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Document Information:
- Year: 2005
- Country: South Korea
- Language: English
- Document Type: Publication
- Topic: Advocacy and Public Policy Activities,Assembly and Protest,Defending Civil Society
Protest and Democratic Consolidation:
A Korean Perspective
Jose Aleman
Princeton University
Scenes of workers or other citizens clashing with riot police
are a common occurrence in South Korea. While this may come as no
surprise to most adult Koreans, such collective mobilization challenges
established theories
of democratization and democratic consolidation
that strongly associate the latter with moderation
of social protests. I
Unlike the expectation that the more a political structure
accommodates participation,
the less people protest 2
, protests have
persisted in South Korea even after the country passed several tests
successful democratization. To be fair, violent and illegal protests have
declined. But
no important shifts in strategies, nor significant
in protest repertoires, seem to have taken place.
Demonstrations and strikes have become part and parcel
of Korean
democracy. This article contends that political scientists have not paid
sufficient attention to the ways in which political protest can contribute
to the consolidation of a new democracy. Political contention in
institutionalized democracies typically revolves around well-defined
cleavages. When social movements lack institutional access and
support structures for reform, movements are weak; however, a broader
of stability and consolidation is necessary to enable the
to examine the consequences of contention over a protracted
A change in some dimensions
of the political opportunity
in stable countries will send clear signals about the feasibility
of protest. In a democratizing country, however, it is sometimes not
clear how stable political alignments are and whether strategically
placed allies will be available
to protesting groups. In this situation, it
is hard for groups in civil society to craft their demands as responses to
partial openings or closings in the pre established institutional network
of the polity (as in Western democracies).
This article proceeds
as follows. The first section, examines
the theoretical links between democratization and protest, followed by
an appraisal of the Korean transition in the second section. Section
three introduces the role
of labor mobilization in the transition. Once a
polity becomes democratic, the argument goes, political opportunities
International Journal
of Korean Studies • Vol. IX, No.1 71
help determine the relative cost and benefit of protest. Consequently,
sections four and five analyze the evolution
of social protests during the
Roh Tae Woo (1988-1993) and Kim Young Sam (1993-1998)
administrations. According
to prominent theories of democratic consolidation,
the consolidation
of a new democracy will occur only when
cooperation replaces conflict
as the most promising mechanism for
advancing the interests
of important groups. In final section then, the
Kim Dae Jung administration's (1998-2003) experience with social
is evaluated. The paper concludes with the
of Korea's first significant progressive political
force -the Democratic Labor Party (DLP).
Protest and Democratization: The Links Revisited
Political scientists have not clearly articulated the links
between political protest and democratization. Despite the fact that
popular mobilization contributed to the breakdown
of many
authoritarian regimes, the first studies
of democratic transitions argued
that the opening
of access to power discouraged mobilization. In later
works, some noted the profound discrepancy between existing theories
and what was taking place on the ground.
3 They quickly reasoned that
opening political systems decreased the costs
of mobilization, thereby
increasing the likelihood that dissent would take place. The focus
such studies; however, remained on how social movements affected the
of transition or the democratization of civil society, 4 not on
what patterns
of protest to expect once the initial transition ended.
It is then that a second and much longer period begins in
which institutional, behavioral and attitudinal regimes linking civil and
political society are supposed
to crystallize. 5 If all goes well, a
consolidated democracy
is born in which most conflicts are processed
through institutions that evoke compliance
of the relevant political
forces. 6 Along the way, actors learn? or find it in their own self interest
to play by the rules of the new game. 8 How exactly this procedural
learning takes place, however, has not been demonstrated.
To be sure, part
of the problem lies in the perceived elite bias
of the democratization literature. Collier and Mahoney argue that labor
movements played pivotal roles in democratic transitions by moving
the transition forward and expanding the scope
of conflict in the new
democratic regimes. 9 Many studies, however, do not focus on the role
of non-elites, usually because subordinate groups were not sufficiently
strategic during the transition. Labor unions in some Southern
European and Latin American countries resorted to mass protest once
the transition began. The prevailing view, however,
is that worker's
72 International Journal
of Korean Studies • Spring/Summer 2005 sense
of relative depri
opposition. Once
achieved, unions ceas
The exception
and position occupied
organized labor – in 1 Wh'l democracy. 1 e
move towards a d
through to a success
The South Korean
Studies of
on the notion
of poll
incidence, frequency,
are considered rati
opportunities and
calculation, however,
come to define con
the inauguration of
of refo
two conservative
trying to
to perceived gov
considered "norm
difficult. As the n
higher every
Republic (except .
Table 1
0< to ..10
1982 69
1983 143
sense of relative deprivation played into the electoral maneuvering of
the opposition. Once wages increased and economic growth was
achieved, unions ceased to push for political goals. IO
The exception is perhaps Valenzuela, who addressed the role
and position occupied by the most influential social movement
organized labor -
in processes of transition from authoritarianism to
II While labor mobilization is important for the initial
move towards a democratic transition, Valenzuela argued, labor's
subsequent moderation
is equally important in seeing the transition
through to a successful democratic conclusion.
