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Document Information:
- Year: 2014
- Country: Uzbekistan
- Language: English
- Document Type: Domestic Law or Regulation
- Topic: CSO/Government Cooperation
Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan On Social Partnership
Adopted by the Legislative Chamber on June 18, 2014
Chapter 1. General Provisions
Article 1. The purpose of the p resent Law
The purpose of the present Law is to regulate relations in the fiel d of social
Article 2. Legislation on social p artnership
The legislation on social partnership shall include the present Law and other
leg al acts.
I n the event when an international covenant of the Republic of Uzbekistan
stipulates provisions which run counter to the ones provided by the legislation on
social partnership of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the provisions of the international
treaty shall prevail.
Article 3. Social partnership and i ts subjects
Social partnership is an interaction between government agencies and non-
governmental nonprofit organizations and other civil society institutions in
elaboration , implement ation and execution of the programs of socioeconomic
development of the country, including sectoral and region -specific pro jects, as well
as regulatory legal acts and decrees that may relate to the rights and legitimate
interests of citizens.
Subjects of social partnership shall include government agencies, non-
governmental nonprofit organizations and other civil society i nstitutions.
Article 4. Underlying principles of social p artnership
The underlying principles of social partnership shall include :
openness and transparence;
objectivity, mutual respect, consideration of interests, and due process;
voluntary assumption of responsibility .
Article 5. Spheres of social partnership
Social partnership can be implemented in the following spheres:
social protection, support and enhancement of social activities of the
populatio n;
ensuring the employment of the population, development of small businesses
and private enterprise, and farming; environmental protection, population- focused health care, and establishment of
healthy lifestyle;
upbringing of a harmoniously developed and healthy young generation, general
education, spiritual and moral education, and career guidance for young people; mother and child protection, women’s rights protection, ensuring participation
of women in the social and political, socioeconomic and cultura l life of the country,
raising healt hy families;
development of science, education, informatization, culture, and sports;
enhancement of legal knowledge, legal awareness and legal culture of the
population, strengthening fundamentals of civil society and a democratic state based
on the Rule of Law ;
consolidation of ideas of interethnic concord, cross- cultural and civil accord,
revival and preservation of centuries- old, traditional spiritual, moral , historical and
cultural values;
consumer rights protection.
Social partnership can be also implemented in other spheres in compliance with
the effective legislation.
Chapter 2. Basic forms of social partnership and their implementation
Article 6. Basic forms of social partnership
The basic forms of social partnership are as follows:
participation of non-governmental nonprofit organizations and other civil
society institutions in elaborating and implementing socioeconomic development
programs; participation of non- governmental nonprofit organizations and other civil
society institutions in drafting and executing regulatory legal acts;
participation of representatives of non- governmental nonprofit organizations
and other civil society institutions in the activities of the working groups,
commissions and public advisory bodies under the governmental agencies;
holding joint events, consultations and negotiations by the subjects of social
conclusion by the subjects of social partnership of agreement s and contracts on
social partnership (hereinaft er referred to as the “agreements and contract s”),
development and implementation of joint projects and plans;
rendering mutual support, exchange of information between the subjects of
social partnership.
Article 7. Participation of non- governmental nonprofit organizations
and other civil society institutions in elaboration ,
implement ation and execution of the socioeconomic
development programs and regulatory legal acts
Gov ernment agencies can involve non- governmental nonprofit organizations
and other c ivil society institutions, with their consent, in elaboration, implementation
and execution of the socioeconomic development programs and regulatory legal acts.
When elaborating, implementing and executing the socioeconomic
development programs and regulatory legal acts, the government agencies shall
collect proposals from stakeholders among non-governmental nonprofit
organizations and other civil society institutions.
Elaboration, implementation and execution of the socioeconomic development
programs and r egulatory legal acts can be provided by the working groups,
commissions and public advisory bodies under the governmental agencies, with the
involvement of non- governmental nonprofit organizations and other civil society
N on- governmental nonprofit organizations and other civil society institutions
shall have the right to:
participate, by way of advancing initiatives on elaborating draft socioeconomic
development programs and regulatory legal acts, in the preparation of relevant
proposals and drafts, as well as by way of submitting those to the authorized
government agencies for their consideration;
participate in public evaluation of draft socioeconomic development programs
and regulatory legal acts ; initiation (in coordination with the drafters ) of their public
discussion ; formulate , collect and generalize draft -related proposals; submit said
proposals to the authorized government agencies for their consideration;
participate in the submission of proposals to the government agencies
pertaining to planning and carrying out various events, design ing and
implementing projects aimed at pursuing goals defined in the socioeconomic
development programs, as well as in making suggestions related to the compliance
with regulatory legal acts ;
participate in the public monitoring of the progress of implement ing the
socioeconomic development programs and of the compliance with regulatory legal
acts ; participate in formulating proposals based on the monitoring results, and in the
submission of said proposals to the authorized government agencies.
