Local Administration Act

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  • Country: Nepal
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Local Administration Act, 2028 (1971)
Date of Authe ntica tion a nd P ublica tion
2028.4.20 (5 Aug. 1971)

1. Judicia l Administra tion Re form Act, 2031
(1974) 2031. 4.18
(2 Aug. 1974)
2. Black Market a nd Some Other Soc ial
Offence s and Punishme nt Act, 2032 (1975) 2032. 5.20
(5 Sept. 1975)
3. Loca l Administra tion (First Amendment)
Act, 2033 (1976) 2033. 4.28
( 12 Aug. 1976)
4. Loca l Adm inistra tion (Second Amendment)
Act, 2037 (1980) 2037.6.2
(18 Se pt. 1980)
5. Free dom of Speech and Publication, Act,
2037 (1980) 2037. 4.29
(13 Aug. 1980)
6. Some Nepal Acts (Amendme nt) Act, 2041
(1984) 2041. 7.27
(12 Nov. 1984)
7. Judicia l Adm inistration Reform (Fourth
Amendment) Ac t, 2043 (1986) 2043. 7.24
(13 No v. 1986)
8. Some Nepa l Acts (Ame ndment) Acts, 2043 2043. 7.24
(13 No v. 1986)

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9. Adm inistration of Justice Ac t, 2048 (1991) 2048. 2.16
(30 Ma y 1991)
Loca l Administration (Third Amendment)
Act, 2048 (1991) 2048. 2.21
(4 June 1991)
Loca l Adm inistration (Fourth Amendment)
Act, 2058 (2001) 2058.5.6
(22 Aug. 2001)
Provision of Some Nepa l Acts Re viva l Act,
2063 (2006) 2063. 4.23
(8 Aug. 2006)
Some Nepa l Laws (Ame ndment) Ac t, 2063
(2006) 2063. 4.23
(8 Aug. 2006)
Some Nepal Ac t (Amendment) Act, 2064
(2007) 2064.5.9
(26 Aug. 2007)
Republic Stre ngthe ning a nd Some Nepal
Laws Ame ndment Act, 2066 (2010)
1 2066. 10.7
(21 Ja n. 2010)
Act Number 2 of the year 2028 (1971)
An A ct to A mend and Consolidate Law R elating to Loc al
: Whereas, it is expedient to amend and consolidate law relate d to local
adm inistra tion to ma ke consistent with dece ntra lize d adm inistrative system a nd
ma inta in peace and order.
1 This Act come into force fr om 15 Jestha 2065, ” Pr asati” and the word “Kingdom” has been deleted.

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Now, therefore, be it enacte d by His Ma jesty K ing Ma he ndra Bir Bikarm
Shah De v on the advice a nd with consent of Rastriy a Pachayat.
Prelim inary

1. Short title, extent and commencement : (1) This Act ma y be ca lled as
“Local Administra tion Act, 2028 (1971)”.
(2) This Act shall exte nd throughout Nepa l.
(3) This Act shall come into force immediate ly.
22. Definitions : In this Ac t, unle ss the subject or conte xt otherwi se required,-
4(a1) “Re gional Administrator” means the Regiona l Ad m inistra tor as
appointe d pursuant to Sub-section (2) of Sec tion 4A .
(b) “Chief Distric t Officer” mea ns the Chie f Distri ct O fficer as
appointe d by Government of Nepa l.
5(c) “Assembly/Meeting” mea ns the group of Twenty Fi ve or more than
Twenty Five persons ga thered with an intention in a n organized or
unorga nize d manner in public place to address parti c ular objec tives.

2 Revived by provision of Some Nepal Acts Revival A ct, 2063. 3 Deleted by Third Amendment Act. 4 Inserted by Fourth Amend ment. 5 Inserted by So me Nepal Law A mendment Act, 2063.

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Division of Development Regions, Zones and District s

3. Division of development regions, zones and distr icts : (1)
Nepal has bee n divided into de ve lopme nt re gions, zo nes and districts as
prescribed in schedule.
(2) The boundaries a nd headquarters of e very de ve lo pment re gions,
zone s and districts sha ll be as prescribed by Go ver nme nt of Nepal by
publishing a Notification in the Nepal Gazette.
(3) The boundaries and headquarters of the distric t s maintained
before sha ll be maintaine d unle ss otherw ise prescri be d by Go vernment of
Nepal by publishing a Notifica tion in the Nepal Gaz ette.
7Regional and District Administration
4. 8……………….
94A. Regional Administration : (1) There shall be a Regiona l Administra tion
Office a s follows in each de velopment re gion:
(a) Regiona l Adm inistration Office, Eastern De velop me nt
Region, Dhankuta.
(b) Regiona l Adm inistration Office, Central De velop me nt
Region, Hetauda.
(c) Regiona l Administra tion Office, Western De ve lopment Re gion, Pokhara.
6 Amended by Fourth Amend ment. 7 Revived by Pr ovision of So me Nepal Acts Revival A ct, 2063. 8 Repealed by Third Amendment . 9 Inserted by Fourth Amend ment.

