Last updated: 11 November 2024 Nigeria is a federal republic of 36 states and a Federal Capital Territory, Abuja, whose basic …
ICNL’s resources and information on Nigeria.
ICNL provides technical assistance to key local partners such as the Nigeria Network of NGOs (NNNGO) to analyze laws affecting the operations of civil society and advocate for an enabling legislative framework. ICNL has supported CSO in their advocacy against restrictive laws through providing comments on proposed bills impacting on freedom of expression, association, assembly rights such as the Hate Speech Bill; the False News Bill; the Companies and Allied Matters Act, 2020; the Infectious Diseases Bill (2020) in response to COVID-19.
ICNL’s work has expanded to include technical assistance to CSOs to monitor legislative measures in response to COVID-19; strengthening civil society oversight during enforcement of emergency measures and responding to restrictions on civil society resulting from government’s attempts to counter money-laundering and terrorism financing.
In partnership with the Council on Foundations, ICNL maintains reports on thirty-four countries that help U.S grantmakers undertake equivalency determinations for foreign grantees. The reports in this series describe the legal frameworks for nonprofit organizations and provide translations of relevant legislative provisions.
CLICK TO VISIT THE COUNCIL ON FOUNDATIONS WEBSITE FOR THE NIGERIA COUNTRY NOTEAlthough Nigeria does not have a formal philanthropic sector, giving is an important pillar of society. The environment for philanthropic giving is generally supportive, with few restrictions. This report explores the current state of laws and regulations affecting philanthropy, unpacking the history, and the present-day legal environment. It is accompanied by supplemental materials to provide more context on civil society and philanthropy in Nigeria.
READ MOREThe index, funded by the U.S. Agency for International Development for twenty years, documents the development of civil society in seventy-one countries around the world, including Nigeria. ICNL and FHI 360 work with local partners to produce the index annually.
VISIT FHI 360'S SITE FOR THE FULL CSOSI REPORTThis ICNL briefer outlines the civic space implications of Nigeria’s Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) Health Protection Regulations 2021, including an analysis of provisions that may fail to meet applicable human rights standards governing pandemics.