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Document Information:
- Year: 2021
- Country: Egypt
- Language: English
- Document Type: Domestic Law or Regulation
- Topic: CSO Framework Legislation
In the name of Allah the most beneficent the most merciful
Arab Republic of Egypt
Office of the President
Official Gazette
Price: 4Egyptian pounds
Issue No. 1
Issued on 27/4/1442
Corresponding to 11 January 2021
Year: 64
Official Gazette- Issue No. 1(reprint), 11January 2021
Resolution of the Prime Minister
No. 104 of 2021
Implementing Regulations for the Law on Civil Society
Issued by Law No. 149 of 2019
Upon review of the Constitution;
Law No. 89 of 1960 on Entry, Residence and Exit of Foreigners into the Arab Republic of
Law No. 182 of 1960 on combating narcotic abuse and illegal drug trade;
Law No. 75 of 1963 on State Litigation Authority;
Law No. 118 of 1964 on the Establishment of the Central Agency for Organization and
Law No. 42 of 1967 on the Delegation of Competencies;
Law on Evidence in Civil and Commercial Matters promulgated in Law No. 25 of 1968;
Law No. 91 of 1971 on Granting the Minister of War the Powers of the Minister of Social
Affairs under Law No. 32 of 1964 on Associations and Foundations of Veterans;
Law No. 91 of 1971 on Granting the Ministry of War the competent administrative authority
for the Association of Veterans and Victims of War and its branches in the Arab Republic of
Egypt, and to grant the Minister of War the powers conferred on the Minister of Social
Affairs in Law No. 32 of 1964 concerning associations and private institutions;
Law No. 46 of 1972 on Judicial Authority;
Law No. 47 of 1972 on State Council;
Law No. 53 of 1973 on the State Public Budget;
Law No. 54 of 1975 on Private Insurance Funds;
Law No.127 of 1981 on Government Accountability;
Law No. 144 of 1988 on the Central Authority for Accountancy;
Capital Market Law No. 95 of 1992;
Child Law No. 12 of 1996;
Law No. 24 of 1999 on Imposing aTax on Entry of Theatres and Other Entertainment and
Fun Fair Places;
Law No. 80 of 2002 on Anti-Money Laundering;
Official Gazette- Issue No. 1(reprint), 11January 2021
Labor Law No. 12 of 2003;
Law No. 10 of 2009 on Regulating Financial Non-Banking Markets and Tools;
Law No. 63 of 2014 on the Maximum Wages of State Employees;
Law No. 141 of 2014 on Regulating Micro Finance Activities;
Law No. 8of 2015 on Regulating Lists of Terrorist Entities and Individuals;
Law No. 94 of 2015 on Countering Terrorism;
Civil Service Law No. 81 of 2016;
Law No. 10 of 2018 on the Rights of Persons with Disability;
Law No. 22 of 2018 on regulating the Procedures for Seizing, Restricting, Managing and
Disposing of Funds of Terrorist Groups and Individuals;
Law No. 176 of 2018 on Finance Leasing and Discount Activities;
Law No. 18 of 2019 Regulating the Use of Non- Cash Means of Payment;
Law No. 148 of 2019 on Social Security and Pensions;
Law No. 149 of 2019 Regulating Activities of Civil Society Organizations;
Law No. 149 of 2020 Regulating Scholarships, Missions, and Study Leaves;
Law No. 152 of 2020 on the Development of Medium, Small and Micro Projects;
Law No. 194 of 2020 on the Central Bank and Banking Sector;
Presidential Order No. 41 of 1958 on Regulations concerning Travel Allowances and
Executive Regulations of Law on Associations and Civil Foundations issued by the Minister
of Insurance and Social Affairs No. 178 of 2002;
After consultation with the Egyptian Central Bank;
After consultation with the Central Agency of Organization and Administration;
Upon approval of the Council of Ministers;
And the Guidance of the State Council:
Article One:
Without prejudice to bylaws of associations established pursuant to the provisions of alaw or
in accordance with international agreements concluded by the Arab Republic of Egypt, the
provisions of the Executive Regulations of Law on Associations and Civil Foundations
mentioned above shall apply.
Article Two:
Official Gazette- Issue No. 1(reprint), 11January 2021
The Executive Regulations of Law on Associations and Civil Foundations issued by the
Minister of Insurance and Social Affairs No. 178 of 2002 are hereby revoked. Every
provision that contradicts with these Regulations is hereby revoked.
Article Three:
These Regulation shall be published in the Official Gazette and shall enter into force as of the
next day of its publication date.
Office of the Prime Minister
On 27 Jumada Al-Awwal, 1442
Corresponding to 11 January 2021
Prime Minister
Dr. Mustafa Kamal Madbuli
Official Gazette- Issue No. 1(reprint), 11January 2021
Article 1:
In implementing the provisions of these Regulations, terms defined in the above-mentioned
Law Regulating the Exercise of Civil Work shall have the same meaning herein. In
implementing the provisions of these Regulations, the following terms shall have the
meanings assigned to them as follows:
The Law: The Law Regulating the Exercise of Civil Work mentioned above.
The Fund: Associations and Civil Foundations Support Fund.
Employee: Anyone holding a position in the Unit's approved jobs chart by appointment,
contracting, transferal, assignment ,secondment, or promotion.
Senior positions: the Head and General Managers of the Unit.
Sub-units: Sub-units under the Unit.
Article 2:
All existing entities, addressed by the provisions of the law, shall adjust their status pursuant
to the provisions of these Regulations within amaximum of one year from the date on which
these Regulations come into effect. The Competent Unit and Sub-units shall communicate
with entities that have not adjusted their status so as to adjust their status in accordance with
the provisions of the Law and these Regulations.
Entities that carry out licensed activities other than civil work, and have exercised civil work
or an activity within the scope of Civil Associations shall adjust their status by notifying the
Article 3:
The Unit and Sub-units shall keep apaper and electronic registry on the predefined template
to record adjustment notifications submitted by Civil Society Organizations registered with
Article 4
The Unit and Sub-units shall list all Civil Society Organizations registered with the Unit but
have not submitted notifications to adjust their status in accordance with the provisions of the
Law and these Regulations at the central or governorate level, as the case may be .
Article 5
All state authorities shall notify the Unit and Sub-units about entities of any legal form
licensed by these authorities and carrying out civil work of any kind.
Article 6
Official Gazette- Issue No. 1(reprint), 11January 2021
Upon recommendation of the relevant authorities, the Unit and Sub-units shall list all entities
not registered with them, which have not submitted notifications to adjust their status in
accordance with the provisions of this Law and these Regulations at each governorate level.
The Unit and Sub-units shall keep paper and electronic register on the predefined templates
that records all the information of the mentioned entities. In this register, actions taken by the
Unit and Sub-units or these entities to adjust their status shall be recorded.
Article 7
The status of Associations, Civil Foundations and Federations registered with the Unit and
Sub-units at the time the Law comes into effect or registered thereafter but before these
Regulations enter into force shall be adjusted in accordance with the following steps:
1. The Board of Directors of the Association or Union, or the Board of Trustees of the
Foundation, as the case may be, shall review the bylaws and shall prepare draft
amendments to the bylaws to become compliant with the Law and these Regulations
subject to the guiding bylaws enclosed with these Regulations.
2. In relation to Associations and Federations, the Board of Directors shall call the
General Assembly for an extraordinary meeting to consider amending the bylaws. The
bylaws as amended by the General Assembly and approved by the Competent Unit or
Sub-unit, as the case may be, shall be considered the valid bylaws for the Association
or the Federation. Concerning Foundations, the bylaws shall be amended by the
founder or the person entitled to amend the bylaws according to its instrument of
3. The Board of Directors of the Association or Federation, or the Board of Trustees of
the Civil Foundation, as the case may be, shall, on predefined templates, notify the
Competent Unit or Sub-unit of the amendments to the bylaws and shall enclose soft
and hard copies of the following documents:
a. The minutes of the meeting of the Board of Directors of the Association or
Federation in which the proposed amendments to the bylaws were presented to the
extraordinary General Assembly; or the amendment made by the founder of the
Civil Foundation, or whoever has the right, according to the instrument of
establishment of the Foundation, to amend the bylaws.
b. The minutes of the meeting for the extraordinary General Assembly in which the
proposed amendments to the bylaws were approved specifying the articles that
have been amended.
c. The minutes of the meeting of the founders or the Board of Trustees of the Civil
Foundation in which the proposed amendments to the bylaws were presented.
d. Two copies of the amended bylaws.
Official Gazette- Issue No. 1(reprint), 11January 2021
Article 8
Qualitative Federations established at the governorate level shall be adjusted by merging
them with the Qualitative Federation established pursuant to the provisions of the law and
these Regulations by notifying the Unit on the predefined template.
The above-mentioned Qualitative Federation may establish an office in each governorate to
carry out its activities. The Qualitative Federation ’sBoard of Directors shall issue adecision
establishing the office, and indicating the names of its members, its competencies and address.
The Qualitative Federation Board of Directors shall notify the Unit with these details.
Article 9
The Competent Unit or Sub-units, as the case may be, shall register the adjustment of status
in the records of the Civil Association, Union or Foundation, upon recommendation of the
relevant authorities. The notification shall not be legally effective unless it provides all the
required information and documents according to the provisions of the Law and these
Article 10
The status of Foreign Non-Governmental Organizations and entities shall be adjusted by
notifying the Unit on the predefined template and enclosing the following documents:
1. Documents provided in Article 108 of these Regulations.
2. A true copy of the organization ’soperation instrument in its country of origin, or
the license granted to the organization to operate in Egypt as abranch of aForeign
3. The basic data of employees (foreigners -Egyptians -dual nationality) working in
the entity or organization ’sbranch in Egypt:
a. Their full names and copies of the national identification cards or passports.
b. Their nationalities, including the nationality used for the purposes of residency
in the country.
c. Their addresses in Egypt, immovable and investment properties owned by
them in Egypt, if any, for foreign nationals.
d. The position the person holds inside the organization or entity (either
permanently or temporarily, as avolunteer, or as an expert), and the license
granted by the official authorities to the foreigner allowing him/her to work in
the organization or the entity.
e. Any other positions held by the person in Egypt other than his/her work with
the organization or the entity.
f. The start date of employment with the parent organization and its branch in
Official Gazette- Issue No. 1(reprint), 11January 2021
g. The criminal status sheet for Egyptian employees in the organization or the
h. An acknowledgement by the legal representative that none of the employees in
the organization or the entity ’sbranch in Egypt has been listed on terror lists.
4. True copies of all forms of cooperation agreements entered into with any entity
inside Egypt, along with abrief report of the outcomes of these agreements.
5. The sources of funding of the organization or the entity and the numbers of its
bank accounts in Egypt.
6. The immovable or movable properties owned or possessed by the organization or
the entity in Egypt.
7. The activities, programs, and events implemented, or being implemented, by the
organization or the entity inside Egypt.
8. The internal bylaws governing the organization or the entity in Egypt.
Article 11
The status of Egyptian entities not registered with the Unit or any of the Sub-units shall be
adjusted by notifying the Competent Unit or Sub-unit, as the case may be, of the
establishment of aCivil Association or Foundation on the predefined template and enclosing
the following documents:
1. The establishment instruments provided in the Law and these Regulations.
2. A statement of the activities of the organization, its sources of funding, programs,
protocols and memoranda of understanding, and other forms of cooperation, on the
predefined template.
3. The establishment instruments file in paper and electronic forms.
Article 12
For legal persons, the legal representative of the entity as specified in the legal instrument
establishing the entity shall be deemed the one responsible for the implementation of the
provisions of the Law and these Regulations.
Article 13
Should an entity fail to adjust its status in accordance with the provisions of the Law and
these Regulations, the body issuing the license or permit allowing the entity to exercise its
activities shall revoke the license or permit issued to the entity. Otherwise, the competent
Ministry concerned with Associations and Civil Work Affairs may resort to the competent
administrative court to issue aruling to expeditiously dissolve the entity.
Official Gazette- Issue No. 1(reprint), 11January 2021
Section One: Establishment of Associations
Article 14
The establishment of an Association shall be made by anotice presented by the representative
of the group of founders to the Competent Unit or Sub-unit, as the case may be, on the
predefined template, with all required supporting documents. The notice shall not be legally
effective unless the following information and documents are presented:
1. Documents provided in Article 8of the Law.
2. A proof of payment of a fee of two thousand pounds in return for recording the
bylaws in the special registry. These fees shall be transferred to the Fund.