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(d) Regiona l Adm inistra tion Office, Mid-western De ve lopment Re gion, Surkhet.
(e) Regiona l Adm inistra tion Office, Far-western De ve lopment Re gion, Dipa yal.
10(2) Go vernment of Nepal sha ll appoint the Re gional Adm inistra tor
as a Chie f of Re gional Administration Office from a mongst the gazetted
spec ial c lass officer of the Civil ser vice.
114B . Functions, Duties and P owers of Regional Admini strator : (1) The
Regiona l Adm inistrator shall be responsible to carr y out the general
adm inistra tion in the re gion in acc orda nce w ith the policies and directives
of the Government of Nepa l.
(2) Functions, Duties a nd Powers of the Regiona l Ad m inistra tor
sha ll be as follows:
(a) To ma inta in or ca use to ma intain peace and order in
the region,
(b) To monitor and c o-ordinate the functions of
Adm inistration Office s of the re gion,
(c) To carry out or cause to carry out nece ssary action s
regarding the functions of Regiona l
13and D istrict
Offices of the re gion to make them ………. service
orie nte d and econom ica l as well as to restrain from
dela y, neglige nce and corruption,
10 Revived by Pr ovision of So me Nepal Acts Revival A ct, 2063. 11 Inserted by Fourth Amend ment. 12 Revived by Pr ovision of So me Nepal Acts Revival Act, 2063. 13 Revived by Pr ovision of So me Nepal Acts Revival Act, 2063.

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(d) To or cause to protec t, m onitor a nd ma inta in the
governme nt or public property within the region
except otherwise provide d in the preva iling laws.
(e) To pro vide actua l information re lating to peace a nd
security situa tion of the re gion to the Go vernment of
Nepal re gularly,
(f) To cause to carry out periodic inspection of the bo rder
with foreign c ountries adjoining to the district by the
14Chie f District O fficer and subm it a report
there of to the Go vernme nt of Nepa l a nd make
necessary arrangements to control the criminal
activitie s in the border area s by increasing
effec tivene ss of the loca l administra tion,
(g) To ma ke nece ssary arra ngeme nts to settle difference
and dispute, if any, on the ma tter of public intere st
suc h as boundarie s, roads, cana ls, paini, drinking water
etc arise s between Two or more than Two
15Distric ts
of the re gion in the prese nce of the concerned part ie s,
(h) To carry out or cause to carry out nec essary
arrangeme nts to control a nd mana ge the critical
situa tions suc h as na tura l cala mities, epidemics,
fam ine e tc.,
(i) To regularly inspect the prisons of the region and make
necessary arrangeme nts for their proper func tioning
and rec ommend for pardoning of the prisoners,
14 Revived by Pr ovision of So me Nepal Acts Revival A ct, 2063. 15 Revived by Pr ovision of So me Nepal Acts Revival Act, 2063.

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(j) To perform nece ssary functions to prom ote
nationa lism in the re gion a nd ma inta in unity betwee n
Nepalese people through conciliation and mutual
(k) To perform or ca use to perform other functions as p er
the orders and direc tions of Go vernment of Nepal
issue d from time to time and to monitor the same.
164C. Regional Security Committee : 17(1) There shall be a Regiona l Security
Committee, as follows, to provide assistance in pea ce, sec urity and order in
each re gion:
(a) Regiona l Adm inistra tor – Chairperson
(b) Loca l Chie f of Nepa le se Army – Member
(c) Chie f of Re giona l Police Office – Member
(d) Chie f of Arme d Police Office- – Member
18(e) Chie f of the office of the Nationa l
Inve stigation Department who
looks a fter concerned re gion – Member-secretary

(2) The Re giona l Administrator may in vite officers of the other
offices of the region in the meetings of the Re gion a l Sec urity Committee as
per nece ssary.
(3) The Cha irperson ma y conve y meetings of the comm ittee
pursua nt to Sub-section (1) a s required.
16 Inserted by Fourth Amend ment. 17 Revived by Pr ovision of So me Nepal Acts Revival A ct, 2063. 18 Revived by Pr ovision of So me Nepal Acts Revival Act, 2063.

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194D. To Function under the supervision of R egional A dministrator :
The Re gional Police Office sha ll disc harge its func tions to ma inta in peace,
security and order in the Re gion under the direct s upervision and direc tion
of the Regiona l Administrator.
5. District Administration : 20(1) There sha ll be a District Administra tion
Office in each distric t to operate ge neral a dm inist ra tion of the distric t. The
Governme nt of Nepa l shall appoint a Chie f D istrict Officer in eac h district
to func tion as a Chie f Adm inistra tion O fficer. The Chie f District O fficer
sha ll be the re prese ntative of Go vernment of Nepal. The Chie f D istrict
Officer sha ll perform functions in acc ordance with prevailing laws, polic ies
and directions of the Go vernment of Nepal and under the supervision of

21Re gional Administra tor .
(2) Except the c ourt a nd De fence Offices……….,
22 the offices at
district le vel, as pre scribe d by Governme nt of Nepa l by publishing a
Notification in Nepa l Gaze tte from time to time, sh all be the bra nches of
District Administration Office.
(3) The Chie f D istric t Officer sha ll have no c ontro l over the
prescribed powers to be exercised by district le vel office or officer of such
office, which are conferred to in the branc hes of D istric t Administration
Office pursua nt to Sub-section (2) on judicia l a nd quasi-judic ial powers as
prescribed by pre vailing laws.
(4) The
23powers and dutie s of the Chie f D istrict Officer or other
Officer to monitor, control and super vise of the Office s at the Distric t le vel
19 Inserted by Fourth Amend ment. 20 Amended by Some Nepal Acts A mendment Act, 2064. 21 Revived by Pr ovision of So me Nepal Acts Revival Act, 2063. 22 Omi tted by Third Amendment. 23 Amended by Second Amendment.

