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Document Information:
- Year: 2016
- Country: Kenya
- Language: English
- Document Type: Other International Legal Instrument
- Topic: Aid Effectiveness,CSO/Government Cooperation
This document is the outcome of the 2016 High-Level Meeting of the Global Partnership for Effective Development Co-operation (GPEDC) in Nairobi.
Version: FINAL: 1 December 2016 Ta b l e o f C o n t e n t s SUMMARY 1 ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….PART ONE: OPPORTUNITIES AND CHALLENGES 4 ……………………………………………………………………………….PREAMBLE 4 …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………DEVELOPMENT COOPERATION: PRESENT AND FUTURE 5 …………………………………………………………………..THE UNIQUE ROLE OF THE MONITORING FRAMEWORK 8 …………………………………………………………………..PART TWO: OUR SHARED PURPOSE 9 ………………………………………………………………………………………………VISION 9 ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….PRINCIPLES AND COMMITMENTS 9 …………………………………………………………………………………………………Principle 2. Focus on Results 13 …………………………………………………………………………………………………….Principle 3. Inclusive partnerships 14 ………………………………………………………………………………………………Principle 4. Transparency and Accountability 17 ………………………………………………………………………………PART THREE: A PLATFORM FOR ACTION 22 ……………………………………………………………………………………….MANDATE AND WORKING ARRANGEMENTS 22 …………………………………………………………………………………OUR APPRECIATION 23 …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..ANNEXES 24 ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….ANNEX 2. FINDINGS FROM SECOND MONITORING ROUND 32 …………………………………………………………….ANNEX 3. GLOBAL PARTNERSHIP INITIATIVES 33………………………………………………………………………………..
Version: FINAL: 1 December 2016 SUMMARY 1.We, the parWcipants of the second High-Level MeeWng of the Global Partnership for EffecWve Development CooperaWon, are commi]ed to effecWve development cooperaWon as a means to achieve the universal and inter-related Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). We met in Nairobi, Kenya, on 28 November-1 December 2016 to reaffirm the spirit of partnership in which we recognized our unity of purpose, inter-dependence and respecWve responsibiliWes. 2.We believe that effecWve development cooperaWon can arise from inclusion, trust and innovaWon, founded on respect by all partners for the use of naWonal strategies and country results frameworks. 3.The universality of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development means that the donor-recipient relaWonships of the past have been replaced by approaches that view all as equal and interdependent partners in development. The Global Partnership champions this approach, and seeks to maximize the effecWveness and impact of all forms of cooperaWon for development. We do this in partnership to achieve the broad vision of people, planet, prosperity and peace. 4.Our vision is consistent with agreed internaWonal commitments on environmental sustainability, human rights, decent work, gender equality and the eliminaWon of all forms of discriminaWon. 5.Our Monitoring Framework is a unique instrument for mutual accountability. We will conWnue to use it to monitor implementaWon of our commitments through country-led and country-based processes. This monitoring will contribute directly to the United NaWons High-Level PoliWcal Forum follow-up and review of the implementaWon of the SDGs. We will evolve and strengthen our monitoring to deepen mutual learning, mutual benefit and mutual accountability. 6.To deliver on this vision, we will collecWvely and individually take urgent acWon in line with our four principles that are applicable to all partners –ownership of development prioriWes by developing countries, focus on results, inclusive development partnerships, and transparency and accountability. 7.We embrace the diversity that underpins our partnership and recognize the complementary contribuWons of all. While our principles and commitments are common to all members of the Global Partnership, each partner will deliver on its respecWve commitments, specific to their consWtuency. 8.We reaffirm all previous commitments taken at the High Level Fora for Aid EffecWveness in Paris (2005), Accra (2008), Busan (2011) and the GPEDC High Level MeeWng in Mexico City (2014). We commit to energize the implementaWon of commitments and the Global Partnership with a pledge of leaving no one behind. 9.To accelerate progress in our joint commitments we will strengthen country ownership of development prioriWes. We will: with parliaments to improve their scruWny of all development cooperaWon; We will empower local governments to localize the SDGs, and support communiWes to interact with them; b.develop and support transparent, accountable and inclusive naWonal development strategies, and encourage alignment of all partners to those strategies where feasible; and c.strengthen and use country systems, improve harmonizaWon of providers of development cooperaWon, and support the inclusion of local business sector and civil society in procurement processes. 10.To strengthen focus on results, we will: 1
Version: FINAL: 1 December 2016 a.further develop, support and use country-level results frameworks, and progressively adapt results frameworks to reflect the targets and indicators of the SDGs, and make results data publicly available; and b.further develop, support and use naWonal staWsWcal systems, and generate disaggregated data to report on progress. 11.To promote inclusive development partnerships, we will: a.increase our efforts to ensure an enabling environment for all partners, including parliaments, local governments, civil society, the business sector, philanthropy and trade unions, and will support country-level plamorms for collaboraWon; b.foster enabling policy environments for the business sector to support responsible, inclusive and sustainable business pracWces, and support structured dialogue and partnership to promote these approaches; civil society to play its full role as an independent development actor in its own right, and to ensure its own operaWons are as effecWve as possible; and with philanthropy to maximize their specific contribuWon to sustainable development, including through public-philanthropic partnerships. 12.To strengthen transparency and accountability to each other, we will: a.improve publicaWon of open data on development cooperaWon, and support the use of this data by all relevant stakeholders; b.update mutual accountability arrangements at country level to include all relevant development partners, in an inclusive and transparent manner; c.improve the capacity of local authoriWes and parliaments to provide transparent informaWon to ciWzens on the use of resources; and the business sector to adopt transparent and accountable management systems of public and private funds, and to account for the social, environmental and economic impacts of its value chain. 13.We are commi]ed to ensuring that no one is len behind by the development process and by development cooperaWon specifically. 14.We will invest in science, technology and innovaWon as a driver of effecWve development cooperaWon. 15.We will support fragile and conflict-affected countries to access the resources and partnerships needed to advance specific development prioriWes. Building on the New Deal for Engagement in Fragile States, we will work to enhance engagement between development, peacebuilding, security and humanitarian partners and efforts. We will promote peer learning between fragile and conflict-affected environments. 16.We recognize that women’s and girls’ rights, gender equality and the empowerment of women and girls are both a stand-alone goal and a cross-cupng issue to achieving sustainable development. We will accelerate efforts to achieve these aims by deepening mulW-stakeholder partnerships and tracking resource allocaWons for these aims, strengthening capacity for gender responsive budgeWng and planning and the parWcipaWon of women’s organisaWons. 2
Version: FINAL: 1 December 2016 17.We reiterate our commitment to invest in the development of children and youth. We will urgently improve reporWng on child-focused development cooperaWon and domesWc resources, and strengthen capacity for youth to parWcipate in accountability exercises. 18.We recognize the specific issues facing Middle Income Countries (MICs) and will ensure that development cooperaWon addresses these. We will also promote effecWve South-South CooperaWon and Triangular CooperaWon. 19.We will further improve our ways of working together, to offer a voice to all stakeholders in the spirit of partnership. In order to do so, we will: a.broaden our partnership to include all interested stakeholders; effecWve cooperaWon at country level, including through inclusive country-level partnerships; c.improve the pracWcal uWlity of regional mechanisms and plamorms, and make be]er use of the experience of Global Partnership IniWaWves; demand-driven knowledge sharing and learning at the heart of our work, including through bringing together communiWes of pracWce to find soluWons to specific challenges; and e.conWnue to update our governing arrangements to ensure that all partners are heard and can steer the work of the Global Partnership. 3
Version: FINAL: 1 December 2016 PART ONE: OPPORTUNITIES AND CHALLENGES PREAMBLE 1.We, Heads of State and Government; ministers and high representaWves of developing and developed countries; as well as heads of mulWlateral and bilateral development agencies, financial and regional development insWtuWons; parliaments; local governments; representaWves of the business sector; civil society; trade unions and philanthropy, met in Nairobi, Kenya, to take stock of the implementaWon of principles and commitments of effecWve development cooperaWon, and to shape how exisWng and new development partners can work together effecWvely to accelerate the realizaWon of sustainable development, including the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. 2.This Nairobi High Level MeeWng builds on our effecWve development cooperaWon commitments that we hereby reaffirm and that are embodied in the Rome DeclaraWon on HarmonisaWon (2003), the Paris DeclaraWon on Aid EffecWveness (2005), the Accra Agenda for AcWon (2008), the Fourth High- Level Forum on Aid EffecWveness in Busan (2011), where the Global Partnership for EffecWve Development Co-operaWon (hereaner ‘The Global Partnership’) was established; and the Communiqué of the First High-Level MeeWng of the Global Partnership in Mexico City (2014). 3.We met in a spirit of inclusion and solidarity, and held fruimul discussions on the progress and challenges for effecWve development cooperaWon, and the Global Partnership’s contribuWon to realizing the 2030 Agenda. We noted the importance of North-South, South-South and Triangular CooperaWon; the business sector; role of civil society; gender equality and the empowerment of women and girls; the economic empowerment of youth; Leaving No One Behind; and unleashing the power of partnerships. 4.We recognize the significant progress made in the implementaWon of the Millennium Development Goals. These include reducing the levels of extreme poverty, disease and hunger, and reducing gender dispariWes in primary educaWon enrollment and poliWcal parWcipaWon. We note that progress has been slow and uneven within and between countries. We believe that effecWve development cooperaWon is in our common interest though levels of poverty and inequality remain high, especially in Africa, least developed countries, landlocked developing countries, small-island developing states, countries affected by conflict and fragility. There are also serious challenges within many middle-income countries. 5.Exposure to risks and the inability to cope with the serious adverse effects of climate change; global economic and social shocks; shrinking civic space; the digital divide and the divide in science, technology and innovaWon; the youth bulge; persistent gender inequality and pervasive violence and discriminaWon against women and girls; the challenges faced by people living with disability; unemployment, underemployment and non-resilient livelihoods; migraWon challenges; physical insecurity and violence; and the threat of terrorism are part of our shared reality and must be addressed through partnership. 6.At the same Wme, we recognize the opportuniWes that come with appropriate policies for fostering science, technology and innovaWon; promoWng the rule of law and ensuring equal access to jusWce for all; advancing women’s empowerment; and harnessing the gains that can come from the demographic dividend through improved policies for youth employment, educaWon and health. 7.This was the Global Partnership’s first High-Level MeeWng aner governments of the world – with the support of all development partners – adopted the 2030 Agenda; the Sendai Framework for Disaster 4
Version: FINAL: 1 December 2016 Risk ReducWon; the Addis Ababa AcWon Agenda; the Paris Agreement and its subsequent entry into force; the PoliWcal DeclaraWon on the occasion of the 20 th Anniversary of the Fourth World Conference on Women; and the New Urban Agenda. It was also the first meeWng aner the World Humanitarian Summit. We strongly believe that the principles of effecWve development cooperaWon—country ownership of development prioriWes by partner countries; focus on results; inclusive development partnerships; and transparency and mutual accountability—are consistent with our agreed internaWonal commitments on human rights, decent work, gender equality, environmental sustainability and disability . These are criWcal means of implementaWon for the realizaWon of the 2030 Agenda. 8.We are inspired by the 2030 Agenda. This is an ambiWous, and transformaWve plan of acWon for eradicaWng poverty in all its forms. We note that the 2030 Agenda calls for all countries and all stakeholders to act in partnership to implement it. It also encourages all countries to undertake adjustment to naWonal goals, policies and insWtuWonal arrangements. 9.We reaffirm in parWcular the 2030 Agenda’s pledge to leave no one behind as a philosophy that imbues our work and recognize that development cooperaWon must leave no-one behind to be effecWve. We further recognize that trust-building, acWon and behavior must be conscious and explicit elements of this shared endeavour. Here in Nairobi, we, representaWves of all development partners pledge ourselves to this cause. 10.The universality of the 2030 Agenda means that donor-recipient relaWonships must view all as equal and interdependent partners in development. The Global Partnership has always championed this approach. To this end, we recognize development partner countries that receive support, development partner countries that provide support, and development partner countries that both provide and receive support. In the spirit and pracWce of inclusion, we further recognize the large and diverse array of partners in development that already, and may in the future, contribute to effecWve development based on their respecWve assets and capabiliWes. 11.We recognize the Addis Ababa AcWon Agenda as an integral part of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, which supports, complements and helps to contextualize the 2030 Agenda’s means of implementaWon targets. We acknowledge that the new Agenda requires— inter alia —effecWve development cooperaWon and inclusive mulW-stakeholder partnerships. 12.We take cognizance of the Istanbul Programme of AcWon for Least-Developed Countries, the Vienna Programme of AcWon for Landlocked Developing Countries, and the Small Island Developing States Accelerated ModaliWes of AcWon (SAMOA) Pathway. We will work in accordance with the New Deal for Engagement in Fragile States. We reiterate our commitment to apply the principles of effecWve development cooperaWon adapted to each stakeholder’s capabiliWes and ambiWons in order to reflect each consWtuent’s modaliWes and unique contribuWon to accelerate realizaWon of the 2030 Agenda. DEVELOPMENT COOPERATION: PRESENT AND FUTURE 13.We recognize that the development cooperaWon landscape has changed significantly over the last decade. Today, development cooperaWon entails a broad area of internaWonal acWon featuring several financial and non-financial modaliWes, including financial transfers, capacity-building, technology development and transfer on voluntary and mutually agreed terms, policy change (for example, to ensure coherence of domesWc policies and help to address global systemic issues) and mulW-stakeholder partnerships. 5
