Incorporated Societies Ordinance

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  • Country: Samoa
  • Language: English
  • Document Type: Domestic Law or Regulation
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Arrangement of Provisions
1. Short title and commencement
2. Interpretation
3. Incorporated societies
4. Pecuniary gain
5. Rules of incorporated societies
5A. Society may make regulations
or by-laws
5B. Penalty for improper use of word “Incorporated”
6. Application for incorporation
7. Registrar to register society if in order
8. Certificate of incorporation to
be conclusive evidence of
9. Upon issue of certificate
members to be a body
10. Separate name of each society
11. Appeal from Registrar to Head of State
12. No liability on members for
obligation of society
13. Members have no right to property of society
14. Contracts by society
15. Service of summons, etc., on society
16. Security for costs when society is plaintiff
17. Registered office
18. Restriction of operations of
19. Society not to engage in
operation involving
pecuniary gain
20. Alteration of rules
21. Register of members
22. Annual financial statement
23. Voluntary winding up of
24. Winding up of society by Supreme Court
25. Petition to Court for winding up
26. Division of surplus assets
on winding up
27. Dissolution by Registrar
28. Corporate body may
become member of society
29. Pecuniary gain received by members of such corporate
30. Such corporate body to be equivalent to 3 members
31. Registrar and Assistant Registrars
32. Registrar to keep register of
incorporated societies
33. Inspection of documents

34. Exemptions from stamp duty
35. Regulations 36. Savings


AN ORDINANCE to make provisions for the incorporation of societies
which are not established for th e purpose of pecuniary gain.
(09 September 1952)
1. Short title an d commencement – This Ordinance may
be cited as the Incorporated Soci eties Ordinance 1952 and shall come
into operation on a date to be appoi nted for the commencement thereof
by the High Commissioner by a notice published in the Gazette.
2. Interpretation – In this Ordinance, unless the context
otherwise requires:

“Judge” means a Judge of the S upreme Court of Samoa.
“Member” includes a person or a corporate body joining in the
application for the incorporation of a society, and a person or
corporate body admitted to memb ership after incorporation in
accordance with the rules of a society.
“Prescribed” means prescribed by this Ordinance or by regulations.
“Registrar” means the Registrar or Incor porated Societies under this
“Regulation” means a regulation made by th e Head of State, acting on
the advice of Cabinet, under the authority of this Ordinance and
gazetted in the Gazette.
“Society” means a society incorporated under this Ordinance.
3. Incorporated societies – (1) Any society consisting of
not less than 15 persons associated for any lawful purposes but not for
pecuniary gain may on application being made to the Registrar in
accordance with this Ordinance become incorporated as a society under
this Ordinance.
(2) No such application shall be made except with the consent
of a majority of the members of the society.

(3) No society shall be register ed without the consent of the
Head of State under a name which contains the words “standard” or
“Samoa standard” or any abbreviation thereof.

4. Pecuniary gain – Persons shall not be deemed to be
associated for pecuniary merely by reason of any of the following
circumstances, namely:

(a) That the society itself makes a pe cuniary gain unless that gain or
some part thereof is divided among or received by the members
or some of them;

(b) That the members of the soci ety are entitled to divide between
them the property of the so ciety on its dissolution;

(c) That the society is established for the protection or regulation of
some trade, business, industry or calling in which the members
are engaged or interested, if the society itself does not engage or
take part in any such trade, bu siness, industry or calling or any
part or branch thereof;

(d) That any member of the societ y derives pecuniary gain from the
society by way of salary as the se rvant or officer of the society;

(e) That any member of the society derives from the society any pecuniary gain to whic h he or she would be equally entitled if he
were not a member of the society;

(f) That the members of the society compete with each other for
trophies or prizes other than money prizes.

