Law 51 on Societies (as amended by Law 22 of 2009)

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Law of Societies (No. 51 of 2008)
as amended by Law No. 22 of 2009

Article [1]: This law shall be known as the Law of Societies (Law of Societies of 2008) and
it shall be in force ninety days after the date of its publication in the Official G azette.

Article [2] : The following words and phrases wherever they a re located in this law have
the meanings assigned to them below unless the context indicates otherwise:
Ministry: The Ministry of Social Development.

Minister: The Minister of Social Develop ment.

Register: The Register of Societies established in the Ministry according
to the provisions of this law .

Board: The Board of Directors of the R egister composed according to
the provisions of this law .

President: The President of the Board .

Registrar: The General Secretary of the R egistrar appointed according to
the provisions of this law .

Relevant Ministry: The ministry or official public organiz ation which the Board
specifies to assume the supervision o f the society and to
follow-up on its affairs according to the provisions of this law.

Relevant Minister: The minister of the Relevant Ministry or the General Director
of the official pub lic institution as circumstances require.

Fund: The Fund for the Support of Societies whi ch is established
according to the provisions of t his law.


Article [3]:
A . For the purposes of this law:
1 . The word “ society” shall signify any legal person composed of a group of
person s no less than seven and which is registered according to the
provisions of this law to provide services or to undertake activities on a
voluntary basis without aiming to derive or distribute profit, to realize any
benefit for any of its members or for any specific person, or to achieve any

political goals that enter into the scope of the work and activities of political
parties in accordance with the legislation in force.
2 . The expression “private society” shall signify a society whose membership is
limited to a group of persons no less than three and no more than twenty.
3 . The expression “closed society ” shall signify a society whose membership is
limited to one person or more and whose financial resources are limited to
what any of its founding members provide it with for the sake of enabling it
to realize its goals.

B . Exempted from the provisions of this law are:
1 . Any legal person established under the provisions of a special law .
2 . The entities and the committees registered according to the provisions of the
Law of Endowments and Islamic Affairs and the Law on Islamic Charitable
Fund s (Zakat) in force as well as the regulations and directives issued
pursuant to both laws .
3 . Non -Muslim religious groups registered according to the provisions of the
Law on the Boards of N on-Muslim groups currently in force.
4 . Clubs, organizations, and centers registered according to the provisions of
the Law on the High Council for Youth in force and the regulations issued
pursuant thereto and the directives issued pursuant to su ch law or
regulations .

C . The registration of any Masonic organization is prohibited in the Kingdom [of
Jordan] and M asonic activities are prohibited in the Kingdom as well.

D . The registration of any society which has illegal goals or purposes is prohibited as is
the registration of any organization contrary to public order in the Kingdom .

Article [4]: A. A register is created within the Ministry known as the Register of Societies. A
council known as the Registration Management Council assumes responsibility for
the management and supervision of the Registrar. This council is chaired by the
M inister and each of the following:
1 . The Registrar – Vice Chair.
2 . Representative fr om the Ministry of the Interior.
3 . Representative from the Ministry of Culture.
4 . Representative from the Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities .
5 . Representative from the Ministry of the Environment.
6 . Representative from the Ministry of Political Development.
7 . Four people who h ave expertise in the field of charitable or volunteer work
who are appointed by the Council of Ministers upon the recommendation of
the Minister for a period of two years, which may be r enewed. The
membership of any such persons can be terminated and a rep lacement

person may be appointed to take their place in the same manner.

B . The Council of Ministers, upon the recommendation of the M inister, may add to the
membership of the Board a representative from any other ministry which bears a
relation to the work of Societies .

C . The Relevant Minister is referred to as the representative of the ministry in the
clauses (2), (3), (4), (5), and (6) of paragraph ( A) of this article and in paragraph ( B)
of this article. The same term is also used for the employees of first grade from the
ministry, whose grade is no less than second.

