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Document Information:
- Year: 1966
- Country: Russia
- Language: English
- Document Type: Domestic Law or Regulation
- Topic: CSO Framework Legislation
NO. 7 -FZ OF JANUARY 12, 1996
(with the Amendments and Additions of November 26, 1998, July 8, 1999, March 21,
2002, December 28, 2002, December 23, 2003, January 10, February 2, November 3,
December 30, 2006, March 2, May 17, June 26, November 29, December 1, 2007, May 13,
July 22, 23, 2008, June 3, July 17, 2009, April 5, May 8, 19, July 22, December 29, 2010,
June 4, July 11, 18, November 6, 16, 2011, July 20, 28, December 30, 2012, February 11,
July 2 (172 -FZ), July 2 (185 -FZ ), December 28 (396 -FZ ), December 28, 2013
(413 -FZ ), February 21, June 4 , July 21, October 14, November 4, November 24,
December 22, December 31 , 2014 , March 8, April 6, May 2, July 13, November 28,
December 30, 2015, January 31, 2016 )
Adopted by the State Duma on December 8, 1995
Chapter I. General Provisions
Article 1. The Object of Regulation and the Sphere of Effect of the Present
Federal Law
1. The present Federal Law determine s the characteristics of the civil -legal status
of non -commercial organizations of certain legal forms, kinds and types , as well as the
possible forms of support to non -commercial organizations by the bodies of State Power
and the local self -government bodies
2. The present Federal Law is applicable wi th respect to all non -commercial
organization s which have been or are being created on the territory of the Russian
Federation unless otherwise laid down by the present Federal Law and any other federal
2.1. The present Federal Law determine s a proce dure for the establishment and
functioning on the territory of the Russian Federation of structural subdivisions of foreign
non -profit non -governmental organization s
2.2. The provisions of the present Federal Law that determine a procedure for the
establis hment and functioning on the territory of the Russian Federation of structural
subdivisions of foreign non -profit non -governmental organization s shall apply to
structural subdivisions of international organization s (associations), insofar as they do
not co ntravene international treaties made by the Russian Federation
3. The present Federal Law shall not extend to consumer cooperatives,
partnerships of apartment owners, fruit gardens, vegetable gardens and allotment
garden non -profit associations of citizen s.
4. Item 6 of Article 2 , Articles 13 – 19 , 21 – 23 , 28 – 30 , 32 of this Federal Law shall
not extend to religious associations registered in the established procedure .
4.1. The operation of Article 13.1 , Items 1 , 1.1 -1.3 of Article 15 , Articles 23 and
23.1 , Paragraph One of Item 2 of Article 24 (as regards acquisition and sale of securities
and participation in limited partnerships as a depositor), Item 1 of Article 30 , Items 3 , 3.1 ,
5, 7 and 10 of Article 32 of the present Federal Law shall not extend to budget -financed
4.2. The operation of Article 13.1 , Items 1 , 1.1 -1.3 of Article 15 , Articles 18 , 19 , 20 ,
23 and 23.1 , Paragraph One of Item 2 of Article 24 (as regards acquisition and sale of
securities and participation in limited partners hips as a depositor), Item 3 and Item 4
(except for paragraph four) of Article 24 , Item 1 of Article 30 , Items 3 , 3.1 , 5, 7, 10 and 14
of Article 32 of this Federal Law shall not extend to state institutions.
5. The operation of this Federal Law shall not extend to state power bodies, other
state bodies, managerial bodies of state non -budgetary funds, local self -government
bodies, as well as to autonomous institutions, if not otherwise established by a federal
la w.
6. Item 6 of Article 2 and Paragraph Three of Item 1 of Article 32 of this Federal
Law shall not extend to state corporations and state companies, as well as to the
non -commercial organization s, state and municipal (in particular budget -financed)
instit utions established by them.
7. Item 6 of Article 2 of this Federal Law shall not extend to associations of
employers and chambers of commerce and industry registered in the procedure
established by law .
Article 2. A Non -Commercial Organization
1. A non -co mmercial organization is one not having profit -making as the main
objective of its activity and not distributing the earned profit among the participants.
2. Non -commercial organization s may be created for achieving social, charitable,
cultural, educationa l, scientific and managerial goals, for the purposes of protecting the
health of citizens, developing the physical culture and sports, satisfying the spiritual and
other nonmaterial requirements of citizens, protecting the rights and legitimate interests
of citizens and organization s, settling disputes and conflicts, rendering legal aid, and
also for any other purposes directed towards the achievement of public weal.
2.1 As socially oriented non -commercial organization s shall be deemed
non -commercial organi zation s established in the forms provided for by this Federal Law
(except for state corporations, state companies and public associations which are
political parties) and exercising activities aimed at solving social problems, development
of civil society in the Russian Federation, as well as other kinds of activities provided for
by Article 31.1 of this Federal Law.
3. Non -commercial organization s may be created in the form of social or religious
organization s (combinations), communities of the aboriginal small peoples of the
Russian Federation, Cossack communities, non -commercial partnerships, institutions,
autonomous non -commercial organization s, social, charitable and any other funds,
associations and unions, and also in any other forms stipulated by the federal laws.
4. A foreign non -commercial non -governmental organization in this Federal Law
shall mean an organization for which profit making is not the principal goal of its
activities, which does not distribute derived profits to participants thereof, which is
established outside the Russian Federation in compliance with the legislation of a
foreign state, which is not founded by state bodies and in which they do not participate.
5. A foreign non -commercial non -governmental organization shall exercise i ts
activities on the territory of the Russian Federation through its structural subdivisions,
that is, branches, affiliates and representative offices.
A structural subdivision which is a branch of a foreign non -commercial
non -governmental organization sha ll be deemed a form of a non -commercial
organization and shall be subject to state registration in the procedure provided for by
Article 13.1 of this Federal Law.
Structural subdivisions which are affiliates and representative offices of foreign
non -commer cial non -governmental organization s shall become legally capable on the
territory of the Russian Federation as of the date of entering to the register of affiliates
and representative offices of international organization s and foreign non -commercial
nongov ernmental organization s data of the appropriate structural subdivision in the
procedure provided for by Article 13.2 of this Federal Law.
6. A non -commercial organization exercising the functions of a foreign agent
means in this Federal Law a Russian non -commercial organization which receives
monetary assets and other property from foreign states, their state bodies, international
and foreign organization s, foreign persons, stateless persons or from the persons
authorized by them and/or from Russian legal entities receiving monetary assets and
other property from the cited sources (except for public joint -stock companies with state
participation and their branch companies) (hereinafter referred to as foreign sources)
and which participates, in particular in the interests of foreign sources, in political
activities exercised in the territory of the Russian Federation.
A non -commercial organization , except for a political party, shall be deemed
participating in political activities exercised in the territory o f the Russian Federation, if,
regardless of the purposes and tasks cited in the constituent entities thereof, it
participates (in particular by way of providing finances) in arranging and conducting
political actions for the purpose of influencing the adop tion by the state bodies of
decisions aimed at changing the state policy pursued by them, as well as in forming
public opinion for the cited purposes.
As political activities shall not be deemed the activities in the field of science,
culture, arts, public health care, citizens’ preventive treatment and health protection,
citizens’ social support and protection, protection of motherhood and childhood, social
support to disabled people, promotion of healthy lifestyle, physical exercises and sports,
protectio n of flora and fauna, charitable activities, as well as the activities aimed at
assisting charitable and volunteers’ activities.
Article 3. Legal Status of Non -Commercial Organization
1. A non -commercial organization shall be deemed to have been created a s a
juridical person from the moment of its state registration in the statutory procedure, it
shall have separate property in ownership or in operating management, it (except as
provided for by law) shall be liable with that property for its obligations, m ay in its name
acquire and exercise property and nonproperty rights, perform duties, sue and be sued
in court.
A non -commercial organization must have an independent balance and/or
2. A non -commercial organization shall be created without limita tion of the period
of activity, unless otherwise laid down by the constituent documents of the
non -commercial organization .
3. A non -commercial organization may in the established procedure open
accounts at banks on and outside the territory of the Russian Federation, except as
established by federal law.
4. A non -commercial organization shall have a seal with the full designation of the
said non -commercial organization in the Russian language.
A non -commercial organization may have stamps and forms wi th i ts designation.
5. The non commercial organization s have the right to have symbols – emblems,
coats of arms and other heraldic signs, flags and anthems, the description of which
should be contained in the founding documents.
The symbolism of non -commercial organizations must comply with the
requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation on the protection of intellectual
The symbolism of non -commercial organizations should not coincide with the
state symbols of the Russian Federation, th e state symbols of the subjects of the
Russian Federation, symbols of municipalities, federal bodies of state power, bodies of
state power of the subjects of the Russian Federation, the Armed Forces of the Russian
Federation, other troops, military formati ons and bodies, in which the Federal law
provides for military service, the symbols of foreign states and with international
organizations symbols.
Emblems and other symbols, the description of which was previously included in
the statutes of political pa rty existing in the Russian Federation, as well as logos and
other symbols of organizations whose activities on the territory of the Russian
Federation is prohibited cannot be used as symbols of the non -commercial organization .
The symbolism of non -commercial organizations should not denigrate the State
Flag of the Russian Federation, the State Emblem of the Russian Federation, the
national anthem of the Russian Federation, flags, emblems and anthems of the subjects
of the Russian Federation, municip alities, foreign governments, religious symbols, as
well as to offend racial, national or religious feelings.
Article 4. Designation and Location of a Non -Commercial Organization
1. A non -commercial organization shall have a name containing a reference to its
organization al legal form and the character of activities.
The name of a non -commercial organization formed as a state or municipal
institution may include a reference to the type thereof.
1.1. A non -commercial organization whose name has been registered in the
established procedure has the exclusive right of using it.
2. The location of a non -commercial organization shall be determined by the place
of its State registration.
3. The designation and the location of a non -comm ercial organization shall be
indicated in its constituent documents.
4. Using in the name of a non -commercial organization of the official name of Russian
Federation or Russia, as well as any words derived therefrom, is permitted by a permit
issued according to the procedure established by the Government of the Russian
Federation (unless otherwise provided by this Federal L aw and other Federal laws).
5. Official name of Russian Federation or Russia, as well as words derived from this
name, are used w ithout permission, as specified in item 4 of this Article, in the names of :
1) Centralized religious organizations whose structures acted on the territory of the
Russian Federation on legal grounds for at least fifty years by the moment of appealing
of th is religious organization for state registration;
2) Non -commercial organizations established under Federal laws and in accordance
with the acts of the President of the Russian Federation or the Government of the
Russian Federation;
3) All-Russia public ass ociations;
4) Structural units of the All-Russia public associations in case of use in the designations
of the said structural units of the complete name of this public association;
5) N on -commercial organizations, a sole founder of which is a legal entity established
under acts of the President of the Russian Federation, acts of the Government of the
Russian Federation, or legal entity that uses in its name the official name Russian
Federation or Russia, and also words derived from this na me, by operation of law or in
accordance with the permit obtained in accordance with the procedure established by
the Government of the Russian Federation, in the case of use in the designations of
these non -commercial organizations of a completedesignatio n of parent legal entity.
6. The right to use in the name of a non -commercial organization of the official name of Russian
Federation or Russia, as well as any words derived therefrom, is terminated in connection with:
1) The withdrawal of the authoriz ati on referred to in item 4 of this A rticle, on the grounds
established by the Government of the Russian Federation;
2) T he termination of the legal entity – the sole founder of non -commercial organizations
referred to in sub -item 5 of item 5 of this A rticle;
3) T he termination of the right of a legal entity – the sole founder of non -commercial
organizations referred to in sub -item 5 of item 5 of this A rticle, to use in its name the official
name Russian Federation or Russia, as well as any words derived there from.
7. In case of termination of the right to use in the name of the non -commercial organization of
the official name of Russian Federation or Russia, as well as words derivative from this name, a
non -commercial organization is required to make appropri ate changes to their constituent
documents within three months from the date of occurrence of the circumstances specified in
item 6 of this article.
Article 5. Affiliate and Representative Offices of a Non -Commercial Organization
1. A non -commercial organization may create affiliate offices and open
representative offices on the territory of the Russian Federation in accordance with the
legislation of the Russian Federation.
2. An affiliate office of a non -commercial organization shall be deemed to be its
isolated unit situated outside the location of the non -commercial organization and
performing all its functions or a part thereof, including the functions of a representative
3. A representative office of a non -commercial organization shall be deemed to be
an isolated unit situated outside the location of the non -commercial organization which
represents the interests of the non -commercial organization and carries out its
4. An affiliate and a representative office of a non -commercial organization shall
not be juridical persons, they shall be vested with the property of the non -commercial
organization which has created them and shall act on the basis of the Regulations
approved by the said organization . The property of the af filiate or representative office
shall be recorded on a separate balance sheet and on the balance sheet of the
non -commercial organization which has created them.
The heads of a n affiliate and a representative office shall be appointed by the
non -commercia l organization and shall act on the basis of a proxy issued by the
non -commercial organization .
5. An affiliate and a representative office shall carry out activity in the name of the
non -commercial organization which has created them. The responsibility f or the activity
of its affiliate and representative office shall be borne by the non -commercial
organization which has created them.
Chapter II. Forms of Non -Commercial Organization s
Article 6. Public and Religious Organization s ( Associations )
1. Public and religious organization s ( associations ) shall be deemed to be
voluntary associations of citizens who have united in the statutory procedure on the
basis of the community of their interests for the satisfaction of their spiritual or any other
nonmaterial requirements.
Public and religious organization s ( associations ) may carry on business activity
corresponding to the objectives for the achievement of which they have been created.
2. The founders, t he participants (members) of public and religious organiz ation s
(associations ) shall not retain the rights to the property transferred by them in ownership
to the said organization s, including the right to the membership fees. The founders, the
participants (members) of public and religious organization s ( associ ations ) shall not be
liable for the obligations of the said organization s ( associations ), and the latter shall not
be liable for the obligations of their founders, participants ( members ).
3. The peculiarities of the legal status of public organization s ( associations ) shall
be determined by other federal laws.
4. The peculiarities of the legal status, formation, re organization and liquidation of
religious organization s, the management of religious organization s shall be defined by a
federal law on religiou s associations.
Article 6.1. The Communities of the Aboriginal Small Peoples of the Russian
1. The communities of the aboriginal small peoples of the Russian Federation
(hereinafter referred to as the community of small peoples) shall be recogn ised to mean
the forms of the self -organization of the persons relating to native small peoples of the
Russian Federation, and united according to the blood relationship (family or kind)
and/or territorial and neighborhood principles, for the purpose of pr otecting their
long -standing habitat, conserving and developing the traditional way of life, economic
management, sea fishery or fur trade and culture.
2. The community of small peoples shall have the right to engage in business that
meets the purposes for the attainment of which it was set up.
3. The members of the community of small peoples shall have the right to receive
a part of its property or the compensation of the value of such a part when they leave the
community of small peoples or when it is liq uidated.