The government agencies shall be obliged to consider the initiatives and
proposals of non -governmental nonprofit organizations and other civil society
Article 8. Participation of representatives of the non- governmental
nonprofit organizations and other civil society institutions in
the activities of the working groups, commissions and public
advisory bodies under the governmental agencies
Representatives of the non- governmental nonprofit organizations and other
civil society institutions shall have the right to participate , in accordance with the
established procedure, in the activities of the working groups, commissions and
public advisory bodies under the governmental agencies with a view to coordinat ing
and ensuring implementation of the socioeconomic development programs and
execution of the regulatory legal acts , as well as resolving other issues of social and
public significance .
N on- governmental nonprofit organizations and other civil society institutions
shall have the right to :
develop draft socioeconomic development programs and regulatory legal acts,
as well as the relevant proposals, and submit those to be considered at the meetings of
the working groups, commissions and public advisory bodies under the governmental
agencie s;
address the working groups, commissions and public advisory bodies under the
governmental agencies with proposals pertaining to the scope of issues falling
under their competence including development and implementation of relevant
measures aimed at resolving the se issues;
address, pursuant to the obtained approval, meetings of the working groups,
commissions and public advisory bodies under the governmental agencies, on the
issues falling under their competence.
Article 9. Holding joint events, consultations and negotiations by the
social partnership entities
The subjects of social partnership may hold/conduct :
joint events in the form of conferences , round tables , sem inars , public
discussions , khashars, festivals, sociological polls, and in other forms ;
consultations and negotiations aimed at concluding agreements and contracts ,
development and implementation of joint projects and plans, planning/ carrying out joint
events .
Consultations and negotiations shall be conducted by way of organizing joint
meetings and public discussions , requesting the opinions of representatives of the non –
governmental nonprofit organizations and other civil society institutions, setting up
w orking groups, commissions and public advisory bodies under the governmental
agencie s and with their participation.
Article 10. Conclusion by the s ubjects of s ocial partnership of agreements
and contracts; development and implementation of joint
projects and plans
T he subjects of social partnership may conclude agreements and contract s,
develop and implement joint projects and plans .
Agreements shall mean undertaking mutual obligations by the parties, within the
bounds of which they identify objectives and tasks, directions of joint activities, and
specify the forms of implementation of social partnership.
Contracts may provide for execution of works or rendering of services , as well as
implementation of projects of social and public significance with a material support
(including the financial one) on the part of a social partnership entity. The contractual
relations shall be regulated by the Civil Code of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the
Joint projects and plans shall determine the package of measures aimed at
implementing agreements and contracts, socioeconomic development programs,
resolving humani tarian problems, protecting rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of
various strata of the population.
Article 11. R endering mutual support , exchange of information between the
subjects of social partnership
T he subjects of social partnership, within the limits of their authority , shall render
mutual education- and-methodological, information, consultative, and organizational
T he su bjects of s ocial partnership shall provide each other with all of the
available and information in regard of their relations , pursuant to relevant written
An answer to a written request must be given in the shortest possible time, but no
later th an fifteen days after the date of receipt of the request, unless otherwise specified
in the legislation.
T he subjects of social partnership may not provide information that contains
St ate secrets or some other classified information protected by law .
Cha pter 3. Government Support for Social Partnership
Article 12. Types of government support provided for social partnership
The types of government support provided for social partnership are as follows:
P roperty -related , information , consultative , organiz ational and education- and-
methodological support for non- governmental nonprofit organizations and other civil
society institutions;
granting exemption from taxes and other mandatory payments to legal entities
and natural persons that provide material support for non- governmental nonprofit
organizations and other civil society institutions;
providing non-governmental nonprofit organizations and other civil society
institutions with government subsidies, grants and social service procur ement, as well
as finan cing socially beneficial projects.