The South Korean Transition: Changing Elite-Mass
Studies of protest activity in democratic countries have relied
on the notion of political opportunity structures (PaS) to explain the
incidence, frequency, and intensity
of political protests. Protest actions
are considered rational to the extent that they result from favorable
opportunities and the expectation
of rewards. This assumption of
calculation, however, is inconsistent with the protest cycles that have
to define contentious political participation in South Korea after
the inauguration
of the Sixth Republic. 12
Because the transition to democracy in 1987 resulted in a
of reformed authoritarians who merged with the remaining
two conservative parties in 1990
to create a Grand Conservative
Coalition, trying
to separate protest activity that is considered a reaction
to perceived government illegitimacy from behavior that could be
considered "normal" under a newly established democracy is at best
difficult. As the numbers below make clear, the number
of protests was
higher every year from 1988
to 1992 than at any time during the Fifth
Republic (except
in 1987), and most of these events were illegal and
Table 1
-<.. 10..
p orIce S
.."'l .. ,.C ..= :l... '<
UPI IlreSSlOn M aneuvers
.., I:l.t"'
I:l I:lr'l I:llil' =::z .. 10 .. 10 .. 10 "CI .. Q= ..= a a. -IJQ a= 10 [a Q ell Q Q
Q .. :l .. ::t '< ell !:o. lr :I Q
Q ell Q =:: a ... ell ... .. .. ...... :l 10 .. ..
1984 1,548 427,105
175 19,055 Opposition to the
Government 3,947,850
1985 2,463
238 37,655 Opposition
to the
Government 6,000,900
I: 12
2,201 514,730 269 12,090 Opposition to the
Government (Constitutional Revision) 6,540,600
1987 12,957 3,145,667
338 194,998
Revision, labor
strikes, torture
censure 8,130,450
1988 6,921 1,789,967
321 96,584 North-South
festival, labor
strife, 5
th Republic
liquidation 6,626,528
1989 7,056
1,984,987 337 69,910
of Teacher's Union,
Campaign to
Liquidate the
National Security
of the
People's Festival 5,908,826
1990 6,715 1,874,874 332 98,580 5 th Republic
Liquidation, 3
Party Merger 2,076,073
I: l.l
1991 6,491 2,382,000 337 105,000 Opposition to the
Government 2,217,222
1992 4,946 1,604,400 350 61,200 Opposition
to the
Government 1,509,840
Source: Police Annual Report, National Police Agency, 1991 and 1992.
These five years, contrary to Tarrow's (1993) depiction of a
of mobilization, do not fit the demonstrative effect of a
mobilization cycle in which action on the part
of a group of early risers
triggers processes
of diffusion, extension, imitation and reaction among
other groups. Quite to the contrary, each
of the actors instrumental in
this cycle
of mobilization -workers, students, dissidents and regular
citizens -fits very differently into the smaller cycles
of protest that
made up this long period
of mobilization.
Labor was the first mass actor to mobilize through the
Great Workers' Struggle (July-September of 1987). This struggle was
ignited right after Roh Tae Woo, then chairman
of the ruling
Democratic Justice Party, announced his eight-point democratization
13 On July 5, only a week after the surprise announcement,
workers in strategic export zones began organize unions. Although
strikes initially concentrated on higher wages and better working conditions,
Federation of Ko
economic issues.
The uni
economically rep
the expansion of
Through their
of the June 30 ann
of organization
strikes in which
however, was the
important political
attacks against e
include revisions
created a
creed -militant
much more politi
moreover, the 3,7
an effort by the
As a matter of t1
threat to South ~
repress these pro
elections. Ha'
relations, regime
the labor questi
In Nov
New Democratic
limiting adminis
revisions, unions
and ensured they ..
1987 and April
its voice
heard ..
Valenzuela as
mediation in
participation in·
74 International Journal
of Korean Studies • Spring/Summer 2005
conditions, these unions (established independently of the official
of Korean Trade Unions) went well beyond narrow
economic issues.
The union movement, moreover, was politically and
economically repressed at the time
of the transition. Consequently,
only well-paid manufacturing workers felt secure enough to demand
the expansion of political rights and democratization on the shop floor.
Through their actions, almost 1,500 unions sprang up within six months
of the June
30 announcement. Many studies have emphasized the lack
of organization and coordination
14 and the economic nature of these
strikes in which
1.3 million workers participated. More important,
however, was the fact that this frontal challenge accomplished several
important political goals. This form
of class warfare resulted in fierce
attacks against employers and managers, forcing the government
include revisions to the labor code in its reform package. Second, it
created a new union leadership
in more than 3,300 firms with a new
creed -militant unionism -which, once mobilized, began
to take a
much more political overtone.