Version: FINAL: 1 December 2016 14.The 2030 Agenda requires an improvement in the quality, quanWty and diversity of assets and resources if we are to achieve the SDGs and leave no-one behind. Central to this universal agenda is a change in outlook and behavior, where inter-dependence drives collaboraWon. 15.We recognize that sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, supported by sound macroeconomic policies, and an enabling environment at all levels, are of paramount importance to realise the 2030 Agenda. This is, first and foremost, driven by domesWc resources. The mobilizaWon and effecWve use of domesWc resources in support naWonal development prioriWes and the 2030 Agenda is criWcal for sustainable long-term, country-owned, development. We underscore that sustainable domesWc resource growth is first and foremost generated by diversified and inclusive economic acWvity supported by an enabling environment. We acknowledge that this is, in part, enabled by a universal, rules-based, open, transparent, predictable, inclusive, non-discriminatory and equitable mulWlateral trading system. 16.We a]ach high importance to the pursuit of sustainable development through the business sector. We view the challenge to leave no-one behind as an opportunity for private capital to increase prosperity and raise public revenue, drive down the cost of access to goods and services, and promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, including through the digital economy. Dialogue and partnership between government, the business sector, worker representaWves and other stakeholders, can make this possible. We therefore acknowledge the importance of collaboraWon to create an enabling environment for the formal and informal business sectors in all countries. This is to be complemented by trust-building and steps taken by the business sector towards responsible business, including through respect for internaWonally-agreed labour and environmental standards. 17.We welcome the significant financial and non-financial contribuWon philanthropy has made towards sustainable development. We acknowledge that this is, in part, made possible by a conducive enabling environment for philanthropy, including in legal, fiscal and regulatory terms. 18.We recognise the importance of civil society in sustainable development and in leaving no one behind; in engaging with governments to uphold their commitments; and in being development actors in their own right. We are determined to reverse the trend of shrinking of civic space wherever it is taking place and to build a posiWve environment for sustainable development, peaceful socieWes, accountable governance, and achievement of the SDGs and the 2030 Agenda. We commit to acceleraWng progress in providing an enabling environment for civil society, including in legal and regulatory terms, in line with internaWonally agreed rights. In this context, we encourage inclusive mulW-stakeholder dialogue at country levels, supported by capacity building measures. 19.We further recognize that gender equality, women’s empowerment and women’s full and equal parWcipaWon in leadership in the economy, including the digital economy, are vital to achieve sustainable development and significantly enhance economic growth and producWvity. We will promote social inclusion in our domesWc policies and promote and enforce non-discriminatory laws, social infrastructure and policies for sustainable development, as well as enable women’s full and equal parWcipaWon in the economy, and their equal access to decision-making process and leadership. We further commit to redress vulnerability and lack of protecWons to promote decent work. 20.We recognize the Addis Tax IniWaWve as a way to boost domesWc resource mobilizaWon, and call on development partners providing and receiving development support and other official flows to associate themselves with this iniWaWve. We welcome the report enWtled ‘Enhancing the EffecWveness of External Support in Building Tax Capacity in Developing Countries’ for effecWve 6
Version: FINAL: 1 December 2016 technical assistance in support of tax reforms prepared by IMF, OECD, United NaWons and World Bank under the Plamorm for CollaboraWon on Tax. We welcome the ongoing efforts, including the work of the Global Forum on Transparency and Exchange of InformaWon for Tax Purposes. We take into account the work of the OECD for the Group of 20 on base erosion and profit shining. 21.We recognize that internaWonal migraWon requires coherent and comprehensive policy frameworks that promote safe, regular and orderly migraWon based on the rights of all refugees and migrants. These can enable countries to opWmize the potenWal of refugee and migrant contribuWons to social and economic development in their host countries, in transit, in their countries of origin, and globally, as referred to in the New York DeclaraWon for Refugees and Migrants, adopted in September 2016. We note the need to address the drivers of large movements of refugees and migrants as stated in paragraph 37 of the DeclaraWon, as well as of making migraWon a choice and not a necessity, as stated in paragraph 43. 22.We emphasize that the quality and quanWty of development cooperaWon is important for inclusive and sustainable economic growth that also addresses social and environmental impacts. In this regard, we stress the importance of promoWng quality infrastructure investment, including digital infrastructure, for— inter alia —economic efficiency in view of lifecycle costs, safety, resilience, decent job creaWon, capacity building, and transfer of experWse and know-how. 23.An important use of internaWonal public finance, including ODA, is to catalyse addiWonal resource mobilizaWon from other sources, public and private. It can support improved tax collecWon and help to strengthen domesWc enabling environments and build essenWal public services. It can also be used to unlock addiWonal finance through blended or pooled financing and risk miWgaWon, notably for infrastructure and other investments that support private sector development. Providers of ODA reaffirm their respecWve ODA commitments, including the commitment by many developed countries to achieve the target of 0.7 per cent of ODA/GNI and 0.15 to 0.20 per cent of ODA/GNI to least developed countries. 24.We reaffirm the importance of meeWng in full exisWng commitments under internaWonal convenWons, including on climate change and related global challenges. We recognize that funding from all sources, including public and private, bilateral and mulWlateral, as well as alternaWve sources of finance, will need to be stepped up for investments in many areas including for low-carbon and climate resilient development. We recognize that, in the context of meaningful miWgaWon acWons and transparency on implementaWon, developed countries commi]ed to a goal of mobilizing jointly US$100 billion a year by 2020 from a wide variety of sources to address the needs of developing countries. 25.Partners in South-South CooperaWon value principles of respect for naWonal sovereignty, naWonal ownership and independence, equality, non-condiWonality, demand-driven support, noninterference in domesWc affairs and mutual benefit. We underline the importance and potenWal of South-South CooperaWon as an increasingly potent feature of internaWonal cooperaWon for development. Its scope and variety presents opportuniWes to tackle the challenges of the 2030 Agenda, parWcularly in least-developed countries and other partner countries. It is also underpinned by principles of effecWve development co-operaWon in accordance with the 2009 Nairobi Outcome Document of the High-Level United NaWons Conference on South-South CooperaWon. The applicaWon of these principles, adapted to the parWcular context and modaliWes of each partner, can help to increase the quality and impact of South-South development cooperaWon in all its forms. 26.We note that South-South CooperaWon is a demonstraWon of solidarity among developing countries and an increasingly important feature of internaWonal development architecture, which 7
Version: FINAL: 1 December 2016 complements, and does not subsWtute North-South cooperaWon. We encourage development partner countries receiving support to voluntarily step up their efforts to strengthen the role of South-South CooperaWon in the implementaWon of the 2030 Agenda. We appreciate ongoing efforts made by Southern partners to enhance the effecWveness of development cooperaWon in accordance with the 2009 Nairobi Outcome, including by conWnuing to increase accountability and transparency. We welcome ongoing efforts to be]er manage and increase the quality and impact of South-South CooperaWon. We look forward to the 40 th anniversary of the 1978 Buenos Aires Plan of AcWon as an opportunity to further strengthen effecWve South-South development cooperaWon. 27.We acknowledge that Triangular CooperaWon offers pracWcal modaliWes that can promote inclusive partnerships for the SDGs. Triangular CooperaWon, like other modes of cooperaWon, places the role and will of partner countries receiving support at the centre, while providing an opportunity to bring together a diversity of experience, lessons and assets from southern and northern partners, as well as from mulWlateral, regional, bilateral development and financial insWtuWons. As such, we note that Triangular CooperaWon led by host countries and between different combinaWons of partners has enormous potenWal to promote mutual accountability, mutual benefits and mutual learning. 28.We recognize that Middle Income Countries (MICS) can play a parWcularly important role in the provision of regional and global public goods such as biodiversity and climate stability. EffecWve development cooperaWon should take this into consideraWon and support MICs in their efforts to protect these regional and global public goods to reduce instability and internaWonal risks for all. 29.We stress the growing importance of Fragile-to-Fragile CooperaWon between states affected by conflict or fragility in promoWng peer peace-building and state building assistance. We welcome the work of the g7+ in this area and its potenWal to contribute to the advancement of the SDGs, parWcularly Goal 16: Peace and JusWce. THE UNIQUE ROLE OF THE MONITORING FRAMEWORK 30.The Global Partnership Monitoring Framework is the main instrument for the Global Partnership that supports the global follow-up and review of the implementaWon of the SDGs at the United NaWons High-Level PoliWcal Forum (HLPF). This contribuWon is explicitly reflected in, and will inform, the measurement of Target 17.16. The Monitoring Framework will complement and not duplicate the 1follow-up and review processes, and indicators, of the 2030 Agenda, the SDGs, or the Addis Ababa AcWon Agenda. 31.The primary uWlity of monitoring the effecWveness of development cooperaWon is at the country level, where government-led processes can use monitoring exercises to ensure that development cooperaWon observes our shared principles and realise our respecWve commitments. PreparaWon and conduct of the monitoring rounds is one of the key contribuWons of the OrganisaWon for Economic CooperaWon and Development (OECD) and the United NaWons Development Programme (UNDP) to the Global Partnership. The evidence that is produced by the Monitoring Framework can strengthen commitments to effecWve development cooperaWon. InternaWonal organisaWons, the business sector, local governments, civil society and all the partners who are engaged can similarly benefit, as the Monitoring Framework helps to build mutual accountability, mutual benefit and “Enhance the Global Partnership for Sustainable Development, complemented by mulW-stakeholder partnerships 1that mobilize and share knowledge, experWse, technology and financial resources, to support the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals in all countries, in parWcular developing countries.” The framework also contributes to the measurement of SDG Indicators 5.1.c and 17.15.1. 8
Version: FINAL: 1 December 2016 mutual learning. This is why we believe that the Monitoring Framework can change pracWces and behavior in development partnerships. 32.We take note of the findings of the 2016 Monitoring Report of the Global Partnership, ‘Making Development CooperaWon More EffecWve.’ This is the only report of its kind that measures the effecWveness of development cooperaWon in a comprehensive manner, and will inform follow-up and review of SDGs 5 and 17. The 2016 round enjoyed record levels of parWcipaWon. Annex 2 provides a summary of the findings that informed the rest of this Outcome Document. PART TWO: OUR SHARED PURPOSE VISION The vision of the Global Partnership is to maximize the effecNveness of all forms of cooperaNon for development for the shared benefits of people, planet, prosperity and peace. PRINCIPLES AND COMMITMENTS 33.Based on the prevailing global context and learning from the findings of the 2016 monitoring round, we re-dedicate ourselves to the four principles of the Global Partnership. We endorse the following commitments, which will enable us to sustain poliWcal momentum and pracWcal acWon for effecWve development cooperaWon towards the successful implementaWon of the 2030 Agenda. 34.The four principles of effecWve development cooperaWon provide the underlying unity of purpose that drives the work of the Global Partnership. We believe that they offer value to all stakeholders irrespecWve of their character and role. 35.We recognise that much remains to be done to fulfill the commitments made in the Paris DeclaraWon on Aid EffecWveness and the Accra AcWon Agenda, despite their conWnued relevance to the evolving effecWve development co-operaWon agenda. Those of us who endorsed those agreements renew their full commitment to achieve this unfinished business, with parWcular reference to the relevant policy commitments idenWfied in the current monitoring framework that were iniWated in Paris and Accra. We will develop Wme-bound acWon plans in relaWon to these commitments. Principle 1. Ownership of development prioriNes by partners receiving support 36.We reaffirm that each country has primary responsibility for its own economic and social development and that the role of naWonal policies and development strategies cannot be overemphasized. We recognize the centrality of inclusive naWonal policies and development strategies as the guiding strategic frameworks for all partners, while remaining consistent with relevant internaWonal rules and commitments. 37.We believe that country development strategies and processes, at various levels, should be developed, implemented, monitored and evaluated in a transparent and accountable manner. We note with concern, however, the slow progress made by some development partners providing support with alignment to naWonal development strategies, planning processes and budgeWng systems of countries receiving support. This includes naWonal acWons plans on gender equality and the empowerment of women. 9
