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Document Information:
- Year: 2001
- Country: South Africa
- Language: English
- Document Type: Domestic Law or Regulation
- Topic: CSO/Government Cooperation
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Government Gazette
Vol. 431 Cape Town 23 May 2001 No. 22319
No. 454 23 May 2001
It is hereby notified that the President has assented to the following Act, which is
hereby published for general
No. 3 of 2001: Advisory Board on
Social Development Act, 2001.
AIDS HELPLINE: 0800-123- 22 Prevention is the cure
7 No. 223 I9 GOVEKNMEhT GAZETTE. 73 MAY 2001
(English text signed by the President.)
(Assented to
16 Muy 2001 .)
To provide for a national advisory structure in the social development sector with
the aim of building and consolidating partnership between government and civil
society; for that purpose, to establish a body to be known
as the Advisory Board on
Social Development; to provide for the objectives, duties and composition
of the
Board; and
to provide for matters connected therewith.
E IT ENACTED by the Parliament of the Republic: of South Africa, as
1. In this Act, unless the context indicates otherwise-
“Board” means the Advisory Board on Social Development established by 5
section 2;
“civil society” means institutions, organisations and individuals outside of
government, and includes trade unions, consumer organisations, the formal
and informal social development sectors, non-governmental organisations,
community-based organisations, religious organisations and other
organisations delivering social development services;
“Department” means the Department
of Social Development in the national
sphere of government;
“Director-General’’ means the Director
-General of the Department;
“Minister” means the Minister of Social Development in the national sphere
of government;
“partnership” means the national collective responsibility of government and
civil society in meeting the social development needs of the people;
“prescribed” means prescribed by regulation;
“regulation” means a regulation made under this Act;
“rule“ means a rule made under this Act;
“social development” means the process
of planned institutional or structural
change to maintain a balance between human needs and social policies and
programmes including empowering individuals and communities
to become
“social development personnel and practitioners” means all categories of
personnel in the social development sector, and includes social workers, social
security personnel, community development workers, social auxiliary work
ers, child and youth care workers. probation officers, departmental personnel
and social development workers;
“stakeholders” means the structures and sectors from all organs of govem-
ment and civil society which have a direct and vested interest in social
development policies and programmes.
4 No. 11315 GOVERNhdENT GAZETTE, 23 MAY 2001
Establishment of Advisory Board on Social Development
2. A body to be known as the .4dvisory Board on Social Development is established.
of Board
3. The objectives of the Board are-
(a) to advise the Minister on- 5
(i) measures to promote the transformation and continuous improvement of
(ii) measures to promote social development initiatives;
(iii) measures to include local government in the provision of integrated
(iv) proposals for new legislative frameworks for the social development
(v) the introduction of local and international best practices in social
(b) to act as a consultative forum for the Minister to discuss social development 15
matters, including-
(i) improving the quality of provincial and national social development;
(ii) the introduction of new policy and successful policy implementation in
the government and non-governmental environment;
(iii) facilitating consultation between stakeholders and government regarding
the implementation of social development;
(iv) ensuring effective review of formulation, implementation and evaluation
of social development policies, programmes and legislation, as informed
by the needs and priorities of society;
(v) inputs from the social development sector to international forums and
development services;
service delivery at local government level;
sector and amendments to existing legislation; and
development services;
of Board
4. (1) The Board, in order to achieve its objectives, must —
(a) respond to, and advise the Minister on, social development issues identified
by, or referred to, the Board;
(b) identify, promote, monitor and evaluate policy, legislation and programmes
with regard to social development and its impact on the quality of life of the
people and the delivery of services to people;
(cj facilitate dialogue between government and civil society on social develop-
ment issues;
(d) promote stakeholder participation in social development, particularly con –
sumer and grassroots sector participation;
(e) submit a report-
(i) on the activities of the Board to the Minister at least once a year, which
(ii) whenever requested by the Minister;
Board to transparency and accountability;
must also be tabled in Parliament; and
f) make formal reports available to the public to ensure the commitment of the
(g) keep abreast of international developments in social development policy.
meetings, with structures that
it interacts with. including the parliamentary committees
on Social Development of the National Assembly and the National Council
(3) Any advice or recommendation to the Minister must include the minority views of
one or more members of the Board. 50
(2) The Board must establish clear lines of communication, including formal 45
(4) Nothing ir. this section precludes the Board from considering any matter
to social de.elopment policy.