Contrary to labor militancy in other democratic transitions,
moreover, the 3,749 labor disputes occurring
in 1987 did not represent
an effort by the political opposition to enhance its electoral position.1 6
As a matter of fact, the Great Workers' Struggle represented a serious
to South Korea's export economy, but the ruling party could not
repress these protests ahead
of the first presidential and parliamentary
elections. Having declared the principle
of autonomous industrial
relations, regime and oppositional elites had
no choice but to address
the labor question directly in the negotiations leading to a new
constitution. In November
of that year, the ruling DJP and the opposition
New Democratic Party (NDP) amended the Trade Union Law, greatly
simplifying the process
of registering and organizing unions 11 and
limiting administrative powers over internal union affairs. 18 With these
revisions, unions broadened the terms
of the transition to democracy
and ensured they remained key actors
in the post-transitional period. 19
The democratic regime inaugurated between November of
1987 and April of 1988, however, virtually guaranteed that the labor
movement would make protests and strikes indispensable tools to make
its voice heard. This ensured that the first condition identified by
as facilitating democratic consolidation -labor union
moderation -would not be present in the Korean context. By
upholding the three nos in Korean industrial relations -
no third party
in disputes (including trade union mediation), no labor
participation in politics, and
no labor organization beyond the firm
International Journal of Korean Studies • Vol. IX, No.1 75
level -the Trade Union Act continued to deny labor rights of full
democratic citizenship.
The Sixth Republic: What Kind of Democracy?
In South Korea, as we have seen, social movement actors not
only possessed the conditions for independent intervention in the
political arena, but, more importantly, became effective in confronting
authoritarian elites and pressing traditional opposition elites to broaden
the terms
of the transition to democracy. Nevertheless, a second factor
is necessary to understand the role of social movements in
democratization -the capacity for coalition building
of the established
opposition. According to Sandoval, cohesion within the coalition
confronting the authoritarian regime results in the incorporation
of new
actors into the realm
of institutional politics.
Over time, by stabilizing the political opportunity structure,
social movement subordination to the agenda
of the opposition makes
political contention more predictable. 20 In Korea's case, however, the
opposition's lack
of cohesion prevented the creation of an effective
alliance with nascent social movements. As a result, the inauguration
of the Sixth Republic in February of 1988 ignited a wave of social
mobilization not witnessed in many other transitional settings.
Ironically, one
of Roh's first moves as president was to
emphasize his desire to govern by consensus with the opposition. On
January 11, Roh established a 52-member ad hoc Committee for the
of Democracy and National Reconciliation (CPDNR).
During the course
of its deliberations, the CPDNR acknowledged that
martial law had involved 'excessive' abuses
of human rights. 21 On
1, following the CPDNR's recommendations, Roh issued an
official apology for the Kwangju massacre, which the government
"a struggle for democratization".22
The ruling party, however, did not attain the much-sought
consensus. The opposition viewed its reforms as delayed and
insufficient, and this only contributed to the perception
of the Roh
13th regime as illegitimate. The outcome of the National Assembly
elections (April 1988), in which the ruling Democratic Justice Party
(DJP) lost its parliamentary majority, added to the problem by altering
the stability
of the new regime. This strategic opening was used by the
opposition to press for a complete liquidation
of the Fifth Republic and
additional labor reforms.
Because social movement organizations could count on their
autonomous role, protests at least initially had more to do with
collective group grievances than with emerging opportunities in the
new political domain. Student protests in the first four years
of the
76 International Journal
of Korean Studies • Spring/Summer 2005 Sixth
for ex
democratic reforms be
Woo' s government.
political protest can
Woo's administration.
May -the traditional
of November.
Figure 1
of tear g~
1992. Th
and religious di'
low, but was hi
who could be co
strategy.24 Stud
and frequency
In term
high in 1989 an
of 1992. The
governing. tougher
Sixth Republic, for example, were less frequent than conflicts over
democratic refonns between the parliamentary opposition and Roh Tae
Woo's government. As a result, consistent temporal patterns of
political protest can be observed, regardless of the year, during Roh Tae
Woo's administration. The number of incidents was high in April and
May -the traditional season
of student activism -the summer, and the
of November.
Figure 1
of tear gas incidents (1988-9.1992)23
• 1988 Incidents
o 1969 nciden!s
• 1990 Incidents
III 1991 Incidents .1992 (-9.30) Incidents
Students sponsored the bulk of demonstrations from 1988
through 1992. The number
of demonstrations in which regular citizens
and religious dissidents accounted for the bulk
of protestors remained
low, but was higher in some cases than protests sponsored by workers,
who could be counted on the to use the strike as their preferred protest
strategy.24 Student protests remained high in the number
of participants
and frequency until 1991.
tenn of participation, the numbers of those involved was
high in 1989 and 1991, lower in 1988, 1990, and the first nine months
of 1992. The beginning and ending years of Roh Tae Woo's
administration were transitional years in which many potential
protestors most likely waited out the consolidation
of new patterns of
governing. During this period, government efforts to put in place
tougher measures to deter protests backfired.
International Journal
of Korean Studies • Vol. IX, No. I 77
On December 28, 1988, for example, President Roh Tae-woo
made a special announcement signaling the end
of the government's
of not actively confronting strikes and demonstrations. Roh
declared that South Korea was suffering from the "throes
democratization" and ordered a crackdown on violent anti-government
protests and illegal labor disputes.