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which are to be the branche s of the District Adm ini stration Office pursua nt
to Sub-section (2) sha ll be re gulate d by the Rules frame d under this Act.
(5) Func tions, duties and powers of the Chie f Distr ic t Office shall be
as follows:
(a) To mainta in peace, order and security in the di strict,
24(b) To provide for assistance in de velopme nt activities run
by Go vernment of Nepa l, Distric t De velopme nt
Committee, M unicipality a nd Villa ge De velopme nt
Committee in the district,
(c) To monitor, mainta in or repa ir or cause to moni tor,
ma inta in or repair the properties of the Go vernment of
Nepal in the district,
(d) …………….
(e) To perform other functions and activities pursu ant to
the orders and directions issued by the Go vernment of
Nepal 26 from time to time.
(6) …………….
6. To maintain peace and security : (1)……….. 28The Chie f District O ffic er
sha ll perform follow ing functions to pre ve nt any ac tivity if there is a ny
doubt of viole nce or riot:
(a) If it deem s that an a ssembly, procession or m ob
(crowd) may take viole nt or de structive tendency a n d
there is a possibility of disorder from such activi ties,
24 Amended by Thir d Amendment. 25 Omi tted by Third Amendment. 26 Amended by Thir d Amendment. 27 Omi tted by Second Amend ment. 28 Omi tted by Third Amendment.

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he/she sha ll ca use to control it through the police a nd
if it goes beyond the control of the police, he /she shall
atte nd him /herself or depute subordina te officer in the
concerned place a nd persua de to maintain peace and if
peace could not be ma inta ined, he /she may ca use to
use baton (Lathi charge ), tearga s, Phohora, bla nk fire
as per necessity base d on the situation, to ma inta i n
peace and order,
(b) If it is not possible to ma intain peace pursua n t to
Clause (a) and it deems nece ssary to ope n fire to i ssue
warning to the crowd w ith all clarity be fore openin g
the fire; if the mob is not disperse d a fter such wa rning
and if it becomes necessary to open fire to give or der
in writing to open fire be low the knee,
(c) ………….
(d) To provide writte n order to the police to ma int a in
peace and security in the distric t……..
30 if it is possible
and if not so possible to provide verba l order as p er
necessity a nd if the order is verbal it sha ll be
confirmed in writing within Twenty Four hours,
31(e) For ma inta ining peace and sec urity in the distr ic t, the
District Police Office sha ll perform its functions on the
direc t supervision and direction of the Chie f D istr ict
29 Omi tted by Second Amend ment. 30 Omi tted by Firs t Amend ment. 31 Inserted by Firs t Amendment.

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32(1a) The Chief District Officer shall provide infor mation regarding
the func tions and activities pursua nt to Sub-sectio n (1) to the Re gional
Adm inistrator and M inistry of Home Affa irs 33 as soon as possible a nd the
Chie f Distric t Officer sha ll ha ve a duty to a bide b y directions of the
Regiona l Adm inistra tor in this regard .34
35(2) If the Chie f District O fficer re veals that a ny serious disorder
has been occurred or to be occ urred, a nd he/she thi nks tha t it is not possible
to control it only with the assista nce of the polic e in such place under
his/her jurisdic tion, he/she may re que st to loca l o r neare st Armed Police
Force or Nepal Army as per the situation demands up on mentioning
reasons and grounds for the same. The notice of suc h re que st to the Armed
Police Force a nd Nepa l Army sha ll be given to the R e gional
Adm inistration 36 and Ministry of Home Affa irs within Twenty Four hours
by the quic kest means.
37(2a) If the Re gional Administration re vea ls that an y serious
disorder has been occurred or to be occurre d in the Two or more districts
adjoining the boundaries, and he/she thinks that it is not possible to control
it w ith the assista nce of the police in such place under his/her jurisdiction,
he/she may re que st to local or nearest Armed P olice Force or Nepa l Army
as per the situation demands. The notice of such re que st to the Armed
Police Force or Nepa l Army sha ll be give n to the Co ncerne d Chie f D istrict
Officer and M inistry of Home Affairs w ithin Twenty Four hours by the
quicke st means.
32 Inserted by Fourth Amend ment. 33 Revived by Pr ovision of So me Nepal Acts Revival A ct, 2063. 34 Revived by Pr ovision of So me Nepal Acts Revival Act, 2063. 35 Amended by Fourth Amend ment. 36 Revived by Pr ovision of So me Nepal Acts Revival Act, 2063. 37 Revived by Pr ovision of So me Nepal Acts Revival Act, 2063.

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(3) If there is a possibility tha t peace a nd se curi ty may be breac hed
or inconve nie nce to someone may arise or cause adve rse e ffec t to the public
hea lth due to any act of someone or le t it remain o r kee ping some goods or
materia ls by someone in any specific place……… .
38the Chie f D istrict O ffic er
may issue a n order as follow s and suc h an order sha ll not be for more than
Two months a t one time :-
(a) To prohibit someone to carry out a ny act,
(b) To order to remove any object or property from that
place to the owner, mana ger or chief or to prohibit to
carry out any act in such place.
39(3a) If there happens a ny hooliga nism or there are suffic ie nt
grounds of happening of hooliganism or disorder in a ny place, the Chief
District Officer ma y issue an order to pre vent to b e gathered m ore than Five
persons for the purpose of hooliga nism or disorder at the spec ific place and
time. The Chief District Officer may im pose a fine upto Five Hundred
Rupees or an imprisonment upto One month or the bot h to a person who
viola tes suc h an order.
(4) In the course of issuing an order to a person p ursua nt to Sub-
section (3)……….
40, Chie f D istrict Officer sha ll send a notice a longw ith the
reason thereof to the concerne d person. If the c onc erne d person is not
found; suc h a notice sha ll be a ffixed pursuant to p re vailing Ne pal law in
suc h a way that the functions sha ll not be ham pered . The officer issuing
suc h an order may fine upto Fifty Rupee s for each t ime who violate s such
an orde r.
38 Omi tted by First Amend ment. 39 Inserted by So me Nepal Acts A mendment Act, 2064. 40 Omi tted by Firs t Amend ment.