5. Rules of incorporated societies – (1) The rules of a
society shall state or provide for the following matters, that is to say:

(a) The name of the society wi th the addition of the word
“Incorporated” as the last word of that name;

(b) The objects for which the society is established;

(c) The modes in which persons become members of the society;

(d) The modes in which persons ceas e to be members of the society;

(e) The mode in which the rules of the society may be altered, added
to, or rescinded;

(f) The mode of summoning and ho lding general meetings of the
society or of voting thereat;

(g) The appointmen t of officers of the society;

(h) The control and use of the Common Seal of the Society;

(i) The control and investments of funds of the society;

(j) The powers (if any) of the society to borrow money;

(k) The disposition of the property of the society in the event of the
winding up of the society;

(l) Such other matters as the Regi strar may require to be provided
for in any particular instance.

(2) The rules of the society may make provision for the
imposition on any me mber of reasonable fines and forfeitures, and for
the consequences of non-paymen t of any subscription or fine.

(3) The rules of the society ma y contain any other provisions
which are not inconsistent with this Ordinance or with law.

(4) The rules of the society and any amendments of those rules
shall be printed or typewritten.

5A. Society may make regulations or bylaws – (1) In
addition to the matters specified in the last preceding section of this
Ordinance, the rules of any societ y may make provision empowering the
society from time to time by resolution in general meeting to make,
amend, or rescind regulations or by laws, not inconsistent with this

Ordinance or with the rules of the society, for such purposes as may be
specified in that be half in the rules.

(2) The making, amendment or rescission of any regulations or
bylaws pursuant to any rules in accorda nce with this section shall not be
deemed to be an alteration of the rules within th e meaning of section 20
of this Ordinance.

5B. Penalty for improper use of word “Incorporated” – If
any society, not being a society inco rporated under this Ordinance,
operates under any name or title of which the word “Incorporated”, or
any contraction or imitation of that word, is the last wo rd every member
of the society shall be liable on co nviction to a fine not exceeding 1
penalty unit for every day upon which that name or title has been used.

6. Application for incorporation – Every application for
the incorporation of a society shall be made to the Registrar in manner

(a) Two copies of the ru les of the society having written thereon an
application for incorporation in the form of the First Schedule
hereto or to the like effect shall be signed by not less than 15
persons being members of the society and each subscriber to the
application shall add to his or her signature, his or her occupation
and address, and his or her signa ture shall be attested by a
witness who is not a subscriber. When any body corporate is a
subscriber its seal shall be af fixed to the said application;

(b) The 2 copies of the said rule s so signed or sealed shall be
delivered to the Registrar with th e fees prescribed in the Second
Schedule hereto, and together with a statutory declaration made
by a solicitor to the effect that a majority of th e members of the
society have consented to the ap plication and that the rules so
signed or sealed are th e rules of the society.

7. Registrar to register society if in order – The Registrar,
on being satisfied that the requirements of this Ordinance have been
observed, shall thereupon do the following things.

(a) Enter the name of the said society in the register kept by the Registrar under this Ordinance, together with such other
particulars with respect to the society as the Registrar thinks fit;

(b) Issue under the Registrar’s seal a certificate that the society is
incorporated under this Ordinance in the form of the Third
Schedule hereto;

(c) Register the rules of the soci ety by sealing with the Registrar’s
seal the said copies thereof;

(d) Return one of those copies to the subscribers and retain the other

8. Certificate of incorporat ion to be conclusive evidence
of registration – Every certificate of incorporation issued under the seal
of the Registrar shall be conclu sive evidence that all statutory
requirements in respect of the registration and all matters precedent and
incidental thereto have been compli ed with and that the society is
authorised to be registered, a nd has been duly registered and
incorporated under this Ordinance.

9. Upon issue of certificate members to be a body
corporate – Upon the issue of the certifi cate of incorporation the
subscribers to the rules of the soci ety, together with all other persons
who are then members of the soci ety or who afterwards become
members of the society in accordance with the rules thereof, shall as
from the date of incorp oration mentioned in the certificate, be a body
corporate by the name contained in the said rules having perpetual
succession and a common s eal, and capable forthwith, subject to this
Ordinance and to the said rules, of exercising all the functions of a body
corporate and of holding land.

