Report of the Working Group on the Universal Periodic Review

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Document Information:

GE.13 -15449
Human Rights Council
Twenty -fourth session
Agenda item 6
Universal Periodic Review
R eport of the Working Group on the Universal
Periodic Review *
Turkmenista n

* The annex to the present report is circulated as received.
United Nations A /HRC/ 24 /3

General Assembly Distr.: General
5 July 2013

Original: English

Paragraphs Page
Introduction ………………………….. ………………………….. ………………………….. …………. 1–4 3
I. Summary of the proceedings of the review process ………………………….. ……………. 5–111 3
A. Presentation by the State under review ………………………….. ……………………… 5–16 3
B. Interactive dialogue and responses by the State under review …………………… 17 –111 5
II. Conclusion s and/or recommendations ………………………….. ………………………….. ….. 112 –115 14
Composition of the delegation ………………………….. ………………………….. ………………………….. ……… 26

1. The Working Group on the Universal Periodic Review, established in accordance
with Human Rights Council resolution 5/1 of 18 June 2007, held its sixteenth ses sion from
22 April to 3 May 2013 . The review of Turkmenistan was held at the 1st meeting on 22
April 2013. The delegation of Turkmenistan was headed by Vepa Hajiyev, Deputy Minister
of Foreign Affairs. At its 10 th meeting , held on 26 April 2013, the Workin g Group adopted
the report on Turkmenistan .
2. On 14 January 2013, the Human Rights Council selected the following group of
rapporteurs ( troika ) to facilitate the review of Turkmenistan: Botswana, Ecuador and the
3. In accordance with paragrap h 15 of the annex to Human Rights Council resolution
5/1 and paragraph 5 of the annex to resolution 16/21, the following documents were issued
for the review of Turkmenistan:
(a) A national report submitted/written presentation made in accordance with
par agraph 15 (a) (A/HRC/WG.6/16/TKM/1);
(b) A compilation prepared by the Office of the High Commissioner for Human
Rights ( OHCHR ) in accordance with paragraph 15 (b) (A/HRC/WG.6/16/TKM/2);
(c) A summary prepared by OHCHR in accordance with paragraph 15 (c)
4. A list of questions prepared in advance by the Czech Republic, Mexico,
Montenegro, Norway, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden and the United Kingdom of Great Britain
and Northern Ireland was transmitted to Turkmenistan through the troika. T hese questions
are available on the extranet of the universal periodic review ( UPR ).
I. Summary of the proceedings of the review process
A. Presentation by the State under review
5. The delegation reported that considerable progress had been made in the
implementation of obligations undertaken by Turkmenistan in the framework of the
universal periodic review. Changes had been made in legislation to bring it in line with
international standards and reforms had been carried out in various areas under the
leadership of the President of Turkmenistan. The national economy had been developing
and investments in science, education, health, culture and social infrastructure had been
increased. The delegation expressed confidence that constructive dialogue in the w orking
group would enable the Government to enhance further the progress in promoting the
progressive realization of human rights and freedoms.
6. The delegation noted the efforts of Turkmenistan at the international level and its
active participation and enhanced role in the work of a number of international
organizations, including the United Nations Economic and Social Council ( ECOSOC ), the
Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees ( UNHCR ) and the United
Nations Economic Commission for Europe ( UNECE ). During the reporting period
Turkmenistan acceded to a number of international human rights instruments, including the
Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) and its Optional Protocol
(OP -CRPD) , and the 1954 and 1961 Co nventions on statelessness.

7. The delegation stated that the National Commission on the improvement of
legislation had developed recommendations to improve existing legislation and draft new
laws and regulations by taking into account provisions of the in ternational human rights
trea ties ratified by Turkmenistan. The Parliament had also taken measures to ensure the
conformity of the newly adopted and amended laws with international law. The delegation
pointed to several new laws that were adopted in the fr amework of reforms, including the
Criminal Procedural Code and the Family Code , which incorporated the provisions of the
relevant inter national human rights treaties.
8. The delegation pointed out that the Government had paid heightened attention to the
penitentiary system. Renovation work had been carried out in the penitentiary institutions
and the construction of a new women’s prison would finish in 2013. Medical infrastructure
had been improved in prisons and production units had been created to provide new job
opportunities for prisoners. Substantial State budget allocations had been made for these
efforts. The Government , in cooperation with the International Committee of the Red Cross
(ICRC ) in Central Asia , had been implementing a plan of action with in the framework of
multilateral cooperat ion in the penitentiary system. According to the Plan, humanitarian
visits by ICRC representatives to penitentiary institutions had been carried out since 2011.
Monitoring by ICRC found that conditions in juvenile correctional facilities met the
international standards. The Government had been studying the possibility of accession to
the Optional Protocol to the Convention against Torture ( OP -CAT ).
9. Long -term strategic development objectives were defined in a numb er of policy
documents, including the National Programme on Social and Economic Development for
2011 -2030 and the National Programme of the President of Turkmenistan on changes to
social conditions in villages, cities and regional cent res for the period un til 2020. The main
objective of the latter was to provide people living in rural areas with high quality social
and employment conditions similar to urban standards. During the period 2008 -2012,
US$ 4.8 billion were allocated from the State budget to carry out large projects in rural
areas. New housing units, schools, medical institutions, cultural and sport cent res had been
constructed as part of those projects.
10. The delegation stated that various measures, including the construction of new
medical and s port cent res, and the modernization of medical equipment had been carried
out to provide quality health care and ensure the well -being of the population , as those
remained priority areas under State policy. The Government cooperated with international
orga nizations, including the World Health Organization and United Nations Children ’s
Fund (UNICEF) . The reform in the education system had been carried out in accordance
with the Presidential Decree of 2013, which transformed the school education system from
a 10 -year to a 12 -year system .
11. The delegation stated that the Government had taken measures to create an
information -telecommunication infrastructure as well as legal, organizational and financial
conditions for the development of an information society . Science and education
institutions had been fully equipped with comp uters. Multimedia cent res and school and
university students had studied information technology subjects. An e -Governance system
had been introduced in the public administration system. Internet services had been made
accessible to citizens and educational institutions had been conn ected to the internet
12. The delegation highlighted the fact that Turkmenistan had experienced 11 per cent
economic growth in the past five years, wh ich had led to a steady increase in gross
domestic product (GDP) per capita. In 2012, GDP per capita had exceeded the standard
threshold for countr ies with an average high level of income. Furthermore, the 2012
population census documented positive changes in the living standards and housing
conditions of the population. During the economic crisis Turkmenistan had not renounced