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41(5) If the Chief District Officer re vea ls that ther e arise s any dispute
or there is a possibility of arising dispute regard ing land, cana l, water,
boundarie s whic h may cause to lead to disorde r in t he district, the Chief
District Officer may summon to present in his/her o ffice to the c oncerned
parties of the conflict a s soon as possible and sha ll rec ord the ir statements
and ma y hold such property a nd may handover it as p er nece ssity to a
person who ha s posse sse d it since last Three months or V illa ge
De ve lopment Committee or Munic ipa lity 42 or re lia ble person and issue an
order to aggrie ve d party to go to the c ourt for fin a l disposition of ownership
on the dispute d property.
43(6) The a ggrie ve d party may file a n appeal a ga inst the order issued
or pe na lty impose d by Chie f D istrict Officer pursua nt to Sub-sections (3),
(3a), (4) and (5) before the concerne d Court of App ea l w ithin Thirty Five
44(7) There sha ll be a Distric t Sec urity Comm ittee in each district to
assist the peace, security and order in the distric t as follows:
(a) Chie f D istrict Officer – Chairperson
(b) Loca l Chie f of Nepa l Army – Member
(c) Chie f of District Police Office – Member
(d) Loca l Chief of Armed Police Office – Member
45(e) District Chief of National
Inve stigation Department – Member
41 Amended by First Amendment. 42 Amended by Thir d Amendment. 43 Amended by Some Nepal Acts A mendment Act, 2064. 44 Amended by Fourth Amend ment. 45 Revived by provision of Some Nepal Acts Revival A ct, 2063.

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46(f) Assista nt, Chie f D istrict Officer – Member-secr etary
(8) ………….
(9) The Chief District O fficer may invite offic ia ls of other office s of
the district in the mee tings of the Distric t Securi ty Comm ittee, a s per
(10) The Chie f D istric t Officer may conve ne the mee ting of the
Committee pursua nt to Sub-section (7) as per necess ity.
486A. Curfew may be imposed : (1) If it is re ve led that pea ce ma y be viola ted
in any area due to mob ( Aandolan) or hooliganism, the Chie f D istrict
Officer ma y impose c urfew order to preve nt movement , assemble or not to
commit any other act as prescribed by pre scribing t he boundarie s upon
considering the c ircumstance s…………
49 While issuing such an c urfew order,
the Chie f D istric t Officer
50 sha ll publicise the order for the information of
the ge nera l public of the area where c urfew is to b e imposed and the
vic inity.
(2) If a curfew order is issued pursua nt to Sub-sec tion (1), no other
person exce pt the authorized person who has obta ine d a secret sign from
the Chief Distric t Officer
51 shall ma ke movement in the restricted area
during the restric ted time.
(3) The person who violate s curfew order sha ll be a rrested by police
and the police sha ll produce suc h person before the Chief District Offic er
immediate ly. The Chie f D istrict Officer
53 shall im pose a pe na lty of
46 Inserted by So me Nepal Acts A mendment Act, 2064. 47 Omi tted by Fourth Amendment. 48 Inserted by Second Amendment. 49 Omi tted by Third Amendment. 50 Amended by Thir d Amendment. 51 Amended by Thir d Amendment. 52 Amended by Thir d Amendment. 53 Amended by Thir d Amendment.

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imprisonme nt upto One month or a fine upto One Thou sand Rupees or both
to the person so arreste d upon adopting an a ppropri ate summary trail
procedure and an appea l aga inst such an order shall lie be fore the Court of
Appea l 54.
(4) While issuing a curfew order the Chie f Distric t O fficer
55 may
issue an order to the police to open fire to the pe rson or group who viola tes
the c urfew order to control the situation. In suc h a situation, before firing,
police sha ll use baton ( lathi charge ), teargas, phohara or bla nk fire and if
the person or group does not disperse police sha ll c learly warn that if they
do not dispersed police sha ll open fire to them. If the person or group does
not disperse e ven after such warning the police may open fire.
Provide d tha t, it shall not deemed to bar by the pr o vision as
mentioned in this Sub-section to the Chie f Distric t O fficer
56 to issue a shoot
at sight order to any person or group who viola te s c urfew with viole nt
tendenc ies.
(5) The Chie f Distric t Officer…………
57 shall reduce the duration of
curfew gra dua lly depending on circ um sta nces a nd the same authority shall
withdraw the c urfew order a fter the situation becom e s normal.
58(6) The Chief Distric t Officer sha ll inform immedia te ly to the
Regiona l Adm inistra tor and Ministry of Home Affa irs
59 after issuing of the
curfew order.

54 Amended by Admi nis tration of J us tice Act, 2048. 55 Amended by Thir d Amendment. 56 Amended by Thir d Amend ment. 57 Omi tted by Third Amendment. 58 Amended by Thir d Amendment. 59 Revived by provision of Some Nepal Acts Revival A ct, 2063.

