The Public Benefit Organizations Act

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AN ACT of Parliament to provide for the establishment and operation of public benefit organisations; to provide for their registration; to establish an administrative and regulatory framework within which public benefit organisations can conduct their affairs and for connected purposes
The objects and purposes of this Act are to—
encourage and support public benefit organisations in their contribution to meeting the diverse needs of the people of Kenya by—
creating a conducive environment for the growth of the public benefit organizations sector and for the operations of the registered public benefit organizations;
establishing an administrative and regulatory framework within which public benefit organisations can conduct their affairs;
encouraging public benefit organisations to maintain high standards of governance,
accountability and to improve those standards;
creating an environment within which the public may have access to information concerning registered public benefit organisations; and
promoting a spirit of co- operation and responsibility
government and
donors and other interested persons in their dealings with public benefit organisations;
give meaningful protection to the internationally recognized freedoms of expression, association, and peaceful assembly;
promote the development of self- regulation among public benefit organizations;
promote compliance by public benefit organisations with their legal obligations to exercise effective control and management over the administration of their activities and funding;
facilitate a constructive and principled collaboration between public benefit organisations, the Government, business, donors and other actors in order to advance public interest;
provide registration procedures, which are transparent, and which will facilitate establishment of public benefit organizations while safeguarding freedom of association;
facilitate mechanisms for government collaboration with public benefit organizations, including funding of public benefit organizations activities and involvement of public benefit organizations in the implementation of government projects;
facilitate the establishment and growth of public benefit organizations in order to generally strengthen civil society, promote social welfare and improve the conditions and quality of life for the people of Kenya.