The Prevention of Terrorism Act

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“AN ACT of Parliament to provide measures for the detection and
prevention of terrorist activities; to amend the Extradition
(Commonwealth Countries) Act and the Extradition
(Contiguous and Foreign Countries) Act; and for connected purposes.
“”terrorist act”” means an act or threat of action which-
involves the use of violence against a person;
endangers the life of a person, other than the person committing the action;
creates a serious risk to the health or safety of the public or a section of the public;
results in serious damage to property;
involves the use of firearms or explosives;
involves the release of any dangerous, hazardous, toxic or radioactive substance or microbial or other biological agent or toxin into the environment;
interferes with an electronic system resulting in the disruption of the provision of communication, financial, transport or other essential services;
interferes or disrupts the provision of essential or emergency services;
prejudices national security or public safety; and
which is carried out with the aim of
intimidating or causing fear amongst members of the public or a section of the public; or
intimidating or compelling the Government or international organization to do, or refrain from any act; or
destabilizing the religious, political, Constitutional, economic or social institutions of a country, or an international organization:
Provided that an act which disrupts any services and is committed in pursuance of a protest, demonstration or stoppage of work shall be deemed not to be a terrorist act within the meaning of this definition so long as the act is not intended to result in any harm.
“”terrorist group”” means —
an entity that has as one of its activities and purposes, the committing of, or the facilitation of the commission of a terrorist act; or a specified entity.
“terrorist property”” means –
proceeds from the commission of a terrorist act, money or other property which has been, is being, or is intended to be used to commit a terrorist act;
money or other property which has been, is being, or is intended to be used by a terrorist group; or
any property belonging to a specified entity;
“”vessel”” means any thing made or adapted for the conveyance by water of people or property;
“”weapon”” includes a firearm within the meaning assigned to it under the Firearms Act, explosive, chemical, biological, nuclear or other lethal device.