D . The Vice Chair assumes the Chair’s role in the Chair’s absence.

E . With consent from the Council of Ministers, the Board lays out special instru ctions
including the bases for determining the Relevant Ministry for each society.


Article [5]:
A . The Board shall assume the following functions and powers:
1 . Approval of a society’s registration and the determination of the Relevant
Ministry for it according to the directives issued for this purpose.
2 . Assessment of societies ’ performances and their activities in coordination
with the R elevant Ministries and the publication of an annual report on the
state of societies in the Kingdom.
3 . Issuance of the necessary plans and programs to improve the conditions of
societies and help them realize their goals.
4 . Management and supervision of the F und as well as follow -up on all matters
concerning it.
5 . Formation of one or more committees for arbitration in the case a dispute
arises between societies .
6 . Issu ance of the necessary directives to organize the work on the register and
coordination of the relationship between the Registrar and the R elevant
M inistries according to the provisions of this law and the regulations issued
in accordance with it.

B . The Board shall convene its meetings upo n the invitation of its President at least
once a month or whenever required. Its meetings shall be legal with the attendance
of not less than two -thirds of its members and on the condition that the President or
the Vice- President are amongst those in attendance. The Board shall make decisions
by a major ity vote of its members present. In the event of equal votes, the side with
which the chairman of the meeting voted shall prevail.

C . The Registrar is appointed by a decision of the Council of Ministers upon the
rec ommendation of the minister in his capacity as Sec retary General. The Registrar
shall be linked to the M inister if his appointment is associated with a royal decree.


Article [6]:
A . The Registrar assumes the following functions and powers:
1 . Receiving and studying applications related to the registration of societies ,
whether such applications are presented directly to the Registrar or sent to
him through departments of the Ministry in the governorates and provinces;
presenting such applications to the Board.
2 . Recording societies in the Register and issuing certificates of registration to
each society and publishing an announcement for each society ’s registration
in the Official G azette.
3 . Managing and supervising the R egister and following all the transactions and
correspondences connected to it.
4 . Receiving complaints related to societies and transferring them to the
Relevant Ministry and following up on them.
5 . Any other functions or tasks assigned by the Board or the President.

B . The Secretary General of the Ministry assumes the tasks of th e Registrar in his


Article [7]:
A . A group of people may submit to the Registrar an application to register a society
according to the form adopted for this purpose, provided that said application is
accompanied by three copies of each of the following:

1. A list of the names of founding members and their personal biographical
information including their places of residence, professions, ages, and
2 . Bylaws of the socie ty.
3 . A statement signed by all the founding members in which they indicate the
following: their approval of the society ’s bylaws; the name of a person
authorized by the founders to proceed with registration procedures; the
name of a person who may unde rtake judicial procee dings on behalf of the
founders and who may report on any notices, decisions, or correspondences
which the Registrar issues for this purpose.

B . The provisions which must appear in a society ’s bylaws are specified under a special
statute which is issued for this reason, provided that the bylaws include what
1 . The n ame of the society .
2 . The society ’s headquarters and the geographical scope of its work.
3 . The goals and objectives of the society ’s establishment in a clear and defined

4. Conditions for the acquisition of membership and for removal from
5 . M embership fees and the amount of yearly contributions.
6 . The manner in which the society ’s General Assembly meets for regular and
extraordinary meetings and an indication of the General Assembly’s powers,
the minimum amount of members required for the convening of meetings,
and the mechanism for making decisions in such meetings.
7 . The n umber of members of the Board of Directors and the manner of their
election, their powers, the minimum amount of members required for the
convening of meetings and the mechanism for making decisions in such
8 . The society ’s sources of funding, its manner of financial conduct with
funding, and monitoring and auditing of fund ing sources.
9 . The rules of g ood governance and transparency.
10. T he manner of the society ’s dissolution and the transfer of its funds.