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606B . To declare a riot affected area : (1) If it is deemed that a procession,
mob or organized group with or w ithout arm is like l y to carryout violent or
destruc tive acts such as looting, arson in houses o r shops, destroying the
public property a nd it is reve led tha t such a situa tion is not controlled by the
genera l police action, the Chie f D istrict Officer.. ………
61 may dec lare such
area as a riot a ffec ted area. The Chie f District Of ficer
62 sha ll act a ny or all
of the following acts to ma inta in peace a nd order a fter the dec lara tion of
suc h riot a ffected area.
(a) To arrest suspic ious person without arrest warr ant
from suc h area and put in pre ventive dete ntion
pursua nt to Public Sec urity Act, 2046
(b) To shoot fire a t sight who loots or put fire in houses
(buildings) and shops or destroys public property o r
causes any other type s of viole nt or de structive ac ts,
(c) To ba n on a ssem bly, procession, meetings or exhibitions or to ban on writing or fixing poster,
pamphle t and such types of c ommunication materia ls,
(d) To make pro vis ions of supply of essential goods in
suc h area and to control the tra nsportation, stora g e a nd
sale and distribution of such goods,
(e) To close down educationa l institutions, any oth er
institutions, e xhibition centres a nd offices of suc h area,
60 Inserted by Second Amendment. 61 Deleted by Third Amendment. 62 Amended by Thir d Amendment. 63 Amended by Thir d Amendment.

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(f) To ban strike on any essentia l service pursua nt to
Essentia l Service Opera tion Act, 2014 (1957) in suc h
(g) To ban ga thering of Five or more tha n Five pers ons in
suc h area,
(h) To issue curfew order in such area,
(i) To take assistance of Nepa l Army as require d fo r the
said functions in suc h area.
(2) If, it seems suspic ious that the arms and amm un itions ha ve been
put in a riot a ffec ted area, the police personne l a t least Sub-inspec tor of
police ma y searc h houses, shops, com pound, go-down of a ny person
without a prior notice as per the order of the Chie f D istrict Officer
65(3) While dec laring a riot a ffec ted area pursuant t o Sub-section (1),
the Chief Distric t O ffice may declare it for One m o nth a t a time. If,
dura tion is to be extended, the Chie f D istrict Offi cer may extend such
period upto Three months as per the a pprova l of Min istry of Home Affa irs,
Governme nt of Nepa l.
(4) The Chief Distric t O fficer sha ll comm unicate th e informa tion of
dec lara tion of riot a ffected area to the
66Re gional Administrator and
Ministry of Home Affairs immediately.
(5) If someone violates the pro vision of Cla use s ( e) a nd (g) of Sub-
section (1) or obstructs on the searc h pursuant to Sub-section (2), the Chief
District Officer 67 may impose a fine upto Three Thousa nd Rupe es or an
imprisonme nt upto Three m onths or both by using app ropria te summary
64 Amended by Thir d Amendment. 65 Amended by Thir d Amendment. 66 Revived by provision of Some Nepal Acts Revival Ac t, 2063. 67 Amended by Thir d Amendment.

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procedure and an a ppea l a ga inst suc h order sha ll li e in the Court of
Appea l .68
696C. Not to obstruct (barricade) on public service or road or not to
destruct any house or vehicle : (1) No one sha ll commit or cause to
commit the follow ings ac ts:
(a) To obstruct by Chakkajam or a ny other kinds of
obstruction in the smooth opera tion of suc h public
roads as notified by the Government of Nepa l by a
Notification publishe d in Nepa l Gazette,
(b) To damage government, public or private vehic le ,
house or property by mea ns of de struc tion, fire or
looting or to force fully e nter into such vehicle or house
and land or to force fully ta ke in to possession of such
vehicle or house or property,
(c) To obstruct government or public institution a n d
educationa l institution by mea ns of lockups or a ny
other similar acts.
(2) If, some one commits a ny act pursuant to Sub-sec tion (1), Chief
District O fficer ma y impose a fine upto Ten Thousan d Rupees or an
imprisonme nt upto Six months or the both and to rea lise an amount equa l to
c laime d amount and fine such person equal to the cl a imed amount as per
the nature of an offence.
(3) The Chie f District Officer sha ll follow (a dopt) the procedure
pursua nt to Summary Procedure Act, 2028 to the proc e eding of this
Sec tion.
68 Amended by Admi nis tration of J us tice Act, 2048. 69 Inserted by So me Nepal Acts A mendment Act, 2064.

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(4) The a ggrie ved person ma y file an a ppeal aga inst the pena lty
impose d by the Chie f Distric t Officer pursua nt to S ub-section (2) before the
concerned Court of Appeal within Thirty Five days.
707. Powers and duties of the police personnel : (1) The Chie f D istrict
Officer sha ll inquire, as per necessity whether or not D istrict Police O ffice,
Area P olice O ffice and P olice Posts are in proper c ondition or whe ther or
not police officers and employee s performed the ir d utie s in accordance w ith
the law, and shall ac t as follows in this re gard:
(a) Inspect com pulsory D istric t Police Office, Area Police
Office and Police Posts at least once a year and su bmit
a report of such inspection to the Re gional
Adm inistrator and Ministry of Home Affa irs .71
(b) Submit a re port on the persona l c onduc t a nd performance ( nekibadi) of police officers to the
Regiona l Administrator and M inistry of Home
Affa irs, 72 twice a year, by the e nd of Poush (about m id
January) a nd Ashadh (about mid July) respective ly.
(c) If it is nec essary to make arrangeme nts on poli cing in a
district, the Chief Distric t Office shall communica te to
the Re gional Administrator a nd Ministry of Home
Affa irs, 73 a long w ith his/her opinion.
(d) In a person files a c ompla int tha t a police emp loyee
has acted in c ontra ve ntion of the law while dischar ging
his/her dutie s, the Chie f District Officer shall
70 Amended by Thir d Amendment. 71 Revived by provision of Some Nepal Acts Revival A ct, 2063. 72 Revived by provision of Some Nepal Acts Revival Act, 2063. 73 Revived by provision of Some Nepal Acts Revival Act, 2063.