Version: FINAL: 1 December 2016 38.We will support an enabling environment necessary for a diversity of innovaWon, including through the applicaWon of tradiWonal knowledge of indigenous peoples that can contribute to naWonal development objecWves. Inclusion of all the assets available to a society is as important to compleWng the unfinished business of development cooperaWon as it is to tackling new and emerging challenges. 39.We will develop capaciWes for our naWonal tax authoriWes, enhance accountability mechanisms for businesses and financial insWtuWons, eliminate gender bias in tax systems, and to help combat illicit financial flows. We will strive to eliminate safe havens that create incenWves for transfer abroad of stolen assets and illicit financial flows. 40.We will promote innovaWons that can reduce the average transacWon cost of migrant remi]ances by 2030 to less than three per cent of the amount transferred, and to ensure that no remi]ance corridor requires charges higher than five per cent by 2030, mindful of the need to maintain adequate service coverage, especially for those most in need. NaNonal governments 41.Development partner countries receiving support commit to: a.develop or strengthen effecWve, inclusive naWonally-owned development strategies to implement the 2030 Agenda, planning and budgeWng systems and processes, considering our commitments to develop ambiWous responses to the SDGs; b.exercise accountable, strong leadership and inclusive ownership of the naWonal development agenda and conduct thorough transparent and regular consultaWons with relevant stakeholders, where applicable, in order to improve the effecWveness of spending and financial management. Specific efforts will be made to ensure parWcipaWon of women rights’ organisaWons and of marginalized communiWes and groups; c.monitor and ensure, in acWve partnership with parliaments and civil society, that support of development partners falls within the ambit of the naWonal policy and development strategy prioriWes, and reflects ciWzens’ prioriWes and needs; d.publish regular, Wmely and detailed informaWon on naWonal and local government budgets, budget execuWon reports and related audits and make it accessible to the public; e.strengthen country systems, including naWonal public financial management and procurement systems; f.promote civil society space to parWcipate in, and monitor, development policies and programmes, and to evaluate development progress by the government and other stakeholders; g.engage in social dialogue with the business sector and trade unions to increase their role towards sustainable development; and h.encourage innovaWons in ciWzen-led data gathering and reporWng, by women’s groups, the youth and other partners in civil society. 42.Development partners providing support commit to: a.implement measures within their own insWtuWons that can contribute to an enabling environment for development partner countries receiving support to realise the SDGs; 10
Version: FINAL: 1 December 2016 b.make development cooperaWon more predictable by providing regular and Wmely informaWon on three-to-five years’ indicaWve forward expenditure and/or implementaWon plans as agreed in the Accra Agenda for AcWon; c.assist development partner countries receiving support towards inclusive ownership and leadership of their development agendas at naWonal and local government levels; d.accelerate progress in alignment with naWonal policies, development strategies and use of naWonal public financial management systems and processes; e.jointly support naWonally-led programmes in order to reduce fragmentaWon in a voluntary, flexible, inclusive and context-specific manner; f.provide capacity building and technical assistance for public financial management and procurement systems where needed and in consultaWon with development partner countries receiving support; g.accelerate untying of aid, and promote development cooperaWon that supports local businesses throughout the supply chain; capacity development of naWonal business sectors and civil society to fully parWcipate in naWonal and internaWonal procurement, while adhering to, and respecWng internaWonal commitments, including those on environment and labour, and peaceful and inclusive socieWes; naWonally-led engagement with all development partners, including civil society organisaWons such as women’s rights and labour organisaWons, and marginalized communiWes, to engage meaningfully in planning, budgeWng and monitoring development strategies and plans; and j.accelerate progress in aligning bilateral development cooperaWon the inclusive naWonal development strategies and planning processes of partner countries receiving support. Parliaments 43.We acknowledge the essenWal role of naWonal parliaments through enactment of legislaWon and adopWon of budgets related to the 2030 Agenda. We further acknowledge the central role of parliaments in ensuring oversight and accountability for the effecWve implementaWon of naWonal and internaWonal commitments, including public-private partnerships. We will strengthen the capacity of parliaments as the principal insWtuWons of representaWon, legislaWon and oversight. 44.Development partner countries receiving support commit to: a.submit naWonal aid or development cooperaWon policies and informaWon to parliament for review; b.present progress reports on the implementaWon of the policies/programs to their respecWve parliaments annually, where applicable; and c.share informaWon with parliaments, to promote and support their full parWcipaWon in processes for developing and reviewing policies and modaliWes for development cooperaWon. 45.Development partners providing support commit to: 11
Version: FINAL: 1 December 2016 a.ensure that development policies and their implementaWon are supported and scruWnized by parliaments; b.present progress reports on the implementaWon of policies and programmes to their respecWve parliaments annually, where applicable; c.share informaWon with our own parliaments and promote and support their full parWcipaWon in processes for developing and reviewing key policies related to development cooperaWon; and d.Work with Parliament to promote predictability in commitments and disbursement of development support. Local governments 46.We recognize the importance of local governments in strengthening the relaWonship between ciWzens with government, the business sector and other stakeholders, and ensuring the localizaWon of the SDGs and the 2030 Agenda. 47.Therefore, we commit to: a.strengthen the capacity of local governments to enable them to assume fully their roles in service delivery, enhancing parWcipaWon and accountability at the local level; b.include local governments in consultaWons regarding development strategies to localize the SDGs, strengthening their capaciWes to deliver basic services and infrastructure, strengthening of local expenditure management and local revenues mobilisaWon, enhance inclusive and sustainable urbanizaWon, and their parWcipaWon in naWonal and local planning, within the context of naWonal sustainable development strategies; and the implementaWon of the SDGs and effecWve development principles at the local level, promoWng a stronger collaboraWon between all levels of governance, to ensure that naWonal development plans are be]er aligned with local development plans and iniWaWves, and local communiWes. 48.The business sector and philanthropy will work to align their engagement to naWonal development strategies and plans of development partners receiving support, and to the 2030 Agenda to maximize business and societal value. 49.Civil society partners commit to: a.adhere to the Istanbul Principles relevant to ensuring country-level ownership of their iniWaWves, including parWcipaWon, empowerment, and the pursuit of equitable partnerships; b.accelerate our efforts to achieve gender equality and the empowerment of women through development programmes grounded in country prioriWes, recognising that gender equality and women’s empowerment are criWcal to achieving development results; c.embody gender equality and equity while promoWng women and girls’ rights. CSOs commit to promote and pracWce development cooperaWon embodying gender equity, reflecWng women’s concerns and experience, while supporWng women’s efforts to realise their individual and collecWve rights, parWcipaWng as fully empowered actors in the development process; and 12
Version: FINAL: 1 December 2016 the empowerment and inclusive parWcipaWon of people to expand their democraWc ownership over policies and development iniWaWves that affect their lives, with an emphasis on the poor and marginalized. Principle 2. Focus on Results 50.We acknowledge the role of inclusive country-led results frameworks in assisWng development partners receiving support to manage for development results and ownership. Countries providing support should assist with the development and implementaWon of naWonal results frameworks through a transparent, parWcipatory and mulW-stakeholder process in line with the mulW-stakeholder nature of the Global Partnership. 51.We recognize that high-quality, accessible, Wmely and reliable data disaggregated by age, sex, income, disability, race, ethnicity, migratory status, geography and other characterisWcs relevant in naWonal contexts will be needed to help in the measurement of progress in development cooperaWon. We affirm our commitment to help develop partner country capaciWes in this regard. This will improve naWonal monitoring exercises and public debates in development partner countries receiving support. 52.In countries affected by conflict and fragility, naWonal results frameworks must be developed based on a country-led inclusive assessment of the country’s own fragility, commi]ed to in the New Deal for Engagement in Fragile and Conflict Affected States. In these contexts, the process of compiling such a naWonal results framework can itself contribute to the consolidaWon of peace. 53.Development partner countries receiving support commit to: a.adapt their naWonal results frameworks to strengthen linkages with naWonal development prioriWes and SDGs related targets and indicators; b.strengthening their results frameworks, including through idenWfying meaningful and measurable indicators and realisWc and robust targets and improving naWonal monitoring and evaluaWon systems; and c.ensure that naWonal results frameworks have appropriate disaggregaWon and are used to drive performance, improve development outcomes, facilitate mulW-stakeholder parWcipaWon, and ensure no one is len behind. 54.Development partners providing support commit to: a ma]er of urgency, use the country-led results frameworks and associated naWonal systems for staWsWcs and for monitoring and evaluaWon in planning, delivering and monitoring development intervenWons; the development and implementaWon of these results frameworks and associated systems in countries that have not yet been able to develop them; the strengthening the staWsWcal capacity and monitoring and evaluaWon systems of partner countries receiving support, with the aim of enhancing data collecWon and analysis, including data disaggregated by age, sex and locaWon for use in policy-making, planning, budgeWng and reporWng on implementaWon of 2030 Agenda; and d.develop the capaciWes of partner countries receiving support to integrate the SDGs into naWonal development plans and corresponding country results frameworks. 13
Version: FINAL: 1 December 2016 55.We acknowledge that South-South cooperaWon is commi]ed through its own processes to: a.recognize that its impact should be assessed with a view to improving, as appropriate, its quality in a results-oriented manner; and b.disseminate results, share lessons and good pracWces, and replicate iniWaWves, including through the voluntary exchange of experience for the benefit of developing countries, and according to their policies and prioriWes for development. 56.The business sector will work to: a.bring core business competencies to sustainable development, for instance through supply chain management, customer engagement, and product design and delivery; b.set up reporWng and accountability systems on environmental, economic and social impacts of their efforts, in parWcular on the generaWon of full and producWve employment and decent work for all; c.collaborate with naWonal counterparts to innovate in areas such as service delivery, for example through the digiWzaWon of service delivery infrastructure and products aimed at untapped market segments; and d.contribute to industry awareness of the commercial and societal benefits of socially inclusive and environmentally sustainable business models and pracWces. 57.Civil society partners commit to be guided by naWonal results frameworks in the execuWon of their work, as relevant to their role as independent development partners in their own right. They will: a.develop and implement prioriWes and approaches that promote environmental sustainability for present and future generaWons, including urgent responses to climate crises, with specific a]enWon to the socio-economic, cultural and indigenous condiWons for ecological integrity and jusWce; and b.enhance the ways they learn from their experience, from other CSOs and development actors, integraWng evidence from development pracWce and results, including the knowledge and wisdom of local and indigenous communiWes, strengthening innovaWon and their vision for the future they would like to see. Principle 3. Inclusive partnerships 58.We recognize that inclusive mulW-stakeholder partnerships are necessary for the realizaWon of effecWve development cooperaWon and for reaching the SDGs. Where partnerships include development efforts of naWonal governments and other development partners, the contribuWons of all partners should acWvely engender trust, be coordinated and complementary. 59.In this context, we the Global Partnership commit to: a.increase our efforts to ensure an enabling environment for inclusive, mulW-stakeholder partnerships, including through country-level plamorms for collaboraWon, to perform complementary roles in a transparent and accountable manner; b.strengthen and deepen partnerships with the business sector, civil society organisaWons, philanthropy, parliaments, local governments and trade unions to achieve local, naWonal, sub-regional, regional and global development goals; 14