The procedure for determining a part of the property of the community of small
peoples or the compensation of the value of this part shall be established by the
legislation of the Russian Federation on the communities of small peoples.
4. The spec ial aspects of the legal status of the communities of small peoples, of
their creation, re organization or liquidation and the management of the communities of
small peoples shall be determined by the legislation of the Russian Federation on the
communities of small peoples.
Article 6.2. Cossack Communities
1. Cossack communities are deemed to be forms of self -organization of citizens of
the Russian Federation who have united on the basis of common interests for the
purpose of reviving the Cossacks, protecting their rights and preserving the traditional
way of life, management and culture of the Russian Cossacks. Cossack co mmunities
shall be created in the form of khutor (farmstead), stanitsa (village), town, district (yurt),
circuit (division) and army Cossack communities, whose members assume, in the
established procedure, obligations to undertake state or other service. C ossack
communities shall be subject to entry into the State Register of Cossack Communities in
the Russian Federation.
2. A Cossack community may carry out business activity conforming to the
purposes for whose achievement it has been created.
3. Property transferred to a Cossack community by its members and also property
acquired at the expense of incomes from its activity, shall be the property of the Cossack
community. Members of a Cossack community shall not be responsible for its liabilities
and the Co ssack community shall not be responsible for the liabilities of its members.
4. The peculiarities of the legal status of Cossack communities, of their creation,
re organization and liquidation, and of the management of Cossack communities, shall
be determin ed by the legislation of the Russian Federation.
Article 7. Funds
1. For purposes of the present Federal Law, a fund shall be deemed to be a
non -membership non -commercial organization set up by citizens and/or juridical
persons on the basis of voluntary property contributions and pursuing social, charitable,
cultural, educational or any other socially useful objectives.
The property transferred to the fund by its founder(s) shall be th e fund’s
ownership. The founders shall not be liable for the obligations of the fund created by
them, and the fund shall not be liable for the obligations of its founders.
2. The fund shall use the property for the objectives determined by the charter of
the fund. The fund may engage in business activity corresponding to the said objectives
and necessary for achieving the socially useful objectives for the sake of which the fund
has been created. To carry on the business activity, the funds may create econo mic
societies or participate therein.
The fund must publish annually reports on the use of its property.
3. The Board of Trustees of the fund shall be a body of the fund and shall
supervise the fund’s activity, the adoption of decisions by the other bodies of the fund
and the ensuring of their execution, the use of the fund’s means, and the observance of
the legislation of the fund.
The fund’s Board of Trustees shall carry on its activity on a voluntary basis.
The procedure for the formation and activity of the fund’s Board of Trustees shall
be determined by the fund’s charter approved by its founders.
4. Specific features of the setting up and operation of individual funds may be
established under federal laws on those funds.
Article 7.1. State Corporation
1. The “state corporation” is a non -commercial organization without membership
founded by the Russian Federation on the basis of a property contribution and set up to
pursue social, managerial and other functions of public use. The state corporation shall
be set up under a federal law.
The assets handed over to the state corporation by the Russian Federation shall
be property of the state corporation.
The state corporation shall not be liable for the obligations of the Russian
Federation and the Russian Fe deration shall not be liable for the obligations of the state
corporation, except as otherwise provided in the law whereby the state corporation is
In the cases and in the procedure which are set up by the Federal Law providing
for the establishment of a state corporation, the authorized capital thereof may be
formed on account of a part of its property. The authorized capital shall define the
minimum rate of a state corporation’s property guaranteeing its creditors’ i nterests.
2. The state corporation shall use property for the purposes specified by the law
whereby the state corporation is formed. The state corporation may pursue
entrepreneurial activity only insofar as it serves the attainment of the goals for which i t
has been set up and insofar as it complies with these goals.
The state corporation shall publish annual reports on the uses of its assets in
keeping with the law whereby the state corporation is formed, if not otherwise provided
for by the cited law.
Ann ual accounting reports/statements of a state corporation are subject to
compulsory auditing to be carried out by an audit firm selected on the basis of the results
of a public tender and approved by the supreme managerial body of the state
An annual report of a state corporation published subject to the requirements of
the legislation of the Russian Federation on state secrets must contain information about
implementation of the strategy of activities exercised by the state corporation, other
information provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation and must be
endorsed at the latest on July 1 of the year following the accounting year. The
Government of the Russian Federation is entitled to establish additional requirements
for the content of an annual report of a state corporation, in particular as regards the
investment activities thereof.
An annual report of a state corporation shall be put on the state corporation’s
official Internet site subject to the requirements of the legis lation of the Russian
Federation on state secrets and commercial secrets at the latest in two weeks as from
the date when the state corporation’s supreme official body adopts the decision on the
approval of this report, unless another time is fixed by the federal law providing for the
state corporation’s establishment.
The strategy of a state corporation’s activities, procedure for purchasing
commodities, carrying out works and rendering services for meeting the state
corporation’s needs shall be put on th e official Internet site of the state corporation.
3. The peculiarities of the legal status of the state corporation shall be defined by
the law whereby the state corporation is formed. To set up a state corporation no
constituent documents shall be needed as required by Article 52 of the Civil Code of the
Russian Federation.
The law whereby a state corporation is formed must provide the name of the state
corporation, goals of its activities, place where it is located, procedure for managing its
activities (including the managerial bodies of the state corporation and procedure for
setting up these bodies, procedure for appointing and dismissing the officials of the state
corporation), procedure for reorgani zing and liquidating the state corporation and
proce dure for using the assets of the state corporation in the event of the liquidation
3.1. The federal law providing for the establishment of a state corporation shall
stipulate the formation of the board of directors or supervisory board of the stat e
corporation (hereinafter referred to as the supreme managerial body of a state
The supreme managerial body of a state corporation may have members within
its composition who are not civil servants. The Government of the Russian Federation
shall establish a procedure for participation of members of the Government of the
Russian Federation and of civil servants in the supreme managerial bodies of state
The following shall be within the scope of authority of the supreme manageri al
body of a state corporation:
endorsement of long -term program s of activities and development of the state
corporation providing for the attainment of the production, investment and fiscal targets
and/or of some other document on long -term planning defi ned by the federal law
providing for the establishment of the state corporation (the strategy of activities of the
state corporation);
endorsement of the system of labor remuneration of employees of the state
corporation that provides for the dependence o f its employees’ labor wages on the
attainment of the basic targets for efficiency in its activities;
determination of the procedure for using the state corporation’s profit;
adoption of the decision on the transfer of a part of the state corporation’s property
to the state treasury of the Russian Federation.
The federal law providing for the establishment of a state corporation may also
refer other matters to the scope of aut hority of the supreme managerial body of the state
The supreme managerial body of a state corporation is entitled to establish
commissions and committees to deal with the matters referred to the scope of authority
thereof for their preliminar y consideration and preparation. The procedure for the
operation of such committees and commissions, as well as their personal composition,
shall be established by decisions on establishing commissions and committees.
3.2. Temporarily available assets of a state corporation shall be invested on the
basis of the principles of repayment, profitability and liquidity of the assets acquired by it
(of investment media). The Government of the Russian Federation is entitled to
establish a list of permitted assets (investment media), a procedure for and terms of
investing temporarily available assets of a state corporation, procedures for exercising
control over the investing of these assets, a procedure for making transactions of
investing temporarily available ass ets of state corporations, forms of reports on investing
temporarily available assets of state corporations, a procedure for filing and disclosing
these reports.
The limit of temporarily available assets of a state corporation to be invested and a
procedu re for making decisions on investing temporarily available assets of a state
corporation shall be determined by the supreme managerial body of the state
corporation. The supreme managerial body of a state corporation is entitled to impose
additional limita tions and to establish additional requirements in respect of the
operations of investing temporarily available assets of the state corporation.
3.3. Decisions on borrowings in foreign currency shall be adopted by a state
corporation in the procedure estab lished by the Government of the Russian Federation.
3.4. The Audit Chamber of the Russian Federation and other governmental
bodies in compliance with the legislation of the Russian Federation are entitled to
exercise control over the activities of state c orporations.
4. The provisions of the present Federal Law shall apply to the state corporation,
except as otherwise provided in the present article or the law whereby the state
corporation is formed.
Article 7.2. The State Company
1. The state company is a non -commercial organization which has no
membership and is formed on the basis of property contributions for the purpose of
providing state services and carrying out other functions through the use of state
property on the basis of trust management. A state company shall be formed under a
federal law .
2. The federal law that envisages the formation of a state company shall define
the objectives of its formation and also the types of property in respect of which the state
company may carry out trust management.
3. The property transferred to the state company by the Russian Federation as
property contributions and also the property created or acquired by the state company
as the result of the state company’s own activities, except for the property created at the
expense of incomes received from the pursuance of trust management shall be deemed
assets of the state company, unless otherwise established by a federal law.
4. A state company is not liable for obligations of the Russian Feder ation, and the
Russian Federation is not liable for the obligations of the state company, except as
otherwise envisaged by the federal law envisaging the formation of the state company.
5. A state company shall use assets for the purposes defined by the fe deral law
envisaging the formation of the state company. The state company may pursue
entrepreneurial activities in as much as it is conducive to the attainment of the objectives
for the sake of which it has been formed and is in line with such objectives. The state
company shall publish reports on its activities in the procedure established by the federal
law envisaging the formation of the state company.
6. The federal law envisaging the formation of a state company shall define the
name of the state comp any, the objectives of its operation, the procedure for directing its
activities, the procedure for the state financing of the state company, the procedure for
its re -organization and liquidation and the procedure for the use of the state company’s
assets in the event of its liquidation.
7. The federal law providing for the establishment of a state company shall
stipulate the formation of the board of directors or supervisory board of the state
company (hereinafter referred to as the supreme managerial body of a state company).
The supreme managerial body of a state company may have members within its
composition who are not civil servants. The Government of the Russian Federation shall
establish a procedure for participation of members of the Government of the Russian
Federation and of civil servants in the supreme managerial bodies of state companies.
The following shall be within the scope of authority of the supreme managerial
body of a state company:
endorsement of a long -term program of activities of the state company providing
for the attainment of the production, investment and fiscal targets (hereinafter referred to
as the strategy of activities of a state company);
endorsement of the system of labor remuneration of employees of the state
company that provides for the dependence of its employees’ labor wages on the
attainment of the basic targets for efficiency in its activities;
determination of the procedure for using the state company’s profit;
ad option of the decision on the transfer of a part of the state company’s property to
the state treasury of the Russian Federation.
The federal law providing for the establishment of a state company may also refer
other matters to the scope of authority of the supreme managerial body of the state
The supreme managerial body of a state company is entitled to establish
commissions and committees to deal with the matters referred to the scope of authority
thereof for their preliminary consideration an d preparation. A procedure for such
committees and commissions exercising activities, as well as their personal
composition, shall be established by decisions on establishing commissions and
8. Annual accounting reports/statements of a state c ompany are subject to
compulsory auditing to be carried out by an audit firm selected on the basis of the results
of a public tender and approved by the supreme managerial body of the state company.
An annual report of a state company published subject to the requirements of the
legislation of the Russian Federation on state secrets must contain information about
implementation of the strategy of activities exercised by the state company, other
inform ation provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation and must be
endorsed at the latest on May 1 of the year following the accounting year. The
Government of the Russian Federation is entitled to establish additional requirements
for the content of an annual report of a state company, in particular as regards the
investment activities thereof.
An annual report of a state company shall be inserted on the state company’s
official Internet site subject to the requirements of the legislation of the R ussian
Federation on state secrets and commercial secrets at the latest in two weeks as from
the date when the state company’s supreme managerial body adopts the decision on
the approval of this report, unless another time is fixed by the federal law provi ding for
the state company’s establishment.
The strategy of a state company’s activities, a procedure for purchasing
commodities, carrying out works and rendering services for meeting the state
company’s needs shall be inserted in the official Internet sit e of the state company.
9. Temporarily available assets of a state company shall be invested on the basis
of the principles of repayment, profitability and liquidity of the assets acquired by it (of
investment media). The Government of the Russian Federati on is entitled to establish a
list of permitted assets (investment media), the procedure for and terms of investing
temporarily available assets of a state company, the procedures for exercising control
over these assets’ investing, the procedure for makin g transactions of investing
temporarily available assets of state companies, forms of reports on investing
temporarily available assets of state companies, the procedure for filing and disclosing
these reports.
The limit of temporarily available assets of a state company to be invested and the
procedure for making decisions on investing temporarily available assets of a state
company shall be determined by the supreme managerial body of the state company.
The supreme managerial body of a state company is en titled to impose additional
limitations and to establish additional requirements in respect of the operations of
investing temporarily available assets of the state company.
10. Decisions on borrowings in foreign currency shall be adopted by a state
compa ny in the procedure established by the Government of the Russian Federation.
11. The Audit Chamber of the Russian Federation and other governmental bodies
in compliance with the legislation of the Russian Federation are entitled to exercise
control over th e activities of state companies.
Article 8. Non -Commercial Partnerships
1. A non -commercial partnership shall be deemed to be a membership -based
non -commercial organization set up by citizens and/or juridical persons for assisting its
members in the conduct of the activity directed towards the achievement of the
objectives stipulated by Item 2 of Article 2 of the present Federal Law.
The property transferred to a non -commerc ial partnership by its members shall be
the partnership’s ownership. The members of a non -commercial partnership shall not be
liable for its liabilities, and a non -commercial partnership shall not be liable for the
obligations of its members, if not otherw ise established by federal law .
2. A non -commercial partnership may carry on business activity corresponding to
the objectives for the achievement of which it has been created, except if a
non -commercial partnership has acquired the status of a self -regula ting organization .
3. The members of a non -commercial partnership may:
participate in managing the affairs of the non -commercial partnership;
receive information on the activity of the non -commercial partnership in the
procedure established by the constitu ent documents;
leave the non -commercial partnership at their own discretion;
unless other established by the federal law or by the constituent documents of the
non -commercial partnership, receive, when leaving the non -commercial partnership, a
part of its property or the cost thereof within the limits of the cost of the property
transferred by the members of the non -commercial partnership to its ownership, with the
exception of the membership fees, in the procedure stipulated by the constituent
documents of the non -commercial partnership;
receive, in case the non -commercial partnership is liquidated, a part of its property
remaining after the settlements with the creditors, or the cost of the said property within
the limits of the cost of the property transf erred by the members of the non -commercial
partnership in its ownership, unless otherwise stipulated by the federal law or the
constituent documents of the non -commercial partnership.
4. A member of a non -commercial partnership may be expelled therefrom by a
decision of the remaining members in the cases and in the procedure which have been
stipulated by the constituent documents of the non -commercial partnership, except if a
non -commercial partnership has obtained the status of a self -regulating organizati on .
A member of a non -commercial partnership expelled therefrom may receive a part
of the property of the non -commercial partnership or of the cost of the said property in
accordance with paragraph five of Item 3 of the present Article, except if a
non -com mercial partnership has obtained the status of a self -regulating organization .
5. The members of a non -commercial partnership may also have certain other
rights stipulated by its constituent documents and not contrary to the legislation.
