Ministerial declaration of the high-level segment of the 2016 session of the Economic and Social Council and the high-level political forum on sustainable development

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United Nations E /2016/L.24 –E /HLPF/2016/L.2

Economic and Social Council Distr.: Limited
18 July 2016

Original: English

16 -12341 (E) 190716
2016 session
24 July 2015 J27 July 2016
Agenda item 5 (a)
High -level segment: ministerial meeting of the high -level
political forum on sustainable development, convened
under the auspices of the Economic and Social Council
High -level political forum on
sustainable development
Convened under the auspices of the
Econo mic and Social Council
11 J20 July 2016
Agenda item 3 *
Adoption of the ministerial declaration

Draft ministerial declaration of the high -level segment of the 2016 session of the
Economic and Social Council and the high -level political forum on sustainable
development, convened under the auspices of the Council, submitted by the
President of the Council, Oh Joon (Republic of Korea)

* See E/HLPF/2016/1 .

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Ministerial declaration of the high -level segment of the 2016
session of the Economic and Social Council on the annual theme
“Implementing the post -2015 development agenda: moving from
commitments to results”
Ministerial declaration of the 2016 high -level political forum on
sustainable development, convened under the auspices of the
Economic and Social Council, on the theme “Ensuring that no one
is left behind”
We, the Ministers and high representatives, having met at United Nations
Headquarters in New York,
1. Pledge that no one will be left behind in implementing the 2030 Agenda
for Sustainable Develop ment. In this first high -level political forum for sustainable
develop ment to be convened follo wing its historic adoption, we underscore the need
for its 17 Sustainable Development Goals and 169 targets to be met for all nations and
peoples and for all segments of society. We stress that the 2030 Agenda is people –
centred, universal and transfor mative and that its Goals and targets are integrated
and indivisible and balance the three dimensions of sustainable develop ment —
econo mic, social and environmental. It is a plan of action for people, planet and
prosperity that also seeks to strengthen universal peace in larger freedo m, to be
implemented b y al l countries and stakeholders, acting in collaborative partnership.
We reaffir m all the principles recognized in the Agenda, and that eradicating
poverty in all its for ms and dimensions, including extreme poverty, is the greatest
global challenge and an ind ispensable requirement for sustainable develop ment;
2. Emphasize that the high -level political forum is called to provide
political leadership, guidance and reco mmendations for the implementation of
sustainable develop ment commitments, and that it has a central role in overseeing a
network of follo w -up and review processes of the 2030 Agenda at the global level,
working coherently with the General Assembly, the Econo mic and Social Council
and other relevant organs and forums, in line with existing mandate s. It will, inter
alia, facilitate the sharing of experiences and best practices and pro mote system –
wide coherence and coordination of sustainable develop ment policies, considering
that the 2030 Agenda is applicable to all, taking into account different na tional
realities, capacities and levels of develop ment and respecting each countr y’s policy
space, and to be implemented consistent with the sovereign rights and obligations of
States under international law and with the Charter of the United Nations;
3. Welcome early efforts in implementing the 2030 Agenda at all levels,
building on the achievements of the Millennium Develop ment Goals and seeking to
address their unfinished business. We are encouraged by these efforts and, in this
first year of its imple mentation, look for ward to further progress in, inter alia,
revitalizing and enhancing the Global Partnership for Sustainable Develop ment,
aligning existing policies with the new global plan of action, increasing policy and
system -wide coherence and integr ation for achieving the Sustainable Develop ment
Goals and targets, addressing existing and emerging challenges, enhancing national
capacities for evidence -based and data -driven decision -making, and favouring
participatory, cooperative and enabling environm ents at all levels. We take note with

