The International Journal
of Not-for-Profit Law
Volume 2, Issue 4, June 2000
The Argentine organizations GADIS and Foro del Sector Social published “Las Organizaciones de la Sociedad Civil en el Ordenamiento Legal Argentino” in October, 1999, with the Inter American Development Bank, the United Nations Program for Development, and the Subsection of the Word Bank for Argentina, Chile and Uruguay.
As part of the project ” Instrumentos para el Mejoramiento del Marco Legal, Fiscal y Organismos de Control de las OSC en Argentina”, the book presents a complete inventory of the legislation dealing with Argentine’s third sector. The book also introduces some comments and goals for the reformulation of Argentine’s third sector legal framework.
The first volume of the book compiles all laws on the third sector legal framework in Argentina. The thematic presentation of the first volume is divided into five chapters based on the Argentine legislation hierarchy and issues:
- Civil Society Organizations and legal, tax regulation and inspection agencies in Argentina (Las Organizaciones de la Sociedad Civil y la regulación jurídica, tributaria y organismos de control en Argentina);
- Constitution, Block of Constitutionality, and Treatment of Human Rights with the consitutional hierarchy (Constitución, Bloque de constitucionalidad and Tratados de Derechos Humanos con jerarquía constitucional);
- Legal Regulations (Normativa Jurídica);
- Tax Regulations (Normativa Tributaria);
- Inspection Agencies (Organismos de Control).
Each chapter stresses the presentation of legislation (from Constitutional Law to Statutory Agencies law) for each different category of organizations in a particular country, presenting the most complete inventory of laws on the third sector in Argentina.
Because this book represents part of a project whose main goal is to provide technical legal assistance and legal material to support and promote legal reform, the second volume offers alternatives and proposes the reformulation of the third sector legal framework in Argentina. Polemic issues such as registration and legal status of organizations, and also control power of government agencies are commented on and deeply analyzed by the several collaborators and experts that contributed to the book.
For those interested in the Argentine third sector, this book is a broad introduction to the legal framework in that country. The first volume is a well-structured legal inventory and may serve as a legal research resource for either students or professionals interested not only in Argentina, but also in comparative studies of the entire Latin American third sector legal framework. In addition, the analytical part of the book is a very useful piece of work for those who wish to understand concepts and problems of the Argentine third sector.