Article 9. Private Institutions
1. As a private institution shall be recogni zed a non -commercial institution created
by the owner (by a citizen or by a legal entity) for the discharge of managerial,
socio -cultural or other functions of non -commercial character.
2. The property of a private institution is kept by it by the right of operative
management in conformity with the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.
3. The procedure for the financial provision for the private institution’s activity and
the private institu tion’s rights to the property assigned to it by the owner, as well as to the
property acquired by the private institution, shall be defined in conformity with the Civil
Code of the Russian Federation.
Article 9.1. State -Run and Municipal Institutions
1. As state -run or municipal institutions shall be deemed those which are
established by the Russian Federation, a constituent entity of the Russian Federation
and municipal entity.
2. As types of state -run and municipal institutions shall be deemed autonomo us,
budget -financed and government institutions.
3. The functions and powers of the founder in respect of a state -run institution
established by the Russian Federation or a constituent entity of the Russian Federation,
of a municipal institution establishe d by a municipal entity, if not otherwise established
by federal laws and regulatory legal acts of the President of the Russian Federation or
the Government of the Russian Federation, shall be exercised accordingly by an
authorized federal executive power body, executive power body of a constituent entity of
the Russian Federation and local authority (hereinafter referred to as the body
exercising the founder’s functions and authority).
Article 9.2. A Budget -Financed Institution
1. As a budget -financed institution shall be recognized a non -commercial
organization established by the Russian Federation, a constituent entity of the Russian
Federation or municipal entity for carrying out works and rendering services for the
purpose of e nsuring the exercise of the powers provided for by the legislation of the
Russian Federation of accordingly state power bodies (state bodies) or local authorities
in respect of science, education, public health care, culture, social protection,
employment of the population, physical training and sports, as well as in other fields.
2. Budget -financed institutions shall exercise their activities in compliance with the
subject and purposes of their activities defined in compliance with federal laws, other
regu latory legal acts, municipal legal acts and the charter thereof.
3. State (municipal) tasks for a budget -financed institution in compliance with the
basic kinds of activities provided for by the constituent documents thereof shall be set
and endorsed by th e appropriate body exercising the founder’s functions and authority.
A budget -financed institution shall exercise the activities connected with carrying
out works and rendering services pertaining to its basic kinds of activities in the areas
which are cit ed in Item 1 of this Article in compliance with state (municipal) tasks and/or
commitments in respect of the insurer under obligatory social insurance.
A budget -financed institution is not entitled to reject the implementation of a state
(municipal) task.
The subsidy granted for implementation of a state (municipal) task shall be only
reduced within the time period of its implementation in the event of the appropriate
alteration of the state (municipal) task.
4. A budget -financed institution is entitled, i n excess of the state (municipal) task
set, as well as where it is determined by federal laws, within the limits of the state
municipal task set, to carry out works and render services pertaining to its basic kind of
activities in the areas cited in Item 1 of this article for citizens and legal entities on a
payable basis and under the terms which are the same for a given kind of services. The
procedure for fixing the cited payment shall be established by the appropriate body
exercising the founder’s functi ons and authority, if not otherwise provided for by federal
A budget -financed institution is entitled to exercise other kinds of activities that do
not belong to the basic kinds of activities thereof, insofar as it serves the purposes of its
establish ment and that are in keeping with the cited purposes, provided that such
activities are mentioned in the constituent documents thereof.
5. A budget -financed institution shall exercise, in the procedure defined by the
Government of the Russian Federation, t he supreme executive state power body of a
constituent entity of the Russian Federation or the local administration of a municipal
entity, the authority of accordingly a federal state power body (state body), an executive
state power body of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation or local authority as to
the discharge of public commitments towards a natural person which are to be
discharged in monetary terms.
6. Financial support of the accomplishment of a state (municipal) task by a
budget -financed institution shall be rendered in the form of subsidies from an
appropriate budget of the budget system of the Russian Federation.
Financial support for the accomplishment of a state (municipal) task shall be
rendered subject to the outlays on the maintena nce of the immovable property and
especially precious movable property assigned to a budget -financed institution or
acquired by a budget -financed institution on account of the assets allocated thereto by
its founder for acquisition of such property, outlay s on payment of taxes for which
appropriate property is recognized as the object of taxation, including land plots.
In the event of letting on lease (with the founder’s approbation) immovable
property and especially precious movable property assigned to a budget -financed
institution by the founder or acquired by a budget -financed institution on account of the
assets allocated thereto by the founder for acquisition of such property, financial support
of such property’s maintenance shall not be rendered by th e founder.
Financial support of the exercise by budget -financed institutions of the authority of
a federal state power body (state body), a state power body of a constituent entity of the
Russian Federation or a local authority as to the discharge of the p ublic commitments
provided for by Item 5 of this article shall be rendered in the procedure established
accordingly by the Government of the Russian Federation, the supreme executive state
power of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation or the loca l administration of a
municipal entity.
7. The procedure for forming a state (municipal) task and the procedure for
rendering financial support for the accomplishment of this task shall be defined:
1) by the Government of the Russian Federation in respect of federal
budget -financed institutions;
2) the supreme executive state power body of a constituent entity of the Russian
Federation in respect of budget -financed institutions of a constituent entity of the
Russian Federation;
3) the local administration i n respect of municipal budget -financed institutions.
8. A budget -financed institution shall make operations in the assets received by it
in compliance with the legislation of the Russian Federation through personal accounts
opened with a regional agency of the Federal Treasury or with the fiscal body of a
constituent entity of the Russian Federation (municipal entity) in the procedure
established by the legislation of the Russian Federation (except as established by
federal law).
9. The property of a budget -financed institution shall be assigned thereto by the
right of operative management in compliance with the Civil Code of the Russian
Federation. The owner of the property of a budget -financed institution shall be
accordingly the Russian Federation, a cons tituent entity of the Russian Federation or a
municipal entity.
The land plot required for the accomplishment by a budget -financed institution of
the statutory tasks thereof shall be allotted thereto on the basis of the right of its
permanent (termless) us e.
Cultural heritage units (historical and cultural monuments) of the peoples of the
Russian Federation, cultural valuables, natural resources (except for land plots) whose
use in civil circulation is limited or which are withdrawn from civil circulation shall be
assigned to a budget -financed institution under the terms and in the procedure defined
by federal laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation.
The right of operative management of a budget -financed institution to cultural
herita ge units of religious purpose, in particular to those whose use in civil circulation is
limited or which are withdrawn from civil circulation, that have been allotted to religious
organization s for gratuitous use (as well as when transferring such units to religious
organization s for gratuitous use) shall be terminated for the reasons provided for by
federal law .
10. A budget -financed institution is not entitled without approbation of the owner
thereof to dispose of the especially precious movable property assigned to it by the
owner or acquired by the budget -financed institution on account of the assets allocated
to it by the owner for acquisition of such property, as well as of immovable prope rty.
A budget -financed institution is entitled to independently dispose of the rest of the
property it holds by the right of operative management, if not otherwise provided for by
Items 13 and 14 of this article or by Paragraph Three of Item 3 of Article 2 7 of this
Federal Law.
11. For the purposes of this Federal Law, especially precious movable property
means the movable property whose absence considerably impedes the exercise by a
budget -financed institution of its statutory activities. A procedure for c lassifying property
as pertaining to the category of especially precious movable property shall be
established by the Government of the Russian Federation. Such property may be
defined by:
1) the federal executive power bodies exercising the functions of f ormulation of
the state policy and normative legal regulation in respect of the federal budget -financed
institutions which are subordinate to these bodies or are subordinate to the federal
services or agencies subordinate to these bodies, by the federal st ate power bodies
(state bodies) whose activities are administered by the President of the Russian
Federation or the Government of the Russian Federation in respect of the federal
budget -financed institutions which are subordinate to them;
2) in the procedu re established by the supreme executive state power body of a
constituent entity of the Russian Federation in respect of budget -financed institutions of
the constituent entity of the Russian Federation;
3) in the procedure established by the local administ ration in respect of municipal
budget -financed institutions.
12. The lists of especially precious movable property shall be defined by the
appropriate bodies exercising the founder’s functions and authority.
13. A major transaction may be only made by a bu dget -financed institution with
the preliminary approbation of the appropriate body exercising the functions and
authority of the budget -financed institution’s founder.
For the purposes of this Federal Law, as a major transaction shall be deemed a
transacti on or several interrelated transactions connected with the disposal of monetary
assets, alienation of other property (which a budget -financed institution is entitled to
independently dispose of), as well as with the transfer of such property for use or for
putting in pledge, provided that the price of such transaction or the value of the property
to be alienated or transferred exceeds 10 per cent of the balance sheet value of the
budget -financed institution’s assets estimated on the basis of its accounting
reports/statements as of the last reporting date, if the budget -financed institution’s
charter does not provide for a smaller extent of a major transaction.
A major transaction made with a failure to satisfy the requirements of Paragraph
One of this item m ay be declared invalid at the suit of a budget -financed institution or the
founder thereof, where it is proved that the other party to the transaction learnt or could
learn that there was no preliminary approbation of the budget -financed institution’s
foun der.
The head of a budget -financed institution shall be liable to the budget -financed
institution in the amount of losses caused to the budget -financed institution as a result of
making a major transaction with a failure to satisfy the requirements of Para graph One of
this item, regardless of whether this transaction has been declared invalid or not.
14. Budget -financed institutions are not entitled to deposit monetary assets with
credit institutions, or to make transactions in securities, if not otherwise provided for by
federal laws.
Article 10. Autonomous Non -Commercial Organization
1. As an autonomous non -commercial organization shall be deemed a
non -membership non -commercial organization set up for the purpose of granting
services in the field of educa tion, public health care, culture, science, law, physical
training and sports, as well as in other fields. An autonomous non -commercial
organization may be set up as a result of its establishment by citizens and/or legal
entities on the basis of voluntary property contributions. Where it is provided for by
federal laws, an autonomous non -commercial organization may be established by way
of transformation of a legal entity having a different organization legal form.
The property transferred to an autonomous non -commercial organization by its
founder(s) shall be the ownership of the said non -commercial organization . The
founders of the autonomous non -commercial organization shall not retain the rights to
the property transferred by them in ownership of the sai d organization . The founders
shall not be liable for the obligations of the non -commercial organization created by
them, and the organization shall not be liable for the obligations of its founders.
2. An autonomous non -commercial organization may carry on business activity
corresponding to the objectives for the achievement of which the said organization has
been created.
3. The activity of autonomous non -commercial organization shall be supervised
by its founders in the procedure stipulated by its constit uent documents.
4. The founders of an autonomous non -commercial organization may use its
services only on equal conditions with any other persons.
5. Where the founder of an autonomous non -commercial organization is the
Russian Federation, a constituent en tity of the Russian Federation or a municipal entity,
a procedure for participation of their representatives in managerial bodies of the
non -commercial organization shall be established by the Government of the Russian
Federation, a state power body of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation or
local authority.
Article 11. Associations (Unions)
1. Legal entities and/or individuals are entitled to establish, for the purpose of
representing and protecting common interests, in particular professional ones, for
attaining socially useful aims, as well as other ones which are not at variance with the
law and are of a non -commercial nature, alliances in the form of associations (unions),
these being non -commercial organization s based on membership.
2. Abrogated by Federal Law No. 8 -FZ of February 11, 2013 .
3. The members of an association (union) shall ret ain their independence and
the ir rights.
4. An association (union) shall not be liable for the obligations of its members. The
members of an association (union) shall bear subsidiary responsibility for the obligations
of the said association (union) at the rate and in the procedure stipulated by it s
constituent documents.
5. The designation of an association (union) must contain an indication of the
main object of the activity of the members of the association (union) with the inclusion of
the words “association” or “union”.
Article 12. Abrogated by Federal Law No. 8 -FZ of February 11, 2013 ..
Chapter III. Creation, Re organization and Liquidation
of a Non -Commercial Organization
Article 13. Creation of a Non -Commercial Organization
1. A non -commercial organization may be created as a result of establishing it or
as a result of re -organi zing another non -commercial organization of the same
organization al legal form and, where it is provided for by federal laws, as a result of
re -organization in the form of transforma tion of a legal entity having a different
organization al legal form.
2. The decision on the creation of a non -commercial organization as a result of its
establishing shall be rendered by the founders (founder) thereof. In respect of a
budget -financed or go vernment institution such decision shall be rendered in the
procedure established by:
1) the Government of the Russian Federation – in respect of federal
budget -financed or government institutions;
2) the supreme executive state power body of a constituent entity of the Russian
Federation – in respect of budget -financed or government institutions of constituent
entities of the Russian Federation;
3) the local administration of a municipal entity – in respect of municipal
budget -financed or government institutions.
Article 13.1. State Registration of Non -Commercial Organization s
1. A non -commercial organization shall be subject to state registration in
compliance with Federal Law No. 129 -FZ of August 8, 2001 on the State Registration of
Legal Entities and Individual Businessmen (hereinafter referred to as the Federal Law
on State Registration of Legal Entities and Individual Businessmen) taking into account
the procedure for state registration of non -commercial organization s established by this
Federal Law.
2. A decision on state registration (on the refusal to effect state registration) of a
non -commercial organization shall be rendered by the federal executive body
authorized in the area of registration of non -commercial organization s (hereinafter
refe rred to as the authorized body) or by a territorial body thereof.
3. Data on the establishment, re organization and liquidation of non -commercial
organization s, as well as other data provided for by the federal laws, shall be entered to
the Unified State Register of Legal Entities by the federal executive body authorized in
compliance with Article 2 o f the Federal Law on State Registration of Legal Entities and
Individual Businessmen (hereinafter referred to as the registering body) on the basis of a
decision on state registration rendered by the authorized body or by a territorial agency
thereof. Forms of the documents required for the appropriate state registr ation shall be
determined by the federal executive body authorized by the Government of the Russian
4. The documents required for state registration of a non -commercial organization
shall be submitted to the authorized body or to a territorial agency thereof at the latest in
three months as of the date of rendering a decision on the establishment of such
organization .
5. The following documents shall be submitted to the authorized body or to a
territorial body thereof for state registration of a non -commercial organization when
establishing it:
1) an application signed by an authorized person (hereinafter referred to as an
applicant) with his family name, first name and patronymic, place of residence and
contact telephones indicated therein;
2) t hree copies of the constituent documents of the non -commercial organization ;
3) two copies of the decision on the establishment of the non -commercial
organization and on the approval of the constituent documents thereof with the
composition of its elected (appointed) bodies indicated therein;
4) information on the founders thereof in two copies;
5) the document proving payment of the state duty;
6) data on the address (location) of the permanent body of the non -commercial
organization used for communication with the non -commercial organization ;
7) in case a non -commercial organization uses in its name a name of a citizen, symbols
protected by the legislation of the Russian Federation on the protection of intellectual property,
as well as the complete name of other legal person as part of its own name – the documents
confirming the right to their use ;
8) an extract from the register of foreign legal entities of the appropriate country of
origin or the document of equal legal force that prove the legal status of the founder
which is a foreign legal entity.