any of its social obligations. The s alaries of public workers, pensions and social benefits
had increased and the Government contin ued to provide privileges to cover housing,
utilities, transportation and communication costs, and free -of-charge electricity, natural gas,
water and salt , as well as fuel subsid ies to private car owners. Additional budget allocations
for salaries and acad emic payments had been introduced to boost scientific innovation and
strengthen the scientific capacity of the country.
13. The delegation stated that the Government had taken measures to strengthen its
reporting to the treaty bodies of the United Nations. The Interdepartmental Commission on
the implementation of international human rights obligations had organized various events
with the objective of studying international best practices and experiences in the protection
of human rights and freedoms. The I nterdepartmental Commission maintained an active
dialogue with the Regional Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights ( OHCHR ),
the United Nations Development Programme ( UNDP ), UNICEF, the United Nations
Population Fund ( UNFPA ), the Office of the Uni ted Nations High Commissioner for
Refugees ( UNHCR ) and other agencies of the United Nations , concerning the preparation
of national reports, implementation of recommendations of treaty bodies and carrying out
of joint activities. Due to the work of the Int erdepartmental Commission the preparation
and submission of periodic reports to the treaty bodies and reports to the Human Rights
Council mechanisms had been carried out in a timely manner in recent years.
14. Turkmenistan had participated in international cooperation on the protection of the
rights and best interests of the child. Furthermore, the National Programme for 2011 -2015
on early development and preparation of the child for school had been adopted by
presidential decree in 2011. The General Progra mme on development of the juvenile justice
system was also adopted in 2012.
15. The joint project of the European Commission, OHCHR and UNDP entitled
“Strengthening the n ational capacity of Turkmenistan to promote and protect human
rights ”, which was initi ated by the Government with the objective of further strengthen ing
meaningful dialogue on the protection of human rights , had been implemented in
cooperation with the National Institute of Democracy and Human Rights under the
President of Turkmenistan. As part of this project, the Information Centre on human rights
had been established at the National Institute of Democracy and Human Rights under the
President of Turkmenistan. Similar cent res had been opened at higher educational
institutions in all regions to increase the awareness of public employees, scientists, students,
civil society members and other interested parties in the area of human rights. Also as part
of the Project a national plan of action on h uman rights was being draft ed.
16. The delegatio n stated that the above measures demonstrated the commitment and
readiness of Turkmenistan to implement its human rights obligations. It stressed that
Turkmenistan had been steadily implementing the objectives set by the President to further
strengthen the independence, neutrality, sociopolitical stability and national unity of the
country as well as protect human rights and freedoms, ensure social justice and the well –
being of the people, and the further democratization of the society.
B. Interactive dial ogue and responses by the State under review
17 . During the interactive dialogue, 77 delegations made statements. Recommendations
made during the dialogue are to be found in se ction II of the present report.
18. Romania noted the submission of all overdue reports to the human rights treaty
bodies, and welcomed ratification of the Convention relating to the Status of Stateless
Persons and the Convention on the Reduction of Statelessness. Romania made a

19. The Russian Federation noted progres s achieved in the protection of human rights
and the readiness of Turkmenistan to cooperate with interna tional human rights
mechanisms. It considered it important that Turkmenistan continued harmonizing its
domestic legislation and practice with internatio nal human rights obligations. It made
20. Saudi Arabia stated that Turkmenistan had joined over 120 international treaties and
also become a member of many international organizations, which is a mark of appreciation
from the international community for its efforts to make an effective contribution to global
development. Saudi Arabia made a recommendation.
21. Senegal remarked on the accession of Turkmenistan to a number of international
instruments and the adoption of legislative measures. It drew attention to measures to
improv e living standards and efforts to reduce disparities between urban and rural zones.
Senegal made recommendations.
22. Singapore noted the improved environment for human rights provided by economic
growth and efforts to reform the education system. The Children’s Rights Acts and the
Young People’s Right to Work (Guarantees) Act were also noted. Singapore made
23. Slovakia commended ratification of the Optional Protocol to the Convention on the
Eliminat ion of All Forms of Discrimination against Women ( OP -CEDAW ), OP -CRPD and
the 1945 and 1961 Conventions on statelessness, and welcomed the criminalization of
human trafficking. It acknowledged the ongoing review of the education system. Slovakia
made recomm endations.
24. Slovenia welcomed cooperation with international partners, yet regretted poor
progress regarding the freedoms of expression, assembly and association, and non –
disc rimination against minorities. Turkmenistan had not yet taken a position on tw o
previous recommendations by Slovenia. It made recommendations.
25. Spain noted the interest in improving compliance with international obligations by
establishing, in cooperation with OHCHR, national reporting mechanisms. Spain took note
of the national process of refle ction on the invitation of special rapporteurs as well as
efforts for economic and social development. Spain made recommendations.
26. Sri Lanka took note of enhanced engagement with United Nations organizations,
accession to international instruments and legislation protecting human rights. The national
programme for social and economic development and initiatives to strengthen social
security were also noteworthy. It made recommendations.
27. The State of Palestine noted the efforts of Tur kmenistan to improve the rights of
child ren and women. It commended the election of Turkmenistan to ECOSOC. It also
welcomed the efforts of Turkmenistan to combat hu man trafficking in the country. It made
28. Sweden noted the Mass Media Ac t and requested information on the regulations for
its practical implementation. Since conditions in detention facilities gave rise to concern, it
asked what measures had been taken to improve the situation. Sweden made
29. Switzerland rei terated concern at the cooperation of Turkmenistan with United
Nations mechanisms and noted that free expression in the media, including on the Internet,
was essential. Allegations of torture in places of detention were a cause of concern.
Switzerland made recommendations.
30. Tajikistan welcomed the intentions of Turkmenistan to expand its contractual
obligations and promote international dialogue. It took positive note of the strengthening of

policies to prevent child labour, increase awareness of human r ights instruments and
improve education. Tajikistan made recommendations.
31. Thailand noted the determined efforts of Turkmenistan to implement
recommendations from the previous review. Thailand encouraged enhanced access to
education and health care and to employment for rural and ethnic minority women.
Turkmenistan was invited to implement the Bangkok Rules to improve conditions in
detention facilities for women.
32. Tunisia supported calls to include in legislation the principle of equality with respect
to all rights. The examination of OP -CAT and the Rome Statute should be concluded and a
favourable climate provided for journalists and civil society activists. Tunisia made
33. Turkey commended the establishment of Human Rights Informati on Centres and
noted the cooperation of Turkmenistan with the international and regional organizations
and its organization of joint projects and international conferences on human rights issues.
Turkey made a recommendation.
34. The United Arab Emirates a ppreciated the efforts of Turkmenistan to continue to
adapt national legislation to international human rights instruments. It asked Turkmenistan
about the status given to promotion of human rights in national social and economic
developme nt for the period 2011 -2030. It made a recommendation.
35. The delegation stated that improvement in media professionalism remained one of
the priorities. The State Committee on Television had developed a range of regulations to
implement the new media law, which was adopt ed in 2012. A joint project had been
implemented with the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) to enhance media
professionalism. Various forms of training on the work of journalists had been provided to
the media representatives as part of the project. T he delegation reported that seven S tate
television channels were broadcast ing and 27 newspapers and 24 journals were in print. To
ensure access to public information, almost all State ministries and agencies had their own
36. The United Kingdom o f Great Britain and Northern Ireland urged Turkmenistan to
address the gap between law and practice and called for improved engagement with special
procedures. It expressed concern at political imprisonments and restrictions on freedom of
expression, inclu ding online. It made recommendations.
37. The United States of America expressed concern at the excessive use of force by
security forces, the mistreatment of journalists and religious and ethnic groups, the
imprisonment of conscientious objectors, and res trictions on the freedoms of movement and
religion. It made recommendations.
38. Uruguay highlighted efforts to bring its national legislation into line with human
rights standards and strengthen institutions through the rule of law. Uruguay noted, inter
alia, the updating of the aviation code concerning the right s of persons with disabilities.
Uruguay made recommendations.
39. Uzbekistan noted the accession of Turkmenistan to various international instruments
and welcomed legislative reforms and the streng thening of the protection and promotion of
human rights. It noted the importance accorded to economic, social and cultural rights, and
the rights to health and education. Uzbekistan made recommendations.
40. The Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela indicated t hat Turkmenistan had maintained a
social orientation in public expenditure. It noted that Turkmenistan had annually increased
salaries, pensions, subsidies and scholarships and had continued to provid e free electricity

