Decision on Establishing the Fund for Development of the Non-Profit Sector in the Autonomous Region of Vojvodina

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Based on Article 10, item 6 and Article 21, item 7 of the Statute of the Authonomous
Region of Vojvodina (“Official Gazette of t he ARV”, No. 17/91), the Parliament of the
Autonomous Region of Vojvodina, on the session held on April 22
nd, 2003 enacted
Decision on Establishing the Fund for Development of
the Non-Profit Sector in the Autonomous Region of
Decision is published in the “Official Gazette of
the ARV”, No. 6/2003, on April 30th, 2003
Article 1

The Fund for Development of the non-profit Sector in the Autonomous Province of
Vojvodina (hereinafter: Fund) shall be established to facilitate the development of the
non-profit sector.
Article 2

The Fund shall be a legal entity.
The seat of the Fund is in Novi Sad, Bulevar Mihajla Pupina 16.

Article 3

Based on the principle of equality and effectiveness, as well as development
orientation, the Fund shall engage in:
1. Supporting the initiative for social changes, spreading the culture of peace,
strengthening social solidarity and respect for differences;
2. Programs for data gathering (collecti ng and distributing information, creating
database pertinent to non profit organizati ons in AP of Vojvodina, publishing data
bulletins, designing Internet presentations of the non profit sector of the AP of Vojvodina,
mediation in contacts and communication);
3. Training and education programs for non-profit organizations (organizing
professional and educational meetings, roundtables, seminars, public presentations,
publishing bulletins and guidelines necessary for institutional development of NGOs);
4. Lobbying programs and programs of provid ing assistance to the activities of non-
profit sector (representation of non-profit sector’s interest s in the society), encouraging
and promoting the role and activities of the non -profit sector, providing direct assistance,
advice, information and contacts;
5. Programs supporting the establishment of volunteers’ centers (support for recruiting
new volunteers and support for local community projects of non-profit organizations,
developing the network of volunteers’ center s in AP of Vojvodina, establishing volunteer
labor market – database for volunteers as well as citizens interested in performing
voluntary work in non-profit organizations);
6. Public relations programs (representing the interest of the non-profit sector in public
and developing the public relations activity bet ween the sector, the media and the public,
assistance to the media in monitoring the work of the non-profit sector, support to
encouraging daily news on the work of t he non-profit sector on the Internet);
7. Legal advice programs for the non-profit sector (providing legal advice to citizens
and non-profit organizations related to the establishment and registration of non-profit
organizations, lobbying for amendments the current framework regulation for domestic
and foreign non-profit organizations, supporting work on the analysis of the current tax
2003© International Center for Not-for-Profit Law (ICNL) 1

framework for non-profit organizations and proposing amendments in the current
8. Research programs (development and encouragement of the scientific research on
the non-profit sector in the AP of Vojvodina);
9. Performing other duties in ac cordance with this Decision.

Article 4

Basic financial sources of the Fund shall be the following:
1. Financial resources appropriated in the budget of AP of Vojvodina,
2. Financial resources generated from donatio ns and financial assistance of foreign
and domestic legal and natural persons, in accordance with the Law,
3. Financial resources generated from inte rnational financial organizations, financial
institutions, donation funds and donor state’s funds set aside for the realization of the
regional development programs.

Article 5

Fund shall use financial resources referred to in Article 4 of this Decision in
accordance with the conditions and the criter ia prescribed by the statute (by-laws) of the
Fund and the annual program of its activities.

Article 6

Bodies of the Fund are the Managing Board, the Director and the Supervisory Board.

Article 7

The Managing Board shall consist of the President and six members, appointed and
dismissed by the Executive Council of the AP of Vojvodina, for the period of four years
with the possibility of reappointment.
The Managing Board shall enact the statut e of the Fund, the annual program of its
activities, the financial plan and the annual financial statement, appoint working bodies of
the Fund, choose depositing bank and decide on other issues in accordance with the
statute of the Fund and this Decision.
The statute of the Fund and the annual financ ial statement are subject to approval by
the Parliament of AP of Vojvodina; the annual program of activities and the financial plan
are subject to approval by t he Executive Council of the AP of Vojvodina. Financial means
of the Fund shall be allocated in accordance with a decision of the Managing Board of
the Fund.
The Managing Board shall submit the financial statement on the use of the Fund’s
property to the Executive Council of the AP of Vojvodina within 10 days following the end
of the every financial quarter, and at least once a year to the Parliament of AP of

Article 8

The Director shall act on behalf of and represent the interests of the Fund, execute
decisions of the Managing Board, organize and manage activities of the Fund and
perform other activities as stipulated in the statute.
The Director shall be elected for a four-year term, with the possibility of reappointment.
The Director of the Fund shall be appointed and dismissed by the Executive Council of
the AP of Vojvodina.

2003© International Center for Not-for-Profit Law (ICNL) 2

Article 9

The Supervisory Board shall supervise activities of the Fund, and submit a report on
the Fund’s activities to the Managing Board, the Parliament and the Executive Council of
AP of Vojvodina at least once a year.
The Supervisory Board shall have a President and two members who shall be elected
to a four-year term.
Members of the Supervisory Board shall be appointed and dismissed by the
Parliament of the AP of Vojvodina.

Article 10

The statute of the Fund shall especially address following issues:
– Goals, organization and the manner of conducting business of the Fund,
– Conditions and criteria for t he use of the Fund’s property,
– Power and manner of work of the Managi ng Board and the Director of the Fund;
– Representation of the Fund,
– Appointment of the working bodies within the Fund,
– Other issues pertinent to Fund’s operations.

Article 11

The Managing Board shall enact the statute of the Fund within 15 days of the
appointment of members to the Managing Board.

Article 12

This Decision shall come into force on the 8th day after its being published in the
“Official Gazette of the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina”.

The Parliament of the Autonomous Region of Vojvodina
01 No: 025-1
Novi Sad, 22 April 2003
Vice-president of the
Parliament of AR of Vojvodina,
Jelena Jevtić
2003© International Center for Not-for-Profit Law (ICNL) 3