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Document Information:
- Year: 2004
- Country: South Africa
- Language: English
- Document Type: Domestic Law or Regulation
- Topic: Taxation and Fiscal Issues
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Government Gazette
Vol. 467 Cape Town 17 May 2004 No. 26357
No. 610 17 May 2004
It is hereby notified that the President has assented to the following Act, which is
hereby published for general information:–
No. 6 of 2004: Local Government: Municipal Property Rates
Act , 2004.
AIDS HELPLINE: 0800-123-22 Prevention is the cure
2 No. 26351 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 17 MAY 2.004 ~ ~~~
(English text signed by the President.)
(Assented to 11 May 2004.)
To regulate the power of a municipality to impose rates on property; to exclude
certain properties from rating in the national interest; to mak
e provision for
municipalities to implement a transparent and fair system of exemptions,
reductions and rebates through their rating policies;
to make provision for fair and
equitable vaiuation.methods of properties; to make provision for an objections and
. , appeals process;-to amend the Local Government: Municipal Systems
Act, 2000, so
as to make further provision for the serving of documents by municipalities; to
amend or repeal certain legislation; and to provide for matters
therewith. ..
WHEREAS the Constitution entitles municipalities to impose rates on prop
erty in their
areas, subject to regulation in terms of national legislation;
AND WHEREAS the Constitution enjoins local government
to be developmental in
nature, in addressing the service delivery priorities
of our country and promoting the
economic and financial viability of our municipalities;
is a need to provide local government with access to a sufficient
and buoyant source of revenue necessary to fulfill its developmental responsibilities;
AND WHEREAS income derived from property rates is a critical source of revenue for
municipalities to achieve their constitutional objectives, especia
lly in areas that have
been neglected in the past due
to racially discriminatory laws;
AND WHEREAS it is essential that municipalities exercise their power to impose rates
within a statutory framework that not only enhances certainty, uniformity and simplicity
across the nation, but also takes into account historical imbalances and the rates burden
on the poor;
AND WHEREAS the Constitution confers on Parliament the power to regulate the
exercise by municipalities
of their fiscal powers;
E IT THEREFORE ENACTED by the Parliament of the Republic of South Africa,
as follows:-
1. Definitions
4 No. 26357 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 17 MAY 2004
Power to levy rates
Part 1: Rates policy
Adoption and contents of rates policy
Community participation
Annual review of rates policy
By-laws to give effect
to rates policy
Part 2: Levying of rates
Rates to be levied on all rateable property
Differential rates
Properties used for multiple purposes
Levying of rates on property in sectional title schemes
Amount due for rates
Period for which rates may be levied
Commencement of rates
of resolutions levying rates
Exemptions, reductions and rebates
Part 3: Limitations on levying of rates
Constitutionally impermissible rates
Other impermissible rates
of municipalities from provisions of section 17
Impermissible differentiation
Limits on annual increases of rates
Compulsory phasing-in of certain rates
Part 4: Additional rates
Special rating areas
Part 5: Municipal register of properties
Register of properties
Property rates payable by owners
of rates on property in sectional title schemes
Method and time of payment
to be furnished
of rates in arrears from tenants and occupiers
of rates from agents
6 No. 26357 GOVERNMENT GAZElTE, 17 MAY 2004
31. 32.
33. 34.
38. 39.
43. 44.
51. 52.
53. 54.
60. 61.
Part 1: General
General valuation and preparation of valuation rolls
of valuation
Commencement and period of validity of valuation rolls
Part 2: Municipal valuers
Designation of municipal valuers
of municipal valuers
Assistant municipal valuers
by municipal valuers
Municipal partnerships
of municipal valuers
Prescribed declaration
Inspection of property
Access to information
Conduct of valuers
of information
Valuation General basis of valuation
of property in sectional title schemes
Contents of valuation rolls
Public notice
of valuation rolls
Inspection of, and objections to, valuation rolls
of objections
Compulsory review
of decisions of municipal valuer
of outcome of objections and furnishing of reasons
Right of appeal
Adjustments or additions to valuation rolls
Establishment of valuation appeal boards
of office
of appointment
of members
of membership
3 5
~ ~~ –
8 No. 26357 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 17 MAY 2004
66. 67.
77. 78.
96. Meetings
Administrative assistance
Quorums and decisions
Decisions affecting valuation rolls
Orders as to costs
of appeal boards
Inspection of property
Access to information
Protection of information
Powers of appeal boards
Proceedings by, or against, appeal boards
Supplementary valuations
Amendment of valuation rolls
Condonation of non-compliance with time periods
Provincial monitoring
National monitoring and reporting
Consultative processes before promulgation of regulations
of valuation rolls and other data 25
Application of Act when in conflict with other laws
Transitional arrangement: Valuation and rating under prior legislation
Transitional arrangement: Use
of existing valuation rolls and supplementary
valuation rolls 30
Transitional arrangement: Existing rates policy
Transitional arrangement: Application of section 21
Transitional arrangement: Liability of bodies corporate of sectional title
Transitional arrangement: Special rating areas
Amendment of section 115 of Act 32 of 2000
Amendment and repeal of legislation
Short title and commencement
Part 1: Laws of the former Province of the Cape of Good Hope
2: Laws of the former Province of Natal
Part 3: Laws of the former Province of the Orange Free State
4: Laws of the former Province of the Transvaal
Part 5: Other laws
1. (1) In this Act, unless the context indicates otherwise-
“agent”, in relation to the owner of a property, means a person appointed by the
owner of the property-
10 No. 26357 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 17 MAY 2004
Act No. 6,2004 ’ LOCAL GOVERNMENT:
(a) to receive rental or other payments in respect of the property on behalf of the
(b) to make payments in respect of the property on behalf of the owner;
“agricultural purpose”. in relation to the use of a property, excludes the use (of a
property for the purpose of eco-tourism or for the trading in or hunting of game;
“annually” means once every financial year;
“appeal board”means a valuation appeal board established in terms of section 56;
“assistant municipal valuer” means a person designated as an assistant municipal
valuer in terms of section 35(1) or (2);
“category” – 10
(a) in relation to property, means a category of properties determined in terms of
(b) in relation to owners of properties, means a category of owners determined in
“data-collector” means a person designated as a data-collector in terms of section 15
“date of valuation” means the date determined by a municipality in terms of
section 3 1 (1);
“district management area” means a part of a district municipality which in
of section 6 of the Municipal Structures Act has no local municipality and is 20
governed by that municipality alone;
“district municipality” means a municipality that has municipal executive ,and
legislative authority in an area that includes more than
one municipality, and which
is described in section 155(1) of the Constitution as a category C municipality;
“effective date”- 25
(a) in relation to a valuation roll, means the date on which the valuation roll takes
(b) in relation to a supplementary valuation roll, means the date on which a
“exclusion”, in relation to a municipality’s rating power, means a restriction of 30
that power as provided for in section 17;
“exemption”, in relation to the payment of a rate, means an exemption granted by
a municipality in terms
of section 15;
owner; or
8; and
terms of section 15(2);
effect in terms
of section 32(1); or
supplementary valuation roll takes effect in terms of section 78(2)(b);
“financial year” means the period starting from 1 July in a year to 30 June the next
yeir; 35
“Income Tax Act” means the Income Tax Act, 1962 (Act No. 58 of 1962);
“land reform beneficiary”, in relation to a property, meins a person who-
(a) acquired the property through-
(i) the Provision of Land and Assistance Act, 1993 (Act
No. 126 of 1993);
(ii) the Restitution of Land Rights Act,, 1994 (Act
NO. 22 of 1994);
No. 28 of 1996); or
legislation as may pursuant to section 25(6) and
(7) of the Constitution be 45
enacted after this Act has taken effect;
(b) holds the property subject
to the Communal Property Associations Act, 1996
(c) holds or acquires the property in terms of such other land tenure reform
“land tenure right” means an old order right or a new order right as defined in
1 of the Communal Land Rights Act, 2004;
“local community”, in relation to a municipality-
(a) means that body of persons comprising- 50
(i) the residents of the municipality;
(ii) the ratepayers
of the municipality;
12 No. 26357 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 17 MAY 2004
(iii) any civic organisations and non-governmental, private sector or labour
organisations or bodies which are involved in local affairs within Ithe
municipality; and
(iv) visitors and other people residing outside the municipality who, because
of their presence in the municipality, make use of services or facilities
provided by the municipality; and
(b) includes, more specifically, the poor and other disadvantaged sections of such
“local municipality” means a municipality that shares municipal executive and
legislative authority in its area with a district municipality within whose area it
falls, and which is described in section 155(1) of the Constitution as a category B
“market value”, in relation to a property, means the value of the property
determined in accordance with section
“MEC for local government” means the member of the Executive Council of a 15
province who is responsible for local government in that province;
“metropolitan municipality” means a municipality that has exclusive executive
and legislative authority in its area, and which is described in section 155
(1) of the
Constitution as a category A municipality;
“Minister” means the Cabinet member responsible for local government; 20
“multiple purposes”, in relation to a property, means the use of a property for
more than one purpose;
“municipal council” or “council” means a municipal council referred to in
section 18 of the Municipal Structures Act;
“Municipal Finance Management Act” means the Local Government: Munici- 25
pal Finance Management Act, 2003 (Act No. 56 of 2003);
(a) as a corporate entity, means a municipality described in section 2 of the
Municipal Systems Act; and
(b) as a geographical area, means a municipal area demarcated in terms of the 30
Local Government: Municipal Demarcation Act, 1998 (Act No. 27 of 1998);
“municipal manager” means a person appointed in terms of section 82 of the
Municipal Structures Act;
“Municipal Structures Act” means the Local Government: Municipal Structures
Act, 1998 (Act No.