and gas to its population. The Boliva rian Republic of Venezuela highlighted the Code of
Social Protection. Venezuela made recommendations.
41. Viet Nam commended socio -economic development , and growth and achievements
in legislative reform, job creation, education, health care and social secu rity. Turkmenistan
should continue to balance civil and political rights with economic, social and cultural
rights, and should adopt measures to improve social infrastructure and welfare for
vulnerable groups.
42. Yemen appreciated the country’s significan t progress in fulfilling its commitments
to implement UPR recommendations and submit nat ional reports on human rights. Yemen
called on Turkmenistan to pay attention to the protection of political and civil freedoms.
43. Afghanistan applauded the efforts of Turkmenistan to harmonize national legislation
with international treaty obligations. Efforts to balance civil and political rights with
economic, social and cultural rights were noted, as were measures to grant refugees and
stateless persons citizenship. Afghanistan made recommendations.
44. Algeria noted the incorporation into national legislation of international treaties and
the efforts to promote human rights education. While increased expenditure on salaries and
pensions was welcomed, the underrepres entation of women in political and public life was
a concern. Algeria made recommendations.
45. Argentina noted the 2011 -2030 National Programme for social and economic
development and the adoption of the law on com bating trafficking in persons. Argentina
made recommendations.
46. Armenia welcomed legislative reforms, efforts towards a national human rights
action plan and progress in the field of education. A remaining challenge, however, was to
improve the rights of ethnic and national minorities. Armenia made recommendations.
47. Australia urged the implementation of international instruments, noting that
fundamental freedoms had been curtailed and political activists suffered harassment. It
expressed alarm at arbitrary detention and torture, and concern at domestic violence, child
marriage and discrimination against ethnic and religious minorities. Australia made
48. Azerbaijan commended the new Constitution and acknowledged the role of the
Interdepartmental Commission in improved coopera tion with human rights mechanisms. It
noted the dissemination of information on human rights and welcomed measures to
increase Internet use. Azerbaijan made recommendations.
49. Bangladesh noted the climate of religious tolerance in Turkmenistan and welcom ed
new legislation and improvements in the field of health. The country nonetheless continued
to face challenges in the full enjoyment of human rights and had to make further progress in
some areas. Bangladesh made recommendations.
50. Belarus welcomed leg islation furthering the democratic development of the country
and accession to new international instruments. It took positive note of the commitment and
active work of Turkmenistan to co mbat trafficking in persons. Belarus made
51. Belgiu m asked how legislation on freedom of religion would be harmonized with
international standards. In view of conditions in detention facilities, Belgium asked when
visits would be accepted from the Working Group on Arbitrary Detention and the Special
Rappor teur on torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment .
Belgium made recommendations.

52. Bhutan applauded domestic legislation to promote and protect human rights and
accession to OP -CEDAW and OP -CRPD. The incorporation of provision s from
international human rights treaties into domestic legislation was also noted. Bhutan made
53. Brazil noted long -term programmes to improve the situation of vulnerable groups
and asked for details of their implementation. Informatio n would be appreciated on how the
human rights of persons living with HIV/AIDS were addressed. Brazil made
54. Bulgaria took positive note of initiatives for human rights teaching throughout the
education system. Measures for gender equali ty and initiatives to eliminate discrimination
against women were also noted. Bulgaria made recommendations.
55. Cambodia welcomed the accession by Turkmenistan to CRPD and OP -CRPD ,
International Labour Organization ( ILO ) Convention No. 182 (1999) concerni ng the
Prohibition and Immediate Action for the Elimination of the Worst Forms of Child Labour
and the 1954 C onvention relating to the Status of Stateless persons. Cambodia made a
56. Canada asked about the status of the review process for bringing its laws into line
with articles 14 and 15 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights ( ICCPR )
and for the removal of restrictions on journalists to report freely and criticize government
policy without fear of repression and the Government’s related policy of directly appointing
editors and senior managers to media outlets. Canada made recommendations.
57. Chile noted progress made by Turkmenistan in different areas , such as the
promulgation of the new Family Code and laws to stren gthen human rights. Chile
welcomed measures to prohibit torture and asked about the stage of ratification of OP -CAT.
Chile made recommendations.
58. China commended Turkmenistan on its various plans for social and economic
development, which had gradually narrowed the gap between urban and rural living
standards. Turkmenistan had achieved 11 per cent economic growth over the past years
and was also committed to protecting the rights of women and childr en. China made
59. Costa Rica noted th at Turkmenistan had been seeking better enjoyment of human
rights for its population. Costa Rica was concerned at information on torture and ill –
treatment. It asked question s about investigations into enforced disappearances and whether
human rights defend ers could develop their activities. Cost a Rica made recommendations.
60. Cuba highlighted the reforms in the new Constitution; the dissemination of human
rights instruments and teaching of human rights in education centres; the promotion and
protection of women ’s and children ’s rights; the prevention of HIV/AIDS and free access to
educat ion. Cuba made recommendations.
61. The Czech Republic welcomed the release of several political prisoners , including
Valery Pal and Mukhametkuli Aymuradov , but was concerne d that other individuals remain
imprisoned on politically motivated charges. It made recommendations.
62. The Democratic People’s Republic of Korea commended the efforts made by
Turkmenistan for the adoption of a new version of the Constitution, successful reform of
the national legal system, and implementation of the 2011 -2030 natio nal programme for
development. It made recommendations.
63. Egypt welcomed the remarkable efforts by Turkmenistan to promote economic,
social and cultural rights and invited Tur kmenistan to share with the Human Rights Council
its future plans to address these issues. Egypt also noted the increase in the cooperation

between Turkmenistan and the treaty bodies and OHCHR and encouraged the continuatio n
of this . Egypt made recommenda tions.
64. Estonia invited enhanced cooperation between the Turkmenistan authorities and
civil society to strengthen information and knowledge of human rights. It called for the
implementation of all provisions of the newly adop ted legislation on mass medi a. Estonia
made recommendations.
65. Ethiopia commended the inclusion of provisions of international c onvention s in the
Aviation Code and the Family Code. Ethiopia encouraged Turkmenistan to redouble its
efforts to combat cultural discrimination against wo men and girls and ethnic minorities. It
made a recommendation.
66. France commended the efforts made by Turkmenistan since the previous UPR,
particularly the adoption of the law on political parties as well as the law on the freedom of
media. France made r ecommendations.
67. Germany requested information on how the Government plan ned to promote and
protect independen t media under the Media Act. Germany expressed concern about the
continued restrictive treat ment of religious communities. It made recommendati ons.
68. Guatemala welcomed laws on refugees, migration, political parties and the legal
situation of foreigners. Guatemala welcomed the possibility of Turkmenistan extending a
standing invitation to the special rapporteurs. Guatemala shared the concern of the
Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women ( CEDAW ) regarding the
definition of discrimination against women in the Constitution. Guatemala made a
69. Hungary invited Turkmenistan to make further efforts to bring an en d to situations
where opposition , civil society and social network ing websites are blocked by the
authorities despite the newly drafted regula tion. It made recommendations.
70. India noted the inclusion of special features governing employment of persons u nder
18 years in the Labour Code adopted in 2009 and requested Turkmenistan to further
elaborate on working standards for young employees. It encouraged the collaboration of
Turkmenistan with OHCHR on developing its national human rights action plan.
71. Indonesia commended the efforts of Turkmenistan to use its economic growth for
the benefit of those most in need. It highlighted the various positive measures taken to
combat trafficking in persons. Indonesia noted the implementation by Turkmenistan of the
HIV/AIDS awareness programmes. It made recommendations.
72. The Islamic Republic of Iran praised Turkmenistan for the adoption of a new version
of the Constitution as a logical outcome of progressive reforms in the political, economic,
social a nd cultural life of the people. The Islamic Republic of Iran made recommendations.
73. Iraq applauded the constitutional reforms made by Turkmenistan , which promote the
democratic process in the country, and commended Turkmenistan on joining a number of
internat ional human rights instruments. Iraq asked about measures taken to promote the
protection of the rights of women and children. Iraq made a recommendation.
74. Ireland commended the ratification by Turkmenistan of the 1954 and 1961
Conventions on stateless person s and the recent amendment bringing its national definition
of torture in line with article 1 of the Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman
or Degrading Treatment ( CAT ). Ireland urged the Government to promote an environment
where diverse and critical views can be expressed without fear of harassm ent, persecution
or expulsion. It made recommendations .