3. A proof of legal residency for foreign nationals.
4. The code of conduct for the employees of the Association.
Article 15
For the establishment of an Association, the Association shall have proper premises in Egypt
to manage its activities. Proper premises shall be as follows:
1. Its entrance must allow entry without any obstacles.
2. The premises must not be for the exercise of any activities other than the civil work
activities subject to the provisions of the Law and these Regulations.
3. At least one room in the premises must be allocated for the management of the
Association in case other licensed civil activities are held within the same premises.
Article 16
Foreign nationals having permanent or temporary legal residency in Egypt may become
members in an Association or its Board of Directors but shall not exceed 25% of the number
of its members.
The Competent Unit or Sub-unit, as the case may be, shall issue its approval within sixty days
from the date of receiving the application and after the relevant authorities review the names
and information of these foreigners. The terms of membership stipulated in the Law and in
these Regulations shall be considered. The membership of foreign nationals shall terminate
with the expiry of their legal residency.
Article 17
Subject to reciprocity and upon the approval of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the
relevant licensing authorities, the Competent Minister may license any foreign community in
Egypt to establish one Association for each community to attend to the affairs of its members.
The application shall be made by no less than 50 members and shall be subject to the other
conditions and procedures prescribed in the Law and these Regulations with regard to the
registration and operation of Associations.
Official Gazette- Issue No. 1(reprint), 11January 2021
Article 18
The founders shall be responsible for the expenses and all other obligations related to the
establishment of an Association. Upon recording the bylaws, the founders may recover the
expenses as approved by the General Assembly after being cleared by the Board of Directors
of the Association.
Article 19
A database shall be created at the Competent Ministry responsible for coordination and
cooperation with relevant authorities in which Civil Society Organizations subject to the
provisions of this Law are entered with details about their activities, programs, sources of
funding, and other necessary information. Each Civil Society Organization shall have a
unique national number in the database. The database shall include the following information:
1. Names of Civil Society Organizations subject to the provisions of the Law.
2. A list of members of the Association ’sGeneral Assembly and Board of Directors, or
the Foundation ’sfounders and board of trustees, as the case may be.
3. The Association ’sfield of work, its primary and secondary activities and programs, its
sources of funding, its geographic scope and headquarters.
4. The Association ’sbylaws.
5. The Association ’sinternal bylaws.
6. The Association ’sannual budget.
7. Names of the Association ’semployees and their positions.
8. A list of the beneficiaries of the services provided by the Civil Society Organization.
9. A list of the volunteers in the Civil Society Organizations.
10. For Foreign Non-Governmental Organizations, a list of protocols of cooperation,
memoranda of understanding, and other forms of cooperation regardless of their title.
11. Any other data as decided by the Competent Minister.
The Competent Minister shall issue a resolution defining the mechanism for securing the
database and the rules for protecting the confidentiality of data and information, and naming
employees responsible for operating the database, persons who will have access rights to the
database, and entities to be connected to the database.
Article 20
The same procedures followed in the establishment of the Association shall apply to the
amendment of its bylaws pursuant to the provisions of the Law and these Regulations.
Article 21
Official Gazette- Issue No. 1(reprint), 11January 2021
Every concerned person shall have the right to access the summary records of the bylaws of
any Association and to obtain acertified copy from the Competent Unit or Sub-unit, as the
case may be, subject to the following steps:
1. The concerned person shall submit awritten application to the Competent Unit or
Sub-unit explaining the reason for the application. Upon payment of 50 Egyptian
Pounds, which shall be transferred to the Fund, the application shall be marked so as
access granted.
2. Immediately upon submission of the application, the Competent Unit or Sub-unit, as
the case may be, shall allow the applicant to access the summary records of the
bylaws .
3. If the applicant wishes to obtain a certified copy of the summary records of the
bylaws ,the applicant shall submit aproof of payment of afee of 200 pounds. The
fee shall increase annually by 10% but shall not exceed 500 pounds. The fees shall
be transferred to the Fund. The Competent Unit or Sub-unit, as the case may be, shall
hand over acertified copy of the summary records of the bylaws no later than one
day from the date of application submission.
Article 22
Egyptian natural or legal persons, or both, may launch or implement an initiative or campaign
to implement acertain civil activity of the activities licensed to Associations after securing a
license from the Head of the Unit and upon the approval from the competent authorities
within 60 business days from the date of submitting the license application to the Unit on the
predefined template. The application shall include the following documents:
1. Name and information of the license applicant:
a. Natural persons: (name, national number, occupation or profession, place of
residence, criminal status sheet, and adeclaration of not being listed on terrorist
b. Legal persons:
Name of the legal person and address of its headquarters.
The legal license under which the legal person operates.
Information about the legal representative of the legal person and its Board of
Directors members (name, national number, nationality, occupation or
profession, place of residence, criminal status sheet, and adeclaration of not
being listed on terrorist lists).
The official website (if any).
2. The person responsible for the Initiative or campaign or the legal representative of
any of them, as the case may be.
Official Gazette- Issue No. 1(reprint), 11January 2021
3. A description of the proposed initiative or activity and its objectives, which shall fall
within objectives and activities that are allowed for Associations.
4. Amounts and sources of funding.
5. Geographic scope for the implementation of the initiative or campaign.
6. The target beneficiary groups.
7. The means for promoting the initiative or campaign.
8. The proposed project contract, cooperation protocol or the agreement to be signed
with partner entities of the initiative or campaign (if any).
9. The implementation plan of the initiative or campaign.
10. Specifying the entity designated to receive the remaining funds upon the expiration of
the initiative or its cancellation, provided that itis subject to the provisions of the Law
and these Regulations, and its purposes are in line with the purposes of the initiative
or campaign. Failure to identify an entity in the license granted to the initiative or
campaign or in the event that the transfer of funds is not possible to the entity
identified in the license, funds shall be transferred to the Fund subject to the approval
of its Board of Directors.
In all cases, the implementation period may not exceed one calendar year, renewable upon
the approval of the Unit.
Article 23
The Unit shall issue aletter to one of the banks overseen by the Egyptian Central Bank in the
name of the initiative or campaign. No spending of funds shall be allowed unless it is for the
initiative or campaign ’sspecified purposes. Any funds related to the campaign or initiative
shall be received through this account.
Article 24
The person responsible for the initiative or the campaign or the legal representative of any of
them, as the case may be, shall provide the Unit with all supporting documents concerning
the implementation of the campaign or the initiative, the sources of its funding and the fields
of spending. These documents shall be supported monthly bank statements.
Article 25
In all cases, no activity shall be implemented unless upon obtaining the license to implement
the initiative or the campaign by the Head of the Unit as well as by the competent entity if the
implementation of the activity requires alicense from another entity.
Article 26
In the event where the conditions of the initiative or campaign license are violated, the Unit
may revoke the license, subject to the approval of the Competent Minister and after notifying
the legal representative of or the person responsible for the initiative or the campaign, as the
Official Gazette- Issue No. 1(reprint), 11January 2021
case may be, with areceipt-acknowledged letter in which these violations are detailed and
provided that persons in charge of the initiative or campaign fail to correct such violations
within the period set by the Unit.
Section Two: Purposes, Rights, and Obligations of Associations
Article 27
After acquiring legal personality, Associations may carry out any activity to achieve its
purposes, as defined in its bylaws, provided that the development plans and society needs of
the country are taken into consideration.
Article 28
Without prejudice to prohibitions provided in Article 15 of the Law, Associations may submit
an application to the Competent Unit or Sub-unit, as the case may be, on the predefined
template, to carry out any activities in border areas that shall be defined in aPrime Minister
resolution. The application shall include the following information and documents:
a. The proposed activity and the target beneficiaries.
b. The duration of activity implementation.
c. The place of implementation of the activity.
d. The criminal status sheet for those responsible for activity implementation.
e. The source and amount of funding allocated to the implementation of the activity.
f. Implementation partners, if any.
Upon the recommendation of the competent governor and the approval of relevant authorities,
the Head of the Unit shall issue the license within 60 business days from the application date
provided that the application contains all above mentioned information and documents. The
license shall state: the licensed activity; the duration of activity implementation; the value and
source of funding; and the partner entities (if any).
Article 29
For activities that require alicense, Associations shall not promote or implement any such
activities before securing the relevant license from the competent entity. Associations shall
not allow others to implement such activities or promote them on their premises or in any
other places within their control unless after obtaining the relevant license from the
competent entity.
Article 30
Every member in the Association has the right to withdraw his/her membership at any time
upon notifying the Board of Directors of the Association with areceipt-acknowledged letter
or any other means as stipulated in the bylaws. The withdrawing member may reverse the
withdrawal decision by following the same procedures within 15 business days from the
withdrawal notification date. Otherwise, the member shall be considered to have withdrawn
Official Gazette- Issue No. 1(reprint), 11January 2021
as of the date of withdrawal notification. The Association shall remove the name of the
member from its membership registers and shall accordingly notify the Competent Unit and
Sub-unit, as the case may be.
This shall not be in prejudice of the Association ’sright to claim any dues of any form on the
withdrawing member via a receipt-acknowledged letter stating the nature, value, and
settlement mechanism of such dues.
If the withdrawing member fails to pay such dues, the Association may take any legal
measures to oblige the withdrawing member to pay his/her dues.
Article 31
Upon approval by the Board of Directors and notification of the Competent Unit or Sub-unit,
as the case may be, on the predefined template, Associations may join, affiliate, participate,
or cooperate in any form with another local Association, body, or organization, in
implementing civil work that is in line with their objectives. Particularly, the following
documents shall be submitted:
1. Name of the local Association, entity, or organization to be joined or affiliated with,
and astatement of its primary and secondary activities.
2. The address of the premises of the local Association, entity, or organization.
3. The main activity or purpose of the Association wishing to join.
4. The activity which the Association wishes to join or affiliate, participate or cooperate
in, and the connection between its activity and the activities of the other Association,
entity or organization.
5. The list of members of the Board of Directors of the other Association, entity, or
To Join, affiliate, participate, or cooperate with alocal entity, the following conditions shall
be met:
1. There should be atangible positive outcome from joining, affiliation, participation, or
1. The local entity shall have experience in the scope of work of the Association.
2. The local entity shall carry out its activities lawfully.
Article 32
Subject to the approval of its general assembly, an Association wishing to join, affiliate with,
participate or cooperate with a foreign Association, entity, or organization to implement a
civil activity not contrary to its purposes, may submit arequest to the Competent Unit or Sub-
Unit on the predefined template. The request shall include the following information and
1. The bylaws of the Association wishing to join.
Official Gazette- Issue No. 1(reprint), 11January 2021
2. The balance sheet for the last fiscal year of the Association certified by an auditor.
3. Reasons for joining, affiliation or participation, as the case may be, with astatement
of the financial obligations arising from such.
4. The activity which the Association will join, affiliate with, or participate in and its
connection with the activities of the Association.
5. A statement which includes the following information about the organization, entity
or Association to be joined or affiliated with:
a. Primary and secondary activities.
b. The premises where the activity is to be carried out.
c. The Association ’slegal license in its country of origin.
d. Names and nationalities of the members of the Board of Directors.
e. Its official website, if any.
For joining, affiliation, participation, or dealing with the foreign entity, the following
conditions shall be fulfilled:
2. The foreign entity shall not be engaged in an activity that threatens Egypt's national
3. The foreign entity shall not be listed as aterrorist entity at the international or local
4. There should be atangible positive outcome from joining, affiliation, participation, or
5. The foreign entity shall have experience in the scope of work of the Association.
6. The foreign entity shall carry out its activities lawfully.
The license shall be issued to the Association by the Head of the Unit, following the approval
of the Competent Minister and the competent authorities within 60 days from the date of
submission of the request, or within ten business days from the date on which the Association
submits evidence confirming that the Foreign Association, Entity, or Organization has
obtained the approval of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on such project, upon areport from
the Unit or Sub-Unit, as the case may be, confirming the soundness of the financial and
administrative position of the Association.
In all cases, the Association shall not take any action to join, affiliate with, participate with,
or cooperate to implement an activity with aforeign organization unless itobtains alicense.
Article 33
Associations registered in accordance with the Law may open branches outside Egypt
provided that a request is submitted to the Unit including the following information and
enclosing the following documents:
Official Gazette- Issue No. 1(reprint), 11January 2021
1. The Registration decision of the Civil Association or Foundation.
2. The bylaws.
3. The balance sheets for the last fiscal year, certified by an auditor.
4. A statement of the activities to be implemented outside the country. These activities
must be consistent with the activities stated in the bylaws.