Article [8]: It is required that a founding member of any society possess the following
characteristics in addition to any stipulations found in a society ’s bylaws:
A . Be of Jordanian nationality .

B . Hav e reached eighteen years of age.

C . Be legally competent.

D . N ot have been convicted of a misdemeanor or felony.


Article [9]: A. A branch of a society registered in a foreign state can be registered in the Kingdom
for the purpose of providing services provided that the main office of the society or
any of its branches does not aim to make a profit, divide a profit, or realize benefit
for any of its members or for any specific person, or hav e political or religious goals.

B . The registration of a branch of a for eign society is carried out according to the
provisions of this law provided that the application for registration contains: the
name of the foreign society , its main office, the names and addresses of the founders
and the members of the board or Board of Directors , the society’s primary goals, the
names of the officials responsible for the branch which is to be established, the
n ames of the representatives of these officials and their nationalities, the
procedures for the disposal of money in the event of the branch’s dissolution and
the bylaws of the main society .

C. A branch of a foreign society is prohibited from collecting donations or receiving
funding within the Kingdom except with the consent of the Council of Ministers.


Article [10]:
A . The request for registration and its annexes are submitted directly to the Registrar
or to the Directorate of Social Development in the governorate; in this case, it is the
Directorate’s responsibility to send the complete application to the Registrar within
seven days of the date of reception.

B . Immediately upon receipt of an application, the Registrar verifies that such
application satisfies the requirements of A rticles 7, 8, and 9 of this law. In the case of
any failure to satisfy these requirements, the Reg istrar must notify the founding
members in writing within fifteen days of the date of receipt of the application. If
this failure to satisfy requirements is not corrected within six months of the date of
notification of such failure, the application is considered null and void.


Article [11]:
A . The Board issues its decision regarding an application for registration, which meets
all required conditions, within sixty days from the date of the Registrar’s receipt of
the application. An injured party may appeal such decision before the High Court of
Justice according to the provisions of legislation in force.

B . In cases other than those provided for in paragraph (D) of this article, if the Board
does not issue a decision regarding an application for registration within the time
period specified in paragraph (A) of this article, th e application shall be deemed

C . It is inc umbent up on the Registrar to complete the necessary procedures for the
registration of a society in the register within fifteen days of the date of approval of

D . Notwithstanding provisions found in any other text, the Board must obtain the
approval of the Council of Ministers for an application for registration in any of the
following cases:
1 . If one of the founding members of the society is a legal person or is non-
2 . If the society for which registration is requested is a closed society.
3 . If the society for which registration is requested is a private society whose
membership is limited to one legal person.

E . Upon registration of a society according to the provisions of this law, the Registrar
shall issue a certificate of registration which includes the name of the society , its

main headquarters, the name of its Relevant Ministry, the geographical scope of its
work, and its mailing address.


Article [12]: Upon registration, each society becomes a legal person that shall undertake
the necessary actions and measures to realize the goals and objectives contained in the
society ’s bylaws and this shall be in accordance with the provisions and conditions
stipulated in this law an d the regulations and directives issued thereto; the legal person
shall have the right to litigation and to appoint attorneys.

Article [13]:
A . A society may establish branches which are linked to it administratively and
financially within the Kingdom if its bylaws permit this and such establishment
takes place through a decision of at least two -thirds of the Board of Directors . The
branch may proceed with its work after the society produces a copy of the Board of
Directors’ decision to establish such branch for the Registrar and the Relevant
Ministry and indicates to them the address of the branch’s headquarters.

B . Branches of societies in existence before the provisions of this law came into force
are considered registered according to the provisions of this law and the bylaws of
the parent society apply to such branches as does the internal system of the branch
in question.

C . Each branch of a society shall have a committee which as sumes responsibility for its
management according to the bylaws of the parent society.