10. Separate name of each society – No society shall be
registered under a name identical with that of any other society or body
corporate already registered under this Ordinance, or so nearly
resembling the same as to be calcula ted to deceive except where that
existing society is in the course of being dissolved, and testifies its
consent in such manner as the Registrar requires.

11. Appeal from Registrar to Head of State – An appeal
shall lie to the Head of State from any refusal of the Registrar to register
a society or any amendment of the rule s of a society, and the decision of
the Head of State on any su ch appeal shall be final.

12. No liability on members for obligation of society –
Except when otherwise expressly provided in this Ordinance
membership of a society shall not of itself impose on the members any
liability in respect of any contract, debt or other obligation made or
incurred by the society.

13. Members have no right to property of society – Except
when otherwise expressly provided by this Ordinance or by the rules of
a society, membership of a society shall not be deemed to confer upon
the members any right, title, or interest, either legal or equitable, in the
property of the society.

14. Contracts by society – (1) Any contract which, if made
between private persons, must be by deed, shall when made by a society,
be in writing under the co mmon seal of the society.

(2) Any contract which, if made between private persons must
be in writing signed by the parties to be charged therewith, may, when
made by a society, be in writing si gned by any person acting on behalf
of and under the express or implied authority of the society.

(3) Any contract which, if made between private persons, might
be made without writ ing, may, when made by a society, be made
without writing by any person acting on behalf of or under the express
or implied authority of the society.

15. Service of summons, etc., on society – Any summons,
notice, order, or other document required to be served upon a society
may be served by leaving the same at the society’s registered office or by
sending it through the post in a regist ered letter addressed to the society
at that office.

16. Security for costs when society is plaintiff – When a
society is the plaintiff in any action or other legal proceeding, and there

appears by any credible testimony to be reason to believe that if the
defendant is successful in the defence the assets of the society will be
insufficient to pay his or her costs, the Court or Judge having jurisdiction
in the matter may require su fficient security to be given for those costs,
and may stay proceedings until that security is given.

17. Registered office – (1) Every society shall have a
registered office to which all communications may be addressed.

(2) Notice of the situation of that office and of any change
therein, shall be given to the Regist rar and recorded by the Registrar.

(3) Until that notice is given the society shall be deemed not to
have complied with th e provisions of this section as to having a
registered office.

(4) If any society carries on its operations without having a
registered office every officer of the society and every member of the
committee or other governing body of the society shall be liable to a fine
not exceeding 1 penalty unit for every day during which those
operations are carried on.

18. Restriction of operations of society – (1) If any society
carried on or proposes to carry on any operation which is beyond the
scope of the objects of the society as defined in its rules, the Registrar
may give notice in writing to the so ciety not to carry on that operation.

(2) If after the receipt of that noti ce the society fails or refuses to
conform thereto, every officer of th e society and every member of the
committee or other governing body of the society shall be liable to a fine
not exceeding 1 penalty for every da y during which that failure or
refusal continues, unless the officer or member or other governing body
proves that the failure or refusal ha s taken place without their authority
or consent.

19. Society not to engag e in operation involving
pecuniary gain – (1) No society shall do any ac t of such nature that if
the doing thereof were one of the objects for which the society was
established the members of the so ciety would be deemed to be

associated for pecuniary gain within the meaning of sections 3 and 4

(2) Every society which does any such act shall be liable to a
fine not exceeding 2 penalty units.

(3) Every member who aids, abets, procures, assists or takes
part in the doing of any such act by a society shall be liable to a fine not
exceeding 1 penalty unit and all su ch members shall be jointly and
severally liable to any creditor for all debts or obligations incurred by the
society in or in consequence of the doing of that act.

(4) Every member who derives a ny pecuniary gain from any act
done by the society in breach of this section, shall be deemed to have
received the same to the use of th e society, and the same may be
recovered by the society accordingly.