117 of 1998); 35
“Municipal Systems Act” means the Local Government: Municipal Systems Asct,
2000 (Act No. 32 of 2000);
“municipal valuer” or “valuer of a municipality” means a person designated as
a municipal valuer in terms of section
33( 1);
“newly rateable property” means any rateable property on which property rates 40
were not levied before the end of the financial year preceding the date on which this
Act took effect, excluding-
(a) a property which was incorrectly omitted from a valuation roll and for thlat
(b) a property identified by the Minister by notice in the Gazette where tine 45
“occupier”, in relation to a property, means a person in actual occupation of a
property, whether or not that person has a right to occupy the property;
“organ of state” means an organ of state as defined in section 239 of the
body of persons;
reason was not rated before that date; and
phasing-in of a rate is not justified;
14 No. 26351 GOVERNMENT GAZETIT, 17 MAY 2004
66 owner”-
(a) in relation to a property referred to in paragraph (a) of the definition of
“property”, means a person in whose name ownership of the property is
(b) in relation to a right referred to in paragraph (b) of the definition of 5
“property”, means a person in whose name the right is registered;
(c) in relation to a land tenure right referred to in paragraph (c) of the definition
of “property”, means a person in whose name the right is registered or to
whom it was granted in terms of legislation; or
in relation to public service infrastructure referred to in paragraph (d) of the 10
of “property”, means the organ of state which owns or controls that
public service infrastructure as envisaged in the definition of “publicly
provided that a person mentioned below may for the purposes
of this Act be
regarded by a municipality as the owner of a property
in the following cases: 15
(i) A trustee, in the case of a property in a trust excluding state trust land;
(ii) an executor or administrator, in the case of a property in a deceased estate;
(iii) a trustee or liquidator, in the case of a property in an insolvent estate or in
(iv) a judicial manager, in the case of a property
in the estate of a person 20
(v) a curator, in the case of a property in the estate of a person under curatorship;
(vi) a person
in whose name a usufruct or other personal servitude is registered, in
the case of a property that is subject to a usufruct or other personal servitude;
(vii) a lessee, in
the case of a property that is registered in the name of a 25
municipality and is leased by it; or
(viii) a buyer, in the case of a property that was sold by a municipality and
of which
possession was given to the buyer pending registration of ownership in the
name of the buyer;
“permitted use”, in relation to a property, means the limited purposes for which 30
the property may be used in terms of –
(a) any restrictions imposed by –
(i) a condition of title;
(ii) a provision of a town planning or land use scheme; or
(iii) any legislation applicable to any specific property
or properties; or 35
judicial management;
(b) any alleviation of any such restrictions;
“person” includes an organ of state;
“prescribe” means prescribe by regulation in terms of section 83;
(a) immovable property registered in the name of a person, including, in the case 40
of a sectional title scheme, a sectional title unit registered in the name of a
(b) a right registered against immovable property in the name of a person,
excluding a mortgage bond registered against the property;
(c) a land tenure right registered in the name of a person or granted to a person in 45
terms of legislation; or
(d) public service infrastructure;
“property register” means a register of properties referred to in section 23;
“protected area” means an area that is or has to be listed in the register referreld
to in section
10 of the Protected Areas Act; so
<< property” means-
16 - No. 26357 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 17 MAY 2.004
- -
“Protected Areas Act” means the National Environmental Management: Pro-
tected Areas Act, 2003;
“publicly controlled” means owned by or otherwise under the control of an organ
of state, including
(a) a public entity listed in the Public Finance Management Act, 1999 (Act No. 1 5
(b) a municipality; or
(c) a municipal entity as defined in the Municipal Systems Act;
“public service infrastructure” means publicly controlled infrastructure of the
following kinds:
(a) national, provincial or other public roads on which goods, services or labour
move across a municipal boundary;
(b) water or sewer pipes, ducts or other conduits, dams, water sup
ply reservoixs,
water treatment plants or water pumps forming part
of a water or sewer
scheme serving the public; 15
(c) power stations, power substations or power lines forming part of an electricity
scheme serving the public;
(d) gas or liquid fuel plants or refineries or pipelines for gas or liquid fuels,
forming part
of a scheme for transporting such fuels;
(e) railway lines forming part of a national railway system; 20
(f) communication towers, masts, exchanges or lines forming part of a
(g) runways or aprons at national or provincial airports;
(h) breakwaters, sea walls, channels, basins, quay walls, jetties, roads, railway or
infrastructure used for the provision of water, lights, power, sewerage or 25
similar services of ports, or navigational aids comprising lighthouses, radio
navigational aids, buoys, beacons or any other device or system used to assist
the safe and efficient navigation of vessels;
communications system serving the public;
(i) any other publicly controlled infrastructure as may be prescribed; or
(j) rights of way, easements or servitudes in connection with infrastructure 30
“rate” means a municipal rate on property envisaged in section 229( ])(a) of tlne
“rateable property” means property on which a municipality may in terms of
2 levy a rate, excluding property fully excluded from the levying of rates in 35
terms of section 17;
“rebate”, in relation to a rate payable on a property, means a discount granted in
of section 15 on the amount of the rate payable on the property;
“reduction”, in relation to a rate payable on a property, means the lowering in
terms of section
15 of the amount for which the property was valued and the rating 40
of the property at that lower amount;
(a) means to record in a register in terms of-
mentioned in paragraphs
(a) to (i);
66 register”-
(i) the Deeds Registries Act, 1937 (Act No. 47 of
1937); or
(ii) the Mining Titles Registration Act, 1967 (Act
No. 16 of 1967); and 45
(b) includes any other formal act in terms of any other legislation to record-
(i) a right to use land for
or in connection with mining purposes; or
(ii) a land tenure right;
“residential property” means a property included in a valuation roll in terms of
section 48 (2) (bj as residential; 50
18 No. 26357 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 17 MAY 2004
Art No. 6,2004 ..
~~ ~ ~~
“Sectional Titles Act” means the Sectional Titles Act, 1986 (Act No. 95 of 1986);
“sectional title scheme” means a scheme defined in section 1 of the Sectional
Titles Act;
“sectional title unit” means a unit defined in section 1 of the Sectional Titles Act;
“specified public benefit activity” means an activity listed in item 1 (welfare and 5
humanitarian), item 2 (health care) and item 4 (education and development) of
Part 1 of the Ninth Schedule to the Income Tax Act;
“state trust land” means land owned by the state-
(a) in trust for persons communally inhabiting the land in terms of a traditional
(b) over which land tenure rights were registered or granted; or
(c) which is earmarked for disposal in terms of the Restitution of Land Rights
“this Act” includes regulations made in terms of section 83.
system of land tenure; 10
Act, 1994 (Act No. 22 of 1994);
(2) In this Act, a word or expression derived from a word or express
ion defined in 15
(1) has a corresponding meaning unless the context indicates that another
meaning is intended.
Power to levy rates
2. (1) A metropolitan or local municipality may levy a rate on property in its area.
(2) (a) A district municipality may not levy a rate on property except on property in
(h) Any reference in this Act to the area of a municipality must, in the case of a district
district management area within the municipality.
municipality, be read as a reference to a district management area within the district 25
(3) A municipality must exercise its power to levy a rate on property subject to-
(a) section 229 and any other applicable provisions of the Constitution;
(b) the provisions of this Act; and
(c) the rates policy it must adopt in terms of section 3. 30
Part I: Rates policy
Adoption and contents of rates policy
3. (1) The council of a municipality must adopt a policy consistent with this Act on the
(2) A rates policy adopted in terms of subsection (1) takes effect on the effective date 35
levying of rates on rateable property in the municipality.
of the first valuation roll prepared by the municipality in terms of this Act, and must
accompany the municipality’s budget for the financial year concerned when the budget
is tabled in the municipal council in terms of section
16(2) of the Municipal Finance
Management Act.
(3) A rates policy must- 40
(a) treat persons liable for rates equitably;
(b) determine the criteria to be applied by the municipality if it-
(i) levies different rates for different categories of properties;
(ii) exempts a specific category of owners of properties, or the owners of a
specific category of properties, from payment of
a rate on their 45
(iii) grants to a specific category of owners of properties, or to the owners of
a specific category of properties, a rebate on or
a reduction in the rate
payable in respect
of their properties; or
(iv) increases rates;
(c) determine, or provide criteria for the determination of -
(i) categories of properties for the purpose of levying different rates as
(ii) categories of owners of properties, or categories of properties, for the
in paragraph (bj(i); and
of granting exemptions, rebates and reductions as contemplated 55
in paragraph (b)(ii) or (iii);
20 No. 26357 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 17 MAY 2004
determine how the municipality’s powers in terms of section 9(1) must be
in relation to properties used for multiple purposes;
identify and quantify in terms of cost to the municipality and any benefit to the
local community-
(i) exemptions, rebates and reductions;
(ii) exclusions referred to in section
17(l)(a), (e), (g), (h) and (i); and
(iii) rates on properties that must be phased in in terms of section
take into account the effect of rates on the poor and include appropriate
measures to alleviate the rates burden on them;
take into account the effect of rates on organisations conducting specified
public benefit activities and registered in terms of the Income Tax Act for
reductions because of those activities, in the case of property owned and used
by such organisations for those activities;
take into account the effect of rates on public service infrastructure;
allow the municipality to promote local, social and economic development;
identify, on a basis as may be prescribed, all rateable properties in Ithe
municipality that are not rated in terms of section
(4) When considering the criteria to be applied in respect of any exemptions, rebates
and reductions on properties used for agricultural purposes, a municipality must take
into account-
(a) the extent of services provided by the municipality in respect of such
(bj the contribution of agriculture to the local economy;
(c) the extent to which agriculture assists in meeting the service delivery and
(d) the contribution of agriculture to the social and economic welfare of farm
(5) Any exemptions, rebates or reductions referred to in subsection (3) and provided
for in a rates policy adopted by
a municipality must comply and be implemented in
accordance with a national framework that may be prescribed after consultation with
organised local government. properties;
development obligations
of the municipality; and
(6) No municipality may grant relief in respect of the payment of a rate-
(a) to a category of owners of properties, or to the owners of a category of
properties, other than by way of an exemption, a rebate or a reduction
provided for in its rates policy and granted in terms of section
15; or
(b) to the owners of properties on an individual basis.
Community participation
4. (1) Before a municipality adopts its rates policy, the municipality must-
(a) follow a process of community participation in accordance with Chapter 4 of
(b) comply with subsection (2).
(a) conspicuously display the draft rates policy for a period of at least 30 days-
(i) at the municipality’s head and satellite offices and libraries; and
(ii) if the municipality has an official website or a website available to it as
envisaged in section
21B of the Municipal Systems Act, on that website;
(i) stating-
the Municipal Systems Act; and
(2) The
municipal manager of the municipality must-
(b) advertise in the media a notice-
(aa) that a draft rates policy has been prepared for submission to the
council; and
(bb) that the draft rates policy is available at the municipality’s head artd
satellite offices and libraries for public inspection during office
hours and, if the municipality has an official website or a website
available to it, that the draft rates policy is also available on that
website; and
(ii) inviting the local community to submit comments and representations
the municipality concerned within a period specified in the notice which
may not be less than
30 days.
22 No. 26357 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 17 MAY 2004 -~ ~ ~
(3) A municipal council must take all comments and representations made to it or
received by it into account when it considers the draft rates policy.
Annual review of rates policy
5. (1) A municipal council must annually review, and if necessary, amend its rates
policy. Any amendments to a rates policy must accompany the municipality’s annual
budget when it is tabled in the council in terms of section 16 (2) of the Municipal
Finance Management Act.
(2) Section 3(3) to (6), read with the necessary changes as the context may require,
apply to any amendment of a rates policy. Community participation in amendments to a
rates policy must be effected through the municipality’s annual budget process in terrns 10
of sections
22 and 23 of the Municipal Finance Management Act.
By-laws to give effect to rates policy
6. (1) A municipality must adopt by-laws to give effect to the implementation of -its
(2) By-laws in terms of subsection
(1) may differentiate between- 1s
rates policy.
(a) different categories of properties; and
(b) different categories of owners of properties liable for the payment of rates.
Part 2: Levying of rates
Rates to be levied on all rateable property
7. (1) When levying rates, a municipality must, subject to subsection (2), levy rates on 20
all rateable property in its area or, in the case of a district municipality, on all rateable
property in the district management area.
(2) Subsection (1) does not-
(a) oblige a municipality to levy rates on-
(i) properties of which that municipality is the owner;
(ii) public service infrastructure owned by a municipal entity;
(iii) properties referred to in paragraph
(b) of the definition of “property” in
(iv) properties in respect of which it is impossible or unreasonably difficult
section 1 ; or
establish a market value because of legally insecure tenure resulting from 30
past racially discriminatory laws or practices;
(b) prevent a municipality from granting in terms of section 1.5 exemptions from,
rebates on or reductions in rates levied in terms of subsection
Differential rates
8. (1) Subject to section 19, a municipality may in terms of the criteria set out in its 35
rates policy levy different rates for different categories of rateable property, which may
include categories determined according to the-
(a) use of the property;
(bj permitted use of the property; or
(c) geographical area in which the property is situated. 40
(2) Categories of rateable property that may be determined in terms of subsection (1)
include the following:
(a) Residential properties;
(b) industrial properties;
24 No. 26357 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 17 MAY 2004
(c) business and commercial properties;
(d) farm properties used for-
(i) agricultural purposes;
(ii) other business and commercial purposes;
(iiij residential purposes; or
(iv) purposes other than those specified in subparagraphs (i) to (iii);
(e) farm properties not used for any purpose;
(f) smallholdings used for-
(i) agricultural purposes;
(ii) residential purposes; 10
(iii) industrial purposes;
(iv) business and commercial purposes; or
(v) purposes other than those specified in subparagraphs (i) to (iv);
(g) state-owned properties;
(h) municipal properties; 15
(i) public service infrastructure;
(j) privately owned towns serviced by the owner;
(k) formal and informal settlements;
(I) communal land as defined in section 1 of the Communal Land Rights Act,
(m) state trust land;
(a) properties- 2004;
acquired through the Provision of Land and Assistance Act, 1993 (Act
No. 126 of 1993), or the Restitution of Land Rights Act, 1994 (Act No.
22 of 1994); or 25
(ii) which is subject to the Communal Property Associations Act, 1996 (Act
No. 28 of 1996);
(0) protected areas;
(p) properties on which national monuments are proclaimed;
(4) properties owned by public benefit organisations and used for a
ny specific 30
public benefit activities listed in Part 1 of the Ninth Schedule to the Income
Tax Act; or
(r) properties used for multiple purposes, subject to section 9.
