Sports (Sport Federations) Regulations (GN No. 34)

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  • Year:
  • Country: Mauritius
  • Language: English
  • Document Type: Domestic Law or Regulation
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The Sports (Sport Federations) Regulations 2000
The Sports (Sport Federations) Regulations 2000

GN No. 34 of 2000

Regulations made by the Minister under section 18 of the Sports Act 1999
1. These regulations may be cited as the Sports (Sport Federati
ons) Regulations

2. In these regulations –

“Act” means the Sports Act 1999.
Every Sport Federation shall ensure that every Regional Committee –

(a) has the name of its region as part of its name; (b) admits its members and elects its managers in such a way th
at no person is
disqualified or ineligible by reason of race, community, caste, creed or
(c) conducts its business so that it does not foster any ill-fe
eling towards a
section of the community;
(d) has three quarters or more of its members of the managing c
ommittee as
resident in the appropriate region.
A Sport Federation shall not keep on its roll a sports club –
(a) which has, before the coming into operation of the Act, pra
ctised a team
sport in the highest division of the national championship, unless that
sports club
alters the colours worn by its team;
(b) unless three quarters or more of the members of the managin
g committee of
the sports club are resident in the appropriate region.
(c) unless 75 per cent in the case of team sports, and 100 pe
r cent in the case
of individual sports, of the persons holding a licence issued by the Fed
eration are
resident in the appropriate region
practising team sports, unless in every match sheet stipulated by rules
regulations of the relevant international governing body,
the sports club has entered not less than 75 per cent of players residin
g in the
appropriate region.
No person actively engaged in politics shall be appointed President of a
Federation, of a Regional Sport Committee or of a Sports Club.
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The Sports (Sport Federations) Regulations 2000
Every Sport Federation, and every member thereof exercising voting right
s at a
General Assembly for the election, or replacement, of the members of the
Committee, shall use its or his best endeavours to ensure that the Manag
ing Committee
represents a fair cross-section of the community.
Every Sport Federation shall make provision in its rules for-
the forwarding to the Secretary of the Sport Federation by the President
every Regional Committee of the name of the 3 representatives elected to
vote at a
General Assembly not later than 10 days before the date fixed for the As
the summoning of a General assembly of the Sports Federation not later
than 30 days before the date fixed for the Assembly;
voting at a General Assembly to be done only by persons present at the
the appointment of auditors;
the right of admission to a General Assembly by an observer deputed by t
Mauritius National Olympic Committee;
indication of the name of the proposer of an amendment to be considered
a General Assembly specially convened for that purpose;
the requirement that every person wishing to stand as a candidate for
election to the Managing Committee of a Sport Federation shall-
(i) send a written and signed notification to that effect b
y registered post
with a request for advice of delivery so as to reach the office of the F
not later than 21 days before the date fixed for the General assembly;

(ii) include in the notification his name, surname and priv
ate address;
(iii) state whether he has at any time during the preceding 4 years, h
eld office
as President of the Federation;
(h) the employment of an Administrative Secretary, the duties t
o be assigned to
him and the delegation to him by the Managing Committee of the day to da
y running
of the affairs of the Federation;
(i) the vacation of office by the President upon his election
to the presidency of
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The Sports (Sport Federations) Regulations 2000
the Mauritius National Olympic Committee;
the powers and duties of the office bearers of the Federation;
recommendation to be made to the Minister on the powers and duties of th
National Technical Director, Advisor/Coach or national coach;
(l) the appointment of such sub committees as the Managing Com
mittee thinks
fit, including a Technical and Training subcommittee and a National Disc
iplinary sub
committee, their memberships and powers and duties;
(m) the formalities to be fulfilled by any person who wishes to o
btain a licence
from a Sport Federation, including the production of an appropriate medi
certificate and, in the case of a minor, parental authorisation;
(n) the modalities applicable for the transfer of a player or a
n athlete from one
sports club to another;
(o) the taking of disciplinary measures against a Regional Comm
ittee, a sports
club or a member thereof.
These regulations shall come into operation on 18 February 2000.

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