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investigate the ma tter a s required and submit a rep ort
a long w ith the recomme nda tions and opinions to the
Regiona l Administra tor a nd Ministry of Home
Affa irs for necessary ac tion.
8. Origional and appeallate Jurisduction : (1) Chief District Officer shall
have the powers to proceed a nd adjudicate the follo w ing ca ses:
75 (a) Minor ca ses of the ft having cla imed a mount up to
maximum Five Hundred Rupee s,
(b) Cases re lating to pick-pocketing,
(c) …………..
(d) Cases rela ting to the use of inaccurate we ights a nd
measure s for deception,
(e) Cases rela ting to the slaughter of fema le anima ls at
place s other than temples where it is a c ustomary
(2) A decision made by the Chief Distric t Officer o n ca se s pursua nt
to Sub-sec tion (1) in which one is not rec orde d as a rec idivist criminal a nd
a fine upto Five Hundred Rupees is imposed, sha ll b e final, and no one may
file a n a ppeal aga inst such dec ision. An a ppeal aga inst the decision of the
Chie f D istrict Officer in ca ses a fine exceeding Fi ve Hundred Rupee s is
impose d or in which a guilty person has been record ed as a recidivist may
be filed be fore the Court of Appea l
77 within Thirty Five da ys.
74 Revived by provision of Some Nepal Acts Revival A ct, 2063. 75 Amended by Thir d Amendment. 76 Repealed by Black Mar ket and Some Other Social Of fences and Punishment Act, 2032. 77 Amended by Admi nis tration of J us tice Act, 2048.

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(3) If the Chie f Distric t Officer deems nece ssary i n the course of
hearing a com pla int tha t the property of a woman or minor to be kept in
safe custody, he/she may direct to kee p sa fe such p roperty to any promine nt
person in the distric t or to any go vernment office with the c ooperation of
the Munic ipality or V illa ge De velopme nt Comm ittee
(4) …………
(5) …………
(6) ………
81 The Chie f D istrict Officer sha ll procee d and adjudi cate
cases filed pursua nt to this Act or preva iling Nepa l law within the time
limit stipulated by such law, spec ifying the laws u nder which these ca ses
are to be a djudicated.
9. Other functions duties and powers of the chief d istrict officer : (1)
The Chief District Officer ma y order to arre st a n i ntoxicate d person who
spea ks indece ntly or misbe have s in a public place, a nd may de ta in him/her
until he /she is re lie ved from the intoxication. The Chie f District O fficer
may issue a verba l warning to the deta inee, and if he/she repeats the same
act, the Chie f D istric t Officer ma y impose a fine t o him/her upto One
Thousand Rupees 82 for each offence.
(2) If any unc la imed goods or commoditie s are found , the Chief
District Officer shall ac t in accordance with the p rovisions of the Cha pter
on Bona Vacantia (Kalyan Dhan) of the Muluki Ain (Ge neral Code).
(3) If a Government employee force s a person to wor k w ithout
remuneration to a n offic ia l or his/her domestic wor k, the Chie f D istrict
78 Amended by Thir d Amendment. 79 Repealed by J udicial Admi ni str ation Reform ( Four th Amendment) Act, 2043. 80 Repealed by J udicial Admi ni str ation Reform ( Four th Amendment) Act, 2043 81 Repealed by Black Mar ket and Some Other Social Offe nces and Punishment Act, 2032. 82 Amended by Fourth Amend ment.

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Officer ma y write to the c oncerned departmental hea d reque sting for an
action a ga inst suc h employee under the pre va iling l aw or otherw ise be
subjected to de partmenta l (disc iplinary) action pur suant to the Civil Ser vice
Rule s.
(4) If a report is submitted by Munic ipality or V il la ge De velopme nt
Committee 83 tha t a tiger, leopard or a ny other w ild anima l is crea ting
trouble within the distric t, the Chie f D istrict Off icer sha ll order to be killed
suc h anima l and to ha ve its fur or a ny other parts there of to be hande d over
to the c oncerned Forest Office, or as instruc ted by the Ministry of Forests
and Soils Conservation .84
(5) If a person is found to have made undue profits through the sa le
of any goods or c ommodities, the Chie f Distric t O ff icer may punish the
seller w ith a fine upto O ne Thousand Rupe es or w ith imprisonment upto
Three m onths 85 or both taking into considera tion the quantity and price of
the goods or c ommodities tra nsacted. The a ggrie ved person ma y file an
appeal be fore to Court of Appea l
86 within Thirty Five days a gainst the
dec ision ma de by the Chief District Officer.
(6) The Chie f D istrict Officer sha ll keep records o f public water
taps, wells, ponds, well-side s, she lters ( Pati, pauwa), guest houses (Sattal
Dharmasala), tem ple s, ca ves, bridges etc. situate d w ithin the d istrict; if
the y are dama ged or like ly to c ollapse, he /she shal l order to be re pa ired by
the owner or his/her a ge nt, or by the Munic ipality or V illa ge De velopme nt
Committee 87 or by the Guthi Trust Corporation.
83 Amended by Thir d Amendment. 84 Amended by Fourth Amend ment 85 Amended by Thir d Amendment. 86 Amended by Admi nis tration of J us tice Act, 2048. 87 Amended by Thir d Amendment.