Properties used for multiple purposes
9. (1) A property used for multiple purposes must, for rates purposes, be assigned to 35
a category determined by the municipality for properties used for-
(a) a purpose corresponding with the permitted use of the property, if the
(b) a purpose corresponding with the dominant use of the property; or
(c) multiple purposes in terms of section 8(2)jr). 40
permitted use
of the property
is regulated;
(2) A rate levied on a property assigned in terms of subsection (I )(c) to a category of
(a) apportioning the market value of the property, in a manner as may be
prescribed, to the different purposes for which the property is used; and
(b) applying the rates applicable to the categories determined by the municipality 45
for properties used for those purposes to the different market value.
properties used for multiple purposes must be determined
Levying of rates on property in sectional title schemes
10. (I) A rate on property which is subject to a sectional title scheme must be levied
(2) Subsection (1) must be read subject to section 92.
on the individual sectional title units in the scheme and not on the property as a whole. 50
Amount due for rates
31. (1) A rate levied by a municipality on property must be an amount in the Rand-
(a) on the market value of the property;
(b) in the case of public service infrastructure, on the market value of the public 55
service infrastructure less 30% of that value as contemplated in section
17( 1 >(a), or
on such lower percentage as the Minister may determine in terms
of section 17
(4); or
26 No. 26357 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 17 MAY 2004
(e) in the case of property to which section 17(l)(h) applies, on the market value
of the property less the amount stated in that section, or on such other amount
as the Minister may determine in terms
of section 17(3).
(2) A rate levied by a municipality on properties with a market value below a
prescribed valuation level may, instead of
a rate determined in terms of subsection (I.), 5
be a uniform fixed amount per property.
If a municipality opts in terms of subsection (2) to determine a uniform fixed
amount per property falling within
a specific category, such fixed amount may not
exceed a prescribed percentage
of the amount due for rates payable on a property in that
category with
a market value equal to the prescribed valuation level. 10
Period for which rates may be levied
12. (1) When levying rates, a municipality must levy the rate for a financial year. A
rate lapses at the end of the financial year for which it was levied.
(2) The levying
of rates must form part of a municipality’s annual budget process ,as
set out in Chapter 4 of the Municipal Finance Management Act. A municipality must 15
annually at the time of its budget process review the amount in the Rand of its current
rates in line with its annual budget for the next financial year.
(3 j A rate levied for a financial year may be increased during a financial year only as
provided for in section 28 (6) of the Municipal Finance Management Act.
Commencement of rates 20
13. (1) A rate becomes payable-
(a) as from the start of a financial year; or
(b) if the municipality’s annual budget is not approved by the start of the financi,al
year, as from such later date when the municipality’s annual budget, including
a resolution levying rates, is approved by the provincial executive in terms of 25
26 of the Municipal Finance Management Act.
(2) Subsection (1) does not affect the application of sections 17(2)(h) and (c) and
(5j(b) and
(e), 55 and 78(4).
Promulgation of resolutions levying rates
14. (1 j A rate is levied by a municipality by resolution passed by the municipal 30
council with
a supporting vote of a majority of its members.
(2) A resolution levying rates in a municipality must be promulgated by publishing the
resolution in the
Provincial Gazette.
(3) Whenever a municipality passes a resolution in terms of subsection (l), the
municipal manager must, without delay-
(ij at the municipality’s head and satellite offices and libraries; and
(iij if the municipality has an official website or
a website available to it as
envisaged in section 21B of the Municipal Systems Act, on that website;
(a) conspicuously display the resolution for a period of at least 30 days-
(b) advertise in the media a notice stating that-
(i) a resolution levying a rate
on property has been passed by the council;
(ii) the resolution
is available at the municipality’s head and satellite offices
and libraries for public inspection during office hours and, if the
municipality has an official website or a website available to it, that the
is also available on that website.
Exemptions, reductions and rebates
15. (1) A municipality may in terms of criteria set out in its rates policy-
(a) exempt a specific category of owners of properties, or the owners of a specific 50
category of properties, from payment of a rate levied on their property; or
(b) grant to a specific category of owners of properties, or to the owners of a
specific category of properties, a rebate on or a reduction in the rates payable
in respect
of their properties.
28 No. 26357 GOVERNMENT GAZE’JTE, 17 MAY 2004
(2) When granting in terms of subsection (1) exemptions, rebates or reductions in
respect of owners of categories of properties, a municipality may determine such
categories in accordance with section 8(2). and when granting exemptions, rebates or
reductions in respect of categories of owners of properties, such categories may
(a) indigent owners;
(0) owners dependent on pensions or social grants for their livelihood;
(c) owners temporarily without income;
(d) owners of property situated within an area affected by –
(i) a disaster within the meaning of the Disaster Management Actl 2002 (Act
(ii) any other serious adverse social or economic conditions:,
determined by the municipality; or
No. 57 of 2002); or
(e) owners of residential properties with a market value lower than an amount
(fl owners of agricultural properties who are bonaJide farmers.
(3) The municipal manager must annually table in the council of the municipality a–
(a) list of all exemptions, rebates and reductions granted by the municipality in
(b) statement reflecting the income for the municipality foregone during the
of subsection
(1) during the previous financial year; and
previous financial year by way
(i) such exemptions, rebates and reductions;
(ii) exclusions referred to in section
17(l)(a), (e), (g), (h) and (i); and
(iii) the phasing-in discount granted in terms of section 21.
(4) All exemptions, rebates and reductions projected for a financial year must be
in the municipality’s annual budget for that year as-
(a) income on the revenue side; and
(6) expenditure on the expenditure side.
Part 3: Limitations on levying of rates
Constitutionally impermissible rates
16. (1) In terms of section 229(2)(a) of the Constitution, a municipality may not
exercise its power to levy rates
on property in a way that would materially and
unreasonably prejudice-
(a) national economic policies:
(b) economic activities across its boundaries; or
(c) the national mobility of goods, services, capital or labour.
(2) (a) If a rate on a specific category of properties, or a rate on a specific category of
properties above a specific amount in the Rand, is materially and unreasonably
prejudicing any
of the matters listed in subsection (I), the Minister, after notifying the
of Finance, must, by notice in the Gazette, give notice to the relevant
municipality or municipalities that the rate must be limited to
an amount in the Rand
specified in the notice.
(0) A municipality affected by a notice referred to in paragraph (a) must give effect to
the notice and, if necessary, adjust its budget for the next financial year accordingly.
(3) (a) Any sector of the economy, after consulting the relevant municipality or
municipalities and organised local government, may, through its organised structures,
request the Minister to evaluate evidence to the effect that a rate on any specific categor,y
of properties, or
a rate on any specific category of properties above a specific amount in
the Rand, is materially and unreasonably prejudicing any of the matters listed in
(0) If the Minister is convinced by the evidence referred to in paragraph (a) that a rate
on any specific category of properties, or a rate on any specific category of properties
a specific amount in the Rand, is materially and unreasonably prejudicing any of
the matters listed in subsection (l), the Minister must act in terms of subsection (2).
(4) A notice issued in terms of subsection (2) must give the reasons why a rate on the
relevant category
of properties, or a rate on the relevant category of properties above the
amount specified in the notice, is materially and unreasonably prejudicing a matter listed
in subsection
(5) The Minister. after consultation with the Minister of Finance, may by notice in the
Gazette issue guidelines to assist municipalities in the exercise of their power to levy
rates consistent with subsection
30 No. 26357 GOVERNMENT GAZE’ITE, 17 MAY 200,4
Other impermissible rates
17. (1) A municipality may not levy a rate-
on the first 30% of the market value of public service infrastructure;
on any part of the seashore as defined in the Seashore Act, 1935 (Act No.
of 1935); 5
on any part of the territorial waters of the Republic as determined in terms of
the Maritime Zones Act, 1994 (Act No. 15 of 1994);
on any islands of which the state
is the owner, including the Prince Edward
Islands referred
to in the Prince Edward Islands Act, 1948 (Act No. 43 of
1948); 10
on those parts of a special nature reserve, national park or nature reserve
within the meaning of the Protected Areas Act, or of a national botanical
garden within the meaning of the National Environmental Management:
Biodiversity Act,
2004, which are not developed or used for commercial,
business, agricultural or residential purposes;
on mineral rights within the meaning of paragraph (bj of the definition of
“property” in section 1;
on a property belonging to a land reform beneficiary or his or her heirs,
provided that this exclusion lapses ten years from the date
on which such
beneficiary’s title was registered in the office
of the Registrar of Deeds; 20
on the first RI 5 000 of the market value of a property assigned in the valuation
or supplementary valuation roll of a municipality to a category determined
by the municipality- (i) for residential properties; or
(ii) for properties used for multiple purposes, provided one or more
on a property registered in the name of and used primarily as a place of public
worship by a religious community, including
an official residence registered in
the name of that community which is occupied by an office-bearer of that
community who officiates at services at that place of worship.
components of the property are used for residential purposes; or
(2) (a) The exclusion from rates of a property referred to in subsection (l)(e) lapses
if the declaration of that property as a special nature reserve, national park, nature
reserve or national botanical garden, or as part of such a reserve, park or botanical
garden, is withdrawn in terms
of the applicable Act mentioned in that subsection.
the owner, upon withdrawal of the declaration, becomes liable to the municipality
concerned for any rates that, had it not been for subsection
(1) (e), would have been
payable on the property during the period commencing from the effective date of the
current valuation roll
of the municipality. If the property was declared as a protected area
after the effective date of the current valuation roll, rates are payable only from the date 40
of declaration of the property.
(c) The amount for which an owner becomes liable in terms of paragraph (b) must he
regarded as rates in arrears, and the applicable interest on that amount is payable to the
because of-
(b) If the property in respect of which the declaration is withdrawn is privately owned, 35
(d) Paragraphs (b) and (c) apply only if the declaration of the property was withdrawn 45
a decision by the private owner for any reason to withdraw from the
agreement concluded between the private owner and the state in terms of the
Protected Areas Act, and in terms of which the private owner initially
consented to the property being declared as a protected area; or
a decision by the state to withdraw from such agreement because of a breach
of the agreement by the private owner. –
(3) The Minister, acting with the concurrence of the Minister of Finance, may from
to time by notice in the Gazette, increase the monetary threshold referred to in
(1)(/z) to reflect inflation. 55
(4) The Minister may, by notice in the Gazette, lower the percentage referred to in
(l)(a), but only after consultation with-
(a) relevant Cabinet members responsible for the various aspec1.s of public
(6) organised local government; and 60
(e) relevant public service infrastructure entities.
service infrastructure;
(5) (a) The
exclusion from rates of a property referred to in subsection (l)(i) lapses if
the property-
(i) is disposed
of by the religious community owning it; or
32 No. 26357 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 17 MAY 200.t
(ii) is no longer used primarily as a place of public worship by a re1igiou:s
community or,
in the case of an official residence contemplated in that
subsection, is no longer used as such an official residence.
(b) If the exclusion from rates of a property used as such an official residence lapses,
the religious community owning the property becomes liable to the municipality
concerned for any rates that, had it not been for subsection (l)(i), would have been
payable on the property during the period of one year preceding the date on which the
exclusion lapsed.
(c) The amount for which the religious community becomes liable in terms of
(b) must be regarded as rates in arrears, and the applicable interest on that 10
amount is payable to the municipality.
Exemption of municipalities from provisions of section 17
18. (1) A municipality may apply, in writing, to the Minister to be exempted from
(a), (e), (g) or (h) of section 17( 1) if it can demonstrate that an exclusion in
terms of the relevant paragraph is compromising or impeding its ability or right to 15
exercise its powers or to perform its functions within the meaning of section 151(4) of
the Constitution.
(2) Any exemption granted by the Minister in terms of subsection (1)-
(a) must be in writing; and
(b) is subject to such limitations and conditions as the Minister may determine. 20
Impermissible differentiation
19. (1) A municipality may not levy-
(a) different rates on residential properties, except as provided for in sections
(b) a rate on non-residential properties that exceeds a prescribed ratio to the rate 25
(c) rates which unreasonably discriminate between categories of non-residential
(d) additional rates except as provided for in section 22.
21 and 89;
on residential properties determined in terms of section 11 (l)(a);
properties; or
(2) The ratio referred to in subsection (l)(b) may only be prescribed with the 30
concurrence of the Minister of Finance.
Limits on annual increases of rates
20. (1) The Minister may, with the concurrence of the Minister of Finance and by
notice in the
Gazette, set an upper limit on the percentage by which rates on properties
or a rate on a specific category
of properties may be increased. 35
(a) different kinds of municipalities which may, for the purposes of this section,
be defined in the notice either in relation to categories of municipalities within
the meaning of the Municipal Structures Act or in any other way; or
(b) different categories of properties, subject to section 19. 40
(3) The Minister may, on written application by a municipality, and on good cause.,
(4) This section must be read with section 43 of the Municipal Finance Management
(2) Different limits may be set in terms of subsection (1) for-
a municipality from a limit set in terms of subsection (1).