Composition and appointment of Board
5. (1) The Board consists of not less than nine but not mort: than 11 members
appointed by the Minister.
of whcm-
(a) at least one. but not more than three, must be a representative from the office
of the Minister. the Department
or the Heads of Social Development; and
(b) at least eight are persons who have knowledge or experience of social
development and are actively involved in the social development sector.
(2) In appointing members to the Board, the Minister must ensure that the Board 10
represents a broad cross-section of the population of South Africa and comprises of
persons who reflect South African society with special
altention to race, gender.
disability and geographical spread.
(3) The members referred to in subsection (l)(b) must be nominated by organisations
in the social development sector or by the public.
(4) For the purpose of nominations of members referred to in subsection (l)(b), the
Minister must invite such nominations by notice in the
Gazerre and by publication in at
least two national newspapers. and may invite such nominations through any other
parliamentary committees on Social Development of the National Assembly and the
National Council of Provinces have made recommendations
to the Minister regarding
such appointment.
(6) The Minister must, by notice in the Gazette, within 30 clays after the appointment
of such members, publish the names of the members of the Board and the date of
commencement of their period of office.
(5) The members referred to in subsection (l)(bJ must be appointed only after the 20
Qualifications of members of Board, term of office, vacation of office, filling of
vacancies and allowances and disbursements to members of Board
6. (I) A person may not be appointed as a member of the Board if he or she-
(a) is not permanently resident in the Republic; 30
(bj has been convicted of a criminal offence, whether in the Republic or
elsewhere, and was sentenced to imprisonment without the option of a fine,
unless it has been established that such a
person was granted amnesty in
respect of an offence of which he
or she was convicted and such an offence
was politically motivated; and
(c) has been disqualified under any law from practising his or her profession.
(2) The members of the Board referred to in section 5( I)(b) hold office for a period of
three years with effect from the date of their appointment.
(3) Members referred to in section 5(1)(b) are at the expiry of their terms of office
eligible for reappointment to not more than one
e term. 40
(4) A member referred to in section 5( l)(b) vacates his or ‘her office if that member –
(a) has been absent from more than two consecutive ordinary meetings of the
Board without the permission of the Board
or without a written apology;
(b) is disqualified under any law from practising his or her profession;
(c) submits his or her resignation in writing to the Minister; or 45
id) ceases to be permanently resident in the Republic.
(5) A member of the Board vacates his or her oflice if the Minister terminates his or
(6) If there is a vacancy on the Board the Minister may, despite the provisions of
for reasons which are just or fair.
5(3), (4) and (5): after consultation with the Board. appoint a person who meets 50
the criteria referred to in section 5(2). to fill the vacancy.
R No. 22319 GOVERNMEKT GAZETTE, 23 MA)’ 2001
(7) A member of the Board, excluding a member who is in the employ of the State,
must be paid allowances and disbursements as may be determined by the Minister in
consultation with the Minister
of Finance.
Chairperson and vice -chairperson
7. (1) Before the first meeting of a newly constituted Board the Minister must appoint 5
a chairperson, and at that first meeting the members of the Board must elect from among
themselves the vice-chairperson.
(2) (a) If the office of the chairperson or vice-chairperson becomes vacant, the
Minister or the members of the Board, as the case may be, must, at the first meeting after
such vacancy occurred. appoint a new chairperson or elect from among themselves a
new vice-chairperson, as the case may be.
of office of his or her predecessor.
without terminating his or her membership of the Board, in which
case such a vacancy 15
must be filled in terms of subsection (2)(a).