Version: FINAL: 1 December 2016 c.commit to effecWve development co-operaWon to a]ract business investment, engaging business enWWes in a partnership that mutually benefit business strategies and development goals. We will review and adapt instruments for partnerships to ensure that development co-operaWon plays a catalyWc role; d.increase the quality, quanWty and diversity of resources that will enable producWve mulW-stakeholder partnerships at the country level, including capacity support. We recognize that knowledge sharing and technology transfer on voluntary and mutually agreed terms can be a powerful driver of economic growth and sustainable development; e.strengthen our commitment to supporWng related internaWonal partnerships for bringing effecWve development cooperaWon principles to unique contexts, such as the InternaWonal Dialogue on Peace-building and State-building, with its focus on engagement in fragile and conflict-affected States; f.uWlize Triangular CooperaWon as an approach to mulW-stakeholder engagement that can promote mutual benefits; and on our partnership to the United NaWons High-Level PoliWcal Forum. 60.We endorse the commitments to and of specific stakeholders whose engagement is crucial to the growth and vitality of the Global Partnership. These commitments hold equal standing with the commitments presented above, and are in full accordance with the principles of effecWve development cooperaWon. The Business Sector 61.We recognize that the 2030 Agenda provides a framework within which businesses at both naWonal and internaWonal levels can invest; that the wellbeing of people and planet are in the interest of the business sector; and that the business sector can be a significant force driving prosperity and peace towards the SDGs. We acknowledge growing evidence that the core characterisWcs of the business sector can and do create mutual benefit by contribuWng to the public good. We view the challenge to leave no-one behind as an opportunity for stakeholders to partner with the business sector and co-create inclusive and sustainable prosperity. 62.To this end, we commend businesses that already consider social inclusion and environmental sustainability as core to their business models and pracWces. We recognize that such investments can –and do – build trust and the ‘social license’ for businesses to prosper. We will provide the plamorm for the business sector to explore, share, adopt or adapt pracWcal approaches suited to each market context. This can help to ensure fair and transparent risk sharing and alignment with the implementaWon of the 2030 Agenda. 63.Development partner countries receiving support commit to: a.foster enabling policy environments for and with businesses, especially small- and medium-scale domesWc businesses. We will work to improve the fairness, transparency, efficiency and effecWveness of our tax systems; b.encourage tax compliance, and systems not undermined by wasteful tax incenWves and other condiWons essenWal for mobilizing domesWc and internaWonal capital to advance the 2030 Agenda; c.promote public-private partnerships for decent work for women, migrants, people living with disabiliWes, and other vulnerable groups working in the informal sector; and 15
Version: FINAL: 1 December 2016 d.recognize the importance of social dialogue in building trust that leads to ‘social license,’ and its uWlity for informing business strategy within the overarching framework of naWonal SDG objecWves. 64.Development partners providing support commit to: a.engage with the business sector through social dialogue and partnerships with labour to support socially-inclusive and environmentally-sustainable business pracWces, including and extending beyond corporate social responsibility and the economic empowerment of women; b.contribute to trust building, for instance through disclosure pracWces and transparency by mulWnaWonal companies in both source and desWnaWon countries, and in accordance with naWonal and internaWonal law. This includes seeking to ensure transparency in all financial transacWons between Governments and businesses to relevant tax authoriWes; c.encourage all companies, including mulWnaWonal companies, to pay taxes to the Governments of countries where economic acWvity occurs and value is created, in accordance with naWonal and internaWonal laws and policies; and d.conWnue to modify insWtuWonal incenWves, policies and procedures to intensify engagement with the business sector. Civil Society 65.We recognize the essenWal role of civil society as an independent partner in its own right working within naWonal policies and towards effecWve development cooperaWon, poverty reducWon, tackling inequality and progress toward the SDGs and the 2030 Agenda. We note that this role can be expressed in a number of ways, including advocacy and communicaWon, service delivery, monitoring, and research. We also recognize that civil society organisaWons are a significant means through which ciWzens can exercise their right to parWcipate in development. 66.We commit to contribute to development of policy space and an enabling environment for the formaWon and operaWon of civil society organisaWons, as agreed in the Busan Partnership and consistent with agreed internaWonal commitments, to ensure their full parWcipaWon in development processes at all levels. 67.Civil society partners commit to: a.adhere to the CSO Istanbul principles which incorporate the Busan Principles as an expression of mutual accountability with other relevant stakeholders in the Global Partnership; guided by the country-led results frameworks as relevant to their work as independent development partners in their own right; c.respect and promote human rights and social jusWce. Civil society organisaWons pledge to develop and implement strategies, acWviWes and pracWces that promote individual and collecWve human rights, including the right to development, with dignity, decent work, social jusWce and equity for all people; d.demonstrate a sustained organisaWonal commitment to transparency, mutual accountability, and integrity in their internal operaWons; and 16
Version: FINAL: 1 December 2016 e.realise sustainable outcomes and impacts of their development acWons, focusing on results and condiWons for lasWng change for people, with special emphasis on poor and marginalized populaWons, ensuring an enduring legacy for present and future generaWons. Philanthropy 68.We acknowledge the essenWal contribuWon of philanthropy to development and progress towards the SDGs and the 2030 Agenda, not only through financial support that is onen innovaWve, agile and quick, but also through knowledge and experWse, acWng as catalyWc agents of resources and relaWons. We welcome the efforts made to strengthen the effecWveness and quality of cooperaWon between and within philanthropy, governments and other development stakeholders, as reflected in the progress report of the piloWng of the Guidelines for EffecWve Philanthropic Engagement. 69.We, the Global Partnership, encourage philanthropy to use country-led results frameworks in their work with development partners, in the spirit of the 2030 Agenda, and commit to: a.furthering public-philanthropic partnerships for sustainable development; and b.foster enabling policy environments for the philanthropy sector, including transparent and efficient legal and regulatory systems. 70.We recognize that this endeavour involves many iniWaWves, both within and beyond the Global Partnership. We will reach out to other internaWonal and naWonal stakeholder plamorms to ensure be]er dialogue, complementarity and mutual re-enforcement of support to 2030 Agenda. Principle 4. Transparency and Accountability 71.We reiterate that the shared principles of transparency and accountability are relevant to all Global Partnership stakeholders including development partner countries that provide and receive support, mulWlateral and bilateral organisaWons, local governments, development finance insWtuWons, the business sector, civil society organisaWons, philanthropy, parliaments, labor organisaWons, implemenWng partners and beneficiaries. 72.We acknowledge the essenWal role of transparent and accountable naWonal parliaments and local governments in achieving the 2030 agenda, as localizing the Agenda will guarantee that the needs of the communiWes are the drivers of cooperaWon. We commit to strengthen the capacity of local governments to play this role. 73.We note that primary use of naWonal data is to inform inclusive naWonal conversaWons, to track performance, to prioriWze, and to promote accountability. The Global Partnership therefore commits to strengthening country-level systems throughout the data cycle from its creaWon, use, storage to deleWon. The data produced from naWonal level processes is the building block for review at regional and global levels. We will support efforts to make data standards interoperable, allowing data from different sources to be more easily compared and used. 74.We also endorse open data standards and plamorms that make data more accessible, understandable, and that promote focused and effecWve intervenWons. We encourage increased involvement of all stakeholders including data communiWes and the media to enhance data use at all levels. 75.Development partner countries receiving support commit to: 17
Version: FINAL: 1 December 2016 a.apply this principle and to develop, strengthen and maintain appropriate naWonal systems, policies and processes to support their implementaWon; b.involve parliaments, local governments, and non-state partners in the definiWon, implementaWon, monitoring and evaluaWon of development strategies; c.intensify efforts to strengthen naWonal staWsWcal capaciWes and their independence and to support iniWaWves aimed at collecWng and disseminaWng data in more effecWve and accessible ways; d.increase transparency and the equal parWcipaWon of all state and non-state partners in naWonal planning and budgeWng processes, including women’s civil society organisaWons; e.conWnue strengthening gender responsive planning and budgeWng by improving the systemaWc tracking of resource allocaWons for gender equality and the empowerment of women and girls; f.accelerate and deepen efforts to collect, analyze, disseminate, harmonize and make full use of data disaggregated by demography (including sex, age and disability status) and geography, to inform policy decisions and guide investments that can ensure that public expenditures are targeted appropriately, including to equally benefit both women and men and to leave no one behind; and g.update exisWng arrangements for mutual accountability at country level to reflect the breadth of development partners at country level, paying a]enWon to the inclusiveness and transparency of these joint assessment processes. 76.Development partners providing support commit to: a.update our insWtuWonal architecture, policies and informaWon management systems, as needed, to make development cooperaWon more transparent, meeWng the informaWon needs of development partners receiving support, ciWzens, and other Global Partnership stakeholders, and relying on open data internaWonal standards such as the InternaWonal Aid Transparency IniWaWve (IATI), and the staWsWcal standards of the OECD-DAC systems; b.close data gaps by capacity building through appropriate financial and technical support to improve naWonal staWsWcal capacity to systemaWcally collect, analyze, disseminate and use data disaggregated by sex and age; together to improve the availability, accuracy and use of open data on development cooperaWon at the country level; increased awareness and use of data in planning, delivering and monitoring development and humanitarian iniWaWves, especially at the country level, to drive effecWveness, engage stakeholders and ciWzens and improvement development outcomes; e.strive to publish data on all ongoing acWviWes, as regularly as possible, including detailed forward-looking data as well as results data and evaluaWons, wherever available; and f.strengthen support to increase data use, including through the development of data visualizaWon and analysis tools, and assist development partners that receive support to do likewise. 77.In addiWon, we respect the commitment of South-South CooperaWon to enhance its development effecWveness through its own processes by conWnuing to increase its mutual accountability and 18
Version: FINAL: 1 December 2016 transparency, and we welcome efforts to create more inclusive mutual accountability arrangements that reflect the diversity and scope of the emerging development cooperaWon landscape. 78.Parliaments will work to: a.formulate laws that foster inclusive progress towards the SDGs; strengthen the fight against fraud and corrupWon; improve good governance in the public sector; and transparent and accountable in their oversight role in the management of public finances. 79.The business sector will work to: effecWve development co-operaWon principles and commitments, become increasingly transparent and responsive to all secWons of society within their countries of operaWon in accordance with InternaWonal Labour OrganisaWon labour standards, United NaWons Principles on Business and Human Rights, and the OECD guidelines for mulWnaWonal enterprises; b.perform due diligence in its enWre value chain, becoming increasingly transparent about its operaWons, giving respect to freedom of associaWon and collecWve bargaining, and engaging in social dialogue; c.invest further in accounWng for the social, environmental and economic impacts of its value chains, including for parliament, regulators, local government, labour, civil society, consumers and shareholders; d.collaborate towards transparent and accountable management systems for public and private funds used in public-private arrangements; and e.full transparency and cooperaWon with revenue authoriWes to enable efficient tax systems. 80.Civil society partners commit to implement pracWces that strengthen their transparency, accountability and development effecWveness, as guided by the Istanbul Principles and the InternaWonal Framework for CSO Development EffecWveness. 81.We commit to: a.transparent relaWonships, freely and as equal partners, based on shared development goals and values, mutual respect, trust, organisaWonal autonomy, long-term accompaniment, solidarity and global ciWzenship; and b.take proacWve acWons to improve and be fully accountable for our development pracWces. Our Greatest Challenge: Leaving No-one Behind 82. A successful sustainable development agenda requires strong, dynamic and innovaWve partnerships This is most urgently needed in the effort to leave no-one behind, where the combined contribuWons of partners working together can outweigh individual intervenWons and overcome impediments to inclusive outcomes. Gender equality and the empowerment of women and girls 83.We reaffirm that achieving gender equality, empowerment of all women and girls, and the full realizaWon of their human rights are essenWal to achieving sustained, inclusive and equitable economic growth and sustainable development. We acknowledge that women and girls are powerful 19