Article 13. Providing property support
N on- governmental nonprofit organizations and other civil society institutions
operating in the sphere of social partnership can be provided with the government –
owned property for temporary use , either free of charge or on favorable terms , on
contractual basis and in accordance with the procedure established by the effective
Any government -owned property provided to non- governmental nonprofit
organizations and other ci vil society institutions for temporary use must only be
u tilized for the designated purpose.
Article 14. Providing information , consultative , organizational and
education -and -methodological support
I nformation, consultative, organizational and education- and-methodological
support shall be provided to non- governmental nonprofit organizations and other civil
society institutions operating in the sphere of social partnership in the following
creating conditions for a free access to information in the sphere of social
drawing up and publishing methodological materials on the issues of
participation of non- governmental nonprofit organizations and other civil society
institutions in the implementation of social partnership;
setting up training courses and holding educational theme -oriented events ,
methodological consultations, research-to- practice workshops and conferences
dedicated to the topical issues of the development of social partnership;
rendering assistance in the arrangement of events in the sphere of social
Article 15. Establishing Public F und for supporting non- governmental
not -for- profit organizations and other civil society
institutions under the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of
In order to promote furthe r development of democratic transformations in the
country with the participation of non -governmental not -for -profit organizations and
other civil society institutions therein, the Public Fund for supporting non-
governmental not -for- profit organizations and other civil society institutions is being
established under the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan (hereinafter referred
to as ” the Public Fund under the Oliy Majlis”).
The Public Fund under the Oliy Majlis shall:
accumulate funds received from the Government budget of the Republic of
Uzbekistan and other sources that are not forbidden by law , organize their allocation
for implementation of the programs aimed at encouraging the development and
support of the activities of non -governmental not -for -profit organizations and other
civil society institutions, their participation in addressing social, economic and
humanitarian problems;
allocate monetary resources to the public funds for supporting non –
governmental not -for- profit organizations and other civil society institutions under
the Jokargi Kenes of the Republic of Karakalpakstan , the Kengashes of people’s
deputies of provinces and the city of Tashkent for their further distribution for
supporting non-governmental not -for- profit organizations and other civil society
institutions ;
contribute to the implementation of projects and programs associated with
consolidation of the material and technological base of non -governmental not -for –
profit organizations and other civil society institutions, and providing them with
legal, consultative, organizational, technical and other type of assistance.
Article 16. Parliamentary Commission for management of the assets of
the Public Fund for s upporting non-governmental not -for-
profit organizations and other civil society institutions under
the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan
The Parliamentary Commission for management of the assets of the Public
Fund for supporting non- governmental not -for- profit organizations and other civil
society institutions under the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan (hereinafter
referred to as “the Parliamentary Commission”) shall be set up with a view to
promoting the development and participation of non-governmental not -for -profit
organizations and other civil society institutions in the implementation of democratic
transformations and liberalization of the society in Uzbekistan.
The Parliamentary Commission shall be formed from among the deputies of
the Legislative Chamber , members of the Senate of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic
of Uzbekistan , representatives of the Ministry of Justice and the Ministry of
Finance , non -governmental not -for- profit organizations and other civil society
institutions, and shall be composed of chairman , vice -chairman , executive secretary,
and m embers of the commission.