75. Italy asked when and how the Government intends to put into practice the
recommendations submitted by the Special Rap porteur on freedom of re ligion. It asked
whether obstacles hinder the full respect of everyone’s right to leave their own country in
conformity with ICCPR. Italy made recommendations.
76. Kazakhstan noted the accession by Turkmenistan to several international
instruments, and ef forts to strengthen national human rights capacity. It welcomed the
establishment of Human Rights Information Centres and underlined the benefits of full
implementat ion of the Culture Act of 2010. Kazakhstan made recommendations.
77. Kyrgyzstan noted progr ess made in the implementation of recommendations made
during the 2009 review. It noted with satisfaction that the legal reform by Turkmenistan
took into account international human rights standards. The adoption of the Suppression of
Trafficking in Person s Act was notewort hy. Kyrgyzstan made recommendations.
78. Latvia addressed the issue of enhanced cooperation with the special procedures of
the Human Rights Council. It noted that a significant number of requests by the special
procedures mandate holders to visit Turkmenist an had not yet been accepted. Latvia made
79. Malaysia praised the many achievements of Turkmenistan in the areas of education,
health, an d human and social development. It encouraged Turkmenistan to continue to
advance its human rights agenda fo r the betterment of its people. Malaysia made
recommendations .
80. Mauritania appreciated the policies of Turkmenistan on combat ing child labour and
cooperat ing with UNICEF and OHCHR for the promotion and protec tion of the rights of
children. It noted the efforts of Turkmenistan to comply with the international obligations
regarding ethnic minorities and combating discrimination, punishing domestic violence,
ensuring freedom of expression and fighting in timidation against journalis ts.
81. Mexico recognized the efforts by Turkmenistan to harmonize its legislation with its
international commitments, such as incorporating the definition of torture in compliance
with CAT. Mexico noted measures adopted to raise awareness of international human rights
instruments among the population to help promote human rights enjoyment. Mexico made
82. Montenegro asked Turkmenistan to elaborate on the extent to which non –
governmental organizations ( NGOs ) and other national stakeholders have been engaged in
the UPR reporting process and on the measures taken and planned to strengthen the
country’s cooperation with human rights mechanisms. It made recommendations.
83. Morocco asked for more information about the specific human rights provi sions in
the new Constitution. It congratulated Turkmenistan on its action on human rights training.
Morocco made recommendations.
84. Myanmar noted with satisfaction the accession by Turkmenistan to a number of
international human rights instruments, incl uding CRPD and OP -CRPD . It made
85. Namibia commended Turkmenistan for ratifying major conventions, including
CRPD , CEDAW and the World Health Organization ( WHO ) Framework Convention on
Tobacco Control. It made recommendations.
86. The Net herlands noted the recent release of the human rights defenders Annakurban
Amanklychev and Saparurdy Khajiev but remained concerned about the number of human
rights defenders still detained on politically motivated charges. It made recommendations.

87. Nic aragua congratulated Turkmenistan for adopting new laws , ratifying international
instruments , and developing strategies for poverty eradication. Nicaragua highlighted the
efforts of Turkmenistan to continue cooperating with human rights mechanisms. Nicarag ua
encouraged Turkmenistan to continue promoting gender policy. Nicaragua made a
88. Nigeria commended Turkmenistan for the progress made in promoting and
protecting human rights in the country. It made recommendations.
89. Norway welcomed the new Mass Media Act and the ratification of OP -CEDAW. It
expressed concern at the recurring problem of domestic violence and continued
imprisonment of dissidents, journalists and civil activists. Norway made recommendations
90. Oman stated that Turkmen istan was a party to many basic human rights instruments
and that it had also revised the Constitution, which showed its commitment to human rights
and determination to make extensive reforms and ful fil international obligations. Oman
made a recommendation .
91. Pakistan highlighted the efforts of Turkmenistan to amend and adopt new legislation
to meet its obligations under CAT, CEDAW, the Committee on the Rights of the Child
(CRC ) and CRPD . It expressed appreciation f or the Social Protection Code. It made
92. Paraguay welcomed the legislative developments in ensuring due process; the
effective application of habeas corpus and the reform of criminal procedure. Paraguay
encouraged Turkmenistan to continue broadly guaranteeing human rights, par ticularly
ensuring compliance with recommendations made by CAT, CEDAW and ILO. Paraguay
made a recom mendation.
93. Poland asked what measures had been taken to implement the 2011
recommendations by CAT regarding improvement of detention conditions. It emp hasized
the Turkmenistan Government’s responsibility to guarantee the right of individuals to
freedom of opinion. Poland made recommendations.
94. Qatar noted the institutional and legislative reforms by Turkmenistan to pro mote and
protect human rights. It also noted progress in implementing the recommendations of the
Human Rights Council and cooperation with the treaty bodies. It welcomed the initiative to
promote the rights of children and of persons with disabilitie s. Qatar made a
95. The Republic of Moldova commended Turkmenistan for developing its capacity to
promote and protect human rights and for improving its interaction with the United Nations
treaty bodies including through implementation of projects. It acknowledged steps
undertak en to ensure gender equality. It made recommendations.
96. Being a secular State, Turkmenistan strove to achiev e mutual understanding and
tolerance among various religious groups. There had been 128 religious organi zations
functioning in the country. The G overnment had been analysing the recommendations
made by the United Nations Special Rapporteur on freedom of religion in order to further
improve domestic legislation.
97. The delegation reported that 240 NGOs operate in the country and no refusal of a
req uest for registration had occurred during the reporting period. Public associations had
been carrying out their activities without obstacles.
98. The delegation stated that progress in socio -economic development of the country
was remarkable, especially in the area of investments and in housing in the rural areas. The
Government planned to moderni ze 15 different areas of infrastructure, including health

