Archive by Category

Countries: El Salvador

    Foreign Influence Registration Laws and Civil Society

    April 16, 2024

    This report develops a typology of salient features of foreign influence registration laws and then shares key recommendations for substantive arguments against overbroad foreign influence registration laws and potential response strategies.

    IAJC Adopts Principles on the Operation of Civil Society Organizations

    April 12, 2023

    ICNL led a participatory process engaging over 100 experts from across Latin America and the Caribbean to develop and propose the twelve principles contained in the Declaration, which is also available in Spanish.

    IAJC Principles on Creation, Operation, Financing, and Dissolution of Civil Society Organizations

    April 12, 2023

    The Declaration of Inter-American Principles on the Legal Framework for the Creation, Operation, Financing, and Dissolution of Non-profit Civil Entities were adopted and subsequently forwarded to the Permanent Council for it's consideration and subsequent submission to the General Assembly.

    Strengthening Resilience Through Cooperation

    January 1, 2023

    In 2022, El Salvador proposed a restrictive new law that threatened to decimate civil society. The draft law would require civil society organizations (CSOs) to register as foreign agents if they received funding and philanthropic giving from abroad, criminalize many of their normal activities, and impose a 40 percent tax on their financial transactions. Aware that a similar law in a neighboring country had shut down hundreds of organizations, Salvadoran CSOs concluded the region’s civil societies needed to come together and organize a joint defense.

    OAS Regional Report on CSO Regulation

    November 1, 2022

    Briefer summarizes these laws and implementation practices governing civil society organization in the 35 Organization of American States member States.

    Briefer on the Inter-American Principles on CSO Regulation

    October 31, 2022

    This document was designed to help participants in this process and other stakeholders understand the Principles, advocate for their adoption, assess country laws and practices against the Principles, and convene multi-sector dialogues to discuss the country’s legal environment as compared to the Principles.

    Localization and Civic Space

    May 3, 2022

    Localization—giving local partners more control and ownership of development initiatives—is a priority for the international development community. Local civil society organizations (CSOs) that can lead, design, and implement effective projects are indispensable to this agenda. This, in turn, is predicated on the existence of an enabling environment for civil society.

    Top Trends: COVID-19 and Civic Space

    May 27, 2020

    The COVID-19 pandemic has unleashed a parallel crisis for civic space. Many of the emergency laws and other extraordinary measures adopted in response to the virus restrict fundamental rights and freedoms.

    Electronic Signature Law

    January 30, 2016

    DECRETO No. LA ASAMBLEA LEGISLATIVA DE LA REPÚBLICA DE EL SALVADOR, CONSIDERANDO: I. Que el Art. 101 de la Constitución de la República establece que […]

    Citizenship Participation Policy

    August 19, 2015

    Secretaría para Asuntos EstratégicosSecretaría Técnica de la Presidencia Septiembre 2013 en la Gestión Pública Política de PARTICIPACIÓN CIUDADANA Todos los derechos reservados. Está permitida la […]

    Law on Not-for-Profit Associations and Foundations

    August 21, 2013

    ASAMBLEA LEGISLATIVA – REPUBLICA DE EL SALVADOR ___________________________________________________ _________________ 1 ___________________________________________________________________ INDICE LEGISLATIVO DECRETO Nº 894. – LA ASAMBLEA LEGISLATIVA DE LA REPUBLICA DE EL […]

    Special Law Against Acts of Terrorism

    August 8, 2013

    7215 TERÖRLE MÜCADELE KANUNU Kanun Numarası : 3713 Kabul Tarihi : 12/4/1991 Yayımlandığı R. Gazete : Tarih : 12/4/1991 Sayı : 20843 Mükerrer Yayımlandığı Düstur […]

    Electoral Code

    August 8, 2013


    Civic Freedom Monitor Now Features 41 Country Reports

    July 11, 2012

    PUBLISHED: JULY 11, 2012 ICNL is pleased to announce the inclusion of 5 new country reports on the Civic Freedom Monitor: Belarus, Nepal, El Salvador, Malaysia and Panama. With the new […]

    Inter-American Commission Human Rights Report on the Situation of Human Rights Defenders in the Americas

    December 31, 2011

    This report on human rights defenders in the Americas, published in 2011 by the Inter‐American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR), is a follow up to the body's 2006 report on the same subject.

    Associations Law

    December 1, 2011

    This document has been provided by the International Center for Not-for-Profit Law (ICNL). ICNL is the leading source for information on th e legal environment […]

    Law on Associations and Foundations

    December 1, 2011

    This document has been provided by the International Center for Not-for-Profit Law (ICNL). ICNL is the leading source for information on th e legal environment […]


    December 1, 2011

    This document has been provided by the International Center for Not-for-Profit Law (ICNL). ICNL is the leading source for information on th e legal environment […]

    Regulations of the Law of Not-for-Profit Associations and Foundations

    December 1, 2011

    This document has been provided by the International Center for Not-for-Profit Law (ICNL). ICNL is the leading source for information on th e legal environment […]

    Conclusions of the Work Groups

    December 1, 2011

    This document has been provided by the International Center for Not-for-Profit Law (ICNL). ICNL is the leading source for information on th e legal environment […]

    Transparency Ordinance for the Access to Public Information in the Municipality of Carmen

    December 1, 2011

    This document has been provided by the International Center for Not-for-Profit Law (ICNL). ICNL is the leading source for information on th e legal environment […]

    Law of Rent taxes

    December 1, 2011

    This document has been provided by the International Center for Not-for-Profit Law (ICNL). ICNL is the leading source for information on th e legal environment […]

    The Legal Situation of Civil Organizations in Central America

    December 1, 2011

    This document has been provided by the International Center for Not-for-Profit Law (ICNL). ICNL is the leading source for information on th e legal environment […]