Version: FINAL: 1 December 2016 agents for change. They must enjoy equal opportuniWes with men and boys for parWcipaWon, leadership and decision-making at all levels and in all areas, including on climate change and humanitarian responses. 84.We will conWnue to support gender equality and the empowerment of all women and girls as criWcal to development cooperaWon effecWveness that is grounded in country prioriWes. We reaffirm commitments to end violence and discriminaWon against them as this is equally important to their full and equal parWcipaWon in peaceful and inclusive socieWes. 85.We recognize the unique and essenWal role of women’s civil society and human rights organisaWons, including feminist organisaWons, in advancing gender equality and the empowerment of all women and girls. We also note the importance of engaging men and boys as partners and stakeholders in achieving gender equality. 86.We will further reverse the trend of underinvestment in gender equality and women’s empowerment by harnessing all convenWonal and innovaWve forms of financing – public, private, domesWc and internaWonal – to achieve the goal of gender equality. 87.We, the Global Partnership, commit to: a.prioriWze investments in accessible, affordable, and quality social infrastructure and essenWal services that reduce and redistribute women’s unpaid care and domesWc work and that enable their full parWcipaWon in the economy, including the digital economy; b.deepen inclusive mulW-stakeholder partnerships for gender equality and women’s empowerment at country, sub-regional, regional and global levels, including by ensuring the full and meaningful parWcipaWon of gender equality advocates, women’s organisaWons and naWonal gender equality mechanisms; c.conWnue to call for gender-responsive approaches and targeted acWon for women and girls in the formulaWon of all financial, economic, environmental and social policies; d.encourage the business sector to contribute to advancing gender equality through promoWng women’s full and producWve employment and decent work, equal pay for equal work or work of equal value, and equal opportuniWes, as well as protecWng them against discriminaWon and abuse in the workplace. We support the Women’s Empowerment Principles established by UN-Women and the Global Compact, and encourage increased investments in women-owned businesses; and e.ensure meaningful consideraWon of gender equality and the parWcipaWon of women and girls in the implementaWon and monitoring of the 2030 Agenda, at country, sub-regional, regional and global levels. Yo u t h 88.We reiterate our commitment under the 2030 Agenda and the Addis Ababa AcWon Agenda to invest in the development of children and youth furthest len behind. We recognize that invesWng in children and youth is criWcal to achieving inclusive, equitable and sustainable development for present and future generaWons, and we recognize the need to support countries that face parWcular challenges to make the requisite investments in this area. We also reaffirm the importance to urgently improve reporWng on child-focused ODA and domesWc spending for improved monitoring of progress on the above commitments. 89.We commit to: 20
Version: FINAL: 1 December 2016 a.promote and protect the rights of children and youth, ensuring that children and youth live free from violence, exploitaWon and harm in order to develop their full capabiliWes; b.strengthen capacity and create the space and necessary mechanisms for the meaningful parWcipaWon of children and youth in the implementaWon and the monitoring of the 2030 Agenda at the local, naWonal and internaWonal level; and c.promote producWve capaciWes of the youth, expand economic and social opportuniWes for the generaWon of decent work. Countries in Special SituaNons 90.We note the specific challenges to realise sustainable development faced by countries in special situaWons, including some in Africa, Least Developed Countries, Landlocked Developing Countries, and Small Island Developing States, as well as Middle Income Countries. We also recognize major challenges which countries in conflict and post-conflict face in accessing development cooperaWon. We call for mechanisms that will mobilize resources and partnerships needed to support country-led development prioriWes. In parWcular, we acknowledge the work of the New Deal for Engagement in Fragile States. We reassert the need to devise methodologies to be]er account for the complex and diverse realiWes of MICs. 91.We reaffirm that the long-term vision of internaWonal engagement in fragile states is to build an effecWve and resilient state, and other country insWtuWons. AssisWng states in building capaciWes will make them more resilient to risks associated with conflict, atrocity crimes and situaWons of emerging crisis. 92.We, the Global Partnership, will redouble our efforts to ensure that all development cooperaWon serves to reinforce stability and addresses the mulW-dimensional drivers of fragility and conflict idenWfied by and at the country level. Middle-income countries 93.We recognize the specific issues faced by Middle Income Countries in their efforts to realise sustainable development. We recognize that the majority of the world’s poor people reside in MICs. We also acknowledge that ODA and other concessional finance is sWll important for a number of these countries and has a role to play for targeted results, taking into account the specific needs of these countries. We will explore ways to use development cooperaWon effecWvely to address the challenges in the development process faced by countries in this situaWon. 94.We emphasize that no one will be len behind in development cooperaWon, and we will endeavor to reach the furthest behind first. We further note that the level of concessionality of internaWonal public finance should take into account the level of development of each recipient, including income level, insWtuWonal capacity and vulnerability, as well as the nature of the project to be funded, including its commercial viability. We also recognize the need to devise methodologies to be]er account for the complex and diverse realiWes of middle-income countries, such as mulWdimensional measurement approaches that go beyond the per capita income averages, in order to account for the three dimensions of sustainable development: economic, social and environmental. 95.We reiterate the need to ensure that development cooperaWon best contributes to addressing the opportuniWes and challenges presented by the diverse circumstances and complexiWes of middle-income countries through discussions in the relevant mulWlateral fora. We also reiterate the need for experience sharing among MICs to address issues of inequality and lack of social inclusion. 96.We, the Global Partnership, therefore commit to: 21
Version: FINAL: 1 December 2016 a.ensure that development cooperaWon addresses the transiWon challenges in a differenWated and targeted manner; and b.promote the use of mulW-dimensional methods for measuring development progress. Enhanced engagement between humanitarian and development partners 97.We note the need for be]er ways of working between humanitarian and development partners. We should work collaboraWvely across insWtuWonal boundaries on the basis of comparaWve advantage, with respect for humanitarian principles. We note the need for development finance to leverage humanitarian support. 98.We recognize the link between peace and development, and the challenge to sustainable development posed by fragility and conflict, which not only impedes but can reverse decades of development gains. We take note of the principles set out in the New Deal by the g7+ countries that are, or have been, affected by conflict. 99.We, the Global Partnership, commit to: the New Deal for Engagement in Fragile States as a set of guiding principles for coordinated acWon among development partners providing and receiving support, civil society, and the business sector; and b.address the challenges to improve the effecWveness and results of development cooperaWon, in parWcular ODA, for countries in fragile situaWons. PART THREE: A PLATFORM FOR ACTION MANDATE AND WORKING ARRANGEMENTS 97.We, the Global Partnership, will demonstrate pracWcal contribuWons to the United NaWons High-Level PoliWcal Forum. The HLPF is the only forum with a universal mandate to oversee follow-up and review of the implementaWon of 2030 Agenda at the global level. The Global Partnership will also enhance its complementarity with the United NaWons Development CooperaWon Forum (DCF), and work with the Financing for Development (FfD) Forum. The Global Partnership, as a disWnct mulW-stakeholder plamorm, provides a bridge between global processes at the HLPF, as well as the DCF and FfD Forum, and country-level uWlity for its stakeholders. To this effect we have updated our mandate and working arrangements, which are available in Annex 1. 98.We recognize the need to refine the exisWng Monitoring Framework, taking into account emerging issues and new methods of development cooperaWon. This includes contribuWons to effecWve development cooperaWon from emerging partners and non-sovereign flows of capital, as well as to strengthen its uWlity in various country and regional contexts. 99.One of our main contribuWons to implemenWng the 2030 Agenda is to provide a plamorm for knowledge exchange and learning at country, regional and global levels. New insights inform poliWcal decisions and commitments, which drive renewed efforts to innovate and improve the quality of development cooperaWon. The Global Partnership IniWaWves (GPIs), regional and country plamorms can test new approaches, generate evidence and develop innovaWve ways to drive implementaWon the principles of development effecWveness. We acknowledge their contribuWon to our forward looking agenda and welcome the new GPIs that were announced during our meeWng (see Annex 3). Our call to acWon is to invest in making generated knowledge accessible to all consWtuencies. 22
Version: FINAL: 1 December 2016 100.We will further adapt our working arrangements to the new requirements of the 2030 Agenda and the specific role the Global Partnership should play in its implementaWon. We will: a.amplify the mulW-stakeholder nature of the Global Partnership; b.ensure a transparent process to appoint Co-Chairs and Steering Commi]ee members; c.strengthen a consWtuency model that ensures all members parWcipate; d.promote the Global Partnership’s country-focused approach, by invesWng in capacity of countries to lead and engage in mulW-stakeholder partnerships at the country level. OUR APPRECIATION 101.We wish to thank the Host Country Kenya, the outgoing Co-Chairs and Steering Commi]ee members, for their dedicaWon and steadfast leadership and support for the cause of development effecWveness. In addiWon, we wish to acknowledge the contribuWons of the Joint Support Team, based at OECD and UNDP. 102.We note with appreciaWon and graWtude the readiness of incoming Co-Chairs and Steering Commi]ee members to push forward with us this important partnership for the shared benefit of people, planet, prosperity and peace. 23
Version: FINAL: 1 December 2016 ANNEXES ANNEX 1. RENEWED MANDATE 1.VISION. The vision of the Global Partnership is to maximize the effecWveness of all forms of co-operaWon for development for the shared benefit of people, planet, prosperity and peace. 2.MANDATE . The Global Partnership shall contribute to the achievement of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, and regional strategies for sustainable development by promoWng effecWve development cooperaWon, geared towards ending all forms of poverty and reducing inequality, advancing sustainable development and ensuring that no-one is len behind. The Global Partnership shall promote mutual accountability to hold each other responsible for more effecWve development co-operaWon through (i) a country-focused approach that helps developing countries make the best use of development co-operaWon to realise their naWonal development goals with support of regional plamorms; (ii) data and evidence on development stakeholders’ progress in meeWng their commitment to more effecWve development cooperaWon; and (iii) inclusive dialogue amongst development stakeholders at local, country, regional and global level. In delivering its mandate, the Global Partnership will promote modaliWes of development co-operaWon that contribute to the universal objecWve of leaving no-one behind. 3.CONSTITUENCY. The Global Partnership brings together, on an equal fooWng, key stakeholders of the development co-operaWon agenda from developing countries (countries receiving development co-operaWon, as well countries of dual character that both receive and provide development co-operaWon); developed countries (countries providing development co-operaWon); mulWlateral and bilateral insWtuWons; civil society; academia parliaments; local governments and regional plamorms and organisaWons; trade unions; business sector; and philanthropy. The partnership is founded on the recogniWon that sustainable results and impact of development co-operaWon depend on joint efforts and investments. The partners are united by their shared commitment to inclusive partnership founded on common principles and goals and building on the comparaWve advantage of each. Regional plamorms and organisaWons provide input regarding region-specific issues and approaches. 4.FUNCTIONS. The Global Partnership has five core funcWons: (a) Suppor/ng effec/veness at the country level 5. The success of the Global Partnership hinges on its ability to drive global progress and support countries in strategically managing diverse development co-operaWon resources, steering effecWve pracWces to deliver on naWonal development targets. To this end, the Global Partnership will strengthen its country-focused approach, supporWng countries to advance the effecWveness principles at the naWonal level. It will ensure that country-level evidence on progress in and challenges to effecWve development co-operaWon informs local, naWonal, regional and global mulW-stakeholder dialogue to drive poliWcal decisions and promote behaviour change to scale up development co-operaWon results. The work at country level will include support for mainstreaming effecWveness principles into development co-operaWon pracWces; support to mulW-stakeholder dialogue plamorms building on data; and use of data from the monitoring in the United NaWons High Level PoliWcal Forum on Sustainable Development and Financing for Development review processes. (b) Genera/ng evidence for accountability and SDG follow-up 6. Moving forward, the Global Partnership shall be a recognised source of data, evidence and analysis to track progress on effecWveness commitments. In carrying out its renewed mandate, the Global Partnership shall draw upon its comparaWve advantages and focus on generaWng reliable and Wmely country-level data and evidence to inform decision making on effecWve development co-operaWon. To this end, the Global Partnership 24