Compulsory phasing-in of certain rates 45
21. (1) (a) A rate levied on newly rateable property must be phased in over a period.
of three financial years, subject to subsection
(b) A rate levied on property referred to in section 17(l)(g) must, after the exclusion
period referred to in that section has lapsed, be phased in over a period of three financial
years, subject to subsection (5) of this section. 50
(c) A rate levied on newly rateable property owned and used by organisatio
conducting specified public benefit activities and registered in terms of the Income Tax
Act for those activities must be phased in over a period
of four financial years, subject
to subsection
(2) The phasing-in discount on a property referred to in subsection (1) (a) or (b) 55
(a) in the first year, be at least 75 per cent of the rate for that year otherwise
applicable to the property;
34 No. 26357 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 17 MAY 2004
(b) in the second year, be at least 50 per cent of the rate for that year otherwise
(c) in the third year, be at least 25 per cent of the rate for that year otherwise
applicable to the property; and
applicable to the property.
(3) No rate may be levied during the first year on property referred to in subsection (I) 5
(c). Thereafter. the phasing-in discount on such property-
(a) in the second year, must be at least 75 per cent of the rate for that year
(b) in the third year, must be at least 50 per cent of the rate for that year otherwise
(c) in the fourth year, must be at least 25 per cent of the rate for that year
(4) A rate levied on property referred to in subsection
(1) may not be higher than the
(5) The
MEC for local government may, on written request by a municipality, extend 15
otherwise applicable
to the
applicable to the property; and
otherwise applicable to the property.
rate levied on similar property
or category of properties in the municipality.
for that municipality the phasing-in period referred to in subsection
(l)(a), (b) or (c) to
a period which together with the initial period does not exceed six financial years.
(6) When extending a phasing-in period, the MEC for local government must
determine the minimum phasing-in discount on the rate payable during each finanaal
year in the extended period.
Part 4: Additional rates
Special rating areas
22. (1) A municipality may by resolution of its council-
(a) determine an area within that municipality as a special rating area;
(b) levy an additional rate on property in that area for the purpose of raising funds 25
(c) differentiate between categories of properties when levying an additional rate
improving or upgrading that area; and
referred to in paragraph
(2) Before determining a special rating area, a municipality must-
(a) consult the local community, including on the following matters: 30
(i) the proposed boundaries of the area; and
(ii) the proposed improvement or upgrading of the area; and
(b) obtain the consent of the majority of the members of the local community in
the proposed special rating area who will
be liable for paying the additional
rate. 35
must determine the boundaries of the area;
(3) When a municipality determines a special rating area, the municipality-
must indicate how the area is to be improved or upgraded by funds derived
from the additional rate;
must establish separate accounting and other record-keeping systems regard- 40
mg- (i) the revenue generated by the additional rate; and
(ii) the improvement and upgrading of the area; and
may establish a committee composed of persons representing the communiLy
in the area to act as a consultative and advisory forum for the municipality on 45
the improvement and upgrading
of the area, provided representivity, including
gender representivity, is taken into account when such a committee
established. Such a committee must be a subcommittee of the ward committee
or committees in the area, if the municipality has a ward committee or
in the area. 50
(4) This section may not be used to reinforce existing inequities in the development
of the municipality, and any determination of a special rating area must be consistent
with the objectives of the municipality’s integrated development plan.
(5) This section must be read with section 85 of the Municipal Systems Act if this
section is applied
to provide funding for an internal municipal service district 55
in terms of that section of the Municipal Systems Act.
36 No. 26357 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, I7 MAY 2004
Part 5: Municipal register of properties
Register of properties
23. (1) A municipality must draw up and maintain a register in respect of properties
(2) Part A of the register consists of the current valuation roll of the municipality, 5
situated within that municipality, consisting of a Part A and a Part B.
including any supplementary valuation rolls of the municipality prepared in terms of
section 78.
(3) Part B of the register must specify which properties on the valuation roll or any
supplementary valuation rolls are subject to-
(a) an exemption from the rate in terms of section 15; 10
(bJ a rebate on or a reduction in the rate in terms of section 15;
(c) a phasing-in of the rate in terms of section 21; or
(d) an exclusion referred to in section 17(l)(a), (e), (g), (h) and (i).
(4) The register must be open for inspection by the public during office hours. If the
municipality has an official website or another website available to
it, the register must 15
be displayed on that website.
(5) A municipality must at regular intervals, but at least annually, update Part B of the
register. Part A of the register must be updated in accordance with the provisions of this
Act relating to the updating and supplementing of valuation rolls.
Property rates payable by owners
24. (I ) ,4 rate levied by a municipality on a property must be paid by the owner of the
property, subject to Chapter
9 of the Municipal Systems Act.
(2) (a) Joint owners of a property are, subject to paragraph (b), jointly and severally 25
liable for the amount due for rates on that property.
(b) A municipality must, in respect of agricultural property that is owned by more than
one owner in undivided shares where the holding
of such undivided shares was allowed
before the commencement of the Subdivision of Agricultural Land Act, 1970 (Act
70 of 1970), consider whether in the particular circumstances it would be more 30
appropriate for the municipality to-
(i) hold any one of the joint owners in terms of paragraph (a) liable for all rates
(ii) hold any joint owner only liable for that portion of the rates levied on the
levied in respect
of the agricultural property concerned; or
property that represents that joint owner’s undivided share in the agricultural
Payment of rates on property in sectional title schemes
25. (1 ) A rate levied by a municipality on a sectional title unit is payable by the owner
(2) A municipality may not recover the rate on a sectional title unit, or any part of such 40
of the unit.
rate, from the body corporate controlling a sectional title sch
eme, except when the body corporate
is the owner of any specific sectional title unit.
(3) A body corporate controlling a sectional title scheme may not apportion and
collect rates from the owners of the sectional title units in the scheme.
(4) This section must be read subject to section 92. 45
Method and time of payment
26. (1) A municipality may recover a rate-
(a) on a monthly basis or less often as may be prescribed in terms of the
(h) annually, as may be agreed to with the owner of the property. 50
Municipal Finance Management Act; or
(2) (a) If a rate is payable in a single amount annually it must be paid on or before a
date determined by the municipality.
38 No. 26357 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 17 MAY 2004
(bj If a rate is payable in instalments it must be paid on or before a dat
e in each period
(3) Payment of a rate may be deferred but only in special circumstances.
by the municipality.
Accounts to be furnished
27. (1) A municipality must furnish each person liable for the payment of a rate with 5
a written account specifying-
the amount due for rates payable;
the date on or before which the amount is payable;
how the amount was calculated;
the market value of the property;
if the property is subject to any compulsory phasing-in discount in terms of
section 21, the amount of the discount; and
if the property is subject to any additional rate in terms of section 22, the
amount due for additional rates.
(2) A person is liable for payment of a rate whether or not that person has received a 15
written account in terms of subsection
(1). If a person has not received a written account,
that person must make the necessary inquiries from the municipality.
(3) The furnishing of accounts for rates in terms of this section is subject to section
102 of the Municipal Systems Act.
Recovery of rates in arrears from tenants and occupiers 20
28. (1) If an amount due for rates levied in respect of a property is unpaid by the owner
of the property after the date determined in terms of section
26(2), the municipality may
recover the amount in whole or in
part from a tenant or occupier of the property, despite
any contractual obligation to the contrary on the tenant or occupier. The municipality
may recover an amount only after the municipality has served a written notice
on the. 25
tenant or occupier.
(2) The amount a municipality may recover from the tenant or occupier of a property
in terms of subsection
(1) is limited to the amount of the rent or other money due and
payable, but not yet paid, by the tenant or occupier to the owner of the property.
must be set
off by the tenant or occupier against any money owed by the tenan
t or
occupier to the owner.
(4) The tenant or occupier of a property must, on request by a municipality, furnish the
municipality with a written statement specifying all payments to be made by the tenant
or occupier to the owner of the property for rent or other money payable on the property
during a period determined by the municipality.
(3) Any amount a municipality recovers from the tenant or occupier
of the property 30
Recovery of rates from agents
29. (1) A municipality may, despite the Estate Agents Affairs Act, 1976 (Act No. 112
of 1976), recover the amount due for rates on a property in whole or in part from the
agent of the owner, if this is more convenient for the municipality.
A municipality may recover the amount due for rates from the agent of the owner
only after it has served a written notice on the agent.
(3) The amount a municipality may recover from the agent is limited to the amount of
any rent or other money received by the agent on behalf of the owner, less any
commission due to the agent.
(4) The agent must, on request by a municipality, furnish the muni
cipality with a
written statement specifying all payments for rent on the property and any other money
received by the agent on behalf of the owner during a period determined by the
40 No. 26357 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 17 MAY 2004
Part 1: General
General valuation and preparation of valuation rolls
30. (1) A municipality intending to levy a rate on property must in accordance with 5
this Act cause-
(a) a general valuation to be made of all properties in the municipality determined
(b) a valuation roll to be prepared of all properties determined in terms of
(2) All rateable properties in the municipality must be valued during a general
valuation, including all properties fully or partially excluded from rates in terms of
17(l)(a), (e), (g), (h) and (i): Provided that-
(a) properties referred to in section 7 (2) (a) must be valued only to the extent that
the municipality intends to levy
a rate on those properties; and 15
(b) the Minister may fully or partially exempt a municipality from the obligation
to value properties excluded from rates in terms of section
17 (1) (e), (g) and
(i) if the municipality can demonstrate that the valuation of those properties :is
too onerous for it, given its financial and administrative capacity.
roll: Provided that properties referred to in subsection
(2)(b) and in section 7 (2) (a) (i)
and (ii) must be included in the valuation roll whether or not they were valued.
in terms
of subsection (2); and
(3). 10
(3) All properties valued in terms of subsection
(2) must be included in the valuation 20
Date of valuation
(1) For the purposes of a general valuation, a municipality must determine a date
that may not be more than 12 months before the start of the financial year in which the
valuation roll is to be first implemented.
(2) The general valuation must reflect the market value of properties determined in
accordance with-
(a) market conditions which applied as at the date of valuation; and
(b) any other applicable provisions of this Act. 30
Commencement and period of validity of valuation rolls
32. (1) A valuation roll-
(a) takes effect from the start of the financial year following completion of the
public inspection period required by section 49; and
(6) remains valid for that financial year or for one or more subsequent financial 35
years as the municipality may decide, but
in total not for more than four
financial years.
(2) The MEC for local government in a province may extend the period for which
valuation roll remains valid to five financial years, but only –
(a) if the provincial executive has intervened in the municipality in terms of 40
(b) on request by the municipality, in other exceptional circumstances
(3) The valuation roll of a municipality remains valid for one year after the date on
which the roll has lapsed
if the provincial executive intervenes in a municipality in terms
of section 139 of the Constitution either before or after that date, provided that the
intervention was caused by the municipality’s failure-
(a) to determine a date of valuation for its general valuation in terms of section
(b) to designate a person as its municipal valuer in terms of section 33. 50
section 139
of the Constitution; or
warrant such extension.
31; or
42 No. 26357 GOVERNMENT GAZE’ITE, 17 MAY 2004
Part 2: Municipal valuers
Designation of municipal valuers
33. (1) A municipality must, before the date of valuation, designate a person as
municipal valuer. A municipality may designate either one of its officials or a person in
private practice as its municipal valuer.
(2) If a municipality decides to secure the services of a person in private practice ;as
its municipal valuer, it must-
(a) follow an open, competitive and transparent process in accordance with
(bj designate the successful bidder as its municipal valuer by way of a written 10
Chapter 11 of the Municipal Finance Management Act; and
contract setting out the terms and conditions
of the designation.
(3) A municipality must issue to the person designated as its municipal valuer an
identity card in the prescribed format containing a photograph of that person.
(4) A municipality may withdraw the designation of a person as its municipal valuer
but only on the grounds of
– 15
(a) misconduct, incapacity or incompetence;
(b) non-compliance with a provision of this Act;
(c) under-performance; or
(d) breach of contract, in the case of a person referred to in subsection (2).
Functions of municipal valuers 20
34. The valuer of a municipality must in accordance with this Act-
value all properties-in the municipality determined in te1ms
of section 30(2);
prepare a valuation roll of all properties in the municipality determined in
terms of section
30 (3);
sign and certify the valuation roll; 25
submit the valuation roll to the municipal manager within a prescribed period;
consider and decide on objections to the valuation roll;
attend every meeting
of an appeal board when that appeal board-
(i) hears an appeal against a decision of that valuer; or
(ii) reviews a decision of that valuer;
prepare a supplementary valuation roll whenever this becomes necessary;
assist the municipality in the collection
of postal addresses of owners where
such addresses are reasonably determinable by the valuer when valuing
properties; and generally, provide the municipality with appropriate administrativ
e support
incidental to the valuation roll.