The Parliamentary Commission shall:
organize allocation of the monetary resources of the Public Fund under the Oliy
Majlis for the support of non- governmental not -for- profit organizations and other
civil society institutions; draft programs of financing the programs and projects of
social and public significance , aimed at resolving specific socioeconomic issues and
further enhancing citizens’ social activit ies, as based on consideration of the
proposals put forth by non- governmenta l not -for -profit organizations and other civil
society institutions as well as the government agencies;
ensure openness and transparency of the process of allocating the monetary
resources of the Public Fund under the Oliy Majlis , involve public at large in the
discussion of the issues pertaining to the development and enhancement of efficiency of
the activities of non- governmental not -for- profit organizations and other civil society
institutions, their participation in the implementation of the socioecono mic and public
and political reforms underway, and guaranteeing protection of the democratic values,
human rights, freedoms and legitimate interests;
determine and allocate, on the basis of the requests submitted by the public
commissions on social partne rship (hereinafter referred to as “the public
commissions “), financial resources for supporting non-governmental not -for- profit
organizations and other civil society institutions at the local level, as well as ensure
methodological guidance for the activities of the above commissions ;
exercise control over (carry out monitoring of) the proper and efficient use of the
financial resources of the Public Fund under the Oliy Majlis, as well as the Public
Fund- financed projects and programs; hear, during its meet ings, the reports of the
local -level non-governmental not -for -profit organizations and other civil society
institutions, and the local government authorities on the progress and results of
implementation of the financed projects and programs; formulate and provide
relevant recommendations on further development of social partnership;
contribute to deepening of cooperation between the non- governmental not -for-
profit organizations and other civil society institutions and the government agencies
in the field of implementation of the priority programs and projects of social and
public significance, as well as to the processes of enhancing the role of non-
governmental not -for -profit organizations and other civil society institutions in the
democratization of public life ;
render assistance to the government agencies in organizing public discussion
and public evaluation of socioeconomic development programs and draft regulatory
legal acts , carry out systematic work on raising the population’s awareness of the
es sence and meaning of the democratic transformations taking place in the country ;
make decisions on the issues under consideration, which are related to the sphere
of social partnership, and monitor their implementation;
present annually a progress report t o the Legislative Chamber and the Senate of
the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan at their meetings ;
inform the public about their activities .
The Parliamentary Commission shall perform the functions of the board of
trustees of the Public Fund unde r the Oliy Majlis.
The Parliamentary Commission may also exercise other powers in compliance
with the effective legislation.
The procedure of organizing the activities of the Public Fund under the Oliy
Majlis and the Parliamentary Commission shall be established by the chambers of
the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
Article 17. Public F unds for supporting non -governmental not -for- profit
organizations and other civil society institutions under the
Jokargi Kenes of the Republic of Karakalpakstan , the
of people’s deputies of provinces and the city of
With a view to developing initiatives and strengthening the role of non-
governmental non profit organizations and other civil society institutions, as well as
encouraging them to take part in addressing the issues of social and public
significance, the Jokargi Kenes of the Republic of Karakalpakstan , the Kengashes
people’s deputies of provinces and the city of Tashkent shall set up regional public
The public funds for supporting non -governmental not -for- profit organizations
and other civil society institutions under the Jokargi Kenes of the Republic of
Karakalpakstan , the Kengashes
of people’s deputies of provinces and the city of
Tashkent shall:
accumulate resources received from the local budget and the Public Fund under
the Oliy Majlis, charitable donations from legal entities and natural persons, other funds
that are not forbidden by the legislation;
organize the use of the accumulated funds for supporting the activities of non-
governmental no nprofit organizations and other civil society institutions, and their
participation in addressing the issues of social and public significance ;
contribute to the elaboration and implementation of the socioeconomic
development programs, resolution of humanitarian problems, and protection of the
rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of citizens.
Article 18. Public commissions on coordinating the matters related to the
sphere of social partnership under the Jokargi Kenes of the
Republi c of Karakalpakstan , the Kengashes
of people ‘s
deputies of provinces and the city of Tashkent
Public commissions shall be formed from among the deputies of the Jokargi
Kenes of the Republic of Karakalpakstan , the Kengashes
of people ‘s deputies of
provinc es and the city of Tashkent , representatives of the Cabinet of Ministers of the
Republic of Karakalpakstan, the khokimiyats of provinces and the city of
Tashkent, the agencies of justice and finance, as well as other government
agencies, non-governmental non profit organizations and other civil society
institutions, and shall consist of the chairman, vice -chairman, executive secretary,
and members of the commissions.