Version: FINAL: 1 December 2016 shall conduct biennial monitoring rounds on the effecWveness of development co-operaWon. The monitoring will conWnue to be country-led and supported by regional and global plamorms, with support from regional and global levels, based on mutually agreed and updated indicators to measure all relevant performance. It will promote mutual accountability by highlighWng areas of progress and challenges requiring further work. Policy-relevant lessons and innovaWve soluWons produced by Global Partnership IniWaWves will complement monitoring findings. The data and evidence generated will feed into the UN-led follow-up and review of the SDGs at the High Level PoliWcal Forum on Sustainable Development. (c) Sharing knowledge and lessons 7. The Global Partnership provides a plamorm for knowledge exchange and learning on effecWve development co- operaWon. Across principles, goals and indicators there are countries, development partners and non-state actors that demonstrate the capacity to progress on agreed effecWveness principles and commitments. Global Partnership IniWaWves and regional plamorms are also producing lessons and generaWng evidence around specific commitments and innovaWve areas of effecWve development co-operaWon. This indicates great potenWal for idenWfying success factors, sharing lessons and making fuller use of knowledge generated through these efforts to promote mutual accountability and learning. (d) Facilita/ng specialised dialogue 8. Policy dialogue is vital to link the evidence generated through monitoring to the formulaWon of development co- operaWon policies and instruments that serve country needs. The Global Partnership promotes acWon-oriented dialogue among relevant development stakeholders, which pools the comparaWve advantage of relevant public and non-governmental actors to address bo]lenecks, develop or scale up innovaWve development soluWons. (e) Building poli/cal momentum for effec/ve development co-opera/on 9.Producing the behaviour change needed to make development co-operaWon more effecWve depends on poliWcal leadership informed by sound evidence and policy recommendaWons. Centering its mission on data and evidence for effecWve development co-operaWon will enable the Global Partnership to make a disWnct contribuWon to naWonal, regional and global processes that can build poliWcal momentum for change in development co-operaWon pracWces. To this end, the Global Partnership shall enhance synergies with the Financing for Development Forum, the High-Level PoliWcal Forum on Sustainable Development and the Development Co-operaWon Forum. The Global Partnership shall contribute to these processes as well as to naWonal and regional dialogue, by generaWng the country-level data and evidence on development cooperaWon effecWveness needed to drive behaviour change and steer high-level poliWcal commitment for development co-operaWon policies and pracWces that are relevant, effecWve and Wmely. 10.DELIVERING FOR A NEW TRANSFORMATIVE DEVELOPMENT AGENDA: CollecWve acWon through the Global Partnership has driven stakeholders to improve the way development co-operaWon is delivered, contribuWng to gains in effecWveness. The 2030 Agenda calls for scaling up efforts to improve the effecWveness of development co-operaWon; acWon to mobilise the transformaWve power of private resources to deliver on sustainable development; and for enhanced exchanges between consWtuencies engaged in North-South, South-South and triangular co-operaWon to promote knowledge sharing. Carrying out its core funcWons, the Global Partnership’s consWtuencies must unblock bo]lenecks and sustain commitment to implement effecWveness principles at country level. The Global Partnership must do more to shape a meaningful public-private collaboraWon agenda for effecWve development co-operaWon, and intensify its work to facilitate knowledge sharing and learning from diverse modaliWes of development co-operaWon. The Global Partnership will address, as follows, t hese three strategic and interrelated challenges in order to strengthen its contribuWon to the 2030 Agenda. 25
Version: FINAL: 1 December 2016 (a) Mutual Accountability: Unblocking boFlenecks and sustaining commitment to effec/ve development coopera/on 11.Mutual accountability to each other for meeWng effecWveness commitments underpins the work of the Global Partnership across all areas of work. Development stakeholders reaffirm the exisWng effecWveness principles as the accountability framework for measuring the progress of development stakeholders in improving the effecWveness of their development co-operaWon. The Global Partnership’s consWtuencies shall commit to unblocking the bo]lenecks that hinder progress on the implementaWon of these principles for effecWve development co-operaWon, and to updaWng its monitoring framework to reflect the challenges of the 2030 Agenda, including the pledge to leave no-one behind. Current effecWveness commitments on alignment, predictability, transparency and accountability relate mainly to public partners. The new development paradigm calls for effecWveness commitments that reflect the disWncWve contribuWon of the increasingly diverse actors in development co-operaWon. The effecWveness of development co-operaWon shall also be assessed against the ability of stakeholders to learn from different approaches and modaliWes of development co-operaWon; promote synergies between the growing diversity in technical and financial opWons available to developing countries to drive naWonal development strategies; and respond to the capacity-building needs of countries and local governments struggling with new forms of vulnerabiliWes, ensuring a be]er enabling environment for CSOs and local governments and strengthening their engagement, remain a core requirement for a people-centred agenda. 12.The way forward : The renewed mandate of the Global Partnership is an opportunity to unblock bo]lenecks on exisWng effecWveness commitments while also embracing the ambiWons of the 2030 Agenda and regional strategies for sustainable development. To this end, the Global Partnership shall conWnue to promote behaviour change for implementaWon of exisWng effecWveness commitments and adapt its framework to ensure that it is relevant for dual countries and southern partners. It will develop targets to assess the effecWveness of partnerships between public actors, including local governments, and businesses and philanthropy, working together to take development results to scale. EffecWveness commitments should also guide adapted modaliWes of development co-operaWon to advance the universal goal of leaving no-one behind. The country-level monitoring process shall be strengthened to ensure the integrity and relevance of data, ensuring pracWcality and cost effecWveness. (b) Shared Benefit: Unleashing the poten/al of development co-opera/on to aFract inclusive private investment 13.The SDGs call for “urgent acWon to mobilise the transformaWve power of private resources to deliver on sustainable development;” and to help combat illicit financial flows that deprive the people of the benefits of common resources. They signal the need for the public sector to set a clear direcWon, monitoring frameworks, regulaWon and incenWve structures to a]ract private investment that reinforces sustainable development. The Global Partnership is challenged to deepen collaboraWon with the business sector as part of the effecWveness agenda ensuring checks and balances. The renewed mandate of the Global Partnership provides an opportunity to commit development actors to leverage development co-operaWon to a]ract inclusive business investments based on shared benefit . Through development co-operaWon governments at central and local level, bilateral and mulWlateral partners, philanthropy and civil society can play a catalyWc role, helping companies advance innovaWon and investment that contribute to eradicaWng poverty and reducing inequality. 14.The way forward : The Global Partnership shall set clear effecWveness commitments as the development community engages in partnerships between governments, civil society and the business sector that generate shared benefit for business strategies and development goals. Accountability and transparency are essenWal to ensure that these arrangements effecWvely contribute to economic development and poverty reducWon. The 26
Version: FINAL: 1 December 2016 Global Partnership shall also promote a mutually agreed framework to monitor that the public-private partnerships deliver results for the people, and to help combat illicit financial flows. Furthermore, the renewed mandate of the Global Partnership will strive to help development partners adapt their pracWces and instruments for partnership with the business sector, including through the creaWon of a caucus of likeminded business and foundaWon representaWves to interact with other interested Global Partnership stakeholders. Such a transformaWon is also vital for middle-income countries that are looking for innovaWve modaliWes of development co-operaWon in their efforts to leave no-one behind. (c) Mutual Learning: Learning from different approaches to strengthen the effec/veness of development coopera/on 15.Drawing smartly together the diversity of opWons available across stakeholders to mobilise knowledge, technologies and financing can scale up the impact of development co-operaWon to the level needed to a]ain the SDGs. Intensified efforts to bring together towards specific development soluWons the learning, knowledge and technology available across consWtuencies – governments, development partners, business sector, philanthropy, CSOs, academia and local actors – can help take development soluWons to scale at a faster pace. The renewal of the mandate of the Global Partnership is an opportunity to shape new modaliWes of mutual learning from diverse approaches to development co-operaWon and development soluWons, recognising their unique characterisWcs and respecWve merits. 16.The way forward : The Global Partnership needs to build mutual learning from innovaWve approaches and soluWons tried and tested by different stakeholders into its way of working. The Global Partnership shall review its modus operandi to develop a mutual learning loop from country level evidence, to areas of progress, and learning from different modaliWes of development co-operaWon with specific a]enWon to southern partners; and partnership opWons to strengthen the effecWveness of development co-operaWon. Key modaliWes for improved mutual learning will include intensified focus on idenWfying lessons at central and local level, through evidence and technical analysis, and disseminaWng these; and specialised policy dialogues among diverse consWtuencies to facilitate knowledge exchange and synergies between diverse development consWtuencies. GOVERNANCE AND WORKING ARRANGEMENTS 17.The new global development context and the renewed mandate of the Global Partnership call for adjustments to its technical working arrangements and modaliWes. The following proposed adjustments are intended to ensure the operaWonalisaWon of the renewed mandate and the effecWve implementaWon of Global Partnership principles and commitments. 18.The proposed adjustments cover two sets of issues: a.the roles and responsibiliWes of Co-Chairs, the Steering Commi]ee and Joint Support Team, including the proposed addiWon of a fourth non-execuWve Co-Chair; and b.changes to the way the Global Partnership operates to realise its vision, including the proposal of a biennial programme of work. Roles and responsibiliNes A. Co-Chairs 19.Since its incepWon, three governmental Co-Chairs have guided the work of the Global Partnership, both personally and through their representaWves. To date, the three Co-Chairs represent: (i) recipients of development co-operaWon; (ii) recipients and providers of development co-operaWon; and (iii) providers of 27
Version: FINAL: 1 December 2016 development co-operaWon. Co-Chairs are also members of the Global Partnership Steering Commi]ee, advocaWng on behalf of their consWtuencies. 20.Under this proposal, the Co-Chairs will conWnue to represent the Global Partnership externally, guide its work and be responsible for facilitaWng the delivery of its overall objecWves. However, going forward, the role of Co-Chairs will also include the posiWoning of the Global Partnership within the Follow-up and Review of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and AAAA commitments, as well as strengthening the links with the High-Level PoliWcal Forum, Financing for Development and Development Co-operaWon Forum, as well as regional strategies. AddiWonally, Co-Chairs will focus on guiding Global Partnership operaWons to strengthen country-level implementaWon of effecWve development co-operaWon principles, as well as to strengthen the work done by the members of the Steering Commi]ee and the Joint Support Team to ensure delivery of the agreed programme of work. 21.The main funcWons of Co-Chairs are to: a.ensure that momentum for implemenWng agreed effecWve development co-operaWon commitments is accelerated at the highest poliWcal levels among all stakeholder groups; b.spearhead resource mobilisaWon efforts to meet the financial and in-kind needs necessary for the full implementaWon of the programme of work of the Global Partnership; c.lead outreach to the full range of partners in development co-operaWon, including but not limited to, the business sector and emerging development partners; d.represent the Global Partnership in internaWonal fora related to development co-operaWon; and e.apprise the Steering Commi]ee on progress in implemenWng the costed and agreed programme of work in between official Steering Commi]ee meeWngs, through biannual updates (between each Commi]ee meeWng). 22.Co-Chairs will conWnue to be appointed for a two-year period. Governmental Co-Chairs are appointed at Ministerial or Vice-Ministerial level and will represent the full spectrum of development co-operaWon, ensuring adequate regional rotaWon and balance. Co-Chairs should engage with consWtuencies in securing a successor, to be endorsed by the Steering Commi]ee through an inclusive and transparent process as early as possible, but no later than one month before the end of their term. Current Co-Chairs will also be responsible for overseeing the transiWon to the new Co-Chair over the last six months of his / her term, as applicable. Box. A non-execuNve Co-Chair in the Leadership of the Global Partnership (While the Steering CommiFee has in principle signaled it is open to consider the addi/on of a fourth, non-execu/ve Co-Chair, a proposal for the modali/es and func/ons of this seat should be presented by the non-execu/ve members of the Steering CommiFee at the CommiFee’s first mee/ng post-HLM2) for further considera/on. Non-execuWve representaWves in the Steering Commi]ee have suggested that a fourth, non-execuWve Co-Chair could amplify the true mulW-stakeholder nature of the Global Partnership. PotenWal advantages of a fourth, nonexecuWve Co-Chair may include: (i) to make the leadership more inclusive and mulW-stakeholder; (ii) to foster mutual accountability at the highest decision-making levels; (iii) bring in addiWonal experWse on improving engagement with non-state development actors; (iv) to promote democraWc ownership by example; and (v) to allow for inputs from non-execuWve stakeholders to shape the agenda of Steering Commi]ee, High-Level and other MeeWngs of the Global Partnership from a very early stage. A non-execuWve Co-Chair would be nominated at the highest possible level (comparable seniority with the government Co-Chairs) and on a rotaWonal basis, mindful of regional balance, from the following consWtuencies: civil society organisaWons, trade unions, local governments, parliaments, philanthropy and the business sector, according to consultaWon among non-execuWve members of the Steering Commi]ee. The non-execuWve Co-Chair would represent all these consWtuencies, striving to build consensus among them as far as possible. These 28