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appreciation of the Secretar y -General’s first annual progress report on the
Sustainable Develop ment Goals;
4. Have considered the theme of the 2016 high -level political forum,
“Ensuring that no one is left behind”, and highlight in this regard that the dignity of
the hu man person is fund amental, and that we endeavour to reach the furthest
behind and the most vulnerable first. To ensure that no one is left behind, we are
working to eradicate poverty and hunger and achieve sustainable develop ment in its
three dimensions, inter alia, by pro moting inclusive econo mic gro wth, protecting the
environment and pro moting social inclusion in an integrated manner. We will ensur e
gender equality and wo men’s and girls’ empo wer ment. We will also pro mote
peaceful and inclusive societies, respect and pro mote all human rights, and pro mote
an equitable global econo mic system in which no country, peop le or person is left
behind, enabling decent work and productive livelihoods for all, while preserving the
planet for our children and future generations. We strive for a world of peace, free of
fear and violence and free fro m terrorism. We pledge to make such a world a reality;
5. Commit , in our endeavour to ensure that no one is left behind, to
focusing our efforts where the challenges are greatest, including by ensuring the
inclusion and participation of those who are furthest behind. We deem it of cri tical
importance, in this regard, to protect and empo wer people who are vulnerable. We
recall that those whose needs are reflected in the 2030 Agenda include all children,
adolescents, youth, persons with disabilities, people living with HIV/AIDS, older
pe rsons, indigenous peoples, refugees and internally displaced persons, migrants
and peoples living in areas affected b y co mplex humanitarian emergencies, and
peoples in areas affected b y terrorism and conflict;
6. Emphasize that, to ensure that no one is left behind, we are co mmitted to
making real a world free of poverty, hunger, disease, want and environmental
degradation, where all life can thrive; a world with universal literacy and with
equitable and universal access to quality education at all levels and to health care
and social protection, where physical, mental and social well -being are assured,
where we reaffir m our commitments regarding the human right to safe drinking
water and sanitation and where there is improved hygiene, and where food is
sufficient, safe, affordable and nutritious;
7. Recognize that sustainable develop ment cannot be realized without peace
and security, and that peace and security will be at risk without sustainable
develop ment. The 2030 Agenda recognizes the need to build peaceful, just and
inclusive societies that provide equal access to justice and that are based on respect
for hu man rights, including the right to develop ment, on effective rule of law and
good governance at all levels and on transparent, effective and acc ountable
institutions. Factors which give rise to violence, insecurity and injustice, such as
inequality, corruption, poor governance and illicit financial and ar ms flo ws, are
addressed in the Agenda. We must redouble our efforts to resolve or prevent conf lict
and to support post -conflict countries, including b y ensuring that wo men have a role
in peacebuilding and State -building. We call for further effective measures and
actions to be taken, in confor mity with international law, to remove the obstacles to
the full realization of the right of self -deter mination of peoples living under colonial
and foreign occupation, which continue to adversely affect their econo mic and
social develop ment as well as their environment;

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8. Emphasize that universal respect fo r human rights and hu man dignity,
peace, justice, equality and non -discrimination is central to our co mmitment to
leaving no one behind. Our co mmitment also includes respect for race, ethnicity and
cultural diversity, and equal opportunity, per mitting the full realization of human
potential and contributing to shared prosperity. We are co mmitted to a world that
invests in its children and yo uth and in which ever y child gro ws up free fro m all
for ms of violence and exploitation. We envision a world in which e ver y wo man and
girl enjoys full gender equality and all legal, social and econo mic barriers to their
empo wer ment have been remo ved. We will strive for a world where young wo men
and yo ung men are key agents of change, supported by a culture of inno vation,
sustainability and inclusiveness, to enable a better future for themselves and their
co mmunities; a just, equitable, tolerant, open, creative and socially inclusive world
in which the needs of the most vulnerable are met;
9. Also emphasize our co mmitment to making real a world in which ever y
countr y enjoys sustained, inclusive and sustainable econo mic gro wth and decent
work for all, in which consu mption and production patterns and the use of all
natural resources are sustainable; a world in which develop me nt is climate -sensitive
and respects biodiversity, where we restore and conserve and sustainably use all
ecosystems and strengthen our cooperation to prevent environmental degradation
and pro mote resilience and disaster risk reduction; a wo rld where human settlements
and the application of technology are inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable and
where there is universal access to safe, affordable, reliable and sustainable transport
and energy systems; a world in which humanity lives in har mo ny with nat ure and in
which wildlife and other living species are protected;
10 . Stress that realizing gender equality and the empo wer ment of all wo men
and girls will make a crucial contribution to progress across all the Goals and
targets. Wo men and girls should e njoy equal access to quality education at all levels,
health -care services, econo mic and natural resources and civil and political
participation as well as equal opportunities with men and boys for emplo yment,
leadership and decision -making at all levels. We will work for a significant increase
in investments to close the gender gap and strengthen support for institutions in
relation to gender equality and the empo wer ment of all wo men and girls at the
global, regional and national levels. We strive for a wo rld where all for ms of
discrimination and violence against wo men and girls will be eliminated, including
through the engagement of men and bo ys. T he systematic mainstreaming of a
gender perspective into the implementation of the 2030 Agenda is crucial;
11. Welcome the nu merous contributions made b y the United Nations and
other relevant intergovernmental bodies and forums to the implementation of the
2030 Agenda, including the General Assembly and the Econo mic and Social
Council, the United Nations develop ment system and the United Nations specialized
agencies. In the context of the high -level segment of the Econo mic and Social
Council, we welco me its annual work, including that of its functional and regional
co mmissions and segments, which has been guided by the theme “I mplementing the
post -2015 develop ment agenda: moving fro m co mmitments to results”. T he Council
is key in supporting our efforts to ensure that no one is left behind by, inter alia,
addressing existing and emerging challenges, facilitating mu lti-stakeholder
participation and pro moting system -wide coherence and coordination. We highlight
the important contributions made b y its forums on youth, on partnerships and on
develop ment cooperation; its segments on operational activities, on integration and