Article [14]:
A . A society shall comply with the provisions of this law and the regulations and
directives issued thereto and it shall undertake and abide by the following:
1 . Pursuit of its work and activities according to the provisions of its bylaws .
2 . Offering membership to any person who meets the criteria for it according to
the provisions of the society ’s bylaws.
3 . Notifying the Relevant Minister and the Registrar of the date of the meeting
of the General A ssembly, its location, and the meeting agenda at least two
weeks before the meeting.
4 . Recording and maintaining minutes of the Board of Directors ’ meetings and
the General A ssembly’s meetings as well as any decision issued from them in
chronological order in the headquarters .
5 . Maintaining financial accounts which show revenues and expenditures.
6 . Maintaining a register of available assets and the supplies available for them
and any records necessary for the pursuit of the society ’s work and activities
in accordance with its bylaws .

1. If a society does not notify the Relevant Minister and the Registrar in writing
of the date and time of the General A ssembly’s meeting as well as the agend a
at least two weeks before the meeting, then said meeting is not considered to
be a legal meeting.
2 . Both the Re levant Minister and the Registrar may name a representative to
attend the meeting of a society ’s General Assembly.

C .
1. A society shall provide the Relevant Ministry a copy of decisions issued by
the General A ssembly within fifteen days of the date of their issuance.
2 . Notwithstanding any contrary text, th e decision of a society’s General
A ssembly to make any amendment to the pro visions of the bylaws shall only
be implemented following the Board’s approval of th e amendment. Such
approval shall be within sixty days of the date of submission to the R egistrar;
the amendment is considered to be in force if nothing is issued to the

Article [15]: A. A member of a society ’s Board of Directors must possess the criteria mandatory for
a founding member according to the provisions of this Law; additionally he must
possess the other criteria in the bylaws .

Article [16]:
A . The Board of Directors of a society shall provide the Relevant Ministry with the
1 . An a nnual work plan .
2 . An annual report including the society ’s achievements and activities in the
previous year and its sources of revenue and expenditures. Additionally, a
society shall provide any statements required by the regulations and
directives issued pursuant to the provisions of this law.
3 . An annual budget audited by a chartered accountant elected by the society ’s
General A ssembly. T he Relevant Minister may exempt any society whose
budget is less than two thousand dinars from an audit; in this case, such
society ’s financial accounts are reviewed by the Relevant Ministry .

B . The Board of Directors of a society shall create and organize specific records for
membership and contributions so that the names of all members may be recorded
as well as their personal information, their date of membership, and their
contributions according to assets.


Article [17]:
A . Subject to the provisions of paragraphs (B) and (C) of this article, a society shall
indicate in its annual report any donation or funding it has obtained; a society shall
record in its financial records the name of the entity that made the donation or
provided funding, the amount, the purpose for which such money will be disbursed,
and any specific conditions related to this.

B . If the donation or funding is provided by an individual who is not Jordanian, then
the society shall follow the procedures specified in paragraph (C) of this article
provided that the funding or donation meets the following conditions:
1 . The source of funding or donation is legal and it does not violate public order
or morals .
2 . The conditions stipulated by the donor or funder do not conflict with the
provisions of this law or with the society ’s bylaws.
3 . Donations or funding are used for the purpose for which they were donated .

C .
1. If a society wishes to obtain a donation or funding from a person who is not
Jordanian, it must notify the Council of Ministers. Such notification should
indicate the source of th e donation or funding, its amount, how it will be
received, the purpose for which it will be disbursed, and any conditions
specific to such monies . In the event that a refusal has not been issued by the
Council of Ministers within thirty days from the date of notification, the
do nation or funding shall be deemed approved.
2 . If the Council of Ministers issues a decision to refuse the donation or funding
within the period specified in clause (1) of this paragraph, then the society
must refrain from receiving such donation or funding. A refusal may be
appealed to the High Court of Justice according to the provisions of the
legislation in force.