Version: FINAL: 1 December 2016 consWtuencies will all retain their seats as members of the Steering Commi]ee. RotaWon would be expected to take place every two years, at the same Wme as governmental Co-Chairs, and in consideraWon of the heterogeneity of the non-execuWve stakeholder group. B. Steering CommiHee 23.The Steering Commi]ee is the main decision-making body of the Global Partnership. It provides the strategic leadership and co-ordinaWon necessary for ensuring successful implementaWon of the programme of work for the Global Partnership. Decision making in the Steering Commi]ee shall strive to be consensus-based through inclusive dialogue and transparent process. 24.The Steering Commi]ee will consist of the Co-Chairs of the Global Partnership and other appointed members. 25.The Steering Commi]ee will focus on the following core responsibiliWes: a.providing execuWve guidance to the implementaWon and monitoring of a costed programme of work of the Global Partnership; b.championing / co-championing the specific work-streams in the programme of work of the Global Partnership and / or Global Partnership IniWaWves to help deliver the programme of work; c.serving as advocates and ambassadors of the Global Partnership at a naWonal, regional and internaWonal levels to ensure that prioriWes and key messages of the Global Partnership are promoted and reflected in relevant fora; d.increasing focus on implemenWng development effecWveness commitments at the country level; e.consulWng with, and therefore providing inclusive and authoritaWve representaWon of, consWtuencies with a stake in the work of the Global Partnership; and f.undertaking other tasks as may arise from High-Level MeeWngs or as agreed at Steering Commi]ee meeWngs. 26.Members of the Steering Commi]ee will be nominated by their respecWve consWtuencies for review and endorsement at Steering Commi]ee meeWngs in order to ensure regional balance and conWnuity as a whole. The Steering Commi]ee will represent all actors with a stake in development, wishing to engage in the work of the Global Partnership. A matrix to ensure representaWon throughout all regions will be annexed to the programme of work for the 2017-2018 period. Structure and composi/on Co-Chairs 3 Governments represenWng the full spectrum of development co-operaWon, respecWng rotaWonal regional representaWon 1 Non-State stakeholder (to be agreed based on the proposal made by the non-execuWve Steering Commi]ee members at the first post-HLM2 Commi]ee meeWng)Members of the Steering Commi^ee 29
Version: FINAL: 1 December 2016 Joint Support Team 27.The ambiWons of the Global Partnership set out in the Nairobi Outcome Document and mandate require a strong support structure in the form of the Joint Support Team, which will conWnue to be sourced by the OECD and UNDP. Both organisaWons will conWnue to draw on their exisWng structures, respecWve mandates and areas of comparaWve advantage to work together in an efficient and complementary manner. Their support to the Global Partnership is conWngent upon conWnued and adequate funding being made available to both organisaWons from stakeholders invested in the Global Partnership. 28.Members of the Global Partnership and its Steering Commi]ee will be expected to lead in the implementaWon of commitments as well as contribuWng to the substance of the Global Partnership’s work. The main responsibiliWes of the Joint Support Team build on the deliverables agreed in the 2012 Global Partnership mandate: a.develop, refine and implement the global methodology for monitoring the implementaWon of agreed commitments for endorsement by the Steering Commi]ee; b.produce and disseminate relevant analyWcal work, including regular global reports based on monitoring of agreed commitments and scoping of analyWcal work produced by the Global Partnership IniWaWves to inform poliWcal dialogue and facilitate knowledge sharing to make co-operaWon more effecWve at country level; c.carry out periodical ‘horizon-scanning’ analyses of the evolving development co-operaWon context and the incenWves for engagement by each Global Partnership stakeholder; 7 RepresentaWves of recipients of development co-operaWon, one of which is a representaWve from the African Union, one of the g7+ group of fragile and conflict-affected states, two from Africa, one from LaWn America, one from Asia, and one from the Pacific. 2 RepresentaWve of dual-character countries 3 RepresentaWves of DAC countries as providers of development co-operaWon 1 RepresentaWve of the business sector 1 RepresentaWve of parliaments 1 RepresentaWve of civil society 1 RepresentaWve of mulWlateral development banks 1 RepresentaWve of the UNDP/UNDG 1 RepresentaWve of the OECD/DAC 1 RepresentaWve of Arab providers 1 RepresentaWve of trade unions 1 RepresentaWve of foundaWons 1 RepresentaWve of sub-naWonal governments 30
Version: FINAL: 1 December 2016 d.provide demand-driven advisory support at country level on the implementaWon of partnership and accountability frameworks in developing countries (conWngent on adequate resourcing and prioriWsaWon by the Steering Commi]ee in the costed programme of work); e.organise ministerial-level and other meeWngs of the Global Partnership; and f.deliver Secretariat and Advisory Services to the Steering Commi]ee and Co-Chairs. 29.Each biennial programme of work will specify more detailed roles for the Joint Support Team based on operaWonal objecWves (see below). OperaLonal changes Mee/ngs 30.The renewed mandate calls for greater support to making development cooperaWon more effecWve at country level and targeted policy dialogue, data and evidence for global follow-up and review of the 2030 Agenda at the United NaWons. 31.The Global Partnership’s High-Level meeWngs will conWnue to provide an instrumental plamorm to uphold accountability and generate new momentum to implement commitments. Under the guidance of the Steering Commi]ee, Stand-alone High-Level MeeWngs will be held in an extended cycle adapted to the calendar of global level conferences and meeWngs in order to solidify poliWcal support for effecWve development cooperaWon, as a prerequisite for sustainable progress in the implementaWon of the 2030 Agenda and broader sustainable development agendas. The stand-alone High-Level MeeWngs will be interspersed with high-level segments, to take place in the margins of relevant meeWngs on development finance and co-operaWon. Senior Level MeeWngs at the Director-General level will also be considered to keep poliWcal momentum high in between stand-alone HLMs. 32.Steering Commi]ee meeWngs will be held twice a year, if possible back-to-back with other meeWngs, and will focus on the implementaWon of the agreed programme of work. These meeWngs will be informed by annual technical exchanges and by specialized policy dialogues that will help to idenWfy pracWcal soluWons to acceleraWng progress on specific bo]lenecks among communiWes of interest, coordinated with the work of Global Partnership IniWaWves and their workshops, regional plamorms and dialogues to engage actors with similar interests and objecWves to build consensus and strengthen advocacy around their prioriWes for effecWve development co-operaWon. 33.In addiWon, naWonal mulW-stakeholder dialogues on development effecWveness and regional meeWngs will be promoted through the Co-Chairs, Steering Commi]ee members and wider Global Partnership membership, which will aim to translate deliberaWons into acWon at country level. Programme of work 34.The work by the Co-Chairs, Steering Commi]ee and Joint Support Team will be guided by a biennial, costed programme of work. The programme of work should be underpinned by a comprehensive theory of change and will be the main instrument to ensure clear targets and responsibiliWes for the implementaWon of all aspects of the work of the Global Partnership in any two-year period. It will contain costed lines of acWvity and will be approved by the Steering Commi]ee. It will also include the criWcal threshold of resources that need to be secured/guaranteed for the Joint Support Team to enable its core support. It is proposed that logisWc and operaWonal support relaWng to Steering Commi]ee meeWngs and High-Level MeeWngs be included in the biennial programme of work, if available from the idenWfied HLM host, and provided through voluntary contribuWons specific to these acWviWes to ensure their financing alongside substanWve work and deliverables. Resource mobilisaWon for High-Level MeeWngs will be driven and strongly encouraged by Steering Commi]ee members. 31
Version: FINAL: 1 December 2016 35.The Steering Commi]ee will agree on the process and content of the work programme. 36.The responsibility for ensuring progress within specific areas of the costed programme of work will be delegated to working groups led by Steering Commi]ee members. Each of these components are subject to periodic review in order to ensure their conWnued relevance to the work of the Global Partnership as a whole. The Steering Commi]ee may request the engagement of specialised advisory bodies to support the accomplishment of the programme of work, insofar as resources allow. 37.The Co-Chairs and Steering Commi]ee members share the responsibility to mobilize resources to meet any funding shormall and prioriWse the programme of work in line with available funding. The programme of work will also contain an explicit provision for periodic independent evaluaWons of the work of the Global Partnership to be conducted at determined Wmes, e.g. every four years. ANNEX 2. FINDINGS FROM SECOND MONITORING ROUND 1.The 2016 Report enjoyed a record level of parWcipaWon. Eighty-one low and middle-income countries led reporWng, and it involved 74 development organisaWons and hundreds of civil society organisaWons, business sector representaWves, trade unions, philanthropy, and local governments. Their contribuWons reflected the increasingly diverse nature of development co-operaWon. The data and evidence covers nearly 90 per cent of development cooperaWon financed in these 81 countries, and findings provide evidence of progress and challenges towards realizaWon of the four principles of effecWve development co-operaWon. 2.The development community is adopWng a decisive focus on results for more impact at the country level: 99 per cent of countries have development strategies at the naWonal and sector levels; 74 percent of countries have set out their prioriWes, targets and indicators in a single strategic planning document. In addiWon, 85 per cent of new programmes and projects supported by development partners are aligned to country-led results frameworks. 3.Evidence reveals a shin towards more inclusive partnerships amongst governments, civil society organisaWons (CSOs) and the business sector. In 70 per cent of countries, the government and the business sector express equally strong interest in strengthening dialogue, with issues of mutual benefit offering an entry point for building a common public-private agenda for sustainable development. Almost 90 per cent of governments consult CSOs on naWonal development policy. Amongst themselves, CSOs have also improved co-ordinaWon for programming and engagement. However, the 2016 monitoring report also menWons that less than one half of local governments and non-state partners are involved in the monitoring exercise. 4.Transparency is also growing, with more publicly available informaWon on development co-operaWon than before: 72 per cent of development partners assessed for transparency achieved a “good” score in their reporWng to at least one of the three internaWonal databases on development co-operaWon finance and 39 per cent achieved “excellent” in reporWng to one or more systems. In parallel, countries have taken strides to enhance the transparency of their budgeWng procedures: they now record 66 per cent of development cooperaWon finance in naWonal budgets that are subject to parliamentary oversight. Furthermore, 47 per cent of countries are tracking public allocaWons for gender equality and women’s empowerment. 5.While these gains are encouraging, they are coupled with an overall need to adapt to a dynamic and evolving development landscape, as well as specific areas where concerted effort is required to unlock bo]lenecks. For example, development partners use government sources and systems to track results for only 52 per cent of intervenWons – meaning that broadly half conWnue to rely on other sources of informaWon. Similarly, governments are engaged in the evaluaWon of final results for only 49 per cent of development partner intervenWons. 32
Version: FINAL: 1 December 2016 6.Overall performance by countries in strengthening their own systems is mixed: while 18 per cent of countries – including several fragile states and small-island developing states – have improved their public financial management systems, 23 per cent have experienced a decline and 58 per cent of countries show no substanWal change. Also, development partners channel only 50 per cent of development co-operaWon finance through countries’ public financial management and procurement systems. 7.Inclusiveness is essenWal for ensuring that development processes and results are widely owned. Yet only 51 per cent of countries have all the elements in place for meaningful dialogue with CSOs. In 63 per cent of countries, the potenWal for quality public-private dialogue is affected by a lack of champions to facilitate dialogue; in 81 per cent, there is a scarcity of instruments and resources to translate public-private dialogue into acWon. 8.To be effecWve, countries need to manage diverse financial flows in a complementary and strategic manner. Yet development partners’ improvements in medium-term predictability of development co-operaWon have been limited to only four per cent, reaching 74 per cent in 2016. A major insWtuWonal and cultural shin is needed to arrive at regular publicaWon of real-Wme informaWon that meets country needs for planning and managing development co-operaWon. 9.The transparency and inclusiveness of country-level mutual reviews also require improvement: less than half of countries involve local governments and non-state stakeholders in these assessments or make the results public. Moreover, these review processes conWnue to be largely formulated around tradiWonal development assistance models and require adaptaWon to the evolving partnership approaches. Finally, the evidence has shown that across principles and indicators, development partners demonstrate the capacity and willingness to progress on agreed effecWveness principles. This indicates potenWal for idenWfying success factors, sharing lessons and facilitaWng mutual learning to help accelerate realizaWon of the 2030 Agenda. ANNEX 3. GLOBAL PARTNERSHIP INITIATIVES This annex contains a list of current and new iniWaWves that aim to advance specific commitments for effecWve development co-operaWon, as well as make progress in new and innovaWve areas of the Global Partnership. These iniWaWves are voluntary and led by different groups of Global Partnership’s stakeholders. If your country or organisaWon is interested in joining any of these iniWaWves, please contact the lead organisaWon either during or following the end of the Second High Level MeeWng in Nairobi (30 November-1 December 2016). ApplicaWons for new Global Partnership IniWaWves would also be welcome aner the Second High Level MeeWng, by following the guidance available in the Global Partnership website: h]p:// global-partnership-iniWaWves/. INITIATIVE LEAD ORGANISATION DESCRIPTION BUILDING INCLUSIVE PARTNERSHIPS – CIVIL SOCIETY 33