5. A statement of the budget allocated from the head office to the abroad branch of the
6. Details of the representatives the Association responsible for the implementation of
the activity outside the country.
7. Any other information as requested by the Unit.
In all cases, no Association may open the above-mentioned branch outside Egypt before
obtaining alicense from the Competent Minister upon areport from the Unit or Sub-unit, as
the case may be, confirming the soundness of the financial and administrative position of the
Association and after securing the approval of the concerned authorities.
Within 60 days from the date of its activity, the Association shall provide the Unit with the
legal instrument authorizing its activity outside the country pursuant to the laws of the
country in which the branch is established.
The Unit shall notify the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to notify the Egyptian Embassy or its
representatives in the concerned country.
Article 34
Provisions in the Law and in these Regulations concerning Foreign Non-governmental
Organizations shall apply to Association branches abroad.
Article 35
Associations wishing to allocate shelters for children, elderly, chronically ill people, people
in need for social care, or people with disabilities, may submit arequest to the Competent
Entity on the predefined template. The request shall include the following information and
1. Type of institution or house to be established, purposes for its establishment,
categories and age groups of its beneficiaries, as well as its geographic scope.
2. The internal bylaws of institution or house.
3. A statement confirming the soundness of the financial position of the Association of
Foundation to carry out such activity.
4. A certificate from the Competent Unit or Sub-unit, as the case may be, confirming
that the institution or the shelter house falls within the activities of the Association as
stated in its bylaws.
Official Gazette- Issue No. 1(reprint), 11January 2021
5. Names of the members of the board of directors of the institution or the supervisory
committee of the house as well as their staff members with the following information
and documents (name -national number -nationality -occupation or profession –
place of residence -criminal status sheet –adeclaration of not being listed on terrorist
6. Other conditions, documents, and procedures, as prescribed in aresolution issued by
the Competent Minister for every activity separately, shall be fulfilled.
The Competent Administrative Entity responsible for the shelter activity shall issue the
license within 60 days from the date of the Association ’srequest upon a report from the
Competent Unit or Sub-unit, as the case may be, confirming that there are no financial,
administrative or technical violations committed by the Association.
The Association shall open aseparate account for the activity in abank that is subject to the
oversight of the Egyptian Central Bank.
Article 36
The Competent Administrative Entity may cancel the license issued pursuant to the
provisions of the second paragraph of the previous Article in any of the following cases:
1. If the license conditions are breached.
2. If the laws and regulations governing the activities of the organization or shelter
houses are violated.
3. In the event of confirmed evidence of abuse to the shelter residents.
4. Absence or lack of financial or administrative capacity to run the house.
upon recommendation of competent authorities, the Administrative Entity may propose to the
Competent Minister the appointment of a temporary committee to run the activity. The
committee may be composed of experts or people interested in the activity from the members
of the General Assembly or others. The number of members shall not be less than three and
shall not exceed seven members according to the size of the relevant activity. At least one
third of the members shall have expertise in the relevant activity. The committee shall be
formed for no more than six months, renewable once. In this case, the chair of the committee
or one of its members shall be authorized as signatory to allow transactions on the sub-bank
account of the activity.
Article 37
Within the available resources for the Association, the Board of Directors shall arrange the
necessary funding to run the activity in case resources allocated in the activity ’saccount are
In case the Association does not have sufficient financial resources, the necessary financial
support for the implementation of the activity and its continuation may be provided from the
Official Gazette- Issue No. 1(reprint), 11January 2021
Fund upon a request submitted by the committee responsible for the management of the
activity and the approval of the Fund ’sBoard of Directors.
Article 38
The committee shall present its report at the end of its term to the Administrative Entity
responsible for shelter activities. The report shall highlight the accomplishments achieved and
the possibility of continuing the activity or the cancelation of the license. The chair and
members of the committee shall be financially, administratively, and technically responsible
for the activity during their appointment.
Article 39
Without prejudice to paragraphs 3and 4of Article 10 of the Law, the Association shall open
abank account at abank subject to the oversight of the Central Bank. The same Association
may have several accounts in the same bank for its different activities.
The Association shall only spend its funds on activities within its purposes and shall
exclusively receive funds at these bank accounts.
If the total annual revenues or expenditures of the Association exceed five million pounds
based on the latest balance sheet, the Association shall be entitled to open other accounts in
other banks with the approval of the Competent Unit or Sub-unit, as the case may be.
Article 40
The founders and members of Civil Society Organizations shall not accept revenues,
donations, commissions, or bank transfers related to the activities of the Civil Society
Organization or legal persons affiliated to it unless through bank accounts that are subject to
the oversight of the Competent Unit or Sub-unit to achieve a profit in violation of the
provisions of Article 15 of the Law.
Article 41
Without prejudice to the provisions of the counter terrorism and anti-money laundering laws,
and to achieve its objectives and support its financial resources, an Association shall have the
right to receive cash funds from inside the Republic from Egyptian natural or legal persons or
from Foreign Non-governmental Organizations licensed pursuant to the Law to operate inside
Egypt. These funds shall be deposited in the bank account of the Association and its records
shall be marked accordingly. The Association shall allocate and spend these funds for the
designated purposes and shall present semi-annual statements and a technical report
identifying its expenditures and activities. The Competent Unit or Sub-unit, as the case may
be, shall be notified on the predefined template within three months from the date of receipt
of such funds.
In all cases, without prejudice to the limits defined in the Executive Regulations of the
aforementioned Law Regulating the Use of Non- Cash Means of Payment, cash funds
exceeding five hundred Egyptian pounds or equivalent in any foreign currency shall not be
Official Gazette- Issue No. 1(reprint), 11January 2021
received unless payment is made via abank check or abank transfer through abank subject
to the oversight of the Central Bank.
Article 42
Without prejudice to international agreements ratified by Egypt, with the exception of
paragraph (K) of Article (15) of the Law, an Association may accept funds, grants, and
donations from Egyptian or foreign natural or legal persons outside the country or from
foreign natural or legal persons inside the country, provided that such funds be deposited in
the bank account of the Association and its records be marked accordingly. The Unit shall be
notified on the predefined template within 30 business days from the date of receiving the
funds in the special account of the Association. The notice shall include the following
information and documents:
1. Name and information of the donor:
a. For natural persons: (name – nationality – identification card – occupation or
profession –place of residence).
b. For legal persons:
Name and headquarters address.
Legal license for operation.
Details of the legal representative of the legal person and members of its
Board of Directors (names -nationalities of Board members -date of joining
the donor).
The official website (if any).
The activity performed by the foreign person or entity and its purposes.
2. The amount of funds received by the Association.
3. The minutes of the Board of Directors meeting approving the receipt of funds.
4. A letter from the donor person or entity stating the amount of the grant and its purpose.
5. The closing accounts of the Association for the last fiscal year.
6. The project contract, the cooperation protocol, or the agreement to be signed with the
donor entity (if any).
7. Description of the proposed project or activity and its purpose.
8. The study presented to the donor and an approved Arabic translation.
9. The estimated budget of the project or activity with details of the spending items.
Article 43
Official Gazette- Issue No. 1(reprint), 11January 2021
The Unit, after consulting with relevant authorities, shall be entitled to object to accepting or
receiving funds within sixty business days from the date of the receipt of the notification with
all information and documents. Absence such objection, this shall be deemed an approval by
the Unit.
The Association shall be notified of the objection or acceptance decision within five business
days from the date of such decision, or the lapse of the aforementioned period without
objection, as the case may be, whichever date is earlier.
Article 44
Within five business days from the date of notification of the Unit ’s objection, the
Association shall submit aletter approved by the Competent Unit or Sub-unit, as the case
may be, to the bank where the grant has been deposited to initiate the procedures for
returning the funds to the donor and to provide the Unit with the supporting documents.
Article 45
All banks subject to the oversight of the Egyptian Central Bank shall return funds within no
more than five business days from the date of receiving the letter requesting the return of
funds to the donor.
Article 46
The Association shall be entitled to accept in kind funds from Egyptian natural or legal
persons or Foreign Non-Governmental Organizations licensed to operate inside Egypt in
accordance with the following procedures and conditions:
1. These funds must be necessary for serving the Association or any of its activities as
specified in the bylaws.
2. The activity must be licensed from the competent authority.
3. The size of these funds should be proportionate to the size and activity of the
4. The Competent Unit and Sub-unit, as the case may be, shall be notified on the
predefined template within 15 days from the date of receiving funds.
Article 47
Without prejudice to the provisions of the previous Article, an Association shall have the
right to receive in-kind funds from Egyptian or foreign natural or legal persons outside the
country, or from foreign natural or legal persons inside the country, in accordance with the
following procedures:
1. Recording the in-kind funds in its warehouses and marking its register accordingly.
2. Submitting an application to the Unit on the predefined template within 30 business
days from the date of receiving the funds and enclosing the following documents :
a. A true copy of the activity license for which the donation is allocated.
Official Gazette- Issue No. 1(reprint), 11January 2021
b. A clear copy of the policy, bill of lading, the purchase invoice of the donation
or the incoming shipment, or acertificate from the forwarder confirming the
shipment or any proof of purchase from aduty free zone, as the case may be,
in addition to all other customs documents.
c. Information of the port of departure and port of arrival of the shipment in case
the in-kind donation is received from outside the country.
d. A description of the shipment, its quality, quantity, purpose and the
beneficiary categories.
The Unit, after consulting with relevant authorities, shall be entitled to object within sixty
business days from the date of submission of the application with all information and
documents. Absence such objection, this shall be deemed an approval by the Unit.
Article 48
The Association shall be entitled to request custom tax exemption when it receives gifts or
donations, or when it imports equipment, machinery, devices, or production supplies and
vehicles. The request shall be submitted to the Unit or Sub-unit, as the case may be, on the
template attached to these Regulations.
If the things requested to be exempted prove to be necessary for the activity of the
Association, the competent Minister shall refer the request to the Minister of Finance for
presentation to the Prime Minister to issue the exemption decision.
The request shall include an undertaking by the Board of Directors of the Association to
either pay taxes or customs tax if the exemption request is rejected or have itre-exported.
Article 49
The Association may send or transfer funds of whatever nature to persons or organizations
abroad upon approval of the Competent Minister, after consulting with relevant authorities,
within 60 business days from the date on which the Association submits the request to the
Unit on the predefined template enclosing the following information and documents:
1. Name and information of the entity receiving the funds:
a. Natural persons: (name – nationality – identification card – occupation or
profession -place of residence).
b. Legal persons:
Name and nationality of the legal person, and the address of its headquarters.
Legal license for operation.
Details of the legal representative of the legal person and members of its
Board of Directors (names -nationalities of Board members -date of joining
the donor).
The official website (if any).
Official Gazette- Issue No. 1(reprint), 11January 2021
2. The activity performed by the foreign person or entity and its purposes.
3. The amount of funds received by the Association and funds purposes.
4. The minutes of the Board of Directors or General Assembly meeting approving the
transfer of funds out of country pursuant to the Association ’sbylaws.
5. The closing accounts of the Association for the last fiscal year
6. The project contract, the cooperation protocol, or the agreement to be signed with the
recipient entity (if any).
7. Description of the proposed project or activity and its purpose.
8. The feasibility study presented to the recipient entity in Arabic.
9. The estimated budget of the project or activity with details of the spending items.
Books, pamphlets, scientific and technical journals, fees for subscriptions to publications and
scientific conferences, and payments related to foreign contracts relating to the activities of
the Association as specified in its bylaws, shall all be exempted.
Article 50
With a license from the Unit or Sub-unit, as the case may be, the Association shall be
empowered to raise funds from Egyptian natural or legal persons inside the Republic or
foreign natural or legal persons licensed to operate inside Egypt pursuant to the provisions of
the Law through banks, money collection companies, SMS services, the various e-
distribution channels of banks, charity events, charity bazaars, fairs, matches and any other
means as defined in aresolution by the Competent Minister.
Article 51
To grant an Association alicense to raise funds, the following conditions shall be met:
1. That there are no financial, administrative, or technical violations committed by the
2. That the previous fundraising license granted to the Association, if any, has been
cleared and the clearance process has not resulted in any serious violations unless
such violations have been cleared.
3. That the fundraising request is made to fund one or more of the Association ’s
activities as specified in its bylaws.