D . If a society obtained a donation or funding contrary to the provisions of paragraph
(B) or paragraph (C) of this article, then the Council of Ministers shall transfer the
amount to the account of the Fund unless the donor or funder refuses this action;
Such transfer is in addition to any sanctions or other procedures stipulated in this
law and the legislation in force.

E . A society shall deposit all its monies in banks operating in the Kingdom . A society ’s
accounts do not enjoy financial secrecy in the face of any inquiry presented by the
Relevant Minister or the Registrar regarding them and this is notwithstanding what
is found in any other piece of legislation.


Article [18]:
A. The Relevant Minister shall form one or more committees for arbitration in the
event a dispute arises between members of the society .

B . The Relevant Ministry shall audit the records and accounts of a society and the
ministry may appoint a certified accountant for this purpose at the expense of the
F und and with the approval of its management committee.

C . For the purposes of the provisions of this article, the society ’s Board of Directors
shall take necessary actions and measures requested by the Relevant Minister for
the purpose of facilitating the task of the Inquiry Commission and the certified
accountant and for the purpose of enabling them to carry out the tasks assigned to


Article [19]: A. The Relevant Minister shall appoint an interim Board of Directors for a society
which shall undertake the tasks of the Board of Directors and assume its place in
any of the following cases and in which one member or more from the general
assembly sha ll participate whenever this is possible:
1 . If it is not possible for the society ’s Board of Directors to hold meetings due
to the loss of a quota of people because of resignation, death, or other similar
2 . If a society violated any of the provisions of this law or the regulations issued
thereto or violated the provisions of its bylaws and failed to eliminate the
causes for such violation within two months from the date of written notice
of such violation.
3 . If a society violated the provisions of p aragraph (C) of A rticle 18 of this law.
4 . If a society accepts any support or funding from any source without
disclosing this and recording it in its financial records and reports.

B .
1. The interim Board of Directors shall invite the General Assembly to convene
within at most sixty days to elect a new Board of Directors in accordance
with the provisions of this law and the regulations and provisions issued
2 . If the provisions of clause (1) of this paragraph cannot be applied, the term of
the interim Board of Directors may be extended once for a similar period by
decision of the Relevant Minister .


Article [20]:
A. A society is considered dissolved in either of the following two cases:
1 . If it does not proceed with its work or if it ceases to perform its work for a
2 . If it fails to adjust its status according to the provisions of Article 28 of this

B . Upon the recommendation of the Relevant Minister , the Board shall issue a justified
decision to dissolve a society , in any of the following cases and a copy of such
decision will be sent to the Registrar:
1 . If election of a Board of Directors for a society is not possible according to the
provisions of its bylaws and the provisions of this law and the regulations
and d irectives issued thereto and this after the Relevant Minister has
proceeded through all the procedures contained in Article 19 of this law.
2 . If a society retains or use s donations or funding from a non- Jordanian
individual contrary to the provisions of paragraph (C) of A rticle 17 of this
3 . If a society commits a second offense of a violation for which it had already
received a warning in accordance with the provisions of clause (2) of
paragraph (A) of Article 19 and it did not eliminate the violation w ithin two
months of the date of written notification of such violation.
4 . If two -thirds of the General A ssembly’s members agree to dissolution in an
extraordinary meeting in accordance with the bylaws of the society.

C . A decision of the Board to dissolve the society may be appealed before the High
Court of Justice.

Article [21]: A. A society shall be informed of any notices or decisions issued according to the
provisions of this law and the regulations and directives is sued pursuant to it at the
address which appears for such society in the certificate of registration. Such
notification shall either occur by any employee located at said address receiving the
package in hand or through the notification being sent by regis tered mail to said
address; this method of deposit is considered as legal notification after thirty days
from the date of deposit.

B . If notification cannot be made according to the provisions of paragraph (A) of this
article, notification may be carried ou t through publication in two daily local
newspapers and this shall be a one- time expense of the society. Such publication
shall be considered legal notification.

C . The mailing address for correspondence can only be changed after notification of
the R egistr ar and the Relevant Minister in writing of the new address.