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on humanitarian affairs; its special meetings on inequality, on the El Niño
pheno menon and on the Zika virus; and its dialogue on the longer -ter m positioning
of the United Nations develop ment system in the context of the 2030 Agenda, called
to infor m the upco ming quadrennial co mprehensive policy review, amo ng other
activities related to the implementation of the 2030 Agenda. We look for ward to the
contributions of the Council and other relevant intergovernmental forums and
bodies in the co ming years, i ncluding on the thematic reviews of the 2030 Agenda;
12 . Stress , in regard to the thematic discussion of the Council’s high -level
segment on “Infrastructure for sustainable develop ment for all”, the attention given
by the 2030 Agenda to building resilien t infrastructure and its particular connection
with the pro motion of inclusive and sustainable industrialization and the fostering of
innovation. We are co mmitted to addressing infrastructure gaps by, inter alia,
improving investments and further building capacities within a coherent policy
frame work, and consider this key for reducing inequalities within and among
countries. We also stress that infrastructure should be safe, accessible and people –
centred, and pro mote economic integration and connectivity, to ensure that no one is
left behind;
13 . Recognize that the scale and ambition of the 2030 Agenda require a
revitalized and enhanced Global Partnership for Sustainable Develop ment to ensure
its implementation, working in a spirit of global solidarity, i n particular with the
poorest and with people who are vulnerable. We are fully co mmitted to this, and to
moving from all commitments to results, working with all stakeholders. The provision
of means of implementation, particularly as outlined under Goal 17 and under each
Sustainable Develop ment Goal, supported by the concrete policies and actions
outlined in the Addis Ababa Action Agenda of the T hird International Conference on
Financing for Develop ment, which is an integral part of the 2030 Agenda, is crit ical
for achieving our ambitious goals and ensuring that no one is left behind;
14 . Welcome in this regard, inter alia, the holding of the inaugural forum on
financing for develop ment, take note of its intergovernmentally agreed conclusions
and reco mmend ations, and look for ward to further advancement in the follo w -up
process. We also welco me the work of the United Nations Inter -Agency Task Force.
We further welco me the progress made in operationalizing the three co mponents of
the Technology Facilitation M echanism and the holding of the inaugur al
multi -stakeholder forum on science, technology and innovation for the Sustainable
Develop ment Goals, which is important, inter alia, to help facilitate the
develop ment, transfer and dissemination of relevant techno logies for the Sustainable
Develop ment Goals. We look for ward to the establishment of the online platfor m as
part of the Mechanism. We also welco me the progress made in operationalizing the
technology bank for the least developed countries;
15 . Highlight the importance of participatory and inclusive implementation,
follo w -up and review of the 2030 Agenda at all levels. We ackno wledge the primary
responsibilities of Governments in this regard. We also ackno wledge the contribution
of parliaments, subnationa l governments and all other relevant stakeholders, including
the private sector, civil society, academia and philanthropic organizations. T heir
participation supports accountability to our citizens and enhances the effectiveness
of our action, fostering sy nergies, multi -stakeholder partnerships and international
cooperation, and the exchange of best practices and mutual learning. We welcome
the participation and contributions of major groups and other relevant stakeholders