Article 52
To grant an Association alicense to raise funds through events/functions, the following shall
be required:
1. The request shall include astatement of the number and categories of tickets, taking
into account that the number of stamped tickets shall not exceed the capacity of the
venue in which the event is to be held, as per the lists prepared by the venue clarifying
Official Gazette- Issue No. 1(reprint), 11January 2021
the venue ’sseat capacity. A copy of these lists shall be submitted with the license
2. The licensed entity shall submit proof of initial agreement on the availability of the
venue where the event is to be held on the requested date.
3. The licensed entity shall submit an estimated budget indicating the estimated revenues
and expenditures of the event, taking into account that the percentage of
administrative expenses and other financial burdens resulting from taxes or fees on
events organized by Associations or Civil Foundations, established pursuant to the
provisions of the Law, shall not exceed 65% of the revenues.
4. In cases when the event is sponsored by an entity or aperson, the licensed entity shall
provide proof of the acceptance of such sponsorship by the sponsor.
5. The licensed entity may not sub-contract with an entity or person to hold the event on
its behalf. Should the licensed entity resort to ticket distributors, the distribution
commission shall not exceed 15% of the ticket price. The license shall be cancelled if
ithas been agreed to pay apercentage of the revenues of the event.
6. It shall be not permissible to agree with the administration of the venue where the
event is to be held to reserve certain seats which it would dispose of as it deems
appropriate. It shall not be permissible to allow entry into the venue except with
tickets stamped with the stamp of the Unit .
7. The issued license may include authorization to raise funds through an auction or poll
or any other fundraising means.
8. 25% of the total revenues shall be allocated to the charity work of the licensed entity
pursuant to the provisions of the aforementioned Law No. 24 of 1999.
9. Free tickets shall not exceed 5% of the total of number of all ticket categories with a
maximum of fifty tickets. A ticket shall not be used for the entry of more than one
10. A Civil Association or Foundation shall be entitled to have one exempt event per year.
11. Should the distributed program of the event contain any advertisements which entitle
the licensed entity to receive financial returns, the Unit shall be notified of this and a
copy of the advertisement agreement shall be submitted to the representative of the
Competent Unit or Sub-unit, as the case may be, upon settlement of records.
12. Each ticket shall indicate aserial number, name of the licensed entity, event venue
and date, ticket price, and license number. It shall be stamped by the stamp of the
licensed entity and signed by the signatory of the Board of Directors or the Board of
Trustees, as the case may be, and the representative of the Unit. Ticket categories
shall not be changed without the approval of entity issuing the license. In case of
different categories, each category shall be distinguished with adifferent color.
Official Gazette- Issue No. 1(reprint), 11January 2021
13. The licensed entity shall follow asound document cycle to hand over the tickets to the
persons in charge of collection of funds, to collect funds, to review of tickets and
deposit funds in the bank. The licensed entity shall inform the representative of the
Unit and show him/her documents used at the time of settlement of records.
14. The licensed entity shall deposit collected funds in its current account at the bank and
aspecial entry shall be allocated in its registry records.
15. Any of the Unit ’s employees shall represent the Unit when attending the event,
counting the number of unsold tickets, ensuring compliance with the license
conditions and including the outcomes in aminutes report to be filed in Association ’s
file at the Unit.
16. The licensed entity shall submit for the review of the Unit a breakdown of the
revenues and expenses of the event and the net balance within amaximum of 60 days
from the date of the event. The settlement of records report shall indicate how unsold
tickets have been disposed of. The report shall be signed by the signatories of the
Board of Directors and the representative of Unit and shall be stamped with the Unit ’s
Article 53
To obtain alicense to raise funds through acharitable bazaar or fair, the following shall be
1. The license request shall indicate the time and venue of the bazaar, abreakdown of
the goods to display for sale in the bazaar and price of each item. The goods shall be
numbered and a description of such shall be included in a list made in two
counterparts, one original and one copy. These lists shall be stamped by the licensed
entity and the authority issuing the license. A minutes report shall be drafted and shall
be signed by the signatory of the licensed entity and the representative of the
Competent Unit or Sub-unit, as the case may be.
2. Entry to the bazaar shall be for free or for anominal fee with tickets that shall follow
the ticketing procedures for events.
3. A card shall be attached to each item, indicating its number, type, and price. The card
shall be stamped by the licensed entity.
4. Prices of sold items shall be collected in electronic points of sale (POS), for which a
special bank account shall be allocated. The Association shall give the buyer aslip
detailing the specifications of the sold item.
5. When issuing receipts, the items shall be clearly specified and their prices shall be
written in words and in numbers. Receipts shall also be signed by of the price
6. The licensed entity shall not display items for sale other than those indicated in the
stamped lists as detailed in paragraph 1of this Article.
Official Gazette- Issue No. 1(reprint), 11January 2021
7. A special account shall be set up in the accounts books of the licensed entity in which
the outcomes of the license shall be indicated.
8. At the end of the bazaar, an inventory of unsold items shall be made and aminutes
report shall be issued signed by the signatory of the licensed entity and the
representative of the Competent Unit or Sub-unit, as the case may be, is charge of
overseeing the bazaar.
9. The licensed entity shall seek to obtain permission to add the unsold items as per the
inventory to its warehouse records.
10. Should more than one Civil Association or Foundation participate in raising funds, the
share of each from collected funds shall not exceed 50%, after deducting
administrative expenses, provided that the conditions specified in Article 51 of these
Regulations be met by the Associations participating in the fundraising and that those
entities are included in the license request.
11. If the licensed entity wishes to allocate aspace within the bazaar for an individual to
sell his/her own products, the rent of the space shall be included in the terms of the
Article 54
To obtain alicense to raise funds through banks, the following shall be required:
1. The license request shall include awritten consent of the bank indicating the bank
account number allocated for fundraising, provided that this bank account shall be
used only for the purposes indicated in the license, pursuant to the rules and
regulations governing fundraising. The license request shall indicate (the license term,
bank name, geographic scope of the fundraising, and purpose of the license).
2. Administrative expenses and bank commission shall not exceed %20 of the revenues.
Article 55
To obtain alicense to raise funds through SMS or collection companies, the following shall
be required:
1. The license request shall include the consent of the company offering the service and
the contract signed between the Association and this company.
2. The license request shall include (the term of the license, the used number, and the
purpose of the fundraising).
3. A special bank account shall be allocated by the licensee entity to transfer collected
funds directly from the company. The license request shall include the written bank
4. Administrative expenses and company commission shall not exceed %20 of the
Official Gazette- Issue No. 1(reprint), 11January 2021
5. The bank account number shall be indicated in the fundraising license issued to the
Article 56
An Association may raise funds through the following procedures:
1. The request shall be submitted to the Unit by the Central Associations or Associations
that wish to raise funds from more than one governorate. Other requests shall be
submitted to the Sub-unit within the jurisdiction of which the Association falls. The
request shall include the required documents and shall be submitted on the predefined
template at least sixty days before the fundraising date. The request shall include the
minutes report of the Board of Directors approving the request for fundraising and
indicating in particular the activity or activities or project for which the fundraising
revenues will be allocated, the proposed fundraising method, the period during which
permission to raise funds is requested, and the geographic scope of the fundraising.
2. The Competent Unit or Sub-units, as the case may be, shall decide on the request
within thirty business days from the date of receiving the request and all its required
3. The Competent Unit or Sub-units, as the case may be, shall issue afundraising license
indicating fundraising means, period, and geographic scope.
Should more than one Association participate in raising funds, they shall be listed in the
Article 57
An Association that has been granted afundraising license shall not modify the fundraising
purpose, its means, or the terms of its expenditure, as indicated in the license, unless after
obtaining the approval of the licensing authority. In such case, modifications shall not exceed
two modifications during the license term. The number of modifications shall be excluded
during emergencies, disasters, public calamities, and national initiatives.
Article 58
Fundraising license shall be made once ayear for amaximum period of twelve months. The
Competent Unit or Sub-unit, as the case may be, may grant the Association another license in
the same period if the license was for acharitable event or bazaar.
Article 59
An Association shall be entitled to withdraw funds from the license accounts during the
fundraising period provided that such funds be used in the activities designated for them and
that the issued license authorizes the Association to do so.
Article 60
Official Gazette- Issue No. 1(reprint), 11January 2021
The Association licensed to raise funds shall finalize the clearance process within 60 days
following the expiry of the license term. Otherwise, the Licensing authority may withhold
issuing any new licenses for aperiod of one year from the date of the license expiry.
Article 61
For public interest considerations, the Unit may issue anew license to the Association before
the clearance of the previous license. The new license shall be effective as of the next day
following the expiry of the first license provided that the Association commits to clear the
first license within amaximum of 60 days after the expiry of the license term according as
per the previous Article. Otherwise, the Unit shall have the right to cancel the effective
Article 62
Without prejudice to the responsibility of the Board of Directors of the Association that
raised funds before others, the sum of funds collected without license or pursuant to a
cancelled license shall be transferred to the Fund upon issuance of acourt ruling to this end.
Article 63
Any public solicitation to raise cash or in kind funds, other than Civil Society Organizations,
shall notify the Unit within amaximum of three business days from the date of solicitation on
the predefined template and the following information shall be specified:
1. Name and details of the license applicant:
a. Natural persons: (name, national number, occupation or profession, place of
residence, criminal status sheet and adeclaration of not being listed on terrorist
b. Legal persons:
Name of the legal person and address of its headquarters.
Legal license for operation.
Details of the legal representative of the legal person and members of its
Board of Directors (names, national numbers, nationalities, occupation or
profession, place of residence, criminal status sheet and adeclaration of not
being listed on terrorist lists).
The official website (if any).
2. The fundraising purpose.
3. The fundraising duration and proposed method.
Funds raised through that solicitation shall only be disposed of upon alicense from the Head
of the Unit within 15 business days from the date submitting the request, after obtaining the
approval of the rel3evant authorities.
Official Gazette- Issue No. 1(reprint), 11January 2021
In all cases, the term of the license shall not exceed one renewable calendar year.
Fundraising shall take place through banks, funds collection companies, or any other method
allowed in aresolution by the Competent Minister.
Article 64
The licensee shall provide the Unit with astatement of the total sum of raised funds and the
spending fields within fifteen days from the expiry date of the license term or the expiry of its
purpose, whichever comes first.
Article 65
Any funds collected without alicense or in violation to the conditions of the relevant license
shall be transferred to the Fund upon issuance of acourt ruling to this end.
Remaining funds after achieving fundraising purposes or in the event of failing to achieve
fundraising purposes shall be transferred to the Fund, unless the license states the entity to
which the funds are to be transferred.
Article 66
The Association shall keep, in its management premises, all documents, correspondences and
registers in paper and electronic copies. These include the following:
1. Its bylaws.
2. Membership and subscriptions register listing the names of founding members and
other members, their surnames, ages, nationalities, occupations, national numbers,
employer, places of residence, dates of joining, and phone numbers.
3. Register of General Assembly meetings.
4. Register of Board of Directors meetings.
5. Register of revenues and expenditures.
6. Bank, treasury, and secretary registers.
7. A register showing all Association properties, either immovable (lands –buildings) or
movable (cars, equipment, facilities and machinery, etc.).
8. Register of in-kind donations.
9. Register of foreign funding.
10. Register of cooperation agreements concluded with non-Egyptian parties inside and
outside the country.
11. Register of valuable books.
The above registers shall be on the predefined templates enclosed with these Regulations.
These registers shall be stamped by the Competent Unit or Sub-unit, as the case may be,
before using and shall be numbered and stamped by the Association seal. In the event where
Official Gazette- Issue No. 1(reprint), 11January 2021
the person in charge of the validity of information contained in the registers be unspecified in
the bylaws of the Association, the Board of Directors shall specify this person in aresolution.
If this resolution is not issued, the Chair of the Board shall be deemed responsible.
The Association shall have the right to keep other books and registers as required for its
activities while following the same controls.
Article 67
An Association member shall be entitled to request seeing the registers and documents of the
Association by presenting a written request to the Chair of the Board of Directors or the
person delegated by the Chair. The request shall specify the registers and documents to be
reviewed and the purpose for doing so. The Chair of the Board or the person delegated by the
Chair shall mark the request and have it fulfilled within two business days from the date of
Article 68
An Association shall enter its information on the database of Associations and shall update
such information monthly. The Association shall also enter the information of projects,
funders, funding value, cooperation agreements, and project implementation status within a
maximum of one month from the date of approval of the project or grant.
In all cases, the Association shall update its information within amaximum of one month
from the date of the annual ordinary and extraordinary meeting of the General Assembly and
the approval of the Association budget.