Assistant municipal valuers
35. (1) The municipal manager may designate officials of the municipality or persons
in private practice as assistant municipal valuers
to assist the valuer of the municipality
with the performance of any
of the functions set out in section 34. 40
(2) If the municipal valuer is not an official of the municipality, the municipal valuer
may, with the concurrence
of the municipal manager, designate persons in private
as assistant municipal valuers to assist the municipal valuer with the
performance of any of the functions set out in section
terms of subsection (2), a municipal valuer may recover from the municipality the cost
of securing the services of those persons but only in terms of the contract concluded
between the municipal valuer and the municipality in terms of section
(4) A municipality must issue to the person designated as an assistant municipal
valuer an identity card in the prescribed format containing a photograph of that person.
(3) When designating persons in private practice as assistant municipal valuers in 45
44 No. 26351 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 17 MAY 2004
(5) A municipality may withdraw the designation of a person referred to in subsection
(1) as an assistant municipal valuer, and a municipal valuer may, and must if requested
by the municipality, withdraw the designation of a person referred to in subsection
(2) as
an assistant municipal valuer. The designation of a person may be withdrawn only on the
grounds of
(a) misconduct, incapacity or incompetence;
(h) non-compliance with a provision of this Act;
(c) under-performance; or
(d) breach of any of the terms or conditions of the designation, in the case of a
person designated as
an assistant municipal valuer in terms of subsection (2).
36. (1) The municipal manager may designate officials of the municipality or persons
who are not officials of the municipality as data-collectors to assist the valuer of the
municipality with the collection of data and other related work.
(2) If the municipal valuer is not an official of the municipality, the municipal valuer
may, with the concurrence of the municipal manager, designate persons, other than
officials of the municipality, as data-collectors
to assist the municipal valuer with the
collection of data and other related work.
(3) When designating persons as data-collectors in terms of subsection (2), a
municipal valuer may recover from the municipality the cost of securing the services of
those persons, but only in terms of the contract concluded between the municipal valuer
and the municipality in terms of section
(4) A municipality must issue to the person designated as a data-collector an identity
card in the prescribed format containing a photograph
of that person.
(5) A municipality may withdraw the designation of a person referred to in subsection
(1) as a data-collector, and a municipal valuer may, and must if requested by the
municipality, withdraw the designation of a person referred to in subsection (2) as
Delegations by municipal valuers
37. (1) The valuer of a municipality-
(a) may delegate –
(i) to an assistant municipal valuer any powers or duties reasonably
necessary to assist the municipal valuer to exercise a power or to comply
with a duty assigned to a municipal valuer in terms of this Act; or
(ii) to a data-collector any powers or duties reasonably necessary to assist the
municipal valuer
in the collection and processing of data; and
(b) must regularly review delegations issued in terms of paragraph (a) and, if
necessary, amend or withdraw any of those delegations.
(2) A delegation in terms of subsection (1)-
(a) must be in writing;
(b) is subject to such limitations and conditions BS the municipal valuer may
(c) does not divest the municipal valuer of the responsibility concerning the
(3) The municipal valuer may confirm, vary or revoke any decision taken in
consequence of a delegation in terms
of this section, but no such variation or revocation
of a decision may detract from any rights that may have accrued as a result of the
decision. impose in a
specific case; and
exercise of the delegated power or the performance of the delegated duty.
Municipal partnerships
38. (1) A municipality may enter into an agreement with another municipali
ty or
municipalities to designate a single municipal valuer and to share the costs of preparing
valuation rolls.
(2) Section 33(2) does not apply if the municipalities concerned agree to appoint an
official of one of them as their municipal valuer.
46 No. 26357 GOVERNMENT GAZElTE, 17 MAY 2004
Qualifications of municipal valuers
39. (1) A municipal valuer-
(a) must be a person registered as a professional valuer or professional assoc
valuer in terms of the Property Valuers Profession Act,
2000 (Act No. 47 of
2000); and 5
(i) of the designating municipality, if that municipality is a metropolitan or
(ii) of either the designating municipality or the district municipality in
(b) may not be a councillor-
a district municipality; or
which that municipality falls, if the designating municipality is
a local 10
(2) An assistant municipal valuer-
(a) must be a person registered as a professional valuer, a professional assoc
valuer or a candidate valuer in terms of
the Property Valuers Profession Act,
2000; and 15
(i) of the designating municipality, if that municipality is a metropolitan or
(ii) of either the designating municipality or the district municipality in
(bj may not be a councillor-
district municipality; or
which that municipality falls, if the designating municipality is a local 20
Prescribed declaration
40. Before assuming office, the valuer of a municipality or an assistant municipal
valuer must-
(a) make the prescribed declaration before a commissioner of oaths regarding the 25
(b) lodge a certified copy of such declaration with the municipal manager.
of office: and
Inspection of property
41. (1) Subject to
any legislation that restricts or prohibits entry to any specific
property, the valuer of a municipality, assistant municipal valuer, data-collector or oth
person authorised by the municipal valuer in writing, may-
(a) between 07:30 and 19:OO on any day except a Sunday or public holiday, enter
any property in the municipality that must
be valued in terms of this Act; and
(b) inspect that property for the purpose of the valuation.
(2) If a person authorised by a municipal valuer in terms of subsection (1) is not in 35
possession of an identity card in the prescribed format containing a photograph of that
person, the municipality must issue to that person such a card.
(3) When entering any property
in terms of subsection (l), a municipal valuer,
assistant municipal valuer, data-collector or other person author
ised in terms of that
subsection- 40
(a) must, on demand by a person on that property, produce his or her identity card;
(b) may be accompanied by an interpreter or any other person whose assistance
may reasonably
be required in the circumstances.
Access to information 45
42. (1) A municipal valuer or assistant municipal valuer may-
(a) require the owner, tenant or occupier of a property which the valuer must
value in terms
of this Act, or the agent of the owner, to give the valuer access
to any document or information in possession of the owner, tenant, occupier or
agent which the valuer reasonably requires for purpose of valuing the 50
(b) make extracts from any such document or information; and
(c) in writing require the owner, tenant or occupier of the property, or the agent of
the owner, to provide the valuer, either in writing or orally, with particulars
regarding the property which the valuer reasonably requires for
purpose of 55
valuing the property.
48 No. 26357 GOVERNMENT GAZElTE, 17 MAY 2004
(2) Where any document, information or particulars were not provided when required
in terms of subsection (1) and the owner concerned relies on such documen
information or particulars in
an appeal to an appeal board, the appeal board may make
an order as to costs in terms of section
70 if the appeal board is of the view that the
failure to
so have provided any such document, information or particulars has
placed an 5
unnecessary burden on the functions of the municipal valuer or the appeal board.
Conduct of valuers
43. (1) A municipal valuer or assistant municipal valuer-
(a) must disclose to a municipality any personal or any private bu
siness interest
that the valuer, or any spouse, parent, child, partner or business assoc
iate of
the valuer, may have in any property in the municipality;
for private gain or to improperly benefit another person; and Systems Act.
(b) may not use the position as a municipal valuer or assistant munici
pal valuer
(c) must comply with the Code of Conduct set out in Schedule 2 to the Municipal
(2) A municipal valuer or assistant municipal valuer who is not an official of a
municipality must comply with the Code of Conduct as if that person is such an official.
(3) A municipal valuer or assistant municipal valuer who contravenes or fails to
comply with subsection
(1) is guilty of misconduct and subject to dismissal as municipal
or assistant municipal valuer. 20
(4) A decision in terms of subsection (3) to dismiss a municipal valuer or assistant
municipal valuer who is a municipal official must be based on a finding by
an enquiry
conducted in accordance with the terms and conditions of employment applicable to that
a property in which that valuer, or any spouse, parent, child,
partner or business
associate of the valuer, has a personal or private business interest, and the municipal
manager must designate a special valuer to perform that valuation. A special valuer must
be qualified for designation as a municipal valuer or assistant municipal valuer in terms
of section 39. 3 0
(5) A municipal valuer or assistant municipal valuer may not perform
the valuation of 25
Protection of information
44. (1) A municipal valuer, assistant municipal valuer, data-collec
tor or other person
may not disclose to any person any information obtained whilst exercising a power
referred to in section
41 or 42, except-
(a) within the scope of that person’s powers and duties in terms of this Act; 35
(b) for the purpose of carrying out the provisions of this Act;
(c) for the purpose of legal proceedings; or
(d) in terms of a court order.
(2) Subsection (1) also applies to a person accompanying a municipal valuer, assistant
municipal valuer, data-collector or other person authorised in t
erms of section 41
(1) 40
when entering any property in terms of that section.
45. (1) Property must be valued in accordance with generally recognised valuation 45
(2) For the purposes of subsection (1)-
practices, methods and standards, and the provisions of this Act.
(a) physical inspection of the property to be valued is optional; and
(b) comparative, analytical and other systems or techniques may be used,
including aerial photography and computer-assisted mass appraisal
50 No. 26357 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 17 MAY 2004
or techniques, taking into account changes in technology and valuation
systems and techniques.
(a) If the available market-related data of any category of rateable property is not
sufficient for the proper application of subsections
(1) and (2), such property may be
valued in accordance with any mass valuation system or techniqu
e approved by the
municipality concerned, after having considered any recommendation
s of its municipal
valuer and as may be appropriate in the circumstances.
(b) A mass valuation system or technique that may be approved by a municipality in
terms of paragraph
(a) includes a valuation system or technique based on predetermined
bands of property values and the designation of properties to one of those bands on the
basis of minimal market-related data.
General basis of valuation
46. (1) Subject to any other applicable provisions of this Act, the market value of a
property is the amount the property would have realised if sold on the date of valuation
in the open market by a willing seller to a willing buyer.
(2) In determining the market value of a property, the following must be considered
for purposes of valuing the property:
(a) The value of any licence, permission or other privilege granted in terms of
legislation in relation to the property;
(b) the value of any immovable improvement on the property that was erected or 20
is being used for a purpose which
is inconsistent with or in contravention of
the permitted use
of the property, as if the improvement was erected or is
being used for a lawful purpose; and
(c) the value of the use of the property for a purpose which is inconsistent with or
in contravention of the permitted use
of the property, as if the property is being 25
used for a lawful purpose.
for purposes of valuing the property:
(3) In determining the market value of a property the following must be disregarded
(a) The value of any building or other immovable structure under the surface of
the property which is the subject matter
of any mining authorisation or mining 30
right defined in the Minerals Act,
1991 (Act No. 50 of 1991);
concerned, is immovable property, excluding- (i)
a lift;
an escalator; 35
(iii) an air-conditioning plant;
(iv) fire extinguishing apparatus;
(v) a water pump installation for a swimming pool or for irrigation or
domestic purposes; and
(vi) any other equipment or machinery that may be prescribed; and 40
(b) the value of any equipment or machinery which, in relation to the property
(c) any unregistered lease in respect of the property.
(4) In determining the market value of a property used for agricultural purposes, the
of any annual crops or growing timber on the property that have not yet been
harvested as at the date of valuation must be disregarded for purposes of valuing the
(5) Where the available market related data is not sufficient to determine the market
value of public service infrastructure, such public service infrastructure
may be valued
in accordance with any other method of valuation as may be prescribed.
Valuation of property in sectional title schemes
47. When valuing a property which is subject to a sectional title scheme, the valuer 50
must determine the market value of each sectional title unit in the scheme in accordance
with section
Contents of valuation rolls 55
48. (1) A valuation roll must list all properties in the municipality determined in terms
of section
30 (3).
52 . No. 26351 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 17 MAY 2004
(2) The valuation roll must reflect the following particulars in respect of each property
as at the date of valuation to the extent that such information is reasonably det
(a) The registered or other description of the property;
(b) the category determined in terms of section 8 in which the property falls;
(c) the physical address of the property; 5
(d) the extent of the property;
(e) the market value of the property, if the property was valued;
(’ the name of the owner; and
(8) any other prescribed particulars.