20. Alteration of rules – (1) A society ma y from time to
time alter its rules in manner provided by the said rules, but subject to
the provisions of this Ordinance.

(2) Every such alteration shall be in writing signed or sealed in
duplicate by at least 3 members of the society, and the documents so
signed or sealed shall be delivered to the Registrar accompanied by a
statutory declaration made by a solicit or or at least one member to the
effect that the said alteration has been made in accordance with the rules
of the society.

(3) The Registrar, if satisfied th at the alteration has been duly
made, and that the rules as so altere d conform in all respects to this
Ordinance, shall register the alteratio n in like manner as in the case of
the original rules, and the said a lteration shall thereupon take effect
according to the tenor thereof. Such registration shall be conclusive
evidence that all conditions precedent to the making of the alteration, or
the registration thereof, have been duly fulfilled.

(4) No alteration in the objects of a society shall be registered
unless the Registrar is satis fied either that the alteration is not of such a

nature as to prejudicially affect any existing creditor of the society, or
that all creditors who may be so affected consent to the alteration.

(5) In the case of any alteration of the name of a society the
Registrar may in his or her discreti on refuse to register the alteration
until the making thereof ha s been publicly advertised in such manner as
the Registrar thinks fit.

21. Register of members – (1) Every society shall keep a
register of its members.

(2) The register shall contain the names, addresses and
occupations of those members, and the date at which they become

(3) Every society shall from time to time, when required by the
Registrar so to do, send to the Regist rar a list of the names, addresses
and occupations of its members accom panied by a statutory declaration
verifying that and made by some officer of the society.

22. Annual financial statement – (1) Every society shall
deliver annually to the Re gistrar in such form and at such times as the
Registrar requires an audited stat ement containing the following

(a) The income and expenditure of the society during the society’s
last financial year;

(b) The assets and liabiliti es of the society at the close of the said

(c) All mortgages, charges and securities of any description
affecting any of the property of the society at the close of the
said year.

(2) The said statement shall be accompanied by a certificate
signed by some officer of the society to the effect that the statement has
been submitted to and approved by the members of the society at a
general meeting.

(3) If any default is made by a society in the observance of the
provisions of this section every officer of the society shall be liable to a
fine not exceeding 1 penalty unit fo r every day during which the default

23. Voluntary winding up of society – (1) A society may
be wound up voluntarily if the soci ety, at a general meeting of its
members, passes a resolution requiring the society so to be wound up,
and the resolution is co nfirmed at a subsequent general meeting called
together for that purpose and held no t earlier than 30 days after the date
on which the resolution so to be confirmed was passed.

(2) Subject to this Ordinance an d to any regulation made under
the authority thereof, th e voluntary winding up of a society shall be
governed by the same rules as th e voluntary winding up of a company
under the Compan ies Act 2001.

24. Winding up of soci ety by Supreme Court – A society
may be wound up by the Supreme Court under the following

(a) If the society suspends its operations for the space of a whole year; or

(b) If the members of the society are reduced in number to less than
15; or

(c) If the society is unable to pay its debts; or

(d) If the society carries on a ny operation whereby any member
thereof makes any pecuniary gain contrary to the provisions of
this Ordinance; or

(e) If a Judge of the Su preme Court is of the opinion that it is just
and equitable that the so ciety should be wound up.

25. Petition to Cour t for winding up – (1) Any application
to the Supreme Court for the windi ng up of a society shall be by petition
presented either by the society, or by a member thereof, or by a creditor
thereof or by the Registrar.

(2) All costs incurred by the Registrar in making application for
the winding up of a society shall, unless the said Court or a Judge
thereof otherwise orders, be a first ch arge on the assets of the society.

(3) Subject to this Ordinance an d to any regulation made under
the authority thereof, every appli cation to the Supreme Court for the
winding up of a society, and every wi nding up of a society by the said
Court shall be governed by the same rules as in the case of winding up
of a company by the Court under the Companies Act 2001.