9) an application for including the non -commercial organization in the regist ry of
non -commercial organization s exercising the functions of a foreign agent provided for by
Item 10 of this Article – for non -commercial organization s exercising the functions of a
foreign agent.
5.1. The authorized body or its territorial body may not demand the submission of
any documents other than those mentioned in Item 5 of this Article.
6. A decision on the state regi stration of a branch of a foreign no t-for -profit
non -governmental organization shall be rendered by the authorized body. The said
decision shall be rendered on the basis of the documents submitted in compliance with
Item 5 o f this Article and attested by an authorized body of the foreign no t-for -profit
non -governmental organization , as well as on the basis of copies of the constituent
documents, the registration certificate or other right -proclaiming documents of the
foreign no t-for -profit non -governmental organization .
7. The documents of foreign organization s must be submitted in the state (official)
language of the appropriate foreign state, translated into Russian, properly certified.
8. In the absence of the grounds for t he refusal of the state registration or for
suspension of the state registration of a non -commercial organization established by
Article 23.1 of this Federal Law, the authorized body or a territorial agency thereof at the latest
in fourteen working days as of the date of receiving required documents shall decide on
state registration of the non -commercial organization and shall send to the registering
body the data and documents required for the exercise by the registering body of its
functions of keeping t he Unified State Register of Legal Entities. The registering body on
the basis of the said decision and the data and documents submitted by the authorized
body or a territorial agency thereof shall make at the latest in five working days as of the
date of receiving these data and documents the appropriate entry to the Unified State
Register of Legal Entities and at latest on the working day following the date of making
such entry shall report it to the body that has decided on the state registration of the
non -commercial organization . The body that has decided on state registration of a
non -commercial organization at the latest in three working days as of the date of
receiving from the registering body information on making an entry on the
non -commercial org anization to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities shall issue to
the applicant the state registration certificate.
The interaction of the authorized body or its territorial body with the registering
body on the issues of state registration of a non -commercial organization shall be
carried out in the procedure established by the authorized body in agreement with the
registering body.
9. A state duty shall be recovered for state registration of a non -commercial
organization in the procedure and in the amount that are provided for by the legislation of
the Russian Federation on taxes and fees.
10. The data contained in the documents of a non -commercial organization
exercising the functions of a foreign agent which are filed f or state registration shall
constitute the regist ry of non -commercial organization s exercising the functions of a
foreign agent which shall be kept by an authorized body. A procedure for keeping the
cited regist ry shall be established by the authorized bod y.
Article 13.2. Notification on the Establishment on the Territory of the Russian
Federation of an Affiliate of a Representative Office of a Foreign
Non -Commercial Non -Governmental Organization
1. A foreign non -commercial non -governmental organization within three months
as of the date of deciding on the establishment on the territory of the Russian Federation
of its affiliate or representative office shall notify the authorized body of it.
2. A notification on the establishment on the territory of the Russian Federation of
an affiliate or representative office of a foreign non -commercial non -governmental
organization (hereinafter also referred to as the notification) shall be attested by the
authorized body of the foreign non -commercial non -governmenta l organization and shall
contain data on the founders thereof and on the address of its permanent governing
body. The form of the notification shall be established by the federal executive body
charged with exercising the functions of normative and legal r egulation in the area of
3. The following documents shall be attached to the notification:
1) the constituent documents of the foreign non -commercial nongovernmental
organization ;
2) a decision of the governing body of the foreign non -commercial
nongovernmental organization on establishing an affiliate or a representative office of
the foreign non -commercial non -governmental organization ;
3) the regulations on the affiliate or representative office of the foreign
non -commercial non -governmental org anization ;
4) a decision on appointing the head of the affiliate or representative office of the
foreign non -commercial non -governmental organization ;
5) a document stating the aims and tasks of establishing the affiliate or
representative office of the fo reign non -commercial non -governmental organization .
4. The notification and the documents attached thereto must be submitted in the
state (official) language of the appropriate foreign state, translated into Russian and
properly certified.
5. The data cont ained in the notification and the documents attached thereto shall
form part of the register of affiliates and representative offices of international
organization s and foreign non -commercial non -governmental organization s (hereinafter
also referred to as the register) which is kept by the authorized body.
6. The authorized body at the latest in thirty days as of the date of receiving the
notification shall issue to the head of the appropriate affiliate or representative o ffice of
the foreign non -commercial nongovernmental organization an extract from the register
whose form shall be established by the federal executive body charged with exercising
the functions of normative and legal regulation in the area of justice.
7. A foreign non -commercial non -governmental organization may be denied
entering data on an affiliate or representative office thereof to the register for the
following reasons:
1) if the data or documents provided for by this Article are incomplete or these
documents are not properly drawn up;
2) if it is found that the constituent documents submitted by the foreign
non -commercial non -governmental organization contain unreliable information;
3) if the goals and tasks of establishing the affiliate or representative office of the
foreign non -commercial non -governmental organization contravene the Constitution of
the Russian Federation and the legislation of the Russian Federation;
4) if the goals and tasks of establishing the affiliate or representative office of the
foreign non -commercial non -governmental organization pose a threat to the
sovereignty, political independence, territorial integrity and national interests of the
Russian Federation;
5) if the affiliate or representative office of the foreig n non -commercial
non -governmental organization that have been previously included into the register, are
excluded from it in connection with a gross violation of the Constitution of the Russian
Federation and the legislation of the Russian Federation.
8. In the event of a refusal to enter to the register data on an affiliate or
representative office of a foreign non -commercial non -governmental organization for the
reasons provided for by Subitems 1 -3, 5 of Item 7 of this Article, the applicant shall be
noti fied thereof it in writing with an indication of the specific provisions of the Constitution
of the Russian Federation and the legislation of the Russian Federation whose violation
has entailed the refusal, and, in the event of refusal to enter to the regi ster data on an
affiliate or representative office of a foreign non -commercial non -governmental
organization for the reasons provided for by Subitem 4 of Item 7 of this Article, the
applicant shall be informed of the causes of the refusal.
9. A refusal to enter to the register data on an affiliate or representative office of a
foreign non -commercial non -governmental organization may be appealed against with a
superior body or court.
10. A refusal to enter to the register data on an affiliate or representati ve office of a
foreign non -commercial non -governmental organization shall not be an obstacle for a
repeated submission of a notification, provided that the reasons for the refusal have
been eliminated.
11. An affiliate or representative office of a foreign non -commercial
non -governmental organization shall become legally capable from the date of entering
to the register data on the appropriate structural subdivision of the foreign
non -commercial non -governm ental organization .
12. The head of this structural subdivision shall be obliged at the latest in twenty
days as of the date of entering to the register data on the appropriate structural
subdivision of a foreign non -commercial nongovernmental organization to notify the
authorized body of the address (location) of the affiliate or representative office and of
the contact telephone numbers thereof.
13 . Notifications on changes in the data contained in a notification on the
establishment on the territory of t he Russian Federation of an affiliate or representative
office of a foreign non -commercial non -governmental organization and in the documents
attached thereto, as well as on changes in the data stated in Item 12 of this Article, shall
be submitted in the p rocedure provided for by this Article.
Article 14. Constituent Documents of a Non -Commercial Organization
1. The constituent documents of non -commercial organization s shall be:
the charter endorsed by the founders (participants, the property’s owner) for a
public organization (association), fund, non -commercial partnership, autonomous
non -commercial organization , private or budget -financed institution;
the charter or, where it is established by law, regulatory legal acts of the President
of the Russian Federation or the Government of the Russian Federation, regulations
endorsed by the appropriate body exercising the functions and authority of the founder,
for a government institution;
the constituent agreement concluded by their members and the charter a pproved
by them, for an association or union;
The founders (participants) of non -commercial partnerships, and also of
autonomous non -commercial organization s may conclude a constituent agreement.
In the cases stipulated by the law a non -commercial organiza tion may act on the
basis of the general regulations on the organization s of a given type and kind.
1.1. The charter of a budget -financed or government institution shall be endorsed
in the procedure established by:
1) the Government of the Russian Federati on – in respect of federal
budget -financed or government institutions;
2) the supreme executive state power body of a constituent entity of the Russian
Federation – in respect of budget -financed or government institutions of a constituent
entity of the Rus sian Federation;
3) the local administration of a municipal entity – in respect of municipal
budget -financed or government institutions.
2. The requirements of the constituent documents of a non -commercial
organization shall be obligatory for execution by the non -commercial organization itself
and by its founders (participants).
3. The constituent documents of a non -commercial organization must determine
the non -commercial organization ‘s designation containing an indication of the character
of its activity and the legal organization al form, the location of the non -commercial
organization , the procedure for the management of the activity, the object and objectives
of the activity, the data on the branches and representative offices, the rights and duties
of t he members, the conditions and procedure for joining the non -commercial
organization and withdrawing therefrom (if the non -commercial organization has
membership), the sources of the formation of the property of the non -commercial
organization , the procedu re for amending the constituent documents of the
non -commercial organization , the procedure for using the property in case of liquidation
of the non -commercial organization , and any other provisions stipulated by the present
Federal Law and by any other federal laws.
In the constituent agreement the founders shall undertake to create a
non -commercial organization , shall determine the procedure for the joint activity in
creating the non -commercial organization , the conditions for the transfer thereto of it s
property and for the participation in its activity, and the conditions and procedure for the
founders (participants) to withdraw therefrom.
The charter of a fund must also contain the fund’s designation excluding the word
“fund”, and the data on the fund ‘s objective; the indications of the fund’s bodies,
including of the Board of Guardians, and of the procedure for their formation, of the
procedure for appointing and dismissing the fund’s officials, of the fund’s location, and of
the destiny of the proper ty of the fund in case of the latter’s liquidation.
The constituent documents of an association (union) or a non -commercial
partnership must also contain the conditions of the composition and competence of their
management bodies, of their decision -making procedure, including on the issues to be
decided unanimously or by a qualified majority of votes, and of the procedure for the
distribution of the property remaining after the liquidation of the association (union) or
the non -commercial partnership.
The ch arter of a budget -financed or government institution shall also contain the
institution’s denomination, reference to the type thereof of institution, data on its
property’s owner, an exhaustive list of the kinds of activities which the budget -financed
or g overnment institution is entitled to exercise in compliance with the goals for whose
attainment it has been established, indications as to the structure and competence of the
institution’s managerial bodies, procedure for forming them, the term of authorit y of such
bodies and a procedure for the exercise of activities by them.
The constituent documents of a non -commercial organization may also contain
any other provisions which are not contrary to the legislation.
4. The charter of a non -commercial organization may be amended by decision of
its supreme management body, with the exception of the charter of a budget -financed or
government institution, the charter of a fund, which may be amended by a fund’s bodies
if the charter of the fund stipulates t he possibility of amending that charter in such
The charter of a budget -financed or government institution shall be amended in
the procedure established by:
the Government of the Russian Federation – in respect of federal budget -financed
or gov ernment institutions;
the supreme executive state power body of a constituent entity of the Russian
Federation – in respect of budget -financed or government institutions of a constituent
entity of the Russian Federation;
the local administration of a munic ipal entity – in respect of municipal
budget -financed or government institutions.
If the conservation of the charter of a fund in an unchanged form entails certain
consequences which are unforeseeable when the fund is being set up and the possibility
of am ending its charter has not been stipulated or the charter is not amended by the
authorized persons, the right of making amendments in accordance with the Civil Code
of the Russian Federation belong to the court by application of the bodies of the fund or
of the body authorized to supervise the fund’s activity.
Article 15. The Founders of a Non -Commercial Organization
1. Fully capable citizens and/or juridical persons may act as founders of a
non -commercial organization depending on its legal organization al forms.
1.1. Foreign citizens and stateless persons lawfully staying on the territory of the
Russian Federation may be founders (participants in, or members of) non -commercial
organization s, except for the instances provided for by international treaties m ade by the
Russian Federation or by the federal laws.
1.2. As the founder (participant in, or member) of a non -commercial organization
may not be deemed:
1) the foreign citizen or stateless person in respect of whom a decision is rendered
in the procedure established by the laws of the Russian Federation on undesirability of
their staying (residence) on the territory of the Russian Federation;
2) the person included into the list under Item 2 of Article 6 of Federal Law No.
115 -FZ of August 7, 2001 on Resis tance to Legali zation (Laundering) of Monetary
Funds Derived Illegally and to Financing of Terrorism;
3) the public association or religious organization whose activities are suspended
in compliance with Article 10 of Federal Law No. 114 -FZ of July 25, 200 2 on Combating
Extremist Activities;
4) a person in respect of whom it is established by an effective court decision that
in his actions there are signs of extremists activity.
5) a person who does not conform to the requirements, set for the founders
(par ticipants, members) of a non -commercial organization , of the federal laws
determining the legal status and the procedure for the creation, activity, re organization
and liquidation of non -commercial organization s of certain types.
1.2 -1. The person, who ear lier was a head or was a part of the governing body of a public
or religious association or other organiz ation in respect of which on the grounds stipulated by
the Federal Law on Combating Extremist Activities or Federal law of March 6, 2006 N o. 35 -FZ
on Combating Terrorism, the court issued a decision which came into force in regard to
liquidation or ban of the activities, cannot be the founder of a non -commercial organization for
ten years from the date of entry into force of the relevant court decisio n.
1.3. The number of founders of a non -commercial organization is not limited, if not
otherwise established by federal law.
A non -commercial organization may be established by a single person, except
when non -commercial partnerships and associations (unio ns) are established and
except as provided for by federal law.
2. The founder of a budget -financed or government institution shall be:
1) the Russian Federation – in respect of a federal budget -financed or government
2) a constituent entity of the Russian Federation – in respect of a budget -financed
or government institution of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation;
3) a municipal entity – in respect of a municipal budget -financed or government
3. Unless otherwise provided by Federal law, the founders (participants) of
non -commercial corporations, founders of funds and autonomous non -commercial
organizations shall be entitled to withdraw from the founders and (or) participants of the
specified legal entities at any time wit hout the consent of other shareholders and (or) by sending
in accordance with the Federal law on State Registration of Legal Entities and Individual
Entrepreneurs information about withdrawal to the registration authority. In case of withdrawal
from the founders and (or) the participant of the last or the single founder and (or) participant , he
is o bliged , before sending information about his withdrawal, to transfer his found er and (or)
participant rights to another person in accordance with the Federal law and the charter of the
legal entity.
The rights and obligations of the founder ( participant ) o f the non -commercial corporation or
the rights and obligations of the founder of the fund or autonomous non -commercial
organization in case of withdrawal from the founders and (or) participants are terminated from
the day of making changes in information a bout the legal entity contained in the Unified State
Register of Legal Entities . The f ounder (participant) who withdrew from the founders
(participants) shall be obliged to send a notification, the relevant legal entity at the date of the
information o n wi thdrawal from the founders (participants) to the registering authority.
4. Unless otherwise provided by Federal law and the c harter of the legal entity, physical
and (or) legal entities have the right to enter into the composition of the founders (participants)
of a non -commercial corporation, the founders of f und and autonomous non -commercial
organization with the consent of ot her founders and (or) participants.