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in the high -level political forum and encourage their continued engagement in
ensuring that no one is left behind;
16 . Stress that the availability and use of accessible, timely, reliable and
high -quality disaggregated data underpins our efforts to leave no one behind by,
inter alia, ide ntifying inequalities. Such data should measure poverty in all its for ms
and dimensions as well as progress on sustainable development, to reveal inequalities,
gaps, progress and recurrent challenges, identify innovative solutions and infor m the
implementa tion of the 2030 Agenda at all levels. We are co mmitted to developing
broader measures of progress to co mplement gross do mestic product. We urge
Governments and international organizations, including the United Nations system,
international financial insti tutions and other relevant stakeholders, to assist developing
countries in further building and strengthening capacities for data collection,
disaggregation, dissemination and analysis at all levels, taking into account that the
global review of the 2030 A genda will be based primarily on national official data
sources. We welco me the decision of the Statistical Co mmission on the global
indicator framework for the Sustainable Develop ment Goals and targets prepared by
the Inter -Agency and Expert Group on Sust ainable Develop ment Goal Indicators,
which is a practical starting point, and look for war d to its implementation and
continual improvement in an inclusive and transparent manner;
WKH  KLJK -level political forum, and highlight the co mmitment and leadership
sho wn b y these countries in their early steps to implement the 2030 Agenda,
including b y integrating it into their national develop ment and sustainable
develop ment strategies. Co untry -led reviews at the national level should be the
foundation for voluntar y reviews at the regional and global levels, as appropriate.
Consistent with the 2030 Agenda, such reviews can pro mote the inclusive
participation of all relevant stakeholders in its implementation, fostering national
and subnational o wnership and thus enhancing our efforts to ensure that no one is
left behind. We stress the importance of building national capacities for follo w -up
and review, and the usefulness of making assista nce available for preparing for the
national voluntary reviews at the high -level political forum, including through
voluntar y guidance and methodologies to address issues such as the interlinkages
among the Sustainable Develop ment Goals. We encourage count ries to take into
consideration experience gained and lessons learned fro m these 22 State -led
voluntar y reviews, and to volunteer in the co ming years;
18 . Recognize the important role that regional and subregional forums can
have in supporting the implem entation of the 2030 Agenda, including its follo w -up
and review process, by, inter alia, pro moting peer learning and cooperation,
including South -South and triangular cooperation as appropriate, and helping to link
the national and global levels of impleme ntation. In this regard, we welco me the
identification, develop ment and convening of appropriate regional and subregional
forums on sustainable develop ment;
19 . Stress that reducing vulnerability to climate change is a global challenge
faced by all, in particular those living in poverty. We recognize the synergies of the
Paris Agreement with the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Develop ment. We welco me
1 China, Colombia, Egypt, Estonia, Finland, France, Georgia, G erma ny, Madagascar, Mexico,
Montenegro, Morocco, N orwa y, Philippines, Republic of Korea, Sa moa, Sierra Leone,
Switzerland, Togo, Turkey, U ganda and Venezuela (Boli varian Republic of).

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the Paris Agreement, un der which all parties will take urgent action to address climate
change, and in that regard look for ward to its prompt ratification, acceptance,
approval or accession and its early entry into force and implementation. We also look
for ward to the mobilizati on of resources to assist its implementation. We recognize
the specific needs and special circumstances of developing countries, especially
those that are particularly vulnerable to the adverse effects of climate change; 2
20 . Reiterate that each country faces specific challenges in its pursuit of
sustainable develop ment. The most vulnerable countries and, in particular, African
countries, least developed countries, landlocked developing countries and small
island developing States deserve special attentio n, as do countries in conflict and
post -conflict situations. There are also serious challenges within many middle –
inco me countries. In this regard, we welco me the progress made to date and
reaffir m support for the Istanbul Programme of Action for the Least Developed
Countries for the Decade 2011 -2020, the SIDS Accelerated Modalities of Action
(SAMOA Pathway) and the Vienna Programme of Action for Landlocked
Developing Countries for the Decade 2014 -2024, and reaffir m the importance of
supporting the African Union’s Agenda 2063 and the programme of the New
Partnership for Africa’s Develop ment, to ensure that no one is left behind. We also
take note of the principles set out in the New Deal for Engagement in Fragile States
by the Group of Seven Plus, countries that are, or have been, affected by conflict;
21 . Look forward to all ongoing and upco ming intergovernmental processes
which will contribute to the implementation of the 2030 Agenda, including, inter
alia, the United Nations Conference on Housing and Sus tainable Urban Develop ment
(Habitat III), to be held in Quito in October 2016; the United Nations high -level
plenar y meeting on addressing large movements of refugees and migrants, to be
held in New York in September 2016; the thirteenth meeting of the Con ference of
the Parties of the Convention on Biological Diversity, to be held in Cancun, Mexico,
in December 2016; and the Group of 20 Summit to be held in Hangzhou, China, in
September 2016. We reco mmend that these processes and other efforts, including,
inter alia, the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015 -2030 and the
10 -year Frame work of Programmes on Sustainable Consumption and Production
Patterns, should focus on ensuring that no one is left behind. We stress the
importance of system -wide s trategic planning, implementation and reporting in
order to ensure coherent and integrated support for the effective implementation of
the 2030 Agenda b y the United Nations develop ment system, taking into account its
integrated and indivisible nature;
22 . Endorse the outco me of the process of consultation on the scope,
methodology and frequency of the Global Sustainable Develop ment Report as well
as its relationship with the Sustainable Develop ment Goals progress report, as laid
out in the annex to the pr esent declaration;
23 . Are encouraged , despite varied new challenges emerging after the
adoption of the 2030 Agenda, b y the enthusiasm, inno vation and dedication of the
wide array of actors alread y engaged, in collaborative partnerships, in its
implement ation, sho wing that this is an Agenda of the peoples, b y the peoples and
for the peoples. In this regard, we look for ward to its continued inclusive
implementation and urge that ever y effort be made to reach the furthest behind first
and to ensure that no one is left behind.
2 As provided fo r in the United N ations Fra mew ork Convention on Cli mate Change.