Meetings of Board
(b) The chairperson or vice -chairperson holds office for the unexpired portion of the
(3) The chairperson or vice-chairperson of the Board may vacate his or her office
8. (1) The Board must meet for the first time at a place deterrnined by the Minister and
thereafter at a time and place determined by the chairperson, or if he or she is absent, the
-chairperson. 20
(2) (a) When the chairperson is absent or unable to perform his or her functions, the
vice-chairperson must act as chairperson.
(b) If both the chairperson and vice -chairperson are absent from a meeting or unable
to perform their functions, the members present must elect a person from among
themselves to preside at that meeting.
(3) The Board must determine the procedure for calling me,etings and the procedures
to be followed at meetings.
(4) The majority of the members of the Board constitute a quorum for a meeting of the
(5) The Board must hold at least three meetings each year. 30
(6) (a) The Board may hold such special meetings as the Board may, from time to
time, determine.
(b) The chairperson may at any time convene a special meeting of the Board, but must
convene such special meeting at the written request of the Minister or
of at least seven
members of the Board.
(7) A decision or recommendation taken by the Board, or an action taken on authority
of such decision or recommendation, is not invalid merely
(a) of a casual vacancy in the Board; or
(b) a person who was entitled to sit as a member of the Board did not sit when the
decision was taken.
9. (1) (a) The Board may, with the approval of the Minister, from time to time,
establish in the prescribed manner such committees as it may deem necessary, to assist
it in the performance
of its functions.
(b) Such committees may include persons not serving on the Board. 45
(2) (a) A committee must perform such duties as may, from time to time, be imposed
(b) The Board is not divested of any duty imposed upon a committee.
(c) The Board may designate a member of a committee as the chairperson of such
it by the Board.
committee, and if no member is
so designated, the members of such committee may 50
elect a chairperson from among themselves.
(d) The quorum for a meeting of a committee is the majority of its members, and the
procedure at a meeting of a committee must be as determined by the Board.
(3) Should the Board establish a committee to consider a particular matter, the
committee must, as far as possible, give directly affected groups the opportunity to
comment on such matter, and submit a report to the Board who must transmit that report
to the Minister.
(4) Any committee established by the Board in terms of subsection (1) may be
dissolved by a decision of the Board.
personnel and finances of Board
(1) (a) The Director-General must. after consultation with the Board. designate
or employees appointed in terms of the Public Service Act. 1994 (Proclamation
No. 103 of 1994‘). for the proper performance by the Board of its duties.
Board and accountable to the Department.
(6) The personnel referred to in paragraph (a) are responsible to the chairperson of the 5
(c) The Director-General is the accounting officer of the Board.
(d) Subject to any lau# regulating access to information, the Department must provide
the Board with such information the Board may require to fulfil its duties under this Act.
(2) Subject to any law governing the provision of services to the State, the 10
Director-General may. at the request of the Board, enter into agreements with persons
for the performance
of specific duties or for the provision of specific services.
(3) The expenses of the Board and committees of the Board are funded by the
Department from money appropriated for that purpose by Parliament
or received from
other sources approved by the Minister. 15
The Board may. with the approval of the Minister, make rules relating to any
matter which the Board deems necessary for the achievement
of its objects, including
rules relating to a code
of conduct for members of the Board.
Regulations 20
12. The Minister may. on the recommendation of the Board. make regulations relating
to any matter which
is necessary in order to achieve the objects of this Act.
Repeal of certain provisions of Act 100 of 1978
13. The National Welfare Act, 1978, is repealed in so far as it relates to provisions
which have not been assigned to a competent authority within the jurisdiction
of the 25
government of a province in terms of Proclamation No. R.7 of 1996.
Short title and commencement
14. This Act is called the Advisory Board on Social Development Act. 2001, and
comes into operation on
a date determined by the President by proclamation in the
Gaz,ette. 30