Article 16. Re organization of a Non -Commercial Organization
1. A non -commercial organization may be reorganiz ed in the procedure stipulated
by the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the present Federal Law and any ot her
federal laws.
2. The re organization of a non -commercial organization may be carried out in the
form of a merger, affiliation, separation, split -off and transformation.
2.1. The decision on re -organization of budget -financed or government
institutions s hall be adopted and such institutions shall be re -organiz ed, if not otherwise
established by an act of the Government of the Russian Federation, in the procedure
established by:
1) the Government of the Russian Federation – in respect of federal
budget -fin anced and government institutions;
2) the supreme executive state power body of a constituent entity of the Russian
Federation – in respect of budget -financed or government institutions of a constituent
entity of the Russian Federation;
3) the local administration of a municipal entity – in respect of municipal
budget -financed or government institutions.
2.2. When a government institution is being re -organi zed, a creditor is not entitled
to demand early discharge of an appropriate commitment, as well as termination of
commitments and reimbursement of the losses connected with it.
3. A non -commercial organization shall be deemed to have been reorgani zed,
with the exception of the cases of a re organization in the form of affiliation, from the
moment of t he State registration of the newly emerged organization (s).
In the case of a re organization of a non -commercial organization in the form of the
affiliation thereto of another organization , the first one of these shall be deemed to have
been reorgani zed fro m the moment of introducing into the Single State Register of
Juridical Persons an entry about the termination of the activity of the affiliated
organization .
4. The State registration of an organization (organization s) that has (have) newly
arisen as a re sult of a re organization and the introduction into the Single State Register
of Juridical Persons of an entry about the termination of the activity of the reorgani zed
organization (s) shall be carried out in the procedure established by the federal laws.
Article 17. Transformation of a Non -Commercial Organization
1. A non -commercial part nership may be transformed into a fund or an
autonomous non -commercial organization , as well as into a company in the instances
and in the procedure established by federal laws.
2. A private institution may be transformed into a fund, an autonomous
non -commercial organization or an economic society. The transformation of state or
municipal institutions into non -commercial organization s of other forms or into an
economic soci ety shall be permissible in the cases and in the procedure which have
been laid down by the law.
3. An autonomous non -commercial organization may be transformed into a fund.
4. An association (union) is entitled to transform itself into a non -commercial
or ganization having one of the organization al legal forms cited in Item 5 of Article 121 of
the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.
5. The decision to transform a non -commercial partnership shall be taken by the
founders unanimously, and the decision to tr ansform an association (union) shall be
taken by all the members that have concluded the agreement on creating it.
The decision to transform a private institution shall be taken by its owner.
The decision to transform an autonomous non -commercial organizat ion shall be
taken by its supreme management body in accordance with the present Federal Law in
the procedure stipulated by the charter of the non -commercial organization .
6. When transforming a non -commercial organization , the newly arising
organization shall take over the rights and duties of the reorgani zed non -commercial
organization in accordance with the transfer deed.
Article 17.1. Alteration of the Type of a State or Municipal Institution
1. The alteration of the type of a state or municipal institution shall not be deemed
its re -organization . When the type of a state or municipal institution is changed,
appropriate amendments shall be made in the constituent entities thereof.
2. The type of a budget -financed institution shall be changed for the purpose of
establishing a government institution, as well as the type of a government institution
shall be changed for the purpose of creating a budget -financed institution, in the
procedure establishe d by:
1) the Government of the Russian Federation – in respect of federal
budget -financed or government institutions;
2) the supreme executive state power body of a constituent entity of the Russian
Federation – in respect of budget -financed or government institutions of a constituent
entity of the Russian Federation;
3) the local administration of a municipal entity – in respect of municipal
budget -financed or government institutions.
3. The type of an already existing budget -financed or government institu tion shall
be changed for the purpose of establishing an autonomous institution, as well as the
type of an already existing autonomous institution shall be changed for the purpose of
establishing a budget -financed or government institution, in the procedur e set up by
Federal Law No. 174 -FZ of November 3, 2006 on Autonomous Institutions.
4. When its type is changed, a state or municipal institution is entitled to pursue
the kinds of activity envisaged by its charter under licenses , a certificate of state
acc reditation and other permits issued to that institution prior to the change of its type
until the end of the effective term of such documents. In this case there is no need for
re -issuing the documents confirming the availability of licenses in accordance with the
legislation on licensing specific types or activity or re -issuing other permits.
Article 18. Liquidation of a Non -Commercial Organization
1. A non -commercial organization may be liquidated on the basis and in the
procedure stipulated by the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the present Federal
Law and any other federal laws .
1.1. An application for liquidation of a non -commercial organization shall be filed
with court by the prosecutor public of the appropriate subject of the Russian Federatio n
in the procedure provided for by the Federal Law on the Public Prosecutor’s Office (in
the wording of Federal Law No. 168 -FZ of November 17, 1995) by the authorized body
or by a territorial body thereof.
2. The decision to liquidate a fund may be adopted only by the court upon
application of the interested persons.
A fund may be liquidated:
if the fund’s property is insufficient for accomplishing its objectives and the
probability of obtaining the necessary property is unreal;
if the fund’s objectives are unattainable and the necessary amendments of the
funds’ objectives cannot be made;
if the fund deviates in its activity from the objectives stipulated by its charter;
in any other cases stipulated by the Fed eral Law.
2.1. A branch of a foreign no t-for -profit non -governmental organization on the
territory of the Russian Federation shall be likewise liquidated:
1) in case of liquidation of the appropriate foreign no t-for profit non -governmental
organization ;
2) in the event of non -submission of the data indicated in Item 4 of Article 32 of this
Federal Law;
3) if its activities do not comply with the goals provided for by the constituent
documents thereof, as well as with the data presented in compliance with Item 4 of
Article 32 of this Federal Law.
3. The founders (participants) of a non -commercial organization or the body that
has adopted the decision to liquidate the non -commercial organization shall appoint a
liquidation commission (liquidator) and shall, in accordance with the Civil Code of the
Russian Federation and the present Federal Law, establish the procedure and the time
for the liquidation of the non -commercial organization .
4. From the moment of the appointment of the liquidation commission the latt er
shall take over the powers in managing the affairs of the non -commercial organization .
The liquidation commission shall appear in court on behalf of the non -commercial
organization being liquidated.
5. The decision on liquidation of a budget -financed in stitution shall be adopted
and it shall be liquidated in the procedure established by:
1) the Government of the Russian Federation – in respect of federal
budget -financed institutions;
2) the supreme executive state power body of a constituent entity of the Russian
Federation – in respect of budget -financed institutions of a constituent entity of the
Russian Federation;
3) the local administration of a municipal entity – in respect of municipal
budget -financed institutions.
Article 19. Procedure for the Liquidation of a Non -Commercial Organization
1. The liquidation commission shall place in the organs of the press, which publish
the data on the State registration of juridical persons, a publication on the liquidation of
the non -commerc ial organization and on the procedure and time for the creditors to
lodge their claims. The time period for the creditors to lodge their claims may not be less
than two months from the day of the publication about the liquidation of a
non -commercial organi zation .
2. The liquidation commission shall take measures to reveal the creditors and
obtain the creditor indebtedness, and shall also notify the creditors in written form about
the liquidation of the non -commercial organization .
3. Upon the termination of the period for the creditors to lodge their claims, the
liquidation commission shall draw up an interim liquidation balance sheet which shall
contain the data on the composition of the property of the non -commercial organization
being liquidated, a list o f the claims lodges by the creditors, and also the results of their
The interim liquidation balance sheet shall be approved by the founders
(participants) of the non -commercial organization or by the body that has adopted the
decision on its liquidation.
4. If the monetary funds of a liquidated non -commercial organization (with the
exception of private institutions) are insufficient for satisfying the creditors’ claims, the
liquidation commission shall make a sale of the property of the non -commercial
organization at a public auction in the procedure established for the execution of court
judgments .
If the monetary funds of a liquidated private institution are insufficient for satisfying
the claims of the creditors, the latter may apply to co urt with an action for satisfying the
remaining part of the claims at the expense of the owner of the said institution.
5. The payment of the money amounts to the creditors of a liquidated
non -commercial organization shall be made by the liquidation commis sion in the order of
the priority established by the Civil Code of the Russian Federation in accordance with
the interim liquidation balance sheet beginning on the day of its approval, with the
exception of the creditors of the third and fourth turn, the p ayments to whom shall be
made upon the expiration of a month as from the day when the interim liquidation
balance sheet is approved.
6. After the completion of the settlements with the creditors the liquidation
commission shall draw up a liquidation balanc e sheet, which shall be approved by the
founders (participants) of the non -commercial organization or by the body that has
adopted the decision to liquidate the non -commercial organization .
Article 19.1. Specifics of a Government Institution’s Liquidation
1. The decision on liquidation of a government institution shall be adopted and it
shall be liquidated in the procedure established by:
1) the Government of the Russian Federation – in respect of a federal government
2) the supreme executive state power body of a constituent entity of the Russian
Federation – in respect of a government institution of a constituent entity of the Russian
3) the local administration of a municipal entity – in respect of a municipal
government institut ion.
2. When a government institution is being re organi zed , a creditor is not entitled to
demand early discharge of an appropriate commitment, or termination of commitments
and reimbursement of the losses connected with it.
Article 20. The Property of a Non -Commercial Organization That Is Being
1. In the liquidation of a non -commercial organization the property remaining after
the satisfaction of the creditors’ claims, unless otherwise provided for by the present
Federal Law and any other federal laws, shall be assigned in accordance with the
constituent documents of the non -commercial organization to the objectives, in whose
interests it has been created, or to charitable objectives. If it is impossible to use the
property of the liquidated non -commercial organization in accordance with its
constituent documents, the said property shall be turned in the revenue of the State.
2. In the liquidation of a non -commercial organization the property remaining after
the satisfaction of the creditors’ claims shall be subject to distribution among the
members of the non -commercial partnership in accordance with their property
contribution, whose rate does not exceed the rate of their property contributions, unless
otherwise provided for b y the federal laws or the constituent documents of the
non -commercial partnership.
The procedure for using the property of the non -commercial partnership, whose
cost does not exceed the rate of the property contributions of its members, shall be
determined in accordance with Item 1 of the present Article.
3. The property of a private institution remaining after the satisfaction of the
creditors’ claims shall be transferred to its owner, unless otherwise provided for by the
laws and any other legal acts of t he Russian Federation or by the constituent documents
of such institution.
4. The property of a budget -financed institution left after allowing creditors’ claims,
as well as the property against which execution may not be levied in connection with the
budg et -financed institution’s commitments, shall be transferred by the liquidation
commission to the owner of appropriate property.
Article 21. The Completion of the Liquidation of a Non -Commercial Organization
The liquidation of a non -profit organization shall be considered completed and the
non -profit organization as having ceased to exist after a relevant entry thereto has been
made in the Unified State Register of Juridical Persons.
Article 22. Removed by Federal Law No. 31 -FZ of March 21 , 2002.
Article 23. The State Registration of the Amendments to the Constituent
Documents of a Non -Commercial Organization
1. State registration of amendments to be made to the constituent documents of a
non -commercial organization shall be effected in the same procedure and at the same
time as state registration of a non -commercial organization .
2. The amendments to the constituent documents of a non -commercial
organization shall enter into force from the day of their registration.
3. A state duty shall be recovered for state registration of amendments to be made
to the constituent documents of a non -commercial organization in the procedure and
amount provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation on taxes and fees.
4. Am endments made to the data specified in Item 1 of Article 5 of the Federal Law
on State Registration of Legal Entities and Individual Entrepreneur s shall enter into legal
force as of the date of their entry to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities.
Article 23.1. Denial of State Registration of a Non -Commercial Organization
1. A non -commercial organization may be denied state registration for the
following reasons:
1) if the constituent documents of the non -commercial organization contravene
the Constitution of t he Russian Federation and the laws of the Russian Federation;
2) if a non -commercial organization bearing the same name has been previously
3) if the name of the non -commercial organization insults the morality and
outrages the national and religious feelings of citizens;
4) if the documents required for state registration which are stipulated by this
Federal Law are not provided in full, or are submitted to an improper body;
5) if the person acting as the founder of the non -com mercial organization may not
be the founder thereof under Item 1.2 of Article 15 of this Federal Law.
6) if the decision on reorgani zing or liquidating a non -commercial organization , or
on amending its constituent documents or on changing the information m entioned in Item
1 of Article 5 of the Federal Law on State Registration of Legal Entities and Individual
Businessmen has been taken by a person (or persons) not authorized thereto by a
federal law and/or constituent documents of the non -commercial organiz ation ;
7) if it has been established that there is unreliable information in the documents
submitted for state registration;
8) in the instance stipulated by paragraph two of Item 1.1 of thi s Article.
1.1. In the event that the documents submitted for state registration and stipulated
by this Federal Law have been unduly drawn up, the authorized body or its territorial
body may decide to suspend the state registration of the non -commercial organization
unti l the applicant has eliminated the grounds which have caused the suspension of
state registration but for not more than three months. When it is decided to suspend the
state registration of a non -commercial organization , there shall be interrupted the
runn ing of the period established by Item 8 of Article 13.1 of this Federal Law. The part of
such period which had expired before it was decided to suspend the state registration of
the non -commercial organization shall not be included in the new period, whose running
shall start from the day of submission of the documents which have been duly drawn up.
The failure by the applicant to eliminate the reasons which have caused the
suspension of state registration of the non -commercial organization within the perio d
established by the decision shall be grounds for taking by the authorized body or by its
territorial body of a decision on refusing state registration.
2. A branch of a foreign no t-for -profit non -governmental organization may be also
denied state registr ation for the following reasons:
1) if the goals of establishing the branch of the foreign no t-for -profit
non -governmental organization contravene the Constitution of the Russian Federation
and the laws of the Russian Federation;
2) if the goals of establi shing the branch of the foreign no t-for -profit
non -governmental organization pose a threat to the sovereignty, political independence,
territorial integrity, and national interests of the Russian Federation;
3) if a branch of the foreign no t-for -profit non -governmental organization ,
previously registered on the territory of the Russian Federation, has been liquidated in
connection with a gross violation of the Constitution of the Russian Federation and the
laws of the Russian Federation.
3. The decision on refusing state registration or suspending state registration by a
no t-for -profit organization must be taken within fourteen working days as from the day of
receipt of the submitted documents.
In the event of refusal or suspension of state registration of a no t-for -profit
organization , the applicant shall be informed thereof in written form within three working
days from the day of adoption of the relevant decision with an indication of the grounds
stipulated by this Article which have cause d the refusal or suspension of state
registration of the no t-for -profit organization .
4. In the event of denial of state registration of a branch of a foreign no t-for -profit
non -governmental organization for the reason provided for by Subitem 2 of Item 2 of this
Article, the applicant shall be informed of the reasons for the denial.
5. A denial of state registration of a no t-for -profit organization may be appealed
against with a superior body or court.