services and education. A special programme had been adopted and implemented to ensure
access to drinking water, especially in remote areas with limited water resources.
99. In response to questions of equal rights for women, the delegation stated that more
than 40 per cent of those working in the economic sphere were women, and in several
sectors, such as h ealth, culture, science and education, women constituted more than 60 per
cent of those employed. While the delegation considered that the equality of women did not
constitute an acute problem in the country, it noted, however, that the Government had been
constantly trying t o involve women in public work. For example, some deput y heads of
local authorities were women , who were responsible for education and culture issues as
these were often related to women ’s issues.
100. The delegation stated that the Gov ernment continued to focus on the provision of
affordable social benefits and the creation of new job opportunities. Even during the
financial crisis, the Government ensured that no productive units stopped working.
101. The delegation noted that since 201 0 no information on cases of prosecutions and
attacks against individuals who provided information, including information of a critical
nature , had been received. Turkmenistan had established close cooperation with OHCHR in
order to provide timely response s to individual complaints and communications in this
regard. It also worked with other organi zations, including the United Nations Educational,
Scientific and Cultural Organization ( UNESCO ) in order to provide answers to all
questions mentioned in the ind ividual complaints within a short period , of three to five
months. Bilateral cooperation with countries in Europe and North America had also been
102. In response to the question regarding the case of Mr. Ananyazov, the delegation
mentioned that Mr. Ananyazov had been serving a sentence for illegal crossing of the State
border with the use of an illegal passport. While serving his sentence in prison, he had been
given access to his relatives and had been enjoying appropriate medical services. The
delegation noted that his detention conditions remained satisfactory.
103. In response to questions regarding the attack against the first President of
Turkmenistan, the delegation reported that a number of citizens who were connected with
attacks by provi ding some assistance to the main attackers had been granted an amnesty
and pardoned. A number of individuals who were directly involved in the attack ha d been
serving their sentences.
104. The delegation reported that NGOs had regularly participated in the meetings of the
interdepartmental commission on the implementation of international obligations of
Turkmenistan. Several NGOs took part in the process of reporting by Turkmenistan to
CEDAW. Turkmenistan had been trying to gradually ensure the participatio n of NGOs in
various public processes and dozens of NGOs had been involved in the national
consultations on the development agenda of the country.
105. With respect to the questions regarding the freedom of movement, the delegation
briefed the Working Grou p that since 2010 there had not been a single case of restrictions
imposed on citizens who wanted to leave the country. However t he Government had had to
prohibit the right to exit the country of a number of citizens who had been deported fr om
other countr ies in the past. The new legislation on migration incorporated the relevant
provisions of ICCPR .
106. Turkmenistan had ratified eight fundamental ILO conventions, including
Conventions no. 138 (1973) concerning Minimum Age for Admission to Employment and
No. 182 (1999) concerning the Prohibition and Immediate Action for the Elimination of the
Worst Forms of Child Labour, and legislation concerning youth labour had been brought in

line with international standards. All labour guarantees for people under 18 y ears old were
explicitly set out in the 2009 Labour Code.
107. The delegation pointed out that the revised Constitution guaranteed equal rights and
freedoms to all citizens without discrimination on any ground , that all citizens were
guaranteed the use of their mother tongue and that recognition of the Turkmen language as
a State language did not limit the constitutional rights of citizens to use their ethnic
language. Legal, judicial and practical measures existed to ensure strong guarantees for
prohibitin g and preventing any discriminatory or criminal acts on ethnic grounds. The
Government also provided legal guarantees to ensure participation of all its citizens in their
cultur al life.
108. With respect to gender equality, the delegation stated that the G overnment planned
to organize a number of events with the participation of international experts and
representatives of CEDAW members for the implementation of the recommendations of
CEDAW. In this respect, the Government was closely cooperat ing with the i nternational
organi zations, including UNFPA and had been working on a draft plan of action on the
rights of women.
109. The delegation reported that recommendations made by the Organization for
Security and Co -operation in Europe ( OSCE ) regarding electoral issues had been studied by
the Parliament and that they would be taken into account and incorporated to the extent
possible and necessary in the new Electoral Code that was in the process of being draft ed
by the Parliament. Furthermore, according to the L aw on Political Parties, which was
adopted in 2012, the purpose of the political party was to: shape public opinion and
improve political awareness and education of citizens, bring up citizens’ view s on various
issues of public life before the local govern ment bodies and participate in elections by
nominating their candidates for the elections. The political parties took part in the work of
the central and local government bodies through their elected members.
110. In response to the questions on the intern ational observers’ participation in the
upcoming elections, the delegation reported that the international observers should be
accredited by the Central Electoral Commission to monitor the elections in accordance with
the procedures set by the legislation and based on the official invitation. The delegation
believed that an invitation to the international observers was anticipated for the upcoming
111. In conclusion, the delegation thanked all for the useful and interesting questions
raised, and stated that additional responses would be provided before the adoption of the
outcome of the review in September 2013.
II. Conclusions and/or recommendations **
112 . The recommendations formulated during the interactive dialogue and listed
below enjoy the support of Turkmenistan :
112 .1. Consider the ratification of the UNESCO Convention against
Discrimination in Education (State of Palestine);
112.2. Concentrate on the implementation of the international human rights
instruments that have been ratified by Turkmenistan (Afghanistan);

** Conclusions and recommendations have not been edited.

112.3. Continue the work in bringing the national legislation in line with the
international obligations of Turkmenistan (Russian Federation);
112.4. Continue legal and legislative reforms and develop mean s to
implement and moni tor them (Saudi Arabia);
112.5. Continue its ongoing review of national laws to ensure that they are
in line with its international human rights law obligations (Afghanistan);
112.6. Continue to review national legislation in order to ensure that it is in
line with the State’s international hum an rights obligations (Bhutan);
112.7. Continue bringing its legislations and policies more in line with its
respective obligations under international human rights law (Egypt);
112.8. Continue efforts to meet the cha llenges in the legal and ins titutional
framework (Senegal);
112.9. Continue to ensure that legislation under consideration for adoption
is consistent with international law and the international obligations of
Turkmenistan (Nigeria);
112.10. Continue to re view national legislation in order to ensure that it is in
line with the State’s international human rights obligations (Pakistan);
112.11. Continue harmonizing national legislation with the Convention on
the Righ ts of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) (Cub a);
112.12. Continue applying its successful programmes implementing CRPD
(Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of ));
112.13. Continue implementing its national policies and programmes
outlined, with the aim of further improving the well -being of its people
(Ma laysia);
112.14. Provide adequate financial and human resources to the information
centres established to promote and increase awareness on human rights issues
112.15. Develop and promote education in the area of human rights and the
disseminat ion of knowledge on international human rights standards among
the population (Russian Federation);
112.16. Continue to promote education and human rights training at the
national level (Senegal);
112.17. Continue strengthening human rights culture and cap acity -building
(Democratic People’s Republic of Korea);
112.18. Continue its programme on human rights education and public
awareness -raising (Myanmar);
112.19. Continue to conduct outreach activities to raise awareness of people
on human rights (Afghanist an);
112.20. Continue to train and improve the level of education and awareness
of the judiciary and law enforcement bodies in the fi eld of human rights
112.21. Continue trainings and human rights education of the judiciary