Public notice of valuation rolls 10
49. (1) The valuer of a municipality must submit the certified valuation roll to the
municipal manager, and the municipal manager must within 21 days of receipt
of the
(a) publish in the prescribed form in the provincial Gazette, and once a week for
two consecutive weeks advertise in the media, a notice- 15
(i) stating that the roll is open for public inspection for a per
iod stated in the
notice, which may not be less than
30 days from the date of publication
of the last notice; and
(ii) inviting every person who wishes to lodge an objection
in respect of any
matter in, or omitted from, the roll to do
so in the prescribed manner 20
within the stated period;
(b) disseminate the substance of the notice referred to in paragraph (a) to the local
community in terms of Chapter 4 of the Municipal Systems Act; and
(c) serve, by ordinary mail or, if appropriate, in accordance with section 115 of
the Municipal Systems Act, on every owner of property listed in the valuation
roll a copy of the notice referred to in paragraph (a) together with an extract
of the valuation roll pertaining to that owner’s property.
If the municipality has an official website or another website ava
ilable to it, the
notice and the valuation roll must also be published on that
Inspection of, and objections to, valuation rolls 30
50. (1) Any person may, within the period stated in the notice referred to in section 49
( 1) (a)–
(a) inspect the roll during office hours;
(b) on payment of a reasonable fee, request the municipality during office hours to
(c) lodge an objection with the municipal manager against any matte
r reflected in,
(2) An objection in terms of subsection
(l)(c) must be in relation to a specific
individual property and not against the valuation roll as such.
(3) A municipal manager must assist an objector to lodge an objection if that objector 40
is unable to read or write.
A municipal council may also lodge an objection with the municipa
l manager
concerned against any matter reflected in, or omitted from, the
roll. The municipal
manager must inform the council of any matter reflected in, or omitted from, the roll that
affects the interests of the municipality. 45
(5) A municipal manager must, within 14 days after the end of the period stated in the
notice referred to in section 49 (1)
(a), submit all objections to the municipal valuer, who
must promptly decide and dispose of the objections in terms of section
(6) The lodging of an objection does not defer liability for payment of rates beyond
the date determined for payment.
make extracts from the roll; and 35
or omitted from, the roll.
Processing of objections
51. A municipal valuer must promptly-
(a) consider objections in accordance with a procedure that may be prescribed;
(b) decide objections on facts, including the submissions of an objector, and, if
(c) adjust or add to the valuation roll in accordance with any decisions tak
the objector is not the owner,
of the owner; and
54 No. 26357 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 17 MAY 2004
Compulsory review of decisions of municipal valuer
52. (1 ) If a municipal valuer adjusts the valuation of a property in terms of section 5 I
(a) the municipal valuer must give written reasons to the municipal
manager; and
(b) the municipal manager must promptly submit to the relevant valu
ation appeal 5
board the municipal valuer’s decision, the reasons for the d
ecision and all
relevant documentation, for review.
(c) by more than 10 per cent upwards or downwards-
An appeal board must –
(a) review any such decision; and
(b) either confirm, amend or revoke the decision. 10
(3) If the appeal board amends or revokes the decision, the chairperso
n of the appeal
board and the valuer of the municipality must ensure that the valuation roll is adjusted
in accordance with the decisions taken by the appeal board.
Notification of outcome of objections and furnishing of reasons
(1) A municipal valuer must, in writing, notify every person who has lodged an 15
objection, and also the owner of the property concerned if the objector is not the owner,
(a) the valuer’s decision in terms of section 51 regarding that objection;
(b) any adjustments made to the valuation roll in respect of the property
(c) whether section 52 applies to the decision.
concerned; and 20
(2) Within 30 days after such notification, such objector or owner may, in writing,
apply to the municipal manager for the reasons for the decisio
n. A prescribed fee must
accompany the application.
municipal manager, provide the reasons for the decision to the
applicant, in writing.
(3) The municipal valuer must, within
30 days after receipt of such application by the 25
Right of appeal
(1) An appeal to an appeal board against a decision of a municipal valuer in terms
of section 51 may be lodged in the prescribed manner with the municipal manager
concerned by- 30
(a) a person who has lodged an objection in terms of section 50 (1) (c) and who
(17) an owner of a property who is affected by such a decision, if the objector was
(c) the council of the municipality concerned, if the municipality’s interests are 35
is not satisfied with the decision of the municipal valuer;
not the owner; or
(2) An appeal by-
(a) an objector must be lodged within 30 days after the date on which the written
notice referred to in section 53( 1) was sent to the objector or,
if the objector
has requested reasons in terms of section 53(2), within 21 days after the day
on which the reasons were sent to the objector;
(b) an owner of such property must be lodged within 30 days after the date on
which the written notice referred to in section 53(1) was sent to the owner or,
if the owner has requested reasons in terms of section
53(2), within 21 days
after the day on which the reasons were sent to the owner; or
(c) a municipal council must be lodged within 30 days after the date on which the
decision was taken.
(a) A municipal manager must forward any appeal lodged in terms of subsection
(1 ) to the chairperson of the appeal board in question within 14 days after the end of the
applicable period referred to in subsection (2).
5 0
56 No. 26357 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 17 MAY 2004
Act’No. 6,2004
~ ~~
(b) The chairperson of an appeal board must, for purposes of considering any appeals,
a meeting of the appeal board within 60 days after an appeal has been
forwarded to the chairperson in terms
of paragraph (a).
(c) When an appeal is forwarded to the chairperson of an appeal board in terms of
(a), a copy of the appeal must also be submitted to the municipal valuer 5
payment of rates beyond the date determined for payment.
Adjustments or additions to valuation rolls
(4) An appeal lodged in terms of this section does not defer a person’s liability for
55. (1) Any adjustments or additions made to a valuation roll in terms of section 5 l(c), 10
(2) If an adjustment in the valuation of a property aEects the amount due for rates
(3) or 69 take effect on the effective date
of the valuation roll.
payable on that property, the municipal manager must-
(a) calculate-
(i) the amount actually paid on the property since the effective date; and
(ii) the amount payable in terms of the adjustment on the property since the
(b) recover from, or repay to, the person liable for the payment of the rate the
difference determined in terms
of paragraph (a) plus interest at a prescribed
(3) Where an addition has been made to a valuation roll as envisaged in subsection
(l), the municipal manager must recover from the person liable for
the payment of the
rate the amount due for rates payable plus interest at
a prescribed rate.
effective date;
Establishment of valuation appeal boards
(1) The MEC for local government must, by notice in the provincial Gazette,
establish as many valuation appeal boards in the province as may be necessary, but not
fewer than one in each district municipality and each metropoli
tan municipality.
municipality, such board must be established for one or more specific local
municipalities or district management areas. (2)
If more than one appeal board is established within the area of
a district 30
57. The functions of an appeal board are-
(a) to hear and decide appeals against the decisions of a municipal valuer 35
concerning objections to matters reflected in, or omitted from, the valuation
roll of a municipality in the area for which it was established in terms of
56; and
(b) to review decisions of a municipal valuer submitted to it in terms of section
52. 40
58. (1) An appeal board consists of-
(a) a chairperson, who must be a person with legal qualifications
and sufficient
experience in the administration ofjustice; and
(b) not fewer than two and not more than four other members with sufficient 45
knowledge of or experience in the valuation of property, of which at least one
must be a professional valuer registered in terms of the Property Valuers
Profession Act, 2000 (Act
No. 47 of 2000).
58 No. 26357 GOVERNMENT GAZETIE, 17 MAY 2004
(2) The chairperson and other members of an appeal board must be appointed by the
MEC for local government in the province, taking into account the need for
representivity, including gender representivity.
(3) The MEC for local government must follow a transparent process complying with
any prescribed nonns and standards when making appointments to an appeal board.
59. (I) The following persons are disqualified from being a member of an appeal
An unrehabilitated insolvent;
a person under curatorship; 10
a person declared to be of unsound mind by a court of the Republic;
a person who, after 24 April 1994, was convicted of an offence and sentenced
to imprisonment without an option of a fine for
a period of not less than 12
a person who has been disqualified in terms of applicable legislation from 15
practicing as a valuer or lawyer; or
a person who is in arrears to
a municipality for rates or service charges for a
period longer than three months.
disqualification in terms of subsection
(l)(d) ends five years after the
imprisonment has been completed.
(3) A member of an appeal board who is a councillor, an employee or valuer of a
municipality must withdraw from the proceedings
of the board if a matter concerning
that municipality’s valuation roll is considered by the board.
Term of office
60. The term of office of members of an appeal board is four years, but members are 25
eligible to be re-appointed.
Conditions of appointment
61. (1) The Minister must, after consultation with the MECs for local government,
determine the conditions of appointment of members of an appeal board.
(2) Conditions of appointment may differ in respect of the chairperson and other 30
members of an appeal board.
(3) The municipality or municipalities for which an appeal board was established in
terms of section 56 must remunerate the members of the appeal board in accordance
with their conditions
of appointment and the directions of the MEC for local
Conduct of members
62. (1) A member of an appeal board-
(a) must perform the duties of office in good faith and without fear, favour or
(b) must disclose any personal or any private business interest that that member or 40
any spouse, parent, child, partner or business associate of that member may
have in any matter before the appeal board and must withdraw from the
of the appeal board, unless the board decides that the member’s
interest in the matter is trivial or not relevant, and announces its decision in
public at the first available sitting
of the board; 45
(c) may not use the position or privileges of a member for private gain or to
improperly benefit another person; or
(d) may not act in any other way that compromises the credibility, impartiality,
or integrity of the appeal board.
(2) A member of an appeal board who contravenes or fails to comply with subsection 50
(1) is guilty of misconduct.
60 No. 26351 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 17 MAY 2004
Termination of membership
63. (1) A person ceases to be a member of an appeal board when that person-
(a) resigns;
(b) is no longer eligible to be a member; or
(c) is removed from office in terms of subsection (2). S
(2) The MEC for local government may remove from office a member of an appeal
board but only on the grounds
of misconduct, incapacity or incompetence.
(3) A decision to remove a member of an appeal board on the grounds of misconduct
or incompetence must be based on a finding to that effect by an investigating tribunal
appointed by the
MEC. 10
(4) The MEC may suspend a member of an appeal board who is under investigation
in terms of subsection
64. (1) The MEC for local government may appoint alternate members of an appeal
board. 1s
(2) The person appointed as the alternate for the chairperson of an appeal board must
be a person with legal qualifications and sufficient experience in th
e administration of
(3) An alternate acts as a member when-
(a) a member is absent, has recused himself or herself or is suspended; or 20
(b) the filling of a vacancy on the board is pending.
65. (1) The chairperson of an appeal board decides when and where the board meets,
but must promptly convene a meeting if a majority of the members
of the board request
him or her, in writing, to convene a board meeting at such time and such place set out in
the request.
(2) When hearing an appeal, an appeal board must sit in a municipality
valuation roll is the subject of the appeal or review.
(3) If the chairperson is absent or not available, or if there is a vacancy in the office of
chairperson, the other members of the appeal board must elect a member with
experience in the administration of justice or the alternate for the chairperson to preside
at the meeting or to act as chairperson.
(4) Meetings of an appeal board are open to the public, but a board may adjourn in
closed session when deliberating
an issue before the board.
Administrative assistance 35
66. (1) An appeal board may request a municipality whose valuation roll is
consideration by the board to provide it with the necessary office accommodation and
other administrative assistance, including staff for the board.
(2) A municipality whose valuation roll is under consideration –
(a) must comply with all reasonable requests in terms of subsection (1); and 40
(b) is liable for the costs of an appeal board, provided that the members of an
appeal board must be remunerated in accordance with section
62 No. 26357 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 17 MAY 2004
67. An appeal board may determine its internal procedures to dispose of appeals and
reviews subject to any procedures that may be prescribed.
Quorums and decisions
68. (1) A majority of the members of an appeal board serving at any relevant time 5
(2) A matter before an appeal board is decided by a supporting vote of a majority of
(3) If on any matter before an appeal board there is an equality of votes, the member
constitutes a
quorum for a meeting
of the board.
the members of the board.
presiding at the meeting must exercise a casting vote in addition to that person’s vote as
a member.
Decisions affecting valuation rolls
69. (1) The chairperson of an appeal board and the valuer of the municipality must
ensure that the valuation roll is adjusted or added
to in accordance with the decisions
taken by the appeal board.
(2) If an adjustment in the valuation of a property affects the amount due for rates
payable on that property, section
55(2) must be applied.
(3) Where an addition has been made to the valuation roll as envisaged in subsection
(I), section 55 (3) must be applied.
Orders as to costs 20
70. (I) When an appeal board gives its decision, it may issue an order with regard to
costs it regards as just and equitable.
(2) When making an order in terms of subsection (l), an appeal board may order any
person whose appeal or opposition to
an appeal is in bad faith or frivolous to compensate
the municipality concerned in full or in part for costs incurred by the municipality in
connection with the appeal.