Article 69
The Association shall observe good governance principles in its bylaws and internal bylaws,
including the principles of the rule of law, transparency, equality, effectiveness, efficiency
and accountability. The Association shall have a strategic vision. Towards this end, the
bylaws or the internal bylaws of the Association shall, in particular, include the following:
1. Disclosure and transparency policies.
2. Controls necessary to ensure that all members of the General Assembly exercise their
rights without discrimination.
3. Encouraging stakeholders to participate in following different activities of the
4. The election of Board of Directors members shall be based on the secret voting of the
General Assembly members.
5. Clear specification of the Board of Directors powers. All other functions shall be
entrusted to the General Assembly.
6. Ensuring the accuracy of the information of the General Assembly members and its
continuous updating.
Official Gazette- Issue No. 1(reprint), 11January 2021
7. Observing good governance with respect to available human, financial, or other
8. Procedures to ensure the proper documentation and classification of registers and
9. Adopting written and announced procedures to protect the Association ’s human
resources against any unprofessional practices.
10. The existence of independent and objective internal oversight.
11. The existence of policy guidelines, manuals and internal bylaws to ensure the
existence of clear procedures and instructions to protect the rights of all employees.
12. Mechanisms for reporting on the use of the Association resources and for holding the
Board of Directors members or the Activity Management Committee or Board
accountable for their decisions or any failures in achieving the objectives and
realizing the vision of the Association.
13. The creation of acomplaints system.
14. The use of accepted and certified accounting and auditing practices in line with the
Egyptian accounting standards.
Article 70
The Association shall adhere to the principle of integrity in all the services it provides to
target beneficiaries and shall provide its services with high quality. The Association shall
adhere to the principles of transparency and credibility in all its transactions with the
government, its own staff members, target beneficiaries, partners, and other stakeholders with
the exception of what is related to private information of individuals.
Article 71
A Board member shall disclose any personal interest the member may benefit from in any
decision the Board takes. In this case, the member shall not attend or take part in the
discussion of the topic to be decided upon.
It shall be considered apersonal interest if the approval or rejection of the decision results in
adirect or indirect material or moral benefit for the member, his/her spouse, children or any
of his relatives up to the second degree.
A Board member shall not contribute to the projects implemented by the Association or hold
shares at the companies or funds established by the Association alone or in partnership with
Article 72
The Board of Directors of the Association shall have an announced strategic vision to manage
the resources of the Association and achieve its purposes based on the activities stated in its
Official Gazette- Issue No. 1(reprint), 11January 2021
Article 73
The Association shall form aManagement Board or Committee to manage the activities of
hospitals, schools, etc., and each activity shall have regulations governing human resources,
procurement, penalties and financial matters. Financial regulations shall define the person
authorized to sign all financial actions among those in charge of managing the activity. These
regulations shall be part of the internal bylaws of the Association. These regulations shall be
approved by the Association's Board of Directors.
Article 74
In the event of aviolation to Articles (24), (25) and (27) of the Law, the Competent Minister,
exclusively, shall have the right to issue adecision suspending the Association after taking
the following actions:
1. The Competent Unit or Sub-unit, as the case may be, shall direct awritten warning to
the Association stating the alleged violation, the legal implications, and the deadline
for its removal, provided that itis no less than 25 days.
2. In case the set deadline lapses without areply or without removing the violation, as
the case may be, or in case the reply of the Association does not provide documents
proving that the Association did not commit the alleged violation, the following legal
actions shall be taken:
a. Present the issue to the Competent Minister recommending the suspension of the
Association activities for amaximum of one year.
b. Request the dissolution of the Association, or Removal of the Board of Directors
or the Board of Trustees, as the case may be, by the Competent Court. The State
Litigation Authority shall be notified within 15 days from the date of the
Competent Minister ’sapproval to take judicial action to dissolve the Association
or remove its Board of Directors in accordance with the provisions of the Law.
In this case, the Competent Unit or Sub-unit, as the case maybe, may request the
Public Prosecutor to issue arestraining order against the Board of Directors until a
court ruling on dissolution or removal is issued for the purpose of protecting the
donated funds and to ensure the continued activity of the Association.
Upon issuance of the restraining order against the Board of Directors, the Competent Unit or
Sub-unit, as the case maybe, shall have the right to propose to the Competent Minister the
appointment of acommittee of no less than three members and no more than seven members,
from members of the Association or others, provided that at least one third of the committee
members have experience in this field. The purpose of this committee shall be running the
activities of the Association as provided for in the committee formation decision during this
Official Gazette- Issue No. 1(reprint), 11January 2021
The Competent Unit or Sub-unit, as the case maybe, shall authorize the chair or any of the
members of the committee to sign any transactions related to the bank accounts of the
Associations in the manner specified in the Committee formation decision.
Upon the expiry of its duration, the Committee shall submit its report to the Competent Unit
or Sub-unit, as the case maybe, what has been achieved. During the Committee ’sterm, the
chair and members of the Committee shall be financially, administratively, and technically
responsible for the Association.
Article 75
The Competent Minister shall issue a decision specifying the representatives of the
Administrative Entity who shall be entitled to access the premises of the civil society
organizations or their branch offices, upon notification, for the purpose of monitoring the
activities and examining the registers and documents to ensure they are compliant with the
Law or to provide technical support.
The Administrative Entity shall observe the following controls:
1. The employee shall carry an identification card issued by the employer granting the
employee the right to access.
2. The employee shall have aroute approved by the employer stating the name of the
Association, the purpose of the mission and its duration.
3. The employee shall sign the visitors ’register at the premises of the Association,
indicating the date of the visit.
4. Prior coordination with the Association to set the date and time of the visit.
5. The code of professional conduct shall be adhered to during the visit.
In case of an official complaint, representatives of the Administrative Entity shall have the
right to enter the Association premises without prior notice provided that the number of
committee members shall not be less than three.
The Administrative Entity shall be entitled to supervise any activity within the Association
purposes and fields of work and are exercised by other legal persons, in any legal form, even
if they have not been established in accordance with the provisions of the Law.
Article 76
To support its financial resources and to achieve its purposes, the Association may do the
1. Establish service and production projects.
2. Organize charity events of different kinds.
3. Organize charity bazaars.
4. Organize fairs.
Official Gazette- Issue No. 1(reprint), 11January 2021
5. Organize different sport matches and sport activities.
6. Establish, or contribute to the establishment of charity investment companies and
funds with prior approval of the Competent Minister and in coordination with the
relevant authorities, provided that the profits and revenues resulting from such
investments are used for social or charity purposes by civil society organizations.
7. Any other activities as approved by the Competent Minister and in coordination with
the relevant authorities.
The Association may also re-invest the revenues or surplus of its ordinary resources in fields
that guarantee proper returns. These fields may include deposits, treasury bonds, government
bonds, or investment certificate, securities, or deposits issued by certified banks.
In all cases, an Association shall not take part in any financial speculations.
Article 77
In cases where the Association issues adecision and the Competent Unit or Sub-unit ,as the
case maybe, believes that itis contradictory to the provisions of the Law or the bylaws of the
Association, the Competent Unit or Sub-unit shall request from the Association, via areceipt-
acknowledged letter, to withdraw this decision within 30 business days from the date of the
reasoned notification. The Association shall have the right to explain its viewpoint to the
Competent Unit or Sub-unit substantiated with documents within the following seven
business days. If this period lapses without withdrawing the decision or if the Unit concludes,
after listening to the clarifications from the Association, that the decision is contrary to the
provisions of the Law, these Regulations or the bylaws of the Association, the Unit shall take
any of the actions prescribed in the Law and these Regulations taking into account the
graveness and type of the violation. The decision of the Unit shall be valid to the extent
necessary for the removal of the violation.
The Association may appeal this decision as per the provisions of the aforementioned Law of
State Council.
Section Three: Suspension of Activities of Associations, Removal of Boards and
Article 78
In cases where a temporary decision is issued to the effect of suspending the Association
activities pursuant to Article (45) of the Law, the Competent Unit or Sub-unit shall appoint a
committee from members of the Association or otherwise, to administer the affairs of the
Association as specified in the committee formation decision during the suspension period.
The Competent Unit or Sub-unit, as the case maybe, shall authorize the Chair of the
Committee or one of its members as signatory to allow transactions in the Association bank
account in accordance with the committee formation decision.
Official Gazette- Issue No. 1(reprint), 11January 2021
Upon expiry of its term, the committee shall submit its report to the Competent Unit or Sub-
units of what has been achieved. The members of the Committee shall be financially,
administratively, and technically responsible for the Association during the term of the
Article 79
The State Litigation Authority shall undertake to file the case before the competent court
within seven business days from the date of the suspension decision, by submitting arequest
to approve the suspension decision. Upon its issuance, the Competent Unit or Sub-unit, as the
case maybe, shall notify the State Litigation Authority with an official copy of the decision
and all necessary documents to file the case.
Article 80
Upon arequest from the Competent Unit or Sub-unit, as the case maybe, and after consulting
with the Competent Minister, the State Lawsuits Authority shall file a case before the
competent court to dissolve an Association or its Board of Directors.
Article 81
In the events where the Competent Court orders the dissolution of the Board of Directors of
an Association, the Competent Unit or Sub-unit, as the case maybe, shall undertake, within
15 days from the date of the ruling, to appoint atemporary Board from the members of the
General Assembly or otherwise, after notifying the relevant authorities. The Board shall hold
all the powers of the Board of Directors including the power to invite the General Assembly
to elect anew Board of Directors.
The Minister may dismiss the temporary Board and appoint anew temporary Board of
Directors upon aproposal of the Competent Unit or Sub-unit, in case of aviolation of the
Law and these Regulations, or if the relevant authorities object to any of its members, or if
the temporary Board fails to take necessary measures to invite the General Assembly to elect
anew Board of Directors, or if the temporary Board is unable to carry out its duties for any
Article 82
The Competent Unit and Sub-units shall keep aregister, on the predefined template, and in
coordination with the General Federation of Associations and other relevant authorities,
listing the names of all volunteers who are willing and capable to manage Associations and
Civil Foundations and who meet the conditions of members of the Boards of Directors for the
purpose of selecting them for appointment in temporary Boards.
Article 83
The Association ’sprograms shall be deemed serious if at least the following conditions are
Periodic bank account transactions at least once ayear to spend on activities.
Official Gazette- Issue No. 1(reprint), 11January 2021
Carrying out one of the activities specified in the bylaws of the Association, provided that it
generates returns on the budget of Association.
Article 84
The Competent Unit or Sub-unit shall mark the registry of Associations with the date and
contents of the decision suspending the activities of the Association. The registry shall also
be marked in case a court ruling is issued to the effect of dissolving the Association or
removing its Board of Directors.
Article 85
In accordance with Article (51) of the Law, and in cases where the court orders the
dissolution of the Association and the appointment of aliquidator, the Competent Unit or
Sub-unit, as the case may be, shall, within 15 days, appoint aliquidator from the register of
liquidators referred to in Article (87) of these Regulations. It shall determine the liquidation
period which shall not exceed 6months, and the fees of the liquidator in proportion of the
size of liquidation work and the financial position of the Association. The liquidator shall
report to the Competent Unit or Sub-unit, as the case maybe.
In case the Association has no funds, the Fund shall pay the fees of the liquidator.
Article 86
The liquidator shall present areport to the Competent Unit or Sub-unit, as the case maybe,
upon the completion of the liquidation work or the expiry of the appointment, whichever
comes first.
In case the liquidation is not completed, the report shall state the reasons for that. In this case,
the Competent Unit or Sub-unit, as the case maybe, may consider renewing the liquidation
period for asimilar term and for one time only, or appointing another liquidator following the
same rules.
Article 87
The Administrative Entity shall keep aregister of liquidators on the predefined template. The
following conditions shall be met by liquidators:
1. The liquidator shall have the necessary qualifications and experience to conduct the
liquidation process.
2. The liquidator shall not be astaff member or consultant for the Association.
3. The liquidator shall not have any family relation to a member of the Board of
Directors, any creditor or debtor of the Association to the fourth degree.
4. The liquidator shall enjoy civil and political rights and shall not have been sentenced
to a felony or to have received a freedom-restricting penalty in a misdemeanor
prejudicial to honor or integrity unless rehabilitated.
5. The liquidator shall not be listed on terrorist lists.
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Article 88
Where there is no special provision in this Chapter, Central and Public Benefit Associations
shall be subject to the provisions applicable to Associations.