"It is a daily event that universities
and factories are paralyzed, illegal street protests cause traffic chaos,
public offices, foreign missions and the National Assembly building are
occupied and political party offices are firebombed,"
he said. 25 In
response to the use
of petrol bombs in confrontations with riot police or
in incidences in which they were thrown at official buildings by anti
government demonstrators, the Cabinet followed up on February 9 with
a bill stipulating three years in jail for those carrying firebombs and
seven years injail for those using them.
In spite of these announcements, protests increased throughout
1989. A crippling strike at the Hyundai shipyard lasted
109 days and
ended only when a massive military-style operation involving 20,000
riot police stormed the shipyard from land, sea and air. On April
19, an
amended Demonstration and Assembly Act took effect. With
demonstrators using campuses as staging grounds for street battles, the
government felt compelled to ban demonstrations
in "prohibited
zones," including the major streets in sixteen cities.
The number
of illegal strikes stayed high with almost 8,000
new unions being created
in the two years after 1987 and the rate of
organization rising from 15 to 23 percent. There were 1,173 labor
disputes in 1988 and 1,678 from January
to October of 1989.
Table 2
Increase in Labor Unions and Labor Strikes
Year Union
Members Conflicts
participants Days
1981 966,738 186 34,586 30,948
1982 984,136
88 8,967 11,504
1983 1,009,881
98 11,100
1984 1,010,522
113 16,400 19,900
1985 1,004,398
265 28,700
1986 1,035,890
276 46,941 72,025
1987 1,267,457 3,749
1,262,285 6,946,935
1988 1,707,456 1,873 293,455
1989 1,932,415
1,616 409,134
1990 1,886,884
322 133,916
1991 1,803,408
234 175,089 3,271,334
1992 1,734,598
235 105,034 1,527,612 1993
1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999
The n
increased their .
proportion of
uni '
industrial fed
and unionizing
somewhat radi "
new, claimed
from th
This w •
collective labor
Sixth Republic.,
high, collective
percent of all .
were ov
right to bargain
and 25.5 percent'
increased to
significant was
deemed illegal
The Creation 0,
of consolidation,
its demands
more likely to
78 International Journal of Korean Studies • Spring/Summer 2005
1996 1997
1998 1999 1,667,373
1,484,194 1,401,940
1,480,666 144
92,026 1,308,326
444,720 1,452,096
Source: National Statistical Office
The newly-established unions in strategic export industries
increased their strength by coming together on a company level. The
of organized workers increased to 23.3 percent in 1989.
Horizontal unionization was matched by vertical expansion. Five
industrial federations were established by splitting existing federations
and unionizing previously unorganized white-collar employers. White
collar unions, unimaginable in the past, adopted a progressive and
somewhat radical orientation. Finally, most enterprise unions, old and
new, claimed the right
of collective wage negotiation, sometimes with
support from the industrial federation, but mostly on an independent
basis. This was manifested in changes in the character and tactics
collective labor action in the years following the inauguration of the
Sixth Republic. While the overall number
of disputes stayed fairly
high, collective action became more political and less economic in
orientation and tactics more disruptive.
In 1987, for example, 70.1
percent of all disputes were over wages. In 1988 51.6 percent of
disputes were over pay, compared to 47.6 percent in 1989. As for the
right to bargain collectively, the numbers were 16.9 percent in 1988
and 25.5 percent
in 1989. Moreover, the average duration of a dispute
increased to 17.8 days
in 1989 from 10 days in the previous year. Most
significant was the fact that 69 percent
of the events for that year were
deemed illegal under the Labor Dispute Adjustment Law. 27
The Creation of the DLP and the Modality of the Transition
According to Valenzuela, for a democracy to reach the stage
of consolidation, opposition elites have to ensure that labor moderates
its demands once the initial transition
is over. This proper sequence of
mobilization-moderation is deemed conducive to successful
democratization. This picture, however, is complicated by the electoral
uncertainty surrounding the transition to democracy. The transition is
more likely to be uncertain when, following several years
International Journal of Korean Studies • Vol. IX, No. 1
authoritarianism, legislative and presidential elections are held in which
the electoral strength
of the ruling party and the opposition are not
entirely known.
Labor moderation usually occurs when labor possesses either
a mass party or a nationwide peak organization. In South Korea,
however, neither
of the two was the case. In 1990, moreover, the
of the conservative super-majority Democratic Liberal Party
(DLP), modeled on the LDP in Japan, ended hopes in progressive
of a political alliance with opposition parties. 28 The three party
merger -which took place on January 12, 1990, the same day the
Korea Trade Union Congress (KTUC
Chunnohyup) was launched
was designed to realign the conservative camp.
The government attempted
to use its newly acquired 299-vote
majority in the National Assembly
to circumvent normal procedures
and enact a series
of controversial measures. Kim Dae Jung's Liberal
Party for Peace and Democracy (PPD) was unable to block these
measures successfully in spite
of chaotic filibusters. 29 In a move
to bring a return to the extra-parliamentary tactics
successfully used from 1985 to 1987, the 80-member opposition
resigned in masse and called for an immediate general election (July
1990). The opposition's structural weakness, however, prevented the
skillful use
of mobilization to advance its goals.