Committees of appeal boards
71. (1) The MEC for local government may, on request by an appeal board, authorise
the board to establish one or more committees to assist it in the performance of its duties.
(2) When appointing members to a committee, an appeal board is not restricted to 30
members of the appeal board.
(3) An appeal board-
(a) must determine the duties of a committee;
(b) must appoint a chairperson and other members of a committee;
(c) may authorise a committee to co-opt advisory members within limits 35
(d) may remove a member of a committee from office at any time; and
(e) may determine a committee’s procedure.
determined by the board;
(4) An
appeal board which has established a committee may dissolve that committee
at any time.
(5) Sections 61 and 66 (2) (b), read with the necessary changes as the context may
require, apply
to the conditions of appointment of committee members who are not
members of
an appeal board.
Inspection of property
72. (1) Subject to any legislation that restricts or prohibits entry to any specific 45
property, a member of, or any other person authorised by, an appeal board may –
(a) between 07:30 and 19:OO on any day except a Sunday or public holiday, enter
any property that is the subject of an appeal or review; and
64 No. 26357 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 17 MAY 2004
(b) inspect that property for the purpose of the appeal or review.
(2) When entering any property in terms of subsection (l), a member of, or any other
(a) must, on demand by a person on that property, produce proof of identity; and
(b) may be accompanied by an interpreter or any other person whose assistance
person authorised by, an appeal board –
may reasonably be required in the circumstances.
(3) The MEC for local government who established an appeal board must issue to a
member of, or any person authorised by, that appeal board an identity card in the
prescribed format containing a photograph of that person.
Access to information 10
A member of, or any other person authorised by, an appeal board may-
(a) require the owner, tenant or occupier of a property which is the subject of an
appeal or review, or the agent of the owner, to give the member or authorised
person access to any document or information in possession of the owner,
tenant, occupier or agent which the member or authorised person reasonably
requires for purpose of the appeal or review;
(b) make extracts from any such document or information; and
(c) in writing require the owner, tenant or occupier of the property, or the agent of
the owner, to provide the member or authorised person either i
n writing or
orally with particulars regarding the property which the member
or authorised
person reasonably requires for purpose of the appeal or review.
Protection of information
74. (1) A member of, or any other person authorised by, an appeal board to inspect
property may not disclose to any person any information obtaine
d whilst exercising a
power referred to in section 72 or
73, except- 25
(a) within the scope of that person’s powers and duties in terms of this Act;
(b) for the purpose of carrying out the provisions of this Act;
(c) for the purpose of legal proceedings; or
(d) in terms of a court order.
(2) Subsection
(1) also applies to a person accompanying a member of an appeal 30
board or a person authorised by an appeal board in terms of section 72 (l), when entering
any property in terms of that section.
Powers of appeal boards
75. (1) An appeal board may-
(a) by notice, summon a person to appear before it- 35
(i) to give evidence; or
(ii) to produce a document available to that person and specified in the
(b) call a person present at a meeting of an appeal board, whether summoned or
not- 40
(i) to give evidence; or
(ii) to produce a document in that person’s custody;
(c) administer an oath or solemn affirmation to that person;
(d) question that person, or have that person questioned; or
(e) retain a document produced in terms of paragraph (a)(ii) or (b)(ii) for a 45
reasonable period.
(2) A person appearing before an appeal board, whether summoned or not, may at his
(3) (a) Aperson summoned to appear before an appeal board is entitled to witness fees
(b) Fees referred to in paragraph
(a) must be paid by the relevant municipality.
or her own
expense be assisted by a legal representative.
paid to state witnesses in criminal proceedings in a court.
66 No. 26357 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 17 MAY 2004
(4) The law regarding privilege applicable to a witness summoned to give evidence in
a criminal case in a court applies to the questioning
of a person in terms of subsection
by, or against, appeal boards
76. (1) Legal proceedings by, or against, an appeal board may be instituted in the 5
(2) Any costs awarded in any legal proceedings against an appeal board must be borne
of the board.
by the municipality concerned.
General 10
77. A municipality must regularly, but at least once a year, update its valuation roll by
(a) a supplementary valuation roll to be prepared , if section 78 applies; or
(b) the valuation roll to be amended, if section 79 applies. 15
Supplementary valuations
78. (1) A municipality must, whenever necessary, cause a supplementary valuation to
be made in respect
of any rateable property-
(a) incorrectly omitted from the valuation roll;
(6) included in a municipality after the last general valuation; 20
(c) subdivided or consolidated after the last general valuation;
(d) of which the market value has substantially increased or decreased for any
(e) substantially incorrectly valued during the last general valuation; or
(fi that must be revalued for any other exceptional reason. 25
reason after the last
general valuation;
(2) For the purposes of subsection (l), the provisions of Part 2 of Chapter 4 and,
5, 6 and 7, read with the necessary changes as the context may require, are
applicable, except that-
(a) a municipal valuer who prepared the valuation roll may be designated for the
preparation and completion of the supplementary valuation roll; and 30
(b) the supplementary valuation roll takes effect on the first day of the month
following the completion of the public inspection period required for the
supplementary valuation roll in terms of section
49 (as read with this section),
and remains valid for the duration of the municipality’s current valuation roll.
(3) Supplementary valuations must reflect the market value of properties determined 35
in accordance with-
(a) market conditions that applied as at the date of valuation determined for
(b) any other applicable provisions of this Act.
of the municipality’s last general valuation;
(4) Rates on a property based on the valuation of that property in a supplementary 40
valuation roll become payable with effect from –
(a) the effective date of the supplementary roll, in the case of a property referred
to in subsection (1)
(a), (e) or (fi;
(b) the date on which the property was included in the municipality, in the case of
a property referred to in subsection (1) (b); 45
(c) the date on which the subdivision or consolidation of the property was
registered in the Deeds Office, in the case of a property referred to in
(1) (c); or
(d) the date on which the event referred to in subsection (1) (d) has occurred.
68 No. 26357 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 17 MAY 2004
Amendment of valuation rolls
79. A municipality must regularly cause its valuation roll to be amended to reflect any
changes to the particulars on the roll, except that changes to
the roll in circumstances
where section
78 applies may only be effected through a supplementary roll in
accordance with that section.
of non-compliance with time periods
80. (1) The MEC for local government in a province may, on good cause shown, and
on such conditions as the MEC may impose, condone any non-compliance with a
provision of this Act requiring any act to be done within a specified period or
any act to be done only within a specified period.
(2) Non-compliance with section 21, 31 or 32 may not be condoned in terms of
(3) The powers conferred in terms of this section on an MEC for local government
may only be exercised within a framework as may be prescribed.
Provincial monitoring
81. (I) The MEC for local government in a province must monitor whethe
municipalities in the province comply with the provisions of this Act.
(2) If a municipality fails to comply with a provision of this Act, the MEC may take
any appropriate steps to ensure compliance, including proposing
an intervention by the
provincial executive in terms of section 139 of the Constitution.
National monitoring and reporting
82. (1) The Minister may monitor, and from time to time investigate and issue a public
report on, the effectiveness, consistency, uniformity and application of mun
valuations for rates purposes.
(2) The investigation may include-
(a) studies of the ratio of valuations to sale prices; and
(b) other appropriate statistical measures to establish the accuracy of the
valuations, including the relative treatment of higher value and lower value
(3) Investigations in terms of subsection
(1) may be undertaken in respect of one or
more or all municipalities.
83. (1) The Minister may make regulations not inconsistent with this Act
(a) any matter that may be prescribed in terms of this Act;
(bj the preparation, contents, adoption, and enforcement of a municipal rates
(cj the manner in which rates referred to in section 21 must be phased in and the
(d) the property register;
(ej the form and contents of any document referred to in this Act, including any-
(i) declaration;
(ii) authorisation;
(iii) valuation roll;
(iv) objection to a valuation; policy;
criteria that municipalities must take into account;
70 ‘ No. 26357 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 17 MAY 2004
(v) appeal against a decision of a municipal valuer; and
(vi) notice;
If) the valuation and rating of public service infrastructure;
(g) the procedure that must be followed in connection with-
(i) appeals to an appeal board against decisions of municipal valuers,
including the procedure to lodge, oppose, adjudicate and dispose
of such
appeals; and
(ii) reviews by
an appeal board of decisions of municipal valuers;
condone non-compliance with a procedural requirement of
this Act; I0
(h) the matters for which, or circumstances in which, an appeal board may
(i) the giving of reasons by an appeal board for its decisions;
(j) the funding of appeal boards by municipalities;
(k) inquiries by investigating tribunals to establish alleged miscond
uct by, or
(I) inquiries by municipalities to establish alleged misconduct by, or alleged 15
(m) fees payable for information or the issue of documents in terms of this Act;
(n) any matter which in the opinion of the Minister is necessary for the effective
(2) The Minister may by regulation in terms of subsection (1) declare a contravention
(3) Regulations in terms of subsection
(1) may treat different categories of properties,
incompetence of, members of appeal boards;
incompetence of, municipal valuers or assistant municipal valuers;
carrying out or furtherance
of the objects of this Act. 20
of, or failure to comply with, any specific regulation an offence.
or different categories of owners of properties, differently.
Consultative processes before promulgation of regulations 25
84. Before regulations in terms of section 83 are promulgated, the Minister must-
(a) consult organised iocal government on the substance of those regulations; and
(b) publish the draft regulations in the Government Gazette for public comment.
Copyright of valuation rolls and other data
Copyright of valuation rolls and other documents produced by municipal valuers, 30
assistant municipal valuers or data-collectors in the performance of their functions, and
data collected by municipal valuers, assistant municipal valuers
or data-collectors for
the purpose of preparing valuation rolls, vests in the municipality concerned.
86. (1) A person is guilty of an offence if that person- 35
(a) contravenes section 43( l)(a) or (b), 44, 62( l)(b) or (c), or 74;
(b) wilfully obstructs, hinders or threatens a valuer or a member of or person
authorised by
an appeal board when the valuer, member or person performs a
duty or exercises a power in terms of this Act;
(c) wilfully gives information in an objection in terms of section 50( l)(c) or in an 40
appeal in terms of section
48 which is false in any material respect;
(d) after having been summoned in terms of section 75 fails-
(i) to be present at a meeting of an appeal board at the time and place
to remain present until excused; or 45
(iii) to produce a document specified in the summons;
specified in the summons;
72 No. 26357 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 17 MAY 2004
(e) after having been called in terms of section 75 refuses-
(i) to appear;
(ii) to answer any question, except where the answer might incriminate
or her; or
(iii) to produce a document in that person’s custody; or
(f) fails to comply with a request in terms of section 29(4), 42( 1) (a) or (c) or 73
(a) or (c), or in response to such request wilfully supplies false or incorrec
information in any material respect.
(2) A valuer is guilty of an offence if that valuer is grossly negligent in the exercise of
the functions of office set out in section
34. 10
(3) A person convicted of an offence in terms of subsection (1) or (2) is liable to
imprisonment not exceeding two years or to a fine
as may be prescribed in applicable
national legislation.
(4) A person convicted of an offence in terms of section 83(2) is liable to a fine or
imprisonment not exceeding six months.
Application of Act when in conflict with other laws
87. This Act prevails in the event of any inconsistency between this Act and any other
legislation regulating the levying of municipal rates.
Transitional arrangement: Valuation and rating under prior legisl
88. (1) Municipal valuations and property rating conducted before the co
mmence- 20
ment of this Act by a municipality in an area in terms of legislation repealed by this Act,
may, despite such repeal, continue to be conducted in terms
of that legislation until the
date on which the valuation roll covering that area prepared i
n terms of this Act takes
effect in terms of section
32 (1).
“local authority”, “local council”, “metropolitan local council”, “rural council” or
“other unit” of local government must
(a) in relation to an area situated within a metropolitan municipal
ity, be regarded
as refemng to that metropolitan municipality;
(b) in relation to an area situated within a local municipality, be regarded as 30
referring to that local municipality; and
(c) in relation to an area situated within a district management a
rea, be regarded
as referring to the district municipality in which that district m
anagement area
(2) For purposes
of subsection
(l), any reference in such repealed legislation to a 25
‘Ikansitional arrangement: Use of existing valuation rolls and supplementary 35
valuation rolls
89. (1) Until it prepares a valuation roll in terms of this Act, a municipality may-
(a) continue to use a valuation roll and supplementary valuation roll that was
(b) levy rates against property values as shown on that roll or s
upplementary roll. 40
force in its area before the commencement
of this Act; and
(2) If a municipality uses valuation rolls and supplementary valuation rolls in terms of
(1) that were prepared by different predecessor municipalities, the
municipality may impose different rates based on the different rolls,
so that the amount
payable on similarly situated properties is more or less similar.
from that date any valuation roll
or supplementary valuation roll that was in force before
the commencement of this Act may not be used.