Public commissions shall:
contribute to deepening of cooperation between the non- governmenta l no nprofit
organizations and other civil society institutions and the local government authorities
on the implementation of the programs and projects of social and public significance,
as well as identify the priority areas of social partnership, based on the examination
of their proposals ;
formulate recommendations on supporting the programs and projects of social
and public significance , developed by non- governmental no nprofit organizations and
other civil society institutions and aimed at addressing public and socioeconomic
challenges at the local level, as well as on identifying the amount of funds required for
their implementation, and submit the corresponding requests to the Parliamentary
organize efficient allocation of the monetary funds of the public funds for
supporting non-governmental non profit organizations and other civil society
institutions under the Jokargi Kenes of the Republic of Karakalpakstan , the
of people ‘s deputies of provinces and the city of Tashkent , as well as
monitor their targeted use ;
hear, during their meetings, the reports of the local -level non-governmental
non profit organizations and other civil society institutions, and local government
authorities on the progress and results of implementation of the financed projects
and programs; formulate and provide relevant recommendations on further
development of social partnership;
render assistance to the government agencies in organizing public discussion
and public evaluation of socioeconomic development programs and draft regulatory
legal acts , carry out systematic work on raising the population’s awareness of the
essence and meaning of the democratic transformations taking place in the country ;
carry out monitoring and ongoing comprehensive assessment of the state of
social partnership in addressing the issues of public and socioeconomic development
within the respective territory, and, if necessary, develop specific actions to improve the
activities in this area;
organize and hold consultations and negoti ations between the subjects of social
partnership, aimed at accommodating the interests and identifying the priority areas for
joint activities, contribute to the conclusion of agreements and contracts between them,
and monitor their implementation;
make decisions on the issues under consideration, which are related to the sphere
of social partnership, and monitor their implementation;
inform the public about their activities .
Public commissions shall perform the functions of the boards of trustees of the
public funds for supporting non-governmental not -for- profit organizations and other
civil society institutions under the Jokargi Kenes of the Republic of Karakalpakstan,
the Kengashes
of people ‘s deputies of provinces and the city of Tashkent .
Public commi ssions may also exercise other powers in compliance with the
effective legislation.
Public commissions shall carry out their activities in accordance with the
Rules and Procedures to be approved by, respectively, the Jokargi Kenes of the
Republic of Karakalpakstan, the Kengashes
of people ‘s deputies of provinces and the
city of Tashkent .
The model rules and procedures of a public commission shall be approved by the
Parliamentary Commission.
O rganizational and technical support for the activities of public c ommissions
shall be provided by the local government authorities .
Article 19. Government subsidy and its allocation procedure
A government subsidy is a financial or other material assistance provided at the
expense of the Government budget of the Republi c of Uzbekistan and the
government trust funds for supporting non-governmental non profit organizations and
other civil society institutions that carry out important social and public activities,
and which assistance is not associated with any specific proj ect.
Government subsidies shall be used exclusively for pursuing the statutory goals
and objectives of non -governmental non profit organizations and other civil society
institutions, consolidation of the ir techn ological and material base, and achievement
of the socially useful objectives.
In order to receive a government subsidy , non- governmental no nprofit
organizations and other civil society institutions shall submit their requests to the
Public Fund under the Oliy Majlis .
The Public Fund under the Oliy Majlis shall summarize the requests of non-
governmental no nprofit organizations and other civil society institutions, prepare
proposals regarding the amount of subsidies and submit these proposals to the
Parliamentary Commission.
Upon reviewing the documents submitted by the Public Fund under the Oliy
Majlis , the Parliamentary Commission shall pass a decision, according to the
established procedure, on appropriateness of subsidi es and their amounts.
Upon approval of the Government Budget of the Republic of Uz bekistan for the
next fiscal year, the Public Fund under the Oliy Majlis shall submit the proposal on the
distribution of government subsidies to the Parliamentary Commission.
After receiving proposals from the Public Fund under the Oliy Majlis , the
Parliamentary Commission shall determine the amounts of the government subsidies
to be allocated to non -governmental no nprofit organizations and other civil society
The procedure of and the requirements for allocation of the government
subsidies shall be established by the Parliamentary Commission.
The legislation may provide for another procedure of allocating government
subsidi es for individual non- governmental non profit organizations and other civil
society institutions.
Article 20. Government g rants and the allocation procedure
A government grant shall be construed as monetary and other material resources
provided at the expense of the Government budget of the Republic of Uzbekistan and
the public funds’ resources to non -governmental no nprofit organizations and other
civil society institutions, on a competitive basis and pursuant to their requests, for
implementing projects targeted at achieving socially beneficial objectives.
Government grants shall be allocated from the Public Fund under the O liy
Majlis , and from other foundations for supporting non-governmental non profit
organizations and other civil society institutions under the Jokargi Kenes of the
Republic of Karakalpakstan, the Kengashes
of people’s deputies of provinces and the
city of T ashkent.