Article [22]:
A . A F und called “the F und for Support of Societies ” which aims to support Societies
and enjoys the status of a legal person and financial and administrative
independence shall be created in the ministry. The F und shall own movable and
immovable property and invest it in the manner it deems appropriate. The F und
shall be represented in legal proceedings by the Civil Attorney General.

B . The financial resources for the fund are composed of the following:
1 . W hat has been provided in the general budget.
2 . Any gifts, donations, or grants provided that the Council of Ministers
approves such funds if the funds are from a non- Jordanian source.
3 . The proceeds from any charitable lottery organized for the benefit of the
fund in accordance with the provisions of a special regulation issued for this
4 . Any amounts that the Council of Ministers decides based upon the Board’s
recommendation to assign to the fund from the net income of any other fund
which aims to support Societies .
5 . Funds of Societies and unions whose legal personhood has expired without a
party to whom funds would revert according to the provisions of this law.
6 . Any funds or donations obtained from Societies or unions which are to be
discharged or taken into possession contrary to the provisions of this law
and the regulations and directives issued thereto .
7 . Proceeds from investments o f the Board.
8 . Any other sources approved by the Council of Ministers based on the
recommendation of the board .

C . Determination of a society ’s objects of expenditure and support from the Fund
based on the terms and conditions specified by the Council of Ministers according to
directives issued for this purpose; the Board assumes authority to act in accordance
with these provisions.

D . The monies of the F und and its accounts are submitted to the audit bureau for
review .


Article [23]: A. A union may be formed between one or more societies for the purpose of
coordinating efforts in providing services and undertaking a ctivities pursuant to the
provisions of this law and the regulations and direc tives issued thereto. A special
regulation shall be issued which specifies the types of these unions, the provisions
and conditions of their registration, and the regulatory matters related thereto.

B. The union shall have independent legal personhood and the Societies which are
members of the union shall retain their independent legal personhood.

C . The provisions of Articles 14 through 21 and A rticles 25 through 27 of this law
apply to unions.

Article [24]:
A . Two or more societies registered pursuant to the provisions of this law may be
merged based on the recommendation of the Relevant Minister and with the
approval of the Board if such Societies have the same goals and objectives; the
society resulting from the merger becomes a legal and actual successor to the
merged societies .

B . Two or more societies may form a coalition to implement a shared program which
aims to realize such societies ’ goals and purposes.

C . No society may be a member of ano ther society.


Article [25]: A. All the assets of a society which is dissolved revert to the party specified in the
society ’s bylaws provided so long as that party is either the Fund or another society
which has the same goals and objectives.

B . If a society ’s bylaws do not specify the outcome of its assets in the case of its
dissolution or if the transfer of assets to the party specified in the bylaws is not
possible, then ass ets shall revert to the F und.

Article [26]: A. The following are punishable by a decision of the competent court:
1. Any person who assumed responsibility for the management of an society ’s
monies and spent such monies contrary to the society ’s goals and objectives.
Such individual shall be fined no less than one hundred dinar s and no more
than one thousand dinar s and he shall be fined an amount equivalent to the
damage resulting from his action.
2 . Any person who accepted any donation, support, or funding from Jordanian
individuals w ithout declaring it or without recording it in the society ’s
records. There shall be a fine which is not less than five hundred dinar s and
which is not greater than five thousand dinar.
3 . Any person who retained or used a donation or funding provided for th e
society by non -Jordanian individuals without declaring such monies or
recording them in the society ’s records according to regulations or any
person who retained or used funds in spite of the Relevant Minister ’s refusal
of such funds. There shall be a fine which is not less than five hundred dinar s
and not greater than five thousand dinar s along with the restitution of the

amounts retained and/or used.

B . There is nothing in this law which prevents application of a more sever e penalty
that is stipulated in another law.