Article 89
The branch of an Association shall not be permitted to modify its bylaws without the
approval of the Board of Directors of the Association to which itbelongs.
Article 90
The Competent Minister or his delegate shall issue a resolution to register Central
Associations, provided they meet the following criteria and controls:
1. The bylaws of the Central Association must include operations at country level.
2. The activities aim at contributing to the country ’sdevelopment goals, and a time-
framed study and estimated budget for the implementation of each activity are
3. The establishment of one or more branches in one or more governorates provided that
the establishment grounds include aproof of occupancy of branch premises as per the
bylaws, and the administrative structures of these branches.
Article 91
The Prime Minister, or his delegate, shall be entitled to grant the public benefit status to
Associations with public interest purposes, upon their establishment or thereafter, upon a
request submitted by the Association to the Competent Unit or Sub-unit, as the case maybe.
The request shall specify the grounds for such request as well as the public benefits
objectives itseeks to achieve.
The Competent Unit or Sub-unit, as the case maybe, shall examine the request, its
justifications and the activity of the Association and shall take necessary procedures for the
issuance of the relevant decision in light of the findings of the examination.
The public benefit status shall only be revoked by adecision from the Prime Minister or his
Article 92
For the Association to acquire the public benefit status, the following conditions shall be met:
1. The Association shall aim at achieving apublic benefit.
2. The results of the inspection on the activities of the Association shall not reveal any
financial, administrative, or technical violations.
3. A statement of the project or projects of the Civil Association or Foundation to be
established and the proposed public benefits itaims to achieve.
Official Gazette- Issue No. 1(reprint), 11January 2021
4. The financial position of the Civil Association or Foundation allows itto fund the
proposed activity or that there is an appropriate funding source pursuant to the Law to
fund the project.
Article 93
Associations may merge together with the approval of the Unit and in accordance with the
following controls:
1. The approval of merger by the extraordinary General Assemblies of these
2. A request to be submitted to the Unit explaining the justifications for the merger.
3. The lack of any financial, administrative, or technical violations in both Associations.
The Unit shall decide on the request for mergers within 60 business days from the submission
date of the request.
Subject to the controls stipulated in the previous paragraph, the Prime Minister or his
delegate shall issue the merger decision where such merger is to be between an Association
not having the public benefit status with apublic benefit Association, within 90 business days
from the date of submission of the request along with the proof of public benefit status of the
Association that enjoys such.
Article 94
The Board of Directors of the merged Association and its staff members shall not conduct
any transactions as soon as the Association receives the merger decision notification.
Members of the Board of Directors and staff members of the merged Association shall hand
over all the funds, records, books, and documents to the Board of Directors of the Association
that has been merged into or its delegate. All staff members shall protect the instruments,
documents, and funds of the Association until they are all handed over to the Association that
has been merged into. The handing over of the funds and documents shall not relieve the staff
members from their responsibility in accordance with the provisions of the Law. The
Association that has been merged into shall not be accountable for the liabilities of the
merged Association except as they relate to the funds and rights handed over to the
Association that has been merged into up until the merger date.
Chapter Five
Civil Foundations
Article 95
Official Gazette- Issue No. 1(reprint), 11January 2021
Unless otherwise provided in this Chapter, the provisions on Associations shall apply to all
Civil Foundations.
Article 96
The Civil Foundation shall be established for definite or indefinite period by allocating funds
and defining the scope of activities in amanner appropriate for achieving the purpose of its
establishment. The funds shall not be less than 20,000 pounds at the time of establishment.
The Foundation shall not seek financial gain, nor shall any of its founders or its Board of
Trustees. The funds may be in the form of movable or immovable properties.
As regards the immovable properties, the following shall be required:
a. Full ownership of the property.
b. Beneficial interest/right to use.
c. The rights of the leaseholder shall be within the limits of the provisions of the lease
contract. The purpose, which has been defined by law, shall not be contrary to the use
of the Unit, in terms of not exceeding the lease term or the agreement, as the case may
As regards the movables, the following has been provided:
a. Money, including investment revenues of movables and immovables.
b. Movable properties, including, in general, bonds, stocks, shares, financial and
commercial papers, certificates of investment, certificates of deposit, treasury bills
and bonds, or any revenues of such movable properties, whether Egyptian or foreign.
c. All movables of different kinds.
However, the allocated funds shall be appraised, be it movable or immovable, by the market
value at the time of allocation, with a deed approved by an official authority or expert
Article 97
The Civil Foundation shall be committed to achieving the purposes of developing and caring
for the community, and shall not seek financial gains.
The bylaws, or any equivalents thereof, shall include adescription of the activities and the
purposes, which the Foundation seeks to achieve.
The Civil Foundation shall be prohibited carrying out any activity which is prohibited per
Article (15) of the Law, or any other prohibited activities specified therein.
Article 98
In the event that the Civil Foundation is established on the basis of a notarized will, the
legatee may submit to Competent Unit or Sub-unit ,as the case may be, arequest to register
Official Gazette- Issue No. 1(reprint), 11January 2021
the summary of the bequest. The Unit or Sub-unit, in such acase, shall inform the legatee of
fulfilling the conditions of registering the summary of the bequest, or shall oblige the legatee
to do the necessary amendments in the bequest in order to complete its registration.
Nevertheless, the registration of the summary of the bylaw and the attainment of the legal
personality shall not be finalized until the bequest has been enforced, unless otherwise the
legatee has abandoned itbefore death.
In the event that the legatee has not abandoned the bequest before death, and that the Unit or
Sub-unit has announced its approval of the bequest ’sregistration, or that the bequest has been
amended to fulfil the conditions for registering its summary, the competent Unit or Sub-unit
shall be committed, as the case may be, to register it within 60 days from the date of being
notified of the enforcement of the bequest, without any need for submitting anew request.
Article 99
The request for registering the Civil Foundation shall be made on the predefined template by
the founder or the group of founders or the chair of the Board of Trustees or the delegated
person to execute the bequest.
The Competent Unit or Sub-unit ,as the case may be, shall be committed to register the
summary record of the Civil Foundation in the Associations ’database from the date of
notification of the request for establishing the Civil Foundation. Such notification shall have
no effect if itis not accompanied by the following documents :
1- Four copies of the Civil Foundation ’sbylaws signed by the founder or the group of
founders, whose names, titles, addresses, shares contributed in the establishment of
the Civil Foundation, place and date of signing the bylaws shall be expressly stated
therein, and all the founders shall sign on the bylaw; or four copies of the official
instrument establishing the Civil Foundation certified as atrue copy of the original by
the entity that documented the issuance or notarized of such instrument; or four copies
of the bequest certified as atrue copy of the original copy of the notarized bequest.
2- In the event that the founder or one of the founders is a legal person, it shall be
mandatory to attach proof of its legal form to the request, along with an explicit
declaration signed by the legal representative of such afounder stating the approval of
establishing or co-establishing the Civil Foundation.
3- Two copies of the bylaws that regulate the financial and administrative affairs of the
Civil Foundation and its staff members in accordance with the guiding template
attached to these Regulations.
4- The criminal status sheet of each member of the founders and the Board of Trustees.
5- Declaration by the founders stating that the funds allocated for establishing the
Foundation are not subject to disputes with third persons or before courts.
Official Gazette- Issue No. 1(reprint), 11January 2021
6- A list of those who were selected from the founders, or otherwise, as members on the
first Board of Trustees, as well as the chair, vice-chair, secretary-general, treasurer,
board members of the Board of Trustees.
7- Deed of occupancy (leasing, titling, usufruct, allocation, gift), provided such adeed
shall be documented.
8- Deed for depositing or assessing allocated funds.
9- Declarations by each founder or member of the Board of Trustees, stating that they
are not listed in the list of terrorist entities.
10- A statement proving that afee of 2,000 pounds has been paid in return for recording
the Foundation statues in the respective register. This fee shall be transferred to the
11- Rules and conditions for volunteering at the Foundation, if any, as well as the rights,
duties and means of protecting volunteers.
12- Selecting arepresentative of the founders to undertake establishment procedures.
13- The Foundation ’swebsite and email address, if any.
Article 100
The founders of the Civil Foundation or its establishers as per an official deed, shall be
responsible for the expenses necessary for its establishment. In the event that its
establishment is pursuant to abequest entrusted to one person to execute, the executor may,
after the registration of the Foundation, claim refund for the expenditures incurred in
establishing the Foundation per the bequest.
The refunding of such expenses shall be carried out upon adecision made by the Board of
Trustees, within the limits of the actual expenses approved by the Board.
Article 101
The Competent Unit or Sub-unit, as the case may be, shall record the date of request for the
registration of the summary of the bylaws, or the official deed or the bequest, after verifying
that the conditions and rules stipulated herein have been fulfilled. This shall be included in a
receipt to be given to the applicant.
The Competent Unit or Sub-unit, as the case may be, shall keep aspecial register to record
the requests for the registration of bylaws summaries, or the official deeds or the bequests,
which have been created for the Civil Foundations, as per the date and time of each
Article 102
Official Gazette- Issue No. 1(reprint), 11January 2021
In the event that the Civil Foundation has not appointed aBoard of Trustees or that the Board
of Trustees has more than one vacant position and it has been impossible to appoint an
alternative(s) in accordance with the Foundation ’sbylaws, the Head of the Unit shall issue a
decision to appoint aBoard of Trustees or amember to fill the vacant position, as the case
may be.
Article 103
The Board of Trustees shall undertake the management of the Civil Foundation and shall
have all the powers of the Association ’sBoard of Directors and General Assembly; and in the
case of the amendment of the bylaws or its equivalent, the founders shall undertake such
unless otherwise stipulated in the bylaws.
Article 104
The Civil Foundation may increase its capital by allocating additional fund(s) from founder(s)
or, in the case of abequest, from the bequest ’sinheritors, upon the approval of the founders
who hold the majority of the capital, in order to achieve the purposes stated in the bylaws or
its equivalent.
The fund shall be recorded in the Foundation ’sregisters, after notifying the Competent Unit
or Sub-unit, as the case may be, with adetailed statement of the allocated additional funds.
Article 105
In the event of acapital increase by allocating additional funds from non-founders, upon the
approval of the founders who hold the majority of the capital, the Civil Foundation shall be
committed to submit arequest to the Competent Minister, fulfilling the following information
and documents:
a. Name, address, and nationality of the fund provider.
b. If the fund provider is alegal person, the legal instrument of the legal person shall be
attached along with the approval of the legal person ’srepresentative.
c. The criminal status sheet of the fund provider or the legal person ’srepresentative.
d. A declaration stating that the fund provider or the legal representative is not subject of
dispute with third persons or before courts.
e. A statement of the provided fund.
f. The conditions that have been laid down by the fund provider, if any.
The Competent Unit or Sub-unit, as the case may be, shall provide the Foundation with an
opinion within amaximum of 60 business days from the date of the request and its required
documents, upon obtaining the approval of the relevant authorities. The expiry of such a
period without any objection from the Competent Unit or Sub-unit, as the case may be, shall
be deemed as an approval of the request.
Article 106
Official Gazette- Issue No. 1(reprint), 11January 2021
The Foundation may merge with another in accordance with the following conditions:
1- A request by the founder or founders who hold the majority of the Foundation ’s
capital; in case there are no founders, the decision of the merger shall be made by the
majority of the Board of Trustees.
2- The approval of the founders or the Board of Trustees of the Foundation which will
be merged into.
3- Notifying the Unit of the merger request including the approval of the founders or the
Board of Trustees, as the case may be.
4- The Unit shall issue the merger decision within 60 days from the date of request
In the case of merger between a non-public-interest Foundation and a public-interest
Foundation, the merger decision shall be made by the Prime Minister or his/her delegate
within 90 business days from the date of request.
Article 107
The Civil Foundation may be dissolved upon adecision made by the founders who hold the
majority of the capital, unless the Foundation ’s bylaws provides for a larger percentage.
Dissolution and liquation procedures shall be carried out after the lapse of at least 30 days
from the date of notifying the Competent Unit or Sub-unit, as the case may be, without any
In the event that there are no founders, the dissolution decision shall be made unanimously by
the Board of Trustees, unless otherwise stated in the bylaws.
The decision shall also include the appointment of aliquidator and description of his/her fees
and the liquidation period.
Subject to paragraph (11) of Article (7) of the Law, the liquation revenues shall be transferred
to the Fund unless the bylaws provides otherwise.