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88(6A) No one sha ll c onstruc t houses (building) on go vernmenta l or
public land without e sta blishing one’s ownership. I n ca se a person
constructs or c ause to construct a house on such la nd, the Chie f D istrict
Officer may issue an order to prohibit the construc tion a house. In case
house has a lready been c onstructe d or is under c ons truction a t the time of
an order, he/she may order for the dem olition and r emo va l of ma teria ls
within One month. If a person does not demolish or remove materia ls w ith
in such time frame, the Chie f D istrict Officer may punish a fine upto Five
Thousand Rupee s and demolish the house. The expense s inc urred for the
demolition ma y a lso be re im bursed from such person.
Explanation :
(1) For the purpose of this Sub-section, the term “public
land” mea ns la nds be ing used from ancie nt times suc h
as paths, roads, pastures, water sources, crema tori es,
cemeteries, we lls, ponds, pond emba nkments, sources
of drinking water, cattle paths, fairgrounds, publi c
enterta inment site s, play grounds a nd sim ila r publi c ly
use d la nds or adjoining plots, as we ll as land ke pt
unc ultivate d or se que stered by the order of
Governme nt of Nepa l.
(2) For the purpose of this Sub-sec tion, the term ” house”
means huts a nd temporary structures with or w ithout
roofs of ha y, straw or tin sheets.
(7) If the Chie f D istrict Officer considers that a person ha s become
insane a nd he/she ma y cause a danger to the concern ed person or soc iety if
88 Inserted by So me Nepal Acts ( A mendment) Act, 2043

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he/she is not kept under control he /she sha ll take action pursuant to Sec tion
8 of the Chapter on Medica l Treatment of the Muluki Ain.
(8) If a person subm its a n a pplica tion to the Chie f Distric t O fficer
requesting for a certifica te of re lationship with a nother individual, the Chief
District O fficer sha ll a fter a n inquiry, issue nece ssary certificate by
obta ining of a fee of Five Rupees.
89(9) The a ggrieve d person may file a com pla int be for e the Court of
Appea l 90 a ga inst the order made by the Chief District Offic er upon
exercising the powers conferred by Sub-sections (1) and (7).
91(10) If a person sla ughters, exce pt on the occasions which re quires
slaughter for traditional religious worship, anima l s or birds on the da ys of
Buddha-Jayanti, Krishna Janmastami, Mahashivaratri, Ramnawami and
festiva l of Ekadashi or at any re ligious place where the sla ughter of a nimals
and birds has been spec ifically prohibited by Gover nme nt of Nepa l by a
Notification in the Nepa l Gazette, the Chie f Distri c t Officer may impose
pena lty to suc h person a fine upto Five Thousand Ru pees
92 and no appeal
a ga inst such order in respect of penalty sha ll be c onsidered.
93(11) No one shall le t ca ttle roa m free inside the M unic ipa lity
area, 94 and if a person let ca ttle on the road a nd the c on cerned
Munic ipality
95 does not capture and deta in such ca ttle, the Chie f D istrict
Officer sha ll ca pture the cattle and sell them by a uc tion, in acc orda nce w ith
procedure s considere d appropriate by him/her, and t he procee ds of the
89 Amended by Thir d Amendment. 90 Amended by Admi nis tration of J us tice Act, 2048. 91 Inserted by Firs t Amendment. 92 Amended by Thir d Amendment. 93 Inserted by Second Amendment. 94 Amended by Thir d Amendment. 95 Amended by Thir d Amendment.

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auction sha ll be de posite d to the District De ve lopm e nt Committee 96 fund. If
no one offe rs a bid in the auction, the Chief Distr ic t Officer may ha ndover
suc h cattle to a person other tha n the owner w ithou t a ny payme nt.
Explanation : For the purpose of this Sub-section-
(1) The term ‘ca ttle ‘ means bullocks, buffaloes, ma le
buffa loe s, horses, sheep and goats.
(2) The Term ‘free cattle’ mea ns cattle let loose by th e
owner on roads and stre ets una ttended by any cowman
( Gothala ) or other person.
97(12) The owner of cattle who c ontra ve nes the provis ions of Sub-
section (11) shall be punished w ith a fine upto Two Hundre d Rupees by the
order of the Chie f Distric t Officer and an appea l a ga inst such order may be
file d be fore the Court of Appea l
10. ………….. 99
100 10A.Records of public property : (1) The Office of the Chie f D istrict
Officer sha ll pre pare records of a ll public land, i nns (pati), rest-houses
( pauwa, sattal ), parks, ponds, wells, pa stures, outlets e tc. iden tifie d through
cadastra l surve y ma ps, Royal Sea l, Khadga Nishana orders, c opper a nd
stone inscriptions, or other similar a uthoritative inscriptions, and send a
copy of each to the La nd Re venue Office and the D is trict De velopme nt
Committee 101 Office.
96 Amended by Thir d Amendment. 97 Inserted by Second Amendment. 98 Amended by Admi nis tration of J us tice Act, 2048. 99 Repealed by Some Nepal Acts ( Amendment) Act, 2041 . 100 Inserted by So me Nepal Acts ( A mendment) Act, 2043. 101 Amended by Thir d Amendment.