6. A denial of state registration of a no t-for -profit organization shall not be an
obstacle to a repeated submission of documents for state registration, provided that the
grounds for the denial have been eliminated. A repeated submission of an application for
state registration of a no t-for -profit organizat ion and adoption of a decision concerning
this application shall be effected in the procedure provided for by this Federal Law.
Chapter IV. Activity of a Non -Commercial Organization
Article 24. Types of Activity of a Non -Commercial Organization
1. A non -commercial organization may carry out one type of activity or several
types of activity which are not prohibited by the legislation of the Russian Federation and
which correspond to the objectives of the activity of the non -commercial organization
stipulat ed by its constituent documents.
As the principal type of activity of budget -financed and government institutions
shall be deemed the activity directly aimed at achieving the goals they are established
for. An exhaustive list of the kinds of activities whi ch budget -financed and government
institutions may exercise in compliance with the aims they are established for shall be
defined by the constituent documents of the institutions.
The legislation of the Russian Federation may impose restrictions as to the kinds
of activities which non -commercial organization s of certain kinds are entitled to exercise
and, as regards institutions, also of certain types thereof.
Some kinds of activities may be only exercised by non -commercial organization s
on the basis of spe cial permits ( licenses ). A list of such activities is defined by law .
The materials issued by a non -commercial organization exercising the functions
of a foreign agent and/or distributed by it, in particular through mass media and/or with
the use of the In ternet, must have an indication that these materials are issued and/or
distributed by a non -commercial organization exercising the functions of a foreign agent.
2. A non -commercial organization may conduct business and other profitable
activities so far as this serves the achievement of the objectives for the sake of which it
has been created and corresponds to the cited objectives, provided that such activities
are cited in the constituent documents thereof. Such activity shall be deemed to be a
profitable production of goods and services corresponding to the objectives of the
creation of the non -profit organization , and also the acquisition and realization of
securities, property rights and nonproperty rights, the participation in economic societies
and th e participation in limited partnerships in the capacity of an investor.
The legislation of the Russian Federation may establish certain restrictions on the
business and other profitable activities of non -commercial organization s of certain kinds
and, as regards institutions, also of certain types.
3. A non -commercial organization shall keep the records of the proceeds and
expenses in the business and other profitable activities.
3.1. The legislation of the Russian Federation may establish restrictions on
making donations by non -commercial organization s to political parties, regional
branches thereof, as well as to election funds and referendum funds.
4. In the interests of achieving the objectives stipulated by the charter of a
non -commercial organization it may create other non -commercial organization s and join
associations and unions.
A budget -financed institution is entitled by approbation of the owner to transfer to
non -commercial organization s in the capacity of their founder (participant) monetary
as sets (if not otherwise established by the terms of their provision) and other property,
except for especially precious movable property assigned to them by the owner or
acquired by the budget -financed institution on account of the assets allocated thereto by
the owner for such property’s acquisition, as well as for immovable property.
The state budget -financed institutions which are state academies of science are
entitled to exercise on the behalf of the Russian Federation the authority of founders of
stat e unitary enterprises, state institutions and owners of the federal property assigned
thereto in the instances and in the procedure which are provided for by federal laws.
In the instances and in the procedure provided for by federal laws, a
budget -financ ed institution is entitled to contribute the property cited in Paragraph Two
of this item to the authorized capital of economic companies or to transfer this property
to them in some other way in the capacity of their founder (participant).
A government i nstitution is not entitled to act as the founder (participant) of legal
Article 25. The Property of a Non -Commercial Organization
1. A non -commercial organization may have, in ownership or in operating
management, buildings, installations, hous ing stock, equipment, appliances, monetary
funds in roubles and in foreign currency, securities and any other assets. A
non -commercial organization may have land plots under its ownership or by another
right in accordance with the legislation of the Russia n Federation. A federal law can
establish the right of a non -commercial organization (except for a government
institution) to form endowment in the composition of its property and also the features of
the legal status of non -commercial organization s formin g endowment .
2. A non -commercial organization shall be liable for its obligations with that of its
property which is recoverable according to the legislation of the Russian Federation.
Article 26. The Sources of the Formation of the Property of a Non -Commercial
1. The sources of the formation of the property of a non -commercial organization
in monetary or any other forms shall be:
regular and lump sum receipts from the founders (participants, members);
voluntary property contributions and donations;
receipts from the marketing of goods, works and services;
dividends (yield, interest) received on shares, bonds or any other securities and
returns received from the property of the non -commercial organization ;
any other receipts unpro hibited by the law.
Laws may establish certain restrictions on the sources of the returns of
non -commercial organization s of certain kinds and, as regards institutions, also of
certain types.
The sources of the formation of the property of a state corpora tion may represent
the regular and/or lump -sum receipts (contributions) from the juridical persons whose
duty to make these contributions is determined by the federal law.
2. The procedure for the regular receipts from the founders (participants,
members) shall be determined by the constituent documents of a non -commercial
organization .
3. The profit received by a non -commercial organization shall not be subject to
distribution among the participants of the non -commercial organization .
4. The provisions of this article shall apply to government and budget -financed
institutions subject to the specifics established by this Federal Law for the given types
Article 27. Conflict of Interests
1. For the purposes of the present Federal L aw the persons interested in the
making by a non -commercial organization of certain acts, including transactions, with
any other organization s or citizens (hereinafter referred to as the interested persons)
shall be deemed to be the head (deputy head) of t he non -commercial organization , and
also the person comprising the composition of the management bodies of the
non -commercial organization or of the bodies supervising its activity, if the indicated
persons have labor relations with the said organization s or citizens, are participants or
creditors of the said organization s, or are in close family relations with the said persons
or are creditors of the said persons. Besides, the said organization s or citizens are
suppliers of goods (services) for the non -com mercial organization s, major consumers of
the goods (services) produced by the non -commercial organization , have certain
property fully or partly formed by the non -commercial organization or may derive a profit
from the use or disposal of the property of t he non -commercial organization .
The interest in the performance by a non -commercial organization of certain acts,
including in the performance of transactions, shall entail a conflict of interests of the
interested persons and the non -commercial organizati on .
2. The interested persons must observe the interests of a non -commercial
organization , first of all with respect to the objectives of its activity, and must not use the
possibilities of the non -commercial organization or permit their use for purposes o ther
than those stipulated by the constituent documents of the non -commercial organization .
By the term “the possibilities of a non -commercial organization “, per purposes of
the present Article, there shall be understood the non -commercial organization ‘s assets,
property rights, nonproperty rights, possibilities in the field of business activity, and
information on the activity and plans of the non -commercial organization that is valuable
3. Where an interested person is interested in a transacti on to which a
non -commercial organization is or intends to be a party, and also there is another clash
of interests of the said person and the non -commercial organization with respect to an
existing or supposed transaction:
he must inform about his interes t the management body of the non -commercial
organization or the body supervising its activity prior to the moment when the decision is
taken to conclude the transaction (in a budget -financed institution – the appropriate body
exercising the founder’s funct ions and authority);
the transaction must be approved by the management body of the
non -commercial organization or by the body supervising its activity (in a budgetary
institution – by the appropriate body exercising the founder’s functions and authority).
4. A transaction in the making of which there is interest and which has been made
with the violation of the requirements of the present Article may be invalidated by a court.
An interested person shall be liable before a non -commercial organization at the
rate of the losses inflicted by him on the non -commercial organization . If losses have
been inflicted on a non -commercial organization by several interested persons, the latter
shall be jointly liable before the non -commercial organization .
Chapter V. Ma nagement of a Non -Commercial Organization
Article 28. Bases of the Management of a Non -commercial Organization
1. The structures, the competence, the procedure for the formation and the term
of powers of the management bodies of a non -commercial organization , the procedure
for them to take decisions and to act in the name of the non -commercial organization
shall be laid down by the constituent documents of the non -commercial organization in
accordance with the present Federal Law and any other fed eral laws and, as regards a
government or budget -financed institution, also in compliance with regulatory legal acts
of the President of the Russian Federation, the Government of the Russian Federation,
the supreme executive state power body of a constitue nt entity of the Russian
Federation, the local administration of a municipal entity or, where it is established by a
federal law, a law of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation or a regulatory legal
act of the representative body of the local gove rnment, with regulatory legal acts of other
state power bodies (state bodies) or local authorities.
2. Other federal laws can stipulate the formation of management bodies of a
non -commercial organization not stipulated by this Federal Law, as well as some other
distribution of powers among managerial bodies of a non -commercial organization .
3. If the founder of an autonomous non -commercial organization is the Russian
Federation, the act of the Government of the Russian Federation on its establishment
and th e statutes thereof may provide for the following:
1) a different procedure for forming and a different tern of authority of governing
bodies of the autonomous non -commercial organization ;
2) the autonomous non -commercial organization ‘s governing bodies which are
not provided for by this Federal Law;
3) the distribution of powers between governing bodies of the autonomous
non -commercial organization other than the one provided for by this Federal Law.
Article 29. Supreme Management Body of a Non -Commerc ial Organization
1. The supreme management body of non -commercial organization in
accordance with their constituent documents shall be:
a collective supreme management body for an autonomous non -commercial
organization ;
a general meeting of members for a non -commercial partnership or association
The procedure for managing a fund shall be deed by its charter.
The composition and competence of the management bodies of social and
religious organization s (combinations) shall be established in accordan ce with the laws
on such organization s (combinations).
2. The main function of the supreme management body of a non -commercial
organization shall be to ensure the observance by the non -commercial organization of
the objectives in whose interests it has bee n created.
3. Unless otherwise stipulated by this Federal law or other f ederal law s, the
exclusive competence of the supreme management body of a non -commercial
organization include the following :
the determination of priority directions of activity of the non -commercial
organization, principles of formation and use of its property;
the amendment of the charter of the non -commercial organization ;
the determination of the procedure of admission to the founders (participants,
members) of non -commercial organization , and expulsion from the founders
(participants, members), except if such procedure is determined by federal law s;
the formation of the bodies of the non -commercial organization and the
termination of their powers ahead of time ;
the approval of the annual report and accounting (financial) statements of a
non -commercial organization, unless the charter of a non -commercial organization in
accordance with Federal laws is not within the competence of other collegial bodies of a
non -commercial organization;
the decision of non -commercial organization on creat ion other legal entities, on
participation of non -commercial organization in other legal entities, on creation of
affiliate offices and opening of representative offices of non -commercial organizations;
the decision on reorganization and liquidation of non -commercial organization (with
the exception of fund) , on the appointment of liquidation commission (liquidator) and on
approval of liquidation balance sheet;
the approval of audit organization or individual auditor of non -commecercial
Fe deral laws and charter of non -commercial organization may attribute to the
exclusive competence of the supreme management body of non -commercial
organization solution of other issues.
The issues referred by this Federal law and other federal laws to the exclusive
competence of the supreme management body of non -commercial organization cannot
be transferred by it to other bodies of non -commercial organization, unless otherwise
provided by this Federal law or other federal laws.
4. A general meeting of the members of a non -commercial organization or a
session of a supreme collegial body of a non -commercial organization shall be
competent if the said meeting or session is attended by more than a half of its members.
A decision of the said general meeting or session shall be adopted by a majority
vote of the members attending the meeting or session. A decision of a general meeting
or session on the issues of the exclusive competence of the supreme management body
of a non -commercial organization shall be adopted unanimously or by a qualified
majority vote in accordance with the present Federal Law, other federal laws and the
constituent documents.
4.1. The provisions of this paragrap h shall apply , unless otherwise provided by
federal laws.
The decision of the supreme management body of a non -commercial organization
may be taken without a meeting or session by absentee voting (by poll), except for
decisions on issues specified in paragraphs the second – the ninth of Item 3 of this
Article. Such a vote may be held by exchanging documents by mail, telegraph, teletype,
telephone, electronic or other communication that ensures the authenticity of transferred
and received messages and their document ed confirmation.
The procedure of holding absentee voting shall be governed by the charter of the
non -comme rcial organization, which shall provide for the obligatory notification of all
founders (participants, members) of a non -commercial organization or the members of
the collegial supreme management body of a non -commercial organization on the
proposed agenda, the opportunity for all of the founders (participants, members) of a
non -commercial organization or members of the colle gial supreme management body of
the non -commercial organization to review before the vote all necessary information and
materials, the opportunity to make proposals for inclusion in the agenda of additional
issues , the necessity of informing all the founde rs (participants, members) of a
non -commercial organization or the members of the collegial supreme management
body of the non -commercial organization prior to the vote about the amended agenda,
as well as the completion of the voting procedure.
The Protocol on the results of absentee voting shall contain:
the date by which documents containing information about the voting of the
supreme body of a non -commercial organization were accepted ;
information about the persons who took part in voting;
the vot ing results on each issue on the agenda;
information about the persons who conducted the counting of votes;
information about the persons who signed the Protocol.
5. For an autonomous non -commercial organization the persons who are workers
of the non -comme rcial organization may not compose more than one third of the total
number of the members of the collective supreme management body of the autonomous
non -commercial organization .
A non -commercial organization may not make the payment of the remuneration to
the members of its supreme management body for the performance by them of their
incumbent functions, with the exception of the compensation for the expenses directly
connected with the participation in the work of the supreme management body.
Article 30. Executive Body of a Non -Commercial Organization
1. The executive body of a non -commercial organization may be collegial and/or
individual. It shall exercise the current leadership of the activity of the non -commercial
organization and shall be accountable to the supreme management body of the
non -commercial organization .
2. The competence of the executive body of a non -commercial organization shall
comprise the solution of all issues which do not constitute the exclusive competence of
other management bodies of the non -commercial organization determined by the
present Federal Law, any other federal laws and the constituent documents of the
non -commercial organization .
Article 30.1. Restrictions on the Participation of Certain Categ ories of Persons in
the Activities of Foreign Not -for -Profit Non -Governmental Organization s
The following persons shall not sit on the managerial bodies, boards of trustees or
supervisory boards or other bodies of foreign not -for -profit non -governmental
or ganization s and their structural units operating on the territory of the Russian
Federation: persons holding state or municipal offices and also state or municipal
service offices, unless otherwise envisaged by an international treaty or the legislation of
the Russian Federation. These persons are not entitled to engage in a paid activity
financed exclusively with funds of foreign states, international and foreign organization s,
foreign citizens and stateless persons, unless otherwise envisaged by an intern ational
treaty of the Russian Federation or the legislation of the Russian Federation.
Chapter VI. Support for Non -Commercial Organization s. Control over the
Activities of Non -Commercial Organization s
Article 31. Economic Support for Non -Commercial Organization s by the State
Power Bodies and Local Authorities
1. State power bodies and local authorities may, within the scope of their authority
established by this Federal Law and other federal laws, render economic support to
non -commercial organizatio ns.
2. Economic support of non -commercial organization s shall be rendered, in
particular, in the following forms:
1) procurement of goods, works, services for state and municipal needs from
non -commercial organizations in the order established by the legis lation of the Russian
Federation on contract system in procurement of goods, works, services for state and
municipal needs ;
2) granting privileges in payment of taxes and fees in accordance with the
legislation on taxes and fees to citizens and legal entit ies rendering material support to
non -commercial organization s;
3) granting other privileges to non -commercial organization s.