26. Division of surplus as sets on winding up – (1) On the
winding up of a society or on its diss olution by the Registrar, all surplus
assets after the pa yment of all costs, debts and liabilities shall, subject to
any trust affecting the same, be dis posed of in manner provided by the
rules of the society or if such assets cannot be disposed of in accordance
with the rules, then as the Registrar directs.

(2) If the said surplus assets are s ubject to any trust they shall be
disposed of as the Supreme Court or a Judge thereof directs in the case
of winding up by the said Court, or as the Registrar directs in the case of
a voluntary winding up or in the case of dissolution by the Registrar, but
an appeal shall lie from any such deci sion of the Registrar to the Head of
State at the suit of any person interested. The decision of the Registrar
under this or the last preceding subsection shall be final unless notice of
appeal therefrom is delivered to the Registrar within one month after the
decision had been given.

27. Dissolution by Registrar – (1) If at any time the
Registrar is satisfied that a society is no longer carrying on its operations
or has been registered by reason of a mistake of fact or law, he or she
may make under his or her seal a decl aration that the society is dissolved
as from the date of declaration, and shall thereupon publish the
declaration in the Gazette and make in the Regi ster an entry of the
dissolution of the society.

(2) On the making of that entry the society shall be dissolved as
from the date of the declaration.

(3) At anytime thereafter the Regi strar on being satisfied that the
declaration was made in error or ought to be revoked may revoke the
same by declaration published in the Gazette and shall thereupon make
an entry of that revocation in th e Register, and the society shall
thereupon be revived from the date of the dissolution thereof as if no
such dissolution had taken place.

28. Corporate body may become member of society –
Any corporate body, whether incorpor ated under this Ordinance or in
any other manner, may be a member of a society incorporated under this
Ordinance, unless the purposes for which the society is established are
ultra virus of the said corporate body.

29. Pecuniary gain received by members of such
corporate body – When any corporate body is a member of a society
incorporated under this Ordinance, any pecuniary gain received by any
member of that corporate body shall be deemed for the purpose of this
Ordinance to be pecuniary gain rece ived by a member of the society,
and in respect of any such pecuni ary gain every member of that
corporate body shall be deemed to be a member of the society.

30. Such corporate body to be equivalent to 3 members –
In estimating the number of subscrib ers to the rules of a society under
section 3 or section 6 of this Ordina nce, or the number of members of a
society under section 3 or section 24 of this Ordinance, every corporate
body which is a subscriber or member shall be taken as the equivalent of
3 subscribers or 3 members, as the case may be.

31. Registrar and Assi stant Registrars – (1) The Public
Service Commission of Samoa may from time to time appoint some
person to be the Registrar of Incorporated Societies.

(2) There may from time to time be appointed such Assistant
Registrars of Incorporated Societies as may be required.

(3) The Registrar and Assistant Registrars so appointed may
hold such office in conjunction with any other office which the Public
Service Commission of Samoa deems not incompatible therewith.

(4) Subject to the direction of the Registrar, or to any
regulations under this Ordinance pr escribing the duties of Assistant
Registrars, every Assistant Registrar shall have and may exercise all the
powers, duties, and functions of the Re gistrar. The fact of any Assistant
Registrar exercising any power, duty or functions as aforesaid shall be
conclusive evidence of the Assist ant Registrar’s authority so to do.

32. Registrar to keep regist er of incorporated societies –
(1) The Registrar shall ke ep a register in which there shall be recorded
all matters required by th is Ordinance or by any regulations to be
recorded by the Registrar.

(2) The Registrar shall keep a s eal for the authentication of any
documents required for the purposes of this Ordinance.

(3) There shall be paid to the Registrar in respect of the several
matters mentioned in th e Second Schedule here to the fees therein

(4) All fees so paid to the Re gistrar shall be paid by the
Registrar into the Trea sury and shall be part of the funds of the
Government of Samoa.