Chapter Six
Foreign Non-Governmental Organizations
Article 108
The Foreign Non-Governmental Organizations, which wishes to perform one or more of the
activities of Associations and Civil Foundations subject to the provisions of the Law, shall
submit arequest to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, on the predefined template, attaching the
following information and documents upon legalization by the Embassy of Egypt in the
country of the parent organization:
1- Basic information about the parent organization:
a. The legal license for its operation in its country.
b. An official copy of its bylaws.
Official Gazette- Issue No. 1(reprint), 11January 2021
c. Information about the members of the Board of Directors (name –nationality of
each member –date of work at the organization).
2- Information about the organization applying for alicense:
a. An official copy of its bylaws.
b. A description of its activities, funding sources, programs, protocols and
memoranda of understanding or cooperation agreement regardless of their titles,
and projects on Egyptian territories, on the predefined template.
c. A certified official certificate that confirms that the organization is registered, and
lawfully carries out civil work in its country.
d. A declaration by the legal representative stating that the organization is not listed
in any of the local, regional or international lists of terrorist entities.
e. A statement confirming the integrity of the criminal status of the founders and the
members of the Board of Directors.
f. The convention or agreement which the organization uses as abasis for its request
to carry out its activities in Egypt, if any.
g. The official website of the organization, if any.
3- Information about the activities that the organization wishes to implement:
a. The activities the organization wishes to implement in Egypt.
b. The geographical scope of the organization ’swork in Egypt.
c. The proposed period for implementing the activities.
d. The proposed funds to use for implementing the activities .
4- The entity that shall receive the funds which the organization would leave behind
following the end or termination of the license.
No organization shall be allowed to implement any activity in Egypt unless upon obtaining a
license by the Competent Minister, following the approval of the relevant authorities.
Article 109
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs shall send acopy of the license request to operate in Egypt,
along with its attached documents, upon consulting the Unit and the relevant authorities and
attaching its own opinion, to the Competent Ministry to consider issuing the license.
Article 110
The Competent Minister shall issue the license for the organization to perform one or more
activities of the activities of Associations and Civil Foundations. The license shall specify the
period, the authorized activities, the geographical scope, the funding sources, the proposed
budget, and the entity that shall receive the funds which the organization would leave behind
following the expiry or termination of the license. The license shall be issued within aperiod
Official Gazette- Issue No. 1(reprint), 11January 2021
of 15 business days starting from the date of receiving the request from the Ministry of
Foreign Affairs.
Article 111
The Non-Governmental Organization may submit to the Unit, on the predefined template, a
request for renewing the license for another period of 60 business days prior to the expiry of
its existing license. The renewal process shall be carried out according to the same
procedures stipulated in these Regulations, provided that the request shall be attached with
the following documents:
1- An annual progress report covering the period during which the authorized activities
were performed.
2- The annual budget approved by one of the certified auditor.
3- Information regarding the activities that the organization wishes to implement,
including: (the proposed activities/the geographical scope of the organization ’swork
in the country/the proposed period for implementing the activities/the proposed
budget for implementing the activities and the funding sources/the entity that shall
receive the assets and properties which the organization would leave behind following
the expiry or termination of the license).
4- Basic information about the employees (Egyptians/foreigners/dual nationals) in the
organization ’s branch in Egypt (name/job/copy of the national ID number or
passport/date of employment/declaration stating that no employee at the organization
in Egypt has been listed on terrorist lists).
5- The bylaws of the organization operating in Egypt.
6- Any amendments to the information stipulated in Article (108) of these Regulations.
7- A receipt indicating that the fees, which are stipulated in Article (67) of the Law, are
The Unit shall be provided by ahard copy and asoft copy of such information.
Following the approval of the relevant authorities, and in light of the technical and financial
reports prepared by the Unit, the Competent Minister shall issue a decision renewing the
organization ’slicense within aperiod of 90 business days from the date of the organization ’s
renewal request.
Article 112
The license that has been issued for the Non-Governmental Organization may be amended
subject to a request submitted by the Organization to the Unit, provided that the request
includes the following information and documents:
1- Provisions to be amended.
2- Amendment justifications.
Official Gazette- Issue No. 1(reprint), 11January 2021
3- The Organization ’s technical and financial reports for the period of the previous
4- Any other documents or information required by the Unit.
Following the approval of the relevant authorities, the Competent Minister shall issue a
decision for amending the license within aperiod of 90 business days from the date of the
organization ’samendment request.
Article 113
Civil Society Organizations shall not seek the assistance of foreigners, whether as experts,
fixed or temporary employees, or volunteers, unless alicense from the Competent Minister
has been obtained, subject to arequest submitted to the Unit at least 60 days from the date
intended for recruiting the foreigner, on the predefined template, attaching the following
information and documents:
1. A list of those to be recruited, including (name –profession –nationality –address).
2. The nature of the work that the foreigner will perform.
The license shall be issued after consulting with the relevant authorities, without prejudice to
the provisions regulating the work of the foreigners stipulated in Labor Law and the relevant
regulating decisions.
The Competent Minister may exclude certain categories from the 60-day period stated herein
for considerations of public interest.
Article 114
A Foreign Non-Governmental Organization may apply to the Unit, on the predefined
template, requesting the cancellation of its operation license in Egypt before the expiry of the
license. The request shall be accompanied by the following documents:
1. Justifications for the license cancellation request.
2. Financial and technical reports of the organization for the period of its operation.
3. The latest balance sheet approved by acertified auditor.
4. Any other documents or information as requested by the Unit.
Upon the approval of the relevant authorities, the Competent Minister shall issue adecision
canceling the license of the organization and ordering its liquidation within 30 business days
from the date of the request submission.
Article 115
In the event that the organization violates the provisions of the Law and thee Regulations, or
violates its issued license, the Unit shall notify the organization to have such violations
removed within the period specified in the notification. In the event that such violations are
not removed, the Competent Minister, following the approval of the relevant authorities, may
issue a reasoned decision to suspend the contrary activity or terminate the work license,
Official Gazette- Issue No. 1(reprint), 11January 2021
provided that the decision for suspending the violating activity or for cancelling the activity
license. The decision shall include liquidating the organization within aperiod of 30 business
days from the issuance date of the decision.
Article 116
The funds that the organization leaves behind willingly, following the expiry or termination
of the license, shall be transferred to one of the Egyptian entities specified by the organization,
or to the Fund, upon the approval of the Fund ’sBoard of Directors, in the event that no entity
has been specified by the organization in the work license.
Article 117
All the provisions relating to the Foreign Non-Governmental Organizations, stipulated in this
Chapter, shall apply to all the Foreign Organizations ’branches or representative offices.
All the provisions relating to the Foreign Non-Governmental Organizations shall apply to the
branches of the regional organizations.
The regional organizations may open sub-bank accounts for allocations intended to be spent
in other countries.
First: The Central Unit:
Article 118
The Unit shall be deemed as a special Unit reporting to the Competent Minister and
functioning in accordance with the powers granted to itunder the Law and these Regulations.
Article 119
Upon the approval of the Ministry of Finance, the Unit shall have independent financial
accounts and aseparate accounting unit. The resources of the Unit compose of the following:
1. Allocations allocated to the Unit in the State budget.
2. Financial support received by the Unit.
3. Fees collected by the Unit from Associations, Federations, Civil Foundations and
Foreign Non-Governmental Organizations for services it provides as resolved by The
Competent Minister, with amaximum of 5000 pounds.
4. Fees collected by the Unit for the expertise it provides in the field of financial,
technical, or legal studies, establishing administrative structures, proposing legislative
systems and preparing training programs for employees, those in charge of civil
society organizations, and volunteers, for local and foreign bodies after the approval
of the Competent Minister.
Article 120
Official Gazette- Issue No. 1(reprint), 11January 2021
The administrative structure of the Unit shall be composed of a high-level Head, and an
appropriate number of general and supervisory departments at which asufficient number of
employees work. The Head of the Unit shall report directly to the Competent Minister and the
Unit ’sorganizational structure and job chart shall be set according to the aforementioned
Law No. 118 of 1964.
Article 121
The Head of the Unit shall issue adecision to form the human resources committee at the
Unit. The Committee shall be composed of an odd number of members, not less than five and
not more than seven members, and its decisions shall be made by majority voting.
The committee may invite to its meetings anyone whom the committee deems suitable to
consult with when discussing certain issues, but such person shall not have the right to vote.
The Unit shall appoint one of its members as arapporteur to maintain aspecial register that
includes the minutes of the Unit sessions. Each minutes report shall include the names of
attendees, the issues discussed by the Unit, and the decisions made. The minutes reports shall
be signed by the Head of the committee, the attendees, and the rapporteur, and the decisions
shall be approved by the Competent Minister.
Article 122
The Human Resources Committee shall be authorized to look into the following issues:
1- Issuing the recommendations necessary to finalize the process of any Unit-related
appointment, contracting, delegation, transfer, secondment, or promotion.
2- Approving the efficiency reports of non-senior staff positions.
3- Other issues stipulated in these Regulations, and issues requested to be looked into by
the Competent Minister or the Head of Unit.
Article 123
The Human Resources Committee shall meet following arequest by its Chair or by the Head
of the Unit and shall send its decisions to be approved by the Competent Minister within a
week. Should the Competent Minister object to all or some of the decisions, the Committee
shall meet again to reconsider the issue and shall present itto the Competent Minister, whose
decision shall be deemed final this time. The deliberations of the Committee shall be
Article 124
Decisions related to human resource shall be announced within amaximum of one week from
the date of their approval by the Competent Minister. Copies of these decisions shall be
circulated in the Competent departments.
Article 125
Official Gazette- Issue No. 1(reprint), 11January 2021
Employment at the Unit shall be through appointment, contracting, delegation, transfer,
secondment, or promotion, subject to the employee ’smeeting the stipulated conditions of the
In case of contracting, the gross honorarium and other financial dues of the contractor shall
not exceed the earnings of acounterpart at the same job level.
Article 126
The Competent Minister shall issue a decision to transfer some employees of the central
department of Associations and Federations to the Unit after passing the tests and trainings
determined by the Competent Minister, after consulting with the relevant authorities and the
Central Organization for Administrative Affairs and Management. Transferred employees
shall retain their job levels and status at their personal capacity.
Article 127
The following conditions shall be met by applicants to be appointed in any of the jobs at the
1. To be of Egyptian nationality.
2. To be twenty-eight years or above (as per Gregorian calendar).
3. To be of good conduct and reputation.
4. Should not have been sentenced of a felony or a freedom-restricting penalty for a
crime involving dishonor or dishonesty, unless otherwise rehabilitated.
5. Should not have been dismissed from service with a final disciplinary ruling or
decision, unless at least four years have lapsed since such a ruling or decision has
been issued.
6. Should be physically fit to take the job with acertificate to be issued by the competent
health council.
7. Should test negative for drug abuse by acompetent government testing body.
8. Should meet the job conditions.
9. Should pass the prescribed job test.
10. Should enclose with the job application documents proving his/her skills,
competencies and past experiences required to assume the position.
Article 128
A contract shall be signed by the Competent Minister with the selected employee on the
predefined template which shall be issued by the competent minister. The contract shall be
made of two copies; one shall be handed over to the employee and the other shall be kept in
the employee ’sfile at the Unit.
Article 129
Official Gazette- Issue No. 1(reprint), 11January 2021
Employees who are appointed for the first time in the Unit shall be placed under a
probationary period for six months from the start date of work. The employee ’seligibility
shall be decided based on amonthly report that shall be prepared by the employee ’sfirst line
manager and approved by the senior line manager. At the end of each month, the employee
shall be given acopy of the monthly report, indicating the deficiencies in his/her performance,
how to address them, and whether he/she avoided the deficiencies indicated in the previous
report in full, in part, or not at all. The employee shall acknowledge receipt and notification
of the report and the original copy of the report shall be kept in the employee ’sservice file.
At the end of the probation period, afinal report shall be prepared, in light of the previous
reports, indicating whether the appointed employee is eligible or not. The report shall be
submitted to the Human Resources Committee and if the employee was found unfit for the
job, his/her service shall be terminated.
Article 130
The contract may be extended to asimilar period(s) subject to the following conditions:
a. The renewal shall be based on the work need.
b. The financial allocations shall allow for such arenewal.
c. The performance evaluation of the employee shall be at least above average during
his/her employment period.
Article 131
The senior positions shall be occupied through a competition that shall be announced on
Egypt ’sgovernment web portal or in two widely circulated newspapers, along with all the
job-related information. This shall be carried out by aselection panel, which has been formed
upon adecision issued by the Competent Minister, and based on the performance evaluation
reports, without prejudice to the required conditions for occupying such senior positions.