For the purpose of distributing a government grant , the Public Fund under the
Oliy Majlis , the public funds for supporting non-governmental no nprofit organizations
and other civil society institutions under the Jokargi Kenes of the Republic of
Kar akalpakstan , the Kengashes
of people’s deputies of provinces and the city of
Tashkent shall organize tender procedures of awarding grants .
The right to take part in grant competitions shall be given to those non-
governmental not -for -profit organizations and other civil society institutions, which
present projects aimed at achieving socially beneficial objectives.
Selection of the projects presented for grant competitions and determination of
the awards shall be provided by the Parliamentary Commission and t he public
commissions .
When issuing a government grant , a grant allocation agreement shall be
concluded between the grant -maker and the grant ee.
The procedure of and the requirements for allocation of government grants to
non- governmental non profit organiz ations and other civil society institutions shall be
established by the Parliamentary Commission.
Article 21. Social services procurement and the awarding procedure
Social services procurement is a government assignment for carrying out works
or measures related to the implementation of the projects of social and public
significance through signing a contract between a government agency and a non-
governmental no nprofit organization and other civil society institution s.
Social services procurement contract shall be awarded via the Public Fund
under the Oliy Majlis or the public funds for supporting non-governmental non profit
organizations and other civil society institutions under the Jokargi Kenes of the
Republic of Karakalpakstan, the Kengashes
of people ‘s deputies of provinces and the
city of Tashkent .
The government agencies shall identify , within the bounds of the social
partnership spheres stipulated in the present Law , the priority areas of their activities
that require support for non -governmental n onprofit organizations and other civil
society institutions, and submit relevant requests for awarding social services
procurement contracts for the upcoming fiscal year to the Public Fund under the Oliy
Majlis or the public funds for supporting non-govern mental no nprofit organizations
and other civil society institutions under the Jokargi Kenes of the Republic of
Karakalpakstan , the Kengashes
of people’s deputies of provinces and the city of
Tashkent . The request shall specify the priority areas of activit ies of the given
government agency, and also goals, objectives, terms and conditions of the
assignment for fulfilling works or providing services .
The Public Fund under the Oliy Majlis or the public funds for supporting non-
governmental non profit organizations and other civil society institutions under the
Jokargi Kenes of the Republic of Karakalpakstan , the Kengashes
of people ‘s
deputies of provinces and the city of Tashkent shall organize a competition for social
services procurement contract award , summa rize the proposals received from non –
governmental non profit organizations and other civil society institutions, and submit
those to the Parliamentary Commission and the public commissions, respectively.
Upon reviewing the documents submitted, respectively, by the Public Fund
under the Oliy Majlis or the public funds for supporting non-governmental nonprofit
organizations and other civil society institutions under the Jokargi Kenes of the
Republic of Karakalpakstan, the Kengashes
of people’s deputies of provinces and the
city of Tashkent , the Parliamentary Commission or the public commissions shall
make a decision, according to the established procedure, on appropriateness of
awarding the social services procurement contracts and on their scope s, publish in
t he mass media a list of the government customers and the fields of activities
deemed as priorities for the government financing.
N on- governmental no nprofit organizations and other civil society institutions
shall prepare draft social services procurement contracts and submit them to the
Parliamentary Commission and the public commissions, respectively, for their
When awarding a social services procurement contract , a relevant agreement
shall be signed between the government agency , which subm itted the request for
awarding a social services procurement contract and the non- governmental non profit
organization and other civil society institution.
The government agencies may co -finance the draft social services procurement
contracts supported by t he Parliamentary Commission and the public commissions,
using extrabudgetary funds. In this case , the co -financing share must not exceed 20
percent of the total amount of financing .
The procedure of and the requirements for awarding a social services
procurement contract shall be established by the Parliamentary Commission.
Article 22. Financing activities in the sphere of social partnership
Activities in the sphere of social partnership shall be financed at the expense of :
the resources of the Government Budget of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the
government trust funds ;
internal funds of the s ubjects of social partnership;
charitable donations from legal entities and natural persons.
Activities in the sphere of social partnership can be also financed from other
sources not forbidden by the effective legislation.