Figure 2
Popular mobilization, 1990-6.1992. Units:
number of
protestors 30
---+- 1990 Protestors 1991 Protestors ......-1992 Protestors
In May
political protest. 31 .
student to death
erupted on univ
short period of
At first,
the gOY
turning point c
seek a
simultaneously, i
local adrninis .
the ex
In two
respondents (80.
handle student
Furthermore, 62.
a positive effi
protest activity
of unreported
surpass that of
Kim Young
The InstitutJ
, It was
as initiating the
Kim Young S
in thirty-two y
to cha
result, his ace
scholarly deb
as compared
combination others
(sometimes above
of labor and
to arti ;
80 International Journal of Korean Studies • Spring/Summer 2005
In May of 1991, there was a dramatic and brief spike in
political protest. 3
] The trigger was news that the police had beaten a
student to death during a protest the previous April 26. Protests first
erupted on university campuses, but soon protestors embarked on a
short period
of street politics that brought about remarkable turnouts.
At first, the government opted to stay away as protests escalated. The
turning point came when the president announced that
he would not
seek a constitutional revision for a cabinet system. Almost
simultaneously, it was announced that a deal for the introduction
of a
local administration system had been reached. The following figure
reveals the extent
of popular mobilization during that extraordinary
In two polls conducted in June
of 1992, the majority of
respondents (80.6%) were of the opinion that the government should
handle student demonstrations in a moderate and sensible way.
Furthermore, 62.6%
of those polled felt that student demonstrations had
a positive effect on the country's political climate.
32 Nevertheless,
protest activity was far from becoming institutionalized
as the number
of unreported protests (4,170), by definition illegal, continued to
surpass that
of reported incidents (642) in the last year of Roh Tae
Woo's administration. 33
Kim Young Sam's "Civil Government":
The Institutionalization
of Protest?
It was the election of Kim Young Sam in 1992 that some see
as initiating the institutionalization of protest activity in South Korea.
Kim Young Sam was the first democratically-elected civilian president
in thirty-two years. His popularity, moreover, made it difficult for civil
society to challenge the state based on its intrinsic legitimacy.
As a
result, his accomplishments and failures 34 form a good starting point for
scholarly debates over the relative importance
of "reform from above"
as compared to "pressure from below". Some view democratic
as a consequence of mass pressures for meaningful
reforms. Still others argue that consolidation results from a
of "reform from above" and "pressure from below". Still
others view continued mobilization
as dangerous, especially when
representative institutions are still fragile.
Indeed, Kim Young Sam's presidency
is best known for the
(sometimes unintended) interplay
of political reforms emanating from
above and popular reaction to these initiatives, particularly in the areas
of labor and prosecution of authoritarian elites for human rights
violations. Encouraged by Kim's reformist offensive, some groups
to articulate a vision of civic participation centered, in the words
International Journal
of Korean Studies· Vol. IX, No.1 81
of Lewis, on "new, less confrontational, un-provocative, peaceful
essentially depoliticized" -means
of popular participation. 35 The use
of Molotov cocktails, steel pipes, stones, railway and road occupations,
and attacks on public buildings are all examples
of established forms of
violent direct action in the protest repertoire of popular organizations in
South Korea. Although their use declined dramatically, however, the
overall level
of demonstrations did not appreciably change.
Figure 3
of rallies and demonstrations, 1995-1999 36
10,000 8,000
Some argue that this represented a major change in the culture
of protest in a democratizing context.3 ? They
cite the widely-known
of The Citizen's Coalition for Economic Justice, founded in
8, as an example of a social movement trying to work within
rather than outside
of the system,39 Other groups, however, continued
their militancy in the face
of popular disenchantment with their tactics.
The student movement, for example, became more radical and less
influential by the mid 1990s.
40 In response to public criticism of its
violent tactics, student activists renamed their organization the National
of University Student Councils (or Hanch 'ongryon).41 As
as 1996, college students remained highly visible participants in the
18 anniversary festivities held annually in Kwangju.
Most importantly, Kim's globalization blueprint spelled more
in the area of industrial relations. The government's policy
handed labor limited political incorporation, but the unions did not
respond favorably by moderating their behavior. Quite the contrary,
they vigorously pursued the cause
of democratic unionism, mainly
through the use
of strikes and other disruptive actions. In June 1993
the Korean Council
of Trade Union Representatives (KCTU,
into a single
workers wa
summer 0
show offorce
reorganization and
the fo
struggle in 1
organized by
November 23,
of Labor for"
862 ent
regarding the i
past. After
December 1979
in October 1
a .
1995, however,
the statute orr
c1asses. 42 A C
from one millio .
Throughout N
movement acti .
in Seoul
and 0
pressure, the g
1996 on multiple
Class Conffict
But it is
highlights the
context. This is .
it, took place
were beginning
This does
not co
82 International Journal of Korean Studies • Spring/Summer 2005
Chonnodae) brought together leaders of all "democratic" trade unions
into a single national body.
