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Document Information:
- Year: 1974
- Country: United Arab Emirates
- Language: English
- Document Type: Domestic Law or Regulation
- Topic:
Natural Language
Status: Law in force
FED RES MIN SOC No. 8 of 1974
UAE Official Gazette
Resolution No. 8 of 1974 concerning conditions for licensing societies for public benefits in collecting
The Minister of Social Affairs,
After reviewing the Federal Law No. 1of 1972 concerning the responsibilities of the Ministries and the powers
of the Ministers, as amended;
The Federal Law No. 6of 1974 concerning Associations for the Public Good;
And the memo submitted by the Head of the Ahli Activity Section at the Ministry concerning the organization
of granting licences to the associations to raise donations and to accept grants, benefits or monetary aids from
any person inside or outside the State, in accordance with the text of Articles 35 and 43 of the Federal Law No.
6 of 1974,
Has resolved as follows:
Article 1
No association may raise money from natural or corporate persons inside or outside the State by any means
without prior licence from the Ministry.
Article 2
Associations shall be granted licences to raise money under the following conditions:
A. That the association is registered in accordance with the provisions of the Law No. 6of 1974 ;
B. The association may not be granted over two licences during the financial year, provided that the term of
each licence is not in excess of three months.
C. No new licence may be granted to any association other than upon approval by the Ministry to terminate
the former licences granted to such association.
Article 3
The procedures to apply for licence to raise money
A. The application for licence shall be provided to the Ahli Activity Section at the Ministry, on such form
prepared for such purpose by the Ministry, in one original copy and two photocopies signed by the legal
representative and cashier of the association.
B. The application shall be accompanied by a photocopy of such minutes of meeting of the Board of
Directors of the association, stating the approval by the board of directors to raise money and the method
and period of collecting it.
C. In the event of application for a charity party or market or to raise money under the patronage of a natural
or corporate person, the application for licence shall be accompanied by such evidence that such person
accepts such patronage.
D. The Ministry may reject to grant the licence without stating the reasons within 15 days from the date of
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E. In the event of approval of the licence, each set of money raising instruments, whether stamps, receipts,
tickets or funds, shall be stamped with the seal of the Ahli Activity Section of the Ministry and signed by
the head of the section.
F. The person in charge of keeping and giving the money raising instruments shall sign such
acknowledgement prepared for such purpose by the Ahli Activity Section of the Ministry.
Article 4
The provisions of Article 43 of the Federal Law No. 6 of 1974 shall apply to any person that may contravene
any of the provisions of this Resolution.
Article 5
This Resolution shall be published in the Official Gazette and shall come into force from the date of publication
Minister of Social Affairs
Abdul Aziz Bin Rashid Al Naimi
Issued on 16 Dhu Al Hijjah 1394 H,
Corresponding to 30 December 1974
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