112.22. Cont inue its efforts to train the judiciary and law enforcement bodies
in the field of human rights as well as its activities to increase the awareness of
its population on this subject (Morocco);
112.23. Carry out its engagement, in a constructive dialogue, w ith the United
Nations human rights monitoring bodies (Iran (Islamic Republic of));
112.24. Continue to develop its international, regional and bilateral efforts in
the field of human rights (Turkey);
112.25. Strengthen cooperation with human rights mechan isms and to
continue the efforts initiated in order to combat discrimination against ethnic
minorities (Argentina);
112.26. Implement efficiently recently ratified international conventions,
especially in the field of child rights (Kazakhstan);
112.27. Con tinue its measures on the protection of the rights of women and
children , notably child support serv ices (Iran (Islamic Republic of ));
112.28. Prohibit all forms of corporal punishment of children in all settings,
including alternative care settings (Repub lic of Moldova);
112.29. Continue to enhance its domestic framework to combat child labour
through enforcing the relevant legislation (Singapore);
112.30. Further improve the access of children, especially girls , and women
to human rights education (Azerba ijan);
112.31. Give attention to the protection of the rights of women and children,
including through the adoption of the necessary legislative measures (Russian
112.32. Continue to promote and protect the rights of women and children
through the adoption of necessary domestic legislation (Bhutan);
112.33. Maintain the positive trend in improving national laws and
institutions, in particular the protection of women and children’s rights
112.34. Continue efforts to combat trafficking in women and children within
the framework of implementing national legislation and international
obligations (United Arab Emirates);
112.35. Continue the efforts to enable tangible progress in combating
trafficking in persons, especially w omen and children (Indonesia);
112. 36. Increase further the efforts aimed at preventing and eradicating
human trafficking, including considering the possibility for the development of
the national plan of action (Belarus);
112. 37. Take appropriate measures for ensuring pros ecution for trafficking
in human beings (Kazakhstan); 1
112. 38. Strengthen the implementation of programmes aimed at the
rehabilitation of victims of human trafficking, including the provision of

1 The recommendation as read during the interactive dialogue: “Take more measures for ensuring
judicial prosecution for trafficking in human beings (Kazakhstan).”

counselling, shelter, legal assistance and other rehabilitati ve services to victims
112. 39. Make more efforts to promote gender equality and the rights of
persons with disabilities (Oman);
112. 40. Take concrete steps to ensure that women of Turkmenistan know
their rights as set forth in the Optional Pr otocol to CEDAW (Norway);
112 .41. Consider bringing legislation in line with international standards in
combating discrimination again st women (State of Palestine);
112. 42. Introduce in the legislation the principle s of application of equality in
all right s, as recommended by CEDAW (Tunisia);
112. 43. Devote more efforts in the field of harmoni zing gender equality for
guaranteeing their equal rights (Kazakhstan);
112. 44. Continue promoting and protecting the rights of women through the
adoption of adequate l aws and the introduction of insti tutional mechanisms
112. 45. Take necessary measures to eliminate all forms of discrimination
against women (Tajikistan);
112. 46. Implement a comprehensive strategy aimed at modifying or
eliminating patriarchal a ttitudes and stereotypes which discriminate against
women, in accordance with the provisions of CEDAW, included in the
educational system; promote campaigns in the media to strengthen the
understanding of equality between women and men, as well as expand p ublic
education programmes, particularly in ru ral and remote areas (Uruguay);
112. 47. Adopt measures to combat discrimination and stereotypes on the role
and responsibilities of women in society (Mexico);
112. 48. Put in place a comprehensive strategy to el iminate the patriarchal
attitudes and deep -rooted stereotypes regarding the roles of women and men
(Republic of Moldova);
112. 49. Adopt temporary special measures in all areas in which women are
underrepresented, especially in the labour market and higher education
(Republic of Moldova); 2
112. 50. Strengthen its policies to address discrimination against women
112. 51. Continue to further strengthen efforts for the empowerment of
women (Bangladesh);
112. 52. Continue its efforts aiming at increasing women ’s participation in
political and public life (Algeria);
112. 53. Continue its efforts that aim at further implementing its existing
programmes and policies on gender equality, in particular, with respect to the
empowerment of women and the promotion of social inclusion, including that
of th e ethnic minorities (Cambodia);

2 The recommendation as read during the interactive dialogue: “Adopt temporary special measures in
all areas in which women are under -represented or disadvantaged, especially in labour market an d
higher education (Republic of Moldova);”

112. 54. Continue adopting measures to ensure the rights of the ethnic
minorities living in the country (Russian Federation);
112. 55. Strengthen legislative measures and public policie s designed to
preserve the language, culture and re ligion of minorities (Uruguay);
112. 56. Enhance the access of ethnic and national minorities to education,
health care and employment (Armenia);
112. 57. Improve detention conditions in their prisons, espec ially when it
come s to prisons for women (Spain);
112. 58. Keep on its endeavours on the development of policies in line with the
2012 General Juvenile System development programme (Iran (Islamic
Republic of));
112. 59. Take effective measures to ensure the full realization of the rights to
freedoms of expression, including on internet, assembly and association (Czech
112. 60. Ensure that everyone can peacefully exercise the right of freedom of
expression in conformity with the ICCPR (Slovenia);
112 .61. Ensure and protect the right of all people to freedom of opinion and
expression (Chile);
112. 62. Ensure freedom of expression and access to information by ending
the practice of interfering with access to the internet and the practice of
censorship in online and print media (Germany);
112. 63. Rapidly implement the law on freedom of the press in force si nce
January 2013 (Switzerland);
112. 64. Step up efforts to promote and facilitate media pluralism and ensure
that mass media can operate without governm ent interference (Norway);
112. 65. Continue its fruitful endeavours in advancing the use of internet
services (Azerbaijan) ;
112. 66. Pursue its excellent policies in the field of economic, social and
cultural rights, in order to further increase the living conditions of its people,
particularly those of the most vulnerable sectors of the population (Venezuela
(Bolivarian Republic of));
112. 67. Continue to promote economic and social development in an effort to
eliminate poverty and further improve the living standards of the people
112. 68. Continue efforts in achieving the Millennium Development Goals
112. 69. Continue to promote education and health causes and strengthen the
social security system of the country (China);
112. 70. Continu e measures on expanding the population’s access to the
quality services in the area of health and education (Uzbekistan);
112. 71. Continue its programme to improve social and living condi tions in
rural areas (Myanmar);
112. 72. Increase its efforts for the social and economic development of its
people (Namibia);

112. 73. Continue to work toward the attainment of the targets and strategies
of the 2011 -2030 national programme for the social and economic development
of Turkmenistan as well as other development p rogrammes indicated in
para graph 13 of its National Report (Nigeria);
112. 74. Make more efforts to develop poverty reduction strategies and adopt
legislations to ensure safe drinking water and sanitation (State of Palestine);
112. 75. Adopt appropriate legi slative and administrative measures to ensure
the full realization of the right to drinking water and sanitation for the whole
population, with special at tention to rural areas (Spain);
112. 76. Continue its efforts to ensure the protection and promotion of the
right to safe drinking water and sanitation (Egypt);
112. 77. Continue strengthening the health system and the implementation of
the national strategy to fight HIV/AIDs (Belarus);
112. 78. Further strengthen efforts at combating HIV/AIDS, especially wit h a
focus on adolescents and young adults, such as through awareness -raising (Sri
112. 79. Reinforce its legal measures on National Strategy on HIV that was
approved in 2012 by the government (Iran (Islamic Republic of));
112. 80. Continue to enhance its education system and ensure equal access to
quality education for all, particular ly women and girls (Singapore);
112. 81. Continue reforms in the education sector with a view to further
enhancing the qu ality of education (Sri Lanka);
112. 82. Continue i mproving the situation of education (Democratic People’s
Republic of Korea);
112. 83. Continue to improve the education system (Qatar);
112. 84. Continue its efforts in the area of physical interconnection regarding
the technology and transport, which would ensure a better use of the resources
of the country and would benefit the vulnerable secto rs of the population
112. 85. Comply with international standards on arbitrary detention, in
particular establishing forms of n on -custodial sentences, such as community
work, and separating strictly minors from adult detainees at detentions centres,
which should lead to specific detention centres for minors and their
reinte gration into society (Belgium).
113 . The following recommendations will be examined by Turkmenistan which will
provide responses in due time, but no later than the 24th session of the Human Rights
Council in September 2013:
113 .1. Consider ratifying the Optional Protocol to the Convention against
Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degradin g Treatment or Punishment
(OP -CAT) (Mexico);
113.2. Sign and ratify OP -CAT and establish a national mechanism to
prevent torture, independent of the authorities (France);
113.3. Ratify OP -CAT and incorporate it into national legislation