3. It shall not be allowed to grant privileges in payment of taxes and fees on an
individual basis to some non -commercial organization s, as well as to some citizens and
legal entities, rendering material support to these non -commercial organization s.
4. State power bodies and local authorities shall render support in the first -priority
to socially oriented non -commercial orga nization s in compliance with this Federal Law.
Article 31.1. Support of Socially Oriented Non -Commercial Organization s by the
State Power Bodies and Local Authorities
1. The state power bodies and local authorities in compliance with the scope of
authorit y thereof established by this Federal Law and other federal laws may render
support of socially oriented non -commercial organization s if they are engaged in the
following kinds of activities provided for by the constituent documents thereof:
1) social support and protection of citizens;
2) preparing the population for overcoming the aftermath of natural calamities,
ecological, man -caused or other disasters, for prevention of accidents;
3) rendering aid to victims of natural calamities, ecological, man -m ade or other
disasters, of social, national and religious conflicts, to refugees and forced migrants;
4) environmental and wildlife protection;
5) protection and maintenance in compliance with the established requirements of
facilities (in particular build ings, structures) and territories of historical, hieratic, cultural
or ecological importance and of burial places;
6) rendering legal aid on a gratuitous basis or on easy terms to citizens and
non -commercial organization s, as well as legal education of the population and activities
aimed at the protection of human and civil rights and freedoms;
7) prevention of citizens’ socially dangerous behavior;
8) charitable activities, as well as activities promoting charity and volunteering;
9) activities in the area of education, enlightenment, science, culture, arts, public
medical care, prophylaxis and citizens’ health protection, health lifestyle promotion,
improvement of citizens’ morals, physical training and sports and assistance to the cited
kinds of activitie s, as well as assistance to the spiritual development of people.
10) forming in the society intolerance with respect of corrupt behavior;
11) developing interethnic cooperation, preservation and protection of the
originality, culture, languages and tradit ions of peoples of the Russian Federation.
12) activities involved in patriotic upbringing of the citizens of the Russian
Federation, including military -patriotic education ;
13 ) carrying out search operations aimed at identifying unknown military graves
an d unburied remains of the defenders of the Fatherland , the establishment of the
names of the dead and missing in the defense of the Fatherland ;
14) participation in prevention and (or) suppression of fires and carrying out
rescue operations;
15) social and cultural adaptation and integration of migrants;
16) activities related to medical rehabilitation and social rehabilitation, social and
labor reintegration of persons engaged in illegal use of narcotic drugs or psychotropic
17) promotion of mo bility of labor resources.
2. For recogni zing non -commercial organization s as socially oriented federal
laws, laws of constituent entities of the Russian Federation, regulatory legal acts of
representative bodies of municipal entities may establish, along with the kinds of
activities provided for by this article, other kinds of activities aimed at solving social
problems and development of civil society in the Russian Federation.
3. Support shall be rendered to socially oriented non -commercial organization s in
the following forms:
1) financial, material, informational and consulting support, as well as support in
respect of training, retraining and raising the qualifications of employees and volunteers
of socially -oriented non -commercial organization s;
2) gr anting privileges to socially oriented non -commercial organization s in the
payment of taxes and fees in compliance with the legislation on taxes and fees;
3) procurement of goods, works, services for state and municipal needs from
socially -oriented non -commercial organizations in the order established by the
legislation of the Russian Federation on contract system in procurement of goods,
works, services for state and municipal needs;
4) granting privileges to legal entities that render material support to socially
oriented non -commercial organization s in payment of taxes and fees in compliance with
the legislation on taxes and fees.
4. The constituent entities of the Russian Federation and municipal entities, along
with the forms of support specified by Item 3 of this article, shall be entitled to render
support to socially oriented non -commercial organization s in other forms on account of
budget appropriations of budgets of constituent entities of the Russian Federation and
local budgets respectively.
5. Financial support to socially oriented non -commercial organization s may be
rendered on account of budget appropriations from the federal budget, budgets of
constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local budgets by granting subsidies.
Budget appr opriations from the federal budget for financial support to socially oriented
non -commercial organization s (in particular, for keeping the register of socially oriented
non -commercial organization s receiving support), including subsidies to budgets of
cons tituent entities of the Russian Federation, shall be provided in the procedure
established by the Government of the Russian Federation.
6. Material support to socially oriented non -commercial organization s shall be
rendered by the state power bodies and lo cal authorities by transferring state or
municipal property to such non -commercial organization s for possession and/or use.
The cited property may be only used for its purpose.
7. Federal executive power bodies, executive power bodies of constituent entiti es
of the Russian Federation and local administrations shall be entitled to approve lists of
property which is free of third persons’ rights (except for property rights of
non -commercial organization s). The state and municipal property included into the ci ted
lists may be only used for providing it to socially oriented non -commercial organization s
for possession and/or use on a long -term basis (in particular, at reduced rental rates).
These lists shall be published without fail in the mass media, as well as put on the
Internet information telecommunication network, on official sites of the federal state
power bodies, executive power bodies of constituent entities of the Russian Federation
and local administrations that have approved them.
8. The procedure fo r keeping and mandatory publication of the lists provided for
by Item 7 of this article, as well as the procedure for and terms of providing for
possession and/or use of the state or municipal property included therein, shall be
established by regulatory l egal acts of the Russian Federation, regulatory legal acts of
constituent entities of the Russian Federation and municipal legal acts respectively.
9. The state and municipal property included into the lists provided for by Item 7 of
this article shall not be subject to alienation for private ownership, in particular for
ownership by the non -commercial organization s obtaining it on a leasehold basis.
10. It shall be prohibited to sell the state and municipal property transferred to
socially oriented non -com mercial organization s, to assign the rights to its use, to put the
rights to use it in pledge and to contribute the rights to use such property to the
authorized capital of any other economic agents.
11. The federal executive power bodies, executive power bodies of constituent
entities of the Russian Federation and local administrations that have rendered material
support to socially oriented non -commercial organization s shall be entitled to make a
claim with an arbitration court for termination of the righ ts to possession and/or use by
socially oriented non -commercial organization s of the state or municipal property
provided to them, if it is used for an proper purpose and/or in defiance of the bans and
restrictions established by this article.
12. Informat ion support shall be rendered to socially oriented non -commercial
organization s by state power bodies and local authorities by creating federal, regional
and municipal information systems and information telecommunication networks, as
well as ensuring thei r functioning for the purpose of implementation of the state policy in
respect of rendering support to socially oriented non -commercial organization s.
Article 31.2. Registers of Socially Oriented Non -Commercial Organization s
Receiving Support
1. The federal executive power bodies, executive power bodies of constituent
entities of the Russian Federation and local authorities rendering support to socially
oriented non -commercial organization s shall form and keep federal, state and municipal
registe rs of socially oriented non -commercial organization s receiving such support.
2. The following data on a non -commercial organization shall be included in the
register of socially oriented non -commercial organization s:
1) full and shortened (if any) denomina tion and address (location) of the
permanent body of a socially oriented non -commercial organization , the state
registration number of the entry on the state registration of a non -commercial
organization (basic state registration number);
2) taxpayer’s identification number;
3) form and size of the support rendered;
4) time of rendering support;
5) denomination of the state power body or local self -government body that has
rendered support;
6) date of the decision on rendering support or of the decision on stopping
rendering support;
7) information about the kinds of activities exercised by a socially oriented
non -commercial organization that has been supported;
8) information (if any) about the violations made by a socially oriented
non -commercial organi zation that has received support, in particular about the use of
the provided funds and property for an improper purpose.
3. The procedure for keeping registers of socially oriented non -commercial
organization s receiving support and for keeping the documen ts presented by them, the
requirements for technological, software, linguistic, legal and organization al means for
ensuring the use of the cited registers shall be established by the authorized federal
executive power body.
4. The information contained in registers of socially oriented non -commercial
organization s receiving support shall be public and shall be provided in compliance with
Federal Law No. 8 -FZ of February 9, 2009 on Providing Access to Information about the
Activities of the State Bodies and Local Authorities.
Article 31.3. Authority of the State Power Bodies of the Russian Federation, State
Power Bodies of Constituent Entities of the Russian Federation and Local
Authorities in Respect of Resolving the Issues of Rendering Support to
Socially O riented Non -Commercial Organization s
1. The authority of state power bodies of the Russian Federation in respect of
resolving the issues of rendering support to socially oriented non -commercial
organization s shall extend to the following:
1) formulation a nd implementation of state policy with respect to socially oriented
non -commercial organization s;
2) development and implementation of federal program s of support to socially
oriented non -commercial organization s;
3) monitoring and analysis of financial, e conomic, social and other indices of the
activities of socially oriented non -commercial organization s;
4) forming a united information system for the purpose of implementation of the
state policy in respect of support to socially oriented non -commercial or ganization s;
5) financing scientific research and development works concerning the problems
of activities and development of socially oriented non -commercial organization s on
account of budget appropriations from the federal budget for rendering support to
socially oriented non -commercial organization s;
6) promulgation and populariz ation of the activities of socially oriented
non -commercial organization s;
7) assistance to regional program s of support to socially oriented non -commercial
organization s;
8) arranging of official statistical recording of socially oriented non -commercial
organization s, defining a procedure for random statistical observations of their activities
in the Russian Federation;
9) preparing and publishing in the mass media annual r eports on the activities and
development of socially oriented non -commercial organization s in the Russian
Federation, which must contain data on the use of the budget appropriations from the
federal budget for supporting socially oriented non -commercial or ganization s, analysis
of the financial, economic, social and other indices describing the activities of socially
oriented non -commercial organization s, assessment of the efficiency of measures
aimed at development of socially oriented non -commercial organi zation s in the Russian
Federation, a forecast of their further development.
10) methodological support to state power bodies of constituent entities of the
Russian Federation, local authorities and rendering of assistance thereto in the
development and exe rcise of the activities aimed at supporting socially oriented
non -commercial organization s in constituent entities of the Russian Federation and on
the territories of municipal entities;
11) establishing the procedure for keeping registers of socially orie nted
non -commercial organization s receiving support, as well as establishing the
requirements for technological, software, linguistic, legal and organization al means for
ensuring the use of the cited registers;
12) forming an infrastructure for rendering s upport to socially oriented
non -commercial organization s.
2. The authority of state power bodies of constituent entities of the Russian
Federation in respect of resolving the issues of support to socially oriented
non -commercial organization s shall extend to the following:
1) participation in implementation of state policy in respect of rendering support to
socially oriented non -commercial organization s;
2) development and implementation of regional and inter -municipal program s of
rendering support to socia lly oriented non -commercial organization s subject to the
socio -economic, ecological, cultural and other specifics;
3) financing scientific research and development works concerning the problems
of activities and development of socially oriented non -commercial organization s on
account of budget appropriations from the budgets of constituent entities of the Russian
Federation for rendering support to socially oriented non -commercial organization s;
4) assistance to the development of inter -regional coop eration of socially oriented
non -commercial organization s;
5) promulgation and populari zation of the activities of socially oriented
non -commercial organization s on account of budget appropriations from budgets of
constituent entities of the Russian Federa tion for an appropriate year;
6) assistance to municipal program s of support to socially oriented
non -commercial organization s;
7) analysis of financial, economic, social and other indices of the activities of
socially oriented non -commercial organization s, assessment of the efficiency of
activities aimed at development of socially oriented non -commercial organization s in
constituent entities of the Russian Federation, a forecast of their further development;
8) methodological support to local authorities and rendering assistance to them in
the development and exercise of the activities aimed at rendering support to socially
oriented non -commercial organization s on the territories of municipal entities.
3. The authority of local self -government bodies in re spect of rendering support to
socially oriented non -commercial organization s shall extend to the creation of conditions
for the activities of socially oriented non -commercial organization s, including the
1) development and implementation of muni cipal program s for rendering support
to socially oriented non -commercial organization s subject to local socio -economic,
ecological, cultural and other specifics;
2) analysis of financial, economic, social and other indices describing the activities
of soci ally oriented non -commercial organization s, assessment of the efficiency of the
activities aimed at the development of socially oriented non -commercial organization s
on the territories of municipal entities.
Article 32. Control over the Activity of a Non -Commercial Organization
1. A non -commercial organization shall keep accounting and statistical reporting
in the procedure established by the legislation of the Russian Federation. The annual
accounting (financial) reports/statements of a non -commercial org anization exercising
the functions of a foreign agent and (if not otherwise provided for by an international
treaty made by the Russian Federation) the annual (accounting) financial
reports/statements of a structural unit of a foreign not -for -profit non -governmental
organization are subject to mandatory auditing.
A non -commercial organization shall furnish information about its activity to the
bodies of state statistics and to the tax bodies, to the founders and any other persons in
accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and the constituent
documents of the non -commercial organization .
Non -commercial organization s receiving monetary assets and other property from
foreign sources shall keep separate records of incomes (expenses) rec eived (made)
within the framework of receipts from foreign sources and of the incomes (expenses)
received (made) within the framework of other receipts.
2. The rates and the structure of the incomes of a non -commercial organization ,
and also the data on th e rates and composition of the property of the non -commercial
organization , on its expenses, the number and composition of workers, on the
remuneration of their labor , on the use of gratuitous labor of citizens in the activity of the
non -commercial organiz ation may not be an object of commercial secrecy.
3. Non -commercial organization s, except for those cited in Item 3.1 of this Article ,
are bound to file with the authorized body the documents containing a report on the
activities thereof, about the persona l composition of the governing bodies, documents
on the purposes of spending the monetary assets and of using other property, in
particular of those received from foreign sources, while the non -commercial
organization s exercising the functions of a foreign agent, are obliged to file an audit
statement as well. With this, the documents presented by non -commercial organization s
exercising the functions of a foreign agent must contain data on the purposes of
spending the monetary assets and other property rece ived from foreign sources, about
their actual spending and use. The forms for presenting the cited documents (except for
an audit statement) and the time for their presentation with due regard to the time
provided for by paragraph two of this item shall be determined by the authorized federal
executive power body.
Non -commercial organization s exercising the functions of a foreign agent shall file
with the authorized body the documents containing a report on their activities and on the
personal composition of the governing bodies thereof once every six months, the
documents on the purposes of spending monetary assets and of using other property, in
particular those received from foreign sources, on a quarterly basis and an audit
statemen t shall be submitted by them on an annual basis.
3.1. Non -commercial organization s whose founders (participants, members) are
not foreign citizens and/or organization s or stateless persons that had not for a year
received any property and monetary means fr om foreign sources, in the event that the
receipts of property and monetary means amounted up to three million rubles , shall
submit to the authorized body or to its territorial body an application confirming their
conformity to this Item and information in an arbitrary form about the continuation of their
activity within the time periods to be determined by the authorized body.
3.2. Non -commercial organization s, except for those mentioned in Item 3.1 of this
Article, must annually, and non -commercial organ ization s exercising the functions of a
foreign agent – once every six months, place in Internet or give the mass media for
publication a report about their activity in the volume of the information submitted to the
authorized body or its territorial body.