In the summer of 1994, almost 100,000
workers walked
off their jobs, many of them associated with
Chonnodae. This strike combined economic demands with the fight for
independent trade unions. Not since the "Great Workers' Struggle"
the summer of 1987, moreover, had there been such an impressive
of force by workers.
On November
13, 1994, democratic unionists launched the
Preparatory Committee for the Korean Confederation
of Trade Unions
(KCTU). The Committee's main task was to prepare and facilitate the
of individual unions into various industrial federations
and the formation
of the Confederation. This led to a nationwide
struggle in
1995 against a new wage curb policy driven by government
and employers. As a show
of strength, a national workers' rally was
organized by representatives
of over a thousand individual unions. On
November 23,1995, KCTU
(Minju Noch'ong) applied to the Ministry
of Labor for "acquisition of legality" after being officially established
with 862 enterprise unions and a total membership
of 418,000.
Finally, social protests surfaced nationwide
in late 1995
regarding the issue of confronting and grappling with the authoritarian
past. After a year-long investigation
of the military putsch of
December 1979 and the Kwangju Massacre, the government confirmed
in October 1994 that Chun Doo Hwan and Roh Tae Woo had
engineered a military revolt. The Kim government announced in July
1995, however, that
it would not pursue insurrection charges because
the statute
of limitations on these crimes had expired.
Students immediately reacted with a nationwide boycott
classes. 42 A Committee of 297 civil society groups collected signatures
from one million citizens, calling for the imprisonment
of Roh and held
rallies attended by tens
of thousands of students and regular citizens. 43
Throughout November 1995, thousands of students, workers,
movement activists, and ordinary citizens waged street demonstrations
in Seoul and other major cities of the country.44 Yielding to popular
pressure, the government finally prosecuted Chun and Roh in early
1996 on multiple charges
of bribery, insurrection, and treason. 45
Class Conflict and the 'High Tech' General Strike
But it is perhaps South Korea's first general strike that best
highlights the role that political protest can play in a democratizing
context. This
is because the 'high tech' general strike, as some refer to
it, took place not during the transition to democracy, but when some
were beginning to speak
of the ROK as a consolidated democracy.
This does not contradict the reality
of the strike's extraordinary degree
International Journal of Korean Studies •
Vol. IX, No. 1 83
of organization, which was choreographed with great skill by workers
and law enforcement officials. The strike, however, involved various
unions from different sectors
of the economy, and it directly challenged
the political regime. The political nature
of the South Korean general
strike was universally recognized.
As early
as 1994, Kim Young Sam had signaled his intention
to reform the labor code, criticized as outdated and repressive. Reform
bureaucrats had favored legalizing the Korean Confederation
of Trade
Unions (KCTU) and repealing clauses that prohibited union's political
activities by unions. The environment was favorable, since Kim's
government was eager to join the Organization for Economic
Cooperation and Development (OECD).
The strategy
of getting labor to allow greater employer
flexibility in exchange for political recognition, however, failed in
garnering labor support. Leaders
of both the conservative FKTU and
the progressive KCTU defended Korea's traditional system
of lifetime
employment and seniority while calling for
an immediate lifting of the
three prohibitions. The KCTU representatives in particular argued that
the ban on multiple unionism undermined the freedom
of association of
workers and was inconsistent with international practice. Furthermore,
they asked for the right
of government employees and teachers to
unionize and the end
of restrictions on collective bargaining for certain
strategic sectors such
as the defense industry.
Businesses vetoed any compromise with the unions. The
ruling party, which responded to the interests
of the chaebol, endorsed
"chaebol law" enshrining lay-offs and delaying the legalization of the
KCTU for another three years. Despite criticism from opposition
parties, which made it clear that the bill stood
no chance of passing, the
ruling party rammed the bills through the National Assembly in a
predawn session without the presence
of opposition legislators.
The demonstrations
of December 1996 and January 1997 did
not reach the scale
of the 'Great Struggle' of 1987 and did not bring the
country to a standstill. The number
of individual unions and organized
workers who took part in the General Strike for at least one day
amounted to 528 and 403,179 respectively. This accounted for
81.1 %
of the total membership of KCTU, but less than 10% of Korea's
workforce. Nevertheless, they forced the New Korea Party
to amend
the Labor Code in March of 1997 to make it more amenable to labor's
demands. Albeit minor, the revisions led to a profound realignment
electoral and legislative politics, increasing the legitimacy and depth of
electoral democracy.
84 International Journal of Korean Studies • Spring/Summer 2005
Kim Dae JUB
Democratic Con
As Wes
democratic consoli
resolving political
groups into
the .
of the IMP.
with a historical po .
first opposition p
of the R
the theme
of a •
the mar
institutions. Ha'
first politician to £
The econ
national crisis whic .
that the
understan .