The Unit ’s employees of the directly lower level positions may apply for such senior
positions. In the event that aUnit ’semployee occupies such senior positions, the Competent
Minister shall draft acontract for aperiod of no more than one year, renewable for other
period(s) for amaximum of six years.
A necessary training shall be required to occupy such senior positions. Ensuring the integrity
of the senior employee shall be ensured by the relevant authorities. Any opinion of lack of
integrity shall require sufficient evidence and serious reasons. After consultations with the
Central Organization and Administration Board, the Competent Minister shall specify the
level of the required training programs and the authorities to provide such training.
Article 132
The Human Resource Department shall prepare a statement on the status of the senior
positions at least six months prior to the end of the employment periods. The Head of the
Unit shall present the statement, along with his/her recommendations, to the Competent
Minister to consider either the renewal or non-renewal of an employment period.
Official Gazette- Issue No. 1(reprint), 11January 2021
The rest of the positions at the Unit shall be occupied subject to the fulfilment of the
conditions specified in the description of the approved jobs.
Article 133
Each employee occupying a senior position shall swear the following oath before the
Competent Minister and prior to assuming the respective position: “Iswear by the Almighty
God to respect the Constitution and the law, and serve the country, and maintain the public
funds, and carry out my duties with integrity, transparency, with teamwork spirit, and to the
fullest for the purpose of serving the nation. ”
Article 134
The Human Resource Department shall officially notify the employee of the date that is set
for accepting the position, provided that the employee shall commence within 30 days from
the notification date; otherwise, itshall be deemed awaiver to the appointment on the part of
the employee, unless the competent authority decides, upon aproposal from the Head of the
Unit, that this period shall be extended to 60 days for reasons itconsiders fit.
Article 135
The employment period of the senior positions shall end on the date specified in the
employment contract, unless otherwise renewed. The required procedures shall be taken for
renewing the employment period of asenior position at least 60 days prior to the end of the
specified employment period.
Article 136
Following the approval of the Competent Minister, the Head of the Unit may contract with
Egyptian consultants for aspecified period to perform acertain task, for which no sufficient
expertise is available at the Unit, provided that the consultant has no less than 10 years of
experience in the required field and that no employee at the Competent Ministry or the
affiliated bodies has the same level of experience in such afield.
The consultants ’monthly or lump sum honorarium shall be specified subject to adecision
issued by the Competent Minister upon aproposal from the Head of the Unit subject to the
maximum limit of the incomes determined by law.
Article 137
The seniority in position shall be considered from the date of employment. In the event that
the date of employment is the same for more than one employee, the seniority shall be
considered in accordance with the following:
1- In the event that the position is occupied for the first time, the seniority shall be
considered as per the precedence in appointment pursuant to the precedence in the
final grading of the test scores. In the event that the scores are equal, the holder of the
highest score of qualification for occupying the position shall come first, then the
Official Gazette- Issue No. 1(reprint), 11January 2021
highest in the same rank, then the highest in qualification, then the former graduate,
then the older in age.
2- In the event that the position is held through contracting, the seniority shall be
considered from the date of employment in the Unit.
3- In the event that the position is held through promotion, the seniority shall be
considered on the basis of the seniority in the previous position.
Article 138
Due to work need, an employee may be transferred within the Unit to another position of the
same level as his/her position, without adversely affecting the employee ’sfinancially as a
result of the transfer decision. A transfer decision shall be issued by the Competent Minister
upon arequest from the employee or the department to/from which the employee shall be
Article 139
The employee shall be entitled to submit acomplaint of any matter regarding his/her work or
job status to the Head of the Unit, who shall refer the complaint, whenever applicable, to the
Human Resources Committee for consideration.
The Competent Minister or the Head of the Unit, as the case may be, shall issue adecision
regarding the complaint within amonth from the submission date. The complainant shall be
notified of such adecision in writing within two weeks from its issuance date.
In the event that the complaint is made against the Head of the Unit, the complaint shall be
submitted to the Competent Minister to decide what he deems fit.
Article 140
The Competent Minister shall create asystem that ensures the performance evaluation of the
Unit ’semployees which shall be carried out pursuant to the aforementioned Civil Service
Law and its Executive Regulation.
The Head of the Unit shall prepare the annual report based on performance indicators for the
General Managers; this report shall be approved by the Competent Minister. The competent
General Manager shall prepare the annual report based on performance indicators for the
managers of general departments; this report shall be approved by the Head of the Unit.
Except for the senior positions, line managers shall prepare annual reports for employees and
submit such to senior line managers for writing their feedback on the report, before
submitting it to the Unit ’s Human Resources Committee for approval in light of the
components stated in the report, as well as gathered information about employees.
Article 141
Employees shall be notified with copies of the performance evaluation report. They shall
have the right to submit an appeal within 20 days from the notification date to the Appeals
Committee, which is formed for this purpose. The Appeals Committee is formed upon a
Official Gazette- Issue No. 1(reprint), 11January 2021
decision issued by the Competent Minister, with no more than five members and areserve
member, including two senior position holders who have not participated in the preparation
of the report and alegal member. The Committee shall decide on the appeal within 30 days
from the submission date. The decision of the Committee shall not be deemed final until
approved by the Head of the Unit.
The appeal of the senior position holders against their performance reports shall be submitted
to the Competent Minister within 20 days from the notification date, and shall be decided
within 30 days from the submission date.
In all cases, the performance evaluation report shall not be final except when the period of
appeal has expired without submitting such areport or upon issuing adecision on it, as the
case may be.
Article 142
The employee who receives two consecutive reports with weak performance shall have
his/her matter be presented to the Human Resources Committee so that it can prepare and
submit a report on this issue to the Competent Minister to decide whatever he/she deems
Article 143
Considering the maximum limits of income determined by law, the wages specified in the
tables annexed to the aforementioned Civil Service Law ,shall apply to the employees of the
Unit. The complementary pay of the Head of the Unit shall be specified in adecision issued
by the Competent Minister, provided that itshall not exceed (75%) of the maximum limits of
income determined by law. The complementary pay of the rest of the Unit ’semployees shall
be specified in adecision issued by the Competent Minister, following the approval of the
Minister of Finance, in light of their performance rates and size of their work achievements;
the decision shall specify the rules that regulate the cashing out of such apay.
When appointed or contracted, the employee shall be entitled to the wage that is specified for
the position level he/she holds as of the start date of work; unless the employee is retained in
the armed forces, in such case he/she shall be entitled to the wage as of the date of
The lump sum bonus to be paid to holders of senior positions shall be specified in the senior
position contracts. The bonus shall not exceed the maximum limit of the wage specified for
the employee of the same job level.
Article 144
The employee shall be given aperiodic bonus on the first of July after the lapse of one year
from the date of occupying the position, with arate of (7%) of the employee ’swage. This
bonus shall be reviewed on regular basis.
Official Gazette- Issue No. 1(reprint), 11January 2021
Article 145
Taking into account the maximum limits of income determined by law, the Competent
Minister shall have the right to decide, upon arecommendation by the Head of the Unit, to
give alump-sum incentivizing honorarium, specified by the Competent Minister, provided
that itshall not exceed aone-month payment of the gross wage. This amount shall be given to
the employee if he/she performs outstandingly at work; exerts special effort; provides the
Unit with excellent services, work, research, or recommendations that improve the ways of
work; enhances work performance, or saves on expenditures; provided that the financial
allocations in the Unit ’sbudget allows for the cashing out of such amount.
Article 146
The promotion to avacant directly higher-level position included in the tables of approved
jobs shall be carried out subject to adecision issued by the Competent Minister or through a
new contract made with the employee to occupy such aposition, as the case may be. The
employee shall fulfil the required conditions to occupy the position to which he/she will be
promoted as per the job description at the Unit. The promotion shall be carried out for the
employees who receive excellent evaluations in their performance reports.
Article 147
The Head of the Unit shall put forward amonitoring system that ensures the achievement of
the following purposes :
1- The following-up on the work progress at all the different departments of the Unit as
per the approved plan. In this regard, the Unit shall provide the employees with
appropriate telecommunication tools that ensure the achievement of this purpose, and
shall bear the work-related expenses of such tools.
2- The following-up on the periodical reports on the activities of the different
departments in light of the most important performance indicators set for the senior
position holders.
3- Enhancing the employees ’ performance in the different positions by setting up
training plans.
4- Overcoming the obstacles and constraints that stand in the way of the Unit while
carrying out its powers.
Article 148
The employee at the Unit shall be given atravel allowance for his/her overnight stay when
traveling for work outside Greater Cairo or when delegated or assigned by the Unit to go on a
mission or task whether inside or outside the country. The travel allowance for each night
when on amission inside the Republic shall be paid as per the categories specified in annexed
Table No. (1). The travel allowance for each night when on amission outside the Republic
shall be paid as per the categories specified in the Presidential Order No. 41 of 1958 on
Regulations concerning Travel Allowances and Expenditures .
Official Gazette- Issue No. 1(reprint), 11January 2021
When on amission or traveling, whether inside or outside the country, the Unit shall bear the
accommodation expenses, one third of the travel allowance, and the actual transportation
expenses; or the full travel allowance, whichever is higher.
In all cases, the Unit shall be committed to paying any addition in relation to the travel and
transportation allowance other than those specified in the Presidential Order No. 41 of 1958
on Regulations concerning Travel Allowances and Expenditures ,from the Unit ’sown
resources without causing any financial burden to the public treasury.
Article 149
The Competent Minister may compensate the Head of the Unit for covering expenses related
to hospitality and reception oversees, without being committed to the approved spending
Article 150
Travel allowance inside and outside the country shall be increased by %25 of the stipulated
travel allowance when the mission is to attend fairs, international conferences, or training
Article 151
When the employee is assigned with amission outside the country, the Unit shall bear the
costs of getting a passport issued or renewed, entry and exit visas, medical certificates,
departure fees, as well as internationally-accepted health insurance policies.
Article 152
The employee's use of means of transportation shall be determined according to the following:
First- Aircrafts:
1. Movement inside the country.
The Head of the Unit and senior employees may use aircrafts for movement inside the
country. Other employees may, upon adecision by the Head of the Unit, use aircrafts for
movements inside the country in missions deemed by the Head of the Unit as urgent.
2. Movement outside the country.
The Head of the Unit, senior employees and other employees, economy class.
Second- Trains:
Train Class shall be determined as follows:
1. First class express for all the Unit employees.
2. The employee may sleep in the sleeping compartments when travelling to far
governorates as defined in adecision by the Head of the Unit.
Article 153
Official Gazette- Issue No. 1(reprint), 11January 2021
The Presidential Order No. 41 of 1958 on Regulations concerning Travel Allowances and
Expenditures shall apply to the employees of the Unit, unless otherwise provided in these
Regulations and without prejudice to their provisions.
Article 154
The Head of the Unit or his/her delegate may, upon his/her own discretion, approve to an
advance travel allowance pay to cover any expenses of an outside mission, depending to the
nature of the mission. The employee shall settle the advance payment upon his/her return.
Article 155
When on amission within Greater Cairo, an employee shall be paid transportation per diem
allowance in accordance with the annexed table 2. Employees who use cars belonging to the
Unit shall not be paid such transportation allowance.
Article 156
The Head of the Unit and senior employees shall be paid amonthly representation allowance
in accordance with the annexed Table 3to cover expenses relating to the requirements of the
leadership and supervision roles of their positions.
This allowance shall be paid to the employee holding the position. If the position is vacant,
the allowance shall be paid to the person assuming the duties of the position. If the employee
holds more than one of such positions, this allowance shall be paid to him/her in accordance
with the higher category of the position he/she occupies.
Article 157
The employees at the Unit, who have or are yet obtain educational degrees or qualifications
higher than the first university degree, shall be given amonthly incentive called “Educational
Degree Incentive ”,in accordance with annexed Table No. (4).
This incentive shall be given provided that the employee ’seducational degree or qualification
is consistent with the nature of the work at the Unit. Such consistency shall be determined by
the Human Resources Committee.
Article (158)
The Unit shall provide its employees and their families with medical services. Such services
shall include medical check-ups and examinations, X-rays, treatment costs, surgical
operations, hospitalization, spectacles, and prosthetic appliances, provided that these services
are funded by the Health and Social Services Fund established pursuant to the provisions of
the aforementioned Private Insurance Funds and without causing any financial burden on the
public treasury.
Article 159
Official Gaze