Chapter 4. Rights and Responsibilities of the Subjects of Social Partnership
Article 23. Rights of non- governmental no nprofit organizations and
other civil society institutions in the sphere of social
In accordance with their statutes, non -governmental non profit organizations
and other civil society institutions shall have the right to :
represent and protect the rights and legitimate interests of their members and
participants when elaborating and implementing socioeconomic development programs
and regulatory legal acts ;
advance initiatives on various issues of socioeconomic development, protection
of rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of citizens, submit corresponding proposals
to the government agencies ;
take part in the decision- making process of the government agencies on the
matters affecting the rights and legitimate interests of citizens ;
request information from government agencies ; disseminate information about
the ir activities ;
advance initiatives on holding consultations and negotiations in regard of social
partnership; put forth proposals on concluding agreements and contracts, participate in
the preparation and discussion of draft agreements and contracts;
exercise public oversight over the implementation of socioeconomic
development programs and regulatory legal acts , agreements , contracts and other
contractual instruments.
N on- governmental no nprofit organizations and other civil society institutions
may also en joy other rights in accordance with the effective legislation.
Article 24. Responsibilities of non- governmental no nprofit organizations
and other civil society institutions in the sphere of social
N on- governmental no nprofit organizations and other civil society institutions
shall be obliged to ensure :
openness and transparency of their activities ;
compliance with the commitments under agreements and contracts, programs
and projects in the sphere of social partnership;
consideration of the int erests and needs of citizens when carrying out activities
within the scope of social partnership;
targeted use of the funds and property provided within the scope of social
N on- governmental no nprofit organizations and other civil society institutions
may also be vested with other responsibilities in accordance with the effective
Article 25. Rights of government agencies in the sphere of social
The government agencies engaged in social partnership shall have the right to:
involve non -governmental no nprofit organizations and other civil society
institutions in the elaboration and implementation of socioeconomic development
programs, as well as in the enforcement of regulatory legal acts;
jointly with non- governmental non profit organizations and other civil society
institutions, set up working groups and commissions ; provide for the participation of
representatives of the non- governmental non profit organizations and other civil
society institutions in the activities of the public advisory bodies under the
governmental agencies related to the issues within their scope of competence ;
hold consultations and negotiations with non- governmental non profit
organizations and other civil society institutions, aimed at concluding agreement s
and contract s, developing and implement ing joint projects and plans, arranging and
holding joint events ;
exercise control, in accordance with the effective legislation, over the targeted
use of the government monetary funds and other property provided within the scope of
social partnership.
The government agencies may also enjoy other rights in accordance with the
effective legislation.
Article 26. Responsibilities of government agencies in the field of social
The government agencies sh all be obliged to:
identify the priority areas of activities that require support of n on- governmental
non profit organizations and other civil society institutions, among other things , by
way of holding consultations with n on- governmental no nprofit organiza tions and
other civil society institutions, in the spheres of social partnership as provided in the
present Law ;
create necessary conditions for n on-governmental non profit organizations and
other civil society institutions for their participation in socia l partnership;
consider initiatives and proposals of n on- governmental non profit organizations
and other civil society institutions, including those related to the elaboration of draft
socioeconomic development programs and regulatory legal acts;
ensure organization of a public discussion of the progress of elaboration and
implementation of the socioeconomic development programs and enforcement of the
regulatory legal acts ; evaluate proposals of n on- governmental no nprofit organizations
and other civil societ y institutions pertaining to enhancing the efficiency of their
implementation (enforcement) ;
provide for preliminary consultations and negotiations with n on- governmental
non profit organizations and other civil society institutions;
ensure fulfillment of th e commitments under agreements and contracts, programs
and projects in the sphere of social partnership;
publish, on an annual basis, information regarding their activities aimed at
support ing the development of social partnership.
The government agencies may be vested with other responsibilities in
accordance with the effective legislation.
Chapter 5. Concluding Provisions
Article 27. Settlement of disputes
Disputes in the sphere of soci al partnership shall be settled in compliance with
the procedure establ ished by the legislation .
Article 28. Liability for violation of the legislation on social partnership
P arties guilty of violating the leg islation on social partnership shall be liable
according to the procedure established by the legislation.
Ar ticle 29. Bringing the legislation in compliance with the present Law
The Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan shall be instructed to:
bring the resolutions of the Government in compliance with the present Law ;
ensure the review and repeal by the Government authorities of their regulatory
legal acts running counter the provisions of the present Law.
Article 30. Effective date of the present Law
The present Law shall enter into force three months after the date of its
official publication .
of the Republic of Uzbekistan I. Karimov