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Global Sustainable Development Report: scope, frequency,
methodology and relationship with the Sustainable Dev elopment
Goals progress report
We, the Ministers and high representatives, having met at United Nat ions
Headqu arters in New York,

Recalling paragraph 83 of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Develop ment,
1. Stress that the Global Sustainable Develop ment Report is one important
co mponent of the follo w -up and review process for the 2030 Agenda for Sustai nable
Develop ment;
2. Also stress that the Global Sustainable Develop ment Report will infor m
the high -level political forum, and shall strengthen the science -policy interface and
provide a strong evidence -based instrument to support policymakers in pro mo ting
poverty eradication and sustainable develop ment. It will be available for a wide
range of stakeholders, including business and civil society as well as the wider public;
3. Resolve that the Report should incorporate scientific evidence in a
multidisciplinar y manner, considering all three dimensions of sustainable
develop ment, in order to reflect the universal, indivisible and integrated nature of
the 2030 Agenda. With its universal scope, the Report should also consider the
regional dimension, as well as countries in special situations. T he Report will
provide guidance on the state of global sustainable develop ment fro m a scientific
perspective, which will help address the implementa tion of the 2030 Agenda,
provide lessons learned, while focusing on challenges, address new and emerging
issues, and highlight emerging trends and actions. T he Report should also focus on
an integrated approach and examine policy options with a view to sus taining the
balance between the three dimensions of sustainable develop ment. T hese policy
options should be in line with the 2030 Agenda to inform its implementation;

4. Resolve that a co mprehensive, in -depth Report will be produced every
four years to infor m the high -level political forum convened under the auspices of
the General Assembly;
5. Also resolve that each year, in order to strengthen the science -policy
interface at the high -level political forum convened under the auspices of the
Econo mic and Social Council, scientists who work on the Report should be invited
to provide scientific input into the discussion, including on the theme of the forum;

6. Stress that the main principles guiding the methodology of the Report
should be objectivity, independence, transparency, inclusiveness, diversity, scientific
excellence and integrity, a nd policy relevance. T he Report represents the result of an
ongoing dialogue amo ng scientists in all relevant fields on sustainable develop ment
world wide, ensuring geographically balanced participation and assessing existing

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assessments, including the rele vant reports on sustainable develop ment fro m a
variety of sources, including the United Nations system, as well as bringing together
dispersed infor mation;
7. Request , therefore, the creation of an independent group of scientists to
draft the quadrennial Global Sustainable Develop ment Report. T he independent
group of scientists is to comprise 15 experts representing a variety of backgrounds,
scientific disciplines and institutions, ensuring geographical and gender balance.
T he group will be appointed for each Global Sustainable Develop ment Report b y
the Secretary -General in open, transparent and inclusive consultations with Me mber
States, including the possibility of taking no minations fro m Member States. T he
group will co mmence its work b y the end of 2016 . It will be supported by a task
team, co -chaired by one representative each of the United Nations Secretariat, the
United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, the United
Nations Environment Programme, the United Nations Develop ment P rogramme, the
United Nations Conference on Trade and Develop ment and the World Bank, with
the logistical support of the United Nations Secretariat. T he task team will
coordinate inputs fro m a network of existing netwo rks, representing the United
Nations, t he private sector, civil society and academia. Inputs can also be posted
onto the high -level political forum online platfor m annually;

Relationship with the Sustainable Development Goals progress report
8. Acknowledge the distinct but co mplementary nature of the Sustainable
Develop ment Goals progress report and the Global Sustainable Develop ment
Report, both contributing to the high -level political forum fro m different
perspectives. T he high -level political forum will be infor med b y the annual
Sustai nable Develop ment Goals progress report, which is to be prepared by the
Secretar y -General in cooperation with the United Nations system, on the basis of
the global indicator framework, data produced by national statistical systems and
infor mation collected at the regional level. T he Global Sustainable Develop ment
Report will be more scientific and analytical, focused on the science -policy
interface, and will also inform the high -level political forum.