113. 4. Ratify OP -CAT to establish a national independent mechanism for
visiting the detention centres (Costa Rica);
113.5. Accede to/ratify OP -CAT (Estonia); Accede to OP -CAT
113.6. Ratify two further important international documents: the Rome
Statute of the International Criminal Court (ICC) and OP -CAT (Romania);
113.7. Accede to the Rome Statue of the International Criminal Court
(ICC); the International Convention for the Protection of All Persons from
Enforced Disappearance (CPED) and; the Co nvention on the Prevention and
Punishment of the Crime of Genocide (Uruguay);
113.8. Consider ratifying the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment
of the Crime of Genocide (Armenia);
113.9. Ratify the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court
(Slovakia); Accede to the Rome Statute of the ICC (Slovenia);
113.10. Ratify the Rome Statue and ensure its full implementation in national
legislation (Switzerland);
113.11. Accede to and ratify the Rome Statute of the International Criminal
Court and the Agreement on the Privileges and Immunities of the International
Criminal Court (Estonia);
113.12. Ratify the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court and
fully align its legislation with all obligations under the Rome Statute, including
incorporat ing the Rome Statute definition of crimes and general principles, as
well as adopting provisions enabl ing cooperation with the Court (Latvia);
113.13. Take all necessary steps to fully commit to end impunity for
international crimes by acceding to the Rome Statute of the ICC and fully align
its national legislation with all obligations under the Rome Statute (Sweden);
113.14. Ratify the International Convention on the Protection of the Rights of
All Migrants Workers and Members of Their Families (Tajikistan );
113.15. Ratify the International Convention on the Protection of the Rights of
Migrant Workers and the members of their families (Egypt);
113.16. Ratify the ICRMW and the Convention against Torture and Other
Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Puni shment (CAT) and extend a
standing invitation to the United Nations Special Procedures (Guatemala);
113.17. Continue its efforts to ratify CPED; International Convention on the
Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of Their
Families ( ICRMW); the Rome Statue of the ICC; OP -ICESCR and; the
Optional Protocol to the Convention against Torture and other Cruel, Inhuman
or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (OP -CAT) (Argentina);
113.18. Ratify the Optional Protocol to the International Covenan t on
Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (Spain);
113.19. Sign and ratify the new Optional Protocol to CRC on a
communications procedure (Slovakia);
113.20. Continue the improvements in the field of education and consider
ratifying the Convention against Discrim ination in Education (Armenia);

113.21. Call for and support amending the Law on Migration to comply with
ICCPR obligations (United States of America);
113.22. Continue the work in establishing a national human rights institution
in full compliance with the Paris Principles (Russian Federation);
113.23. Pursue its efforts aiming at establishing a National Human Rights
Institution (Algeria);
113.24. Continue their efforts to establish an independent national institution
for human rights, in accordance with the Paris Principles (Indonesia);
113.25. Continue its efforts for the establishment of a national human rights
mechanism in full compliance with the Paris Principles (Pakistan);
113.26. Speed up the process of establishing a national human rights
institution in conformity with the Paris Principles (Tunisia);
113.27. Establish a national human rights mechanism in full compliance with
the Paris Principles (Afghanistan);
113.28. Establish a national human rights mechanism in full compliance with
the Par is Principles (Kyrgyzstan);
113.29. Establish a national human rights institution in conformity with the
Paris Principles (Morocco);
113.30. Consider the possibility of extending a standing invitation to all
special procedures of the Human Rights Council ( Uruguay);
113.31. Consider issuing a standing invitation to special rapporteurs to visit
Turkmenistan (State of Palestine);
113.32. Issue a standing invitation for the special procedures, in particular,
granting access for t he requested visits (Slovakia);
113.33. Adopt a standing invitation to human righ ts special procedures
113.34. Issue a standing invitation to the special procedures of the Human
Rights Council (Costa Rica);
113.35. Issue a standing invitation to special procedures (Iraq);
113.3 6. Extend a standing invitation to all thematic special procedures
113.37. Respond favourably to requests for visits from Special Rapporteurs
which have not yet been answered (France);
113.38. Respond to requests for visits of special procedu res’ mandate holders
by agreeing with OHCHR on a plan for visits as soon as possible (Switzerland);
113.39. Draw a timeline for reali zing the visits of the Special Rapporteurs
who so requested to the country (Hungary);
113.40. Accept as soon as possible th e outstanding visit requests from the
special rapporteurs (Spain);
113.41. Permit visits from all 10 United Nations s pecial procedures who have
requested a visit (Ireland);

113.42. Allow the United Nations special procedures – especially the Working
Group on Arbitrary Detention and the Special Rapporteur on torture – to visit
the country (Italy);
113.43. Accept the requested visits from the Working Group on Arbitrary
Detention and the Special Rapporteur on torture and other cruel, inhuman or
degrading treat ment or punishment (Mexico);
113.44. Continue to cooperate with the United Nations Human Rights
Council Special Procedures, use opportunities for having country visits for the
benefit of human rights situation improvement (Kyrgyzstan);
113.45. Step up its cooperation with the special procedures of the Human
Rights Council by responding positively to the pending visit requests and
eventually consider extending a standing invitation to all the special procedures
mandate holders of the Human Rights Council (La tvia);
113.46. Continue to cooperate with the United Nations Human Rights special
procedures (Tajikistan);
113.47. Further improve its cooperation with the special rapporteurs of t he
United Nations (Azerbaijan);
113.48. Invite ILO experts to overcome exist ing challenges of implementation
of the laws to protect children from the harmful effects of all forms of child
labour (Hungary);
113.49. Work on adopting new laws to promote gender equality, women ’s
participation in public affairs and punish domestic viol ence (Nicaragua);
113.50. Take measures to further protect and promote the rights of women,
including by enforcing laws against domestic violence (Australia);
113.51. Consider further addressing violence against women through legal
measures (Bangladesh);
113.52. Find ways to overcome the culture of silence and impunity
surrounding domestic violence against women, including marital rape, to
provide all necessary protection and assistance to victims, to enforce applicable
legislation against perpetrators, and to draft specific legislation dealing w ith
these issues (Netherlands);
113.53. Incorporate in the Criminal Code specific provisions on domestic
violence along with concrete sanctions against the perpetrators of domestic
violence (Norway);
113.54. Adopt sp ecific legislation on domestic violence, in particular which
ensures (i) such violence constitutes a criminal offence; (ii) victims have access
to means of redress; and (iii) perpetrators are held accountable (Brazil);
113.55. Continue its efforts to comba t religious and hate crimes and invite
State high officials to take a clear position against those crimes (Tunisia);
113.56. Ensure religious minorities, including Christian Protestants, are not
discriminated against based on their faith (Namibia);
113.57. Address discriminatory practices towards ethnic and religious
minorities, including lifting restrictions on their participation in government
and society (Australia);