(3) This section lapses four years from the date
of commencement of this Act, and 45
-74 No. 26357 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 17 MAY 2004
‘I’ransitional arrangement: Existing rates policies
(1 j A rates policy adopted by a municipality before the commencement of this Act:
including any revisions of such rates policy, continues to be of force after such
commencement until the date on which the first valuation roll prepared by the
municipality in terms of this Act takes effect in terms of section
32 (1). 5
(2) Any review of such rates policy after the commencement of this Act must take into
account the aims of section
3 (3).
Transitional arrangement: Application of section 21
91. Section 21, read with section 88, also applies to rates levied on property referred
to in section 21 in terms of legislation repealed by this Act, after the commencement of 10
this Act.
Transitional arrangement: Liability of bodies corporate of sectional title schemes
(1) Section 10 does not apply in respect of rates levied against a valuation roll or
supplementary valuation roll prepared before the effective date of the first valuation roll
prepared in terms of this Act.
Section 25 does not affect the liability of a body corporate of a sectional title
scheme to a municipality, nor of the owner of a sectional title unit to the body corporate,
for property rates levied against a valuation roll or supplemen
tary valuation roll
prepared before the effective date of the first valuation roll prepared in terms of this Act.
Transitional arrangement: Special rating areas 20
93. (1) A special rating area established by a municipality in terms of legislation
repealed by this Act, continues after the commencement of this Act for the period for
which it was established or until the municipality has recovered
any capital expenditure
it. has incurred for the purpose
of such special rating area, whichever period expires first.
( 1 j, be complied with as from one year after the commencement of this Act.
Amendment of section 115 of Act 32 of 2000
(2) Section 22 (3) (c) must, in relation to a special rating area referred to in subsection 25
94. Section 115 of the Municipal Systems Act is amended by the substitution in
subsection (1
j for the words preceding paragraph (a) of the following words:
*‘( 1) Any notice or other document that is served on a person in terms of this Act 30
or by a municipality in terms of any other legislation is regarded as having been
Amendment and repeal of legislation
The legislation specified in the Schedule is-
(a) amended to the extent indicated in the third column of the Schedule; and 35
(b) repealed to the extent indicated in the third column of the Schedule.
Short title and commencement
This Act is called the Local Government: Municipal Property Rat
es Act, 2004, and
comes into operation
on a date to be determined by the President by proclamation in the
Gazette. 40
76 No. 26357 GOVERNMENT GAZE’ITE, 17 MAY 2004
Sections 8 to 1
No. 3 of 1986)
22. Sections 1, 2 and 3 Divisional Councils Amendment Ordinance, 1986
(Ordinance No. 4 of 1986)
The whole
No. 148 of 1993 28.
The whole Proclamation No. 147 of 1993 27.
The whole Valuation Ordinance, 1994 (Ordinance No. 26 of 1994) 26.
Part 2 of Chapter 10 Municipal Act, 1987 (Act No. 17 of 1987), Ciskei 25. Part 2
of Chapter 8 Municipalities Act, 1979 (Act No. 25 of 1979) 24. The whole Valuation Act, 1978 (Act
No. 30 of 1978), Transkei
~~ ’78 No. 26357
.4ct No. 6,2004 LOCAL GOVERNMENT
Sections 2 and 3 Local Authorities Second Amendment Ordinance, 1979
No. 14 of 1979)
21. Sections 14,
15 and 16
Durban Extended Powers: Amendment Ordinance, 1979
(Ordinance No. 15 of 1979)
22. Section 3 Pinetown Extended Powers Ordinance, 1979 (Ordinance
No. 17 of 1979)
23. Section 8 Local Authorities Fourth Amendment Ordinance, 1979 (Ordinance
No. 24 of 1979)
24. Sections 2(1), 3 and 4
Local Authorities Amendment Ordinance, 1980
(Ordinance No. 8 of 1980)
25. Sections 6 and 7
Durban Extended Powers: Amendment Ordinance, 1980
(Ordinance No. 18 of 1980)
80 No. 26357 GOVERNMENT GAZETIE, 17 MAY 2004
No. Extent of amendment Title, No. and year of law or repeal
26. Sections 7 and 8 Local Authorities Second Amendment Ordinance, 1980
No. 27 of 1980)
27. Section 6
Durban Extended Powers: Amendment Ordinance, 1981
No. 15 of 1981)
28. Section 2
Local Authorities Second Amendment Ordinance, 1981
No. 20 of 1981)
29. Section
1 Local Authorities Amendment Ordinance, 1982
No. 3 of 1982)
30. Sections 7 to 11
Local Authorities Second Amendment Ordinance, 1982
No. 5 of 1982)
31. Section 4 Durban Extended Powers: Amendment Ordinance, 1982
No. 12 of 1982)
32. Section
4 Local Authorities Third Amendment Ordinance, 1982
No. 16 of 1982)
33. Sections 4 to 9 Local Authorities Amendment Ordinance, 1983
No. 5 of 1983)
Section 1
Local Authorities Amendment Ordinance, 1984 35. Section
Pietermaritzburg Loan and Extended Powers Ordinance,
1983 (Ordinance
No. 8 of 1983)
No. 4 of 1984)
36. Section 1
Local Authorities Fourth Amendment Ordinance, 1984
No. 9 of 1984)
Sections 35 to 38
‘Local Authorities Amendment Ordinance, 1985
Sections 5, 6(aj and (bj, and
Durban Extended Powers: Amendment Ordinance, 1984
(Ordinance No. 14 of 1984) 7
(Ordinance No. 9 of 1985)
39. Paragraph
X(ix) of the Penalties Amendment Ordinance, 1986 (Ordinance No. 8 of 1986)
40. Sections 2, 3 and 4
Local Authorities Amendment Ordinance, 1986
No. 11 of 1986)
Paragraph 6
No. 6 of 1994
50. Paragraphs 5(
7 and 8(2)
Proclamation No. 4 of 1994 49. Paragraphs 2 and
3 Proclamation No. 56 of 1992
48. Paragraphs 8( 1)
and 9 to 12 Proclamation No. 55 of 1991
47. Paragraph 8
No. 55 of 1990
46. The whole
No. 54 of 1990
45. Section
No. 27 of 1990
44. Paragraphs
2, 3
and 4
Proclamation No. 12 of 1990
43. Paragraphs
5 to 8 Proclamation No. 16 of 1989
42. Paragraphs 29, 30 and 31
No. 4 of 1988
132 No. 26357 GOVERNMENT GAZETIE, 17 MAY 2004
No. Extent of amendment Title, No. and year of law or repeal
1. Parts IV and V of Chapter XI Local Government Ordinance, 1962 (Ordinance No. 8 of
2. Section 2 Local Government Amendment Ordinance, 1963 (Ordinance
No. 13 of 1963)
3. Sections 7 to
10 Local Government Amendment Ordinance, 1966
(Ordinance No. 15 of 1966)
4. Section 2
Local Government Amendment Ordinance, 1967
(Ordinance No. 6 of 1967)
5. Section 5 Local Government .4mendment Ordinance, 1968 (Ordinance No. 7 of 1968)
6. Section 1
Local Government Further Amendment Ordinance, 1968
(Ordinance No. 14 of 1968)
7. Section 10 Local Government Amendment Ordinance, 1971
No. 11 of 1971)
8. Section
14 Local Government Amendment Ordinance, 1972
(Ordinance No. 6 of 1972)
9. Section 3
Local Government Further Amendment Ordinance, 1974
No. 13 of 1974)
10. Section 4
Local Government Amendment Ordinance, 1975
(Ordinance No. 3 of 1975)
11. Sections
5 and 6
Local Government Further Amendment Ordinance, 1977
(Ordinance No. 9 of 1977)
12. Section
5 Local Government Third Amendment Ordinance, 1977
(Ordinance No. 14 of 1977)
13. Section 7 Local Government Amendment Ordinance, 1979
No. 2 of 1979)
14. Section 1
Local Government Amendment Ordinance, 1982
No. 7 of 1982)
15. Section
5 Local Government Further Amendment Ordinance, 1982
No. 14 of 1982)
16. Section 1
Local Government Amendment Ordinance, 1985
No. 6 of 1985)
17. Sections 7 and 8 Local Government Amendment Ordinance, 1986
(Ordinance No. 19 of 1986)
Paragraph 1
No. 15 of 1996 23.
Paragraphs 7 to 25 Proclamation No. 136 of 1993 :22. Paragraph
12 Proclamation No. 90 of 1993 21.
Paragraphs 6 and 7
No. 86 of 1991 :20.
Paragraphs 3 and 4
Proclamation No. 5 of 1991 19. Paragraphs
40(b) and 43
Proclamation No. 18 of 1988
84 No. 26357 GOVERNMENT GAZE?TE, 17 MAY 2004
No. Extent of amendment
Title, No. and year of law
or repeal
1. Section 50 Local Government Ordinance, 1939 (Ordinance No. 17 of 1939)
2. Sections 26bis and 29 Transvaal Board for the Development of P
eas Ordinance, 1943 (Ordinance No. 20 of 1943)
3. Section
3 Local Government Amendment Ordinance, 1944
(Ordinance No. 19 of 1944)
4. Section
2 Pen-Urban Areas Health Board Amendment Ordinance,
1945 (Ordinance
No. 21 of 1945)
5. Section 10
Pen-Urban Areas Health Board Amendment Ordinance,
1948 (Ordinance
No. 24 of 1948)
6. Section 3 Local Government Amendment Ordinance, 1965
(Ordinance No. 24
of 1965)
7. Section 5 Local Government Amendment Ordinance, 1966
(Ordinance No. 24 of 1966)
8. Section 4 Local Government Amendment Ordinance, 1968
No. 15 of 1968)
9. Section 4 Transvaal Board for the Development
of Pen-Urban Ar-
eas Health Board Amendment Ordinance, 1970 (Ordinance
No. 9 of 1970)
10. Section
2 Transvaal Board for the Development of Pen-Urban Ar-
eas Health Board Amendment Ordinance, 1976
No. 12 of 1976)
11. The whole, except section 48
Local Authorities Rating Ordinance, 1977 (Ordinance
No. I 1 of 1977)
12. The whole Local Authorities Rating Amendment Ordinance, 1978
(Ordinance No. 10 of 1978)
13. Sections 4 and 12 Local Government Amendment Ordinance, 1978
No. 16 of 1978)
14. Section
2 Local Government Amendment Ordinance, 1980 (Ordinance
No. 13 of 1980)
15. The whole Local Authorities Rating Amendment Ordinance, 1980
No. 15 of 1980)
16. The whole
Local Authorities Rating Amendment Ordinance, 1981
No. 7 of 1981)
17. The whole Local Authorities Rating Amendment Ordinance, 1982
(Ordinance No. 7 of 1982)
18. The whole
Local Authorities Rating Amendment Ordinance, 1983
(Ordinance No.
10 of 1983)
19. The whole
Local Authorities Rating Amendment Ordinance, 1984
(Ordinance No.12 of 1984)
20. The whole
Local Authorities Rating Amendment Ordinance, 1985
No. 17 of 1985)
22. The whole
Proclamation No. 46
of 1990
The whole
No. 17 of 1994 23. Paragraph
5 Proclamation No. 3 of 1992
86 No. 26357 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 17 MAY 2004
No. Extent of amendment
Title, No. and year of law
or repeal
6 and 7 Local Authorities Affairs Amendment Act, 1991 (Act No. 2.
The whole Rating of State Property Act, 1984 (Act No. 79 of 1984)
of 1991)
of 1974, 1994 (Law No. 1 of 1994)
Section 2 Western Cape Law on the Amendment of the Divisional 4. Section 2 Western Cape Law
on the
Amendment of the Municipal
Councils Ordinance
of 1976, 1994 (Law No. 2 of 1994)
5. The whole Local Government Amendment Act, 1996 (Act No. 8 of
1996), Gauteng
6. Section 1 Local Government Ordinance Amendment Act, 1997 (A
No. 3 of 1997), Free State
7. The whole Local Authorities Rating Amendment Act, 1997 (Act
5 of 1997), Gauteng