Article [27]:
A . An individual who has been judged guilty according to the provisions of Article 26 of
this law may not be a member of the Board of Directors of any society.

B . The fines decided in accordance w ith the provisions of paragraph (A) of Article 26 of
this law revert to the society .

C . The fines decided in accordance with the p rovisions of paragraphs (B) and (C) of
Article 26 of this law revert to the Fund.

Article [28]:
A . Any legal person registered before the implementation of this law and pursuant to
the provisions of any of the following pieces of legislation shall be considered
established as if it were registered according to this law’s provisions.
1 . Societies , unions, and entities registered acco rding to the provisions of the
Law on Societies and Social Entities, No. 33 of 1966 and its amendments.
2 . Any legal person whatever his form or capacity may be who was registered
according to the provisions of the Law for the Patronage of Culture in force.
3 . Any society registered according to the provisions of the Law on the
Environment in force.
4 . Any society registered according to the provisions of the Law on Tourism in
5 . Any society , entity, organization or institution to which the definition
“ soci ety” applies according to the provisions of this law and which was
registered according to the provisions of any of the pieces of legislation in
B .
1. Non -profit companies registered before the provisions of this law came into
force pursuant to the prov isions of the Law on Companies are considered
private societies established and registered in accordance with the
provisions of this law.
2 . Notwithstanding what is stated in clause (1) of this paragraph, if a non- profit
company exercises financial activities, it may be converted upon its request
into a commercial company in accordance with the conditions and
procedures which the Council of Ministers decides for this purpose and
based on the recommendation of the Minister of Commerce and Industry.

C . Societies and unions existing upon the date when this law came into force shall
adjust their status in a period which does not exceed one year from the date that
this law entered into force; and the Board shall renew its status for a period of one

not exceeding one additional year.

D . The Board shall issue any necessar y directives which shall enable societies and
unions to adjust their status according to the provisions of this law and the
regulations issued thereto.


Article [29]: Notwithstanding any text to the contrary:
A . Christian religious entities and religious orders operating in the Kingdom shall have
the right to undertake charitable services which aim for the public benefit of the
needy without attempting to make or di vide a profit and without infringing on
creed. The approval of the Board is required to establish such services and to
manage them as well as for any change made to such services.

B . The Board shall specify the Relevant Ministry to assume responsibility for the
monitoring and supervision of these social services in order to ensure the conduct of
these services so as to realize their goals and the public benefit. The monitoring and
supervision of these services is limited to parties beyond the religious entities and
orders from which the services originated .

C . For the purposes of this article, the establishment of a shelter, an educational
institute for the needy, or a community center for the poor shall be considered
social services. The distribution of financial or in -kind assistance in a regulated
fashion, the provision of medical treatment or care in a regulated fashion, and other
similar such services which realize the public good shall be considered social

D . Christian religious entities and religious orders in the Kingdom shall continue to
provide charitable social services which were approved before the provisions of this
law came into force.


Article [30]: A. The Council of Ministers shall issue the necessary regulations to implement t he
provisions of this law , including : a regulation for private societies which specifies
their purposes, provisions associated with the w ithdrawal of one of a society ’s
members or his death, and provisions for a society ’s dissolution and the transfer of
its funds upon dissolution.

B . Both the B oard and th e Relevant M inister shall issue the necessary directives to
implement the provisions of this law and the regulatio n issued pursuant thereto.

Article [31]: The following shall be null and void:
A . The Law on Societies and Social Entities, No. 33 of 1966 and its amendments.

B . The provisions of any other piece of legislation to the extent that such provisions
contradict the pr ovisions of this law including provisions related to the registration
of legal persons covered in the provisions of Article 28 of this law.

Article [32]: The Prime Minister and Minister shall be responsible for the implementation
of the provisions of this law.

This unofficial translation was provided by the International Center for Not -for -Profit Law (ICNL). For additional
information about ICNL, or to access additional civil society laws and regulations from around the world, please visit .