Sam government
chaebols and the
were to be four
previous gove
Commission was a
eleven senior fi .
the KCTU, the FK .
by the unions as
leaders in particular'
such as a general
and about 66,000
manufacturing gr
government appe
particularly true in
Hyundai, Daewoo,·
broke out in 1998
the transportation,
these were
the su
The arrests and the
Moo-hyun admini
return to the me
Kim Dae Jung's 'Participatory Market Economy':
Democratic Consolidation?
As Western industrialized democratic nations have shown,
democratic consolidation
is a process of managing social tensions and
resolving political conflicts through the incorporation
of subordinate
groups into the institutional circle
of politics. In this respect, the
of the IMF stewardship regime in December 1997 coincided
with a historical political transition
in which Kim Dae Jung became the
first opposition party candidate
to be elected President since the
of the Republic in 1948. Kim Dae Jung had campaigned on
the theme
of a 'democratic market economy,' balancing efficiency
through the market place with participation throufh political
institutions. Having been elected with KCTU
sUpport,4 he was the
first politician to form a political coalition with labor. 47
The economic coIlapse, however, created an urgent sense of
national crisis which permeated alI Korean institutions. 48 Recognizing
that the understanding between the IMF and the outgoing Kim Young
Sam government would provoke fierce resistance from both the
chaebols and the unions, Kim Dae-jung established the first of what
were to be four Tripartite Commissions
in January 1998. Unlike
previous government overtures to unions and employers, the
Commission was a serious attempt
to create a genuine national
negotiation forum involving all stakeholders. Members included
eleven senior figures from the government, the main political parties,
the KCTU, the FKTU, and business. 49
The IMF-mandated reforms, however, have been interpreted
by the unions as
an attack on workers' jobs and livelihoods. KCTU
in particular have resorted to large demonstrations and strikes 5o,
such as a general strike in the summer of 2003 involving 134 unions
and about 66,000 members, including the country's three automobile
manufacturing groups. In this situation, unions have fended
government appeals to the national interest. 51 This has been
particularly true in heavy industry. Major strikes involving workers at
Hyundai, Daewoo, the shipyards and the electrical power industry
broke out in
1998-2002, and these were foIlowed in 2003 by strikes in
the transportation, manufacturing and chemical sectors. In many cases
these were the subject
of violent repression by law and order forces.
The arrests and the use of repressive legislation by the incumbent Roh
Moo-hyun administration
(2003-) has led in some extreme cases to a
to the methods of suicide and/or self-immolation by union
International Journal
of .Korean Studies • Vol. IX, No. I 85
Sandoval argues that there is a significant correlation between,
on the one hand, the degree
of democratic regime stability, and, on the
other, the degree to which social movements remain autonomous and
to opposition elites during a democratic transition. After a
founding election that results in a reordering
of the political and
electoral fields, active civil society organizations face a choice:
continued mobilization or subordination to more influential political
forces. Particularly in countries where the opposition to
authoritarianism played a significant role before the transition
52 ,
democracy creates a dilemma: how much to oppose new incumbents
and by what means.
This approach, however, ignores the possibility that even
when social movements fail to
be incorporated in the political process
through alliances with the opposition, other outcomes are overlooked
that point to structural transformations and changes in their capacity to
remain key political actors. South Korea's first progressive political
force -the Democratic Labor Party (DLP) -serves as an example that
long-term mobilization can have a positive effect on the politics
democratic consolidation. The DLP originated from People's Victory
21, a political alliance organized by the Korea Confederation
of Trade
Unions (KCTU)
to field candidates in the 1997 presidential election
and in the
1998 local elections. Succeeding Peoples' Victory 21, the
preliminary Committee for a Progressive Party was organized in 1999.
This was followed by the launching
of the DLP in January 2000.
The DLP describes itself as
"a political party of workers,
peasantry, urban poor, small businessmen, women, students and
progressive intellectuals."
53 In 2002, it emerged in third position,
8.1 percent of the party vote in the June local elections. In the
2002 presidential election, the DLP's candidate, Kwon Young-ghil,
gained 3.9%
of votes. Unprecedented by Korean standards, in April
2004 the DLP became the first political force in South Korean history
to gain parliamentary representation by winning
10 seats in the 299
member single legislature.
54 The DLP's platform features a 40-hour,
five-day work week, mandatory hiring
of unemployed youth,
of public sector workers' labor rights and worker
participation in management. This is likely to lead
to a more
progressive social policy and hence a broader legitimation
of electoral
democracy, both significant accomplishments given South Korea's
paltry record in the area
of social democratization.
& Adam przew .
Reforms in E
University Press" 9 Ruth Berins
Collective au
Southern Euro
10 Students of
too radical
then act to res elaboration of .
12 Another e
democratization .
in New
1989-93," World
86 International Journal of Korean Studies • Spring/Summer 2005
1 See, for example, Guillermo O'Donnell and Philippe C. Schmitter, Transitions
from Authoritarian Rule: Tentative Conclusions about Uncertain Democracies,
Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1986.
2 Patricia L. Hipsher, "Democratization and the Decline of Urban Social
Movements in Chile and Spain,"
Comparative Politics, vol. 28 (1996), pp. 273
13 It included, interalia, a constitutional revision introducing direct presidential
elections, human rights guarantees, the lifting
of press restrictions, the
of local and university autonomy, and the promotion of
political parties
14 Hagen Koo, "Middle Classes, Democratization, and Class Formation: The
of South Korea," Theory and Society, vol. 20 (1991), pp. 485-509.