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(2) The public land, inns ( pati), rest-houses ( pauwa, sattal), parks,
ponds, we lls, pastures, outle ts e tc. mentioned in S ub-sec tion (1) shall not be
rec la ime d ( aawad) or allowed to be rec la ime d w ithout the prior appr o va l of
Governme nt of Nepal. If they are rec laimed or permi ssion there of is
granted, the guilty party sha ll be punishe d w ith a fine equa l to the va lue of
the property or with an imprisonme nt upto Three mon ths or the both.
(3) If a person ha s re gistere d any public land, inn s (pati ), rest-houses
( pauwa, sattal ), park, pond, we ll, pa sture a nd or outlet etc., in his/her name,
suc h re gistration sha ll be re voke d. There sha ll be no limita tion for the
revoca tion of such re gistration.

11. Delegation of powers :(1) Go vernment of Nepa l may, by a Notifica tion in
the Nepal Gazette, dele ga te a ny or a ll of the power s c onferred to a ny
authority or institution other than a Court pursua n t to this Ac t or any other
pre vailing Nepal laws to the concerne d D istrict Dev e lopment Committee or
Munic ipality or V illa ge De velopme nt Committee 102 or any other offic ial.
(2) ……….
(3) ……….
105 (3a) The Re giona l Administrator may de lega te any or all of the
powers conferred to him /her pursuant to this Act or a ny other pre vailing
Nepal Laws to the Chie f D istrict Officer or any sub ordina te officer a nd
102 Amended by Thir d Amendment. 103 Deleted by Third Amendment. 104 Deleted by Third Amendment. 105 Inserted by Fourth Amend ment.

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information thereof shall be give n to Ministry of H ome Affa irs
immediate ly.
(4) The Chief District Officer may de lega te a ny or a ll of the powers
conferre d to him/her pursua nt to this Ac t or a ny ot her pre vailing Nepal
Laws to any subordinate officer and the informa tion there of sha ll be given
to the Regiona l Adm inistrator and Ministry of Home Affairs
immediate ly.
Provide d that, the Chie f District O fficer sha ll not de le gate the
adjudicating power.
12. Power to frame Rules : Go vernment of Nepa l ma y frame Rules to
implement the objec tives of this Act.
107 13. Devolution of cases : The cases which are pending before the erstwhile
(the the n) Zona l Commissioner pursuant to pre va ilin g Laws, appe llate ca ses
sha ll be tra nsferre d to the concerned Court of Appe a l
108 and other cases
sha ll be transferre d to the concerned Chie f Distric t O fficer.
14. Saving : N otw ithsta nding a nything conta ine d in the pre vaili ng laws, this
Act and Rules frame d hereunder sha ll pre va il o ver t he matters covered in
this Act and Rules.
15. Repeal : The following Nepal laws ha ve bee n repea led:
(a) Loca l Adm inistra tion Act, 2022,
(b) Madesh Goswara Ac t, 2012,
(c) Kathamndu Va lley Commissioners’ and Magistrate Sawal, 2009
106 Revived by provision of Some Nepal Acts Revival A ct, 2063. 107 Amended by Thir d Amendment. 108 Amended by Admi nis tration of J us tice Act, 2048.

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(d) Gauda Goswara Administration (Pro visiona l Arra ngeme nts) Act,
(e) Madesh Goswara Ac t, 2012 (enforc ing to the Hilly Re gion) Act,
16. Effect of inoperativeness of the Local Administ ration Ordinance,
2028 (1971 ): With the Loca l Adm inistra tion Ordina nce, 2028 (1971) be ing
inopera tive, unless a differe nt intention a ppears, the inopera tiveness shall
(a) revive anything in force or e xisting a t the time a t which the
ordinance became inoperativeness;
(b) affect the matter in operation as per the ordinanc e or anything duly
done or any punishme nt suffere d there under;
(c) affect any right, privile ge, obligation or liabili ty acquired, accrued
or incurred under the ordinance;
(d) affect any pe na lty, punishme nt or forfeiture inc ur red under the
(e) affec t any action or remedy made or taken in respec t of any such
right, privile ge, obligation, lia bility, pe na lty or punishme nt
aforesa id; and any such lega l procee ding or remedy may be
institute d, continued or enforced as if the ordinan ce was in force.

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109 Scheldule
(Re late d to Sub-section (1) of Section 3)
Name of Development Regions, Zones and Districts
Development Region Zone District
Taple jung
Sankhuwasa bha
Terha thum
Okha ldhunga
Uda yapur
Eastern De velopment Re gion
Sa garmatha Siraha

109 Amended by Fourth Amend ment.

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Development Region Zone District
Jana kpur
Central De velopme nt Re gion
Rauta hat


Tana hu
Lam jung
Western De velopment Re gion

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Gulm i
Arghakhanc hi
Nawalpara si
Rupa nde hi

Mya gdi Dhaula giri Mustang

Salya n
Ra pti
Dang (Deukhuri)
Karnali Hum la
Ja jarkot
Mid-Western Deve lopme nt Region
Banke Bheri

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Bajha ng

Se ti
Kaila li
Baita di
Dade ldhura

Far-Western De ve lopme nt Re gion
Mahaka li Kanchanpur