Version: FINAL: 1 December 2016 Civil Society ConWnuing Campaign for EffecWve Development CSO Partnership for Development EffecWveness This iniWaWve aims to advance internaWonal standards enabling the environment for civil society organisaWons (CSOs) involvement in mulW-stakeholder policy dialogue. Over the next years, it will aim to deliver improved CSO parWcipaWon in seven regional and 50 country development policy arenas and achieve policy gains in translaWng effecWve development co-operaWon and CSO posiWons on business sector accountability, South-South co-operaWon, peace and security in the parWcular context of these regions and countries. Advancing the CSO Enabling Environment & CSO Development EffecWveness Task Team on CSO Development EffecWveness and Enabling Environment This iniWaWve aims to help refine Indicator Two of the GPEDC Monitoring Framework (as appropriate); produce a stock-take of the 3 rd round of GPEDC Indicator Two monitoring; further develop guidance on CSO enabling environment and CSO development effecWveness; and raise awareness and develop capacity to support country level mulW-stakeholder dialogue in relaWon to Indicator Two and development effecWveness principles more broadly. DataShin CIVICUS, World Alliance for CiWzen ParWcipaWon The DataShin iniWaWve is helping civil society produce and analyse data, especially ciWzen-generated data, to drive sustainable development. It does this by building capacity, powering campaigns and improving the monitoring of government, resulWng in be]er accountability, policies and services. The Big Idea: Youth-led, data-driven accountability and governance Restless Development A partnership to equip young people with knowledge and skills to use data to mobilise ciWzens’ acWon and hold their governments accountable. BUILDING INCLUSIVE PARTNERSHIPS – BUSINESS SECTOR Business Partnership AcWon: Unleashing the power of Business for the SDGs The Partnering IniWaWve The Business Partnership Ac/on will work with governments, donors, internaWonal non-governmental organisaWons and Global Partnerships to support the development of new and exisWng partnership catalysing plamorms or hubs in-country that can engage business as a partner for the SDGs. It will also develop ‘The Partnering Academy,’ a major new iniWaWve to build up the specialist skills and competencies that all sectors require to be able to collaborate effecWvely across sectors. INITIATIVE LEAD ORGANISATION DESCRIPTION 34
Version: FINAL: 1 December 2016 Guidelines for EffecWve Philanthropic Engagement Network of FoundaWons Working for Development (netFWD), European FoundaWon Centre, Stars FoundaWon, UNDP, WINGS, support from Rockefeller FoundaWon This iniWaWve was established in 2014 to agree on a set of voluntary and non-binding Guidelines for EffecWve Philanthropic Engagement and apply them through country pilots in India, Mexico, Myanmar and Kenya. Going forward, it will conWnue its acWviWes by organising a series of disseminaWon meeWngs in 2017 and launching a second wave of the pilots in 2017 and 2018. Be]er Than Cash Alliance Be]er than Cash Alliance The BeFer Than Cash Alliance is an UN-housed partnership of governments, business sector and internaWonal organisaWons that accelerates the transiWon from cash to digital payments in order to reduce poverty, mobilise domesWc resources, increase transparency and drive inclusive growth. BUILDING INCLUSIVE PARTNERSHIPS – SOUTH-SOUTH CO-OPERATION PromoWng effecWve Triangular CooperaWon Mexico This iniWaWve seeks to bring together interested development actors to discuss their experiences in the establishment of guidelines and the creaWon of triangular cooperaWon frameworks that ensure country-led and country-based processes and inclusive partnerships. By forging clear and acWonable guidelines that align with the development prioriWes of countries, it is expected that triangular co-operaWon will be further strengthened as an effecWve development co-operaWon modality and will result in posiWve outcomes for the all partners involved. Future InternaWonal CooperaWon Policy Network ArWculação SUL, China InternaWonal Development Research Network, ParWcipatory Research in Asia (PRIA) and the InsWtute of Development Studies Commitment to engage in research-based mutual learning and knowledge disseminaWon, interacWng with governments and non-state actors to contribute to the systemaWsaWon and disseminaWon of exisWng knowledge, and the co-construcWon of new knowledge on development innovaWons from the BRICS and other increasingly influenWal middle-income countries. BUILDING INCLUSIVE PARTNERSHIPS – MULTI-STAKEHOLDER PARTNERSHIPS INITIATIVE LEAD ORGANISATION DESCRIPTION 35
Version: FINAL: 1 December 2016 PromoWng EffecWve Partnering (PEP) CollecWve Leadership InsWtute, Partnership Brokers AssociaWon, Partnerships in PracWce, Partnerships Resource Centre, The Partnering IniWaWve The SDGs require collaboraWve approaches to generate new thinking and pracWces. Such partnerships can be challenging. PEP’s aim is to create a vibrant plamorm offering opportuniWes to learn from each other’s experience or to seek support when things are not going according to plan. PEP developed an online facility with free resources, guiding quesWons and performance indicators for those new to partnering and those looking to improve their partnering efforts: Social Dialogue in Development Trade Union Development CooperaWon Network The Social Dialogue in Development is aimed at pupng forward the benefits and use of social dialogue as an instrument to contribute to the SDGs, on the basis of the Global Partnership principles and commitments. It will undertake specific research and produce a yearly report on specific themes related to social dialogue for development. The themes will be discussed in specific meeWngs held at least once a year. Together for 2030: Partnering to Every Woman Every Child iniWaWve; the The Every Woman Every Child iniWaWve, the Global Partnership for Educa/on (GPE) , Sanita/on and Water for All , Scaling Up Nutri/on (SUN) and Zero Hunger Challenge collaborate to catalyse transformaWons in the Deliver a Sustainable Future for All Global Partnership for EducaWon (GPE); SanitaWon and Water for All; Scaling Up NutriWon (SUN); Zero Hunger Challenge way stakeholders work together – across communiWes and sectors – to deliver on their commitments. These core partners are commi]ed to conWnue working together to facilitate a culture of effecWve, principled partnerships that support country-level implementaWon of the SDGs, generaWng lessons learned and engaging stakeholders across sectors and communiWes for impact. CONDUCTING TRANSPARENT AND RESPONSIBLE DEVELOPMENT CO-OPERATION AddiWonal efforts on InternaWonal Aid Transparency IniWaWve InternaWonal Aid Transparency IniWaWve This iniWaWve was established in 2014 to accelerate efforts to increase transparency of development co-operaWon and financing for development. Going forward, it will focus on facilitaWng data use, parWcularly at country level, and improving data quality on both resources and results. INITIATIVE LEAD ORGANISATION DESCRIPTION 36
Version: FINAL: 1 December 2016 ‘Joint Programming, Managing Diversity and Reducing FragmentaWon’ (subject to refinement0 European Commission, Germany and Uganda This iniWaWve supports developing country ownership and leadership by strengthening alignment with naWonal prioriWes through joint programming processes. It also aims to improve management of development co-operaWon in line with the 2030 Agenda, by developing and implemenWng innovaWve, effecWve and coherent strategies to reduce fragmentaWon and proliferaWon of development iniWaWves and enhance complementarity and coherence of development co-operaWon. Statement of Resolve by the NaWonal and Regional Arab development finance insWtuWons, the Islamic Development Bank and the OPEC Fund for InternaWonal Development NaWonal and Regional Arab development finance insWtuWons, the Islamic Development Bank and the OPEC Fund for InternaWonal Development Through this iniWaWve, insWtuWons of the Arab CoordinaWon Group commi]ed in 2014 to: (i) conWnue and scale-up co-operaWon with developing countries reflecWng the tenets of development effecWveness and country ownership; (ii) support the GPEDC; (iii) deepen GPEDC processes. Going forward, these insWtuWons reiterate their commitment: to a sustained cooperaWon with their Partner countries, emphasising development effecWveness and support to naWonally defined sustainable development goals; to follow-up on the conclusions of the second monitoring report and draw a road map with each Partner country to fill the gaps that may exist between the pracWces of the insWtuWons of the group and the GPEDC indicators; to contribute to the development of South-South and triangular cooperaWon. ENSURING COHERENCE BETWEEN CLIMATE FINANCE AND OFFICIAL DEVELOPMENT ASSISTANCE Partnership for Climate Finance and Development OECD, UNDP and CPDE The Partnership aims to foster more coherence and collaboraWon between the climate change and development policy communiWes. Its goal is to advance climate and development policy advocacy, knowledge sharing and the matching of experWse and soluWons to country needs. Its acWviWes ulWmately aim to enhance partners’ capaciWes to: (i) mobilise addiWonal climate finance (domesWc and internaWonal, public and private); (ii) manage climate finance more effecWvely, efficiently, and transparently; and (iii) target and prioriWse climate finance delivery towards the most vulnerable countries. FOCUSING ON RESULTS AND PROMOTING MUTUAL ACCOUNTABILITY Results and accountability Bangladesh and Switzerland An iniWaWve to support knowledge sharing on Country Results Frameworks and mutual accountability at regional and country-level. MOBILISING FLOWS BEYOND OFFICIAL DEVELOPMENT ASSISTANCE INITIATIVE LEAD ORGANISATION DESCRIPTION 37
Version: FINAL: 1 December 2016 AcWve support to Tax Inspectors Without Borders”OECD Task Force on Tax and Development This partnership was created in 2014 to provide expert tax auditors for building audit capacity in developing countries. Going forward, it will increase deployments of experts (target of 100 by 2020), broaden work to support South-South co-operaWon and increase the pool of experts. Endorsement of the Principles for InternaWonal Engagement in SupporWng Developing Countries in Revenue Ma]ersOECD Task Force on Tax and Development Created in 2014, this iniWaWve focused on the adopWon of principles to ensure that, in order for tax reforms to be successful, support programmes are customised to fit the economic, structural, cultural, and poliWcal condiWons in a country. Aner HLM2, this iniWaWve will move into a new phase in which further guidance on best pracWce in implemenWng the principles will be developed, and countries encouraged to engage in voluntary reviews of their domesWc-resource mobilisaWon programmes. Strengthening comparable tax staWsWcal indicators OECD and regional organisaWons This iniWaWve supports the construcWon of comparable revenue staWsWcs in interested developing countries. Over the next two years, it will seek to expand coverage of all three of the regional publicaWons ( Revenue Sta/s/cs in Africa , Revenue Sta/s/cs in Asian Countries and Revenue Sta/s/cs in La/n America and the Caribbean ) in collaboraWon with local partners and the European Commission while maintaining the quality, consistency and detail of the datasets. The iniWaWve will also work to improve the disseminaWon and accessibility of the publicaWon, data and findings, parWcularly through online user-friendly tools. Ta x AdministraWon DiagnosWc Assessment To o l ( TA D AT ) InternaWonal Monetary Fund, TA D AT S t e e r i n g Commi]ee and Belgium An assessment tool to provide a framework for assessing the strengths and weaknesses of a country’s tax administraWon. PROMOTING DEVELOPMENT IN SITUATIONS OF CONFLICT AND FRAGILITY New Deal for Engagement in Fragile States InternaWonal Dialogue for Peacebuilding and Statebuilding An agreement between fragile and conflict-affected states, development partners, and civil society to improve the current development policy and pracWce in fragile and conflict-affected states. INITIATIVE LEAD ORGANISATION DESCRIPTION 38
Version: FINAL: 1 December 2016 Working Group on Good PracWce Principles for Value Chain Development in FCS InternaWonal Finance CorporaWon IFC, Clingendael InsWtute, Spark, Shell This iniWaWve aims to develop a conflict-relevant tool for acceleraWng value chain development and integraWng local SMEs. The effort will entail developing, piloWng, evaluaWng, refining and disseminaWon of pracWcal tools for pracWWoners, focused on agribusiness and extracWves investment in fragile and conflict-affected situaWon. PROMOTING THE USE OF MULTI-DIMENSIONAL METHODS FOR MEASURING DEVELOPMENT MulW-dimensio nal poverty methodologies for effecWve internaWonal development co-operaWon that ensure no one is len behind Mexico This iniWaWve will seek to: (i) improve internaWonal development cooperaWon effecWveness through mulWdimensional measurements; (ii) contribute to the monitoring and follow-up of the 2030 Agenda core principle of leaving no one behind endorsed by the GPEDC, (iii) encourage Knowledge Sharing on mulWdimensional approaches. STEPPING-UP EFFORTS AT REGIONAL AND COUNTRY-LEVEL Agricord AFDI, Acodea, Agriterra, AHA, Asiadhrra, ASPRODEB, CSA, FFD, Fert, WeEffect, Trias, UPA-DI An iniWaWve to carry out capacity building projects for professional farmers’ organisaWons in developing countries. Plamorm for Regional IntegraWon Development EffecWveness Inter- Governmental Authority on Development (IGAD) and Inter- Regional CoordinaWng Commi]ee (IRCC) A forum for facilitaWon; partnerships; guidance; region’s capacity; regional diplomacy skills. STRENGTHENING DEVELOPING COUNTRY OWNERSHIP EffecWve InsWtuWons Plamorm EffecWve InsWtuWons Plamorm This GPI is an alliance to support country-led and evidence-based policy dialogue, knowledge sharing and peer learning on public sector management and insWtuWonal reform. INITIATIVE LEAD ORGANISATION DESCRIPTION 39
Version: FINAL: 1 December 2016 The role of local and regional governments in effecWve development UCLG, UCLG Africa, CEMRPLATFORMA, Commonwealth Local Government Forum, InternaWonal AssociaWon of Francophone Mayors, European Commission This iniWaWve aims to strengthen the acWve involvement of local and regional governments in the definiWon, implementaWon and delivery of the SDGs at naWonal and local levels by promoWng a mulW-stakeholder and mulWlevel approach to nurture a territorial approach to local development as a way to contribute to the Global Partnership and to the effecWve development agenda (contribuWng to SDG16 and SDG 17, among other SDGs). INITIATIVE LEAD ORGANISATION DESCRIPTION 40