15 Ho-Chul, Sonn, "The 'Late Blooming' of the South Korean Labor
Monthly Review, July/August, 1997, p. 117-29.
16 "South Korea: Troubled Transition -Korean Labor Movement's Woes Raise
Doubts about Its Survival,"
The Wall Street Journal, September 9, 1987.
17 Status of the Republic of Korea, vol. 19 (Labor, Sports and Tourism). See
13.1 and 15.
18 Ibid., Article 32.
19 Young-bum Park, ed., "Labor in Korea," Seoul, Korea: Korea Labor
Institute, p. 581.
20 Hanspeter Kriesi, "The Political Opportunity Structure of New Social
Movements: Its Impact on their Mobilization,"
in The Politics 0/ Social
Protest: Comparative Perspectives on Stales
and Social Movements, edited by
26 "South Korean Bill Calls for Seven Years for Firebombers," Reuters News,
February 9,1989.
27 "Organized Teachers Retreat in Clash with Government," Far Eastern
Economic Review, November 4, 1993.
28 The other two conservative parties merging with the DIP were Kim Young
Sam's Reunification Democratic Party (RDP) and Kim Jong Pil's New
Democratic Republican Party (NDRP).
29 "Mass Resignation of Opposition Legislators," Keesing's Record of World
Events, July 1990.
30 National Police Agency (1992), 81-91.
31 "May Struggle Against Violent Regime Demands Establishment of
Democratic Government," The Granite Tower, Korea University, June I, 1991.
32 "In your opinion, do student and other dissidents exert a positive influence on
our country's politics and social development?
Or do they exert a negative
influence?" Gallup Korea poll,
II November-20 November 1992.
33 Police Annual Report, National Police Agency, 1991 and 1992. As reported
in the Bureau
of Auditing and Inspections, 16th National Assembly.
34 These included, among others, intensive anti-corruption campaigns, a "real
name" financial system, political reform bills, and tighter civilian control
of the
35 Linda S. Lewis, "Commemorating Kwangju: The 5.18 Movement and Civil
Society at the Millennium," in Korean Society: Civil Society, Democracy, and
the State, edited by Charles
K. Armstrong, Routledge, p. 178.
36 Status of Illegal and Violent Demonstrations. National Police Agency
Statistics. _0l.jsp.
37 As specified by the Demonstration and Assembly Act (1989, 1997), any
public gathering
of more than two individuals qualifies as a demonstration and
thus requires prior approval. See Status
of the Republic of Korea, volume 2
(Court, Judicial Affairs, Police).
38 CCEJ (Kyongsillyon) was established "in response to the extremely unjust
of Korean economic life" exemplified by big-business-government
collusion, environmental degradation, and the postponement
of genuine
democratic development.
International Journal of Korean Studies • Vol. IX, No. 1 89
39 See Lewis 2003, p. 178.
40 Ibid.
41 "Student Organization Says It would Do Away with Excessive Acts,"
Yonhap News, October 14, 1994.
42 "Students to Boycott Classes, Protesting May 18 Decision," Yonhap News,
September 20,1995.
43 "Student Activists to Stage Sit-ins at DLP Office, Other Buildings," Yonhap
September 29, 1995.
44 "Rallies, Demonstrations Scheduled to Protest May 18 Decision," Yonhap
September 30, 1995.
4S Korea Times, January 25,1996.
46 "KCTU Meets Kim," Labor-L, December 28, 1997.
47 Kim Dae Jung drew support from the lower classes in urban and rural areas.
His populist appeals inspired workers and mobilized their political support.
48 Koo 2001, p. 202.
49 Cheol-soo Lee, "Law and Labour-Management Relations in South Korea:
Advancing Industrial Democratization,"
in Law and Labour Market Regulation
in East Asia,
edited by Sean Cooney, Tim Lindsey, Richard Mitchell and Ying
Zhu, Routledge, 2002, pp. 215-245.
50 "No Letup in Strikes as KCTU Mobilizes," The Chosun Ilbo, June 25, 2003.
51 "Nation Feared to Enter 'Tunnel of Crisis' Amid Social Instability," Yonhap
November 23, 2003.
52 In the late 1980s and early 1990s, popular protest movements set in motion a
global wave
of democratization of authoritarian and one-party regimes.
Nineteen one-party states
in Africa were forced to institutionalize democracy in
the early 1990s. From Asia to Africa, mass protest movements demanded an
end to authoritarian rule. Even mini-states such as Nepal and Haiti held
democratic elections. John Walton and David Seddon,
Free Markets and Food
Riots: The Politics ofGlobal Adjustment, Oxford, Blackwell, 1994.
53 hrtp://
54 "The 2004 Elections: A Groundbreaking and Unique Event," Korea Herald,
25 April 2004.
90 International Journal of Korean Studies • Spring/Summer 2005
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