113.58. Eliminate torture, accede to OP -CAT and establish its national
preventive mechan ism accordingly (Czech Republic);
113.59. End arbitrary detention, harassment and other acts of intimidation
against journalists, media workers and human rights defenders (Germany):
113.60. Abolish incommunicado detention, investigate death in custody
inci dents and prosecute those responsible, allow frequent visits by recognized
international humanitarian organizations to all detention places, and establish
an independent monitoring system for detention facilities (Canada);
113.61. Establish a national syst em that independently and regularly
monitors and inspects all places of detention (Poland);
113.62. Allow visits by international humanitarian organizations to all
detention places (Poland);
113.63. Develop cooperation with the ICRC, allowing it access to all places
where persons are or may be depriv ed of their liberty (France);
113.64. Allow, in a flexible general manner, the visit of independent
organizations and national and international NGO s to the detention centres
113.65. Grant independent n ational and international monitoring
organizations full access to all detention facilities (Sweden);
113.66. Grant full access to all prison facilities in the country to the
representatives of ICRC and other international mechanisms, such as the
Special Ra pporteurs on torture, and human rights defenders, and the Working
Group on Arbitrary Detention in accordance with their request (Netherlands);
113.67. End harassment and intimidation of journalists, human rights
defenders and civil society activists (Czech Republic);
113.68. Ensure the protection of journalists, media personnel, civil society
activists and human rights defenders against the attacks and prosecute those
responsible for such attacks (Estonia);
113.69. Investigate and, as appropriate, prosecute officials suspected of
committing torture or other violations of human rights and punish those who
are convicted (United States of America);
113.70. Conduct independent investigations into allegations of torture as well
as violations of the rights of huma n rights defenders and independent
journalists, including attacks against their lives and their freedom of
movement, and take the necessary protection measures (Spain);
113.71. Release immediately and rehabilitate all those imprisoned without
credible crim inal charges (Slovaki a);
113.72. Fully implement the rights of convicts serving long -term
imprisonment to communicate with their lawyers and their relatives , and to
have access to health care (Germany);
113.73. Consider removing the rules which allow the c riminalization of
religious activities merely on the basis of lack of legal registration required for
religious group (Italy);
113.74. Call for and support reform to laws that restrict freedoms of religion
and expression; in particular protect the rights o f conscientious objectors and

ensure that individuals are not punished for expressing their opinions (United
States of America);
113.75. Facilitate participation by civil society groups, in particular by
reforming the system of registration for NGOs workin g in the country to allow
organizations to be established by non -citizens, remove the obligation of having
a minimal number of members in order to register, reduce the registration fees,
and remove the obligation to notify the authorities of the NGOs’ acti vities
113.76. Put an end to restrictions imposed on Turkmen or international
associations and NGOs, especially those working in the field of human rights,
such as the strict control of their activities and their financing (France);
113.77. Adopt a legislative and regulatory framework to facilitate the
creation and registration of NGOs and associations which guarantee their free
activity (France);
113.78. Promote an open environment where individuals can express diverse
views without fear of haras sment or prosecution (Poland);
113.79. Promote and encourage locally based and members driven civil
societies in the country (Ethiopia);
113.80. Allow national and international NGOs to conduct their work in
accordance with the International Covenant on Ci vil and Political Rights
113.81. Reform the Law on Public Associations to bring it in line with its
obligations under the ICCPR, including by simplifying the legal and procedural
requirements for registration by civil society organizations and mi nimizing
reporting obligations to authorities (Ireland);
113.82. Ensure that the procedure of granting legal registrations for NGOs
and religious groups be fair, prompt and non -discriminatory (Italy);
113.83. Reform its relevant legislation to provide for the full enjoyment of the
right to freedom of expression, the right to the freedom of assembly and the
right to fre edom of association (Slovakia);
113.84. Uphold full freedom of expression, via the internet and other forms of
media, including by allowing a ccess to social networking and other blocked
sites and by ensuring that national and foreign journalists can operate without
fear of harassment (United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland);
113.85. Ensure that every citizen – including human righ ts defenders –
leaders of opposition parties, religious believers, civil society activists and
journalists can peacefully exercise their right to freedom of expression in
conformity with Turkmenistan’s obliga tions under the ICCPR (Sweden);
113.86. Ensure t hat everyone, including human rights defenders, members of
civil society and journalists can exercise their legitimate activities, even their
rights to freedoms of expression and assembly in accordance with the
obligations under the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights
113.87. Take appropriate action to guarantee freedoms of expression,
association and assembly – including by allowing independent media, political
parties and civil society to operate freely – and ceasing the re pression and other
ill-treatment of human rights defenders and p olitical activists (Australia);

113.88. Take measures to ensure the right to freedom of expression and
peaceful assembly for human rights defenders, independent journalists and
civil society a ctivists and effectively combat intimidation and harassment
against them (France);
113.89. Ensure that leaders of all political parties, religious believers, civil
society activists and journalists can peacefully exercise their right to freedom of
expressi on in conformity with the ICCPR to which Turkmenistan is a party
113.90. Create real space for a multi -party parliamentary election later this
year in line with international standards and judged by independent observers
to be fully free and fai r (United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern
114 . The recommendations below did not enjoy the support of Turkmenistan :
114 .1 Decriminalize sexual relations between consenting adults of the same
sex, as recommended by the Human Rights Committee (Slovenia);
114.2. Inform relatives and the public about the whereabouts of all persons
who have been under arrest and whose fate is currently unknown (Germany);
114.3. Release all prisoners of conscience (Slovenia); Release of all prisoners
of conscience (Norway);
114.4 Release all political prisoners, including Gulgeldy Annaniazov, and
account for those prisoners whose fate is unknown (Canada);
114.5. Take steps to release all political prisoners and facilitate the
requested visits of the United Nations Special Rapporteur on torture and the
Working Group on Arbitrary Detention (Australia);
114.6. Immediately release all human rights defenders and political
prisoners (Czech Republic);
114.7. Revise the law on religious organizations so that clauses prohib iting
unregistered religious activities and unjustified restrictions are repealed
114.8. Remove from its Religious Organizations Law prohibition on
unregistered religious activities, and undue restrictions on religious material,
education and at tire (Canada).
115 . All conclusions and/or recommendations contained in the present report reflect
the position of the submitting State(s) and/or the State under review. They should not
be construed as endorsed by the Working Group as a whole.

[Engl ish only] Composition of the delegation
The delegation of Turkmenistan was headed by Mr. V epa Hajiyev, Deputy Minister
of Foreign Affairs , and composed of the following members:
• Mrs. Yazdursun Gurbannazarova, Head of the National Institute of Democracy and
Human Rights under the President of Turkmenistan;
• Mr. Begmyrat Muhammedov, Deputy Minister of Justice of Turkmenistan;
• Mr. Geldimammet Geldimyradov, Deputy Minister of Education of Turkmenistan;
• Mr. Muhammetgeldy Atayev, Head of the Institute o f Strategic Planning and
Economic Development of the Ministry of Economy and Development of
• Mrs. Selbi Sysoyeva, Head of the Department of Labour Relations and Protection of
the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection of Turkmenistan;
• Mr s. Agagul Berdiyeva, Head of the Department of Law and International Relations
of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Turkmenistan;
• Mr. Hasan Akyyev, Senior Adviser of the Department of Human Resources and
Professional Development of the Supreme Court of Turkmenistan;
• Mr. Bayram Bayramov, Head of Department of International Relations of the Office
of General Prosecutor of Turkmenistan;
• H. E. Mr. Esen Aydogdyev, Permanent Representative of Turkmenistan to the
United Nations Office and other internation al organizations in Geneva.