Non -commercial organization s mentioned in Item 3.1 of this Article must annually
place in Internet or give the mass media for publication a communication about the
continuation of their activity.
The procedure and time for placing such reports and communi cations shall be
determined by the authorized federal body of executive power.
3.3. A state (municipal) institution shall ensure the openness and accessibility of
the following documents:
1) constituent documents of the state (municipal) institution, inclu ding the
amendments made therein;
2) state registration certificate of the state (municipal) institution;
3) founder’s decision on establishing the state (municipal) institution;
4) founder’s decision on appointing the head of the state (municipal) institu tion;
5) regulations on affiliate and representative offices of the state (municipal)
6) plan of financial and economic activities of the state (municipal) institution
drawn up and endorsed in the procedure defined by the appropriate body exercising the
founder’s functions and authority and in compliance with the requirements established
by the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation;
7) annual accounting reports/statements of the state (municipal) institution;
8) data on the control activities exercised in respect of the state (municipal)
institution and about the results thereof;
9) state (municipal) task as to rendering services (carrying out works);
10) report on the results of its activities and on the use of the state (municipal)
property assigned thereto which is drawn up and endorsed in the procedure defined by
the appropriate body exercising the founder’s functions and authority and in compliance
with the general requirements established by the federal executive power body
exer cising the functions of formulation of the state policy and normative legal regulation
of budgetary, tax, insurance, currency and banking activities.
3.4. State , budget -financed and autonomous institutions shall ensure the
openness and accessibility of the documents cited in Item 3.3 of this Article , subject to
the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation on the protection of state
3.5. The data defined by Item 3.3 of this Article shall be posted by the federal
executive power body exercising law enforcement functions in respect of cash servicing
of the administration of budgets of the budget system of the Russian Federation on the
official Internet site on the basis of the information supplied by a state (municipal)
Th e information shall be supplied by a state (municipal) institution, it shall be
posted on the official Internet site and the mentioned site shall be kept in the procedure
established by the federal executive power body exercising the functions of formulati on
of the state policy and normative legal regulation of budgetary, tax, insurance, currency
and banking activities.
4. A structural unit of a foreign not -for -profit nongovernmental organization shall
inform the authorized body of the amount of monetary fu nds and other property received
by this structural unit , on the supposed distribution thereof, on the aims of their spending
and use and on their actual spending and use, on the program s to be implemented on
the territory of the Russian Federation, as well as on spending the said monetary funds
by natural persons and legal entities to which they are granted, and on the use of the
property provided to them, in the form and at the time that are established by the
authorized federal executive body.
A structura l unit of a foreign not -for -profit organization shall present on an annual
basis to the authorized body the audit statement received from a Russian audit firm
(from a Russian individual auditor), if not otherwise provided for by an international
treaty mad e by the Russian Federation.
The authorized body shall post on its official site in the Internet the data presented
by a structural unit of a foreign not -for -profit non -governmental organization or shall
present them to the mass media for publication.
4.1. Control over compliance by non -commercial organization s of the
requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation and attainment of the goals
provided for by the constituent documents thereof shall be exerted while exercising
federal state supervis ion over the activities of non -commercial organization s, except for
budget -financed and state -run institutions, and the departmental control over the
activities of budget -financed and state -run institutions.
Federal state supervision over the activities of non -commercial institutions shall
be exercised by an authorized federal executive body according to the scope of authority
thereof in the procedure established by the Government of the Russian Federation.
The provisions of Federal Law No. 294 -FZ of Decem ber 26, 2008 on the
Protection of Legal Entities’ and Individual Entrepreneurs’ Rights During State Control
(Supervision) and Municipal Control shall apply to the relations connected with the
exercise of the federal state supervision over the activities of non -commercial
organization s and holding inspections of non -commercial organization s, subject to the
specifics of organi zing and holding the unscheduled inspections cited in Items 4.2 – 4.5
of this Article .
4.2. The grounds for conducting an unscheduled inspection of a non -commercial
organization are:
1) the expiration of the term for elimination of violations contained in the warning
earlier issued by the authorized body or its territorial body to a non -commercial
2) the receipt by an autho rized body or its territorial body of information from state
bodies, bodies of local self -government about violation by a non -commercial
organization of the legislation of the Russian Federation in the sphere of its activity and
(or) the presence in its ac tivity of signs of extremism;
3) the receipt by an authorized body or its territorial body of the information of the
electoral commission on conducting the inspection in accordance with Item 4 of A rticle
35 of the Federal law from July 11, 2001 N o. 95 -FZ on Political Parties, Item 13 of Article
59 of the Federal law of June 12 , 2002 N o. 67 -FZ on Basic Guarantees of Electoral
Rights and the Right to Participate in Referendum of Citizens of the Russian
4) the availability of an order (instructio n) of the head of the authorized body or its
territorial body issued in accordance with the instructions of the President of the Russian
Federation or the Government of the Russian Federation or on the basis of requirements
of the Prosecutor about carrying out unscheduled inspection within the framework of
supervision of execution of laws on the base of materials and appeals received by
Prosecutor’s office ;
5) the receipt by the authorized body or its territorial body of information from state
bodies, local government bodies, citizens or organizations regarding the implementation
by a non -commercial organization of activities as non -commercial organization
performing functions of a foreign agent that has not applied for inclusion in the regist ry of
non -comme rcial organizations performing functions of a foreign agent provided in Item
10 of A rticle 13.1 of this Federal law ;
6) the receipt by the authorized body or its territorial body of application from
non -commercial organizations included in the regist ry of non -commercial organizations
performing the functions of a foreign agent regarding the exclusion of this
non -commercial organization from the specified regist ry in connection with the
termination of its activities as non -commercial organization performing functions of a
foreign agent.
4.3. An unscheduled inspection for the reasons cited in Subitem 3 and 6 of Item
4.2. of this Article is held by the authorized body immediately, with the body of the
prosecutor’s office to be notified thereof in the procedure established by Part 12 of
Article 10 of Federal Law No. 294 -FZ of December 26, 2008 on the Protection of Legal
Entities’ and Individual Entrepreneurs’ Right s During State Control (Supervision) and
Municipal Control.
4.4. It is not permitted to notify a non -commercial organization in advance of an
unscheduled inspection due to the presence in its activity of signs of extremism is not
allowed .
4.5. Planned inspections of a non -commercial organization performing the
functions of a foreign agent shall be held at the most once a year.
Unscheduled inspections of a non -commercial organization performing the
functions of a foreign agent, shall be held on the grounds specified in Item 4.2 of this
Article, and subject to the provisions of Items 4.3 and 4.4 of this Article.
4.6. Repealed by Federal Law No. 18 -FZ of February 21, 2014
5. In respect of a non -commercial organization , an authorized body and th e
officials thereof are entitled to carry out the following in the procedure established by the
legislation of the Russian Federation:
1) to request the governing bodies of the non -commercial organization for the
constituent documents thereof, except for d ocuments containing information which may
be obtained in accordance with Subitem 2 of this Item;
2) to obtain on demand information on the financial and economic activities of
non -commercial organization s from the bodies in charge of state statistics, the federal
executive body authorized to exercise control and supervision in the area of taxes and
fees, and from other bodies of state control and supervision, as well as from credit and
other financial organization s;
3) to send its representatives for partic ipation in the events held by the
non -commercial organization ;
4) conduct inspections of the conformity of the activity of a non commercial
organization , including with regard to the spending of monetary means and the use of
other property, to the purposes stipulated by its constituent documents. Such
inspections may be held in respect of a structural unit of a foreign not -for -profit
non -governmental organization , except for the structural units of a foreign
non -governmental not -for -profit organization which are immune from the cited actions;
5) in the event of detecting a breach of the legislation of the Russian Federation or
in the event of committing by the non -commercial organization actions that are at
variance with the g oals provided by the constituent documents thereof, to issue a written
warning thereto with an indication of the breach made and the time period for elimination
thereof constituting not less than one month. The warning issued to a non -commercial
organizati on may be appealed against with a superior body or court.
6) Abrogated by Federal Law No. 147 -FZ of June 4, 2014 .
5.1. Control over the activities of budget -financed and government institutions
shall be exercised by:
1) the federal executive power bodies exercising the founder’s functions and
authority – in respect of budget -financed and government institutions;
2) in the procedure established by the supreme executive state power body of a
constituent entity of the Russian Federation – in respect of budge t-financed and
government institutions of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation;
3) in the procedure established by the local administration of a municipal entity – in
respect of municipal budget -financed and government institutions.
5.2. Contro l over the activities of the government and budget -financed institutions
subordinate to the federal state power bodies (state bodies), where military service or
service equated to it is provided for by law, shall be exercised subject to the
requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation on the protection of state
6. In the event of detecting a breach of the legislation of the Russian Federation or
committing by an affiliate or a representative office of a foreign not -for -profit
non -gover nmental organization actions contravening the declared goals and tasks, the
authorized body shall be entitled to issue to the head of the appropriate structural unit of
the foreign not -for -profit non -governmental organization a written warning with an
indi cation of the breach made and the time period for elimination thereof constituting not
less than one month. A warning issued to the head of the appropriate structural unit of a
foreign not -for -profit non -governmental organization may be appealed against with a
superior body or court.
6.1. Abrogated by Federal Law No. 147 -FZ of June 4, 2014 .
7. Non -commercial organization s shall be obliged to inform the authorized body of
amending the data indicated in Item 1 of Article 5 of the F ederal Law on State
Registration of Legal Entities and Individual Entrepreneurs , except for the information on
obtained licenses , within three days as of the date of occurrence of such amendments
and to submit the appropriate documents for rendering a deci sion on their sending to the
registering body. A decision on sending the appropriate documents to the registering
body shall be rendered in the same procedure and at the same time as a decision on
state registration. With this, a list and form of the docum ents that are required for making
such amendments shall be determined by the authorized federal executive body.
A non -commercial organization intending after its state registration to exercise its
activities as a non -commercial organization exercising the functions of a foreign agent is
bound before starting such activities to file with the authorized body an application for its
inclusion in the regist ry of non -commercial organization s exercising the functions of a
foreign agent provided for by Item 10 of A rticle 13.1 of this Federal Law.
In case of identification of a non -commercial organization operating as a
non -commercial organization performing functions of a foreign agent, which did not
appl y for inclusion in the registry of non -commercial organizations performing functions
of a foreign agent, acording to Item 10 of Article 13.1 of this Federal Law, the authority
includes this non -commercial organization the said register.
The decision to incl ude a non -commercial organization in the registry of
non -commercial organizations performing functions of a foreign agent may be appealed
in court.
8. In the event of failure of an affiliate or a representative office of a foreign
not -for -profit non -govern mental organization to present at the established time the
information provided for by Item 4 of this Article, the appropriate structural unit of the
foreign not -for -profit non -governmental organization may be excluded from the register
of affiliates and r epresentative offices of international organization s and foreign
not -for -profit non -governmental organization s on the basis of the authorized body’s
9. If the activities of an affiliate or representative office of a foreign not -for -profit
non -gov ernmental organization do not comply with the goals stated in the notification, as
well as with the data presented in compliance with Item 4 of this Article, such structural
unit may be excluded from the register of affiliates and representative offices of
international organization s and foreign not -for -profit non -governmental organization s on
the basis of a decision of the authorized body.
10. A repeated failure of a non -commercial organization to present at the
established time the data provided for by this Article shall serve as a ground for filing by
the authorized body or by a territorial body thereof an application for liquidation of this
non -commercial organization .
11. The authorized body shall render a decision on the exclusion of an affiliate or
representative office of a foreign not -for -profit nongovernmental organization from the
register in connection with liquidation of the appropriate foreign not -for -profit
non -governmental organiza tion .
12. The authorized body shall send to a structural subdivision of a foreign
not -for -profit non -governmental organization a reasoned decision in writing to prohibit
implementation on the territory of the Russian Federation of the program , declared for
implementation on the territory of the Russian Federation, or of its part. The structural
unit of a foreign not -for -profit non -governmental organization that has received the said
decision shall be obliged to terminate its activities connected with implem entation of this
program , insofar as it is indicated in the decision. A failure to execute the said decision
shall entail exclusion of the appropriate affiliate or representative office of the foreign
not -for -profit non -governmental organization from the r egister and liquidation of the
branch of the foreign not -for -profit non -governmental organization .
13. For the purpose of protection of the fundamentals of the constitutional system,
morals, health, rights and legitimate interests of other persons, ensurin g the defence of
the country and security of the State, the authorized body shall be entitled to issue to a
structural unit of a foreign not -for -profit non -governmental organization a reasoned
decision in writing prohibiting allocation of monetary funds an d provision of other
property to certain recipients of the said funds and other property.
14. The federal bodies charged with the exercise of fiscal control, the federal
executive body authorized with respect to control and supervision in the area of taxes
and fees shall establish the compliance of spending monetary funds and using other
property by non -commercial organization s with the aims provided for by the constituent
documents thereof, and by affiliates and representative offices of foreign not -for -profit
non -governmental organization s with the declared goals and tasks, and shall report the
results to the body that has decided on registration of the appropriate not -for -profit
organization and on the inclusion into the register of the affiliat e or representative office
of the foreign not -for -profit non -governmental organization and in respect of
budget -financed institutions – to the appropriate bodies exercising the founder’s
functions and authority.
14.1. The federal executive power body auth orized to exercise the functions of
resistance to legalization (laundering) of incomes derived illegally and to financing of
terrorism shall analy ze the information about operations of non -commercial
organizations received on the basis of Federal Law No. 1 15 -FZ of August 7, 2001 on
Countering the Legali zation of Illegal Earnings (Money Laundering) and the Financing of
Terrorism and, where there are grounds to believe that the cited information is
incomplete and/or unreliable or that a non -commercial organiz ation does not satisfy or
does not satisfy in full the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation, shall
notify of it the body that has adopted the decision on the state registration of this
non -commercial organization either by request of t he cited body or in its own initiative.
15. A foreign not -for -profit non -governmental organization shall be entitled to
appeal against actions (omission to act) of state bodies with court at the location of the
state body whose actions (omission to act) ar e appealed against.
16. The authorized body annually submits to the State Duma of the Federal
Assembly of the Russian Federation report on the activities of non -commercial
organizations performing the functions of a foreign agent, containing information ab out
their involvement in political activities on the territory of the Russian Federation, on the
receipt and expenditure of funds, as well as the results of monitoring of their activities.
Chapter VII. Final Provisions
Article 33. Responsibility of Non -Commercial Organization
A non -commercial organization , in case of the violation of the present Federal
Law, shall bear responsibility in accordance with the legislation of the Russian
Article 34. Entry into Force of the Present Federal Law
1. The present Federal Law shall enter into force from the day of its official
2. To recommend the President of the Russian Federation and assign the
Government of the Russian Federation to bring their legal acts in conformity with the
present Fed eral Law.
President of the Russian Federation Boris Yeltsin
Moscow, the Kremlin
January 12, 1996