Domestic Fundraising

Domestic fundraising is a vital practice for many civil society organizations. New tools and technologies have the potential to dramatically increase sources of funding, mobilize domestic resources, and improve civil society’s financial sustainability.

The ability of CSOs to seek and receive funding is an essential feature of an enabling legal environment. In addition to traditional philanthropy and giving, many other innovative fundraising tools and programs are gaining popularity, including crowdfunding, text-to-give, social enterprises, and tax incentives.

Fundraising and money collection are regulated in various ways at the regional, national, and local levels. In many countries, restrictive laws hinder fundraising and prevent civil society from cultivating sustainable sources of local funding. Unfavorable laws can also block the use of new technologies and tools. ICNL supports the development of laws and regulations that encourage giving, foster new approaches to domestic resource mobilization, and promote financial sustainability.


The Regulatory Framework for Fundraising in Europe

This study, produced by ECNL, compares the legal framework for fundraising in sixteen European countries.

Assorted coins (photo credit: Steve Johnson/Unsplash)
Overview of Electronic Fundraising in Eurasia

Fundraising campaigns, such as crowdfunding and text-to-give, are increasingly popular in Eurasia.  ICNL has done extensive research on the legal framework relating to this in Azerbaijan, Belarus, Kazakhstan, and Kyrgyzstan. Each report presents a detailed legal analysis of civil, banking, financial, and tax regulation relating to non-commercial organizations’ (NCOs) fundraising by means of electronic and online tools, both as written in legislation and as implemented in practice. Additionally, the reports provides recommendations on how to efficiently use existing tools in compliance with legislation, as well as how to further develop new methods for NCO fundraising.

Download the reports hereAzerbaijan (English) | Belarus (English, Russian) | Kazakhstan (English, Russian) | Kyrgyzstan (English, Russian)

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Philanthropy Law Reports

These reports provide in-depth information on 9 countries, including China, Ethiopia, and India. They serve as a practical guide for the philanthropic sector and the nonprofit world. The reports were authored by local experts and ICNL and made possible with the generous support of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. Explore the full collection here.

Legal Framework for Financial Sustainability

Legal Basis for the Financial Sustainability of CSOs in Central Asia

This paper provides an overview of various mechanisms and methods for raising domestic funds. Sources of funding include direct state financing, indirect state support, and private domestic sources. The paper also addresses new fundraising methods, such as crowdfunding and text-to-give.

New Practices in Raising Domestic Funds by CSOs in Europe

This paper focuses on opportunities to enhance financial sustainability by raising funds from private domestic sources and indirect state support. It explores new methods of fundraising, including crowdfunding, text-to-give, and online donations, and shares examples from Central and Eastern Europe.

The Regulatory Framework for Fundraising in Europe

This study, produced by ECNL, compares the legal framework for fundraising in sixteen European countries.


Basics of Grassroots Fundraising

This handbook introduces the rules and principles of CSO fundraising and offers practical advice on overcoming common difficulties.

Overview of Electronic Fundraising in Eurasia

Electronic fundraising campaigns are increasingly popular in Eurasia.  In this report series, ICNL examines the legal framework for this trend, provides recommendations on how to use existing tools, and information on how to further develop new methods for fundraising: AzerbaijanBelarusKazakhstanKyrgyzstan.


This report, assembled by the Blockchain Trust Accelerator at New America with the support of the International Center for Not-for-Profit Law, assesses opportunities and obstacles in charitable donations of virtual currencies. It aims to bring civil society organizations, would-be virtual currency donors, and policymakers up to speed on emerging trends.


This report and briefer provides a global overview of current trends in fundraising regulation and self-regulation. It also offers principles and recommendations addressing seven key areas based on international and regional standards and country practices. The report aims to support advocacy efforts to create an enabling environment for fundraising around the globe.

Percentage Designation Mechanisms

Experiences on the Implementation of the Percentage Designation Mechanism

Percentage-designation mechanisms can provide supplementary sources of income and support the financial sustainability of civil society. This ECNL report summarizes case studies from Hungary, Poland, and Slovakia, highlighting important characteristics of percentage legislation and illustrating how to use these mechanisms effectively.

Comparative Charts on Percentage Legislation in CEE

This chart compares the percentage-designation mechanisms in Hungary, Lithuania, Poland, and Slovakia.

Social Enterprise

Comparative Analysis of the Regulatory Framework for Social Enterprises

This paper describes the concept of social entrepreneurship and compares the regulation of social enterprises in France, Lithuania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, and the United Kingdom.

Legal Framework for Social Economy and Social Enterprises

This ECNL report, prepared for the United Nations Development Program, analyzes models of social economy and social enterprises in five countries of the European Union.

Legal Frameworks Regulating the Economic Activities of CSOs

This ECNL policy paper examines European approaches to the regulation and taxation of income from CSOs’economic activities. The paper also discusses related issues, such as social entrepreneurship and passive investment.

Social Enterprise in Europe: Developing Legal Systems which Support Social Enterprise Growth

This study by the European Social Enterprise Law Association maps the legal structures for social enterprises in Europe and analyzes the ways in which they are shaped and supported by laws and regulations.

Blurred Lines and Tough Choices in Jamaica

This assessment examines the complex legal environment for CSOs and social enterprises in Jamaica, compares the country’s laws and their implementation to international legal standards, and considers the implications for reform.

Charitable & Public Benefit Status

A Comparative Overview of Public Benefit Status in Europe

This publication presents an overview of European approaches to the regulation of organizations with public benefit status.

Model Provisions for Laws Affecting Public Benefit Organizations

This publication presents an annotated model law for countries wishing to develop their own legislation to promote public benefit organizations.

Comparative Examples of the Regulation of Public Benefit Status

This paper compares approaches to the regulation of public benefit status. It was originally prepared as a guide to the drafting of a new law on associations in Egypt. Available in Arabic only.

All Domestic Fundraising Resources

New Regulation on Receipt and Reporting on Foreign Funds by NNOs

Building in Republic of Uzbekistan, via upsplash. registration of foreign grants.
On October 4, 2023, the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan approved Regulation ... Read More

Legal Environment for Financial Sustainability in Georgia

A sunset over Tbilisi, Georgia. (Photo: Vladimer Shioshvili/CC)
In order to advocate for barrier-free access to resources, civil society organizations need to be ... Read More

e-Fundraising in Tajikistan

coins and banknotes (photo credit:
This legal analysis examines regulations relating to electronic fundraising tools available to Tajik Civil Society ... Read More

Digital Fundraising in Kyrgyzstan

Report on The Regulation of Foreign Funding of Nonprofits in a Democracy
In Kyrgyzstan, civil society organizations have several options for digital fundraising, including websites, SMS, crowdfunding ... Read More

Digital Fundraising in Kazakhstan

Assorted coins (photo credit: Steve Johnson/Unsplash)
New technologies and internet resources provide civil society organizations with numerous opportunities for fundraising. In ... Read More

Principles for Statutory Regulation and Self-Regulation of Fundraising

Hands holding money with a seedling growing - symbolizes a new investment (Photo: 401(K) 2012/Wikipedia)
The Fundraising Principles report provides a global overview of current trends in fundraising regulation and ... Read More
Explore our full resource collection, which includes reports, legal analysis, and curated collections of materials covering an array of issues impacting civic space around the world.