(5) All expenses incurr ed in the administration of this Ordinance
shall be paid out of money appropri ated by the Legislative Assembly of

33. Inspection of documents – (1) Every person may on
payment of the prescrib ed fee inspect the register or any documents
lodged with the Registrar.

(2) Any person may, on payment of the prescribed fee, require a
copy of the certificate of the incorpor ation of any society, or a copy of or
extract from the register or any docu ment lodged with the Registrar, to
be certified by the Registrar under his or her seal.

(3) Any such copy or extract pur porting to be under the seal of
the Registrar shall be received in evidence in all proceedings, civil or

34. Exemptions from stamp duty – No document required
by this Ordinance to be delivered to the Registrar shall be liable to any
stamp duty.

35. Regulations – The Head of State, acting on the advice of
Cabinet, may from ti me to time by notice published in the Gazette make
such regulations as the Head of Stat e thinks fit for carrying into full
effect the provisions of this Ordinance.

36. Savings – A Society shall be deemed not to be a
Company for the purposes of the Companies Act 1955 (NZ) and save as
herein otherwise expressly provide d the provisions of the Companies
Act 1955 (NZ) shall no t apply to a society.




We, the several persons whose names are subscribed hereto being members of
the above-mentioned society, hereby make application for the Incorporation of
the Society under the foregoing rules in accordance with the Incorporated
Societies Ordinance 1952.



Fee on application for registration – $ 45.00
Fee for certificate of incorporation – 45.00
Fee for alteration of rules – 24.00
Fee for certified copy or extract – 24.00
(if the copy or extract exceeds
3 folios of 72 words each an
additional fee for each additional
folio or part thereof) – 3.00
Fee for any other document requir ed to be registered – 24.00
Fee for inspection of Register – 12.00
Fee for inspection of any document – 12.00

THIRD SCHEDULE Section 7 (b)

Certificate of Incorporation No….

I hereby certify that the society under th e name of ……… has been incorporated
as a society under the Incorporated Soci eties Ordinance 1952, this …………. day
of ………. 19 …….

(Seal of Registrar) ……………. REGISTRAR


The Incorporated Societies Ordinance 1952 appearing in this reprint
comprised that Ordinance together with a new Second Schedule as substituted
by the Omnibus Fees and Charges Amendments Act 1988, section 3.

This law has been generally edited as provided for by section 5 of the
Revision and Publica tion of Laws Act 2008. The following general
revisions have been made –
(a) References to Western Samoa have been amended to Samoa in accordance with an amendment to the Constitution of Samoa
in 1997.
(b) The fines have been amended and are stated as penalty units as provided for by the Fines (Review and Amendment) Act 1998.
(c) All references to the male gender have been made gender neutral.
(d) Amendments have been made to conform to modern drafting
styles and to use modern languag e as applied in the laws of
(e) Amendments have been made to up-date references to offices,
officers and statutes.
(f) Other minor editing has been done in accordance with the
lawful powers of the Attorney General.

The Incorporated Societies Ordinance 1952

The following amendments have been made to specific sections of the
Act to incorporate amendments made by Act of Parliament passed
since the publication of the Western Samoa Statutes Reprint 1978-
1996 –

Second Schedule The fees in the Second Schedule were amended
by the Miscellaneous Fees Amendment Act 1998
(No. 16).

This law has been consolidated and revised by the Attorney General under the
authority of the Revision and Publication of Laws Act 2008 and is an official version
of this Act as at 31 December 2007. It is an offence to publish this Act without
approval or to make any unauthorised change to an electronic version of this Act.

Aumua Ming Leung Wai
Attorney General of Samoa

Revised and consolidated by Sarona Caroline Fuimaono Rimoni
Under the supervision of Teleiai Lalotoa Sinaalamaimaleula Mulitalo
(Parliamentary Counsel)

The Incorporated Societies Ordinance 1952
is administered in the Ministry of Justice and Courts Administration.