ï~ GÑu< e’Y`¯„‹ ን u}SKŸ} ¾uÑA ›É^ÑAƒ É`Ï~ ን S}ÇÅ]Á Å”w Eንዲሻሻል ማድረግ፤ 2/ u²=I ›”kê ”®}LKð¨< u›Å^ Övm −‹ ¨ÃU ux`Æ ›vLƒ GŸ“¨’< }Óv^ƒ }ðéT>’ƒ ¾T>•^†¨< u›?Δc=¨< c=ç Ép w‰ ’¨<& 4 / ¾²=I ›”kê ”®‹K¨< u›?Δc=¨< c=ðkÉKƒ w‰ ’¨<:: 2 / u²=G< ›”kê ”®cØ ðnÉ ¾Q´v© Sªà¨<” ¯LT' ¾T>qÃuƒ” Ñ>²?’ ቦታውንና
K?KA‹ u›?Ë” c=¨< ¾T>¨c’<ƒ” SS²— − ‹ SÁ´ ›Kuƒ:: 3/ T”—¨¨<” T×^ƒ uTÉ[Ó ðnÆ” uÑÅw ¨ÃU ÁKÑÅw SeÖƒ ¨ÃU ¨<Ép TÉ[Ó Ã‹LM& a/ all the property of the Charity should be transferred or divided to such other charities ; b/ the rules of Charity should be modified by replacing all or any of the purposes of Charity with such other purposes, being in law charitable; c/ to amend the rules of charity regarding the procedures that has to be followed by officers to administer the charity. 2/ Any action taken under Sub-article (1) of this Article must be passed by two-thirds of its trustees or board members. 3/ The provisions of this Article shall apply only upon the prior approval of the Agency. 4/ Notwithstanding Sub-article 1 of this Article the Agency may determine that the provisions of Sub-article 1 (a)-(c) be employed. SECTION NINE PUBLIC COLLECTIONS 98. Application for Public Collection 1/ No Charity or Society may conduct any public collection unless permit is granted by the Agency. 2/ The permit given under this Article shall specify the public collection purpose, duration, place and any other criteria set forth by the Agency. 3/ Any money or prop erty collected in contravention of Sub-article (1) of this Article shall be confiscated by the Agency and applied to the purpose of a similar Charity or Society. 99. Decision on Application 1/ On receiving an application for public collections permit the Agency may make such inquires as it deems fit and determine whether to issue or refuse a permit with or without conditions. 4 ¹þ 5)^1 ZZZDEVVLQLDODZFRP gA ØÁ‰L ነU¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R @5 የካቲት 6 qN 2ሺ1 ›.M Federal Negarit Gazeta No. 25 13 th February, 2009 …. page 4562 2/ ›?Δc=¨< TSMŸ‰¨<” ¨<Ép "Å[Ñ ¨ÃU uðnÆ Là T“†¨<”U ÑÅw c=ÁÅ`Ó KTSMŸ‰ ›p^u=¨< ¨ÁeŸK¡K< U¡”Á„‹ ›?Δc=¨< uT>Ÿ}K<ƒ U¡”Á„‹ ¾Q´v© Sªà ðnÉ K=ŸK¡M ËLM& 1/ Q´v© Sªà¨< KuÑA ›É^Ôƒ É`Ï~ ¨ÃU KTIu ¯LT ¾T>¨ÁŸና ¨<’<ƒ c−‹ u²=I ›ªÏ ›”kê ፸ ¾}Å’ÑÑ<ƒ” SS²— −‹ ¾TÁTEK< ŸJ’:: 1)1 . Q´v© Sªà ¾Scwcw ðnÉ” eKSW[´ 1/ ›?Δc=¨< uT>Ÿ}K<ƒ U¡”Á„‹ Q´v© Sªà ¾Scwcw ðnÉ” K=c`´ ËLM& G. ðnÆ Ÿ}cÖ u%EL ¾²=I ›ªÏ ›”kê (8 É”ÒÑ@ −‹ Eንዳልተሟሉ c=[ÒÑØ& K. Q´v© Sªà¨< ƒ¡¡K— vMJ’ S”ÑÉ Eንዲተዳደር ¾}Å[Ñ c=J”& N. ðnÆ c=cØ u›?Δc=¨< ¾}×K¨< ÑÅw ¾}×c c=J”:: 2 / u²=I ›”kê ”®cÖ¨< ðnÉ SW [ƒ KuÑA ›É^ÑAƒ É`Ï~ ¨ÃU TI u ›vLƒ ¨ÃU }ÖnT> −‹ K=ŸóðM
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108. Conversion

1/ Without preiudice to Article 95 of this
Proclamation any Charity may be converted
into any of the types of charities listed under
sub articles (2), (3) and (4) of Article 2 of this
proclamation and be registered with the
Agency where its competent organ so decides
in accordance with its rules.

2/ Any Society may be converted into one of the forms of charities under this proclamation
and be registered with the Agency where its
competent organ so decides in accordance
with its rules.

109. Power to Enact Regulations

The Council of Minister s may enact regulations
necessary to give effect to this Proclamation

110. Inapplicable Laws

Any law, regulation, directive and customary
practice contrary to this Proclamation shall have
no effect.

111. Transitional Provisions

1/ Any right or duty arising under any provision
of the repealed laws shall continue unless it
contravenes this Proclamation.
2/ All Charities and Societies previously registered shall re-register within one year of
the coming into effect of this Proclamation.

112. Effective Date

This Proclamation shall enter into force up on the
date of publication in the Federal Negarit Gazeta.

Done at Addis Ababa, this 13 th day of February , 2009

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gA ØÁ‰L ነU¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R @5 የካቲት 6 qN 2ሺ1 ›.M Federal Negarit Gazeta No. 25 13 th February, 2009 …. page